2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website dr. gary small, 2012

2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website Dr. Gary Small, 2012

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Page 1: 2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website Dr. Gary Small, 2012

2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website

Dr. Gary Small, 2012

Page 2: 2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website Dr. Gary Small, 2012

Teenagers average almost 3,000 texts a month … 4x as much as they talk!

Nielsen Group, 2010

Page 3: 2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website Dr. Gary Small, 2012

The average person in 2010 consumed 3x as much information as the typical person in 1960 University of California, San Diego, 2010

Page 4: 2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website Dr. Gary Small, 2012

The average computer user checks 40 websites a day and can switch programs 36 times an hour

University of California, San Diego, 2010

Page 5: 2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website Dr. Gary Small, 2012

“When you check your information, when you get a buzz in your pocket, when you get a ring—you get what they call a dopamine squirt. You get a rush of adrenaline.”

Matt Richtel, 2010

Page 6: 2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website Dr. Gary Small, 2012

23% of all teens, ages 12-17, have a Smartphone.

Pew Research, 2013

Page 7: 2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website Dr. Gary Small, 2012

“. . .science is beginning to embrace the idea that some technology is Twinkies and some technology is Brussels sprouts.”

Matt Richtel, 2010

Page 8: 2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website Dr. Gary Small, 2012

Kids between the ages of 8 and 18 spend 11.5 hours a day using technology (computers, television, mobile phones, videogames). They are awake 15-16 hours

Dr. Gary Small, 2011

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Nomophobia = when people experience anxiety because they have no access to mobile technology

Richard Alleyne, 2008 (British Researchers)

Page 10: 2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website Dr. Gary Small, 2012

90% of teachers are saying digital technologies are creating an easily distracted generation with short attention spans

Pew Research, 2013

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No one’s brain can actually multi-task; task-switching is a term brain scientists use for moving between brain activities.

Nielsen NeuroFocus, 2012

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“A simple everyday task like searching the Web appears to enhance brain circuitry in older adults, demonstrating that our brains are sensitive and can continue to learn as we grow older.”

Dr. Gary Small, 2012

Page 13: 2 seconds=average time a student spends at any given website Dr. Gary Small, 2012

We have the ability to learn new things our entire life.

Medina, 2009

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“. . .the internet gives us access to intelligence contained in the craniums of other people on a global basis.”

Don Tapscott, 2012

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After 15 minutes or less, the brain becomes distracted with daydreaming or attending to external stimuli.

Medina,2009; Sousa, 2010; Willis, 2011

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Physical exercise boosts brainpower.

Medina, 2009

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When classroom activities have pleasurable associations linked with learning, the brain releases dopamine—a neurotransmitter that stimulates the memory centers and promotes increased focused attention. Willis, 2007

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“. . .the role of technology in our world has led to a culture of multitasking and skimming of text, which she [Wolf] believes has had some detrimental effect on ‘deep reading comprehension skills’. . .” Dr. Maryanne Wolf, 2013

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Certain video gamers have more visual acuity than those who don’t game.

Richtel, 2010

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A new “app gap” has developed among young children. 38% of lower income parents don’t know what an app is.

Common Sense Media, 2011

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Teens’ Favorite Ways to Communicate:1. in person2. texting3. social networking4. talking on phone5. Twitter

Common Sense Media, 2012