2004 roseville assessment 1 math hsc

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  • 8/12/2019 2004 Roseville Assessment 1 Math HSC


    Question 1 Show all working (18 marks)

    (u) For the parabola with equation , - 3)' : 72y + 24 find:

    (i) the vertex

    (ii) the focus

    (b) A bag contains 8 green discs and 6 red discs

    One disc is drawn at random, ts colour noted, and t

    Find the probability that:

    (i) both discs are green

    (ii) at east 1 disc s red



    identical o each other except or colour. (2)

    is then set aside. A second disc is then drawn.

    (c) Thequadrat icequat ion x2-3x+ 8:0hassolut ionsgivenby a and, .



    ( i ) a *

    (ii) 1 *d

    (d) Draw two separate ketches o represent section of curve y: f(x) which satisfies (4)

    the following conditions:



    domain 31x13, range

  • 8/12/2019 2004 Roseville Assessment 1 Math HSC








    (e) A section of paddock with a straight iver running along one side s to be fenced (4)

    using 100rn of fencing. The section enced s in the shape f a rectangle with a

    length y m and a width x m as shown. The side along he river does not need o be fenced.

    ?,)1-t \o{)qft^

    (i) Express in terms of x.

    (ii) Find an expression, n terms of x, for

    the area of this field.

    (iii) Find the dimensions f this field so hat

    the area t contains s a maximum

    A," /

    \ \ rt l . A

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    Given hat : (5x- 1) ' and ha t f x :3 , : 4 , f ind he va lue fy i fx :0 .dx

    The equation y0 - 4) : 4(2x - 7) tepresents parabola.

    Determine he equation of its directrix.

    Question 2 Show all working (Start a new page)

    (a) Given that f '(x) : 9 J; , find an expression orflx) (1)

    (b) The function drawn below is a gradient unction. Copy or trace his gradient unction and

    on the same axes draw a sketch of a function which could have ed to this gradient unction. (2)

    4 *l - ' ) "



    V ? \. ,{ i ]18 marks -


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  • 8/12/2019 2004 Roseville Assessment 1 Math HSC


    (c) Two players are playing a game with two dice. They take turns to roll the two (4)

    dice to produce a score. A score s found by multiplying the difference between he uppermost

    faces on the two dice by the higher of the two uppermost aces.

    (i ) Find the probability hat on the first turn, a player scores score of 1.2.

    Find the probability hat on any given hrow, a score of at least 12 rs achieved.

    If a player scores ero, hey are allowed to have he next turn. Find the probability that a

    given player has exactly 4 turns n a row.





    Solve 3x" I 4x

    For the function v : 2x3 6x2 48x + 10- , ' t 4

    ' 1 1 - 1 1 b - + ( t

    Find the stationary points and determine heir nature.

    End of Paper

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    (iD Find the co-ordinates f the point of inflexion, and explain why it is a point of inflexton.

    (iiD Use he nformation fiom parts (i) and (ii) and anything else you consider necessaf,y o

    sketch his function for the domain - 4 < x < 5.

    \z'6 ,4O7 5 e ' '

    The point P(xy) moves such hat PA l- PB. Given that A and B have co-ordinates (4)

    (-1,2) and 7,6) respectively, ind the ocus ofP in algebraic orm and describe hislocus geometrically n detail.

    .q?- t / '


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