11-14. flexural strength of nonreinforced brick masonry with age · concrete and c1ay brick masonry...

114 VLh International Brick Masonry Conference 11-14. Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age ]ohn H. Matthys, P.E. Assistant Prof essor of Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas Clayford T. Grimm, P.E. Consult ing Architectural Engineer and Lecturer, University ofTexas at Austin, Austin, Texas ABSTRACT Nonreinforced brick masonry walls must be strong enough to support both gravity and lat era lloads, both during and after construction. Allowable stress values in current U.S. masonry codes are based on 28 days or older test data. For walls under construction (less than 28 days) no values jor allowable stresses are suggested. Such information, in particular flexural bond strength, would be of benefit since current failures of walls under construction due to latera l wind for ces are estimated to cause an annual U.S. loss of $500,000. In addition, current bracing requirements of masonry walls under construction are either nonexistent or confusing. Concrete and clay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, and N mortar and with inspected and non-inspec ted workmanship wel'e tested in fl exure using one-third point loading method of ASTM E 518 for eleven age intervals up to 28 days. The data at 28 days was evaluat ed in light of existing published full-scale wall and prism data and current clay and concrete masonry allowables for tension. Functio ns were generated to mathe- matically express wall strength with time for given mortar and workmanship condit ions. Design curves were then deve lopeà to provide bracing requirements for various wall types under given conditions of wind loading, mortar type, workmanship, and age. INTRODUCTION Masonry walls must be strong e nou gh to support gravity an d lat era l loads both during and after co nstruction . Allowable stress values in current U.S.A. masonry codes are based on 28 days or older test data. For walls under co nstru ction (iess than 28 da ys) no values for allowable stresses are suggested. Strength variation with age, in par- ticular flexural bond strength, would be of ben efit since c urrent failures of walls under co nstruction due to lateral wind forces are estimated to cause an annual loss in the U.S .A. of at least $500,000 . In addition, current building code br ac ing requirem ents for masonry walls under con- struction are ei ther non existent or vague and inconsistent. Co ncr ete and c1 ay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, a nd N mortar and with inspected (full bed joint) and non- inspected (deeply furrowed bed joints) workman ship were tested in flexure using on e -third point loading m et hod of ASTM E518 for the eleven age intervals of 8 hours , 1, 2, 3,4,5 ,6, 7, 14,21, and 28 days. The data at 28 days was evaluated in Iight of existing published full-scale wall and prism data and current c1ay and concrete masonry code allowables for tension. Functions were generated to math- ematically exploess wall strellgLh with time for given mo rtar and workma nship conditions. Allowable flexural bond stresses were then developed using factors of safety c ur- rently found in existing masonry codes. MATERIALS AND TEST PROCEDURE Masonry prisms were constructed one wythe thick, one unit long, seven units high , in stack bond, with 3/8" con- cave tooled mortar joints on one face tested down. Spec- imens were built outside in th e summers of 1977 and 1978. They were cured under exposed southern summer co nditions until their designated test date. The 1977 pro- gram was conducted at UT Austin and ali specimens used Type S mortar. ' The 1978 program was co nducted at UT Arlington a nd specimens used both Type M and Type N mortars. 2.3 Although masonry units from different man- ufact urers were used for th e Austin and Arlington proje ct, the same mason built a li specimens. Five replications for each test date were made for the following: I. Inspected workmanship, c1 ay brick, Type M and N mortar 2. Uninspected workmanship, c1ay brick, Type M, S, and N mort ar 3. Insp ected workmanship, concrete brick, Type M and N mortar 4. U ninspected workmanship , con cre te brick, Type M, S, and N mortal' A total of 550 specimens wer e tested. Type M, S, and N mort ars were proportioned by vol- ume according to ASTM C270 using Type I Portland cement, Type S lime, and natur al maso nry sand. Grada- tion of sand by ASTM C 144 was acceptable. Ali mixing was don e in an electrically driven pan type mixer with rotating blades on a horizontal ax is . The mixing time was five minutes . The quantity of water used was determined by the experienced mason to be typical of the workability of the various mortar typ es currently found in construc- tion. Initial flow and air content of each batch of mort ar were determined according to ASTM C I 09 and C 173. Ali mortars had a flow of approximately 118. Air contents for , Type M, S, and N mortars were 5.0, 6.5, and 6.6% respec- , tively . Clay and co ncrete brick masonry units were used in con- struction of prisms. The c1 ay bricks were thr ee- hol e cored nominal 4" x 2-2/3" x 8" units. The concrete masonry units we re solid nominal 4" x 2- 2/3" x 8" ex panded shale aggregate Iightweight units. The

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Page 1: 11-14. Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age · Concrete and c1ay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, and N mortar and with inspected (full bed joint) and non

114 VLh International Brick Masonry Conference

11-14. Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age ]ohn H. Matthys, P.E.

Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas

Clayford T. Grimm, P.E. Consulting Architectural Engineer and Lecturer, University ofTexas at Austin, Austin, Texas


Nonreinforced brick masonry walls must be strong enough to support both gravity and lateralloads, both during and after construction. Allowable stress values in current U.S. masonry codes are based on 28 days or older test data. For walls under construction (less than 28 days) no values jor allowable stresses are suggested. Such information, in particular flexural bond strength, would be of benefit since current failures of walls under construction due to lateral wind forces are estimated to cause an annual U.S. loss of $500,000. In addition, current bracing requirements of masonry walls under construction are either nonexistent or confusing.

Concrete and clay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, and N mortar and with inspected and non-inspected workmanship wel'e tested in flexure using one-third point loading method of ASTM E 518 for eleven age intervals up to 28 days. The data at 28 days was evaluated in light of existing published full-scale wall and prism data and current clay and concrete masonry allowables for tension. Functions were generated to mathe­matically express wall strength with time for given mortar and workmanship conditions. Design curves were then developeà to provide bracing requirements for various wall types under given conditions of wind loading, mortar type, workmanship, and age.


Masonry walls must be strong enough to support gravity and lateral loads both during and after construction . Allowable stress values in current U.S.A. masonry codes are based on 28 days or older test data. For walls under construction (iess than 28 days) no values for allowable stresses are suggested. Strength variation with age, in par­ticular flexural bond strength, would be of benefit since current failures of walls under construction due to lateral wind forces are estimated to cause an annual loss in the U.S.A. of at least $500,000. In addition, current building code bracing requiremen ts for masonry walls under con­struction are either nonex istent or vague and inconsiste nt.

Concrete and c1ay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, and N mortar and with inspected (full bed joint) and non­inspected (deeply furrowed bed joints) workmanship were tested in flexure using one-third point loading method of ASTM E518 for the eleven age intervals of 8 hours , 1, 2, 3,4,5,6, 7, 14,21, and 28 days. The data at 28 days was evaluated in Iight of existing published full-scale wall and prism data and current c1ay and concrete masonry code allowables for tension. Functions were generated to math­ematically exploess wall strellgLh with time for given mortar and workmanship conditions. Allowable flexural bond stresses were then developed using factors of safety cur­rently found in existing masonry codes.


Masonry prisms were constructed one wythe thick, one unit long, seven units high , in stack bond, with 3/8" con­cave tooled mortar joints on one face tested down. Spec­imens were built outside in the summers of 1977 and 1978. They were cured under exposed southern summer conditions until their designated test date. The 1977 pro­gram was conducted at UT Austin and ali specimens used

Type S mortar. ' The 1978 program was conducted at UT Arlington and specimens used both Type M and Type N mortars. 2.3 Although masonry units from different man­ufacturers were used for the Austin and Arlington project, the same mason built ali specimens. Five replications for each test date were made for the following:

I. Inspected workmanship, c1ay brick, Type M and N mortar

2. Uninspected workmanship, c1ay brick, Type M, S, and N mortar

3. Inspected workmanship, concrete brick, Type M and N mortar

4. Uninspected workmanship , concrete brick, Type M, S, and N mortal'

A total of 550 specimens were tested. Type M, S, and N mortars were proportioned by vol­

ume according to ASTM C270 using Type I Portland cement, Type S lime, and natural maso nry sand. Grada­tion of sand by ASTM C 144 was acceptable. Ali mixing was done in an electrically driven pan type mixer with rotating blades on a horizontal axis . The mixing time was five minutes . The quantity of water used was determined by the experienced mason to be typical of the workability of the various mortar types currently found in construc­tion . Initial flow and air content of each batch of mortar were determined according to ASTM C I 09 and C 173. Ali mortars had a flow of approximately 118. Air contents for

, Type M, S, and N mortars were 5.0, 6.5, and 6.6% respec­, tively .

Clay and concrete brick masonry units were used in con­struction of prisms. The c1ay bricks were three-hole cored nominal 4" x 2-2/3" x 8" units.

The concrete masonry units were solid nominal 4" x 2-2/3" x 8" expanded shale aggregate Iightweight units. The

Page 2: 11-14. Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age · Concrete and c1ay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, and N mortar and with inspected (full bed joint) and non

Session 11, Paper 14, Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age 115

average properties of five tests for each unit type accord­ing to ASTM C67 and ASTM C55 are given in Table I.

The prism flexural test was conducted according to ASTM E518. With a span of approximately 45 inches, a five-pound, 15-inch deep channel was used for third-point loading. A uniformly distributed load induced with an air bag under pressure was not used in these tests because the one-third point loading test gives lower values of strength. To avoid localized bearing stresses, the load was transmit­ted through 1/4" thick leather shims as shown in Figure I. Failures occurring outside the middle two joints were discarded and additional test specimens constructed.


For third-point loading, the gross area modulus of rup­ture was determined from the following equation:

R = (P + 0.75 Ps) L



R = gross area modulus of rupture, psi P = test machine load reading at failure plus 5 Ib. chan-

nel weight, Ibs. Ps = specimen weight, Ibs. L = span, in. b = average specimen width, in. d = average specimen depth, in.


The test results showing variation of average modulus of rupture with age are given in Table 2 and in Figures 2 through 5. The coefficient of variation for the inspected tests varied from 8 to 25% while for non-inspected from lOto 30%. The scatter of test results is understandable in light of variation in materiais, workmanship, and in par­ticular, weather effects. The average maximum tempera­ture was 96° for the 28-day period, the average minimum temperature was 75°, and the average wind velocity was 9 mph. The prisms were exposed to direct sunlight for about 10 hours per day. These conditions are typical for a brick wall during the summer months on most construc­tion sites. Obviously better control would have resulted based on laboratory curing conditions but would not have been representative of field conditions. The average mod­ulus of rupture showed a rapid increase ·in the first two­or three-day period followed by an "up and down" period which slowed to a steadier trend towards the 28-day test. Statistical corrections based on lower bound resulted in essentially the same pattern. After consideration of several

possible curve fitting approaches, the following conserva­tive method was used to obtain a reasonable mathematical function for variation of tensile strength with age . Future testing on control laboratory specimens may liberalize this approach. A linear regression line of average modulus of rupture versus age of masonry was found for each type of masonry prism. The correlation coefficient indicated that a non-linear relationship is probably better suited for the test data reported. By examination of ali the prism types, the 5-day test result appears to be a relatively stable lower point. It was decided to use an exponential curve of ft = atb from the origin thl·ough the 8-hour and 5-day test values. For this region, the final exponential equation to predict ultimate average modulus of rupture uses the average of the exponential values (b) for Type M and N mortar with different coefficient values (a) for the differ­ent morta r types. The linear regression line for 5 to 28 days was slightly shifted to match the average exponential curve value at 5 days. See Figures 2 through 5.

The allowable tensile stresses in existing BIA (Brick Institute of America) and NCMA (National Concrete Masonry Association) Codes are based on 28-day full-scale wall strength tests. 4 •5 For each mortar type and workman­ship condition, a facto r of safety can be obtained by divid­ing ultimate strength full-scale wall test average by the current code alIowable. Assuming that full-scale walI strengths versus age would vary in exactly the same man­ner as prism tests, the exponential and linear regression expressions developed from prism tests were reduced by the appropriate facto r of safety based on mortar type and workmanship. See Figures 2 through 5.


I. "An Experimental Study to Determine the Flexure Strength vs. Age for Masonry Walls," Issam Mahmoud, M.S. Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, May, 1978 2. "Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry Walls with Age Using Type M Mortar," Behrooz Ghomghani, M.S. Thesis , Civil Engineering Department, University of Texas at Arlington , Arlington, Texas 3. "Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry Walls with Age Using ' Type N Mortar," Yuan-Hung Huang, M.S. Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, University of Texas at Arlington , Arlington, Texas 4. Monk, C.B., Jr.: Transverse Strength Df Masonry WaILs, Sympo­sium on Methods of Testing Building Construction, ASTM STP 166, American Society of Testing and Materiais, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1954 5. Substantiation for "Specification for Design and Construction of Load Bearing Concrete Masonry," National Concrete Masonry Association, McLean, Virginia

Page 3: 11-14. Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age · Concrete and c1ay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, and N mortar and with inspected (full bed joint) and non

116 Vth International Brick Masonry Conference

T ABLE 1-Dimensions and Physical Property of Brick

Gross Net Solid Initial Rate of Width Length Height Area Area Absorption

Material (in.) (in.) (in.) (in. 2) % g/min-30 sq. in.

University ofTexas at Austin Clay 3.58 7.65 2.25 27.43 75.2 11.07 Concrete 3.63 7.71 2.25 27.98 100.0

University ofTexas at Arlington Clay 3.51 7.71 2.31 27.10 80.4 18.60 Concrete 3.64 7.56 2.25 27.50 100.0

Figure 1. Prism Flexural Test

Page 4: 11-14. Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age · Concrete and c1ay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, and N mortar and with inspected (full bed joint) and non

Session ll, Paper 14, Flexuml StTength ofNonreinforced Brick Masonry wilh Age 11 7

TABLE 2-Average Modulus of Rupture

Clay Br ick Concrete Brick

Inspected Non-Inspected Inspected Non-Inspected Age ft V ft V ft V ft V Days psi % psi % psi % pSI %

Type M Mortar- UT Arlington

1/3 58.4 7.5 37.2 26.6 28. 7 8. 7 27.1 23.2 I 102.2 16.8 64.7 24.9 74.4 6.9 57.1 17.5 2 169.0 11. 6 79.6 17. 1 92. 2 16. 7 46.2 23.6 3 10 1.2 15.0 9 1.0 19. 1 90. 2 14.7 49. 1 20.2 4 233.3 13.2 95.6 24.9 13 1.2 16.7 58. 1 27.7 5 140.7 11. 6 60.0 25.7 77.5 29.4 56.5 25.8 6 135. 1 20.9 67.3 2 1.1 106.5 13.5 77.5 2 1.0 7 195. 1 17.0 80.0 23.9 11 6.2 14.0 99.5 28.1

14 19 1. 2 2 1.7 135.2 17.8 144.5 25 .8 52.3 2. 1 2 1 164 .3 19.7 57.4 30.0 11 5.8 19.6 37.1 15.6 28 146.2 17.6 85.6 13.3 14 1. 3 18.5 35.0 28.0

Type S Mortar- UT Austin

1/3 57 16 30 15 1 47 18 32 22 2 62 22 27 33 3 67 12 22 28 4 69 33 18 36 5 3 1 30 14 17 6 50 43 22 35 7 50 32 24 18

14 70 28 17 44 2 1 55 2 1 21 4 1 28 69 18 19 43

Type N Mortar-UT Arlin gton

1/3 36.2 14.5 25.6 15.0 19.6 19.6 20.2 16.2 I 73.4 26.3 83.0 15.8 4 1.4 4.7 37.6 13. 1 2 11 0.0 16.5 508 8.9 46.8 13.5 30.0 10.9 3 92.8 17.9 59.5 18.6 38.0 15.8 27.6 25.7 4 123.8 13.8 69.8 9.8 69.2 5. 1 55.0 14.4 5 96.6 13.0 58.5 8.5 43.2 10.5 4 1.0 15. 1 6 105.2 13.8 62.0 4.3 53.5 2.4 44.0 16. 1 7 11 5.8 25.5 52.8 9.3 71.4 16.4 52.8 24.2

14 46.0 17.0 53.3 20.7 78.0 19.4 32.0 15.5 2 1 8-1.3 18.4 38.5 27.6 50.0 24.3 36.0 3.9 28 148.8 9.7 43.0 9.9 48.7 40.4 23.5 15.0

fI = average modulus af rupture V = coefficient af variatian

Page 5: 11-14. Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age · Concrete and c1ay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, and N mortar and with inspected (full bed joint) and non



~ 160 :::E:

Q) O-» l-

V) 120 O-

Q) ~ :J +> O-:J 80 c::: 4-a V)

:J r-:J

"'C a



z: Q) o-» I-

60 V)


Q) ~ :J +> o- 40 :J c::: 4-a til :J r-:J

"'O a

:::E: 20

F/3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 2. Modulus of Rupture-Clay Brick-Inspected




14 Age-Days

Vth lnternational Brick Masonry Conference

5 Days ft 47.45t· 305

28 Days ft = 65 + 2.5t

5 Days Ft 13. 71t· 305

28 Days Ft = 18.78 + 0.722t

5 Days ft = 26.32t· 305

28 Days ft = 52 + 0.22t

5 Days Ft = 14.8lt· 305

28 Days Ft = 42 + 0.22t

21 8

Page 6: 11-14. Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age · Concrete and c1ay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, and N mortar and with inspected (full bed joint) and non

Session 11, Paper 14, Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age


200 Vl



QJ o->. 160 I-

0,.... Vl o-


120 ~ :::J +> o-:::J



Vl 80 :::J r-:::J

"O O




z 160 QJ o->. I-

Vl o- 120 QJ ~ :::J +> o-:::J

ex: 80 '+-o Vl :::J r-:::J

"O 40 o ::E:

o 1/31 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 3. Modu\us of Rupture-Concrete Brick-Inspected

O 5 Days

5 28 Days

O 5 Days

5 28 Days

O - 5 Days

5 28 Days

14 Age-Days


ft = 80.75t· 345

ft = 133.2 + 1.5t

Ft = 16.59t· 345

Ft = 27.37 + 0.308t

ft = 55.67t· 345

ft = 93 + 0.931t

5 Days Ft 6.887t· 345

28 Days Ft = 9 + 0.68lt


Page 7: 11-14. Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age · Concrete and c1ay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, and N mortar and with inspected (full bed joint) and non

120 Vth International Brick Masonry Conference


• Ave Type M V') 120

x Ave Type S ~



~ 100 I-

Vl c.. 80 Q) s-

X :::l X +> c.. 60 :::l

47.5lt· 145 c::: O 5 Days ft x 4-)( x 5 28 Days ft 56.5 + 0.7t o =

Vl 40 :::l r-

14.98t· 145 :::l

~ O 5 Days Ft = -c

o ::E: 5 28 Days Ft 17.82 + 0.22lt


O~~~~~~~----------~----------~----------~ 1234567 14


Figure 4. Modulus of Rupture-Clay Brick-Non-Inspected

21 28

Page 8: 11-14. Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age · Concrete and c1ay brick masonry prisms of Type M, S, and N mortar and with inspected (full bed joint) and non

Session lI, Paper 14, Flexural Strength of Nonreinforced Brick Masonry with Age 121

• Ave Type M

100 x Ave Type S ti)

.. :::E

Q) o.. 80 >, t-

O 5 Days ft = 24.9t· 509 Vl o..

5 28 Days ft = 56.5 Q) 60 ~ ~

+-' o.. ~

a:: 4-o Vl 40 ~ O 5 Days .- )t. ~

5 28 Days Ft = 19.5 -c )( o

)( :::E

20 )< X JC



z: Q)

60 o.. ç 5 Days ft 18.0lt· 509 O =

",.... 28 Days ft 41 Vl 5 = c..

Q) ~ 40 ~ +-' o.. ~

a:: 4-o

5.95t· 509 O 5 Days Ft = Vl ~ .- 20 5 28 Days Ft = 13.5 ~ -c o




Figure 5. Modulus or Rupture-Concrete Brick-Non-Inspected