19th october 2016 - toogoolawah state school · 10/19/2016  · darcy is a kind, thoughtful and...

Upcoming Events October 21 All fun run sponsorship forms and money due back 21 Book Club orders due back 24-28 Year 6 Camp November 2 Year 6 High School Orientaon Day 14 Year 6 Gala Sports Day @ Toogoolawah High School 14 P & C Meeng @ 7pm 15 Upper School Swimming Carnival 28 Year 6 High School Orientaon Day 29 Year 6 High School Orientaon Day 30 Awards Ceremonies December 2 Lowood District Swimming Carnival 5 P & C Meeng @ 7pm 8 Break-up pares + Swimming 19th October 2016

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Page 1: 19th October 2016 - Toogoolawah State School · 10/19/2016  · Darcy is a kind, thoughtful and caring student who takes his learning seriously. He wears the correct school uniform

Upcoming Events


21 All fun run sponsorship forms and money due back

21 Book Club orders due back

24-28 Year 6 Camp


2 Year 6 High School Orientation Day

14 Year 6 Gala Sports Day @ Toogoolawah High School

14 P & C Meeting @ 7pm

15 Upper School Swimming Carnival

28 Year 6 High School Orientation Day

29 Year 6 High School Orientation Day

30 Awards Ceremonies


2 Lowood District Swimming Carnival

5 P & C Meeting @ 7pm

8 Break-up parties + Swimming

19th October 2016

Page 2: 19th October 2016 - Toogoolawah State School · 10/19/2016  · Darcy is a kind, thoughtful and caring student who takes his learning seriously. He wears the correct school uniform

OCTOBER 19 2016


Our School Action Plan—

Action 2:

Recommendation #5 of the Review Report Develop systems for teachers to collaboratively plan and monitor the intended curriculum so as to ensure consistency of planning and alignment of the vertical curriculum.

Work has continued throughout the year on this recommendation. The latest work being the review of this document, revising and updating in readiness for 2017.


Last week our school community was subjected to a ‘vomiting bug’. This particular strain seems quite contagious. Thank you to everyone who responded to our calls to collect students who were presenting as unwell, as well as to parents who were able to keep children at home if unwell either throughout the night or in the morning.

Following is advise from the Health Department about exclusions due to ill health.

Exclude until 24 hours after the last incident Diarrhoea / Vomiting

Chickenpox Exclude until all blisters have dried.

Please note that a letter was sent home about this yesterday. The letter explained that the reason behind

exclusions is in order to protect staff and students. The letter also set out signs and symptoms to look for.

Page 3: 19th October 2016 - Toogoolawah State School · 10/19/2016  · Darcy is a kind, thoughtful and caring student who takes his learning seriously. He wears the correct school uniform




Habits of the Mind:

Confidence - accepting myself, taking risks, being independent

Resilience – emotional awareness, communication, thinking-feeling connections

This term we have begun learning about how these habits of the mind can affect how we think and feel and therefore how we behave in particular circumstances… which in turn affects what is happening around us.

If you, or anyone you know is interested in working as a relief

Teacher’s Aide please send in your resume to the School Office, or

email to: [email protected]

We would like to extend our list of people we are able to call upon

to support the learning in our school.

Page 4: 19th October 2016 - Toogoolawah State School · 10/19/2016  · Darcy is a kind, thoughtful and caring student who takes his learning seriously. He wears the correct school uniform

Congratulations to the following students who received an

award on assembly this week:

Year 1

Completing and handing in weekly homework throughout

Term 3:

Kelsey Cowley Kiarna Dunne

Max Graham Mitchell Teradwell

Clancie Dull Caleb Westecott


Roy Harlow Organised and completing


Aidan Kleinschmidt 15/15 in spelling test


Lakeisha Knight For being a hard worker in all areas

of her schooling

Bryce McDonnell Being an active participant in our

classroom. Bryce is keen to

contribute to classroom discussions


Axel Henderson For great effort in completing his

school work and staying focused

Siarna Jones For being such a great friend and

always doing your best

Lucinda Wright For being such a great student and

engaging in classroom discussions

Year 5

Levi Cannell Helping to make a new student feel

welcome at our school

Year 6

Khye Anderson Improved effort to wait his turn to

speak in class

Charli Jordan Positive attitude and efforts helping

in class

Digital Technologies

Fantastic work in Accelerated Reader:

Tallyn Bowles Grace Jardine Imagine Richmond

Chelsea Harvey Great work on the Eureka Stockade

Charli Jordan Great effort with note taking for

Henry Parkes

Montana Morrison Great work on the Eureka Stockade


For a stellar performance in Mathletics this year:

Jack Bickers Matthew Cumner Benjamin Jardine



Kindly sponsored by the Toogoolawah IGA.

darcy cubit

I have the pleasure of announcing this week’s Student

of the week and today it is

Darcy Cubit.

Darcy is a kind, thoughtful and

caring student who takes his

learning seriously. He wears

the correct school uniform

with pride. Darcy is able to

maintain a strong focus when

immersed in a task. He takes

on any task with enthusiasm

and determination and can be relied on to complete his

work in the time given.

Darcy demonstrates his confidence and resilience by

stepping out of his comfort zone to answer questions

and to speak in front of the class. He takes on board

feedback about his work and always strives to do the

best he can. Darcy’s ability to ask for help when he

doesn’t understand something or needs help has

helped him improve his academic results. Darcy always

volunteers to take on responsibility and assists both

staff and peers in both the classroom and playground.

Darcy consistently cooperates with others and has a

strong sense of fairness when participating in whole

group and small group activities. He shows respect and

consideration for others thoughts and actions when

learning by listening attentively to others and asking

relevant and thought provoking questions of his peers.

Darcy accepts responsibility for his actions and repairs

relationships with his peers independently. Darcy is the

well-mannered gentleman of Year 1. Keep working

hard Darcy your effort is paying off!

Congratulations Darcy!

Weekly Awards

Page 5: 19th October 2016 - Toogoolawah State School · 10/19/2016  · Darcy is a kind, thoughtful and caring student who takes his learning seriously. He wears the correct school uniform

icas results


Congratulations to the following students who received a certificate for their efforts in the Maths ICAS Competition last term:


Grace Jardine Meredith Jell


Chaz Andrews Amelia Roughan

Tristan Brown Kasey Lawrence

Erica Bickers Cameron Brown

Levi Cannell Ty Redmond

Gotcha Awards

Congratulations to the following students who were the winners of the weekly Gotcha draw:

Being organised: Riley Harvey

Isabelle Wright

Erica Bickers

Philippa Seymour

Grace Jardine

Getting along: Samuel Martin

icas results


Congratulations to the following students who received a certificate for their efforts in the English ICAS Competition last term:


Meredith Jell


Amelia Roughan Grace Jardine

Chaz Andrews Roy Harlow

Tristan Brown Cameron Brown

Ty Redmond

Book club

Issue 7 Book Club brochures were sent home recently.

All orders are due back by this Friday 21st October.

There are lots of items in this issue that would make great

Christmas gifts. If you would prefer to pick up the order

personally, if the books will be a gift, please advise at the

time of ordering When the order arrives we will call and

hold the item at school for you.

Payment by credit card is available online at the Scholastic

website. Please make cheques payable to Toogoolawah

State School P & C.

School Fun Run

Important Information

Sponsorship Forms and

money Due Back

The cut off date for all sponsorship forms and money is this

Friday 21st October as we still have many sponsorship forms

that have not been returned.

Prizes are being ordered next Wednesday. There will be no late

orders processed after this date.

If your child’s form and money have not been returned by this

Friday, there will be no prizes ordered.

Toogoolawah PICTURES

Sat., 22th Oct m

Doors: 7.00 pm Movie: 7.30 - 9.40 pm

Sat., 29th Oct m

Child to High School: $6

Adult: $8 Family: $25

Snack Bar. Hot Dogs & Pop Corn

Alexandra Hall, T’wah

Inquiries: 0438 149 954

Community Notice

Page 6: 19th October 2016 - Toogoolawah State School · 10/19/2016  · Darcy is a kind, thoughtful and caring student who takes his learning seriously. He wears the correct school uniform


Last Friday Prep and Year 1 were visited by the Toogoolawah Fire Brigade. The students learnt

all about fire safety. They got to try on fireman hats and coats, listen to the fireman through a

gas mask , hold the fire hose and have a tour of the fire truck. The children of Prep ad year 1

would like to thank Fireman Grant, Fireman Tim and Fireman Graham for giving up their

valuable time to come and talk to the students of Toogoolawah State School about Fire Safety.

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Page 8: 19th October 2016 - Toogoolawah State School · 10/19/2016  · Darcy is a kind, thoughtful and caring student who takes his learning seriously. He wears the correct school uniform