11 techniques of propaganda 11 techniques of propaganda powerpoint, © september 2010 by prestwick...

Download 11 Techniques of Propaganda 11 Techniques of Propaganda PowerPoint, © September 2010 by Prestwick House, Inc. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-935466-35-2

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  • 11 Techniques of Propaganda 11 Techniques of Propaganda PowerPoint, September 2010 by Prestwick House, Inc. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-935466-35-2 Item #: 307626 PowerPoint for the Classroom PART ONE
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  • What is Propaganda? Get out a sheet of paper and label it LOGICAL FALLACIES & PROPAGANDA. On this paper, provide a single-sentence response to the question above: Propaganda is _________. We will save this paper for use throughout this unit. Back to Contents
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  • What is Propaganda? Have you ever had a dramatic change of heart or a strong emotional response after looking at something as simple as a billboard or a commercial? If so, you may have been looking at propaganda. Back to Contents
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  • What is Propaganda? Back to Contents Propaganda is a kind of persuasive and widespread message designed to represent the interests of a particular group. It attempts to bypass logic through faulty reasoning and emotional appeals. It can be found anywhere from the newspaper to the Internet to your favorite TV sitcom.
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  • What is Propaganda? Back to Contents Propaganda is intended to give someone else control over your thoughts and actions. Thats why it is crucial to be able to identify propaganda when you see it.
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  • What is Propaganda? Propaganda comes in many forms, but it always has the following characteristics: Back to Contents persuasive functionsizeable target audiencerepresentation of a specific groups agendause of faulty reasoning and/or emotional appeals
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  • What is Propaganda? This poster appeals to feelings of pity and guilt. Back to Contents Propaganda often provokes instinctive emotional responses that lead people to draw hasty conclusions.
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  • What is Propaganda? Rather than suggesting a specific course of action, the poster simply describes a frightening scenario. Back to Contents Similarly, this poster appeals not to logic, but to fear and anger.
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  • What is Propaganda? The previous examples of propaganda were created during World War II. However, propaganda can still be found today, all over the world. The same approach that convinces us to buy a certain brand of toothpaste one day may be used the next day to incite nuclear war. That is why it is important to know how to recognize and analyze propaganda. Back to Contents
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  • What is Propaganda? In the slides that follow, well look at eight of the most basic categories of propaganda: Back to Contents Bandwago n Card StackingGlittering GeneralitiesFalse DilemmaName-CallingTestimonialsAppeal to EmotionAppeal to Authority
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  • What is Propaganda? By the end of this presentation, you should be equipped to detect and analyze most of the propaganda you encounter in the real world. Back to Contents
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  • Discussion Topics 1. What are some potential sources of propaganda in the modern world? Sources include commercials, billboards, print ads (catalogues, magazines, direct mail, etc.), and political campaigns, among many others. Back to Contents
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  • Discussion Topics 2. In order to qualify as propaganda, a message must meet the following criteria: Back to Contents persuasive functionsizeable target audiencerepresentation of a specific groups agendause of faulty reasoning and/or emotional appeals Describe an example of a message that would meet all but one of the above criteria. Explain your answer.
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  • Discussion Topics Back to Contents Describe an example of a message that would meet all but one of the above criteria. Explain your answer. (Discussion Topic #2 continued) Example: A high school assembly called to discuss the dangers of drunk driving may meet the following criteria: 1) persuasive function (persuading students not to drive drunk), 2) sizeable target audience (the entire high school), 3) representation of a specific groups agenda (the school boards desire to protect the schools image). Nevertheless, the argument against drunk driving may be based on sound reasoning and facts, rather than emotional appeals and logical fallacies.
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  • Discussion Topics 3. Identify an example of propaganda you have recently been exposed to, and explain to your shoulder partner why this message constitutes propaganda. Back to Contents
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  • Techniques Back to Contents
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  • Part 1: Assertion Back to Contents
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  • Part 1: Assertion Assertion is the simplest form of propaganda. It consists of simply stating a debatable idea as a fact, with no explanation or justification. Back to Contents The Middle East will never be at peace.A record number of hurricanes have been caused by global warming this year.
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  • Part 1: Assertion Assertion relies on the premise that people are essentially gullible and like to believe what they are told. Back to Contents Women are bad drivers.Men never stop to ask for directions.
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  • Part 1: Assertion Assertion is sometimes used in political or military propaganda, as in this illustration from World War I. Back to Contents
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  • Part 1: Assertion Unfounded assertions are also common in commercial advertising. Back to Contents Fulmers Glue: making life better since 1926Dogs that eat Nutri-Chow have more energy.
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  • Part 1: Assertion Think about how many advertisements include phrases like the following, without any justification: Back to Contents the best product availablethe most popular brandwith a taste that will never let you down
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  • Part 1: Assertion This German World War II poster makes the assertion that Europes victory is your prosperity without explaining this claim. Back to Contents Assertion is a quick and easy way to gain a foothold in peoples minds in political matters as well.
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  • Part 1: Assertion George Orwells fictional study of propaganda and mind control, 1984, contains an example of the assertion technique. In the novel, the following three slogans of the Party are emblazoned on the walls of the Ministry of Truth building: Back to Contents WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH
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  • Part 1: Assertion Propaganda that uses assertions often suggests a course of action. This poster encourages readers to sacrifice for freedom based on the assertion that This world cannot exist half slave and half free. Back to Contents
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  • Part 1: Assertion Often, an assertion will be supported by facts that are not necessarily true. Back to Contents This level of assertion is sometimes used to mislead people in a way that is potentially harmful. The scientific evidence, taken as a whole, is insufficient to establish that other peoples tobacco smoke is a cause of any disease. Imperial Tobacco Group
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  • Part 1: Assertion As you assess any given assertion, keep in mind the four qualifying characteristics of propaganda: Back to Contents persuasive functionsizeable target audiencerepresentation of a specific groups agendause of faulty reasoning and/or emotional appeals
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  • Discussion Topics 1. What makes a statement an example of assertion propaganda? In addition to meeting all the criteria of propaganda, a statement must present a debatable idea as a fact without explaining or justifying the claim in order to constitute assertion propaganda. Back to Contents Discussion Topics
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  • 2. Describe an example of an assertion you have seen in politics or advertising. Do you think that this claim has affected your point of view? Explain your reaction. Back to Contents
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  • Discussion Topics 3. Identify which of the following assertions qualify as propaganda, and explain your answer. Modify those that are not propaganda to make them fit the four criteria. Back to Contents A. Parent to child: If you eat your vegetables, youll grow up to be big and strong. Must be modified to target a larger audience.
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  • Discussion Topics Back to Contents (Discussion Topic #3 continued) B. Billboard: Marios Pizza, Next Exit. This is merely a statement of fact. Must be modified to make an unjustified claim about the restaurant (e.g., Marios Pizza: The Best Pizza in the World). C. Magazine ad for age-defying makeup: True Beauty is Ageless. Propaganda. This is an unjustified assertion, made to a large audience, that appeals to the viewers feelings in order to advance the advertisers agenda.
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  • Discussion Topics Back to Contents (Discussion Topic #3 continued) D. Commercial: According to a study by the National Heart Association, eating this cereal, as part of a balanced breakfast, may reduce the risk of heart disease. This is merely a statement of facts, and must be modified to make an unjustified claim about the cereal (e.g., eating this cereal will reduce your risk of heart disease). E. Political commentator: Richard Williams obviously doesnt have the experience it takes to be President of the United States. Propagandaassuming this statement is not explained with a logical argument.
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  • Discussion Topics 4. Identify the audience and purpose for this poster, and discuss whether this is an example of assertion propaganda. Back to Contents
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  • Discussion Topics 4. Identify the audience and purpose for this poster, and discuss whether this is an example of assertion propaganda. Back to Contents Aimed at an American audience (during World War II), this poster was intended to dissuade citizens from discussing military affairs. This slogan can be considered an example of assertion propaganda; however, the qualifier might opens this question to debate. If students emphasize the use of might in the poster, they can argue that this is a reasonable claim. (Discussion Topic #4 continued)
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  • Bandwagon Back to Contents
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  • Bandwagon People generally like to feel that they belong to a group, especially one that appears to be successful and popular. The bandwagon technique manipulates people by appealing to this desire. Back to Contents The term bandwagon has its origins in the 1800s, when politicians used wagons with music and entertainment to attract audiences. Once a sizeable crowd had gathered to listen to the band, a politician would speak. Other politicians would often try to get a seat on a popular bandwagon, hoping to take advantage of its success.
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  • Bandwagon You may have experienced this persuasive approach in the form of peer pressure. Back to Contents Everybodys doing it! Propaganda often uses the same illogical appeal.
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  • Bandwagon In modern usage, the term bandwagon effect refers to any situation in which people attempt to be part of a successful or popular endeavor merely for the sake of its popularity. Back to Contents The phrase jumping on the bandwagon was used to describe this phenomenon, and eventually the term was used outside the political realm. Five million members and growing!Thousands of satisfied customers cant be wrong.
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  • Bandwagon You may have experienced this persuasive approach in the form of peer pressure. Back to Contents Everybodys doing it! Propaganda often uses the same illogical appeal.
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  • Bandwagon This German poster reads, All the people say yes on April 10th! The suggestion is that, since everyone else is supposedly voting yes, you should, too. Back to Contents
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  • Bandwagon The bandwagon technique can be seen in a number of different scenarios. It may be used casually, on a topic thats not particularly controversial. Back to Contents Everyone knows that the Grand Canyon is the most beautiful place in North America.
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  • Bandwagon It can be used to validate a moral claim: Back to Contents More and more couples are living together without being married, so it must be all right. Similarly, the bandwagon technique can be used to promote a candidate or a product: The Jackson campaign has the popularity it takes to win the election. Choose the top-selling truck in its class.
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  • Bandwagon The bandwagon technique is especially visible in product marketing. Advertisers will try to convince you that by failing to do what everyone else is doing or use the product everyone else is using, you are missing out. Back to Contents Join the digital revolution.
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  • Bandwagon This World War I poster depicts sailors from Japan, France, the United States, Britain, Russia, and Italy as a happy band of brothers. It seems to suggest that everyone is enlisting in the navy, and those who dont should feel left out. Back to Contents
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  • Bandwagon In the sciences, the bandwagon technique is often used as a way to gain mainstream acceptance of a given theory, since the general public may struggle to understand the science behind complex issues. Back to Contents Most scientists believe global warming is a result of human activity. Experts agree that obesity contributes to the development of cancer.
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  • Bandwagon Sometimes it does make sense to consider the majority opinion, but only if you have reason to believe that it is founded on solid logical evidence. Back to Contents Even the most reasonable opinions can be wrong, however, and even scientific bandwagon appeals should always be subjected to scrutiny. Scientists agree that the sun revolves around the earth. More and more doctors are recommending that their patients smoke cigarettes.
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  • Bandwagon The bandwagon technique is sometimes used in defense of claims that are true. However, regardless of the truth of the claims, any argument that relies on the bandwagon effect is based on flawed logic. Truth should be conveyed using logical arguments, not merely by appeals to an ideas popularity. Back to Contents For example, take the following statement: Most people believe that gravity exists; therefore, gravity exists.
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  • Bandwagon Remember to look at the underlying logic of any argument, and judge that logic on its own merits, rather than depending on the opinions of the masses. If one individual can be wrong, a group of individuals can also be wrongno matter what advertisers may tell you. Back to Contents The conclusion that gravity exists is true. Nevertheless, the logic that led to this conclusion was flawed. The law of gravity is not subject to popular approval; it exists independent of human beliefs.
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  • Discussion Topics 1. What makes the bandwagon technique appealing to most people? Back to Contents Discussion Topics
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  • 2. Identify a decision you have made based primarily on popular opinion. Describe the situation, and explain whether following the majority made sense in that context. Back to Contents
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  • Discussion Topics 3. Does the fact that numerous experts agree about a theory constitute logical grounds for accepting it? Why, or why not? Back to Contents
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  • Discussion Topics 4. Identify the audience and purpose for this poster, and discuss whether this is an example of bandwagon propaganda. Back to Contents
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  • Discussion Topics 4. Identify the audience and purpose for this poster, and discuss whether this is an example of bandwagon propaganda. Back to Contents Aimed at the British public (during World War I), this poster was meant to encourage citizens to enlist in the armed services. The phrase all answer the call qualifies the poster as an example of bandwagon propaganda. (Discussion Topic #4 continued)
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  • Group Activity Use the bandwagon approach to create a print ad that is trying to sell a pencil. You must have: A slogan (tag line) A picture (illustration of the product) Write all group names on the back of the paper.
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  • Quickwrite In your Propaganda Journal, describe a commercial you have seen that utilizes the BANDWAGON approach to sell its product.
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  • Card Stacking Back to Contents
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  • Card Stacking Card stacking is a technique in which the propagandist gives an unfair advantage to one point of view, while presenting the counterpoint in its weakest form, if at all. While arguments that use the card stacking technique are usually honest in terms of the information shared, they may be misleading because they present information out of context or obscure important facts. Back to Contents
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  • Card Stacking This poster illustrates the card-stacking technique. It emphasizes the travel and adventure involved in serving in the Marine Corps, while de-emphasizing the considerable sacrifice required. Back to Contents
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  • Card Stacking Arguments that use card stacking can be convincing because they often rely on sound reasoning and facts. The problem is that in this technique, the opposing perspectives are unfairly downplayed; that is why card stacking is sometimes referred to as a sin of omission. Back to Contents Example: A pharmaceutical company wants to test a new drug and advertises its need for volunteers to participate in the study. The advertisements emphasize the benefits of participating in the study. The drugs possible side effects are mentioned in passing in a speedy voiceover at the end of the commercial.
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  • Card Stacking Often, a propagandist will acknowledge alternative views, but in an oversimplified, dismissive way. Example: A group invites two experts on different sides of an issue to speak. The expert invited to support one side is a well-known, eloquent speaker, with extensive scientific credentials. The expert invited to represent the other side is a fringe scientist, known for a number of unconventional theories and for his loud, blustering demeanor. Back to Contents
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  • Card Stacking There is an underlying bias in this kind of debate. The person who represents one side of the argument was chosen for his strengths, while his opponent was chosen for his unappealing demeanor, his unfavorable reputation, and his unconventional views, all of which are likely to alienate some listeners. Back to Contents
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  • Card Stacking Back to Contents When signing contracts, people are often warned to read the fine print. Thats because often, the least attractive terms of a contract will appear in small, barely legible type. In written or visual propaganda, information that is not favorable to the propagandists case may be printed in a smaller typeface or in some way visually obscured.
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  • Card Stacking Back to Contents Card stacking is frequently used in before and after pictures that appear in advertisements for weight-loss programs. In many cases, advertisers stack the deck by manipulating factors in the before and after image that are not related to the individuals weight loss.
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  • Card Stacking In this example, in addition to revealing the womans weight loss, the after photograph also reveals card-stacking efforts. In the second photo, the subjects hair is styled differently, and she is wearing makeup and jewelry. Back to Contents