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The Trail of the Serpent Series Part 2 ‘The Prophecy Pastor Mita Edwardson 2 nd December, 2012 Wanganui, New Zealand 1 Amen. Praise God. Hallelujah. Thanks be to God. He’s worthy. Worthy of our praise. Hallelujah. Amen. Highest praise to God. He’s worthy. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Bless your wonderful name. 2 We give you thanks and praise this morning for your Spirit. Thanks and praise for your grace and mercy upon our lives. Hallelujah. I once was lost but now I’m found, I was blind but now I see. Hallelujah. That’s why we thank you this morning Lord. That’s why we give you praise and sing these glorious songs. Hallelujah. We worship you. We invite your Spirit to come and speak the Word to us. Let us hear your Voice this morning. Meet every need. Touch the lives of your people... a small humble group as we are. Father this is treasure to us. People are treasure... each and every one represented in this building. It’s worth more than millions of worlds over, and we treat this little gathering sacred Lord. It’s a place of honour and we respect the Saints and those that are needy Lord we just reach out to them right now. For those of us who are strong we want to bear the infirmities of them that are weak, even as you spoke to Paul. Lord you said ‘My strength is made perfect in your weakness’. God that you would have a relationship with weakness…it’s amazing… such an awesome and mighty creator and powerful God that would have an association with weak, feeble flesh. It’s a paradox, but we welcome that Lord. Lord we welcome that relationship, that goodness of yours... it’s welcome in this building. Quicken our hearts together Lord, as we fellowship in Jesus name. Amen. You may be seated. 3 Good morning. We are here for the Word this morning, nothing else. Julian is with us… he’s going to sing us a song, aren’t you Julian? God bless you Brother, come on up. We don’t just want you to sing us a song you are welcome to speak a little bit… say hello to the Saints. It’s good to have you with us. [Brother Julian sings and greets the Saints.] Just amazing – there are Preachers, there are Teachers, there are Pastors, there are Apostles and there are Singers. There is a Singer right there. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. I like that. That’s beautiful... a beautiful song... a beautiful execution of that song. Wonderful, Brother. Amen. Take our love back to Auckland with you Brother, to Brother Derrick and the church. Thank you very much for

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The Trail of the Serpent SeriesPart 2

‘The Prophecy’ Pastor Mita Edwardson

2nd December, 2012 Wanganui, New Zealand

1 Amen. Praise God. Hallelujah. Thanks be to God. He’s worthy. Worthy of our praise. Hallelujah. Amen. Highest praise to God. He’s worthy. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Bless your wonderful name.

2 We give you thanks and praise this morning for your Spirit. Thanks and praise for your grace and mercy upon our lives. Hallelujah. I once was lost but now I’m found, I was blind but now I see. Hallelujah. That’s why we thank you this morning Lord. That’s why we give you praise and sing these glorious songs. Hallelujah. We worship you. We invite your Spirit to come and speak the Word to us. Let us hear your Voice this morning. Meet every need. Touch the lives of your people... a small humble group as we are. Father this is treasure to us. People are treasure... each and every one represented in this building. It’s worth more than millions of worlds over, and we treat this little gathering sacred Lord. It’s a place of honour and we respect the Saints and those that are needy Lord we just reach out to them right now. For those of us who are strong we want to bear the infirmities of them that are weak, even as you spoke to Paul. Lord you said ‘My strength is made perfect in your weakness’. God that you would have a relationship with weakness…it’s amazing… such an awesome and mighty creator and powerful God that would have an association with weak, feeble flesh. It’s a paradox, but we welcome that Lord. Lord we welcome that relationship, that goodness of yours... it’s welcome in this building. Quicken our hearts together Lord, as we fellowship in Jesus name. Amen. You may be seated.

3 Good morning. We are here for the Word this morning, nothing else. Julian is with us… he’s going to sing us a song, aren’t you Julian? God bless you Brother, come on up. We don’t just want you to sing us a song you are welcome to speak a little bit… say hello to the Saints. It’s good to have you with us. [Brother Julian sings and greets the Saints.] Just amazing – there are Preachers, there are Teachers, there are Pastors, there are Apostles and there are Singers. There is a Singer right there. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. I like that. That’s beautiful... a beautiful song... a beautiful execution of that song. Wonderful, Brother. Amen. Take our love back to Auckland with you Brother, to Brother Derrick and the church. Thank you very much for blessing us this morning with that beautiful anointing. Hallelujah. Oh no… with a voice like that... with a Spirit like that… Amen. God bless you. Thank you Brother. Hallelujah. Amen.

4 Would you stand with me in respect of the Word of the Lord? For the King we stand. If the King walks into the building, we stand to the King. This is not a worldly King we are talking about. This is The Son of David Ministry. Amen. It’s something great and glorious. It’s The Son of David. He is on His Throne this morning. Amen. Victory has been wrought. The battles are won. The enemy is conquered. The Victor lives in our heart. Blessed be the Lord Jesus. I want you to turn with me to Revelation Chapter 12… a familiar scripture... an old-fashioned scripture, one that we are so familiar with in this Church. Revelation Chapter 12. It’s talking about...

5 Our subject we’ve been speaking about is ‘The Trail of The Serpent’... ‘The Bruised Serpent’ rather, which is the same thing. ‘The Bruised Serpent’. Brother Branham preached that in ‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’ series... ‘Revelation Chapter 5’. He was preaching from the book of Revelation, Chapter 5, where the Lamb takes the book and opens the Seals. It was the chapter where John was crying, weeping and travailing. He was tormented because he couldn’t see the answer to the oppression. He had no way of escape from the captivity. He was actually, himself, in exile on the Isle of Patmos. He was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and he had seen a lot of things. In Revelation, Chapter 5... we’re not turning there, but that’s where we have sprung the series from… ‘The Bruised Serpent’, from Brother Branham’s message on Revelation Chapter 5.

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6 In Revelation 5 John’s weeping... he’s in trouble... and that just seems to be our life story. A man who is born of a woman, his days are short and he’s full of trouble. Amen. No sooner man’s born of a woman, than sparks begin to fly, the scripture says. I’m just quoting scripture to you. So here’s John – the sparks have flown 50 years for him and he’s standing there weeping in Chapter 5 – an amazing chapter. But here comes the answer, and actually it’s an elder that had the answer to his oppression. The Bible says an elder stood up – so it wasn’t the Christ Himself in person. I say it that way because it’s Christ in you... it’s Christ in the Apostles, Christ in the Prophet, so whosoever it was it was Christ – but it wasn’t Jesus the Christ.

7 One of the elders stood up and said ‘John don’t weep. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah has prevailed’. These fellows were in another camp. John was in trouble and weeping and in travail, but this elder was in another camp. He said ‘John stop crying. Don’t even think about crying any more for the Lion…’ Now he starts introduce John... who is in oppression… who’s depressed, actually, physically speaking. Not in his soul or his Word-man he wasn’t. He was in the Spirit – but look at his oppression. He was boiled in hot tar and fat and left out on an island amongst scorpions. His Lord had been crucified and resurrected. He thought this was it – the victory had come amongst the believers, and he ends up a prisoner... but he didn’t act up like John the Baptist. He stood right there and said ‘I was in the Spirit’.

8 But the Bible said he wept. He wept for the human race, but my point here was that there was another group that had an understanding of something, that made them act differently to the way John was acting. And I look upon you this morning and I see that group of people that are in a different state than John was. Can you say Amen? And this elder had the answers and said ‘Hey John something’s going on here’, and introduced him to a King. Hallelujah. And I believe that’s really the answer to all of our problems. Just come and meet the King. Understand the King and become friends with the King. We are not talking about the Jesus who died at Calvary 2000 years ago, the King of the Jews. We are talking about that One who died, rose again and walked through 2000 years of candlesticks and came back again in the mysterious cloud in 1963… we’re talking about Him.

So, Revelation 12… And there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet…

9 Look at that wonderful thing. Look at her clothing – brilliant. Look where she’s positioned in heaven. And that’s where we are right now. The original script where Paul says we’re in ‘heavenly places’ in Christ Jesus… the the Englishman who transcribed that... put it in writing... couldn’t cope with the Revelation that the Bible had. Paul said in the original, ‘You are seated in heaven’. He didn’t say ‘heavenly places’. The original says ‘You are seated in heaven’. The Apostle Paul understood the dimensions. He knew all about the seven dimensions. He knew that dimensionally we are in heaven. Dimensionally we are victorious and we are perfect. Physically we are seated… we are seated in hell actually… missing teeth, deafening ears, wrinkling skin… let’s not be fooled. Physically-speaking we are no different than what John was on the Isle of Patmos. But John, even though he physically was in torment, he could stand up and say ‘John was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day’.

10 That’s my confession this morning. Though physically we might be here wrinkling, aging and everything else, but my confession is ‘Mita is in the Spirit on the Lords day’. Hallelujah. But here’s the position... in heaven was the woman. There appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun… that’s bright. In all that dismal island there was brightness. And the only bright thing John could see was this woman. There’s nothing brighter than the Wife of the great King. The wife usually eclipses the man – the husband. She seemingly is more glorious, and beautiful and attractive. A woman clothed with the sun (there’s the brilliant attire) and the moon under her feet. See the moon always associates with dimness. You say ‘Well it’s bright’, but no – it always comes associates with darkness – the moon. And the moon, the darkness, the dimness and everything that is associated with the moon, is under her feet. That’s where it belongs. Everything dismal and relating to darkness… it doesn’t belong, it shouldn’t be upon us.

11 Remember what the scripture says... ‘Great, gross darkness covers the earth’, but then one rises up and says ‘Shalom… I see the Rising of The Sun’. It’s always darkest before the day. But

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‘Shalom, good morning’. There’s another voice ... another one standing in the cave in darkness. The clothing upon his little sister is darkness... and he cries out ‘Little Sister… somebody’s got an answer… you don’t have to stay in darkness Sister, because there’s somebody here who can turn on the light!’. If you have a problem this morning then it doesn’t have to be. You can escape. You can take it off. And this woman had the darkness under her… something associated... the symbol that associated with dim light was under her feet. She was on top of it. She was above it. Amen. She had control of it… she had control of that thing.

12 Moonlight symbolises and associates with darkness, but it was under feet. What a great day we are standing in. This is where we are. This is who we are. This is what He’s done for us. This is our day and its scripture. This is our condition. Even though we might be on the Island of Patmos we can say ‘I was in on the Spirit on the Lords day’. When I say ‘was’ I’m looking back. We’re looking back... we’re looking back at the scripture because this scripture was written thousands of years ago. You know – you know you’re in the Spirit now.

and upon her head a crown of 12 stars.

13 This woman’s got a crown that makes her one with the King. Only one with the King can have a crown. I know this is fundamental but this is a beautiful picture and I’m glad to be identified in the mirror of this Word, because I refuse to come to Church and preach darkness upon you and take you into the dungeon of despair – for we come here to trumpet the glory and the victory and the goodness and the mercy and the grace. This is not ‘hype-up’. The Bible is full of it. God is full of gifts. We don’t have to try hard to lift you up because the Holy Spirit is here to lift us up. He said I would send you the Holy Ghost. He would be your comfort. It’s not hard to preach comfortable Words because the Comforter has come... He is here. This is no put-on… it’s no pretence. This is the Word of God. This is who we are. Amen.

And she (you) being with child cried travailing in birth and pained to be delivered. Please be seated. Keep your Bibles open there.

14 This woman here is pregnant with something. She’s got Life and yet – though she bears Life – she also bears pain with that Life. Just think now. Let’s just get the picture. I’m talking about travail. We’re talking about misery and pain, although it’s easy to say those words when we are talking about it being under our feet. We’re so glad we glorify God this morning that we are the Queen with a crown... with a dismal light under our feet and the glory and brilliance of the sun is our clothing.

15 You say ‘What are you talking about?’ The sunlight far exceeds that of the moonlight. And if you’re in the Church Ages you’ve got moonlight. If you are in the Church Ages you’ve got stars. You know say, ‘Oh, stars are beautiful – they’re brilliant’. In comparison to the sun what is a star? In comparison to the sun what is the moon... talking about the brilliance? When the sun comes out, the brilliance of the star is hard to see. You say ‘Oh, a beautiful moon… a full moon… I love a full moon… it just feels good… a full moon’. The stars all brilliant, the galaxies, but when the sun comes up, what of it? What of the night?

16 Brothers and Sisters, I want to tell you something. We are here in a New Day. This is not William Branham’s hour this is my time to shine. Brother Branham was a great Prophet of the 20th Century – and here we stand in the 21st Century. It’s a New Day. A bright New Day. And William Branham came, as the 7th Star, heralding the rising Son. He said it himself – he says ‘The evening star heralds the rising sun’. You know what that means? It’s making an announcement. He says ‘He’s standing right there’. He’s telling the whole Church – in fact, actually, he’s in a caravan – he’s probably sitting with a cup of coffee on the side. And he’s in a little caravan talking to a group of people – just 5 or 6 or 7 of them – and they’ve got this recorder going and he says ‘Shalom, Good Morning’. He says ‘The evening star heralds the rising sun’. In other words, he was saying that ‘I have come to introduce you to a brand New Day’.

17 What happens when the Day comes? What happens to the star? What of the star? So if the stars have gone – Paul has gone, Irenaeus has gone, Luther’s gone, Wesley’s gone, Branham’s gone – then where are we standing? We are no longer in the night people. We’re in the Day. The sun has risen. It’s a brand new hour. And here’s this woman standing in the brilliance. You say ‘Oh well, look at that crown, she’s got stars on her head’. She carries them with pride. We

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carry our Messengers with pride; lest we forget what Paul did for us, what Irenaeus did, what Columba did, what Luther did when he damned that Catholic Church for me and you. He withstood all those priests... and he was a priest himself... and he began to tell the people ‘This is not the way – Roman dominance and the Church of Rome is not the way – the just shall live by faith’. We herald that star. We hold that star upon our head like a memorial. We are thankful for Luther’s message.

18 And Wesley comes along and starts to clean up the church and tells the church that you can’t live any old kind of life. ‘Dedicate yourselves, set yourselves aside, give your heart and soul and whole entire life to God. Don’t just think this is a free ride on grace’. We thank God for Wesley. We hold that star upon our head. We keep it in our mind. Our head is our revelation – our understanding. We hold Luther’s message and Wesley’s message with honour. Do you do that? Aren’t you so grateful that a man like Wesley came to withstand the Catholic Church to bring the people out of idolatry, to bring them out of all kinds of ‘isms’ and complaints and all sorts of religious demons? Wesley was there and cleaned up the Church.

19 This woman had stars upon her head. They were all founded on the 12 Apostles – the Apostles’ doctrine and the 12 Patriarchs of the Old Testament. We have this entire Revelation resting inside of our heads. We understand the 12 Patriarchs. We understand the 12 Apostles and we understand the 7 Messengers. But what can I say about that? That is history. That is not our Day. We are standing here now – the moon under our feet – in the brilliant light of the sun. It is risen upon us. It is a brand New Day. This is not Luther’s day, not Wesley’s day, not Pentecostal, it’s not William Branham’s message.

20 I am going to give a little slide here… just a little bit. I’m so glad and happy. I just have to tell you something. The Third Coming of Jesus Christ is the most brilliant thing the earth has ever seen. You say ‘What are you talking about?’ I’m talking about Jesus Christ has come again and people have missed it. It’s so obvious He said He was going to come in the clouds. The Bible says ‘He shall come in the clouds of glory’. He shall come with a cloud. ‘I saw one like the Son of Man sitting in the clouds’, and then what happens? The Prophet points us to a cloud. He says ‘Look at this picture. He told me to turn it to the right. Science magazine took a photograph of it. 32 miles... 26 miles this way and that way’. He gave all the dimensions. And still the people sit in their churches waiting on the coming of the Lord. ‘Well’, you say ‘if He’s come, what are we doing here’?

21 The Bible talks about Christ would come into earth to rule and reign. You say ‘Well why don’t you just go down to the zoo and entertain the lions and we will see where you are. Brother’. I’ve got lions in me that I’ve got to conquer. And we’ve done a pretty good job of it. Not too bad. We’re not eating the church anymore, destroying Ministers, destroying churches or destroying innocent families. We’re doing alright. We’ve conquered a few beasts… but we are not going to get right into the subject of the coming of the Lord, I’ll just leave that.

22 Look at this. The subject is ‘The Trail of the Serpent’ – because the human life is serpent. A serpent is something that normally, you know, associates with… it’s just a snake. It’s to do with being bitten and poisoned. You know when someone gossips, it’s like serpent. They inject poison, and all of a sudden it’s going through your blood. The political system is full of poison. The laws that they pass that take dominion over your life. You know what happens when you get poisoned you become numb... and we have fallen victims of law-givers… politicians... who place laws so that you can’t discipline your own children. They decide how you discipline your own children. You know what that is called? ‘Dictatorship’.

23 But we have fallen victims to the serpent and it’s bitten us with its laws and regulations. You can’t even milk a cow without having a rule on how to milk it. How perverted is that? You can’t kill a sheep unless you’ve got a little sticker. ‘Kill a sheep man. I’m just hungry. I just want to kill that sheep… I’m going to eat it’. Well, there are by-laws. I’m talking about politicians. I’m talking about the serpent and the bite of the serpent and the numbness that sets in. We’ve fallen victims of the serpent. It sunk its teeth into us – but you know, here’s the good news. The Bible says ‘You shall take up deadly things and it won’t harm you’. So all these laws that they have passed, and the venom they have injected into you... the Bible says ‘it will not harm you’. Can you all say ‘Amen’ to that?

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24 So when I listen to the radio, listen to talk-back (which I haven’t done for a long time), see the news or whatever – oh it looks so dark. Everything is so negative. There is no good news. It’s all bad. Someone raped someone. Someone killed someone. Someone robbed the bank – on and on. Fraudsters and gangs – it’s so bleak. Earthquakes in diverse places. storms ravishing cities and the aftermath of it. It’s all you hear. It’s dark. It’s terrible. In amongst it all you can’t rebuild a city ‘Unless…’ Talk about politicians, the bite of the serpent and what happens. We all fall… we all become numb. ‘You can’t do’, ‘You’ve got to stop it at a certain time’, ‘Start at a certain time’, ‘You can’t drive over certain hours’, which are good laws, but you know it all stinks. But the good news is it shall not harm you. Are you with me?

25 I’m talking about the serpent and talking in the political realm and the poison they inject into our system – taking away your rights and everything else. Meanwhile collecting money from the people and living on it... living high. Promising and failing on their promises… politicians. But let me say something else. Religion, religious hierarchy… start from Rome… let’s come on down from Rome, the Roman hierarchy, the Roman Catholic Church. If you say ‘Christian’, everyone says ‘Catholic’ in the secular world. ‘Oh, are you a Christian’? ‘Yep’. ‘Are you Catholic’? Then ‘If you’re not Catholic… are you...?’ Immediately people think Catholic. When you say ‘Christian’ they say ‘Catholic’.

26 That’s why when I hear Bob Marley singing about Christianity and about Jesus and going to heaven in Jesus name, and he called it ‘a fable’ in his writing and his singing. I thought ‘Yes, he’s pretty smart… it’s nothing but a bunch of fables, religious, hierarchy’. I’m talking about Rome down to Protestantism, down to the systems of teaching Ministers how to be Ministers. When John the Baptist came out eating locusts and wild honey... when Moses had to be half killed and dragged down into the desert and beaten up by God and thrown back in, to come in with a stick. These days we have to have particular types of Ministers with certain backgrounds – and he has to be a Bible College graduate. What a lot of nonsense. I’m talking about a system that dominates people and takes away their freedom. So now we’ve got the serpent in the political realm and in the religious realm.

27 You know Brother Branham comes out in ‘The Seals’... yes that old Prophet, William… the greatest Prophet that ever walked the face of the earth… he comes out and he’s telling us about the system and he damns that thing about politics and religion mixed and mingled becoming one spirit one mind… it’s to take away the freedom from the people. The one thing about Jesus Christ He said ‘Whom the Son sets free is free indeed’. Whose report do you believe?

28 But you know when you get a snake bite, you become so numb that you could sit in the same spot for 30 years. Do you know that? You could be in a coma, paralysed. Not necessarily die by the snake bite, but you could become a vegetable. 25 years stuck in the same spot, unable to move. Completely numb and paralysed by the bite of the dictatorship that comes through legalism; through law givers – politics and religion mixed. I just want to identify the serpent and its effects and that it’s purpose is to take away – take your life from you. You can’t move unless the Deacon says something. You can’t move unless the Pastor says something. Men, we should move together.

29 Let’s not take it to the other extreme. We should say, ‘Let’s see what the Pastor says. He’s got the Spirit on him. See if it identifies with my Spirit just to confirm that we‘re both moving... we’re moving in the Spirit to confirm that this is the Spirit. Let’s seek one of the Elders’. Not in the system of ‘Let’s…we better go and see the Pastor and da… da… da’, like a whole bunch of school kids, but go and see the Pastor as a Brother, as an Elder... as members of one family... to seek confirmation. But that old religious system of hierarchy... of putting Priests and everything else, and I’ll even include Pastors. I don’t even say I’m a Pastor… people say that. Who started it? I don’t know. I’m just a preacher… I’m just here preaching the Word…you can come or go. I say it for a reason, because they... the system... has said ‘This is what you do, this is what you are… this is how it operates’. And I’ve decided in myself, I want to wake up in the morning and breathe the Spirit and hear from the Spirit… the Great Spirit. I fear to call Him Jesus because of the association of the name but it is Jesus… I love that song of Brother Maangi’s… beautiful… it’s a beautiful song and the way he sung it. I just heard the name ‘Jesus, Jesus’.

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30 We’re not talking about the Jesus of the Catholic Church. The Jesus they’ve got stuck in a manger. The Jesus they’ve got hanging on a cross. Man, that is so feeble and weak. The Jesus that’s going to come one day and take care of all my problems... when He is here right now. He said ‘That where I am there you may be also’. And He came back on the day of Pentecost and He was exactly there. He fulfilled His own prophesy. He told the Disciples… before He went He said ‘I’m going to come again’. He didn’t say He was going to come back in 2000 years. He said ‘I am coming again, I will receive you unto myself, that where I am there maybe you also’. And on the day of Pentecost He arrives. There was the Second Advent.

31 He returned and He received them unto himself and He positionally placed them in exactly the place He was in, of authority – the right hand of God. He gave them power with God. ‘That where I am you maybe also, greater works that these shall you do because I’ve gone to the Father’… ‘Oh, He’s coming again, oh praise God He’s coming again’. You get so snake-bitten by politics and religion and get stuck and paralysed and numb and stay still and can’t move and hospitalised... but ‘there is Man here that can turn on the light’. 32 Now, here’s something about that venom. You know it’s amazing that a doctor’s going to poison you a second time. You get snake bitten, paralysed – and what does the doctor do? The first thing he does... he goes for the snake venom and comes in and injects you with some more poison. It’s amazing that the serpent’s bite and the serum – the antidote – are the same. If you just read between the lines, you people who understand my Ministry, you see where we are coming from. There is a similarity between human beings and serpents… similarity and yet one is deadly and the other one is actually Life. They are both serpents. They have both got serum, but one of them is death and the other one is Life. Your healing is in a snake.

33 It’s amazing how Jesus said ‘As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up’. What has the serpent got to do with Life? When everybody was bitten by snakes because they had been murmuring, God said ‘Come on Moses get a pole... get a brass serpent... hang it up there and get everybody to look on the serpent, and they shall live’. We’re talking about the ‘Trail of the Serpent’. So there is Life in the message of the serpent. There is Life in looking at the subject. There is vibration, there’s brilliance, there’s joy, there’s victory, there’s everything that you could name in looking at the serpent, because God said so. ‘Those that look shall live’.

34 So here we are this morning going through the series, and we are looking at the serpent and thanks be to God, there is a promise that comes with it, that ‘Whosoever looks upon this serpent shall live’. This is not just some education. This is a visitation. This is a great revelation. It’s the Spirit of God giving Life to us… ‘If you look at the serpent you shall live’. We’ve got the title to this message. It’s ‘The Prophecy’, so keep that in your mind… that the thing that is deadly and can kill – is the same thing that can give Life.

35 If we say that you are a serpent… if we say ‘Jesus Christ was the serpent’, you know, ‘lifted in the wilderness’. ‘As Moses lifted up the serpent so must the Son of Man be lifted up’. If we say that Jesus is that symbol... that brass serpent was Christ on Calvary... how can that Christ at Calvary be associated with a serpent? How is God associated with the serpent? Because the serum is in the very thing that people fear. The answer to all the questions in weariness is in the very thing that people are running from. That’s like… you know how the old saying is, ‘You’ve got to face your demons… own up. Own up, take ownership’. ‘Oh no it’s not me… it’s not my fault… the woman you gave me... she made me do it’.

36 Palm it off on the old woman. She was quick enough. She wasn’t going to pick on the man, Adam. ‘Well, the serpent made me do it’. But here’s the thing – Christ Himself is the brass serpent. Brass is judgement. He judged the serpent at Calvary. How did He do it? Let just keep that – lets’ not go too far ahead of ourselves but that’s enough to think about that.

37 Brother Branham comes along – yes, a 20thcentury Prophet. I always call him a 20th century Prophet because we are way into the 21st century already. And I like to identify Him as the 20 th

century Prophet – in case that you would think that Brother Branham is my absolute. Peter comes out in his day and he says … he doesn’t quote, every Sunday, ‘Jesus said...’ ‘Jesus said...’ You show me in the Bible in the Book of Acts or anywhere in the Gospels where when the Apostles came into their Ministry… ‘Jesus said’, ‘Jesus said’, ‘John the Baptist said’, ‘John

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the Baptist’, ‘Jesus said’, ‘John the Baptist’... like we do. Like I do. It’s because I am talking to a group of people that are used to that. I’m used to it. You’re used to it – having to back ourselves up with the Word of a great Prophet that came before us.

38 What about coming out this morning and saying ‘Thus saith the Lord’, without the need of paragraphs, pages, texts, volumes, page, you know – reference and all the things, instead of coming under the great inspiration of the power of God and speak to a people who are quickened the same way – a Teacher to a Teacher – and you can say Amen to it. Like when I said to Brother Jerry, ‘Brother Jerry the Spirit of God has been speaking to me’. He says ‘Oh yes’. And I said, ‘Yes, that there is no devil’. He said ‘Ok… alright.’

39 And I thought ‘That’s a nice response’. He didn’t say ‘Well come on man, page, paragraph, volume’, he just said ‘Ok’. That maturity is what we want but when we keep referencing, referencing, referencing, referencing… Why are we doing that? It’s like Lawyers in a court trying to prove our point. But why should we have to prove our point if we’re amongst family. We should be able to speak to family – they can read between the lines. And you know I don’t have to say to my wife, you know, ‘I’m going down to the shop… I’m not… I’m only going down the shop, just down the road… you know 5 miles, such and such street number, I’ll be back at such and such, such and such’, and if I… you know… ‘See you later I’m going to grab some bread. Ok?’ I don’t… we’ve reached the level of maturity where why do we expect the Ministers to have to constantly back themselves up with what Luther said, what Wesley said, what Branham said, what Jesus said. Peter came out and said ‘Look on us’. It was scary stuff, but come on, that’s the Bible. He said ‘Look on us’.

40 But however, here we are referring to the message, ‘The Trail of the Serpent’. It is political and religious power – the serpent has political and religious power. Brother Branham identified the devil as being political and religious in it’s nature, Ok? You know here’s the similarity between them. Politicians take away the people’s freedom by giving laws. You can’t move. You’re suffocated and paralysed because they have injected their poisonous laws. Dictators – they’ve taken away your freedom. Now church, what does church do? I’m talking about religion. I’m not talking about in the Spirit in the Third Testament on the Lord’s day. I’m talking about cold formal religion. What does it do? It passes laws… ‘Thou shalt not do this’, ‘Thou shalt not do that’, ‘Thou shalt not do this’, ‘Thou shalt not do…’

41 Oh, you religious law-givers... giving restrictions and boundaries that govern peoples’ lives. You’re suffocating under religion because you can’t move, ‘You can’t do this’, ‘You can’t say this’. ‘You can’t say you got that from the Lord’. ‘You can’t say you’ve had a visitation of an Angel’. ‘You can’t call yourself a Prophet’. ‘You can’t call him a Prophet’. All these suffocating laws that come from religion. How you can’t call a man a Prophet? You can’t call this one a great Teacher. You can’t identify God living among us today. How dare you say ‘Thus saith the Lord’ unless you reference back to a Prophet of a by-gone day? It is suffocating. It is paralysing. We need to move with the Spirit. God is moving by His Spirit. He’s in the earth. He’s the ‘I Am’ not the ‘I was’.

42 So the similarity between politicians and preachers – God help us preachers – is that they pass laws, give restrictions, and set up boundaries to suffocate and paralyse people. Can I hear an ‘Amen’ out there? That is what I’m calling the sting and the bite of the serpent... but amazingly, the healing is going to be something similar. The healing is going to be with restrictions. It’s going to be with boundaries, but not injected in a poisonous, paralysing way. But it will be injected. Somebody is going to give you serum. It’s going to look exactly like the thing that destroyed you. It’s going to come back around and set up boundaries for you, but not in the way we came from. Not in a deadly way. Not in the way it suffocated us the first time. The first bite suffocated us. The second injection is going to resurrect us and help us live again – help us shine again.

43 The serum, the sickness and the recovery – the problem and the solution look exactly the same – but they are totally different in nature. One takes you down and One takes you up. And it depends on how you are feeling. Are you feeling taken down or are you feeling lifted up in this Third Coming Message? Do you frequent the alcohol places? Do you frequent drugs? Do you feel that there are boundaries around you? Are there some boundaries? I’ve got some boundaries. I totally despise drugs and alcoholism and everything else of what it does to

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people’s lives. If I had a smoke to help out, the stress will still be there the next day, and it would create other stresses, because I’m going to need some money and I haven’t got enough money. I am going to have to steal to get it, so it just compounds the problem, so it’s not really the answer. It’s a short fix. It’s like a band-aid but if you put a band-aid on top of a disease… man let’s get to the disease... don’t worry about covering the scab.

44 And alcoholism and drugs just covers the scab. It’s not the solution to the disease. I like that Steppanwolf song ‘God Damn the Pusher Man’...

If I was the President of this land I would wage war on the Pusher Man.

That’s a pretty cool song. You know who the pushers are? The law-givers and the preachers. They’re the pushers. They inject things into you so that you have to keep coming back for more. The problem is, what you are coming back for? Are you coming back for another dose of alienation, misery, complaints and darkness? Do you keep coming back just like… I can’t understand it. Just go back to the pub, have another fight, knife somebody, somebody gets knifed, someone gets beaten with a beer bottle, someone losses their wife, families, kids, lose their dads. I’m talking about life things. I’m talking about things I understand. Places I’ve been and experienced… I grew up amongst it. Why would I want to go back there?

45 I come here for healing. The next thing you know – you know what happened? I got to church and ‘Hallelujah. Here I am. I’m going to clear myself from all of that’, and you know what happened? A preacher injected me… ‘You have to cut this’. ‘Don’t cut that’. ‘Do this’. ‘Do that’. ‘Do everything else’... and I thought… ‘Man’.

46 But we are free people. The serpent builds restrictions. He causes complaints. If all you do is feel miserable and paralysed and numb, I say ‘You need to look at this. Look and live’. So I want to ask the Lighthouse how many of you people are living? How many of you people feel lifted up? I’m not talking about my preaching either, I don’t even care less about who’s preaching the Word… whether it’s Brother John, Brother Jhimmy, me, Jerry, Brother Don Parnell, especially Brother Don. He’s a key runner, he’s a key teacher – but I’m talking about the Word itself. It has lifted us up and I am saying unto you this morning, ‘Lighthouse, look at this. Look at the serpent. Look and live’ – and there is a similarity between that thing that has lifted us up and that thing that has doomed and taken people down... dictators.

47 Let’s have a look at the Prophecy. Let’s look at the style of prophecy. Brother Branham, Gods Prophet, in ‘What is the Attraction on the Mountain’, he’s talking about prophecy. He called this the prophecy… ‘The Trial of The Serpent’. I’ve given you the nature of the serpent. How he paralyses and takes away your freedom. But let’s have a look now at Brother Branham’s prophecy concerning this day and the things we are looking at. It’s important to have prophecy otherwise why did God say it? He said ‘There is coming a deliverer. Your children shall be delivered with a mighty hand’ – God talking to Abraham. Abraham’s prophesying – ‘After 400 years in a strange land I will deliver you’. And 400 years later, here comes Moses.

48 A fugitive. A murderer... all kinds of strange things going on. He was married to a wild woman he met out there in the desert – who actually wasn’t really wild. She was a straight-shooter with a clear-cut understanding of the will of God. And she exercised her temper to get her way, to make sure that the family was going to stay in the will of the Spirit. She called him a ‘bloody husband’ because he wasn’t doing his job. But look at his background. He comes out, he’s a fugitive. He’s a murderer. He’s an outcast. And the rest of the brethren look at him and say ‘Here comes that ex-Pharaoh. A deserter... he thinks he’s one of us’. Moses was bought up in Egypt. His brothers were slaves while he was a king. And here comes Moses. They said ‘What do you want’? Could you imagine how his brethren felt? ‘What do you want’? It was prophecy being fulfilled. He went through all that so that he could deliver them.

49 Some of them started to catch some of the understanding – instead of being personal and having all these cultural grudges and family grudges. Moses started to understand why. The people started to understand. Joshua, Caleb started to understand. Forget all the background. Forget his wife and the background of his wife and where he met her and how he met her and how he was one of the Egyptians… thought he was something superior. All that meant nothing to Caleb and Joshua. All they could see was this was prophecy being fulfilled.

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50 Churches... what happens is dictators will just get your mind all scrambled up and screwed up, so that you would see religion. You would see culture. You will see churches fighting. You will see this family and that family. They’ll show you all the problems but won’t give you the Prophecy. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of prophecy, and I am standing here today with the testimony of Jesus Christ, showing you the prophecy that He said ‘I’m coming back again. There will be 21st century people that I will lift up and I will give them a Message and show them their direction. I will positionally place them. I will inspire them and I will lift them up’.

51 There has to be a prophecy laying there. Let’s get away from talking about Brother Maangi and his family... Brother John Stevens and his family... Jon Parson and his family... Jhimmy... and this and that and all the things. Let’s get to the Word. Let’s get to the prophecy. Let’s watch our Day – see our Message. Because dictators will take it away from you and inject you with all this kind of gossip and paralyse you. Even church members do the same thing. Religious demons in churches will go and inject you with a little something. Inject you so that you’re off on a daydream somewhere else – away with the fairies. Do you know what happens when you take a little shot? You’re away with the fairies. You start seeing things that aren’t there. In case you people don’t, or can’t see the comparison, come to me and let’s set up a local pusher. Let’s get a needle and inject you with a little serum and you are going to start seeing things you’ve never seen before.

52 Gossip’s the same thing… ‘Whisper, whisper, whisper’… inject you with a little poison and all of a sudden you’re away on a day-dream. You are starting to imagine the worst things about Sister Irene. No-one’s doing that Sister Irene. Just use me for an example... it’s better to use me. It’s more realistic. People throughout this country think all kinds of stuff. Do you know why? Because, they have been injected with the serum of the serpent. If you take a bit of LSD or a bit of heroin or something you are going to see all kind of things in people. I’d look at my own self in the mirror and see all kinds of demons and I would look on a wall and see a mirror and watch myself on the wall. You go crazy. People are going crazy. Why? Because the serpent has taken hold of the people and injected them with a bunch of hallucinogens where they start to have imaginations about this little Church, when it is nothing but Holy Ghost-filled, full of fire, full of power, full of the Word of God.

53 But there is a man here that can turn on a light. There is a serum. Just look on the serpent. Look at this and live – straighten your vision out. Get rid of the numbness. Get the blood flowing. Get your head sobered up. Get your vision straightened out. Start seeing reality. And the reality is that the Word of God has come and set up this little Lighthouse as a beacon to this nation. We are talking about prophecy now. We need our prophecy – we don’t need gossip. We don’t need sermonets about Neil Cross and sermonets about Rose Edwardson. We need the Word of God to be preached, to get our minds on the thing that’s really real… that’s real to us. That’s life-giving. It’s God.

54 Brother Branham says… he’s talking about Jesus. He’s talking about Jesus riding on a donkey in this story that he is telling, and he says that ‘It’s amazing that the people, the religious people missed Him and the babes were crying Hosanna Son to the of David… Hosanna to the Son of David’. You know the story. Jesus riding on a donkey... all the young, new generation, came out identifying Him. They positionally placed Him in the Word. They understood that He was Zechariah’s prophecy. They knew that their king should come ‘riding lowly on a colt, the foal of an ass’, as saith the Prophet. They came out and easily recognised the prophecy. And all the elders said ‘Do you know what these people are saying, you know what these kids are saying, these babies are saying?’ Jesus said ‘Out of the mouth of babes God has ordained strength’ – ‘babes’ meaning a ‘new generation’, a ‘new crop’, a ‘new-born people’. They weren’t all stuck up having to have page, paragraph and everything else. They just came out. They already knew the Word. They had already received their prophecy. They already understood it, so when the prophecy was becoming history – making flesh – coming to pass, they come out and rejoiced in it and said ‘This is the prophecy that was spoken by our Prophet Zachariah’.

55 And the religious dictators stood there, because they were losing their people. The people were becoming free. It’s like the medical world. You know that the medical symbol is a pole with a serpent on it, isn’t it? The pole was a serpent. You know it’s hard to actually to have natural medicines. If you start practising natural things they will call it witchcraft – black magic. Getting herbs from the river… ‘Herbs from the river?” If you do that they think the next thing is you’ll

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have black hat on and a pointy nose, when in fact, actually, there’s healing there. Nature itself calls you to the river to give you an understanding. Mother Nature actually directs you and inspires you to show you what and where the healings lie in the earth. But the medical world would say ‘Nonsense, leave it alone. Take this prescription’. Unless it’s prescribed – unless it passes the regulations, the medical regulations, it’s got to be wrong.

56 It’s just like us you know people try to regulate us. They try. The Greek word ‘Pharmacia’ means ‘pharmacy’… Pharmacia is sorcery. Now that relates to politicians because the political world gets money through Pharmacia. You know... ‘Why should I heal you if you being sick gives me money? You’re going to ruin my income, so just take this Panadol and you’ll be right’. That’s the same as fuel. The Government now... if you come out with something that you could run a car on... water or hydrogen. You employ electrolysis and that water turns into gas, they say ‘Oh no, that’s terrible. It’s dangerous. Somebody might get hurt. How are you going to contain that dangerous gas? We haven’t got enough containers’, and they’ll explain it away and kill the scientists who are liberating the world from financial disorder and stress, and families that are under stress because they got to pay $2.40 at the gas pumps. And somebody comes along and says, ‘Hey people. You can run your car on water and I’m going to show you how’. He’s dead soon enough.

57 That great man, Stan Meyer – he was poisoned. He came out with injectors that would inject hydrogen gas made from water. Just the injectors are what he made and they could create gas out of water, and he was appearing on these television interviews with BBC and everything else. The next time he was on the News he was dead in the car park. You could see it for yourself on the internet. They just… they showed him on the News, there he is, a live man, talking about this invention, ‘One is coming out. It’s due out at such and such a time’. The next thing, it was his funeral. I’m talking about politicians – greed that will take away your life and your freedom.

58 And politicians in the pulpit are no different. They are motivated the same way. So here are these politicians now, and these law-givers in the Bible, keeping the people away from Jesus because it was healthy for their bank account to do so. So they had to make up all sorts of medications... all these serums to make the people deluded. Inject them with an hallucinogenic. So at the end what did the people say? ‘This is a Beelzebub, the devil’, and He was the deliverer. That’s what people say about me and this church. They think you are a bunch of deluded people, crazy – and the Ministry here is Beelzebub. ‘Let’s set up another little Minister in this in this town and correct the error’. Shame!

59 Now let’s go to Brother Branham. It’s God making history, God fulfilling prophecy. ‘What’s the attraction on the Mountain?’ ‘Prophecy being fulfilled’. What mountain was he talking about, people? He was talking about Mount Sunset over in Arizona, with the seven mighty Angels who had come, and all the Angels of Heaven. You know what happened in Arizona? All the Saints of all the Ages appeared. You know Brother Branham says? ‘When Melchisedec appears He always comes with an entourage’. Do you know what entourage is? It’s not just seven people it’s a whole host of people.

60 Melchisedec appeared in 1963 in the clouds of glory. One like the Son of Man, coming in the clouds of glory – and He had an entourage with Him. Talk about the coming – coming of the Saints in the clouds of glory. And here is Brother Branham’s whole message... ‘What is The Attraction on The Mountain?’ A message covering the coming of the Lord – and what is he trying to say is – ‘The people have missed it’. But then he begins to identify what it was. He said what happened on Mount Sunset its ‘Prophecy becoming history’. He says ‘Three years ago this mystery was a prophecy’.

61 You know, when you go back to the message ‘What Time is It, Sirs?’... what is that message all about? It’s about the coming of the Lord. You read it for yourself. Listen to the tape ‘Sirs, Is This The Time?’. Brother Branham is talking about a great coming of a great cloud – the coming of the Lord. ‘Is This the Time, Sirs?’… Revelation 10 to be fulfilled? Now what is he saying 3 years later? ‘Three years ago this mystery was a prophecy’. What mystery? The coming of the Lord – the Cloud. ‘What Time is It, Sirs?’ ‘But now its history. It’s passed’. Now let’s keep going.

62 ‘Everything that was in the grave’... Brother Branham speaking in the same message... ‘Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, all the Prophets were waiting for this hour’. Now he’s talking about

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Jesus coming on the donkey and Brother Branham says ‘Parallel it with today’. Listen, people. ‘Parallel that with today’, he says. I haven’t got the quote here but I’m quoting William Branham. He says ‘Parallel that with today’. He said ‘Do you want to see an end-time scripture?’ He goes to Zechariah. You know the prophecy. You know the scripture in Zechariah... it was the coming of the Lord ‘riding lowly on a colt, the foal of an ass’. And then he says ‘Now let’s go to Zechariah 14’, and what was that? He said ‘It’s the coming of the Lord with all His Saints’. Here’s William Branham, standing there in this message, ‘What is The Attraction on The Mountain?’, saying ‘I’ll show you and end-time scripture. Let’s go back to Zechariah… it’s the coming of the Lord with all the Saints’... and he stands right there and says ‘What is the attraction?… he said it was ‘Prophesy becoming history... it’s passed’.

63 Oh but here’s the thing – ‘And the church was blind to it!’ You say ‘It can’t be… the church can’t be blind’. Oh yes... he said ‘The church was blind to it’. Religion again – the religious hierarchy keeping the people blind… keeping the people suffocated and injected with the serum and the poison of the serpent. Remember what happens when you get a snake bite? You get stuck in one place. You cannot move. Your breathing starts… you start heaving in your breathing. Your lungs start collapsing. You can no longer breathe... you suffocate. What happens to your blood? There’s no more circulation.

64 ‘Alpha Romeo’… it means ‘Rome the first’. On the Alpha Romeo logo badge, is a serpent devouring a child. That was our reading – we hadn’t got to it. It is the serpent trying to steal the Son from the people. What Son are we talking about? The ‘Son of David’... ‘Kill the Son. Steal the Son. Devour the Child. Keep it from the people’. Revelation Chapter 12 tells us that as soon as the woman gave birth to the Child the dragon was there to devour it as soon as it was born. People look around you. When they try and say all kind of evil things about this ‘Third Coming Ministry’ – about ‘The Son of David’ and everything – what is that? It is the dragon trying to capture the Child, to keep it from you. You say ‘Well how do you know that?’ Because it has happened – it’s happening. Do you know that you don’t really understand the Word unless it happens? Isn’t that a fair statement? Is it fair to say that? I can assume such and such is going to happen. You know what an assumption is called? If it’s inspired by God, it’s prophecy. Because a prophecy is given and you can say ‘It means this’, ‘It means that... it means... it means...’ You can say a whole lot of things, but when it actually happens then you know that you know. You can say ‘This is that which was spoken by the Prophet’. How can you say? how can you be so sure? When it happens.

65 So here’s William Branham standing on ‘What is the Attraction on the Mountain’, these Angels had just come... Melchisedec had arrived... a great entourage with him. They took him into the pyramid of themselves and he stands right there and he says ‘How can I explain this to Pentecostal babies?’, so he says ‘It’s not season for it… it’s not time’. So he stood right there doing his very best trying to say what he could in roundabout ways because the people were not ready to receive what he had to say. Ok, so He was the answer of the Prophets’ prophecy… Jesus was.

66 In ‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’, the last days of the coming of the Lord were covered up to the Apostles. ‘REVELATION, Chapter 1’; ‘ROJC’ Book, Jeffersonville, Indiana. 12th December, 1960.

105 ... They asked the question but only one lived to have the revelation, that was John and still he didn’t understand it, because the history was not yet made.

John the Divine... listen to me... didn’t understand because the history was not yet made. That’s your Prophet speaking. Did we miss something? That bunch of know-it-alls who say they know more about the coming of the Lord than us, and yet we are saying ‘It’s happened’, and they say ‘No, it’s coming’.

67 How can you know a whole lot about something that’s coming? You’d know a whole lot more about it if it happened. How often have you stood there and said ‘Hey, the weather man was wrong? The weather man was wrong’. You had something. You could say it… you could say clearly about the weather that day .You could record it, you could write all about it – and you would have more authority than the weather man... than all the weather men put together – because you were there when it rained... when they said it was going to be sunny. You were there at the picnic table when water started pouring on that cake in McArthur Park. You were the

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one right there. You could tell about the cake, how it melted – how heavy the rain was – what direction it came from. You could tell all about it. Just forget all those that prophesied... that forecast and predicted the weather. Listen to the man who sat there that day. Look at the quote in the light of what I am saying.

They asked the question but only one lived to have the revelation. We’re talking about the coming of the Lord right there. The coming of the Lord was covered up. Why? Because the history was not yet made.

68 In the message ‘And Knoweth it Not’… here we go… an old, old quotation. An old prophecy. We know more about it now than even William Branham knew himself. Oh how can you claim that you would know more than William Branham? Well, that’s prophecy, and this is history. He’s the weather man and I’m the one standing in the rain. Are you with me?‘AND KNOWETH IT NOT’; Jeffersonville, Indiana. 15th August, 1965

33-1 ... I heard a voice…This is just a dream, and this is just a prophecy. And everybody was assuming... Brother Branham was poking at and probing at it, but after it happens… We can say that in 2002, in New York City, at 56 Meadowlands, 5 planets were lining up in the House of Aquarius. When the sun was hanging in the House of Aquarius, there was a great visitation. William Branham appeared in New York City and revealed himself to a certain Brother and gave his name and his address. That there... Brother Branham’s probing... was the weather forecast. This here... the visitation... is the history. It is the prophecy being fulfilled. This holds more authority than the prophecy, because ‘this is that’.

I heard a voice and said Brother Branham it was your voice…

69 He’s telling the dream. It said ‘I’ll ride this trail once more. I started looking up the rock like this and looked on in… past the clouds way up there standing on a rock in a pointed shaped like a pyramid’.

Look at this… ‘I’ll ride this trail once more’. Did William Branham ever do that? He didn’t do it in his flesh. He died not long after saying it, but he said it. Everybody has probed at it like the weather but until its history you can’t really tell what it is.

‘I’ll ride this trail once more’… ‘I started looking up the rock like this and looked on in past the clouds’.

70 Look, see what they are looking on right there… past the clouds. The second ride looks beyond the clouds. It is a dimensional Ministry. Way up there standing on a rock, that’s that mountain... Mount Zion. Mount Zion, the sixth dimension, the Holy City.

Looked on in, past the clouds, way up there standing on a rock in a pointed shape like a pyramid.

He’s talking about the coming of the Lord. That was in August. The date’s important. On October 31st, 1965, he said ‘When I go home this time…’ In the ‘Power of Transformation’ message. ‘POWER OF TRANSFORMATION’; Prescott, Arizona. 31st October, 1965

136 When I go home this time, I'm preaching on the subject, ‘The Trail of the Serpent’:

71 Now we are getting to the prophecy of the ‘Trail of the Serpent’. Why are we saying these things? Why was I talking about politicians giving snake bite? Why are we talking about religious preachers in churches paralysing the people... taking away their freedom... setting up boundaries and all sorts of chaos? Why am I saying it? Because he said that this spirit was going to come back again. It is commissioned to ride this trail and take that trail of the serpent from the beginning of the Bible to the end of the Bible and nail him right down. And ‘this is that’ which was prophesied by a great Prophet. We know more about it than he ever did because we are standing in the rain.

When I go home this time I’m preaching on the subject ‘The Trail Of The Serpent’: the beast at the beginning and the beast at the end and trail him right through the Bible...

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Look what he said: ‘I’ll ride this trail again. I will ride this trail again’. And he said we will trail him right through the Bible and show how he heaps up. Didn’t Brother Branham already preach serpent seed? He said ‘I am going to trail it again’. There is something in there he never preached.

72 You say ‘He is only going to take those denominations… that’s what he was intending to do’. Trail him right through the Bible and show how he heads up. In October 1965…

... Just like Judas and Jesus there... both brothers in the tribe. Just like Esau and Jacob. It’s the same message, and the crow and the dove...

He’s explaining about this trail of the serpent now. He says the trail of the serpent it’s about twins so there is something there. So when he rides this trail again he will bring a message out on twins. Are you with me? The trail of the serpent is about twins. You have a dual nature… one is earthly and one is heavenly. One of the earth to die and one of the heaven to live. Both living… both working in the same field… one will be taken and one will be left. He’s not going to take… flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. One will be left in the field and one will be taken. And that is exactly what he’s done. He’s taking you… one fold of you... one part of you has been lifted into heaven, the other one is still here. Two workers in the Lords field when the Lord comes.

73 Here’s another one... there are two servants when the Lord comes in the Gospels. One beats the people and the other one feeds them in due season. Jesus said I’ll tell you a parable about two servants. One said ‘Our Master has gone on a long journey. I am going to be beat up on all the servants’, and this rouge preacher standing there with a tripod stick... a twisted version on the 666. Yielding that triple six, whacking that woman down… you know the vision of it. Brother Branham saw it. He saw this big man, looking like his father or something, beating down on this woman who looked like his mother. This woman – he said ‘That’s the Church’. He could see the condition of the ministry beating down the Church every time she tried to raise up, this guy would beat her down. You know what that is? That is a modernist message Ministry who hasn’t got a clue about the coming of the Lord… no understanding.

74 It was prophesied of them to do it and we don’t hold any grudges, because they have their portion in the Word of God, and they have to fulfil it. And here is the Ministry to beat down on the people and paralyse them. And Jesus said, ‘But I’ll tell you about another Servant’. The other Servant... he says that ‘He is there feeding Gods servants food in due season. Not old food in another person’s season but he will have food to feed you in its due, appropriate season’. Do you know what the word ‘season’ means? It means ‘That day is over... this day over’. ‘This portion has gone... this portion gone’. He will give you fresh food for the season you are in.

75 So the trail of the serpent is about twins. Everything is a twin in this great warfare that we’re in. It’s a great warfare that we are in but where is the great battle going on? Where’s it raging? He said it’s in the mind. It’s in you. So this trail of the serpent is about twins in you. And the Word is pouring forth from a twin... a Gemini... pointing at the waters coming from Aquarius. You know… let’s not go down to that… we’ll preach another sermon. You’ve got to… you know Brother Branham says ‘When I preach that trail of the serpent we’re going to take 4 hours. I’m going to have to go home and preach that to those people who are patient’. He was telling everybody everywhere he went. He said ‘When I get home I’m going to preach on the trail of the serpent… it’s too big to take it in half an hour’. He thought it was going to take him 4 hours. It’s taken us 10 years.‘THE INVISIBLE UNION’; Shreveport, Louisiana. Thursday, 25th November, 1965

8-5 ... Watch when the Spiritual Bride when she begins to have a revival.

76 Remember when we said this. Here’s William Branham, in 1965… he’s preaching. These people in the Branham Tabernacle are supposedly having a revival. When you listen to those tapes, it sounds like people are having a revival. They’re screaming and shouting and praising God. And here’s Brother Branham saying ‘This day this scripture is fulfilled’. The whole place... the whole auditorium goes crazy. That wasn’t preached at his home Church, but it seems that the people are having a revival. And here’s William Branham... he says ‘When she begins to have a revival’, actually meaning that they are not having a revival. They might be making a noise, clicking their heels, singing a whole bunch of songs... but that statement tells me the people were not in the state of revival yet.

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77 It’s this ‘trail of the serpent’, this ‘second ride’ – when Brother Branham rides the trail again – that’s going to be the time of the revival. To revive something is to bring it back from a snake bite. You have to revive somebody paralysed by a snake bite... you need serum to revive him... ‘When she begins to come back’. Your vitals are packing up when you’ve been snake-bitten by politicians. You know that the demon is political and religious. That’s what it is. You say ‘Well, that’s motor-bike riders and gang patches’. I am talking about demons in churches... demons in the platforms and pulpits... demons with Bibles. They’re paralysing the people and taking away their freedom. They’re setting up walls and boundaries so that everyone suffocates and their vitals are squeezed until they can hardly live. But here’s the good news... ‘When she begins to come back’. Hallelujah!

78 Something bit me a couple of weeks ago. It was a terrible thing. Amber said ‘Dad I’ve never seen you like this’. I said ‘I’ve never seen me like this either’. Jhimmy said the same thing, ‘Brother, I’ve never seen you like that’. I haven’t either. Rose was saying ‘Oh no, not this’. It was like I keeled out and died. Something bit me and I said ‘Just take me home’, and she said ‘No... I’m taking you to the hospital’. So they wheeled me in there. It was a virus that had been going around and it made me dizzy, and the room was upside down. I told you about last week. You know what happened? What the good news was? There was somebody in there that plugged me in... stuck this needle in my arm... put a whole bunch of juice in me, whatever that stuff is, and within an hour colour was coming back into my cheeks and I walked out of that hospital. They wheeled me in on a wheelchair and I staggered out. Well, staggers are the beginning of walking.

When she begins to come back and line herself up with the Word of God watch then again...

Which means ‘We’re going to have another day again’. ‘I’ll ride this trail again’.... watch then again how that the scriptures at that time there will be a message sweep out...

That’s… watch the date… November 25th 1965. When did Brother Branham die? Four weeks later… four weeks later… come on. He said ‘At that time there will be a Message sweep out’. Carry on.

79 ‘On the Wings of a Dove’, November 28, three days later, something is on his mind. Many of you know about the Indian Chief. ‘ON THE WINGS OF A SNOW WHITE DOVE’; Shreveport, Louisiana. 28th Nov, 1965

210 ... there was wrote in the quartz, in the stone... Why did we start ‘White Stone Publications’? We were inspired by the prophecy. I sat there in Manila looking across the table at Brother Aromin. I said ‘Brother Aromin, do you think you could start writing all these messages of Don Parnell’s and put them in writing’? He said ‘I think I can’. I said ‘That’s great, because I saw that little book that you just made and it’s brilliant’. He had just made this quote book out of things he had heard preached, and I couldn’t believe the content that he had written, about the revelation of the coming of the Lord and everything. And then I asked Brother Winston. I said ‘Brother Winston, if there’s a man in Manila, or the Philippines, that you know could do the job, who would you recommend’? ‘Oh, that would be Brother Aromin’. There’s two witnesses. I witness because of what I saw in his work. I asked Brother Winston, who is an Elder there, and he says, ‘Oh well, Brother Aromin... he’ll be the one’.

80 So we started ‘White Stone Publications’, and they produce those little booklets that Brother Jon Parson gives out. They wanted to make me the President of ‘White Stone Publications’, and I know I don’t look like a President... but we set them up and the Brothers get a little salary from the donations of the people... those that are working at White Stone. It is a wonderful little operation that is bringing out this great truth and treasure that is spoken by the lips of Don Parnell, Gods Prophet. It’s called ‘White Stone Publications’. It started right here.

There was wrote in the quartz…What does ‘Parnell’ mean? It means ‘white rock’. It means ‘quartz, white quartz’. What’s his background? He’s an Indian. What is he? He is a leader. Donald means ‘leader… world leader’. Who’s the one leading this revival? An Indian Chief, whose name means ‘white quartz’. People can think what they want. Throw me on an island with John, on the Isle of Patmos.

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81 Indian Chief, white quartz, white eagle. What’s in that white eagle? It rises above all other creatures. It can fly higher than any living creature. It can see further. Amen. It’s a symbol of a Prophet. He says the Indian Chief would have a name that represents white quartz and he will be a white eagle... a seer. That’s exactly what the vision said that ‘The next message would come by’. I didn’t say that, he did. Well I’ve seen it with my eyes, and I’m telling you it’s history. The prophecy has become history. We know more than the one giving the weather forecast because we sat at the picnic eating, at McArthur Park, while it rained. You know more. How can you talk with such authority on the subject? Because the weather man could only proclaim something he didn’t know too much about. He had radars – he’s got all the instruments and kind of measure dampness in the air and gives an approximation. That’s the nature of prophecy... but the interpretation, the history... is what clearly reveals it.

82 We saw where Brother Branham said that in the ‘Revelation of Jesus Christ’ series. I just had the quote up there on the wall. He said ‘They knew nothing about the coming of the Lord, but the history is what reveals it’. It has happened. We’ve seen an Indian Chief. We’ve seen a man with a name that means ‘white stone’... it’s his name. We started ‘White Stone Publications’; the revelation will be hidden in a white rock. That’s only a symbol… ‘White Stone Publications’ is only a symbol… that’s not the treasure-trove itself. The treasure is the Spirit. The treasure is the Word and the Spirit in you. Even if you have never read a book, you’d still have it, if you had it from the beginning. But if you’d read the books you would be that much more healthy. You’ve got a charge now, but you’d just have a little more energy.

83 If you sat there you wouldn’t listen to this nonsense that says that I don’t support this. I started the thing. It started in a ‘House of Gemini’, ‘the twin’, through a ‘Gemini-South’ telescope. Don’t listen to it. I’m giving you something and I’m trying to inject you with some serum to bring you back from that numbness that’s trying to strike our Church. I don’t have to sit on Paltalk all day long to get in the Spirit. I understand what’s going on. I love to read the books. I get the mp3’s. I read the books and mark them out, but my goodness, stop this nonsense people.

84 On December the 4th,1965. How many days before he dies? 19 days. Let’s see what he says... ‘THE RAPTURE’; Yuma, Arizona. Saturday, 4th December, 1965 58 ... eat today, don’t try and keep it for tomorrow... He’s talking about old food. Old manna... yesterday’s manna. He said ‘Oh no, don’t keep it for tomorrow’, but what have we done? We’ve put it in safes and locked it up. Over in Jeffersonville, in the Branham Tabernacle, they’ve got these de-humidifiers in these great containers with steel, locked doors, and the system going all the time… like air-conditioning, to keep the original scripts in perfect condition – which is wonderful if you are into preserving history. It’s the best thing they’ve got which is wonderful. It is good but it’s not the Word… it’s not the Word. Look what he says here,

... eat it today don’t try and keep it for tomorrow. Burn it with fire before the daylight comes...

85 Oh, burn it? You mean you’re talking about burning Angels’ food? In the Exodus they had to burn Angels’ food. Manna is what came from Angels. The Bible called it Angels’ food. It seems like such a desecration of something sacred and Holy, but no, it’s an authorisation. You must do it to survive… ‘Burn it with fire’, he said ‘before the next day comes’. Before the daylight comes

... for there’s a new message coming forth and a new thing. That’s 20 days before he dies … come on people. He’s prophesying… there’s the weather man. He’s forecasting, and I’m telling you ‘We’re sitting in the rain’.

... there is a new message coming forth and a new thing. Hallelujah. In the same message 65 But to the Church, the Bride, the rapture…

86 Here’s the new thing, a revelation on a rapture, because a rapture can only be understood when history is made.

... the rapture is a revelation to her. It’s revealed to her...

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Remember what he said about revelation. ... The true Bride of Christ will be waiting for that revelation (that fulfilment) of the rapture...

Brother Julian, you can tell Brother Derrick that we’ve been waiting. We have been waiting. According to Brother Branham ‘There is a New Message coming forth. Burn yesterday’s manna because there is a new day dawning’. He says we are ‘just waiting for that revelation of the rapture’. If somebody comes preaching that revelation, identifying it in the history showing it clearly. What can we say? ‘This is that which was spoken by the Prophet Branham’. ‘These be not drunk as it seems but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel’. A New Day, a New Message… the old manna has been burnt.

87 So why are you people doing that to William Branham’s message? He said you should burn it… not burn the message, but ‘burn the assumptions and presumptions surrounding his prophecies’. The old style of setting up church orders and everything else are gone and dead and they suffocate and kill the people. Liberate the people in the Third Coming. ‘Run and tell that young man’, Zechariah said, ‘Tell him not measure the temple’. You remember Zechariah 2? He goes runs out with a tape to measure it. Why? So he could build restrictions again... boundaries and walls. “Oh, you go and tell that young man not to do it. You tell him my children will dwell in villages without walls’. That is the prophecy for this day.

88 This Ministry is that which was prophesied. ‘Go and tell this young man not to rebuild that old system. Don’t go and rebuild that system’. You tell him not to do it... and that’s exactly what the Elder told me. There’s an Elder in our day, and he has a great Ministry. He came and told me ‘Don’t rebuild those old things’. What did Ezekiel say? ‘I did as I was commanded’. We have pulled down all the walls of that old message and drawn a new line from this same message. What looks like the message is actually killing the people. William Branham’s message is killing the people… not the Spirit of it, but the letter. The Spirit gives Life but the letter kills. Organisation is setting up the old system on the old letter... the old law of William Branham’s message. Instead of drawing from ‘between the lines’ and pulling the revelation from it and giving Life to the people, it’s trying to set up an old dogma.

89 The very thing that kills the people is the same thing that’s going to heal them. ‘Your correction can be found back in the message of William Branham’. Hallelujah. That’s the very thing that’s paralysed this whole world, the very same thing, and we’ve come back around again and given them Life and serum. We’re injecting the people that have been paralysed by this message, with the true understanding of the same message, to liberate them and bring a revival... bringing Life back to the people. The very same message that kills is the same message that’s giving Life today. Hallelujah.

90 I’m closing. That’s in December 1965. Look, he’s still looking for a revelation of the rapture. He said ‘We will be waiting for it’ and ‘This is that which was spoken’. We are going to go through this quickly, just in closing off. This is important... these couple of thoughts. The same Prophet said… here’s a principle for you. ‘If the voice comes, the same old voice’… now remember what he’s saying, ‘I’m waiting on a message coming’… ‘I’m coming back again’… ‘I’ve got to bring a message’. ‘It’s going to be a New Day’, ‘There’s a New Message coming’. So this is the principle. He said ‘If the voice comes, the same old voice, the same old, same old, same old’… ‘So and so did this, so and so did this, the Deacons didn’t do that’… the same old, same old. ‘If the voice comes, the same old voice of same old, the same old school of thought then you can say right then that didn’t come from God’.

91 If we keep preaching the same old, same old that we preached back there in 1985, when I first start preaching. The message had everyone upset but we had the Church full. We’d beat everyone into shape, Sister Sue. We had that tripod working. You know what happens out there in the world, with domestic violence. Some woman gets beaten up, and then stays with the same man. I don’t understand it. It’s a condition. I don’t know what condition that is. Brother Jerry might be able to break that down for us, but I don’t understand it. These women get beaten up and get stuck with the same man for 25 or 30 years. It’s true. I know a woman, personally myself, that had many children to this one man and she stuck with him like fire, yet he’d throw plates of hot food at her and beat at her like a man. It’s like… you’ve got to admire her in one way but then you got to think. It’s admirable, it’s loyal, but aren’t we in a time where the world is

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becoming educated to know that women don’t have to put up with violence? There are little refuges you can run to and be safe.

92 And let the Lighthouse Christian Fellowship be a women’s refuge. Let’s educate these women... these churches... that they don’t have to suffer under a man who beats them constantly with a tripod stick, and that they do have places where they can run to and don’t have to be married to that violence for the rest of their doomed lives.

93 People claim ‘We are going to have a revival in our day’ The prophet said ‘We’re going back to the book of Acts’… and preach the same old school of thought? It doesn’t come from God. I don’t care how many mountains they go up. I don’t care how many valleys they go to or how many years or days they fast and pray... ‘It doesn’t come from God, if it’s the same old same old. It’s got to be something that the people don’t understand’. Well you all know and understand how to dress. That’s what I spoke about a couple of weeks ago ‘Why isn’t Brother Mita preaching discipline?’ Well, it’s a different kind of discipline. It’s to give you the freedom to choose, just exactly like Naomi gave to Ruth. The Spirit that was on Naomi was to give Ruth the freedom. And you know what she did? She gave herself to the captivity. She disciplined herself. She said ‘Where you go I’ll go; your God will be my God’.

94 Naomi didn’t say ‘Listen here woman, you better stick with me. I’m old in my age and I need someone to look after me. After all, you were betrothed to my dear son, who you didn’t have any children to’. She said ‘Darling you go back to where you came from I’ve got nothing more to offer you, I’ve got no more sons’. Ruth said ‘Where you go I’m going’. ‘You don’t have to do that’. ‘I’m coming with you’. ‘Go back to where your sister… go and join her’. ‘Oh no, I’m coming with you’. Look at the freedom in that. Look at the Ministry now. Come on people. Why say ‘There’s something wrong when the ministry gives you freedom?’ Can’t you see in your Word that Ruth was given the freedom? So now, when she freely chose to follow the leading, she went into works. And then, after her works thinking is over, she went into rest.

95 You all freely came here and sat under the Ministry, and we all went into a ‘works covenant’. ‘You’ve got to work for your salvation. You get merit points how many times you come to Church. You get merits on your tithing and you get merits on how many offerings. Let’s have a look at your receipts at the taxation at the end of the year and you’ll get merits’. No! Works as means of salvation? Come on. Take down the boundaries. Don’t measure it up. Don’t go back to the old school. It’s all in the Word. ‘It’s got to be something the people don’t understand’. If you don’t understand it’s good because there is somebody here who can give you the understanding. That Voice, in this revival, that would come and ride this trail... He has sent a New Message to give the understanding. ‘It’s got to be something new, otherwise’, he said, ‘it wouldn’t be sent. It doesn’t need to be sent if it’s the same old school of Theology’, on ‘the coming of the Lord and the rapture of the Church’.

96 There you go. In ‘The Seals’, 1963, in case you thought I was just dreaming. We’ve got the Church ages and we’ve got the history. The correct interpretation of the Word was exactly with the history. We’ve got the history. In 2002, William Branham appears in New York City. Five stars appear in alignment – there was a five-planet alignment in the time William Branham was standing in New York, at Meadowlands, speaking to Brother Don Parnell. We’ve got the history on it people. So how come everybody else doesn’t know this? How is it that everybody forsook Jesus at Calvary? How come William Branham had seating for about five hundred people, maximum, in the Tabernacle? How is it that when the Seals were opened the crowd that he had there came from Arkansas? They came from California. They came from all over the States. What about the local people? Where were all the locals? ‘Bah, that cranky old hillbilly down there, Billy Branham, he’s got some hysteria, some black magic, a whole bunch of people worked up’.

97 The correct interpretation of the Word was exactly with the history and we’ve got the history, people. 1962 is our history. ‘Sirs What Time Is It?’ 1963 was the coming of the Cloud. 1996 ended our world... the old world we lived in… the old message world. We start turning a corner. 2002 was the visitation of Brother Branham. In 2003 an Angel came and stood before our Brother and started to give us direction. Let’s go back further. In 1985, a Pillar of Fire appeared at Mangamahu and started to tell me ‘You are going to identify the Ministries’. ‘You are going to positionally place them’. The Prophet said, ‘There is a New Message coming forth’. ‘I’ll ride this

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trail again’. We’ve got history people. The correct interpretation of the Word is exactly with the history. You can’t have a correct interpretation until it’s happened.

98 I don’t know what lunch is going to be… I mean, someone said ‘The Hungry Bear’. ‘OK – I know where that is. I know the menu’, like a know it all. But I might turn up there and they’ll probably have a new menu. ‘I know that fellow behind there’, but they might have a girl there today. How do I know? As if I know it all. ‘It’s on Victoria Ave. It’s got a bear on the big circle. It used to be Wing Wah Chinese Restaurant’. I’ve got an idea about lunch, but I’ve got no clue really. I don’t know the flavours... what it tastes like, but I’ll tell you about it next week. So I’m prophesying ‘Hungry Bear’. I’ve got all these assumptions, but I’ll know clearly the next time I get back to the pulpit. I’ll give you an absolute report on it because I’ll have the revelation clearly. It will be revealed by the history. I’m going to leave it there. I’ve got a couple more but, thank you. God bless you.

99 Lets stand. Let’s go back to the beginning title if that’s alright. We started off by calling it ‘The Trail of The Serpent’. It’s a series we are in and I called the message today ‘The Prophecy’. God bless you. Let’s sing a song while Hayden’s looking for it... the prophecy where Brother Branham wanted to preach ‘The Trail of The Serpent’. I think it might have been the last slide. Let’s just read that. Look at this... ‘REVELATION, Chapter 1, ‘ROJC’ Book, Jeffersonville, Indiana. 4th December, 1960 115 ... we see It after It's been revealed.We see it after it’s been revealed. We looked back. He said ‘Look back’… talk about history. This will sum everything up I am trying to say.‘POWER OF TRANSFORMATION’; Prescott, Arizona. 31st October, 1965

136 When I go home this time, I'm preaching on the subject, "The Trail of the Serpent": the beast at the beginning, and the beast at the end, and trail him right through the Bible, and show how he heads up. See?

100 Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we give you praise, we bow our hearts before you. We haven’t forgotten Lord that people do have needs, but we haven’t forgotten the solution, the Revealer of the secrets, the one who has the answers... ‘a man who can turn on the Light’. Hallelujah. There are people that are still back under star light and candle sticks. Give them the Son… grant them the Light and meet the need in their lives. I’m talking about personal issues, whatever it might be. Families have problems but you have solutions, Lord. You have answers. People have sickness but you have healing. Come to us this morning. Come to our people. Come to our families. Come to those who are standing here with me today and breathe on them right now. Breathe on their situation. Take away all the complications. Give them a new heart and a new mind. You said ‘I will give you a new Spirit and I will put my Spirit within you and You shall live saith the Lord’. Hallelujah. So be it Lord. Be it according to your Word. For those that have been suffocating in their personal life, for those that have had complications and are walking in the dimness of candlesticks – give them the Light this morning – for we see ‘a woman clothed in the sun’. Hallelujah. ‘A crown upon her head… the moon under her feet.... she’s giving birth to a Child. Hallelujah.

101 Lord God save them; save lives Lord. I’m asking for those who are standing with me today. I’m not thinking about everyone else, I’m just thinking about this little group of people standing here in this building. Whatever their need is financial, physical or emotional – they very well understand the Word. They are strong in the revelation but Lord we face the world daily. The world has access, but we have triumph Lord, so we look to you this morning to meet those needs. Be it financial, emotional or physical, I’m asking for a miracle. I’m asking for something big Lord, something powerful, something that will completely change their world so that they won’t be the same again. They will testify… let this house of God be full of testimonies of the great things God has done. We thank you and we love you. We worship you. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the one and only true and living God. Beside you there is no other. In the name of Jesus I commit this little people to you. Amen.

102 Hallelujah. A brother starts singing the song… ‘It’s The Name Above All Names’. Tongues and interpretation comes forth.

12-1202 The Trail of the Serpent - Part 2 - The Prophecy - Pastor Mita Edwardson