2015-2016 freshman room selection instructions

Room Selection Instructions – New Freshmen 1. Log into the ODU Housing Portal at https://odu.starrezhousing.com/StarRezPortal/Modules/Renewal/RoomSearchWizard.aspx ?Params=L9ezxPcQnQsDuaBX%2bLFbaZ%2f33Iz%2bkDOYlS9NODWWf6s%3d. 2. Once you have entered the ODU Portal, click on the “Visit the University login page” link to log in. 3. Once you click the “Visit the University login page” link, you will be redirected to the Midas sign-on page. 4. Enter your ODU Midas ID and password

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Post on 21-Jul-2016




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Room Selection Instructions – New Freshmen

1. Log into the ODU Housing Portal at https://odu.starrezhousing.com/StarRezPortal/Modules/Renewal/RoomSearchWizard.aspx?Params=L9ezxPcQnQsDuaBX%2bLFbaZ%2f33Iz%2bkDOYlS9NODWWf6s%3d.

2. Once you have entered the ODU Portal, click on the “Visit the University login page” link to log in.

3. Once you click the “Visit the University login page” link, you will be redirected to the Midas sign-on page.

4. Enter your ODU Midas ID and password

5. After you enter your Midas information, you will be redirected to the ODU Housing Portal Welcome Page. Please verify your profile summary to ensure it is correct.

6. Next click on the “Apply for Housing” link

7. Once you click on the “Apply for Housing” link, you will be redirected to the Term Selector page.

8. Please select the 2015-2016 Academic year 9. Next click the “Save and Continue” button

10. Once you click the Save button, you will be redirected to the Room search page. 11. To select a room, click on the preferred building

13. Once you have selected the preferred building, click on the floor you would like to live on. 14. Once you have selected your preferred floor, click the “Confirm This Room “button.

15. Once you click the “Confirm This Room” button, select the room you would like to live in. If you have a preferred roommate, you will need to select a room that has two spaces available.

16. Once you select your preferred room, click the “Confirm This Room” button.

This is a double room with 1 space available.

This is a double room with 2 spaces available.

17. Once you click the “Confirm This Room” button, select a bedspace for you and your preferred roommate, if you have one. Please note you will have five minutes to select your room assignment. If the room assignment is not made during that time, you will be logged out of the system.

18. Once you have selected a space for you and your preferred roommate, click the “Confirm This Room” button.

19. If you assigned a space for your preferred roommate, your roommate will need to log into the ODU Housing Portal to accept their room assignment. Once your preferred roommate logs into the ODU Portal, he/she will be redirected to the Confirm Room Assignment page.

20. If your preferred roommate would like to accept the room assignment, he/she will click on the “Accept Room Assignment” button.

21. Once he/she clicks the “Accept Room Assignment” button, he/she will click “yes” to accept. Please note that the room assignment must be confirmed within 48 hours or the room assignment will be cancelled.

22. Once you have confirmed your room assignment, you will be redirected to the Confirmation page. Please verify that the information on the Confirmation page is correct.

23. Once you have verified your information, please print a copy of the Confirmation page for your records by clicking on the “Print Confirmation” button below. The Confirmation page contains several important reminders.

24. After you print a copy of the Confirmation page for your records, click the “Save and Continue” button.

25. After you click the “Save and Continue” button, you will be redirected to the Application Status page. The Application Status page will give you a complete overview of your application and room assignment information. Please note the Cancellation deadline.


26. If your preferred roommate decides not to accept the room assignment, he/she will click on the “Cancel Room Assignment” button to deny the room assignment.

27. Once he/she clicks the “Cancel Room Assignment” button, he/she will click “yes” to cancel the assignment.

28. After canceling the room assignment, your preferred roommate will be redirected to the Confirmation page, where he/she will receive a message that he/she cannot assess this page.

29. Your preferred roommate will have to wait until their room selection timeslot to select his/her room assignment.

30. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Housing & Residence Life at 757-683-4283 or 1-800-766-0833 (toll free). Our office will be open 8am-8:00pm on Wednesday, April 23, 2015, Thursday, April 23, 2015, and Tuesday, April 28, 2015.