1 definitions term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their...

1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates : relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve : graphical portrayal of the term structure of US Treasuries.

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Post on 11-Jan-2016




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Page 1: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal



• Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity.

• Yield curve: graphical portrayal of the term structure of US Treasuries.

Page 2: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Yield Curve

flat descending (or inverted)ascending (includes steep and normal) humped

Page 3: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Factors Influencing Bond Yields

• General level of interest rates• Default risk• Term to maturity• Tax treatment• Marketability• Call or Put features

– Call: issuer can retire bond early – Put: holder can retire bond early

• Convertibility (for instance to stock)

Page 4: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Example 1: Geometric Average

Over the past 4 years your investment advisor says he grew your money at 10%, 50%, -60%, 40%. Should you be happy?

10 50 60 40Arith Ave 10%


Page 5: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Example 1: Geometric Average

Over the past 4 years your investment advisor says he grew your money at 10%, 50%, -60%, 40%. Should you be happy?



10 50 60 40Arith Ave 10%


Geom Ave (1 .10)(1 .50)(1 .60)(1 .40) 1

(1.1)(1.5)(.4)(1.4) 1

.98043 1


Always true that:

Geometric Average ≤ Arithmetic Average

Page 6: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


U-3 and U-6 Unemployment Rates

Civilian Labor Pool = 156 million

U-3 = 5.9% of civilian labor pool (7.2 last year) Those without jobs, who are available to work and who have actively sought work in the prior four weeks.


U-6 = 11.8% (13.6 last year) Includes “marginally attached workers” (1) neither working nor looking for work, but say they want

a job, and (2) want to work full-time but are working part-time

because that is best they can find.


Page 7: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


(1) Expectation Theory

• Shape of yield curve determined by expectations about future rates.

• This theory assumes investors are indifferent between a long-term security and a series of short-term securities.

First of four theories used to explain shape of yield curve is expectation theory:

Page 8: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Term Structure Formula

0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0

01 1

0 1 1 1 2 1

01 1

0 1 1 1 2 1

1 1 1 1 1


1 1 1



1 1 1


n n n






n n n n

f f f f R


f f f



• Long-term interest rates are the geometric average of future period rates.

where: 0Rn observed YTM on n-year bond t fq forward rate on q-year bond that starts at

time t (where t = 0 is now)

Page 9: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Implied 1-Year Forward Rate Formula

01 1 1

0 1




nn n




Example of how to apply:

1. Want implied yield of a 1-year security that starts 6 years from now.

2. Look up yields on 6-year security and 7-year security.

3. Use formula above with n = 7.

This results in the implied forward rate formula for the n-th period coming up

Page 10: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal

Example 2: Calculating Forward Rates

Assume following Treasury security quotes:yrs to

maturity YTM

1 2015 11-Nov 0.8953

2 2016 11-Nov 1.3725

3 2017 11-Nov 1.8770

4 2018 11-Nov 2.3172

5 2019 11-Nov 2.6626

Find the 1-year implied forward rates during nth year (where n = 2,3,4,5) using


01 1 1

0 1




nn n




Page 11: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Example 3: Another Example

find the 1-year implied forward rate for the period that begins 2 years from now where

1-year Treasury bill 1.9%2-year Treasury note 2.4%3-year Treasury note 2.7%

01 1 1

0 1




nn n




When doing, note for example: 4th period starts 3 years from now, and ends 4 years from now.

Page 12: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


(2) Liquidity Premium Theory Says…

• Long-term securities have greater price risk, and generally less marketability.

• Liquidity premiums contribute to an upward tendency of a yield curve.

Page 13: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


(3) Market Segmentation Theory Says…

• Market participants may have strong preferences for particular maturities, and buy and sell securities consistent with these preferences.

• Can theoretically lead to discontinuities in yield curve.

Page 14: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


(4) Preferred Habitat Theory Says…

• Preferred Habitat Theory (an extension of Market Segmentation Theory) allows market participants to trade outside of their preferred maturities if adequately compensated.

• Preferred Habitat Theory allows for humps in the yield curve.

Page 15: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Which Theory is Right?

• Each has its point.

• Day-to-day changes in the term structure seem consistent with the Preferred Habitat Theory.

• Many economists also feel that Expectations and Liquidity Premiums are important, too.

• Market Segmentation Theory appears to be least realistic of the four.

Page 16: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Bond RatingsFitch, too

Page 17: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


NRSROs• Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations

• NRSROs are credit-rating agencies authorized by the SEC and banking regulators. Currently 10 (best known Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, Fitch).

• BBB- (Baa3) and above are investment-grade, below are speculative-grade or “junk.”

• Issuers pay to have their bonds rated. Banks, insurance companies, pension funds, many mutual funds can only hold investment-grade bonds.

• As conditions change, rating agencies change their ratings. Bad when an issue’s rating drops below cutoff.

Page 18: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Default Rates

AAA 0.52%AA 1.31A 2.32BBB 6.64BB 19.52B 35.76CCC 54.38

Non-mortgage bond default history, when initially rated:

History with recent mortgage securities entirely different.

Page 19: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Default Risk

• Investors require a default risk premium.

• DRP = i – irf > 0

• Default risk premiums tend to increase in periods of recession (when people scared) and decrease in periods of economic expansion (when people overconfident).

• “flight-to-quality”• Bond ratings are only for default risk.

Page 20: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Call Options

• Call option permits the issuer to call (refund) the obligation before maturity.

• Issuers will “call” if interest rates decline.

• investors demand a call interest premium.

• CIP = ic – inc > 0

Page 21: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Put Options

• Put option permits the investor to terminate the contract at a designated price before maturity.

• Investors are likely to “put” their bond back to the issuer during periods of high interest rates.

• Difference in interest rates between putable and nonputable contracts is called the put interest discount.

• PID = ip – inp < 0

Page 22: 1 Definitions Term structure of interest rates: relationship between the yields on bonds and their terms to maturity. Yield curve: graphical portrayal


Conversion Options• Permits the investor to convert a security contract

into another security

• Conversion yield discount is the difference between the yields on convertibles relative to nonconvertibles.

• CYD = icon – incon < 0