shofar - july 2013 - tammuz/av 5773

Tammuz/ Av 5773 Jewish Family Congregation July 2013

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Jewish Family Congregation Newsletter - July 2013 - Tammuz/Av 5773 News from a vibrant reform congregation in South Salem, NY


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Tammuz/ Av 5773 Jewish Family Congregation July 2013

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Shalom to All!

I am very excited to begin my tenure as the rabbi of Jewish Family Congregation! There will be many chances to get to know each other in the coming months and years, and I look forward to learning about you, your history, and our congregation’s customs and traditions. I know that Rabbi Freedman spent many years devoting her time, energy, and talents to the congregation, and it is my wish that together we will continue to build on her legacy and that of JFC in the years ahead.

The professional team of JFC is one of the reasons for my excitement to be here. The interactions I have had with Cantor Kerry Ben-David, Leslie Gottleib, Jane Emmer, Kathleen Sakowicz, and Carol Wakeman have been very positive, and all of us share excitement about JFC’s next chapter. I am especially grateful to Michelle Blum and Michael Salpeter for having chaired the search committee that selected me, and I look forward to working with Hal Wolkin and Glenn Kurlander as co-presidents.

In Hebrew there is an expression that states “All beginnings are difficult” – probably because all beginnings deal with change. The following quote by Michael Maginn underscores the challenges of change:

“Significant… change has a powerful impact on people. Change creates a tension between the past and the future, between stability and the unknown. Despite… rationale, logic, creativity, planning, and strategies associated with change, this tension comes down to people doing different things in different ways. Asking people to change… creates an automatic emotional reaction.”

Although change has already happened and will continue to happen, it is not my intention to change JFC simply for the sake of change. I will surely ask many questions about the history and reasons why certain things are done the way they are at JFC, all with the intent of working with you to make our congregation stronger. Please do not hesitate to share with me some of the normal reactions that change brings about – it will take many conversations and moments of sharing to arrive to a new place of stability and comfort. The more we share, the more we can grow together, and there will be countless ways to make JFC a special place and a Kehila Kedosha – a sacred and holy community.

I look forward to sharing many meaningful moments together in the year ahead …Rabbi Marcus Burstein

From the Rabbi’s Desk

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ECC-----------------------------Page 4Service Schedule--------------Page 6President’s Message----------Page 7July Calendar-----------------Page 13Annual Report----------------Page 14Sisterhood--------------------Page 26Ritual Committee------------Page 27

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111 Smith Ridge Road P.O. Box 249

South Salem, NY 10590 Phone: (914) 763-3028 Fax: (914)

763-3069 e-mail: [email protected]

RabbiMarcus Burstein D.Min

[email protected] Cantor

Kerry Ben-David [email protected]

School DirectorLeslie Gottlieb

LGottlieb@jewishfamilycongregation [email protected]

Early Childhood Center Director Jane Weil Emmer

[email protected]

Board of Trustees [email protected]

Glenn Kurlander Co-President Hal Wolkin Co-President

[email protected]

Richard Mishskin Vice-President Polly Schnell Vice-President

Robyn Cohen Treasurer Suzanne Sunday Secretary

[email protected]

Josh Blum Trustee Karen Conti Trustee

Michael Gitlitz Trustee Ken Levinsohn Trustee Robi Margolis Trustee Paul Storfer Trustee

Bonnie Wattles Trustee Richard Weiser Trustee

Elisa Zuckerberg Trustee

Shofar EditorBryan Wolkin

Shofar PrinterCopy Stop Royal Press

From the Religious SchoolBy Leslie Gottlieb, Director

Last month, I met with one of our fall Bnai Mitzvah students to help her with her Bat Mitzvah speech. We were discussing her Torah portion which comes from the story of Noah. The thing about Torah is, as all of you can agree, that new ideas are generated every time the stories are read. I guess the same is true for novels that we reread and movies we watch for the second time. Is it that we have changed so much that the text or film seems entirely different to us?

I know the story Noah is not something we typically discuss this time of year—unless we experience a very wet spring—but one of the themes of the story proves itself to be very relevant for what we are experiencing—as I see it—at JFC at this time.

The portion begins with Noah, depicted as a righteous person in his generation. This certainly does inspire much thought about what this truly means. Would he be a righteous person in our generation? He is chosen among all humans to help Gd. Noah walked with Gd-- as it is written. Never before has the verb to walk meant so much. After much human violence and corruption (these words are repeated more than once in very short order) Gd plans for the destruction of the world—but for Noah, his family and the animals you know all about.

We all know how the flood story goes. Gd extends Noah (a strapping 600 year old when the Flood comes) an offer: “With you, though, I will establish My covenant.” This covenant is ultimately symbolized by a rainbow. This symbols stands as a reminder of Gd’s promise not to annihilate humankind again. Thank goodness!

Trouble for us happens again in Torah in the parashah Korach which is actually read in the spring. Gd again is angered by the rebels who stand up to Moses and Aaron. Gd says to Moses and Aaron, “Stand back from this community that I may annihilate them in an instant!” (Numbers 16:21). But the leaders beg Gd to save the people—not all of whom have sinned. “O Gd, Source of the breath of all flesh! When one person sins will You be wrathful with the whole

community?” (16:22). It is at this point that Gd takes life away from just the rebels and their families in the story-- sparing humanity, keeping the promise, holding fast to the covenant.

I keep thinking about the covenant and the rainbow-- and about the promise of moving ahead with a new beginning, a fresh start. Of course the leadership shift at JFC that we are experiencing this month is not nearly as dramatic as what transpires in the Noah story. And we really can’t compare the actions of the Korach story here at all. But here we are at this place in time. But-- we are new now—an incarnation of our past with a newly forming identity. What we shared together has molded us, clearly--- and

now we need to stand ready to reach into the coming days with renewed spirit and energy. It will take all of us together to accomplish this. It will take real commitment and enterprise.

The summer is an excellent time to witness rainbows in the sky. Once while on a July family vacation in Arizona, we saw two interconnecting rainbows high up in the sky. Or did we? We stopped the car to capture the moment. It is quite a thing to see this with children in tow no matter their ages. Their comments and reactions were priceless. It was a masterful thing to behold—something I will never forget.

So I am thinking of rainbows now and of the promise of stepping into the future with all of you and your children and your children’s children, to start anew with new and old travelers standing together. I hope we build upon what we have-- and that we collectively feel this sense of wonder and amazement at what the human spirit can achieve if bound up by the same idea.

JFC is the place to be!!!!

Todah Rabbah to…All of us stepping into this new time… together!

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From a Happy ECC Parent

The moving up ceremony last week could not have been more beautiful. Thank you for prepar-ing our kids so well for this transition in their lives and for the special details and thoughtfulness

that went into all of the end-of-year activities and graduation itself.

Every aspect of the celebration—the invitation, the songs, the meaningful message on the diplo-ma, the interviews with our children for the yearbook, the DVD, the picnic—was a reflection of the love you have shown our children and the love of learning and sense of community that you

have instilled in them. Graduation was a meaningful memory for our families but more than this, it was a reminder that our children are part of a very special family and learning environ-ment at JFC and that they will carry this foundation with them when they enter kindergarten in

the fall. They are so lucky!

We miss our JFC routine already but feel fortunate that we’ve grown up through JFC—from Creation Station through the 2s and 3s and 4s and summer camp too—and that we’ve made last-ing friendships and experienced the joy of learning and Jewish holidays and the garden and one

another. We love you!

From the Early Childhood Center

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July Service Schedule

Friday, July 5/Tammuz 27 7:30 PM Parshat Matot- Masei

Friday, July 12/ Av 5 7:30 PM Parshat Devarim Friday, July 19/ Av 12 Parshat Va’etchananShabbat Nachamu 5:30 PM Family Service for all ages 6:00 PM Barbeque and Sing-a-Long 7:30 PM Brief Summer Shabbat Service

Friday, July 26/ Av 19 7:30 PM Parshat Ekev

Friday, Aug 2/Av 26 7:30 PM Parshat Re’eh

Oneg Schedule


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Presidents MessageBy Polly Schnell

Last June, the Board and the Congregation gave me the honor of electing me President. I had a full-time job running a nursing home, with twohundred employees on strike. I have three young kids, one of whom was having a bar-mitzvah that we needed to plan for. I did not have any extra time, let alone the time needed to be president of a synagogue, let alone a synagogue going through a pretty tumultuous time. But I took it on anyway because I love this place. I love this temple like I’ve loved no other temple before since I loved my father’s temple when I was a child. But I made it clear that I could only be an Interim President and would help out for a few months; that was all I felt I would be able to handle.

That plan fell apart quickly and I stayed on much longer than I had originally planned, and much longer than I should have; about six months too long. And the lack of sleep, exhaustion and stress of covering what was essentially three full-time jobs finally caught up with me and knocked me for quite a loop. It is one from which I am still recovering, and will be for some time. But here’s the thing. When I look back upon those seven months of sleepless nights, 3am emails, round-the-clock discussions with JFC members on all sides of the multiple issues and crises facing the temple, I do not look back with regret or anger or resentment or amazingly enough any negative feelings at all. It was one of the most fulfilling times of my life.

Why was it so fulfilling? Because I had the privilege to be part of an amazing transformation. We were a broken family, pulled apart in so many directions, with so many hurt feelings and so much raw emotion getting in the way of why so many of us joined this congregation in the first place. But then something happened. We began to put our differences to the side and pull together for the one thing we all had in common -- a deep love for this congregation and a strong devotion to do what it takes to see this place survive. No amount of sleepless nights could take away from the boundless pleasure I got from being on the front lines of this reemergence of the JFC spirit.

I know we still have a ways to go. I know the finances are still a major challenge. I know that the membership numbers are not where they need to be. But look at the progress we’ve made and continue to make -- a ground-breaking gala; a sisterhood bursting at the seams; a burgeoning men’s club; a sold-out concert by our beloved choir; an expanded Board of Directors; a multitude of successful fundraising events; a newly dedicated marketing campaign; and a new membership drive the likes of which this temple has never seen. In short, there is an energy and spirit that continues to pervade this place that is contagious. It is for all of this that I am grateful and for all of this that I do NOT look back upon this time and question what it was all for. It was for something so important and so dear to all of our hearts.

But the job is far from over. I wish I were well enough to continue on as President. Unfortunately, I’m not quite there. But I will do the most I can as Vice President. And where I plan to devote the bulk of my energy is building up our membership base. Our new membership committee, of which Rabbi Burstein will play a major role, is already planning a host of activities to attract new families to JFC. And we have no intention of being passive in this task. We will leave no stone unturned. We will look not only forward to new families joining from our surrounding communities but also to those that used to be part of the JFC community. In that vein, we will be reaching out to all of the families that have left us over the past five years and all of those who were part of the ECC but never joined. We will also be looking to all of you to help us in this cause.

It’s been quite a ride this year for all of us, a ride that is far from over. But we are on our way, with all of us working together, to achieving a strong and vibrant JFC. Chazak, Chazak …

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Fri., July 19

Jewish Family Congregation’s FAMILY BARBECUE

5:30 Family Service for all ages 6:00 BBQ and Shabbat sing along 7:30 Brief Summer Shabbat Service

Meet Rabbi Marcus Burstein BRING A FRIEND OR TWO

R.S.V.P. by Thurs., July 18 Either call (914) 763-3028 or email

[email protected] with number of people

Jewish Family Congregation * 111 Smith Ridge Road * South Salem, NY 10590

WE SUPPLY: Burgers (beef & veggie)/buns, dogs/buns, potato salad, cole slaw, condiments and paper goods. YOU SUPPLY: Beverages and any other (kosher-style) food you’d like to grill. YOU MAY ALSO WANT: Lawn chairs/blankets Bug Spray Frisbees, etc.

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Cantor Ben-David is available to our congregants for all life-cycle needs

Call/Text: 917-400-4068Email: [email protected]

Parties of all sizes welcomeOne affair per day

Kosher catering available

18 Bloomer Road, North Salem NY 10560 914*669*5485

The Best of Old World Elegance, Rural Beauty and Modern AmenitiesLocated in a country setting, the newly renovated clubhouse features a stunning

ballroom windowed throughout, with panoramic views of a spectacular golf course and surrounding hills.

Salem Golf Club

byNotesNancy, Inc.

Nancy SilbersteinInvitations and stationery at discount prices

tel/fax: 914-232-0835 e-mail: [email protected]

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JFC 2013-14 Religious School Registration Form(Please be aware that JFC students may appear in school photos posted on our website

or in the local paper unless we have a written objection submitted at the time of registration.)

One registration form needed for each enrollee in the Religious School K-12 &/or Confirmation, Youth Group or Mentor Programs. Must be returned with payment for registration to be complete.

New to JFC Rel. School: Yes No Prior Hebrew instruction: Yes No

Please use PRINT:

___ Place “A” here if student has allergies (fill in details on page 2)

_________Student’s Grade in September ’13 Family Email: ___________________ Student Name: ________________, __________________, ______________________ Last Name First Name Hebrew Name

Home Address: _________________________________________________________ Address City State ZipHome Telephone: ( ____ )____________________________ Date of Birth: _____ /______/_____ Today’s Date: ____/____/____

School Attending 9/13:_________________School District:______________________

Do you wish mailings to be sent to a parent living in another household? Yes NoName & Address: ________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian ________________________________ ( ___ )________________Names: Father’s Last Name First Name Work Telephone

________________________________ ( ___ )________________ Mother’s Last Name First Name Work Telephone Cell Phone #s: (___)_________________(___)________________ Father Mother*Email information may be used by class parents to create grade-wide email lists.

Class Parent For Above-Named Child

(Please circle one) Yes Yes, if needed No

Please consider becoming a class parent. Responsibilities are minimal but it is in the interest of all Religious School families that each grade has a parent representative.

Parent Requests - Parent may request placement of their child in class with one other student. Please do not list more than one. Students will be placed together only if it is educationally appropriate: Name of ONE friend: _____________ _______________*Only first name listed can be considered. First name Last name

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Student Name___________________ Grade ____

2013-14 Emergency/Medical Information(Needs to be completed & signed)

Responsible Parent and Telephone (during Religious School hours):Name: ______________________________________Phone: ( ___ )________________

Contact For Emergency: ________________________ Phone: ( ___ )_______________ Relationship to student: _________________________

Adults listed here have permission to pick up my child at dismissal: ___________________ _____________________ _______________________

Child’s Physician_______________________ Phone: ( __ )_______________________

Child’s Dentist: ________________________Phone: ( __ )______________________

Health Insurance Name: _________________ Policy #__________________________

Hospital preference for an emergency:_______________________________________

Allergies to foods only:________________________________________________Symptoms: _____________________________________________________________Allergies to medications: __________________________ Check here if allergies are seasonal. Allergy prescriptions year round: ___________

Is the child taking medication regularly (not for seasonal allergies) or being treated for any condition? If so, please list/explain: ______________________________________________________________ Any other important medical/educational needs during Religious School hours: _______________________________________________________________________

In consideration of services rendered, I __________________, parent of _____________________ do hereby release the Jewish Family Congregation from any damage, injuries or other claims which may arise out of school or youth groups trips and functions during the school year.

This constitutes a complete waiver of any present or future claim the undersigned (on behalf of the family) may have regarding such functions and trips.

The temple has my permission for a staff representative to engage the services of a qualified physician or hospital staff member to perform emergency procedures that may become necessary for my child. I understand Jewish Family Congregation is not insured for injuries to my child during such functions/trips.

Parent Signature _________________________Print Last Name________________ Date___/___/13

IMPORTANT: Please indicate in a separate attachment specific educational needs and/or conditions that apply to your child in order for us to best serve him/her (confidential). Also, if your child receives special services in public school, please describe how our school can help support the educational process for him/her. Also, complete and return “Student Profile” page provided on our website to include additional information about your child.

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2013-2014 Religious School Schedule & Tuition Rates[Tuition Includes a $100 Non-Refundable Registration Fee/Per Student]

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July Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

-29 Tammuz 5773

-7 Av 5773

-14 Av 5773

-21 Av 5773

-23 Tammuz 5773-Rabbi Marcus Burstein’s First Day

-1 Av 5773-Rosh Chodesh Av

-8 Av 5773

-15 Av 5773

-22 Av 5773

-24 Tammuz 5773

-2 Av 5773-7:30pm Ritual Meeting

-9 Av 5773-Tish’a B’Av

-16 Av 5773

-23 Av 5773

-25 Tammuz 5773

-3 Av 5773-12:30 RS Committee Meeting

-10 Av 5773

-17 Av 5773

-24 Av 5773

-26 Tammuz 5773

-4 Av 5773-7:30 Board Meeting

-11 Av 5773

-18 Av 5773

-27 Tammuz 5773-7:30pm Service

-5 Av 5773-7:30pm Service

-12 Av 5773-5:30pm Family Service-6pm BBQ and Sing-a-long-7:30pm Brief Summer Shabbat Service

-19 Av 5773-7:30pm Service

-28 Tammuz 5773

-6 Av 5773-Shabbat Chazon

-13 Av 5773-Shabbat Nachamu

-20 Av 5773
































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The Annual Meeting of the Jewish Family Congregation (“JFC”) was held on June 6, 2013 at 7:30 PM at JFC in accordance with Section 6.1 of JFC’s Constitution and By-Laws (the ByLaws).

The meeting was called to order by Richard Mishkin who welcomed those present. Suzanne Sunday acted as secretary for Glenn Kurlander, who was out of town on business. A Quorum of JFC’s membership was present in person or by proxy as provided in section 6.3 of the By-Laws

The minutes of the June 7, 2012 annual meeting, as previously mailed to the Congregation, were unanimously approved.

Polly Schnell, President of JFC, gave her President’s Report (a copy of which is included in this Shofar).

Hal Wolkin, JFC’s Treasurer, presented two reports; a report on the budget for the FY 2012-2013 including a comparison of the budget approved at last year’s annual meeting to the anticipated revenue and expenses for the fiscal year and the FY 2013-2014 proposed budget which was approved by an overwhelming majority.

The next item on the agenda was a request made by the Board of Trustees to the Endowment Fund’s Financial Planning Board for up to $328,000 to be made available from the Endowment Fund to cover JFC’s indebtedness resulting from FY 2012-2013 and prior year’s operating deficits and to support JFC’s FY 2013-2014 operating deficit as reflected in the approved budget. Jeff Berg, Chairman of the Financial Planning Board, made a comprehensive presentation in which he explained the background / history of the Endowment Fund including its intended purposes. He explained the requirements of the Endowment Fund governance which require an affirmative 2/3 vote of those present (including by proxy) at the annual meeting to approve release of the requested funding and went on to say that all of the members of the Financial Planning Board supported the release of such funds. The motion that such funds be made available was approved.

The next items on the agenda were the election of Trustees and officers. Josh Blum and Karen Conte were both elected to serve two year terms as Trustees and Roberta Margolis was elected to serve out the one year left on the term of a Board member who had resigned. The following slate of officers was elected - Glenn Kurlander and Hal Wolkin, Co-Presidents; Richard Mishkin, First Vice President; Polly Schnell, Second Vice President; Robyn Cohen, Treasurer and Suzanne Sunday, Secretary.

With all business completed, the meeting was adjourned.

We would like to thank all Congregants who participated in the meeting in person or by proxy, those members who helped make possible the many projects and events throughout the past year and Pat Shaffer and Carrie Kane for their service as Board members for the last several years, Elisa Zuckerberg for her service as Vice President and as a member of the Executive Committee, Polly Schnell for her tireless service and dedication as President and to the Financial Planning Board (Jeff Berg, Ken Aufsessor, Drew Hoffman, Jeff Klotz, John Stern and Ted Bloch) for its support in making it possible for JFC to have a “Bridge to the Future”.

We firmly believe that with time, JFC will attract new members and once again find itself in a position of financial stability and strength so that we can continue to offer a very special environment to our members and the community.

Please note that the above is intended as a summary of the more important aspects of the Annual Meeting. The minutes of the meeting will be available to the membership in the office.

Report on the Annual Meeting

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AnniversariesJoshua & Michelle Blum

David & Phyllis Amerling

Gary & Paula Levine

Neil & Holly Alexander

Marc & Jill Waldman, MD

Jeremy Tubbs & Daniela Goldman

David & Dara Marceau

Greg & Ginger Schwartz

Richard & Beth Sklarin

First Religious School Class Dates2013-2014

Thurs., 9/12- K-3 4:15-6PM Parents invited 5:30 –6PM

Thurs.,9/12- Confirmation

(6:15-7:15 PM)

Thurs., 9/12- Student Mentor Program– SMP3:30-6:00 PM

Sun.9/15-Grs. 4-6 9 AM-12 PMParents invited 11:30AM –12PM

Mon., 9/16- Gr. 7 3:15 at JFC

Gr. 7 HHD Food Drive

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BirthdaysMaxwell Andrade

K. J. Aufsesser

Ellen Barth

Stephanie Blum

Alexander Carson

Samuel Ceisler

Jeremy Fischer

Samuel Fischer

David Fried

Jacob Furic

Jasper Gitlitz

Mia Goldberg

Sidney Goldberg

Erica Goldberger

Kathleen Goldman

Tim Gordon

Alice Gottlieb

John Grzymala

Spencer Hellinger

Lydia Hellinger

Laura Kaplan

Elizabeth Klotz

Deborah Kurlander

Linda Lederman

Ian Leitner

Eliza Lichtman

Ruby Lichtman

Benjamin Marceau

Ken Okamoto

Hillary Raimondi

Nicole Rose

Max Sanders

Dory Quoya Schnell

Gordon Schnell

Sierra Shafer

Cheryl Shainmark

Ella Shapiro

Curt Shulman

Beth Sklarin

Frederick Slogoff

Ashley Sobel

Susan Stillman

Zachary Waldman

Eliza Wein

Jay Zaslow

Rheba Alpert

Ferdinand Aufsesser

Susan Aufsesser

Annette Belsky

Lillian Benjamin

Henry Block

Josephine Blumberg

Ruth Drawec

Richard Dutka

Helen Eydenberg

Minnie Fremed

Jonas Kardish

Milton Kempler

Lillian G. Kutscher

Abe Lederman

Anita Mishkin

Hannah Rabinowitz

Max Schattner

Fannie Schoenholz

Edith Sherr

Hyman Sherr

Hannah Vandervelden

July Yarhzeits

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Application for 2013-2014 School Year

Child’s Name __________________________________________ Gender ________Date of Birth ___________________________ Home Street Address____________________________________ Town/State/Zip Code____________________________________ Home Phone ___________________________________________ Parent Name___________________________ Cell Phone ______________ email address ____________________ Parent Name___________________________ Cell Phone ______________ email address ____________________ Siblings - Name: _______________________ birthdate_____ Name: _______________________ birthdate_____ Name: _______________________ birthdate_____ Please Check One: Circle Days : 2’s 2 day _________ 3 day__________ (M – W – F 9:15-11:45) 3’s 4 day _________ 5 day _____ ( M – T – W – Th- F 9:15 – 12:00) 4’s 4 day _________ 5 day _____ ( M – T – W – Th- F 9:15 – 12:00) Tuition Information $250 Non –refundable registration fee must accompany this form. Tuition is p Tuition is as follows:

2 day 2 payments of $ 1,400 due 6/1 and 9/1/2013 (2’s only) total tuition $ 2,800.00 3 day 3 payments of $ 1,400 due 6/1, 9/1 and 11/1/2013 (2’s only total tuition $ 4,200.00 4 day 3 payments of $ 1,800 due 6/1, 9/1 and 11/1/2013 (3’s & 4’s) total tuition $ 5,400.00 5 day 3 payments of $ 1,966 due 6/1, 9/1 and 11/1/2013 (3’s & 4’s) total tuition $ 5,900.00

Early Childhood Center at Jewish Family Congregation ane Emmer – Director 914-763-3028 x 15 J

111 Smith Ridge Road South Salem, NY 10590

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Beginner& Intermediate Hebrew for Adults at JFCInstructor: Linda Paulding,

Grinspoon Steinhardt Award Winner for Teaching ExcellenceSundays & Weekedays

Meets twice a month/1 hour Schedule TBD dependent on enrollees

Open to all congregants and non-members

Fee for instruction/materials: $30 per class, members$50 per class, non-members

To enroll, please email Leslie Gottlieb, Director of Educationat JFC at: [email protected]

Social Action Committee Correction - Wynter Schnell was very helpful in sorting clothing and moving bins into our new home in the JFC basement, in addition to

making dinners and attending the Run with his dad, Gordon.

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Jewish Family Congregation Religious Schoolpresents…

Kids Knesset(Student Government Program: Grades K-6)

Just think…You can volunteer to be one of two student representatives for your grade in order to help make important decisions about

our school.

There will be 4-5 meeting dates throughout the school year with the school director and the rest of the representatives. Meetings will be: Thursdays at 5:10 PM and Sundays at 10:10 AM.

See calendar for exact dates. You can also volunteer for many RS special events!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can volunteer by filling out this form and then submitting it to Leslie Gottlieb asap. Or you can send an email to [email protected]

to enroll

Who should volunteer?Anyone who believes that he/she can help to create and plan great programs for the school--- with the help of the school


Return this section or email information!Name___________________________________ Grade in Sept. ___________

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Youth Group End of Summer Get Together

Thursday, August 296-7:30 PM

&*YG Board Meeting 4:30-6 PM

All registered (and non-registered JFC members) 8th-12th Graders welcome! No fee.Please RSVP by August 27th to Leslie Gottlieb @

[email protected] or [email protected]

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JFC’s PRIDE & JOY!!The JFC Choir and Director of Music,

Kathy Storfer

On Saturday evening, June 1st, the JFC Choir, under the leadership of Kathy Storfer, presented a spectacular evening of highlights from the choir’s large repertoire. This extraordinary concert was recorded and promises to capture on CD the spirit, power and beauty of our treasured musical ensemble!

JFC’s deepest appreciation is extended to all of the highly gifted members of the JFC CHOIR: Kathy Storfer, Barbara Orwick, Cantor Kerry Ben David, Martie Gordon, Carrie Kane, Sue Kaufman, Debbie Lavin, Sandi Auerbach, Amanda Goodman, Abigail Gabor, Lisa Papernik, Shelagh McLean, Laurence Furic, Jeanne Shanin, Michael Horwitz, David Kane, Michael Gordon, Paul Storfer, Curt Shulman.

At the annual national convention of the Guild of Temple Musicians later this month, Kathy Storfer will be receiving the prestigious “Shomeir Shirah Award”. She was chosen for this honor as a result of her tireless efforts to enhance the goals and mission of the national Guild. Kathy is deeply involved in and committed to shaping the musical future of Reform Judaism.

Twenty four years ago, Paul and Kathy Storfer joined Jewish Family Congregation . Some years later, with the arrival of Rabbi Carla Freedman, a great musical tradition was born! We are all recipients of their passion and their love of Jewish music!

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DonationsGeneral Fund

-Dr Harold Nitowsky: In honor of Dillon Firestein’s confirmation-Roberta Margolis: In gratitude to Rabbi Carla Freedman and Cantor Kerry Ben David for support and

graveside service at the unveiling for Steve Margolis

Grounds Beautification Fund-David and Phyllis Amerling: In memory of Helen Bergson

Memorial Board Plaque-Susan Westlake: In memory of Morton Eydenberg

Rabbi Discretionary Fund-Robyn and Adam Cohen: In Honor of Rabbi Carla on the occasion of Aaron Cohen’s Bar Mitzvah

Religious School Director Fund-Robyn and Adam Cohen: In Honor of Ruth Ossher on the occasion of Aaron Cohen’s Bar Mitzvah

-Robyn and Adam Cohen: In Honor of the Religious School on the occasion of Aaron Cohen’s Bar Mitzvah

Early Childhood Center Fund-John and Barbara Stern

Donation of Artwork-Corrine Katz

-John and Barbara Stern

Music and Choir Fund-Cantor Kerry Ben-David: In Honor of Kathy Storfer’s Shomeir Shirah Award

-Robyn and Adam Cohen: In Honor of Cantor Kerry on the occasion of Aaron Cohen’s Bar Mitzvah-Mark and Debra Lavin: In Honor of Kathy Storfer’s Shomeir Shirah Award

-Allen Gabor and Lisa Papernik: In honor of Kathy Storfer’s Shomeir Shirah Award-Rabbi Carla Freedman and Jeanne: In honor Shanin of Kathy Storfer’s Shomeir Shirah Award

-Edward and Martha Gordon: In honor of Kathy Storfer’s Shomeir Shirah Award-Roberta Margolis: In honor of Kathy Storfer’s Shomeir Shirah Award-Marty Weisberg: In honor of Kathy Storfer’s Shomeir Shirah Award

-The Kaufman Family: In honor of Kathy Storfer’s Shomeir Shirah Award-Ken Aufsessor: In honor of Kathy Storfer’s Shomeir Shirah Award

-Michael and Rona Salpeter: In honor of Kathy Storfer’s Shomeir Shirah Award

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It’s hard to believe that while some of us are joyously celebrating the end of another successful school year, the Sisterhood is already focusing on the holidays in September and what we can do to bring a little sweetness into everyone’s life.This year, JFC’s Sisterhood is partnering with ORT, and proud to offer “Honey from the Heart” for the High Holidays. Since 1880, ORT has been an organization that has promoted the understanding and appreciation of Jewish values through a global network of schools and training programs in over 60 countries. The cutting-edge educational skills acquired at ORT schools, colleges, and international programs provide marketable skills that enable 300,000 students and beneficiaries annually to attain successful careers, become community leaders and live independently. Your support of Honey From The Heart, by purchasing honey, benefits our Sisterhood and ORT America at the same time.Each honey order is accompanied by a personalized gift card (see example below) from the purchaser and is delivered in time for Erev Rosh Hashanah (September 4, 2013). Ordering honey for your family, friends and business associates is a sweet way to welcome the New Year while also supporting worthwhile organizations. Ordering will be simple, done online, and the honey will be delivered to you or your intended recipients. Please keep an eye out for further details. This promises to be a delicious fundraiser! Here’s a sneak preview of our Honey from the Heart!

JFC Sisterhood NewsBy Linda Lederman

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Ritual CommitteeBy Michael Salpeter, Chairman

As we embark on a new chapter in the history of Jewish Family Congregation, the Ritual Committee took time at our last meeting to reflect back on the 16 years that Rabbi Freedman was at the helm. One of the overriding principles we all felt was that our worship services have become one of the true strong points in our congregational life under her tutelage. This strength is something we all want to see continue. With that said, it is obvious that with a change in rabbinical leadership there will be a remodeling of some of our practices. The members of the Ritual Committee have been speaking with both Rabbi Burstein and Cantor Ben-David to evaluate the musical component of our services. Some of you may already be aware that Rabbi Burstein plays the guitar, and he will incorporate some additional music for Shabbat. The Rabbi hopes to institute Shabbat dinners with small groups of member families so he may get to know them better as well as the families getting to know each other. The members of our committee along with the Membership Committee are hosting a Family BBQ on Friday evening July 19th as a meet the Rabbi/new member event. If you were at either of the 2 BBQ’s we hosted last summer, you will recall what a success those evenings were. This year we are planning to make the starting time more conducive to families with young children –we are scheduling a family service at 5:30, followed at 6:00 for the “essing and fressing” (that’s Yiddish for food and fun) for all , then services for the older folks at 7:30. We will supply hot dogs and hamburgers (beef and veggie) and all the accoutrements. You may bring the beverage of your choice along with Frisbees, balls or whatever. In any event, I invite you to come and to encourage any potential new member families you may know to attend and feel a JFC Shabbat.

We will be continuing the practice of congregants chanting Torah for the High Holy Days. An email has already been sent to all congregants inviting you to participate in this mitzvah. If you are still interested in chanting, please let me know by email at [email protected] . For those of you who attend the Second Day Rosh Hashanah services, we, along with the Rabbi are planning some exciting new ways to worship on that day. More details will be forthcoming as we fine tune our plans. Over the past number of months, a number of congregants have given me their own suggestions in what they would like to see in terms of ritual at JFC. We are listening to you and if you have any ideas, please stop me any time you see me or send me an email with your thoughts.

Change in life is inevitable. Change can be good, bad or indifferent. Change can be obvious, vague or neutral. It can also be concrete, abstract or somewhere in between. Just a few days ago during my commute home from work I was thinking about this very subject when a song came on the radio by the Australian group Little River Band. That song which was first popularized in 1979 is entitled “Cool Change”. What I envision for JFC at this point in time is a cool change – and I mean cool in the sense of top-notch, blue ribbon or stellar (all synonyms I discovered in the Merriam-Webster thesaurus). The lyrics of that song have been resonating with me since I heard them that day as I realize how they relate to us at JFC.

Lots of those friendly people They’re showing me ways to go

And I never want to Lose their inspiration

Come join us for our cool change.

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