
ANNEX NO.1 DESTRUCTION OF EXPLOSIVES WASTAGE 1. The destruction of explosives will be made only by persons authorized by the DICSCAMEC and specially trained. 2. lookouts were placed in strategic locations, with red flags and whistles. DYNAMITE AND CONTAINERS 1. When the dynamite take a very dark color or becomes soft and pulpy, or This other symptoms of decomposition will be destroyed. 2. When decomposed must handle it with great care, especially if it shows signs of getting out of the cartridges. 3. To destroy the dynamite it will burn at a distance not less than three hundred (300) meters in every house, railway, road or place that can be inhabited. 4. Do not burn more than one hundred (100) pounds (two boxes) of dynamite in one place. 5. The containers will be opened without tools of iron or other metal and cartridges are removed and scattered on the floor, taking care not to form heaps. 6. If the dynamite was too wet to burn easily you may be water with some oil. 7. Use power cord or a trail of paper, wood shavings or matter flammable proximity to not less than fifty (50) meters of dynamite, for spreading the flame and ignite. 8. The worker, immediately after turning the cord, paper or chips, It must retire at a distance to ensure their safety until the dynamite It has completely consumed.

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Post on 08-Dec-2015




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1. The destruction of explosives will be made only by persons authorized by theDICSCAMEC and specially trained.2. lookouts were placed in strategic locations, with red flags and whistles.DYNAMITE AND CONTAINERS1. When the dynamite take a very dark color or becomes soft and pulpy, orThis other symptoms of decomposition will be destroyed.2. When decomposed must handle it with great care, especially if it shows signs of getting out of the cartridges.3. To destroy the dynamite it will burn at a distance not less than three hundred(300) meters in every house, railway, road or place that can be inhabited.4. Do not burn more than one hundred (100) pounds (two boxes) of dynamite in one place.5. The containers will be opened without tools of iron or other metal andcartridges are removed and scattered on the floor, taking care not to form heaps.6. If the dynamite was too wet to burn easily you may be water with some oil.7. Use power cord or a trail of paper, wood shavings or matter flammable proximity to not less than fifty (50) meters of dynamite, for spreading the flame and ignite.8. The worker, immediately after turning the cord, paper or chips,It must retire at a distance to ensure their safety until the dynamiteIt has completely consumed.9. boxes, paper and packaging should be packaged and stored separately inthe area of hazardous waste to its final disposal.10. When you have to destroy as much dynamite should be chosen a newsite for each operation, being dangerous to put dynamite in the ground heatedby previous fires.11. As soon as you've burned all the dynamite in the ground should be removedthat was destroyed.BLACK POWDER1. The ill-fated black powder will be destroyed in amounts no greater than one hundred(100) pounds at a time.For destruction, the same system can be used for the destruction indicatedthe ill-fated dynamite.Detonating cord1. To destroy the detonating cord that were damaged by actionhandling or physical agents will continue the procedure for the destruction of dynamite. It should be unwound from the reel and cut into sections

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not more than three (03) meters. The cord lengths may be placed onparallel to each other at a distance not less than two and a half (2.50)centimeters.

ANFO1. It must be destroyed by burning in the same way that dynamite in amounts notgreater than the critical mass.EXPLOSIVE PAPS (slurries)1. They must be fired at a suitable location, preferably covered with sand orEarth.Initiators (primers O BOOSTERS)1. They must be fired at a suitable location, preferably covered with sand orEarth.CORD ON SLOW AND MECHA1. Must not burned in larger amounts than ten (10) kilos, adoptingsame security measures used with dynamite.

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1. The destruction must make only persons authorized by the DICSCAMEC and specially trained in this regard.2. lookouts were placed in strategic locations, with red flags and whistles3. The percussion fuses and electrical currents that aredamaged or unusable shall be destroyed.4. over one hundred (100) units are not destroyed simultaneously.5. To destroy a hole about fifty (50) centimeters willdeep in the ground where the caps are placed with pluggingland not too tight, or sand.6. The trip will be by means of an electric fuse taking allprecautions for this type of work.7. Under no circumstances fulminant bodies of water wastage to be thrown, orThey will be buried without tripping.