1 module 2: login to tim and the tim homepage party records and trove

1 Module 2: Login to TIM and the TIM homepage Party records and Trove

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Page 1: 1 Module 2: Login to TIM and the TIM homepage Party records and Trove


Module 2: Login to TIM and the TIM homepage

Party records and Trove

Page 2: 1 Module 2: Login to TIM and the TIM homepage Party records and Trove

Module 2 description


This module shows you how to login to TIM.

The features of the TIM homepage are explained. The TIM Beta and Trove Testing URLs and TIM and Trove Production URLs are given. Pre-requisitesModule 1-A: Process for contributing party records to Trove and how to obtain an ISIL code and Module 1-B: Register with Trove and access TIM

Page 3: 1 Module 2: Login to TIM and the TIM homepage Party records and Trove

Module 2 outline


1. The TIM login screen

2. The TIM homepage

3. A closer look at the green column

4. A closer look at the purple column

5. The black bar

6. Other features of the TIM homepage

7. TIM/Trove Testing and Training and Production URLs

Page 4: 1 Module 2: Login to TIM and the TIM homepage Party records and Trove

1. The TIM login screen


Enter the URL for TIM Production (or for TIM Testing and Training) in your browser’s search box.

TIM Beta and Trove TestTIM - https://www.nla.gov.au/tim-beta/appTrove - http://trove-test.nla.gov.au/people

TIM and Trove ProductionTIM - https://www.nla.gov.au/tim/appProduction - http://trove.nla.gov.au/people

Page 5: 1 Module 2: Login to TIM and the TIM homepage Party records and Trove

1. The TIM login screen, contd.


At the login screen enter your Username and Password and click Login.

Your Username and Password are the same for both TIM Production and TIM Testing and Training.

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2. The TIM home page


The Unmatched records tab is the default display. It lists party record collections by contributor.

To return to the home page at any time click on Trove Identities Manager at the top left hand side of the screen.

Only the collection(s) assigned to your Trove Identities Manager user account will be visible.

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3. A closer look at the green column


The Unmatched records tab gives a summary of the number of unmatched records by contributor.

You will only see your own unmatched records, identified by your ISIL code. In this view, ANDS has 67 unmatched records.

Use the Trove identities tab to search for and view identity records.

Search Records allows you to search for a specific record and you can also do this with Advanced Search.

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4. A closer look at the purple column


Use the Trove identities tab to search for identity records.

Search Identities allows you to search for a specific record and you can also do this with the Advanced Search feature.

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5. The black bar


The black Create new identity bar allows a user to create a new identity container record in Trove.

The identity is created by clicking and dragging a record from the list of Unmatched records in the green column, directly over the Create new identity bar.

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6. Other features of the TIM homepage


The Logout button appears on the top right hand side of the home page screen beside “Welcome [user name]”.

To return to the home page at any time, click on Trove Identities Manager at the top left hand side of the screen.

Reports gives totals of records created, updated and matched. It does not give reports of the names of records and corresponding NLA identifiers.

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7. TIM andTrove URLs


TIM Beta and Trove TestTIM: https://www.nla.gov.au/tim-beta/appTrove: http://trove-test.nla.gov.au/people

TIM and Trove ProductionTIM: https://www.nla.gov.au/tim/appProduction: http://trove.nla.gov.au/people

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Module 2 summary


This module showed how to login to TIM and gave a brief tour of the features of the TIM homepage.

TIM and Trove URLs were given

Further information from ANDS

Trove and TIM and the ARDC Party Infrastructure.


This module is based on the NLA's Trove Identities Manager Guide to managing records in the party infrastructure