21 july 2017 27 tammuz 5777 developing · pdf filename when we say the prayer “ana...

Last term, our Year 6 students together with staff at Wonthaggi North Primary School, came together for a day of shared learning and interaction as part of Zionism Victorias Connecting Cultures Program. Connecting Cultures is a free program offered to all Victorian schools and communal organisations aiming to foster cross cultural awareness. It forms part of the Victorian Governments Vision to equip children with the knowledge and skills to participate and contribute to our multicultural society. Participants learn about Judaism, Israel, the Holocaust and the Jewish contribution to Australia. After a successful inaugural event in March last year, Wonthaggi North Primary School and Leibler Yavneh College decided to make this an annual occasion on their calendar. The project began with teachers exchanging notes on Leibler Yavnehs Year 6 Unit of Inquiry, titled, Living Historians and found ways to direct all the children to explore histories that could be compared. The two schools met each other over a falafel lunch at Nagle Street after Wonthaggis visit to the Jewish Musem. Yavneh students guided their newly found friends through their Living Historians exhibition and came together to exchange questions and to share their histories. Wonthaggi students spoke about their towns history and the farming community they are part of. One student was able to talk about his family history dating back to being a convict in Australias early days. Our Living Historians unit offered our children opportunities to interview family and friends about their personal history, where their lives began and what brought them to Melbourne, Australia. Through this unit and their investigations, students developed many intercultural understandings and learnt to appreciate and value not only their own cultures, languages and beliefs, but also those of others. They came to understand how personal, group and national identities are shaped, and the variable and changing nature of culture. Working with Wonthaggi, a small, seaside rural town located 132 kilometres south east of Melbourne, the children engaged with the diverse cultures, languages and beliefs of their own families and those of many others. Researching Australias immigration history, all children began to understand how personal, group and national identities have been shaped over time. Through their research and their interactions on the day of Wonthaggis visit, children were encouraged to share findings, discuss the recognised commonalities and differences. Our Year 6 children presented their research through their exhibition which included general information, a collection of interactive activities, which included sitting the dictation test that was introduced in 1901 as part of the Immigration Restriction Act. Also on display were the skillfully created sculptures of the ten Travellers that line the Sandridge Bridge; each of which represent a period in Australias migration history. DEVELOPING INTERCULTURAL UNDERSTANDING 21 July 2017 - 27 Tammuz 5777 CANDLE LIGHTING: Shabbat Begins: 5.06pm Shabbat Ends: 6.07pm DATES FOR YOUR DIARY JULY Mon 24: Rosh Chodesh Av Tues 25: Jnr Primary Literacy & Numeracy talk 7.30pm Prep classrooms Wed 26: VCE Expo 3.306.30pm Lamm Hall Thurs 27: Australian Maths Competition Mon 31: Erev Tisha BAv Early Dismissal 1.20pm (Elsternwick) AUG Tues 1: Tisha BAv Early Dismissal 3.30pm (Elsternwick) Wed 2: Parent Alcohol Safety Awareness Evening 7.30pm Mon 7: Body Safety Awareness Talk at ELC, 7.30pm Tues 8: VTAC night, MPR , 7.30pm Thurs 10: Year 1 Concert 9.30am, Lamm Hall

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Last term, our Year 6 students together with staff at Wonthaggi North Primary School, came together for a day of shared learning and interaction as part of Zionism Victoria’s Connecting Cultures Program. Connecting Cultures is a free program offered to all Victorian schools and communal organisations aiming to foster cross cultural awareness. It forms part of the Victorian Government’s Vision to equip children with the knowledge and skills to participate and contribute to our multicultural society. Participants learn about Judaism, Israel, the Holocaust and the Jewish contribution to Australia. After a successful inaugural event in March last year, Wonthaggi North Primary School and Leibler Yavneh College decided to make this an annual occasion on their calendar. The project began with teachers exchanging notes on Leibler Yavneh’s Year 6 Unit of Inquiry, titled, Living Historians and found ways to direct all the children to explore histories that could be compared. The two schools met each other over a falafel lunch at Nagle Street after Wonthaggi’s visit to the Jewish Musem. Yavneh students guided their newly found friends through their Living Historians exhibition and came together to exchange questions and to share their histories. Wonthaggi students spoke about their town’s history and the farming community they are part of. One student was able to talk about his family history dating back to being a convict in Australia’s early days. Our Living Historian’s unit offered our children opportunities to interview family and friends about their personal history, where their lives began and what brought them to Melbourne, Australia. Through this unit and their investigations, students developed many intercultural understandings and learnt to appreciate and value not only their own cultures, languages and beliefs, but also those of others. They came to understand how personal, group and national identities are shaped, and the variable and changing nature of culture. Working with Wonthaggi, a small, seaside rural town located 132 kilometres south east of Melbourne, the children engaged with the diverse cultures, languages and beliefs of their own families and those of many others. Researching Australia’s immigration history, all children began to understand how personal, group and national identities have been shaped over time. Through their research and their interactions on the day of Wonthaggi’s visit, children were encouraged to share findings, discuss the recognised commonalities and differences. Our Year 6 children presented their research through their exhibition which included general information, a collection of interactive activities, which included sitting the dictation test that was introduced in 1901 as part of the Immigration Restriction Act. Also on display were the skillfully created sculptures of the ten Travellers that line the Sandridge Bridge; each of which represent a period in Australia’s migration history.


21 July 2017 - 27 Tammuz 5777

CANDLE LIGHTING: Shabbat Begins: 5.06pm Shabbat Ends: 6.07pm

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY JULY Mon 24: Rosh Chodesh Av Tues 25: Jnr Primary Literacy & Numeracy talk 7.30pm Prep classrooms Wed 26: VCE Expo 3.30—6.30pm Lamm Hall Thurs 27: Australian Maths Competition Mon 31: Erev Tisha B’Av Early Dismissal 1.20pm (Elsternwick) AUG Tues 1: Tisha B’Av Early Dismissal 3.30pm (Elsternwick) Wed 2: Parent Alcohol Safety Awareness Evening 7.30pm Mon 7: Body Safety Awareness Talk at ELC, 7.30pm Tues 8: VTAC night, MPR , 7.30pm Thurs 10: Year 1 Concert 9.30am, Lamm Hall

As a parting gift Yavneh students presented Wonthaggi with a menorah, explaining to them that Jews light the menorah at Chanuka. They wanted to be able to add some light to the lives of the Wonthaggi students. In return, Wonthaggi students brought with them a tree and conducted a tree planting ceremony, thereby cementing their friendship for life.

Developing intercultural understanding is an essential part of living with others in this very diverse world in which we are living. It assists young people to become responsible local and global citizens, equipped through their education for living and working together in an interconnected world.

Shabbat Shalom. Yianna Pullen Head of General Studies, Primary School


What is the meaning of life? It is, of course, forty-two. So states Deep Thought, the computer system in Douglas Adams’ novel “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” after seven and a half million years of calculation. Adams, when asked why he chose such a number, stated, "I wanted a nice, ordinary number, one that you wouldn't mind taking home and introducing to your parents." However, in truth, this number is deeper than it seems, and may just yet reveal the meaning of life. The book of Bamidbar ends with a recounting of the many travels of the Jewish people in the desert. Fascinatingly enough, there are precisely 42 journeys in the wilderness. The Holy Ba’al Shem Tov teaches that these 42 journeys are also experienced by each individual on their own unique path through life. Rabbi Simon Jacobson explains:

All the 42 journeys are about freeing ourselves and transcending the constraints and limitations (Mitzrayim) of our material existence which conceals the Divine, subduing and sublimating the harsh “wilderness” of selfish existence, and discovering the “Promised Land” – a life of harmony between body and soul.

This idea alone is enough to show us that the number 42 contains profound secrets. We could stop there and say that 42 is the meaning of life as our life’s purpose is to embark upon this journey of transcending the “self” and moving towards expanded consciousness. However, it goes deeper. Although there is only one God, we have different names for Him which reflect the different ways which He interacts with us. Some of these names we know but some are hidden because of their power. Fascinatingly, one such name is the 42-letter name of God. We allude to this name when we say the prayer “Ana BeKoach” which contains 42 words, however we do not know what it actually is. The Gemara (Kiddushin 71a) states:

“Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav: The forty-two lettered Name is entrusted only to one who is pious, meek, middle-aged, free from bad temper, sober, and not insistent on his rights. And one who knows it, is heedful thereof, and observes it in purity, is beloved above and popular below, feared by man, and inherits two worlds, this world and the future world.”

Our life’s purpose is to refine ourselves throughout our many journeys and grow spiritually to such an extent that the 42-letter name of God is revealed to us. The meaning of life is to know God through knowing ourselves- 42. This coming Monday is Rosh Chodesh Av, which ushers in the Nine Days of mourning over the destruction of the Batei Mikdash and the many other calamities which have befallen the Jewish People. One of the many consequences of living in a world without a Holy Temple is that our sensitivity towards spirituality has been deadened. Many of us have become comfortably numb, often with no impetus pushing us to actualise our true selves. These nine days, though they are mournful and sobering by nature, are an opportunity to restructure our priorities. We re-move some of our distractions and face the brokenness of the world. This is, however, just a part of the process—an essential encampment along the journey of the year. We do not stay in the brokenness too long—we internalize its call and hopefully pick ourselves up and move towards the next camp, that of rebuilding. Please God, may we find meaning, inspiration and energy during these next few weeks. May we be courageous enough to strip away distrac-tion so we can see clearly what needs to be fixed. And may we be ever more courageous to blaze our own path forward in healing and harmo-ny, doing our part in the rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash, something the world needs so very badly, may it happen this year! The Customs of the Nine Days 1. We avoid purchasing anything that we do not specifically NEED.

2. We try to avoid litigation in this period of time. We do not eat meat or drink wine. These are considered celebratory and remind us of aspects of the service in the Temple.

3. On Shabbat, meat and wine are permitted. Also at any Seudat Mitzva, like a Brit, or a Siyum.

4. We refrain from wearing freshly laundered garments.

5. We do not do laundry - even if we won't wear it until after the nine days. You may launder the clothes of babies or young children that get very soiled.

6. We do not bathe for pleasure. When bathing to remove dirt or perspiration, use cool water. We only take a short bathe, not a leisurely shower or bath. Bathing in hot water is permitted before Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Noam Sendor, Campus Rabbi

PRIMARY NEWS …..AND ANOTHER TERM BEGINS The Term commenced for staff on Monday where they worked tirelessly with Summer Howarth from the Educational Changemakers, exploring many innovative approaches to teaching and learning and workshopping effective strategies to cater for our diverse learners. Our children rolled in on the Tuesday with their bright, broad smiles, eager to meet up with friends and teachers, ready for another jam-packed term of learning. Last term ended with parents visiting classrooms to see, hear and share how our units of inquiry unfolded throughout the term. The corridors were abuzz with children, parents and friends eager to share their learning journeys and some of the products that had been created. This term promises to be equally busy with the discipline of Science being the focus for all units of inquiry over the next 10 weeks.

Units of Inquiry Term 3

Prep Weather

Science and Environmental Science

Year 1 Change is Everywhere

Chemical Science and Physics

Year 2 Waterworks

Science and Environmental Science

Year 3 What’s the Matter?

Chemical Science

Year 4 May the Force be With You

Physical Science

Year 5 Change is all around us

Chemical Science

Year 6 Shining the Light on Sustainability

Physical Science

To celebrate Science week our teachers are exploring ways to connect and work with our Secondary school throughout the week beginning August 14. Many wonderful activities are being planned for this week, so stay tuned. Book week will follow, again with activities and guest speakers planned. This week our Year 5 and 6 children will participate in their first workshop with the De-bating Association of Victoria in preparation for the interschool debating competition that will take place at Yavneh early August. During this first week our Year 1s will also begin their rehearsals for their upcoming Shab-bat concert; and our Year 6 girls will continue with their Bat Mitzvah preparations, partici-pating with Rivka Measey and their Jewish Studies teachers in many exciting and reward-ing experiences. And let’s not forget the upcoming Hebrew Spelling Bee competition; our Hebrew teachers have been working hard with all our children to ensure they are pre-pared for the challenge and will be able to set the bar high.

Shabbat shalom Yianna Pullen Head of General Studies, Primary School



Running on the Roof of the World is by UK author Jess Butterworth. Tash has to follow the rules to live in Tibet, a country occupied by Chinese soldiers. But when a man sets himself on fire in protest and soldiers seize Tash’s parents, she and her best friend Sam must break the rules. They are determined to escape Tibet and seek the help of the Deli Lama himself in India. And so, with a backpack and Tash’s father’s mysterious papers and two trusty yaks, their extraordinary journey across the mountains begins. Jess Butterworth spent her childhood between the UK and India, and grew up hearing stories about the Himalayas from her grandmother. As

part of her research, she lived in India and met the Dalia Lama. In seeking adventure Jess has also lived in Australia and the US. Jess studied

Creative Writing at bath Spa and now lives in Bristol.

Amina’s Voice is by American author Hena khan. The first year of middle school is tricky. Suddenly, Amina ’s best friend, Soojin starts talking about changing her name and, even worse, spending time with Emily- a girl that used to make fun of them. To make matters worse her uncle comes to visit from Pakistan and her parents seem to be trying awfully hard to impress him. With so many changes it is hard to know

how to be a good friend, sister and daughter. Hena Klan was born and raised in Maryland. She grew up with her nose in a book, her mother believed children should be seen

reading and not whining about boredom. A talented editor encouraged her to write for kids after her elder son was born.

David Easton

Secondary Librarian

MAZALTOV To the Alford Family on Saul’s Bar Mitzvah.

May you continue to have nacchat from your family.

CONDOLENCE To the Matzner family on the passing of Roni Maman To Rebbitzin & Rabbi Garfunkel on the passing of Mrs Sara Olcha. May your families know no more sorrow.


BAR AND BATMITZVAH REGISTER Please remember to register the date of your son or daughter’s bar or bat mitzvah with Lynda Pilalis at

Reception so that we can avoid function clashes whenever possible.

IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING CHEQUE PAYMENTS: Please note that when sending in cheques with your order, they should be made out to Leibler Yavneh College

UNIFORM SHOP HOURS: Every Tuesday – 8:00am till 1:00pm, sharp.

Every Thursday – 8:30am till 12:00pm.

The ordering system will still be in place for your convenience.


SECOND HAND UNIFORM & BOOK FACEBOOK PAGE With over 170 members, the Yavneh 2nd Hand Uniform & Books Facebook page is the place to buy and sell your pre-loved uniform and books. You can either use the page to sell privately, or you could ask us to sell for you in which case the money is donated to the YPO. If you have not joined yet, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/yavnehuniform/ and request to become a member. Any problems please email ([email protected]) or phone me (0423 007 114). Uniform has to be in good condition, and books have to be on the current Yavneh booklist.

If you wish to donate books to the YPO stock please contact Florence Pyke ([email protected]). You are welcome to sell extra-curricula clothes as well through this channel such as ballet, karate, cricket kit etc. Please restrict the sales to items relevant to education. You can also use the Facebook group to request any uniform/ book items you are looking for.

Shabbat Shalom Bindy Cohen



Let me tell you about Eitan’s wish “To be a star!”. Sounds cute, doesn’t it? No doubt many kids at your

school would love to be a star, a singer, a dancer, or famous somehow. But there’s a very special ‘why’

behind Eitan’s wish. You see, Eitan wants to be a star because, in his mind, famous people have friends.

And Eitan wants to make heaps of friends because sadly when he went through leukaemia treatment, he

was isolated and spent a lot of time alone.

Here at Make A Wish, we believe the smallest ideas can lead to the most magical and transformational

moments, and this is what we strive to create. We want Eitan to know that he has friends all over

Melbourne, and for him to feel like a star. So we’re inviting you to come along to Federation Square on

Wednesday 2nd August to be part of his wish.

For months, Eitan has been attending dance rehearsal where he has practised and practised so he can

perform a very special dance routine. During his first big rehearsal, Eitan exclaimed “I feel like a shooting

star!” so just imagine how he’s going to feel when his wish comes true. Through Eitan’s wish journey so far,

we’ve watched him come out of his shell and his confidence soar. But to succeed in making Eitan feel like

a star, we need your support and your friendship.

There’s a couple of things we’d love you to do to help make this wish come true:

Have a go at learning the dance! This is a request straight from Eitan as he believes dancing makes people

feel happy and wants to get all of Australia dancing. So check out the instructional video:


and have a go. Even better – get a group together (or whole classes!) and take a video so we can show

Eitan! Simply post a video on social tagging @makeawishaust Come to Federation Square (4 - 5.30pm) to be part of Eitan’s wish and show him just how many friends he

has in Melbourne. Join and share the facebook event:

https://www.facebook.com/events/503946593279394 and get ready to dance – or just come along and

cheer our little superstar on!

It’s going to be a truly unforgettable experience and I can’t wait to see Eitan blown away by all his fans.

Thanks in advance for being part of Eitan’s Wish Force and if you need any more info please see our

website or contact me anytime.

Best wishes

Sarah Singer

Philanthropy Coordinator, Australia & Israel Shared Appeal