what is openstack trove? trove day 2014

August 19, 2014 OpenStack Trove Day Nikhil Manchanda, Trove Project Technical Lead, HP Doug Shelley, VP of Product Development, Tesora What is Trove?

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Presentation at OpenStack Trove Day 2014 by Nikil Manchanda, Trove Project Lead, HP and Doug Shelley, VP of Products, Tesora


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August 19, 2014

OpenStack Trove Day

Nikhil Manchanda, Trove Project Technical Lead, HPDoug Shelley, VP of Product Development, Tesora

What is Trove?

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Mission StatementTo provide scalable and reliable Cloud

Database as a Service provisioning functionality for both relational and non-

relational database engines, and to continue to improve its fully-featured and extensible open

source framework.

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What is Trove?

• Service to provision and manage Databases in an OpenStack Cloud

• Integrated OpenStack Project

• Exposes APIs to• Provision Instances• Scale instance sizes (memory / cpu)• Scale storage size• Take backups of data• Manage databases/schemas• Manage db users and permissions

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Cinder VolumeCinder VolumeCinder VolumeCinder Volume CinderCinderCinder VolumeCinder Volume





Message Bus

Message Bus

NovaNovaCompute InstanceCompute InstanceGuest AgentGuest Agent





BackupBackupDB BackupDB Backup


GlanceGlanceBackupBackupBackupBackupGuest ImageGuest Image








Trove Architecture


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Managing a Trove Database

• Create Database / Schema

• Create users

• Grant permissions to a User to a Schema

• Enable Root User

• Resize flavor

• Resize volume

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Trove Backups

• Fully Managed

• Triggered and Tracked via API

• Streamed to Swift (OpenStack Object Storage)

• Incremental as well as Full backups

• Formats:• XtraBackup (Percona)• mysqldump

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Trove is Tuned

• Automatically tune my.cnf by Flavor• Buffer Pool Size• Log file size• max_connections

• Sane defaults• InnoDB only• Disable load data infile• Disable select into outfile

• New API to programmatically set configuration groups

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Trove is Secure

• Security Groups to manage Access

• Turn off SSH

• Remove anonymous user

• Remove non-localhost users

• Remove local file access

• Mangle root user password

• Apply security patches automatically

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Features in Icehouse

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Non Relational DB Types• Support for datastore type, and version

• Support for • Cassandra• MongoDB• Redis• Couchbase

• Currently only supports single instances

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DNS Support

• Integration with Designate

• Provision Trove instances with DNS name

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Configuration Groups

• Support for user defined configuration settings

• Supports defining certain mysql (my.cnf) settings

• Allow grouping settings, and targeting groups to instances

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Heat Integration

• Support for configuration based “heat” mode

• Default heat templates for each datastore provided

• Supports user-defined custom heat templates per datastore

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Incremental Backup / Restore

• No longer necessary to perform full backups every time

• Specify a “parent” backup in API call

• Leverages xtrabackup to perform incremental backup

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Trove Conductor

• New component added to Trove Control Plane

• Guest no longer needs direct connection to the Trove DB

• Uses RPC messages to communicate with guest

• Supports heartbeat messages, and backup / restore checks

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• Goodbye XML API

• Support for Tempest API tests

• Trove Deployment Guide

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New in Juno

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• Asynchronous mysql master-slave replication

• Support for new, and existing instances

• Ability to Promote / Detach Slave

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Neutron Support

• Add Neutron NICs on instance create

• Support default Neutron Networks

• Horizon (Trove dashboard) enhancements

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Configuration Groups Enhancements

• Configuration Groups per datastore and version

• Configuration Groups for MongoDB

• Configuration Groups Enhancements• Allow users to add descriptions to groups• Better schema-based validation for values

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Datastore Improvements

• Associate flavors with datastores

• Initial Support for other datastores• PostgreSQL • Vertica

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Enhancements to Backups

• Cross-region availability of backups

• Backup/restore for non-mysql datastores• Cassandra• Couchbase

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Testing Enhancements

• More Tempest tests• Guest level API tests• Client tests• Scenario tests

• Support for Upgrade testing through Grenade

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• Support for Capabilities

• Migrate to oslo.messaging

• Heat enhancements

• Improved Logging and Documentation

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Replication in Trove

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• Community decided on a versioned approach• First version is in Juno• Goal is to provide read replicas for MySQL• Subsequent releases will add more

capabilities:• Master-master• Failover• Multi-zone disaster recovery• Choice of replication strategies

Replication - Overview

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• Launch slave from existing master• Slave bootstrapped with snapshot of master• Uses MySQL native asynch replication• Started from snapshot provided binlog position• Master can support many slaves• Replication is monitored; instance status

changes for delay or disconnect• Slaves can be promoted (i.e. detached from


Replication – Juno Capabilities

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Replication DemoSneak preview of Tesora DBaaS Platform Enterprise Edition

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Your Idea Here!

• Growing community of contributors

• Open to new ideas, and code

• Lots of room for improvement

• Find us at #openstack-trove on FreeNode.

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Thank You

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