1ter,a ;11&9 .tic tc +7 ti.1. .9' 1 cdcril nc-ont ca.rothr ns ......ti-"y/arp...

rtaurukf dogz-l i e 4.9 hzeilsre 6Ti1A.h goglisA „96alvs .9101 FEDERAL NEGARIT GAZETTE OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA YP itlXV 4'rC 2 , 01.0 h00 1.0 Lif +7 IX% 5.r 4,XIAT 4.9 ° hI , A.PE 6T-11A.b •whe-T 5" 3 /1C OA . ?ma i 21th Year No.24 ADDIS ABABA 20th January, 2015 CONTENTS R111 4vrc10/01i.% f i .99UflA 41(11.4. c e xchl aDeirizy Po x04.0. rhc it+ K'Hl arlfit* hqG 7St* %Uri* riVz.tii•eq. 911C 114• K141 t^PC MANX% ?arm .firluGgE YChl ODA?'" ?Mal fenvo4-0 PhC KW, fa7.Y.‘14•C* rhc it+ fit.4-?*,e A.KGAT futrkil,A.J'T GT4111.) -1 M1 14 . 1 fr-AnYi tc 4Mc Aana 11 fltnaiw- hTk 4:11C 7: hc (14-C A"7.1 - 9 hm,4'4'9° itTk ETC 7:V6 /6/Y.ralii Al+R• o (U) an 1 "44 Ain K141 ha)-TtA:: E. iesibC CIA ,e1) K141 "P,9r11, 1 1 xchl apei?w/..? Puri.V14111" rhc f."341 tPC 110.0/01.%" t' l(° ?fret- 1171 1•1 M ?m/SAmm- flti-t-tC 011.1) K141 co.tr:- 6/ "mpr' a91 • ?gisC N111114• A°74. 1 TIM'S hmfr+9" 4ePC f1R- 17 60 Unit Price Regulation No. 334/2014 Gambella National Park Designation Council of Ministers Regulation Page 7988 Annex Page 7998 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATION No. 334/2014 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE DESIGNATION OF GAMBELLA NATIONAL PARK This Regulation is issued by the Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 5 of the Definitions of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 691/2010 and Article 4 (2) of the Development, Conservation and Utilization of Wildlife Proclamation No. 541/2007. 1. Short Title This Regulation may be cited as the "Gambella National Park Designation Council of Ministers Regulation No. 334/2014". 2. Definitions In this Regulation unless the context otherwise requires: 1/ "Proclamation" means the Development, Conservation and Utilization of Wildlife Proclamation No.. 541/2007; Itrifi Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001

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Page 1: 1ter,A ;11&9 .TIC TC +7 ti.1. .9' 1 cdcril Nc-ont ca.rothr Ns ......ti-"Y/ARP NAhmial• ?-A4. VIC hp,l• Pail page 7991 11/ thence, turning to northward up to beacon number 11 at

rtaurukf dogz-lie 4.9 hzeilsre 6Ti1A.h

goglisA „96alvs .9101 FEDERAL NEGARIT GAZETTE


YP itlXV 4'rC 2,01.0 h00 1.0 Lif +7 IX% 5.r

4,XIAT 4.9°hI,A.PE 6T-11A.b •whe-T 5"3/1C OA. ?ma i

21th Year No.24 ADDIS ABABA 20th January, 2015


R111 4vrc10/01i.%

fi.99UflA 41(11.4.ce xchl aDeirizy Po x04.0. rhc it+ K'Hl arlfit* hqG 7St* %Uri*

riVz.tii•eq. 911C 114• K141 t^PC MANX%

?arm .firluGgE YChl ODA?'" ?Mal fenvo4-0 PhC KW,

fa7.Y.‘14•C* rhc it+ fit.4-?*,e

A.KGAT futrkil,A.J'T GT4111.)-1

M114.1 fr-AnYitc 4—Mc Aana11 fltnaiw-

hTk 4:11C 7: hc (14-C

A"7.1-9 hm,4'4'9° itTk ETC

7:V6/6/Y.ralii Al+R• o (U) an1"44• Ain K141


E. iesibC CIA

,e1) K141 "P,9r11,11 xchl

apei?w/..? Puri.V14111" rhc f."341

tPC 110.0/01.%" t' l(°

?fret- 11711•1 M ?m/SAmm-

flti-t-tC 011.1) K141 co.tr:-

6/ "mpr' a91► • ?gisC N111114• A°74. 1

TIM'S hmfr+9" 4ePC

f1R- 17 60 Unit Price

Regulation No. 334/2014

Gambella National Park Designation Council of Ministers Regulation Page 7988 Annex Page 7998




This Regulation is issued by the Council of

Ministers pursuant to Article 5 of the Definitions of

Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation

No. 691/2010 and Article 4 (2) of the Development,

Conservation and Utilization of Wildlife Proclamation

No. 541/2007.

1. Short Title

This Regulation may be cited as the "Gambella

National Park Designation Council of Ministers

Regulation No. 334/2014".

2. Definitions In this Regulation unless the context otherwise


1/ "Proclamation" means the Development,

Conservation and Utilization of Wildlife

Proclamation No.. 541/2007;

Itrifi Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001

Page 2: 1ter,A ;11&9 .TIC TC +7 ti.1. .9' 1 cdcril Nc-ont ca.rothr Ns ......ti-"Y/ARP NAhmial• ?-A4. VIC hp,l• Pail page 7991 11/ thence, turning to northward up to beacon number 11 at

2/ definitions pros ided for under Artide 2 of the

Proclamation shall also be applicable;

31 -beacon- means a demarcation made up of

solid materials and erected as a permanent

delineator, follow Mg, trigonometric points in

demarcation method;

-Authority- means Ethiopian Wildlife

Development and Conservation Authority

established under Proclamation No. 575/2008;

$it any expression in masculine gender includes

the femirtine.

Designation of cambella 'stational Park

The -(lainhella National Park" (hereinafter called

the - Park") is hereby designated.

4. Boundaries of the ParA

The Parks is found in Gambella State cosering an

area of 4375 Kilometer square and located within

the follo‘s mg demarcation points:

1/ commencing from beacon number I at 07

degree 50 minutes 23 seconds 1.111ttld4: north

and 34 degree 01 minutes 1 seconds

longitude cast at north-eastern part of

Shentesea town:

2/ thence turning to north-entiAard up to beacon

number 2 at 07 degree 52 minutes 10 seconds

latitude north and 34 degree 09 minutes 32

seconds longitude east at around Pukedi;

3, thence, turning to northward up to beacon

number 3 at 07 degree 55 minutes 38 seconds

latitude north and 34 degree 09 minutes 44 444

secon s longitude east;

VtilY4f! 1...ter,A ;11&"9 .TIC TC +7 ti.1. .9' 1 cdcril Nc-ont ca.rothr Ns. 14, 21I Janumr, 2111i PAte 7.449

g 1 nM') W4II V+1110- 41:4°1P4

AKA) g419" +kV% .f.trcitt-

-1.A4." '"!A) hal' MI, WC*

) MO' OVA fix.

0kli1C Vitt:it.MA st41. 41A

V"A10. inn- I.

W "(IA/vital)" ("If). ()ht.*

v.i.**0104:. 114•C

Atr10.4; '111:0 11AP*Aall WW1

41 41171VII)11" rfr V•flitiA(0-

Mr A61,19"4-A:

(It (b11,0

)'f41. 11111.0 X.141

V "1"

(1.1111.11 hAA MAT 4575 liii. ii

A44* 11.4• vaqUito trtr iroursql-).

tiCtfoP* otrit

tiMVP *tin Wi+ I "stile+ 007

.A1:76 50 MA 23 AVM let"

00:44 hq 034 4.171, 01 Mfr 12

dthfl ri14-4* A0114,71tt h"7/10

4:1`C /s1K 110,14+1

hayr co. ern, T144 flnilmit:

trt:h,,c II1H. 1107 /91.11; 52 .14.+.4* 10

An.) /11;4:itt ?ii n34 4:74

09 ffl.t...0 32 (it' lt 1%Itt4-4*

1A4- 11-44.

El KO" Mg A°11 04710:11.(nct: 1107 VV.

55 It.. $8 et.ttlg:


91'1V-4. Arlettitt kV- 'PA+

VII: WO. itith

Page 3: 1ter,A ;11&9 .TIC TC +7 ti.1. .9' 1 cdcril Nc-ont ca.rothr Ns ......ti-"Y/ARP NAhmial• ?-A4. VIC hp,l• Pail page 7991 11/ thence, turning to northward up to beacon number 11 at

d.RGA ti9L 2U."l 41TC s TC Xi +1 OA 'LP 'ilt iKOCI Federal Negarit Gazette No. 24, 20th January, 2015 .page 7990

0/ MVP -hootteig, h+fr1650 +h' lt°

007 14.14 55 gtfr 58 AJ An

itttgt ?IS 034 k'7 09 gtfr 44

ethlg• rtile+ tt°17.-tRg•

hl•i• g-LAI

4./ htLer mg 94?)1,•+ tloo •mom 007

ROG 58 Mfr6 Ale3g• Aato

tIttRg• hS 034 ROG 12 gito 54

&WM MG•+ tt°17.Vgg• hAh°73-1im-

1-Ai• 4:11C hrili•

X/ Mir mg An') rtilo+ (11700-•11W

008 14./4 01 gt.43 18 ithIg• An,

•IttRg• M' 034 A.14 13 gtfr 36

tt.'37.tgt htih9.7'1o)•

7•Ai. .WPC Pa=

httfr mg An, r6G•41 fle70-m

008 4./4 02 gtfr 07 (LM Agri

ilttgg' NS 034 AVM 12 gtfr 40

tr.17.-tRg• ?Intel/3'1(1)-

7.M. tlIC AO- g•Lti

f-t/ htLer taDeletA h+filachil

1108 14./G 04 gt, 02 rolt

/1-ttgt M 034 14./G 10 gto 36

ithIg• tt°17.-tgg• Ntart1.71a)•

7-.M. .WPC Pa!

htLfr ÷a044,e, h+a1619.1 +hi 11-

(107 R."G 05 .t.to 06 &WM An,

t►ttg.t• NS 034 R./G 08 08

ti.hlg* 91'114• A-17.-tRt Ntihmi.rIa


htur to r6G•41 flisfrm 008

14./G 05 .e.tfr 52 ithlt An,

tittRK* M" 033 ROG 52 Xtfr 47

tr°12-tr-K- Mier/A(1)-

7.M. tgiIC hiA,C .K-Lti

4/ thence, following same direction up to beacon

number 4 at 07 degree 55 minutes 58 seconds

latitude north and 34 degree 09 minutes 44

seconds longitude east;

5/ thence, turning to eastward up to beacon

number 5 at 07 degree 58 minutes 46 seconds

latitude north and 34 degree 12 minutes 54

seconds longitude east;

6/ thence, turning to north-eastward up to beacon

number 6 at 08 degree 01 minutes 18 seconds

latitude north and 34 degree 13 minutes 36

seconds longitude east;

7/ thence, turning to north-westward up to

beacon number 7 at 08 degree 02 minutes 07

seconds latitude north and 34 degree 12

minutes 40 seconds longitude east;

8/ thence, following the same direction up to

beacon number 8 at 08 degree 04 minutes 02

seconds latitude north and 34 degree 10

minutes 36 seconds longitude east;

9/ thence, following the same direction up to

beacon number 9 at 07 degree 05 minutes 06

seconds latitude north and 34 degree 08

minutes 08 seconds longitude east;

10/ thence, turning to westward up to beacon

number 10 at 08 degree 05 minutes 52 seconds

latitude north and 33 degree 52 minutes 47

seconds longitude east;

Page 4: 1ter,A ;11&9 .TIC TC +7 ti.1. .9' 1 cdcril Nc-ont ca.rothr Ns ......ti-"Y/ARP NAhmial• ?-A4. VIC hp,l• Pail page 7991 11/ thence, turning to northward up to beacon number 11 at


ht '9° (DK VT) flapalC 008 kit

14 Ktfr 33 ithlP A°11,1 AttgP

?IS 033 kit 54 Ktfr 56 (1,111P

rtil•+ /1-11..tgP Mh°7.71(Th 7•40•

.WPC ?,pule W Pali

htlf9° •analsig, h+alosil th4.A.

008 kit 15 gtfr 58 MOP An,

titttgP ?lc fl33 kit 55 Mfr 13

(01P rttlr+ tt°1/..tRP NAhatiaim•

7•A4• .WPC hP,1,- WO. Pali

1E/ Muir mR. floomC 008

/4.116 16 Ktfr 08 &WM' An"

Attg• NC 033 kit 52 gt 0, 48

rolp rtilr+ trlvtgP Nhh°1.71m-

i-A4. vrc vt114. Pau

hfl.fr a gfl-11 fltromC 008 kit

12 Ktfr 27 /01P An" AttRP

NS 033 kit 51 Kt" 29 tithlP

rm.+ tplvtgP Ntshaiial•

htuul• h/04•

-1.*/ hfl.fr h+alacsal

008 kit 09 gtfr 03 Aito/P

Itttggs NS 033 kit 50 Mfr 35

(1111P rtile+ trwrimtiM• NAte/Mm-

fi•A4. .ftlaC hP'1•

hfl.fr 9"61041 floomC 008

kit 11 Ktfr 02 MOP An"

littgg' NS 033 kit 43 Kt fr 46

ithlg• rhl•+ trntRg• Ntite/Mm.

•A4• *11C heile APA4•

hfl.fr a An, 9°66-41 flab ml

008 kit 14 £4fr 34 (W}. An,

tyttRP W' 033 kit 38 gtfr 48

ti-"Y/ARP NAhmial•

?-A4. VIC hp,l• Pail

page 7991

11/ thence, turning to northward up to beacon

number 11 at 08 degree 14 minutes 33 seconds

latitude north and 33 degree 54 minutes 56

seconds longitude east;

12/ thence, following the same direction up to

beacon number 12 at 08 degree 15 minutes 58

seconds latitude north and 33 degree 55

minutes 13 seconds longitude east;

13/ thence, turning to westward up to beacon

number 13 at 08 degree 16 minutes 08 seconds

latitude north and 33 degree 52 minutes 48

seconds longitude east;

14/ thence, turning to southward up to beacon

number 14 at 08 degree 12 minutes 27 seconds

latitude north and 33 degree 51 minutes 29

seconds longitude east;

15/ thence, following the same direction up to

beacon number 15 at 08 degree 09 minutes 03

seconds latitude north and 33 degree 50

minutes 35 seconds longitude east;

16/ thence, turning to westward up to beacon

number 16 at 08 degree 11 minutes 02 seconds

latitude north and 33 degree 43 minutes 46

seconds longitude east;

17/ thence, turning to north-westward up to

beacon number 17 at 08 degree 14 minutes 34

seconds latitude north and 33 degree 38

minutes 48 seconds longitude east;

4g1.-A y9L 9t1.111 *TC gr! TC H 4.1 fit.% 5.9° Federal Negarit Gazette No. 24, 20th January, 2015

Page 5: 1ter,A ;11&9 .TIC TC +7 ti.1. .9' 1 cdcril Nc-ont ca.rothr Ns ......ti-"Y/ARP NAhmial• ?-A4. VIC hp,l• Pail page 7991 11/ thence, turning to northward up to beacon number 11 at

page 7992

1R• MUM 'L9G+ mhat 4vrC nr! Ig 4'1 KW.:4 5.5," Federal Negarit Gazette No. 24, 20th January, 2015

18/ thence, turning to westward up to beacon

number 18 at 08 degree 12 minutes 53 seconds

latitude north and 33 degree 23 minutes 58

seconds longitude east;

Yff::/ ht1.,er (DK r64-11 Ilan rnql 008

A.°M 12 Ktfr 53 AllIgs A°11

4:4:g K• ?lc 1133 R.,G 23 KC+ 58

ei,h1g• 911116• tiro'nfiggs Nt1h11://a)•

7-A i• 4:91C Arli. Ltl

hftf mffl. ntioalfr.

008 /4.14 18 Ktfr 18 ear,g: An')

ilttitg‘ NS 033 A."/L 20 Kt.+ 13

wog- riv,-+

4:11C g‘Liu

httf 9"(54•11 Iltioniql °A 7.A°

0311 c'f197111 7(1C m1115 Ph.:1•'*,()

vxn-fi iAr h4, c:

-hh:Ptto 008 A.1G 20 Kt.+ 31 (1,111g:

An" Attgg: NS 033 A.°M 12 Ktfr

56 A,1-11g* 91'1144

Nttha9.71a VIT

1461 hf.P9° Ch.:1-Hvg i.S 4K11-41 A•A1

4it(9" K•lncl TOC

mlif AC Ay, 008 A."/G 08 Mfr 26

11111.V: Attgffl: NC 1133 A.14

11 K,P,4' 28 (1.ti3g• rtil•+ lt-17.4:4g•

hi1ha9710- 7-A4• l'1'C y f hlg:

'4g/ h1-1.,29" mg. KnA PAM' flan-mfe.

(12A- 0311 JC Ag, 008 A.,G 01

£4,J' 46 &WV: An" 4-1:.-kgg.

1133 A.16 14 K.kfr 43 (1,1O$ 9°t11,•+

tto'nfiggs /1f, Ntihwi.ria

4:TC 'IS 0•e14• gsat I

htl.fr (DK K11•11

0311 AC ti,e, 01.4•4•5 ?K0-41

(Mr M, T. -1-shi.fr 1107 R.°14

47 Kt 38 lthlgs A°11,1 Art-MV:

hS 1133 A. °M 09 .4' 32 Mr3g:

21/ thence, following the international border

between Ethiopia and South Sudan up to

beacon number 21 at 08 degree 08 minutes 26

seconds latitude north and 33 degree 11

minutes 28 seconds longitude east on the bank

of Pibor river;

22/ thence, turning to south-eastward up to beacon

number 22 at 08 degree 01 minutes 46 seconds

latitude north and 33 degree 14 minutes 43

seconds longitude east on the bank of Gilo


23/ thence, turning to southward following the

international border between Ethiopia and

South Sudan up to beacon number 23 at 07

degree 47 minutes 38 seconds latitude north

and 33 degree 09 minutes 32 seconds

longitude east on the bank of Akobo river;

19/ thence, turning to north-westward up to

beacon number 19 at 08 degree 18 minutes 18

seconds latitude north and 33 degree 20

minutes 13 seconds longitude east;

20/ thence, turning to westward following the

tributary of Gilo River and the international

border between Ethiopian and South Sudan up

to beacon number 20 at 08 degree 20 minutes

31 seconds latitude north and 33 degree 12

minutes 56 seconds longitude east;

Page 6: 1ter,A ;11&9 .TIC TC +7 ti.1. .9' 1 cdcril Nc-ont ca.rothr Ns ......ti-"Y/ARP NAhmial• ?-A4. VIC hp,l• Pail page 7991 11/ thence, turning to northward up to beacon number 11 at

YIP (..g4•A :Ma/ 411•C no pc XN NV, 5.r Federal Negarit Gazette No. 24, 20th January, 2015 .......... ..page 7993

9"(11•4. te174;11' 7•414•


hH.fr mx 9"til•+ 0hh0

OM .'C AA Ph.41Aft'S ?K11•11 A•A1

9rM' h4,q: tlI1C1 •h1•/1- 007 A.14

38 £41.0 17 Milt i19.1 A•tftg:

NC 033 A.14 44 g4.0 04 &WM'

r AG-4. ty.12•1:11g: Ntthmi.Tl•

4:1T 'If h10:1. g•Lh

24/ thence, turning to ea.tward following the

international border between Ethiopia and

South Sudan up to beacon number 24 at 07

degree 38' minutes 17 seconds latitude north

and 33 degree 44 minutes 04 seconds

longitude east on the bank of Akobo river;

46/ MST' mg An" 9"til•+ OaDmq:

(Att• OYU AC lig, 007 121.14 46

gtfr 49 t1,h1P Attitt

033 A.16 51 g+.fr 25 A,h1g. 91)(144

tt°17.4:11g- Ntihtniria 4:11C

P hrtp7• g*Lti

hfi.,11" mg 41'61•41 (too mq:

m171 AC '1 f, 007 A./G 51 Mfr 59

11n1 Attitt ?lc 033 A.14

26 gt.4' 50 WM: rtil•+ 11°17.1:gt

htihclri• 4:11C f WO.

httfr floomil 007 A.14

59 g4.47 42 &W3' An" Attgg'

NS 033 04.1G 27 gt.# 47 &WM

ty.17.4:11.1 Nilha9.71m•

':'PC 11t11• g•Lts

hti.fr a rtil•+ fle/DmC 007

A./G 56 Ktfr 55 Wilt An,

Attgt NS 033 /4.14 50 Ktfr 42

&WM MIA' A°17.tRg• Ntihn7IM-

7411. 4:"PC '1 f

h711-tli htini Iltvtfrin

tenial• a0114 .WPC ?OK' 3C

25/ thence, turning to north-eastward up to beacon

number 25 at 07 degree 46 minutes 49 seconds

latitude north and 33 degree 51 minutes 25

seconds longitude east on the bank of Gilo


26/ thence, turning to westward up to beacon

number 26 at 07 degree 51 minutes 59 seconds

latitude north and 33 degree 26 minutes 50

seconds longitude east on the bank of Gilo


27/ thence, turning to northward up to beacon

number 27 at 07 degree 59 minutes 42 seconds

latitude north and 33 degree 27 minutes 47

seconds longitude east;

28/ thence, turning to eastward up to beacon

number 28 at 07 degree 56 minutes 55 seconds

latitude north and 33 degree 50 minutes 42

seconds longitude east and joining the initial

beacon number 1 at north-eastern part of

Shentewa town.

Page 7: 1ter,A ;11&9 .TIC TC +7 ti.1. .9' 1 cdcril Nc-ont ca.rothr Ns ......ti-"Y/ARP NAhmial• ?-A4. VIC hp,l• Pail page 7991 11/ thence, turning to northward up to beacon number 11 at

7R nu b 4r.4•A 1.94+ :16^l 4111: TC 'II +1 kW.% 5.7r' Federal Negarit Gazette No. 24, 20th January, 2015 ..... ..page 7994

rich• htitlitC

61 iltip,Aari• (WM +'FC ?ijf0:410.

ii'mr o anW•,99"0,1 h•ini tD Y1'

flertfgerY• 9v6.4•

j*Ch-') fAcIAI fAtAg•

GAT ao hytel..x


5. Administration of the Park

1/ The Authority shall develop, administer and

prevent the Park from illegal acts through the

Park's office to be organized in Gambella

twon pursuant to Article 4 of the Proclamation

No. 575/2008.

g/ WHIC 10-tt h141V (e) Pl,n

hlg-t.m114. ti's° ?Ych- haTMG 119.4;

(hH.0 11•.4 ?°7.m1,-)

fittu .t1•ft 'I *4

I. ?hot* Mit+

1-10%.1x• 1"17.trt-A•1•

6/ ?TCh• coL/4 hti4441445,4

(Aril/0•h (1/70.1111T) (1•1tin.I

.4/ i'YCh• htPtil mLA hti-t•.14/44P4

(11P9tio.P Ilao+ff C) • WO. I

rYCh• WPM mLii WAS •Wir

(1,4• y164,4 -1-mh?..r. WV%

0/ ?TCh• +11A, idi•AKC Pil6.P:r


?YCh- WW1 +11A.PT 4.-FTS• malf•

u•Ai• +O1P• h(14-1.1

AXCh- 7-111Pq• 407./Pa•

?-hGtsi. ?OP •wilY, MAI

f4/ ?P'Ch• K 6..7. pfti•


2/ Without prejudice to sub-article (1) of this

Article, the Park's Advisory Committee

(hereinafter called the "Committee") is hereby


6. Members of the Committee

The Committee shall have the following members:

1/ chief administrators of the Park's neighboring

weredas (annually in rotation).... Chairperson;

2/ chief administrators of the Park's neighboring

weredas (annually in rotation ) members;

3/ representatives of heads of Culture and

Tourism Offices of the Park's neighboring

weredas members;

4/ heads of the Park's neighboring Kebele

administrations members;

5/ two representative from Youth and Women

Associations of neighboring kebeles


6/ a representative of tour operators member;

7/ head of the office of the Park

member and secretary.


Page 8: 1ter,A ;11&9 .TIC TC +7 ti.1. .9' 1 cdcril Nc-ont ca.rothr Ns ......ti-"Y/ARP NAhmial• ?-A4. VIC hp,l• Pail page 7991 11/ thence, turning to northward up to beacon number 11 at

1)V %.6.0C16 Plhal 411I: n 'PC fie .1•3 OVA 1.V" Federal Negarit Gazette No 24, 20th January, 2015 page 7995

7. Powers and Duties the Committee,

The Committee shall have the powers and duties


1/ advice the office of the Park in carrying out its

duties and responsibilities;

2/ advice the office of the Park to enhance the

contribution of the local community around

the Park in the management and conservation

of the Park with a sense of ownership;

Vivni.ta /"A"135 471110+ lit9.•601• Va9.i- •[11• P'401.35

6/ rrC1• x•;h4.4. v•-Ama•) •r•T1C5

5'IA;r71. h',A.wal 9111C ,edialA

0/ fITCh• Mi(111. S'ali.C"?.- hqlft4•

qt111.1•1/4• 't-A9"):T.0) forch• haV111+

Ag, N1A.T6•,F0• va9.ynTA-


3/ prepare annual plans of the Park together with

the office of the park and, evaluate and review

performance reports before they are being

submitted to the Authority.

hych• (1.4.

iaDJ-T ?14'K S walA

h6.909° GTO. AiltiPiAari .

'19",913 ht1,1- $'41.


Ptint(D• (141A11

6/ lia9.•609• rdtfliVIA trY7"

hta.117. lPi° A:11 Ofi93fin)•9" 7.11,

hifftj„e A•lAq A.fgC,

8. Meetings of the Committee,

1/ The Committee shall meet once in every three

months; provided, however, that extra-

ordinary meetings of the Committee may be

held at any time, as may be necessary.

2/ There shall be quorum where more than half

of the members of the Committee are present

at a meeting.

3/ Recommendations of the Committee shall be

passed by majority votes; in case of a tie the

Chairperson shall have a casting vote.

0/ hb°7:1;0)• MA4. halal"?' (Ike (11141Aq

tvt-71- rAc• . •ilab

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4/ Without prejudice to the provisions of this

Article, the Committee may adopt its own

rules of procedure for conducting meetings.


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9. Prohibited Activities

In addition to the prohibited activities provided for

under Article 5 (1) of the Wildlife Development,

Conservation and Utilization Council of Ministers

Regulation No. 163/2008, carrying out the

following activities within the Park area shall also

be prohibited:

Page 9: 1ter,A ;11&9 .TIC TC +7 ti.1. .9' 1 cdcril Nc-ont ca.rothr Ns ......ti-"Y/ARP NAhmial• ?-A4. VIC hp,l• Pail page 7991 11/ thence, turning to northward up to beacon number 11 at

0.0f1% 4R4-A 196 :A LM 41TC TC Yj +1 IX% 39° Federal Negarit Gazette No. 24, 20th January, 2015 .page 7996

fi/ anCtitni ineT1 Ati cog YCh-

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1140:•• flYCh-

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AN mR YCh- a)•Al`

1/ , entering the Park holding poisonous


2/ arbitrary disposal of trash in the Park such as

packing cases of foodstuff and other leftovers;

3/ entering the Park with a snare or a hunting


10. Administrative Penalty,

1/ Whosoever causes damage to wildlife or

wildlife resource in contravention of Article 9

of this Regulation or Article 5 (1) of the

Wildlife Development, Conservation and

Utilization Council of Ministers Regulation

No. 163/2008 shall, without prejudice to the

penalty prescribed under paragraph (b) of sub-

article (1) of Article 16 of the Proclamation,

be liable to pay the price of the wildlife or

wildlife resource as provided for by the

Wildlife Development, Conservation and

Utilization Council of Ministers Regulation

No. 163/2008.

T. Ithivittece +a*

ntiu x1•1 h14'SVu mover rvirc 11M4.

A°7:1.1 hm ,4,911 4°17.1z.tri•C7-

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g/ (MTh- WI/AO. hhfifl.

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hhh(111.4)- 'i9'451) * h+9°

• enialarc tr's htiti4KIrcE aiutiou tap,

&Anal WI-AA::

2/ The Authority may, in consultation with the

local administrations adjoining the Park,

determine the rate of fine to be imposed for

the transgression of domestic animals into the

Park, by taking into account the financial

capacity of the local communities.

PantqfiC 111r*

°TiWar Am- Au, £141 flelAkar

,9C pe704-fific

11. Duty to Cooperate Any person shall have the duty to cooperate with

the Authority for the implementation of this


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Ui.iM '04+ 4tTC $s TC, If +} ITC% 1.9° Federal Negarit Gazette No. 24. 20th January, 2015 ............page 7997

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111.414kf &ROVE /4.9thiei1efer GT4111.h 41.1 14-C

12. Effective Date

This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of

publication in Federal Negarit Gazzette.

Done at Addis Ababa, this 2e day of January, 2015.




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