16 weeks summed up in one brochure (1)

16 Weeks Summed Up in one Brochure By: Reiza Navarro

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My 16 weeks of GEL 101 class summed up in one Brochure


Page 1: 16 weeks summed up in one brochure (1)

16 Weeks Summed Up in one Brochure

By: Reiza Navarro

Page 2: 16 weeks summed up in one brochure (1)

What I thought I would learn in the class What I thought I would learn in the GEL class is some life education skill tips that I can use to apply to my life. I would hope that some of the skills I can relate to my life because I want to be able to experience them and use them to help me be successful in school and throughout life. These skills are about: Writing and Presenting.

Page 3: 16 weeks summed up in one brochure (1)

What I did learn in this classWhat I did learn in GEL is life long education learning tips from all the chapters in the book which is called FOCUS ON COLLEGE SUCCESS. I also learned things about a different cultural group for our culture diversity project. The in class activities that we did in class were so fun and interactive. I also learned about the the assignments that we were assigned to because they were a review of what we learned in the chapters and in class. Overall, I learned so many new skills that I can use and apply to my life. I really enjoyed this class because of the fun discussions that we had that were about the real world and it’s situations. Every time that we had this class I would always be so happy when I enter the classroom to see my friends and my favorite, awesome, and coolest teacher ever.

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The one thing that hit me the mostOne thing that hit me the most in the GEL class is the group discussions that we had in class because some of the discussions that we talked about in the class were very emotional and true stories. My reactions to these discussions were very shocking. I was so scared, sad, and nervous. I can’t really think of something like an event that really hit me the most. This is the closest thing that I can think of. All I know is that I would always have a good, fun, and happy time in my GEL class.

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One thing I do now that I didn’t do beforeA thing that I do now that I didn’t do before is doing all the assignments that we are assigned in this class with getting them done right away and submitting them early. I have never done this to any of my classes before even in high school. I always procrastinate in doing my assignments because I would always put off assignments that I didn’t want to do because it would be boring or I was lazy. This class I enjoyed doing the assignments because they were fun and easy. Especially the quizzes because they were so easy. Even though there were so many assignments that were due in one day(Sunday) they were so easy and short and didn’t really take a long time.

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My Best Advice is...To be prepared to have a fun time especially with interacting in group discussions and activities

because these moments are always the best time and usually take up the majority of the class.

To not procrastinate because trust me I have done this so many times not only with class but I have done it with my other classes. It is a really bad habit to get into because it will make you very stressed out. I usually get stressed out a lot. I am trying to work on not procrastinating especially on homework assignments. So i advise you to not procrastinate in your college education.

The second to last advice that I can tell you incoming Freshman is to have fun in college. I went to some college events on campus. Make sure that you when you go to events that you don’t be too crazy.

The last advice is to have in college but also remember to focus on your education because it is really important in college.