01 may 2021 binstarter


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01 MAY 2021



Insurance Protocol with Decentralized Approval Mechanism Against Fraud

BinStarter is a decentralized insurance protocol which has a mining-style approval mechanism that brings together projects and liquidity providers. This insurance is designed to examine the projects according to certain criteria for 30 days and to protect liquidity providers from possible damages against any negativities that may occur.

Introducing BinStarter BinStarter is a collateral-based protocol for chain token pools and auctions designed to increase the capital of Binance Smart Chain-based decentralized projects. 

BinStarter Features


Fixed and Insured Swaps Insurance Protocol

Low Transaction Fee Fast Process

Approval Mechanism Guaranteed Allocations

BinStarter Fixed Swap

It is designed to eliminate unfair token distribution, liquidity-related problems, and fraud cases. Everybody is offered an easy and secure swap service with an equal price and low transaction fee in this protocol.

By providing a fixed exchange rate, BinStarter can see the exact amount in the transaction and the net amount it will get. This decentralized protocol plays an active role in calculating the cost bases accurately. This is completely different from the IDO model, in which the number of tokens sold varies greatly with price volatility.

Large Audiences   Having access to a large number of geographically and demographically dispersed crypto holders provides a significant advantage in the market. Many central exchanges look at key indicators on the basis of projects and investors. At this point, the decentralized BinStarter allows you to reach more people. 

Assurance and Low Transaction Fee  Binstarter aims to reduce the risk in the funds collected to zero. At this point, it has developed a guarantee system that will guarantee both projects and users. At the same time, it provides the advantage of making transactions with a very low transaction fee thanks to Binance Smart Chain on the user side. 

Transaction Speed  The Binstarter platform is designed on the Binance Smart Chain network to quickly process high-capacity transactions. 


BSR holders can participate in the BinStarter Ecosystem. A mining-inspired protocol has been developed to approve projects, process the process, and make final decisions. Users who have the right to vote in this protocol can take an active role in the management and be decisive in final decisions, provided that they are subject to a scoring system.  

Levels    BSR holders are offered some project-based benefits. These benefits may affect your purchase amount in the project, depending on your level. 

Your levels are determined by the number of BSRs, and time slice you stake on BinStarter. These time frames are as follows: 

BSR/Time 0 Days

5 Days

10 Days

30 Days

Flexible ( 7% ) L1

2000 BSR ( 13% ) L2

4000 BSR ( 30% ) L3

16000 BSR ( Voting Right) ( 50%) L4

$BSR Features Binstarter cryptocurrency is $BSR. BSR supply is limited to 100,000,000.

- Project-based advantages are provided to BSR holders according to their level.

- Priority purchase opportunity in projects published on BinStarter 

- There is a chance to stake $ BSR on BinStarter and to get an equal and fair share of project revenues. This ratio may vary depending on the project revenues and the number of tokens allocated for pools.

Deflation 1 Transaction Fee

Deflation 2 20M Token Burn

Staking Evaluation Pool

Vote Guaranteed Allocations

$BSR Features

- There is a chance to stake $ BSR on BinStarter and to get an equal and fair share of project revenues. This ratio may vary depending on the project revenues and the number of tokens allocated for pools. 

- BSR has a 1% transaction fee. This figure is sent directly to the burners, reducing the supply with each transaction. Transaction fees can be adjusted (0--2%)

- 23% (23M) is used for insurance coverage; any amount over $10m is used for burning. The financing of the deflation ends with the purchase of BSR at the current price in line with the revenues from the projects published on BinStarter and the burning of this amount for 30 days, equivalent to 3.3% per day after 30 days. 

Why BSR? Anti-Fraud Insurance Protocol 

As in every field, we may encounter malicious projects in this sector for various reasons. As a result of these malicious attempts, people may face problems such as loss of funds and huge value losses.

In the initiatives in the BSR protocol, BSR receipt happens at a rate of 50% of the BUSD value of the fund collected. For the following 30 days, the token value is followed by the algorithms determined by the BSR protocol. If the algorithm detects fraud, this situation is asked to BSR owners (Evaluation Pool) by voting method; if a minimum of 60% yes votes are achieved with the ballots, this protocol steps in and sends BSR to the wallet owners in the amount of IDO.

The “Evaluation Pool” can also activate this protocol, and voting can be initiated for community approval, in which case, if 60% of the yes votes are made, this protocol steps in and sends BSR to the wallet holders in the same amount that the IDO was made. 

Why BSR? Anti-Fraud Insurance Protocol 

- Only level 3 and above users can benefit from the insurance protocol.  - If you have not fulfilled the temporal requirements, you can activate this protocol by using the “lock” option from the staking section with the required amount to have a level of level 3 or above. 

What Happens Insurance After 30 Days? 

If the algorithm has not detected a problem within 30 days and a request is not created with the vote of our independent auditors, the protocol is automatically terminated. The amount covered by the insurance is transferred to the determined insurance fund if the fund amount is above the specified amount, 50% of the current BSR is transferred to the burn, 10% to the evaluation repository, 30% to the BSR stake pool, and 10% to the developer pool. 

Why BinStarter?

We have an ecosystem that produces solutions to common problems encountered in a rapidly developing and changing industry.

Negative experiences in the sector can play a negative role in the development of the sector from time to time and prevent the current growth. At this point, BinStarter aims to adapt to change, support, and contribute by developing. Our main goal in this protocol developed with these principles; With its fast transaction, low transaction fee, and secured transaction, it offers users a unique experience with its project owners. 

Meet BinStarter  

BinStarter is a private decentralized insurance protocol that works with Binance Smart Chain, offering users a choice of pools and auctions with equal rights and providing cheap and rapid capital exchange for decentralized projects. 

Together, we can build the future with confidence, equally and fairly with BinStarter. 

BinStarter’s Vision 

Startups and projects can easily, quickly, and safely collect funds using the BinStarter protocol. Undoubtedly, BinStarter is a unique protocol in terms of the sectoral community, in terms of the development of the sector, the reduction of risks, and the rapid implementation of new projects. 

BinStarter Evaluation Pool  

The BinStarter protocol has developed a mining-style scoring system for evaluating projects. In this system, BSR holders of Level 4 and above can participate in the decision-making mechanism by voting on projects to be published on BinStarter. 

How Does the Evaluation Pool Work?  

The wallet numbers of BSR holders are subjected to a scoring system regarding the success or failure of the project they participated in the vote. This scoring works as follows:  

For a successful project;  BSR owner who voted yes: +1 point  BSR holder who voted no: 0 points 

How Does the Evaluation Pool Work?  

To an unsuccessful project;  BSR owner who voted yes: -2 points  BSR holder voted no: +2 points

This scoring system is determined according to the price-tracking system we developed every month in a 3-month period starting from the start date of the project. Accordingly, a user who votes for a project receives 3 different points in total.

Each new project is voted at 70% by people with the highest scores and at 30% by those who have not participated in the project scoring before.   In order for a project to pass this evaluation pool, it must reach a minimum of 60% “Yes” votes.   

Evaluation Pool Reward System People in the evaluation pools are rewarded for their contribution to the decisions. This reward results in 10% of the burning amount being distributed to the voters according to their level of BSR; 

Distribution of 10%

Level 4: 10% 

How Can I Join an Evaluation Pool?  

Level 4 and above BSR holders see a button to participate in their panel when a new project is announced. The first 100 people who click this button can be included in that project in the evaluation pool.

However, due to the scoring system, priority is given to people with a high score of 70%. 30% is made up of new people.

Users who qualify to participate in the evaluation pool will have 2 weeks to review the project. We have put together some instructions that should be reviewed for those who will participate in the evaluation pool for the first time. You can find these details on our website.

Users participating in the evaluation pool must make their own decisions apart from the instructions. Your decision will be subjected to a very important scoring system regarding whether or not you will be able to join this pool again in the future.

Therefore, we recommend that you do a detailed examination and carefully read the documents we prepared for the “Evaluation Pool.”   

BinStarter, $BSR Stake BinStarter Pools are an ideal platform for BSR holders to earn both level and APR. The APR rate changes according to the profitability of the project with its locked or flexible option and is updated instantly in the panel. 

Factors Affecting Staking APR Ratio:  - 30% of the burning amount  - Transaction fees for users participating in the project  - Tokenomically determined distribution  - Locked and Flexible Option 


BinStarter, $BSR Stake

The Effect of Locked and Flexible Options on APR Rate:  There is a direct ARP difference between the two options. This rate is given below.   Flexible: 1  Unlocked: 1.3

Flexible option: In order to earn a level, you have to stake for a specified time. When the specified day and token amount reaches the specified level, your level is automatically defined in the panel.

The amount of token you add later has no effect on your level. You can think of the tokens added for staking as a separate pool.

Locked option: This is the option where you can directly earn a level and higher ARP. The number of tokens you have staked and the time it will remain locked will automatically be displayed on the panel. Note that once you confirm this action, you will not be able to withdraw before the specified time is up.   


For users of Level 4 and above, sweepstakes are held for the extra purchase right in the projects published on the BinStarter project. These sweepstakes are limited to the number of tokens to be determined by the project owners and are optional. 

16.000 BSR : 1 Ticket 25.000 BSR: 2 Tickets 32.000 BSR 3 Tickets

You get the right to win tickets according to your level. Winning ticket numbers are announced at the end of the IDO. Each ticket depends on your staking level and wallet number. Winning ticket numbers will have the right to make extra guaranteed purchases from the lottery pools.

Roadmap Overview 2021 The Road Map Will Be Updated In Q3 2021.

Token Promotion, Sale BSR Pools (Flexible, Locked) Fixed Swap Staking Levels

Community Formation

Q2 2021

Insurance Protocol Tests Evaluation Pool

Min. 2 Project Launch and Sales Q3


Lottrey Multi-Chain Fixed Swap Cover Pools Management Schemes The Beginning of the Management Model

Initiating Community-Sponsored Voting

Q4 2021

BinStarter Key Features 

We have been actively following processes such as ICO and IDO since 2016. As the investor of many successful and unsuccessful projects in the sector, we had the chance to gain important experiences. In this field, we aimed to create a market that securely connects pool formers and liquidity providers with a collateral protocol, with the experience we have gained as a group.  BinStarter is the first decentralized structure in the industry to have a collateral protocol. The future is in decentralized structures. 

Swap Pools  We have two different fixed swap pools; users can view these pools from the pages section of our home page;

Secured Fixed Swap Pools  Within the scope of coverage, they are project pools that have received community approval. Your funds are guaranteed with smart contracts against possible risks. 

Fixed Swap Pools  These are project pools that have received community approval but are not covered by the collateral.

Community approval: Evaluation Pool 

Stake  It is used for BSR holders, level determinations, and APR award earnings. However, projects published on BinStarter for price stability and long-term success can integrate their own tokens into these pools. 

Token Unility ($ BSR) Management  BSR, unlike many projects, is a decentralized project, fully dependent on community decisions. Decisions are made by the community on projects, additional features, new ideas, project reviews, and much more.

We are working on the scoring and reward system in line with this administrative plan. You can see the basis of this structure as the “Evaluation Pool.” 

Transaction Fees   The transaction fee is of great importance for vital issues such as project continuity, price stability, and continuity of periodic trade. At this point, the details (levels, awards, incentives, transaction fees) within the project are designed to fully protect these measures

1. Transaction fee: Set at 2%. 1% goes directly to the burning and 1% to foundational reserve. 2. When the project owners use the collateral protocol, 50% of the collected fund is converted to BSR, 50% of this rate goes directly to burning. The total amount to be burned is planned to be 23% (23M) of the total supply.

Staking Rewards for Pools    Token pools in Binstarter will be subject to a fixed fee paid by the pool creator. If a pool creator buys a coin worth 1,000 BUSD and the fee is fixed at 1%, 10 BUSD will be deducted from the purchase and added to the pool.  Staking rewards will also be distributed over 24-hour cycles. If a user has 2% of the total staked BSR during this 24-hour cycle, that user will receive the equivalent of 2% of all staking rewards for this. If Binstarter generated 10,000 BUSD during this time in the same period, this user will receive 200 BUSD worth of BSR. 

Collateral Awards  Successful project collaterals, when the risk factor disappears, the collateral amount allocated for the determined collateral pool is distributed, as shown below.

10% - Evaluation Pool  5% - Developer Awards 5% - Foundational Reserve 30% - Pool Rewards  50% - Burning

Evaluation Pool: We can think of it as miners validating data; BSR holders that play an active role in issues such as project follow-up.

Developer Pool: The ecosystem is developing and getting better every day; with the decision of the community, the amounts accumulated in this pool will be distributed to the people who contribute to the project.

Pool Rewards: Collateral Rewards, pool rewards effect will be added at a daily rate of 3.33% for a total of 30 days (100%).

Burning Rewards: The amount that corresponds to 50% in terms of price stability will be burned at a daily rate of 3.33% in 30 days (100%) in total. 

Developer Pool   The developer pool is a public platform. Anyone who can contribute to the development of the BSR project can earn BSR from this pool with the community’s votes. The developer pool is open to everyone, from a simple job to a professional-level job. BSR believes that development is a need. Meeting this need can be achieved by bringing together people with new ideas, experiences, and different perspectives to contribute. 

How Does the Developer Pool Work?  1. You present your opinion to the community by application.  2. The idea is approved by the community.  3. You realize the idea you promised.  4. The community confirms that your promise in the application has been fulfilled, and the BSR amount is transferred to your account.

The decision-maker in the applications is the “Evaluation Pool.” 

Developer Pools Limits  The upper limit of a job to be done in the developer pool cannot exceed 10% of the amount in the pool.

Developer Pool Temporary Funding  In the initial phase of the project, $ 100,000 BUSD was donated to the developer pool. The initial grant amount will pay the developers in BUSD form. 

2) Community Approve1) Offer

3) Realize Idea 4) Earn BSR

Token Distribution and Allocation

Collateral and Tokens to Burn are excluded. According to the protocol, when the collateral trigger runs, BSR will be received from this pool over the funds collected by the pool creators. The burning of successful projects will be burned in accordance with the protocol to support the BSR price, and some will be distributed according to the awards. (Collateral Rewards) The amount allocated for staking; Pool Rewards will be used for APR stability. If APR provides stability, it will be burned by community votes on a 3-month evaluation  









1,3%1,3% Seed Sale 2% Private Sale3,5% Public Sale 10% Foundational Reserve10% Team 10% Marketing / Partnerships / Advisors25% Pools Rewards 23% Insurance & Burn Token15,2% Burn

Seed-Public Sale Structure ($BSR)

Sale Details Total supply: 100M BSR Burn: 15.2M BSR First Initial Circulating Supply: 1.52M BSR Initial Market Cap: $152K Private Sale Price: $0.025 USD Seed Sale Price: $0.10 USD - 10% bonus for Under 1k purchase - 20% bonus for 1k purchase Public Sale Price: $0.10 USD Pancake Listing Price: $0.30 USD Total Amount Raised: 515K USD Total BSR Sold: 6.8M

Fund Raised

0 25 50 75 100

Burn Seed Sale Private Sale Public Sale Total supply

Token Release Schedule

Release Details

Seed: 20% unlocked before listing, vesting at 20% monthly over 4 months. Private: 20% unlocked before listing, vesting at 20% monthly over 4 months. Public: 25% unlocked before listing, vesting at 25% monthly over 3 months Foundational Reserve: 10% unlocked before listing, vesting at 30% yearly over 3 years Team: 10% unlocked before listing, vesting at 30% yearly over 3 years Marketing/… : 10% unlocked before listing, vesting at 7.50% monthly over 12 months Pools Rewards: 10% unlocked before listing, vesting at 5% monthly over 20 months Insure: Vesting at 3 monthly Airdrop: Locked for 1 year after public sales Comments Insurance & Burn Token is not included in this template. The insurance protocol only takes place when a new project is added to BinStarter by purchasing from the BSR token pool reserved for Insurance at the current BSR price. After 30 days, burning and other dispersions take place at the rates determined according to the protocol.

Seed Sale Private Sale Public SaleFoundational Reserve Team Marketing / Partnerships / AdvisorsPools Rewards


01 MAY 2021