#1 - jan 16, 2012


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Into The Crowd first issue featuring Aim For The Weekend, The Love Light, My Girl Friday, The Maine anf many more.


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So, 2012…Happy New Years everyone! So, starting this year, Into The Crowd is starting an online issue. We will do more interview and reviews! Well, hopefully everyone have a good holiday and we hope you like our first issue! Donʼt forget to check our website too, www.intothecrowd.com, for more news!  

Introduction 2 Aim For The Weekend 8

Table of contents 2 The Love Light 8

Abandon Kansas 3 My Girl Friday 11

The Maine 5 Reviews 13

Castle of Genre 7 Staff album of the year 15


T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S  

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1. How did you guys get together and form what is now ʻAbandon Kansasʼ?

A: “The band name is a joke, my room mate in college thought it would be funny to have a band that sounded like “a band in Kansas”. I met Brad and Brian in college and we mostly got booked for church stuff. Back then we had a totally different sound with a piano player, and the lyrics were all about this girl that had dumped me in college. After that, we started writing our own music, stuff weʼre actually proud of, and did a lot of independent touring across the country.”

2. How did you first get into playing music? And who is our biggest influence in your music?

A: “My parents are both very talented piano players so I grew up playing piano, and then got way into sports in high school and part of college. When I was 19 my uncle gave me his ʼ77 American telecaster and that was sort of the catalyst for me figuring out I wanted to be in a rock band. Some of my biggest influences musically are any lyricist or artist that is believable when they sing or play. The problem with a lot of pop music is I just donʼt believe that the singer actually means what they are saying, especially with Christian music. I listen to a lot of music, but I try not to learn

how to play any of it so it doesnʼt affect my writing. Some of our influences are Switchfoot, The Killers, Muse, Kings of Leon, Phoenix and so on.”

3. So, you guys just released a brand new album, Ad Astra Per Aspera, can you tell us whatʼs the story behind the EP or even the songs?

A: “Thatʼs the Kansas state motto, itʼs Latin for “to the stars, through difficulty” and the whole album is loosely based around that concept. Thereʼs a lot of references to the sky, and stars and the journey to them. Brad painted an incredible piece for the cover. The songs are a story about where we are headed without forgetting where we came from. I look at life as this incredible storm that is beautiful and scary and ultimately out of our control. We have to go through the storm to get to the stars, and the stars are up to you to interpret. For me, the stars are heaven, a life spent in uninterrupted community with our Creator. I believe life can start way before death.”

4. What is the biggest goal you guys want to achieve as a band?

A: “Thatʼs an interesting question. We donʼt have any goals as far as sales or marketing strategies go. We want to write the songs we believe in, play

ABANDON KANSAS Interview with Jeremy Spring.  

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them a lot, and spend time with the people that come out to hear us play them. If we can keep doing those three things then weʼll be content.”

5. For now, what state or country you are dying to visit?

A: “Hawaii and/or UK.”

6. What's the craziest experience you've ever done while on tour?

A: ”There are so many stories from the road but of course nothing comes to mind at the moment. Most of crazy experiences come from the places we crash after shows. We still turn down hotels just so we can have the chance to crash somewhere really awesome or really weird.”

7. Tell us about your next shows and why we should be there

A: “The tour I am currently on is an unplugged acoustic tour in fanʼs living rooms. After that the band will hit the road again. We have some new tunes for 2012 and a new lineup. I think our show is a fun one to watch/see whether you know the songs yet or not. Weʼve also been doing some radical covers sporattically, never know what we might play!”

8. Do you guys have any other hobbies besides, obviously, making music?

A: “We play a lot of disc golf on the road. Brad is an incredible drawer/painter. Brian works on cars and motorcycles. Iʼm trying to hone in on some creative writing skills.”

9. If you could date anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

A: “Doesnʼt every man right now want one date with Zooey? Surely Iʼm not alone in that.”

10. If thereʼs a zombie outbreak, what would be your main weapon? And why?

A: “I think a crossbow makes the most sense. Minimal noise attracts less zombies and the ammo is re-usable.”

11. What is your best pick up line?

A: ”Hey, Iʼm Jeremy, Iʼm not in a metal band.”

12. If you have a country, what the name and national anthem would be?

A: “The Land of Spring, and our national anthem would be “National Anthem” off Kid A by Radiohead”

13. If you had to listen to all album for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A: “Samʼs Town”

14. What Would Be Your Famous Last Word?

A: “Did anyone get that on video?”

15. Finally, do you have anything to say to your fans?

A: ”Thank you! I feel like our fans are certainly more of a family and friend situation than fans. Weʼve always made ourselves really available to the people that come to our shows. I think once people meet us they realize we donʼt want anything from anyone except good company and some laughs. A lot of bands go from town to town taking merch money and so on, but weʼre trying hard to make an impact on the cities we visit by investing in people with our music not taking away from them.”

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1. So, your self produced album, Pioneer, is out in couple weeks, tell us how was the process writing it?

A: “The writing of the record happened in kinda a strange way. We just hop into a farm in Arizona and the record just kinda came out. Weʼre just writing songs without getting attention of it becoming an album and we got really excited with the songs and the demos and we decided just to try to record the record ourself and ended up weʼre being really happy.”

2. Why did you guys decided to release the album off your label?

A: “They didnʼt want to put the album out and then we knew that our fans had to hear the album so we fought release that independently and take about a year fighting the whole thing. So, its been a long battle but weʼre excited to finally get it out and I think its gonna be extremely worth it at the end of the day.”

3. Can you describe PIONEER in 5 words?

A: “Honest, music, fun, sad and happy.”


Interview with Pat Kirch

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4. Whatʼs your favorite song from Pioneer and why?

A: “I changed that everytime but Iʼm gonna say Misery right now ʻcause itʼs the last one that I heard from the album. I like the whole record so I really canʼt pick one. So its kinda whatever vibe at the moment”

5. Who inspired you to write music generally?

A: “Honestly, the movie That Thing You Do is the reason why I play drum. So, as lame as that sound….”

6. Whatʼs your dream tour line up?

A: “I have so many. I pick to open for Tom Petty. That would be cool.”

7. If you were cannibal, who anyone from the band that would you eat first?

A: “I have to say Jared because heʼs here.”

8. If you could have a ghetto name, what would it be?

A: “Just Pat but Iʼd be a thug though. Pat The Thug.”

9. Whatʼs your favorite Christmas present?

A: “My drumset. Not my first drumset but itʼs the one I got when The Maine started so I guess thatʼs when I was 16.”

10. If youʼre under the mistletoe, whoʼs anyone from the crew that you going to kiss?

A: “Our merchguy, Peter.”

11. Last, tell your fans or not fans why they need to buy Pioneer!

A: “We put a lot of hard work into it and we fought to get it out and fought to get it hurry. Weʼre really really proud of it. Itʼs very honest and this just us, nobody else involved. So, itʼs a very honest representation of what our band does and weʼre releasing it ourself and we funded everything ourself and it just means a lot to us. So, it mean a lot if people support the record.”

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1. How did you come up with the band name, Castle Of Genre? A: “Joey has this notebook completely filled with songs he wrote from 2007-2009 and one page has a picture of a castle and each person inside of it (king/queen/etc) was a different genre. When he and I were talking about writing music, we both talked about how we would go through phases of what we wanted to write and decided weʼll just write whatever came to mind. After that, we just felt like Castle Of Genre was a fitting title and went with it.” 2. How did the band get started? A: “About two years ago, Joey and I started writing/recording rough demos. A few months later Pat joined and we released some songs and really got this band going.” 3. How would you describe your sound? A: “A dynamic mixture of alternative rock/clean guitar pop/indie or something.” 4. Can you tell us more about your upcoming EP/Albums? A: “We decided to jump straight to an album, and

I donʼt want to give too much information about just yet, but I will tell you that its title is Taj Mahal.” 5. Are you working on any new music? A: “Absolutely! Weʼre currently recording a few new songs that we hope to release very soon.” 6. What sets Castle of Genre apart from other bands? A: “Theyʼre not Castle.” 7. Who are some of your musical influences? And if you could tour with any band, past or present, who would it be? A: “A few huge influences of mine would be Say Anything, Daniel Hunter, Fall Out Boy, The Strokes, The Killers, and Manchester Orchestra. If I got the opportunity to choose a line up to tour with itʼd be The Strokes, Fall Out Boy, Manchester Orchestra, and Say Anything.” 8. Who have you been listening to lately? A: “Iʼd say majority of what Iʼve been listening to lately goes to Progress In Color. They just came out with a new record called Aruba and it is incredible.” 9. Is there anything else that we should be on the lookout for within the next year? A: “A lot of shows, new songs, demos, and hopefully and album!”




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1. Describe your bandʼs music in five words!

AFTW (JC): “Eclectic, sexual, energetic, swag and dopenastysickbro, which is one word.

TLL (Patrick): “Cowabunga and hammond organs.”

AFTW (JC): “Thatʼs a good sound.”

2. Whereʼd your band name come from?

AFTW (JC): “We were at archery practice and I was missing a lot that day and he (John) was like “Dude, bro, why donʼt you aim for the target?” and I was like “Why donʼt you aim for your mom?” He was like, “Dude, Iʼm going to aim your mom this weekend” and I was like “Oh, thatʼs a good band name” but then we dropped the “mom.””

TLL (Patrick): “We all follow Jesus Christ. We all spread the love to Jesus. We wanna be the love, the light that he was lays in. So, thatʼs why our name is The Love Light.”

3. What inspired you to write/play music?

TLL (Patrick): “Blink 182”

AFTW (JC): “Thatʼs probably true for me. Weʼll not you (pointing at John).”

AFTW (John): “Not me. I donʼt play guitar at all. I actually just always, it was interested at all, I guess? After awhile, I kinda got into with him (JC) and he was kinda the one who always just said..”

AFTW (JC): “…We used to have a lot of parties like every weekend like all the time. Afterward, there will be an acoustic guitar laying around. So, we would be those cool guys in the party, playing guitar, that everybody loves so much. Wonderwall, Taylor Swift, whatever you want and after awhile, we were just like “Oh, lets start writing our own music.”


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4. Would you say Blink 182 is one of your main musical influences?

TLL (Patrick): “I would say, for me, yeah.”

AFTW (JC): “I remember being 12 when I got my first walkman, it was bright yellow Sony walkman and I went to my porch and put the headphones on, I turned it on to the only station I could get and I heard “All The Small Things” and I wanted to play guitar at that once.”

5. Is there a message or theme youʼre trying to get across in your music?

AFTW (JC): “On Street Light, I donʼt feel like there was a theme. We actually have a new song coming out tonight, actually called That Glamorous Life on iTunes.”

TLL (Devin): “Themes for our song are pretty random, it just had to do it where weʼre at. For me, where Iʼm at is a situation like relationship or just something Iʼm like struggling right now. So, the themes for these new songs weʼre writing itʼs really mixed. There are some like love songs, relationship songs and there are some songs that more like personal to me that represent whatʼs going through, things that other peopleʼs going through. Itʼs gonna be an interesting mix.”

TLL (Patrick): “More like Americana.”

AFTW (JC): “If our music will be drinks for starbucks what would it be?”

TLL (Devin): “Cinnamon Dulce Hot Chocolate.”

TLL (Patrick): “Soy Americano.”

AFTW: “Ours would be like Pumpkin Spice Latte with a little whiskey. Itʼll be something strong.”

6. Why should people listen to your music?

AFTW (John): “It makes you kinda wanna try fishing. Wanna go out there and try to do it.”

AFTW (JC): “I think you should buy our music because itʼs a soundtrack for the fun things you do like when you go swimming and I think you

should buy their (The Love Light)ʼs music because its good.”

TLL (Devin): “With our music, the reason that we do what we do is because we love playing music.”

7. What do you think is the meaning of life?

AFTW (John): “Discovering who you are.”

AFTW (JC): “To catch ʻem all.”

8. If you could date anyone from the other band, who would it be?

TLL (Patrick): “JC. Without a doubt.”

AFTW (John): “This hunk right here (Patrick).”

TLL (Devin): “I would probably make rings that probably made you like Captain Planet sorta thing and whatever came up from that, I would say that.”

9. What is your worst high school memory?

AFTW (JC): “I say my worst is probably anytime boner happened in class.”

TLL (Patrick): “There is this girl who always sit behind me on history class. For some reason, every single morning, I had the worst gas like everyday. So I was just fart all through history class in the morning. This girl that I liked that I used to crushed on sit in the back so I just like hold ʻem in and I just slipped out.”

AFTW (John): “First day of class, for some reason I moved from California to Virginia. For some reason I thought that junior start later, because it usually do. So, I have to take the bus to school. When I got to the bus and I was noticing these kids were small. Obviously, these kids take the bus because theyʼre

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freshman and Iʼm the only junior on this bus ʻcause Iʼm an idiot.

10. Tell the world why they should listen to the other band.

TLL (Patrick): “I think you guys did really well and so damn fun. You can listen to it when youʼre doing all kind of fun activities.”

AFTW (JC): “Check them out because its catchy, its fun and it makes you wanna tap your foot and sing along.”


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1. What is the story behind the name “My Girl Friday” and how did you guys get together to form the band?

A: “The name we just kind of made up after we looked into some old movie titles, we kind of just reword it. The movie called His Girl Friday from the 40s and then we all just friends who wanna be in a band so we started a band.”

2. Whoʼs your inspiration for the songs?

A: “Country music.”

3. What is the story behind your new song, “American Kids”, and is the new record going to sound similar like the new single?

A: “The new record gonna be a lot different than the previous we put out. More like “American Kids”, so excited to yaʼll to hear it. Its gonna be different!”

4. 5 words to describe your new record!

A: “Fun, different, country, sing-along, and awesome.”

5. Whatʼs My Girl Fridayʼs future plans? Any new cover songs soon?

A: “Probably throw a new cover song in there, released a new record, maybe another new single before that and just keep making new music.”

6. Whoʼs your dream collaboration?

A: “I love to collab with Kenny Chesney also Eric Church. I love Eric Church.”

7. If you could tour with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

A: “I probably go with those both Kenny Chesney and Eric Church. Thatʼs all I listen too and Ryan Adams.”

8. Whatʼs the biggest goal that you guys want to archive as a band?

A: “To have as many people as possible to hear our music. Go as far as we can with it.”

9. Whatʼs music means to you?

A: “Music is just awesome to me probably its because I was gonna be there. Its whatʼs everybody likes.”

MY GIRL FRIDAY Interview with Justin Godsey

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10. Do you aspire to be the next Chuck Bass?

A: “I am Chuck Bass.”

11. What would be the first thing you grab when thereʼs a zombie apocalypse?

A: “The first I would grab is a gun and shoot them in the head.”

12. Would you rather: an astronaut or a merman?

A: “I would be an astronaut because Iʼve been in the ocean before and never been in space before.”

13. Harry Potter or Twilight?

A: “Harry Potter.”

14. If you could play in someone elseʼs music video, what video would it be and who would you play as?

A: “I would be in We Belong Together by Mariah Carey because she looks sexy on that video, so I would be in

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THE MAINE – PIONEER (by Seanzha Kemal)

The Maine released their new album, Pioneer on 6 December 2011, and all I can say is..theyʼve grown up! So ladies and gentlemen, we give you, the new version of The Maine. The album starts with the song, Identify. On this song, I like how clever the lyrics are with lines such as

“Sometimes you can feel so smart/Just like a ghost in school clothes/But my days are moistly hazy/321 here comes the hurricane baby” This demonstrates The Maineʼs ability to push lyrical limits and truly create a genre bending approach to their music. The fourth song on the album is Some Days. I really connected with the feel of this song, the mixture of John OʼCallaghanʼs voice and beats create a perfect beat for this song that makes you want to jump around during the song. The rock nʼ roll-ish-guitar sound of Jared Monaco and Kennedy Brockʼs fingers fights nicely with Pat Kirchʼs drum beats. Pioneer finishes off with the song “Waiting For My Sun To Shine”. I love this track because it has a slower feel than the other songs, it is also the “cleaner” song of the album too Overall, I think Pioneer is a great album. I suggest everyone to pick

themselves up a copy of this record. Hopefully, youʼll enjoy this album as much as I do. Score: 8/10 Go listen: Identify, Some Days, Iʼm Sorry, Donʼt Give Up On Us, While Listening to Rock & Roll


Young The Giant, an alternative rock band from Irvine, CA, was one of the performance on one of the line up from 107.7 The End Seattleʼs 2011 Deck The Hall Ball. The band played one of their current hit, “Cough Syrup” and closed their set with the song, “My Body”. Young The Giant is one of the most energetic band that played that night. Lead singer, Sameer Gadhia keep moving places and keep changing microphone and of course, bring all their crowd hyped. Gadhia also stated if they will come back to Seattle on April to play a show at The Moore. Their set definitely one of my favorite set that night!


Arizonaʼs alternative rock band, The Maine, released their third album out the label, Pioneer, on Dec 6th. They started the self-promotion tour on California back on November and luckily, I got to catch to one of the Pioneer Tour show in Philadelphia, PA on December 15th. The band open their first set with playing all of the songs off the new record. They open their set with playing “Identify” and everyone in the room was started pushing to the front while singing along. During the song “While


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Listening To Rock and Roll”, John separate two parts of the crowd and he made everyone to sing the different part of the song. It was great seeing everyone in the room singing along to every single song especially since they just drop the album a week before the show. Between the set, the band put a mockumentary, which itʼs a documentary of the band, reenact as themselves from the first time they were a band until now. Itʼs a really funny (sad) growing up video of them. When the second set began, front man, John OʼCallaghan started playing the piano and sang their Daytrotter version of “Inside Of You”. During the second set, the band changed instrument a lot and they play all of their songs in different version. The band also covered one of Ryan Adamsʼ song, “Two” and bring couple fans on stage to sing with them during their Christmas song, “Ho Ho Hopefully”. Pioneer Tour closed with one of their single, “Into Your Arms”, which, OʼCallaghan only played it all by himself on stage. It was a really packed sold-out show. The Maine never disappointed their fans. Itʼs like An Evening With The Maine part two.


Phoenix, Az-based pop rock group, My Girl Friday came back with their new record called “American Kids” which released on 27 December 2011. The album has a pretty simple sound with a steady tempo through the majority of the tracks. The music brings us back to the time when rock nʼ roll sound in the 1960s - 1970s, with the touch of a little bit country sound which show a lot of growth and push towards a more mature sound. American Kids opens with Rolling Stone, showing that My Girl Friday took the time to create something special for this record, and itʼs so very different from their early songs like “Hotel Room Queen” and “To Be Together”

Most of the songs have a steady drum-machine thump to keep the listenerʼs attention focused, Like the next song, the best of this album “Down By The Water”, you can hear the country influence that is supposed to run throughout the album. Justin Godsey has always the vocal ability to sing his heart out.

To be honest, this is the first time Iʼve felt a feeling of emotion out of an album. Itʼs no longer about girls, party, etc. Especially on Love Will Find You they sing and tell us about a love story. “to whom it may concern/good love will find you someday…” after 32 plays on my iTunes, Iʼm still getting chill. That song is the best song My Girl Friday has ever written.

All the members of My Girl Friday have truly stepped up their game on this album, American Kids has a focused energy that runs all throughout it. Each song shows the time and effort theyʼve put into this. If you have never enjoyed My Girl Friday before, I strongly suggest you to check this record out, because itʼs probably one of the best records of the year.

Score: 8/10 Go listen: Rolling Stone, American Kids, Down By The Water and *my favorite* Love Will Find You

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“Sheʼs the next big thing! I repeat, this Canadian girl is the next big thing. Well, Iʼm pretty sure sheʼs going to take over the world next year. Siberia is such a good record, all of the songs are amazing. Good job, Lights Valerie Poxleitner!”

-Seanzha Kemal


“Probably, this is the best Ryan Adams album ever written. The fact heʼs finally back writing music again makes this album sounds perfect even though he recorded all of the tracks acoustically. Also, the fact that Mandy Moore sings on couple songs makes this album my new all time favorite!”

-Angela Winnie


“Do you still remember back in 2004 when Simple Plan released ʻStill Getting Any..ʼ with the catchiest hooks and meaningful songs but then they let us down a little bit with their self titled album on 2008? Well, all you Simple Plan fans shouldnʼt be disappointed anymore with the newest follow up, ʻGet Your Heart On!ʼ. Iʼm a fan of the band myself and I have to say that this album really reminds me of the good ʻole Simple Plan. The songs are absolutely infectious and addicting. You will never get tired of listening to the album. Such a great way to come back.”

-Dania Dwikhanza


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“Fans wonʼt be disappointed by Jackʼs Mannequin third full length album, People and Things. Andrew McMahon brings together Everything In Transitʼs summer pop feel and catchy hooks, while dives deep into similar sounds from The Glass Passenger. The opening track “My Racing Thoughts” kicks off the album with an upbeat tempo and catchy singalongs, a feel much similar to EIT. Tracks like “Release Me” and “People, Running” keep the fast tempos going and bring a little bit of the summer feeling into the album. Tracks like “Hey Hey Hey (Weʼre all gonna die)” and “Restless Dream” bring out the realism and have the similar sounding vocals and emotion that is seen in The Glass Passenger. A couple of the standout tracks like “Amelia Jean” has a strong chorus and is very piano driven. Along with “Amy, I” which carries out a story filled with the same sounding emotion McMahon put into TGPʼs “Miss California.” Overall McMahon brings together all the challenges and journeys that he has been faced with over the past couple of years into one solid album which sums up the career of Jackʼs Mannequin so far.”

-Alexis Poquette


“Sunderland is a pop/punk/alternative band originating from Hood River, Oregon. Their self-titled Sophomore EP is a follow up from their first EP, A Change of Pace, which was released in July 2010.

The EP displays many catchy song lyrics, which are showcased in the singles ʻClear to Meʼ and ʻKaylee Keep Your Hands Offʼ. Many of the tracks are consistent with a theme of girls, touring and relationship struggles. My personal favourite, ʻCampusʼ, features the convincing lyrics “Itʼs funny how in a moment, my life can change, all the pieces rearrange.” The next song ʻTell Meʼ has more of an acoustic feel, and is a nice change of pace from the previous upbeat tunes. The track, ʻBefore the Summerʼs Overʼ contains somewhat stereotypical lyrics relating to summer love – but will still have any

regular person nodding their head to the infectious rhythm. Closing with the vocally pleasing song ʻGone Without Goodbyeʼ, Sunderlandʼs EP doesnʼt disappoint.

The band is finishing 2011 on a high, after winning Charter Communicationsʼ Center Stage competition – they also opened for bands such as Honor Society, Bowling for Soup and Runner Runner. Hopefully theyʼll be lots more to come from these determined musicians in the New Year!”

-Chloe Hoy

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“The Maine's recent album, Pioneer is my top pick for 2011. I live through their new sound and adjust to their lyrics fairly quickly. I can't stop listening to the remarkable tracks that is my constant replay. I was fortunate enough to see them on their Pioneer Tour and what an incredible performance. The band never turns the left cheek, they are always great and I can't wait for what the future has at stake for The Maine.”

-Catherine Khom