10-04-18 fine v sheriff (09-a827) 1 amended motion to intervene s

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  • 8/9/2019 10-04-18 Fine v Sheriff (09-A827) 1 Amended Motion to Intervene s


    Case No 09Case No 09Case No 09Case No 09----A827A827A827A827










    On Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpusto the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals




    1853 Foothill BlvdLa Verne, CA

    Mail:PO Box 526La Verne, CA 91750Phone:323.515.4583Fax: 323.488.9697


  • 8/9/2019 10-04-18 Fine v Sheriff (09-A827) 1 Amended Motion to Intervene s



    "The basic principle of the Great Writ of habeas corpus is that, in acivilized society... if the imprisonment cannot be shown to conform withthe fundamental requirements of law, the individual is entitled to his

    immediate release". Fay v Noia (1963)

    Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents

    Table of Contents ii

    List of Appendices iii

    Table of Authorities vi

    Notice of Motion & Motion 1 1 1 1

    A. Points & Authorities on Motion to Intervene 2 2 2 2

    B. Points & Authorities on Intervention Per Se 6 6 6 6

    C. Claims 16 16 16 16

    D. Case Status 19 19 19 19

    E. Request For Intervention & Prayer for Relief 20 20 20 20

    Certificate of Compliance 23 23 23 23

    Statement of Verification 24 24 24 24

    Proof of Service & Certificates of Mailing 25 25 25 25

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    List of AppendicesList of AppendicesList of AppendicesList of Appendices

    Appendix IAppendix IAppendix IAppendix I: Notices to parties of intent to intervene and attempts toNotices to parties of intent to intervene and attempts toNotices to parties of intent to intervene and attempts toNotices to parties of intent to intervene and attempts to conferconferconferconfer

    a) Attorney Paul Beach - Notice and requests for clarifications

    b) Sheriff Leroy D Baca Notice and attempt to confer

    c) LASC Notice and attempt to confer

    d)d)d)d) Richard I Fine Notice and attempt to confer

    Appendix IIAppendix IIAppendix II Appendix II: Table form summary of cases of PetitioTable form summary of cases of PetitioTable form summary of cases of PetitioTable form summary of cases of Petitioner Richard I Fine andner Richard I Fine andner Richard I Fine andner Richard I Fine and

    [Proposed] Intervenor Joseph Zernik[Proposed] Intervenor Joseph Zernik[Proposed] Intervenor Joseph Zernik[Proposed] Intervenor Joseph Zernik

    Appendix IIIAppendix IIIAppendix III Appendix III: LA County Sheriffs DepartmentLA County Sheriffs DepartmentLA County Sheriffs DepartmentLA County Sheriffs Department: False arrest and booking: False arrest and booking: False arrest and booking: False arrest and booking

    records re: Inmaterecords re: Inmaterecords re: Inmaterecords re: Inmate Richard I FineRichard I FineRichard I FineRichard I Fine, #, #, #, #1824367; Inmate Joseph Zernik,1824367; Inmate Joseph Zernik,1824367; Inmate Joseph Zernik,1824367; Inmate Joseph Zernik,

    ####2235341, numerous other inmates2235341, numerous other inmates2235341, numerous other inmates2235341, numerous other inmates

    a)a)a)a) January 8, 2010 Records that were provided by the Sheriff in

    response to inquiry by Los Angeles County Supervisor, the Hon

    Michael Antonovich.

    b)b)b)b) Los Angeles County Booking Records, re: Joseph Zernik, Booking


    c)c)c)c) Zerniks Complaint, filed with the Sheriffs Department, alleging

    unlawful arrest and jailing and other violations of the law.

    Appendix IVAppendix IVAppendix IV Appendix IV: LA County Sheriffs DepartmentLA County Sheriffs DepartmentLA County Sheriffs DepartmentLA County Sheriffs Department:::: Marina v LA CoutyMarina v LA CoutyMarina v LA CoutyMarina v LA Couty

    (BS109420)(BS109420)(BS109420)(BS109420) false records pertaining to arrest and imprisonment offalse records pertaining to arrest and imprisonment offalse records pertaining to arrest and imprisonment offalse records pertaining to arrest and imprisonment of

    Richard FineRichard FineRichard FineRichard Fine

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    a) March 4, 2009 Removal/Remand Order

    b) March 4, 2009 Judgment and Order of Contempt

    c)c)c)c) LA County Sheriffs Department -Removal Order for In Custody

    Defendant blank form of

    Appendix VAppendix VAppendix VAppendix V: LA County Registrar/RecorderLA County Registrar/RecorderLA County Registrar/RecorderLA County Registrar/Recorder: Recording of a: Recording of a: Recording of a: Recording of a Grant DeedGrant DeedGrant DeedGrant Deed

    #20072759874, which was opined as fraud#20072759874, which was opined as fraud#20072759874, which was opined as fraud#20072759874, which was opined as fraud

    Opinion Letter of highly decorated fraud expert, FBI veteran James


    Appendix VIAppendix VIAppendix VI Appendix VI: LASCLASCLASCLASC:::: Samaan v ZernikSamaan v ZernikSamaan v ZernikSamaan v Zernik(SC087400)(SC087400)(SC087400)(SC087400) false and deliberatelyfalse and deliberatelyfalse and deliberatelyfalse and deliberately

    misleading judgment/appealable recordsmisleading judgment/appealable recordsmisleading judgment/appealable recordsmisleading judgment/appealable records

    a) August 9, 2007 Judgment and August 9, 2007 Order Granting

    Summary Judgment;

    b)b)b)b) November 9, 2007 Order Appointing Pasternak Receiver;

    c)c)c)c) November 21, 2007 Order like unlawful detainer after entry of


    Appendix VIIAppendix VIIAppendix VII Appendix VII: LASCLASCLASCLASC:::: Samaan v ZernikSamaan v ZernikSamaan v ZernikSamaan v Zernik(SC087400)(SC087400)(SC087400)(SC087400) exerpts from Januaryexerpts from Januaryexerpts from Januaryexerpts from January

    7, 2010 Register of Actions in Samaan v Zernik7, 2010 Register of Actions in Samaan v Zernik7, 2010 Register of Actions in Samaan v Zernik7, 2010 Register of Actions in Samaan v Zernik

    Appendix VIIIAppendix VIIIAppendix VIIIAppendix VIII: LASCLASCLASCLASC: Correspondence with the Court re: Access to court: Correspondence with the Court re: Access to court: Correspondence with the Court re: Access to court: Correspondence with the Court re: Access to court

    records and Rules of Court pertaining to Entry of Judgmentrecords and Rules of Court pertaining to Entry of Judgmentrecords and Rules of Court pertaining to Entry of Judgmentrecords and Rules of Court pertaining to Entry of Judgment

    a. June 3, 2008 Letter by Assistant Presiding Judge Charles McCoy to Zernik

    denial of access to Book of Judgments records of LASC.

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    b. July 28-30, 2009 Zerniks correspondence with office of the Clerk and Court

    Counsel regarding denial of access to records, false local rules of courts, failure

    to maintain books of judgments.

    c. October 15, 2009 Zerniks request for honest, valid, effectual local rules of

    court of LASC re: Entry of judgment-

    d. October 28, 2009 Court Counsel Bennetts response to Dr Zernik re: Denial of

    Access to Records, Registers of Actions, Books of Judgments.

    Appendix IX: LASC Microfilm Judgment Archive records

    a. 08-07-28-la-sup-ct-judgments-copied-from-archives-s

    b. 10-04-16 declaration request for help by judgment microfilm room and records


    Appendix XAppendix XAppendix XAppendix X: LASC and USDCLASC and USDCLASC and USDCLASC and USDC----CADCCADCCADCCADC: False Appearances by Counsel: False Appearances by Counsel: False Appearances by Counsel: False Appearances by Counsel

    a) March-April 2010 Correspondence with California Judicial Council,

    in attempt to ascertain the nature of involvement of Attorney Kevin

    McCormick as counsel in Fine v Sheriff(2:09-cv-01914), and

    Attorney Sarah Overton as counsel in Zernik v Connor et al(2:08-cv-


    b)b)b)b) Complaints filed with Office of Comptroller of the Currency against

    Bank of America Corporation regarding false appearance of counsel.

    c)c)c)c) April 2010 Refusal of California Judicial Council to respond on any

    questions pertaining to retainer of Attorney Sara L Overton in

    Zernik v Connor et al(2:08-cv-01550)

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    Appendix XI:Appendix XI:Appendix XI:Appendix XI: USDCUSDCUSDCUSDC---- CACCACCACCAC

    a) March 14, 2010 Repeat complaint filed with Clerk of the Court, Terry


    b) March 25, 2010 Complaint filed with Chief Judge Audrey Collins

    c) February 19, 2010 Notice of investigation by Court Counsel, Lydia


    Table of AuthoritiesTable of AuthoritiesTable of AuthoritiesTable of Authorities

    California Code of Civil Procedure, 664 10 10 10 10

    California Government Code 69844.7 10 10 10 10

    California Government Code, 6250 - 6276.48

    (California Public Records Act) 6 6 6 6

    California Rules of Court, Rule 1.4 11111111

    County of Los Angeles, Local Rules of Court, Rule 3.0: 10 10 10 10

    Fay v Noia(1963) 3,15 3,15 3,15 3,15

    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule24 1,2,4,5 1,2,4,5 1,2,4,5 1,2,4,5

    General Order08-02, USDC CAC 14 14 14 14

    Nixon v Warner Communications, Inc(1968) 4 4 4 4

    US Rule Making Enabling Act, 28 USC 2071-7 4,21 4,21 4,21 4,21

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    TO THE COURT AND TO PARTIES please notice Joseph Zerniks Motion to

    Intervene in Richard I Fine v Sheriff of Los Angeles County et al(09-A827), filed

    herein pursuant to FRCivP, Rule 24, and Supreme Court Rules, Rule 21.

    Concomitantly filed under separate covers, with and in support of the Motion to


    1. Motion to Intervene;

    2. Request for Lenience by Pro Se Filer;

    3. Request for Corrections in US Supreme Court Records;

    4. Request for Incorporation by Reference, and

    5. Appendices

    Respectfully submitted,

    Dated: April 18, 2010 Joseph Zernik

    By: ______________________Joseph Zernik[Proposed] Intervenor

    In Pro SePO Box 256La Verne California 91750Tel: 323.515.4583Fax: 323.488.9697E-Mail:[email protected]

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    1. Zernik claims Intervention of Right pursuant to FRCivP 24(a)1. Zernik claims Intervention of Right pursuant to FRCivP 24(a)1. Zernik claims Intervention of Right pursuant to FRCivP 24(a)1. Zernik claims Intervention of Right pursuant to FRCivP 24(a)

    a) Joseph Zernik ( Zernik) claims timely Intervention of Right: Zernik was

    informed by Clerk Counsel Danny Bickell on April 12, 2010, that filing was

    timely and permitted as long as the Application was pending.

    b) Zernik claims an interest that is the subject of the action, based on his

    allegations of schemes employed at the Los Angeles Superior Court (LASC), as

    outlined in Appendix IIAppendix IIAppendix IIAppendix II, which were almost identical in the case of Richard I

    Fine (Fine) pertaining to the Deprivation of Liberty (Appendix IIIAppendix IIIAppendix IIIAppendix III), and in

    the case of Zernik pertaining to the Deprivation of the Right to Property

    (Appendix VAppendix VAppendix VAppendix V). Through such schemes, Fine was arrested on March 4, 2009, and

    is held to this date by Respondent Sheriff of Los Angeles County (Sheriff), with

    no honest, valid, and effectual records to support the arrest and holding.

    Likewise, Zernik was forced in 2007 to leave his home, and his property was

    taken for private use with no compensation at all, with no honest, valid, and

    effectual record to support the taking. Such schemes are the core claims that

    Zernik wishes to bring to the Honorable Courts attention in both cases, and

    pertaining to which the Court is requested to provide relief.

    c) Furthermore, Zernik was recently twice subjected to arrests and jailing by

    Sheriff, which upon review would be found to have been conducted with no

    honest, valid, and effectual warrants, similar to treatment that Fine was and is

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    subjected to, to this date (Appendix III bAppendix III bAppendix III bAppendix III b).

    d) Zernik further claims that no party adequately represents his interests. His core

    claims were not brought up by Fine, perhaps because Fine had no access to key

    records. Bringing such records to the attention of the Court, is the primary

    purpose of Instant Motion. Zernik therefore claims that he is so situated that

    disposing of the action may, as a practical matter, impair or impede his ability to

    protect his interest to protect his fundamental Human, Constitutional, and

    Civil Rights.

    e) Beyond his individual interest, Zernik claims that his intervention is in the

    public interest and in the interest of the furtherance of justice:

    i. Instant Motion to Intervene provides critical records pertaining to instant

    Application, absent which the Court may err in its judgment (Appendix III,Appendix III,Appendix III,Appendix III,


    ii. Instant Motion to Intervene also pertains to the alleged deprivation of

    various Human, Constitutional, and Civil Rights of numerous other inmates

    in the Los Angeles County jails, who were and are held by Respondent Sheriff

    with no records that conform with the fundamentals of the law to provide the

    foundation of their holding, Fay v Noia(1963).

    iii. Instant Motion to Intervene also pertains to the alleged deprivation of

    various Human, Constitutional, and Civil Rights of all 10 million residents of

    the County of Los Angeles, California: Relative to conditions instituted by

    Respondent LASC, where First Amendment Right to Access Court Records

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    to inspect and to copy - pursuant to Nixon v Warner Communications, Inc

    (1968), is routinely denied; Relative to the Due Process Right to Service and

    Notice, which is routinely waived by the Court, and relative to Local Rules

    of Court, which are false and deliberately misleading particularly relative

    to entry of judgment.

    iv. Instant Motion to Intervene also pertains to the alleged deprivation of

    various Human, Constitutional, and Civil Rights at the US courts concerning

    the design and operations of the public access (PACER) and case

    management (CM/ECF) systems: Relative to failure to establish the

    foundation of the new practices and procedures of the courts, which are

    inherent in such systems, in the Local Rules of Courtpursuant to US Rule

    Making Enabling Act28 USC 2071-7; Relative to denial of Public Access to

    Court Records to inspect and to copy the authentication records NEFs

    (Notices of Electronic Filings) and NDAs (Notices of Docket Activity);

    Relative to denial of Notice and Service of authentication records on pro se


    f) Zernik further alleges that when he previously attempted to address his

    grievances in US courts he was effectively denied access to the courts, through

    further dishonest schemes at the US Courts, as outlined above. Therefore, if he

    is denied the right to intervene in instant action, he may be deprived of the

    ability to protect his interests and his fundamental rights.

    2. Alternatively, Zernik claims Permissive Intervention pursuant to FRCivP 24(b)2. Alternatively, Zernik claims Permissive Intervention pursuant to FRCivP 24(b)2. Alternatively, Zernik claims Permissive Intervention pursuant to FRCivP 24(b)2. Alternatively, Zernik claims Permissive Intervention pursuant to FRCivP 24(b)

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    Zernik alternatively claims that the Court should allow Permissive Intervention,

    since Zernik shares with Fine the main claims of abuse of rights by Respondent

    LASC, and failure of the US District Court, Central District of California (USDC-

    CAC), and US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit (CCA9th), national tribunals for

    protection of rights, to protect his rights (Appendix IIAppendix IIAppendix IIAppendix II). Therefore, there is

    commonality of law and of facts in instant [Proposed] Intervention and current

    action under the caption ofFine v Sheriff(09-A827).

    3. Zernik fulfilled requirement for Notice and Service pursuant to FRCivP 24(c)3. Zernik fulfilled requirement for Notice and Service pursuant to FRCivP 24(c)3. Zernik fulfilled requirement for Notice and Service pursuant to FRCivP 24(c)3. Zernik fulfilled requirement for Notice and Service pursuant to FRCivP 24(c)

    a. Zernik provided Notice of Intent to Intervene (AppenAppenAppenAppendix Idix Idix Idix I), and also attempted

    to Confer with Petitioner Fine, Respondents Sheriff and LASC.

    b. Zernik served instant Motion to Intervene and related papers on parties

    pursuant to the Service List, below, and a Certificate of Service and Proof of

    Mailing, which are provided herein.

    c. Zernik claims that evidence provided in Appendix IAppendix IAppendix IAppendix I and XXXX, and additional

    discovery would lead this Court to rule that counsel that were listed in various

    records as counsel for Respondents Sheriff and LASC in instant action at the

    Supreme Court of the US, were not true Counsel of Record for respective parties

    in the case at hand. Therefore, service was executed on parties Sheriff and LASC


    d. Therefore, the Clerk of the Court must not refuse to file instant Zerniks papers,

    even if not in the form prescribed by FRCivPor by a local rule or practice.

    5. Zernik should be permitted by the Court to intervene in Fine v Sheriff5. Zernik should be permitted by the Court to intervene in Fine v Sheriff5. Zernik should be permitted by the Court to intervene in Fine v Sheriff5. Zernik should be permitted by the Court to intervene in Fine v Sheriff (09(09(09(09----A827)A827)A827)A827)....

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    c. Respondent Sheriff refused to correct such false records. Respondent Sheriff

    continues to deny access to the California public records, which are the arrest

    and booking papers of Fine and other inmates. Moreover, Respondent Sheriff

    provided false and deliberately misleading records as response to inquiry by the

    Hon Michael Antonovich. Respondent Sheriff explicitly stated such false

    information in the November 4, 2009 letter received through Supervisor

    Antonovitch with the January 8, 2010 letter.

    The November 4, 2009 letter stated:

    Mr. Richard Fine was arrested by the Los Angeles County SheriffsDepartment (LASD) on March 4, 2009, at IIIIIIII :05 a,m., in San PedroCourt Municipal Division 86, He was booked by LASD personnel onthe same date, San Pedro Court, at 12:23 p.m.Mr. Fine's confinement to the Sheriff's Custody is the result of a courtremand order dated March 4, 2009, case number 135109420.

    e. No such entity as the San Pedro Municipal Court existed for almost a decade.

    Moreover, media and other witnesses provided evidence that Fine was arrested

    on March 4, 2009 at the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, the

    Central District Courthouse, North Hill St, City of Los Angeles. The same

    information was listed in the Remand Order (see below).

    f. Booking at the Municipal Court of San Pedro could not possibly take place, for

    the same reason. Moreover, Zernik is informed and believes that the Superior

    Court of California, County of Los Angeles, San Pedro Annex, has no booking

    facility. The Sheriff Deputy on location denied that Richard Fine was ever

    booked there.

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    g. The printout from the online Inmate Information Center, which was attached to

    the November 4, 2009 letter, repeated the same false and deliberately

    misleading information.

    h.h.h.h. The unverified, unauthenticated online Inmate Information Center printouts

    could not possibly be deemed true and valid State of California and/or County of

    Los Angeles arrest and booking records. (As to form - see example of Los Angeles

    County Booking record Re: Joseph Zernik, Inmate #2235341 Appendix III bAppendix III bAppendix III bAppendix III b).

    i.i.i.i. Such false arrest and booking records were employed for execution of an invalid

    judgment and warrantless arrest on Petitioner Fine (see below). They paralleled

    the grant deed in Samaan v Zernik(SC087400), which was employed to execute

    an invalid judgment on Zernik, and was opined as fraud. (Appendix VAppendix VAppendix VAppendix V)

    j.j.j.j. Therefore, the Honorable Court should find the records produced by the Sheriff

    in response to request for arrest and booking records of Fine as false records,

    void, not voidable, and likewise the grant deed recorded on Zerniks property

    as a false grant deed void, not voidable.

    2)2)2)2) Records (Dkt #16Records (Dkt #16Records (Dkt #16Records (Dkt #16----2) titled (i) March 4, 2009 Remand/Removal Order, and (ii)2) titled (i) March 4, 2009 Remand/Removal Order, and (ii)2) titled (i) March 4, 2009 Remand/Removal Order, and (ii)2) titled (i) March 4, 2009 Remand/Removal Order, and (ii)

    March 4March 4March 4March 4, 2009 Judgment and Order of Contempt, (Appendix IV), 2009 Judgment and Order of Contempt, (Appendix IV), 2009 Judgment and Order of Contempt, (Appendix IV), 2009 Judgment and Order of Contempt, (Appendix IV) which were filedwhich were filedwhich were filedwhich were filed

    in the habeas corpus petition at USDCin the habeas corpus petition at USDCin the habeas corpus petition at USDCin the habeas corpus petition at USDC----CACCACCACCAC Fine v SheriffFine v SheriffFine v SheriffFine v Sheriff(2:09(2:09(2:09(2:09----cvcvcvcv----01914) were01914) were01914) were01914) were

    false and deliberately misleading records, void not voidable.false and deliberately misleading records, void not voidable.false and deliberately misleading records, void not voidable.false and deliberately misleading records, void not voidable.

    a. Such records were filed by Attorney Kevin McCormick, appearing on behalf of

    Respondents LASC and Judge David Yaffe in the action referenced above.

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    Attorney McCormick failed to file certification as Counsel of Record, required by

    local Rules of Court of USDC-CAC. Moreover, correspondence with California

    Judicial Council, Administrative Office of the Courts (Appendix XaAppendix XaAppendix XaAppendix Xa), revealed

    that he was retained under a false case caption.

    b. Attorney McCormick failed to file any declaration by his clients. He filed only a

    declaration by counsel, who was not a competent fact witness in the case.

    c. Attorney McCormick failed to file the foundation record for the documents in

    Dkt #16Dkt #16Dkt #16Dkt #16----2222, which was the Register of Actions (California civil docket) in Marina

    Strand Colony II Homeowners Assn. vs County of L.A. Marina v LA County

    (BS109420). In fact Respondent LASC to this date denies access to the

    Register of Actions in the case. (Appendix VIIIAppendix VIIIAppendix VIIIAppendix VIII). Zernik managed to gain limited

    access to the Register of Actions ofSamaan v Zernik(SC087400) (Appendix VIIAppendix VIIAppendix VIIAppendix VII),

    which is alleged as evidence of criminality under the pretense of court action.

    Based on a number of Registers of Actions that Zernik managed to gain access

    to, Zernik believes that it is very likely that the Register of Actions ofMarina v

    LA County(BS109420), likewise, once discovered, would provide evidence of


    d. The record that was titled March 4, 2009 Remand/Removal Order could not

    possibly be a valid authority for the arrest of Petitioner Fine. Appendix IV cAppendix IV cAppendix IV cAppendix IV c is a

    form obtained by Zernik in the course of his jailing, titled LA County Sheriffs

    Department -Removal Order for In Custody Defendant. The title, in and of

    itself, explicitly states that such order is applicable only to in custody

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    defendant. Zernik claims that upon additional discovery the same would be

    found true for Removal Orders. Fine was not in custody defendant on March 4,

    2009. Therefore, such order was not applicable to Fine on March 4, 2009.

    e. The record that was titled March 4, 2009 Remand/Removal Order was never

    listed among the court file record, images of which are provided online by the


    f. The record that was titled March 4, 2009 Judgment and Order of Contempt

    could not possibly be an honest, valid, and effectual court judgment, since it was

    stamped FILED with the date of March 4, 2009 on its face, and was verified by

    the hand-signature of Judge David Yaffe on the final page, with the hand

    inscribed date of March 24, 2009.

    g. Both records failed to be adequately authenticated. Such defect paralleled the

    defect in August 9, 2007 Judgment and November 9, 2007 Order Appointing

    Receiver in Samaan v Zernik(SC087400). (Appendix VIAppendix VIAppendix VIAppendix VI)

    h. LASC failed to enter the purported March 4, 2009 Judgment in Marina v LA

    County(BS109420) in a manner that would have rendered it effectual for any

    purpose, pursuant to Cal Code Civ Proc664. Such conduct paralleled the

    failure to enter the August 9, 2007 Judgment and November 9, 2007 Order in

    Samaan v Zernik(SC087400) (Appendix VIAppendix VIAppendix VIAppendix VI) . (See 3, below)

    i. Therefore, the Honorable Court should find the records under Dkt #16Dkt #16Dkt #16Dkt #16----2222 in Fine v

    Sheriff (2:09-cv-01914) as false records, void, not voidable.

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    3)3)3)3) No judgment was ever entered in eitherNo judgment was ever entered in eitherNo judgment was ever entered in eitherNo judgment was ever entered in either Marina v LA CountyMarina v LA CountyMarina v LA CountyMarina v LA County(BS109420) or(BS109420) or(BS109420) or(BS109420) or

    Samaan v ZernikSamaan v ZernikSamaan v ZernikSamaan v Zernik(SC087400). The judgment records were v(SC087400). The judgment records were v(SC087400). The judgment records were v(SC087400). The judgment records were void, not voidable.oid, not voidable.oid, not voidable.oid, not voidable.

    a. Cal Code Civ Proc 664 says:

    " ... In no case is a judgment effectual for any purpose until entered."

    b. Cal Gov Code 69844.7 permitted the use of alternative media for the

    traditional paper Books of Judgments. However, Cal Gov Code 69844.7 clearly


    Nothing contained herein shall eliminate the requirement for ajudgment book where judgments and decrees are required to beentered.

    c. Los Angeles County Local Rules of Court. Rule 3.0 (d) states to this date:

    (d) Entry of Judgments, Orders and Decrees.Judgments, orders and decrees rendered by the court, which arerequired by law to be entered, shall be entered by the clerk in

    judgment books kept by him/her either in the Public Services Division

    of the Central District, or the clerks office in each of the severaldistricts. The judgment, order or decree shall be entered in thejudgment books in the district wherein the same was rendered and noother entry thereof shall be required.

    d. Los Angeles County Local Rules of Court. Rule 1.4(e)16(e) states to this date:

    1.4 EXECUTIVE OFFICER/CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT(e) Powers and Duties. Pursuant to Section 69898 of the GovernmentCode and Rule 10.610 Superior Court of California County of LosSuperior Court of California County of LosSuperior Court of California County of LosSuperior Court of California County of Los

    AngelesAngelesAngelesAngeles Ch. 1 Pg. 5 of the California Rules of Court, the court declaresthat, under the direction of the Presiding Judge, the powers and dutiesof the Executive Officer shall include:

    (16) To exercise and perform all of the powers, duties andresponsibilities of the County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court

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    required or permitted by this Court to be exercised or performed by theExecutive Officer in connection with judicial actions, proceedings andrecords under subdivision (d) of Section 69898 of the GovernmentCode. Such powers, duties and responsibilities include:

    e) To enter orders, findings, judgments and decrees; to acceptconfessions of judgment for filing; to authenticate records; to certifyabstracts of judgment; to keep a judgment book or its equivalent.

    e. Zernik repeatedly attempted to access the LASC Books of Judgments in the past

    three years. In all cases, he was informed by Clerks Office Supervisors that no

    Books of Judgments existed at the LASC in the past quarter century, since case

    management systems (CMSs) were introduced in the court.

    f. Numerous complaints were filed by Zernik with the LASC Clerk of the Court

    and Presiding Judge and also requests to update the Local Rules. LASC refused

    to update the Local Rules to this date.

    g. In October 16, 2009 letter to Presiding Judge McCoy (Appendix VIIIcAppendix VIIIcAppendix VIIIcAppendix VIIIc), Zernik

    requested disclosure of the Local Rules of Court pertaining to entry of judgment.

    h. In October 28, 2009 response, LASC Court Counsel Frederick Bennett (AppendixAppendixAppendixAppendix

    VIIIdVIIIdVIIIdVIIId) stated:

    Judgement Book [sic jz]Prior to 1974, all judgements of the superior, municipal, and justicecourts were entered in a "Judgement Book." Code of Civil Proceduresection 668. Although courts in some counties continue to enter

    judgments in a judgment book, section 668 no longer provides the

    exclusive means of entry. Code of Civil Procedure section 668.5authorizes alternatives, including making a microfilm copy of theindividual judgement, as is done in the Los Angeles Superior Court.

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    k. In a visit to the underground archives of the LASC on July 28, 2008, almost a

    year after the August 9, 2007 Judgment in Samaan v Zernik(SC087400) was

    falsely stated to have been entered, Zernik found no entry of such judgment in

    the West District Microfilm Judgments reels. (Appendix IXaAppendix IXaAppendix IXaAppendix IXa)

    l. In a visit to the underground archives of the LASC on April 16, 2010, over a year

    after the March 4, 2009 Judgment and Order of Contempt Re: Richard I Fine in

    Marina v LA County (BS109400) was falsely executed on Fine, Zernik found no

    entry of such judgment in the Central District Microfilm Judgments reels.

    (Appendix IXbAppendix IXbAppendix IXbAppendix IXb) On April 16, 2010, again, no entry was found for either the

    August 9, 2007 Judgment, or the November 9, 2007 Order Appointing Receiver

    in Samaan v Zernik(SC08740), both of which were executed on Zernik.

    m. Therefore, the Honorable Court should find that in neither Samaan v Zernik

    (SC087400) nor Marina v LA County(BS109420), were the judgments ever

    entered, in both cases such records were ineffectual court records, void, not


    n. Therefore, the Honorable Court should find that in both the cases of Fine and

    Zernik, LASC judgments in the respective cases, were falsely executed.

    (Appendix III,IV,VAppendix III,IV,VAppendix III,IV,VAppendix III,IV,V)

    4)4)4)4) Both Fine and Zernik attempted to protect their rights through actions at theBoth Fine and Zernik attempted to protect their rights through actions at theBoth Fine and Zernik attempted to protect their rights through actions at theBoth Fine and Zernik attempted to protect their rights through actions at the

    USDCUSDCUSDCUSDC----CAC.CAC.CAC.CAC. Such efforts were frustrated through false conduct and false recordsSuch efforts were frustrated through false conduct and false recordsSuch efforts were frustrated through false conduct and false recordsSuch efforts were frustrated through false conduct and false records

    at the USDCat the USDCat the USDCat the USDC----CAC.CAC.CAC.CAC.

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    O. Certification of Electronic DocumentsO. Certification of Electronic DocumentsO. Certification of Electronic DocumentsO. Certification of Electronic Documents. Pursuant to Federal Rules ofCivil Procedure 44(a)(1) and 44(c), the method of electronic certificationdescribed herein is deemed proof of an official court record maintainedby the Clerk of Court.

    The NEF contains the date of electronic distribution and identificationof the United States District Court for the Central District ofCalifornia as the sender. An encrypted verification code appears in theelectronic document stamp section of the NEF. The electronicdocument stamp shall be used for the purpose of confirming theauthenticity of the transmission and associated document(s) with theClerk of Court, as necessary. When a document has been electronicallyfiled into CM/ECF, the official record is the electronic recording of thedocument kept in the custody of the Clerk of Court. The NEF providescertification that the associated document(s) is a true and correct copyof the original filed with the court.

    i. Pursuant to General Order08-02, such minutes, orders, and judgments in the

    cases of Fine and Zernik at USDC-CAC, which were issued with no encrypted

    verification code, failed to be adequately authenticated they lacked the

    verification necessary for ... the purpose of confirming the authenticity of the

    transmission and associated document(s).

    j. Such unauthenticated minutes, orders, and judgments, could not possibly be

    deemed honest, valid, and effectual records of the USDC-CAC.

    k. Zernik filed repeated complaints with Clerk of the Court, Terry Nafisi, and Chief

    Judge Audrey Collins, and an investigation was noticed as instituted. (AppendixAppendixAppendixAppendix


    l. Therefore, the Honorable Court should find all actions of the USDC and CCA9th

    pertaining to the cases of Fine and Zernik as void, not voidable.

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    4)4)4)4) There was and there is no valid record to provide theThere was and there is no valid record to provide theThere was and there is no valid record to provide theThere was and there is no valid record to provide the legal foundation for thelegal foundation for thelegal foundation for thelegal foundation for the

    holding of Petitioner Fine that conform with the fundamentals of the law. Fine isholding of Petitioner Fine that conform with the fundamentals of the law. Fine isholding of Petitioner Fine that conform with the fundamentals of the law. Fine isholding of Petitioner Fine that conform with the fundamentals of the law. Fine is

    entitled to his immediate release.entitled to his immediate release.entitled to his immediate release.entitled to his immediate release.

    a. The above Points and Authorities documented that there was and there is no

    valid record to provide the legal foundation for the arrest and holding of

    Petitioner Fine.

    b. In Fay v Noia(1963) the Court stated:

    "The basic principle of the Great Writ of habeas corpus is that, in acivilized society... if the imprisonment cannot be shown to conformwith the fundamental requirements of law, the individual is entitled tohis immediate release".

    c. Therefore, the Honorable Court should find that Petitioner Fine is entitled to his

    immediate release.

    WHEREFORE, Zernik respectfully requests that the Court grant Fines petition,

    and immediately release the prisoner, and grant Zernik the relief he requested,

    including, but not limited to the return of his lawful property to his possession.


    [Proposed] Intervenor Zerniks core claims are:

    1) Respondent LASC: In Marina v LA County(BS109420) and Samaan v Zernik

    (SC087400), Fine and Zernik, respectively, were subjected to execution of

    judgments, which were never entered, and therefore - were never effectual for

    any purpose. Such judgments were and are void, not voidable.

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    Such conduct was enabled through:

    a. False and deliberately misleading employment of the LASCs online public

    access and case management systems.

    b. Failure and refusal to establish the Courts practice and procedures

    pertaining to entry of judgment in the Local Rules of Court, for over a quarter


    c. Ongoing denial of access to court records to inspect and to copy, such as

    electronic records in the Courts case management system.

    d. Routine waivers by the Court of the right for Notice and Service.

    e. Allowing appearances by false counsel:

    In Samaan v Zernik(SC087400) Bryan Cave, LLP, has been appearing for 2.5

    years for Countrywide, later Bank of America, while not Counsel of Record,

    under false party designation Non Party. Similar schemes were employed

    by Countrywide elsewhere in the courts, and which were described in detail

    in the case ofBorrower William Alan Parsley(05-90374), Dkt #248 -

    appearances by counsel who was not counsel of record, with no

    communications with client clause. Other conduct of Countrywide and Bank

    of America at the Los Angeles Courts, which was alleged as racketeering was

    detailed in Zerniks filing under Borrower Parsley(05-90374), Dkt #256-260.

    In Marina v LA County(BS109420) the same is likely to be true regarding

    appearances of Attorney Joshua L Rosen for two large private developers, one

    whose name was omitted from the online records, and the other, whose

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    name was falsely listed, both under party designation of Real Parties in


    3. Respondent Sheriff In Marina v LA County(BS109420) and Samaan v Zernik

    (SC087400), Respondent Sheriff was employed by the Respondent LASC to affect

    the execution of void, not voidable judgments.

    a. In Marina v LA County(BS109420) Respondent Sheriff has been willfully

    colluding with the LASC in the false holding of Petitioner Fine.

    b. In Samaan v Zernik(SC087400) Respondent Sheriff was employed to exert a

    threat of force, unlawful, but credible, to take Zerniks property with no

    foundation in the law.

    c. Respondent Sheriff like the courts, has established dual systems, which are

    the case management system Los Angeles Booking Records, and online

    public access records the Inmate Information Center, which facilitate the

    false arrests and holding of thousands of persons in Los Angeles County.

    3. USDC-CAC in Fine v Sheriff(2:09-cv-01914) and in Zernik v Connor et al(2:09-

    cv-1550), Fine and Zernik, respectively, were subjected to dishonesties and false

    conduct at the USDC-CAC. Such conduct was employed to effectively deny them

    access to national tribunals for protection of rights, and as collusion with LASC

    and Sheriff in deprivation of rights.

    Such false conduct and effective denial of access to the court were enabled


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    a. False and deliberately misleading employment of the USDC-CACs dual

    systems - the online public access system PACER, and the case

    management system - CM/ECF.

    b. Failure to establish the Courts practice and procedures pertaining to PACER

    and CM/ECF in the Local Rules of Court, for over a quarter century.

    c. Ongoing denial of access to court records to inspect and to copy, such as

    electronic records in the Courts case management system NEFs (Notices of

    Electronic Filings).

    d. Routine failure of the court to keep Notice and Service to pro se filers that is

    identical to that provided to others.

    e. Allowing appearances by false counsel:

    In Fine v Sheriff(2:09-cv-01914) false appearance of Attorney Kevin

    McCormick for Respondents LASC and Judge David Yaffe (Appendix XAppendix XAppendix XAppendix X).

    In Zernik v Connor et al(2:09-cv-1550) appearance of Bryan Cave, LLP for

    Bank of America, and most likely also appearance of Sarah L Overton for

    LASC (California Judicial Council would not answer any questions in this

    regard- Appendix XAppendix XAppendix XAppendix X).

    4. LA County Office of Registrar Recorder colluded with LASC in condut of the

    real estate fraud against Zernik, through the recording of records that were

    opined as fraud by the highest reputation fraud expert (Appendix VAppendix VAppendix VAppendix V), and refusal

    to take any corrective actions, even after discovery of the fraud.


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    The only litigation that Zernik is purported to be currently involved in is Samaan v

    Zernik(SC087400) at LASC. It is claimed that upon review of the matter, the

    Honorable Court would conclude that such caption was never a true court action of

    LASC. None of the conduct in the purported litigation conformed with the law of

    California and/or the US.




    issue equitable relief as follows:

    1. Declaratory relief that Respondent LASC March 4, 2009 Oder and Judgment of

    Contempt re: Richard I Fine in Marina v LA County(BS109400) was void, not


    2. Declaratory relief that Respondent LASC August 9, 2007 Judgment, and

    November 9, 2007 Order Appointing David Pasternak Receiver in Samaan v

    Zernik(SC08700) were both void, not voidable.

    3. Declaratory relief that March 4, 2009 Remand/Removal Order generated by

    Respondent LASC, and arrest and booking records that were generated by

    Respondent Sheriff pertaining to Richard I Fine were fraud on their face.

    4. Declaratory relief that conveyance of title executed on behalf of Respondent

    LASC on Zerniks property at 320 South Peck Drive, Beverly Hills California,

    90212 was fraud on its face, as opined by highly decorated fraud expert, FBI

    veteran James Wedick.

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    5. Order Respondent Sheriff to immediately release Petitioner Richard I Fine.

    6. Ordedr Respondent Sheriff to immediately return Intervenor Joseph Zerniks

    property at 320 South Peck Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90212 to his


    7. Declaratory relief that the public access and case management systems, which

    were implemented by Respondent Sheriff are false and deliberately misleading.

    8. Order Respondent Sheriff to implement public access and case management

    systsems for the Los Angeles jails, which were subjected to publicly accountable

    validation (certified, functional logic verification).

    9. Order Respondent Sheriff to immediately initiate review of all records that

    support the holding of inmates in LA County, and release all those who have no

    valid records to support the arrests and jailing.

    10. Declaratory relief that the the public access and case management systems,

    which were implemented by Respondent LASC are false and deliberately


    11. Order Respondent LASC to implement public access and case management

    systsems in the courts, which were subjected to publicly accountable validation

    (certified, functional logic verification).

    12. Order Respondent LASC to respect First Amdndement Rights to Access Court

    Records to inspect and to copy.

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    13. Order Respondent LASC to respect Due Process Rights for Notice and Service

    of all Court minutes, orders and judgments, and cease the practice of waiving

    such rights of parties in litigations.

    14. Order Respondent LASC to implement Books of Judgments, pursuant to

    Califonria Code, which is a public record, to which reasonable access must be


    15. Order Respondent LASC to implement an Index of All Cases, Registers of

    Actions, and Caledar of the Courts, that are true and correct, and where public

    access is allowed, as required by California and US Law.

    16. Order Respondent LASC to update its Local Rules of Court to reflect the true

    procedures and practices of the Court today.

    17. Enter mandate to lower US courts - to implement public access and case

    management systems in the courts, which were subjected to publicly

    accountable validation (certified, functional logic verification), and were

    honestly founded in the Local Rules of Court.

    18. Enter mandate to lower US Courts to respect First Amendment Rights to

    Access Court Records to inspect and to copy including, but not limited to

    authentication records in CM/ECF (NEFs and NDAs).

    19. Enter mandate to lower US Courts to respect Due Process Rights for Notice

    and Service particularly ofpro sefilers, who must be served all authentication

    1At present only one location underground archives downtown LA. On recent visit obtaining copy of a

    judgments, or finding out that no such copy existed took a total of about three hours, out of which 2.5 hourswere waiting in line. No online access is provided. No access in court locations is provided.

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    records received by other parties in litigation, in a manner that does not deprive

    pro sefilers of any information inherent in such records.

    20. Enter mandate to lower US Courts to respect the Rule Making Enabling Act

    and update their local Rules of Court to reflect the changes in court practice and

    procedure related to electronic public access and case management systems.

    WHEREFOREWHEREFOREWHEREFOREWHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Joseph Zernik respectfully asks the Honorable

    Court to grant him such declaratory, injunctive, mandate and other relief as it

    deems just and proper.

    Respectfully submitted on April 18, 2010 by:

    Joseph Zernik

    By: _______________________________[Proposed] IntervenorIn Pro Se

    PO Box 256La Verne California 91750Tel: 323.515.4583Fax: 323.488.9697E-Mail:[email protected]


    I certify that the MOTION TO INTERVENE is proportionately spaced, has a type face of 12points, and contains 5,302 words according to the Word 2000, the word processing system on

    which it was prepared. The words counted are those on pages 1-23, excluding this Certificate of


    Executed on this date, April 18, 2010, in La Verne, County of Los Angeles, California

    Joseph Zernik

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    By: ______________

    JOSEPH ZERNIK1853 Foothill Blvd.

    Tel: 323.515.4583

    Fax: 323.488.9697E-Mail:[email protected]


    Motion to Intervene

    I, Joseph Zernik wrote and read instant Motion to Intervene, and I know the content thereof to

    be true and correct, it is true and correct based on my own personal knowledge, except as to

    those matters therein stated as based upon information and belief, and as to to those matters, I

    believe them to be true and correct as well.

    I make this declaration that the foregoing is true and correct under penalty of perjury pursuant

    to the laws of California and the United States.

    Executed here in La Verne, County of Los Angeles, on this 18th day in April, 2010.

    ____________________Joseph Zernik




    I, the undersigned Joseph Zernik, served the documents described as:

    Notice of Motion and Motion to Interveneon parties in this action by depositing a true copy thereof, which was enclosed in a sealed

    envelope, with postage fully prepaid in the United States Mail, addressed as follows:

    1) Richard I Fine Petitioner

    Inmate RICHARD I. FINE (1824367)

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    450 Bauchet St.Los Angeles, CA 90012

    2) Sheriff of Los Angeles County -RespondentLeroy D Baca, Sheriff

    Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

    4700 Ramona Blvd.

    Monterey Park, CA 91754Phone: 323 526 5000


    Email: "Baca, Leroy D."

    3) Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles and Judge David Yaffe -


    John A Clarke, Clerk/Executive OfficerStanley Mosk Courthouse

    111 North Hill StreetLos Angeles, CA 90012

    Phone 213 974 5401

    Fax: 213 621 7952


    I certify and declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the UnitedStates of America and the State of California, that the foregoing is true and


    Executed this date, April 18, 2010, in La Verne, County of Los Angeles, California

    Joseph H Zernik

    By: ______________


    1853 Foothill Blvd

    La Verne California 91750

    Tel: 323.515.4583Fax: 323.488.9697

    E-Mail:[email protected]