20 imperialism and nationalism

Imperialism and Nationalism In the 19 th Century 

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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Imperialism and Nationalism

In the 19 th Century

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Scientific expeditions± Exploration± Botanical investigations

Economics± Raw materials from colonies± Control of sources

± Break monopolies of otherEuropean countries on rawmaterials

Indonesian rubberGermany developed synthetic


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The Power of Empire

Political system in the colonies?Lifestyle changes in the colonies?

Moral issues ± Slavery

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The Power of Empire

Slavery ± British Empire versus Brazil (1850-1851)

Blockage of Brazilian ports

± British Empire versus Zanzibar (1873)Threatened destruction of capital

Did Britain have the right to enforce their opinion of moral values?What about American involvement in Iraq?

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"A ny community with only onedominant power is always a

dangerous one. That's why Ifavor a multi-polar world, inwhich Europe obviously has its


± Jacques Chirac, President of France, Time Magazine , Feb.24, 2003

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" Too long have too manyA mericans, and the people of thefree world generally, stood by assilent accessories to the crimes of assault against freedom - assaultagainst basic economic andspiritual principles that have made

nations strong. "

± Ezra Taft Benson, "W atchman, W arn the W icked " , E nsign ,July 1973, p. 38

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" Tolerance is not conformity to theworld's view and practices. W e must not surrender our beliefs to get alongwith people , however beloved orinfluential they may be. Too high aprice may be paid for social standingor even for harmony. "

± Ezra Taft Benson, "W atchman, W arn the W icked " , E nsign ,July 1973, p. 38

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B ritish EmpireExpansions± Scotland (1707) and Ireland

(1800) united to England± North A merica (1600s)± A sia under East India

Company (1857)± A frica (1800s)± A sia (1800s)

Explorers and scientists± James Cook (1728-1779)± HMS Beagle (1831)± David Livingstone (1813-


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B ritish Empire

Queen Victoria± Prototype of a perfect

mother± Devout wife± Strong willed± ³The Better Half´ ± Ruled during the

empire¶s peak

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G ladstone and Disraeli Victorian Prime Ministers

A woman who had dined with thegreat English statesman Gladstoneone night and his rival Disraeli onanother was asked to compare them."W hen I left the dining room aftersitting next to Mr. Gladstone, Ithought he was the cleverest man inEngland. But after sitting next to Mr.Disraeli, I thought I was the


in England."

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R ussia

Romanoff dynastySuccessor to Roman

EmpireInternal conflictsContinuous expansion

Defeat in the CrimeanW ar opened eyes toprogress of W . Europe

Revolution of 1905

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F ranceLouis XVIII (brother of Louis XVI)± Died in 1824

Charles X (brother of Louis XVIII)± Toppled in revolution of 1830

Louis Philippe, duke of Orleans± Limited monarch (compromise)± Toppled by revolution of 1848

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte± Nephew of Napoleon I± Elected president in 1848 ± 2 nd Republic± Coup of 1851 declared himself Emperor

Napoleon III± Maximilian and Carlotta in Mexico± Overthrown after defeat in Franco-Prussian

W arThird Republic proclaimed (1871)± W eak governments to WW I

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S pain

Consequences of S. A merican revolutionsMexico gained independenceQueen Maria Christina allied with liberalsIsabella installed as constitutionalmonarch

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B elgium

Revolted 1830W ithdrew from Dutch union

Constitutional monarchyTension between W aloonsand Flemish

Colonized Belgian Congo

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G ermany

Small principalitiesCongress of Vienna combinedareas

Trading union establishedRevolutions of 1848 establishedconstitutional monarchyOtto von Bismarck± Chancellor to W ilhelm of Prussia± United German principalities± Defeated the French in 1870

Colonized east A frica and Samoa

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Italy Patchwork of small statesRevolution of 1848 gave someareas limited monarchiesW

ar of 1859 started byA ustrians to reassert theirauthority± Stopped by the French± Kingdom of Italy declared

(northern only)Giuseppe Garibaldi± Red shirt army± Rome conquered± Vatican City given to the church

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