€¦ · §»..^ : * (iftemg 4^ jltar. y°x xvii....

§ . .^ : * 4^ (iftemg jltar. y°X XVII. WASHINGTON. D. C.. MONDAY. JANUARY 21. 1861 N-. 2.472 M > in THE DAILY EVENING STAR ia FUBL1&HKD BVBRY APTERNOON, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) AT THE STAR Blill.niKflC. Cc»*#r of Pmn+t/lvaaiA av*>: and 11/4 tt., T W. D. W4LLACU. F*P*r« eerred in paokacee by oarnen it |4 I f ear, or 37 oeoU par month. To mail intnai Hxti th« pro® ia 9SJn a year, m adixute*; |! for aix B»onth»; 91 for three months; and for le« than throe month« at the rate of 13 cent* a week. Bintle opiee, oni c**t; in wrappere, two csrts. fHPAnrilTiarifWM aAABl<1 K«ta*» Ka a! before 12 e'oiook el, otherwise they may sot appear an til the cestd&T. Mysterieaa AMautaatUn lege** te the Late Railway Mardr-r la Kraaec. Some months back, a strange cane, baring tone analogy to the murder of M Poinaot, occurred on the Paris Malhaoaen Railway. A gentleman was found lying senseless on the lin* hutWMn 7illish«im »/! T11fn»*k Belfort, and ha turned oot to be a Russian military doctor, named Hoppi. Whether ha attempted fruicida, or whether an attempt was made to murder nim, or whether, when half asleep, be had stepped out of the carriage, in the belief that the train had reached a station, bas never been 'satisfactorily ascertained, and as he could not speak French, no explanation was got from him. Oa the one hand, the injuries he had received were such as might have been occaI »%_ 1 ^ sionea oj an jumping or rilling from tbe carriage; and, od the other hand, in the rehicle, one of the cushions, stained with blood, was turned upside down, and a broken knife was fonnd beneath it. But, whatever were the facts of the case, it was said that a bag, in which were a number of Russian banknetes and Russian and French coin, was stolen from the gentleman. In spite of all inquiries made, the affair continued enveloped in mystery. A few days back, however, an event occurred which seems likely to throw light on it. The gendarmes of Forrette, in the Haur-Rhin, arretted one Jud, a deserter from the Third S^uadrwn of the baggage-train. who is under sentence of 20 years' hard labor far some crime, an<l on searching the man, 13 Russian banknotes. the value of which was not known bj the officers, were found; also, some Russian coin, and upward of £360 in French money; also a sporting license in the namo of Jud,t>L| Fans. This mnn was placed in the lockup and chained; but in the night he succeded in re- moving big fetters. Two turnkeys, bearing a noi?c. went to his cell, bat he knocked them both down, and rushing oat, he fastened the door on them. Another turnkey seized him, but after a desperate straggle he broke from him and got away, and has not since been found To this strange story the Gazette des Tribunsux adds that in addition to the Russian notes and money, the man was in possession of papers belonging to Dr. llfeppi. As a singular pendant to the melancholy affair of M Poinrot, the Piedmontese journals mention that in a railway carriage, on the line from Tnrin to Genoa, a man was a few days ago found dead from a pistol shot, but whether fired by himself or by a murderer is not known. None of the passengers by the train had heard the report. Them eke Legs..A son of the Granite State went down to the oity of Memphis to scok his fortune. He found, instead, a diarrhea,which gradually sape life in a chronic form. It was with this that ooor Jim Baselv was picked up And month afrer month if tugged, until at length he was but the outline of his former self, a perfect skeleton. A worthy minister saw the poor fellow, and eeeinjr that the king of terrors had spotted him. determined to call on him and offer spiritual consolation. Uo broached the important subject somewhat thos ' My dear Mr. Bagely, in view of your rtlaA? _.!»! »?»_ *- nons wiiu mis me, now ao you leci r ' D.11 ei<xk," *u the prompt reply. "Don't swear, my poor friend," said the pardon, "and let me uk you if you ever think of your latter end ?" Lord !" Mid Bagely. " I haint thought on anything else for mor'n three months." " Not I am afraid, in the right way, Mr. Bagely. I beg you to pause and reflect. It is time you began to wrestle with the Lord." The sick man looked down at his miserable poker legs extending before him. and. with an expression of wild amazement in hid countenance, exclaimed : * Rastle with the Lord ! what, with them ere legs?" pointing to his own. ' Why, parson, he'd flip me to the very first pass." The parson gave him up as a hardened sinner. "A5tthi*g i* Reason ".When the United Mate* army started for Utah there was a scarcity of transportation; in other words, there were too few baggage wagons. Now, every soldier knows how like the apple of one's eye re these same baggage wagon?, drawn as they are by six mules, ou the long marches aero** the plains. A colonel of dragoons, who had o«mmand of one of the oolumns, restricted the ofioers very much in their allowance of baggage, and wna most bitter if v>y one tried to exseed the jast amount. One morning the oolonel met one of his captains, (a dragoon, of f coarse.) when he burst out as follows: "Captain, do yo« know what these artillery ofiaers want to take across the plains?" "No. colonel, I do not,"said the captain, with an inquiring look. , ' Well," said be, "if you'll believe me, one of 'em wants to take aerobe a box of books.u " Botks!" excUimed the captain. 44 What next, I wonder! Now, colonel. I have but little to take acrosa my»elf.nothing, in fact, but a barrel of whisky."* 4> Of coarse, captain, of course; anything in reason, anything in rwa*OH; but the idea of carrying a parcel of books across that stretch is* little more than I can stand.1' A C>>ai. Uahu. . M- T < v#n«(nir I v I in riABVO UV A AAIU.1 . Ju<1kT« Smaliev'scharge In the New York U- 8 D a'rlct Court i n reference to treason Ji having reauita Jamri E. Kerrigan, member of Congreaa elect, and John A Kennedy, superintendent of police, on Thmaday attended before tbe grand i iry of tbe Circuit Court to testify in regard to any armament being fitted out for tbe southern porta, thus giving aid and comfort to tbe enemies of the United Stitfea Government A recent viait of Mr Kerrigau to South Carolina, with the rumored intention of lending cooperation to the aereaaiosiats. and offering the assistance ©f a New York volunteer corps, ia understood to be tbe greitnd on which the grand jury called him to appear before them It la a noticeable fact that **« rfn«^cvjwia»»cj Wfia IUC VU«i IUiail «'I kUC LUiUIIilllfO of arrangements for the Democratic National Convention which met at Cbarleaton In May last ]rr A Frencfcmaa. resolved to be rid of life, went a little before high tide to a poat set up by the aea side. He bad provided himself with a ladder, a rope, a pistol, a bundle of matches, and a vial of poison Ascending the ladder, be tied one end of the rope to the poat. and the other end round bia neck; then he took the poison, set his ' clothes on Are, put the muzzle of the p'stol to his head and kicked away the ladder. In kicking <Wwa Ike ladder ho sloped the pistol so that the I ball missed Us head snd cat through the rope by wfeich be wis suspended; be fell Into tbe sea, (bus extinguish) op tbe Hum of bis clothes, snd tbe sea water, whleb be Involuntarily swallowed, cvuuteracted tbe poison, and tbns In spite of bts precautions, be remains unhanged, ansbot, uopoisoned, unburned, and undrowoed. PSOPOSITIOM TO PoXTlfT RlCNXOKD . Tbe Richmond Whig of yesterday states that the necessity of fortifying that city Is seriously urged by some of its citizens It would be advisable, perhaps. ears the Wbis, to erect and man a fort on Chu'ch >1111, M aa to command the river approach o the city A battery of ordnance ibotiid also >>e ptaod In poaitlon, forthwith, at Weat Point, vn York river. Siraclab Piuut to 6or. Axoaiw..Th' Governor of Maaaacbuaetta waa the recipient of a I mail box euclooed In brown paper, on Thuraday morning, which waa brought from Baltimore bv the Atlanta Kxpreaa Cwnpin*, and waa directed to "The Governor of Maauchuaetta " On opening It bia Excellency f^und that the box contained ... im rfutrn Mtnnte rtic balla. but not a word rU to Wbo rnttbeon Trmvr Itr. TH« LATE MI'IDII AT W*LDOX. ,N. C A party- ot hexroea we'wded io capturing, on TatMif aoratag, argro man reports to br \ tbe prli>ci|*l oftte (fan* wborecmUycommitted / I iTioat »tror|«M and krutol murder on aa old gentleman at We)don, North Carolina tbe parli- raUrt of which hare already Wo given He a vraa dellTffi^ ov«r bf hla captor* to torn* of the clUxeai of the neighborhood Uy/ortjr-t«r° yooa^ Paralana, between the a^«ioi loonnii uAJ vtil cdfcj^iof j I _ Thk Coast Dktknski or Aovtr Carolina . It baa already been mentioned that Gov Pickens bad Informed the South Carolina Legislature that In his plan for coast defenses he proposes the purchase of three (teem propellers.small Iron screw propellers being preferred.of light draft, each provided with 32 seamen-one propeller to be stationed In Charleston harbor, one at Beaufort, and one at Georgetown. In connection with these be proposes to throw up breastworks, or temporary fortlcatlons. at most of the Important and exposed points on the coast, and near the mouths of the principal rivers, placing in them such pieces oi ordinance at may be needed, according to the width of the channel to be defended. Helntenda theae steamers to keep up a rapid and eonatant communication between these points, and toplve all the protection they are able In caae of audden Invasion by lawleaa banda. In small craft and aklppera, that may Infeat the coaat. Tocarry out these vlewa he appointed, the day after he came In office. Col Gwynn, an engineer of high reputation. to the examination of the proper places to be selected for the erection of the teinDorarv fortifica- tlons. He made the examination" and rendered ht» report, designating the proper points He had since sent Col Alston to carry Into effect what Col. Gwynn bad reported on, ao far a* the coast towards Georgetown is concerned. Llent. Col. Elliott had similar orders towards Beaufort. Mov*m«*ts in New York.The New York papers mention a rtinior that James E Kerrigan, member of Congress elect from thst city. Is to be arrested on a charge of treason, under the recent harge of Judge Smalley. The cha'ge of treason grows out 01 me allegation that he la secretly organizing a military company to go to South Carolina, from which State Mr. K. returned a few daya ago, after brief visit. tH7*The largest modern deer forest in Scotland Is that of the I)uke of Athol, wblcb extenda to 100.000 acrra The next Is the foreat of Farquharaon of Invercauld, but which la partly under abeep and deer, altogether about 1 .>1.000 Scotch a^res Next to which ranks Lord Flfe'a foreat of Mar, about 60.000. Tbere arc a number of other deer forests < f much amaller extent; but the ground under dtcr is now much lee* than one hundred years ago. A Postmaster MrRi>erbd.L Roberta, postmaster at Clinton. Ill , was killed on Saturday by a man named 11 Summers, In a personal dirflculty between them. It took place at the postotfloe. Summers was ordered out of the cthce. and went out. Roberts locked the door, ana made some remark to shimmers, when Summers cut Roberts' jugular vein. What ars we coming to H Ward Berber Is es?g»*d In New Haven, and sworn at In PhllaJJnhU. nunu A * u^ipuia, cuurii ruunp rannoi ip?4i unprotected In Boston; II Ford Douglass, avent of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, is booted out of Lancaster, Mass; and Ptisan B. Anthony Is mobbed at Rochester, and can't for any consideration obtain a bail in Albany. Pmp into tod* Biblk..Some twelve months ago. a young gentleman was married to a young lady In Bangor, Me., with whom he removed to a distant State He sent by telegraph, a few days ago, to the bride's parents, ''Isaiah, chap, lx, first part of «th verse." To which an answer was immediately returned as follows "1 Thessalonians, chap, lv, 3d verse " 017" At a rough guess, says a writer in Frazer's Magazine, there imy be five thousand hymns in lh» l.'n.,ll.k M'-«- .V um0,1.«u ihii^uokc. »» ffliw wrUM! WC'j L/'JUdrldge, 375; the vVesleys, .")<}(>; Cowper and Newton, about 4(J0; Montgomery, 255; but be doubts "whether there be more than ii*) that ran take their place* among the classic* of our national poetry." Chaklkitoh a5d Niw YoaR gte*m»hirs . The Savannah Republican announces that in consequence of the obstructions in Charleston harbor, the steamers formerly pl}ing between that port and New York will hereafter goto Savannah, and havp their cargoes transported to Charleston, over th>' Charleston and Savannah Railroad II i~ The R usslan government is takl ng measures to repeople ttie Crimea, and have already 6ent tberf a good many f-imllW s from the government of Koursk. The colonization of the country on the Armoor is also advancing.'230 peasant families having been sent ther«- during August from the governments of Tambow. Orel, and Woronetc.b A* Acsriciors Bioixma..They have seta good example at Bath, Me., says the Boston Post of the 17th. Two hundred and Mfly have voted In favor of a repeal of the I'er*onal Liberty bills, to ninetv-seven In the negative. At lent one half /.f in *1. .. «Mt.. I .... n 1 11 "i »uv«c i M iuc ouiiiuavjvc were i\t|>uuiii;a(i9 This a 4£ood. a ma^uanimous example. 117" Mr Izzy Lazarus is a New York fighting man, and keep« besides a ba--ror>m, thus dialing in both muscle and drink. He allowed two rowdie* to refresh themselves. free of eipense, at his bar on New Ywr'i. and then knocked «even teeth out of the mouth of one of them for Incivility. Mr Lazarus is generous In his commerce. |E7"South Carolina money won't buy bread in Nf*wt»#*rn 1 \V trlnl n nn*« Hollar Villi nn tho Hank of ?V>uth Carolina, with a pietur of Calhoun on it, vesterday evening, and it wn* refuse! by tw.i baker*, and the servant returned without the hrend." Thus testifies the hungry editor of the Newbern (N. C ) Progre.**. jrj" While the Prince of Wales' squadron was at Portland and in other American waters it lost on»» hundred men, and the reason why the ships did not go to New York was that the desertion of all the men was feared The fact has engendered a warm discussion in the London papers on the treatment of English seamen. A Fashiom I.oxg Nkbdkd..It is stated that the latest "fashion" announced from Eir«|>e is that of dresalug very plainly when eolng to Church Some of the ladies of the first circle go up to worship in plain calico. Itia tbu*«ou»lit to encourage the attendance of the poor who have hitherto withheld their presence for lack of "Sunday clothes " |£7~Calvln Burton, a trader at Crittenango, neir Syracuse, New York, left his store the other evening with some one hundred and fiftv dollars in his pockets, and was found next morning but a f-w rods from his bouse, brutally murdered and L.I a TU 1 1* 1 * I- * > rouuru. luruuipru uu nui iwn iounu. }JI7"In Oihawa. Canada, last week, whlle.the village cl»-rk was In the act of distraining a cow of a Mr Klllson, for rent lou« past clue, Ellison's wife picked up a stick of cordwood and struck the bailiff with so much force as to break his arm A desirable wife for a debtor. 017" The San Francisco Mirror nays: u Out of nearly one hundrtd exchanges published on this coast, and received at this office, we can find not one tnat comes oat, openly or otherwise, in favor of an indeoendent republic. California is faithful to the Union." Bo*t or Gtmiu. Wmi .The people of West Cheater, Pennsylvania, are moving to place In the court houae a marble buat of Gen. Wayne, as a monument to bis memory. There is not a simple tablet, monument, or bust to Wayne In bis native county. |£y A sea captain being at a bill, had been accented by a beautiful partner, who, in the most delicate manner possible, hinted the propriety of putting on a pair of gloves. was the elegant reply, "never mlna me, ma'am; 1 shall wash iny bands when I've done dancing." tCT" A prelim inary meet! ng of Hebrews of England, France, Italy and America, has been held at the Mansion House, l.ondon, for the purpos< of concerting new efforts for the restoration of the child Morta to bis parents. fH^"Col. David Page, a member of tbe Maine legislature, from the Aroostock region, on his way his home to the capital, walked fifteen miles on foot, and ten miles on snow shoes, the snow being two foot and half deep and unbroken. jfTTh* family of Parsons, until recently living in Biletoo,Eag.,fsextlact, Mrs Parson's jealousy leadinx her to Doisoa herself, her husband, and four children. The druggist evidently sold her an excellent vrllcle. C7"Tbe Leglalature of R bode Iiland assembled on Tuesday, and on tbe same day resolutions wer* offerta in both branches repealing the personal liberty bills lETCapt Joseph David, of Factory District, St Mary'a county, committed aoicide on Monday last bv drowning himself in th« rrwk near bin rrtider.ce (J7" A poor half-witted mother, near Ht. Louis, last Week plac d a feather bed over her little baby, to keep tt warm, as ske said, and smothered It. 1/7* Tho London Times a short time since refoaed s £ 150 advertisement on the plea that It would occupy to# mu'-h spier! Verv few Anierlcau newspapers would discover the objection \U~ Sunday morning at sunrise the thermometer at Rutland, Vt, was M degrees below aero. At Mlddlebury It wai 90. [IT* The Ullrr of a Boston bank pitd ftd.OUO laat werk Inatcad of WUI, bapptty B. F. Pratt, an Loueat man, received It. (pr Tkc name of the United States Hotel In Augusta (Ga) baa been e bang ad If the Southern Htatei Hotel- _ CLOTHING, &c. PANIC TIMES! PANIC PRICKS' We hare just reoeivedaiarselotofCLOTHING, FURNISHING GOOD?, HATS and CAPS, on consignment, whioh mutt l<e sold before th« 4th of Maxell, without regard to cost. These goods have a.l bf»n msae up by the best houses in Haitimore and Phi'adelphis, and owing to the times they will be soul at almost any prioe. our object being to turn mem into c&th as soon as possible L A. BKALL k CO., C'othiera, No. 4.19 Seventh *t., al>ove 0. N. B..Come on*, ootne all; now la the time to huy WINTER CLOTHING at any price on Seventh at.. No. 439,4 door* above G at. de28-lm rjENTLHMKN'8 RK*DV-MADliCLOTHING. Our present assortment of GENTLEMEN'S REaDV-MAUK CLOTHING offera to eitixena andatranrera wtshinr an iinmiwliat* nntfit «nn»- rior inducements, embracing, at this time, all atylea and qualities of Press aod Business Garments and Overooata in all varieties. Fine Shirts and Under-olotliMic of all kinds. Kid and other 61ovea of best quaity. Scurfs, Tiss, Cravats, Sto"k«, Hosiery, Ac., Ac. All of whioh we are offering at r«r usual low prioes. fry Clothing mvi* to order in the moat auperior manner. WALL, STEPHENS A Co., no 16-tf 38-2 Pa. avenue. W MERCHANT TAILORING. E Invite our custouieru.and citizens generally, to an inspection of onr preaent now, at_ tractive, and eleeant assortment of*"®* CLOTHS. CASSIMKRKS. DOKSKINS W% VfcSTlNGS, 0 V ERCt)ATINfiS," Ac.' fif whioh we will make to order in superior ^ *tyle at very low prioes. WALL, STEPHENS &. CO., oc 28-tf 32 Jl Pa. av.. betw. 9th and 10th eta. THK EUROPEAN HOTEL. KEPT BY P. EMRICH. at the corner of Penn. A . i A avenue and Eleventh street, has been WTMhw Kreatly improved recently and now offer*JLiil&U greater inducement* for the patronage o| oitizena and strangers than any other publio house in the oit», his prices heme less than those of any other hntAl on P*nn_ »wanna «nH Ki« ... V. m. vww« « vnut'f OT'iu "|U WVViUIII Ml' rvl«|.!UIiS for permanent or transient boarder» unexceptionable. The bar aiid restaurant arsangementa of the European Hotel have already become very p<>pu lar, being all that oan l>e desired by the moat fan tidioua. Tne proprietor pie.tges unremitted attention and continued liberal expenditures to give satisfaction to all, and thus renewa hia invitation all to give the huropoan Hotel a call. de 4 ti rpHE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. TRIE#EMA K ,1,2 and 3-Prot»ctod by Royal Letters Patent of England, and secured by the Seals of th« Eoole de Fnarmacie de Pans, and tne Imperial College of Modisine, Vienna No. 1 is invaluable f >r exhaustion and natorrhea, and al physical disabilities. No. 2 completely eradicates all traces of those thftt hACA } lArtn hitlirtftn t mn ta/i » * ... . .... M ... VI vwvu Wjr * HdU seous and pernioi us vi« ol cvvftivt and cnlwhi. No. 3 Ii&h entirely supplanted the injurious ute of itierAurT,thereb? insuring to the sufferer spee^r re'ief. di^p^rei"* a!l impurities, and rooting out the venom of disease. TK I Ks?F. v|aR, Nob. 1,2 and 3-are prepared in th~ form of a loxenre. devoid of ta«t« aiid airel'. and can carried m the wajsiooat p'»cket. :»old in tin cases. a*id divided into separate dote*. as ad nunisWred fir Velpfau, LaHoinand, Roux, Ricord, Ao Price ,§3 ta«h. or fjur oases for jn, which s-aves S3; and in $27 oa*es, whereby tner» id a saving of %9. To he tiad. who'eisale and retail, of Or. II 1 On / k«l> ' -an. » paiuiv»», <»i iwi m»«onr ixew York. Imme tiat«iv on receiving a remittance. I>r. Harrow will forward the Tneaeiilfcr to any partof tlio world, securely paek«d, and addressee &eo<>rding to the in structi na of the writer. The H'K>tr,uf a'! o'bera, that ahoald be read by men with damaged and broken down ooiiKtitution* la "HnniaD Frailty, or Physiological Keaearchea." It ia beautifully illustrated, and treats mitiut* ly of all tti> »ymp om« that invariably develop th°m e'ven. aooper or latT, resulting from the frailties and vit atiug habitaof oarb youth, incapacitating the victim from aharing the fruition «>f the matrt menial ktate, and. if not checked in time, degenerating all tie functions of manhood, and bringing him, step by at«p toa lingering and untimely death. Sola by l)r. "AH HOW, 194 Bleecker at t*t, four doora h»|ow Macdougal, New York. Price 25 oenta. Sent free every where. Sold also by 8. O. Ford, Jr., Drug Store. Washington. P C. de 29 fim Bol/i S ANI> SHftRS TO SUIT THE TIMES. Wo are now manufaoturinc all kinds of BOOT? *nd 8HOKS, and raoeivniK a,>ib) supply of eastern mvle work of ever? ilt-BWl scrhpfio", made expresgiy to order, and willF II t/o s<>!d at a much lower linoe tnan has been* heretofore charged in this oity for niuoh inferior arUoios. Persons in want of (loots and Shoes of eastern or 01 tf made w<>rk, will always find ajjood assortmen in storeaud at the lowest prices Give us a call. SRIFF1N A URO., api-r 314 Pern s;l van a a n lie. Fivk hundred traveling trunks arrived th'.e day, emhracine all <uah fjamye, ties and sizes of sola Loatusr, I-adi^s'^ffitt« Dreg* an<l Packing Tmnks. Onr trunk^®1*^ sales room exhibit* at this time the (troat«»t variety of traveling re^uiMiUs at moderate pnoe*. to be found this side of N'* York. Alio, every deeoriptn>n of LADIES' HAT BOXES, VALICES, CARPET BAG*. SATCHELS, fto. K7"01d Trunks r^-pairo-i or taken in wcohani* for now ones. wall, stephens ft co., Truck Sales llnom, ciar li-tf Pa i-wn«. T royal havana lottery. HE Neit Drawing of tne Royal Havana Lottery, oocdusted by the Spameh Government, under tne supei vision of tne Captain Genera) of Cuba, will t«L'A n 1 a oo » Uaw«n* «" w«ft* Mvmw ak <«Q«aua vu TUESDAY, J an IT AH Y 22,1961. SORTED NUMKHO 649 ORDINAP.IO. CAPITAL FRIZK #100,000. 1 prise of inrynw ».> pnx«a o£_ fl.rxw 1 do *),<**> *> do . fv 1 do »,(*«) lu do tor, 1 do }n,ono fc'ftjprox. »,**) 1 d0 - ^ DOT*T,C 44« «WU Who.s Ticket*, JSO. Ha^ee, f 10.Onartert, $3. Srises caahed at sifht at i per cent, diaooant. ilia on all so! vent. Bank* taken at par. A drawing will be forwarded aa boon aa the resalt become* known. ' Ali ordera for aciieines or tiokets to be addressed to DON RODRIGUEZ, ja 3 tr Pure of C.'ty Papt. Cbar'e«tnr.. S. <"V H_ O W E'!* I >1FKO VKD WK1GHIN6 SCALES These Soales are offered to the public aa th» most simple, durable, and reliable scales erer »ut ib a Pir«tAiai« arominma K««sKa*« -J--'. M U |ri " iMsam un*o i/wu owai UW1 (OOH by the United States Fair and Virjiuia At'iou'tura] Society; Virsinia State Agncnltural Fair; Franklin Institute Fa:r, Pennsylvania; New York State Fair; Vermont State Fair, fcc. fcc. In every case whert xhii'ited they oave reoeived first class premiums For sa e at 4# Louisiana avenue, Depot of Siliar'i Chil.ed Iron Safe*. dell-lT C PATTIPON. Agent. C* D. L. MORHISON fc CO.. r LOUR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And whoWale dealers in MILL FEED, CORN MEAL, fe., *c.. Corner of lath and D stiaete, waohington city. irr- Omih nun! for ail IcinHa of Rrnr C6ALT8' , ITY STEAM FIRE WOOD STILLS AND COAL DKPOT. Foot <\f Stvtnteentk ttrft, htloie War'Departmint. WOOD prepared, anr length a&d iixe, toiuit the wantt of each purchaser COAL-KEPT IN OOAI. HOUSES, protected from the weather.delivered free from alate. dirt, and other impurities. 2.241" lb*, to the ton. T. J. tc W. M- <»ALT, ao 10-tf 3S2 Pa. av.. Ii^tw. 11th and 12th »i«. r^UPONT'S GUNPOWDER. U for smle at manai&ctiftera price*, by JOHN J. BOHL'K, OwurowN. 1). 0. Sol* Atenty for the District of L'otuwmi*. A large aupp.r, emb.Mim every variety, alWaye on band, ncl delivered free to all part* of the Diat-iot. Ordera oanaiao beleftattha»ffio«of Adama' Kxprea* ComHnT. Wnahinctan. D. H. fe S-lawlv B-fiif f aNCV 600dS, AT PRICKS TH BTTTT TUL' TIMPJ « V DVt A AUU IliUUOl And On* P*ic*Oni.t, At STEVEN8'S FANCY STORE. no 22-1f 33fi. Mw. <nh and loth nig. HAVE you SEEN the50o-ntChi!dren's Uookt at FRENCH k. RIOHSTEIN'S. U7* Fa. avenue, lelling for 10 oenU.' Have you seen the elegant ®2 Annuals lb' N<wr Year presents, at FRENCH A RIUHSTEfN'S.eellin* for only « . Call and make yonr porohatei before they are %il B»ne. At FRENCH A RICHSTEfN'8, de 29 2T£ Pa avenue. i.«.«. uiui. «. a. iioti. 1.1. iinr. a imii vnif a idtrv WIU rTkflUoj in tl^Il Ijr h^(5o«rt ofiBrro u< Ar IHlitt JackaoD, the Federal Coart at Foi.toU>«, tte Covu of lh.SerenXh JndxmaX Dirfriet ofMi.sbc&Utc 'jfesr WOOD! WOOD!! m % »v STOVE tod KINDLING WOOD, Mth« Iovm ,M,lt Pn°*> T. J. * W. M. GALT, Pa. to.. t»r»Mallth tod 12th rta.. tl7 TRAVKLING TRUNKS. " v TV B Hare Jmt r#o«ir*d th* targMt Miortment .MRS WOOD AND COAL. » WOOD AND C O 4 L Delivered to ftU ptrU of the oity, at the low set yoMible rates. T. J. A W. M. OALT, Offloe asa Pa. a*., between 11th and 12th iU., ma 17-tf norta side. GAS FITTING, &c. pLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS J. W. THOMPSON A CO. Wonld call the Attention of water taker* to tbeir full assortment of Fixtures neressarvto its introduction's follows:.KITCH KM KANUtet.H ATH tubs. watkr cL«jsets. imt water boilers, KITCHKN sinks, pumps, Cast lr->n, Wrought Iron, l.ead and Oalvauiaed water pipes. hydrants and pave washers. rubber hose, ft o. Having superior advantages, with practical k-'owlodfe, we are prepared to mtrodaee Water inf» dwellings with all the latest irrproven ents, promptly, and at prioes that cannot fail to satisiy. 409 Penn. avenue, no 24 dtMar 1 bet. 9th and i'>th *r« »nth <!« Awm. t. dove * co. RE Now prep.vred tv> execute any orders wlti whioh ther mar be favored in the PLUMBING. 6AS OR STEAM FITTING DUSINESS. [17 Store on 9th street, a tew doors north of Pa. fc>enne, where may be fouM a complete assortment of OH ANDEUERS ana other OAS, STEAM an« WATER FIXTURES. >* ?T ! W6 as fixtures. E Have in 'tore, and are dai j reoeivinr, HAS PIXTORKSofentirely New Pattern*and Desicns and Finish, superior in stvle to anvrhinr offered in this market. We invite citizens general ly to call and examine our ktock of Gas and Water Fixtures, feeling f»f«r.fident that we navo the b«st selected stock in Washington. All Work in the above tine intrusted to our cart will be promptly attended to. MYERS A MoGHAN. mar 5-tf 37*< 1) pticei. I~ 8NYDFR, . PLUMBER ANDCtA5 FITTER. If as removed to the comer of Twelfth and »(«. Hois prepared to introduce Water and Gas upon the mo't favorable terms, and guaranties entire satisfaction He has on hand a lot of COOKING and other BIVTHP, whioh he will sol! less than oo»t. M he wishe* to jet rid of them. no 17 /\FFICE OF INSPECTOR AND SEALER \J OF GAS METERS. Washington. Jnly 18,1*60. NOTICE If! HEREBY Q1VEX. That, agreeably to tbe proviuone ol the ftidmanoe of the Corporation approver May 12. IPfio, the undersigned u now f repared. "whenever required in writing, and on pro f of the f®« of fifty oenU, to inspoot. etamine, to*t, prove, and ascertain t*i? accuracy of rerntration o( any Ran meter in use in this city." Every meter. iffonnd inoorreot, will be condemned. ana another, seaiefl ami marked as trne, will be setini** plaoe. If proved to l>e accurate in its moasurviiient of gas, it will be sealed accordiujlj, and a«ain put in position for use. Office No. ft JO Seventh street,(near Odd F®I.ows'Hall) Op«n from 8 a. m., to5p.m. CHARLES W. CUNNINGHAM, jr H-tf Inspector and Scaler of Gas Meters. CARRIAGE FACTORIES.~ WASHINGTON CARRIAGE FACTORVT" " H Striet, Bctvttndtk and IWk Sirnt>, We have just finished a numlx>r of first o.asi CAR RI AGES, suoh as Litht Wnrons, Park PK*atonr. FiimiJy fir ijXtSK riates, and Butties, which we will soil atJR * * * a VfTt Smfl.ll DTflfit practroal mechanioa in diffarpnt hranoh«a of thj» buaineaa, wo flatter ouraeiwia Uiat we know the atjlea and quahtj of work that will rire aatia faotion, oombminj hghtn»*e, oomfort and durab;ll ty. Rfpairinc promptly and carefully attended to tue ihortdet notion find rno*t reasonable oharcwi. WALTER, KARMANN Jt BOlT\ " in. t nuvii | IflMV T. OARRIAttES*. H.K Sa^iwriher hanax m»ue additional* ki ffct'.ory, nukiUi it ik>w one ofUe ltffeat.flftM. In the District, wl.orn h.s faoilitiea for*HCTBi$ !r*nul«mtm-ine CARRIAGE & LI8HT*-1*WAOONSof all kind* cannot aarptaaed, antf from hi» lone experience :u ti» uumeu, Ac pee U (IV* (V"rai MtlBfMtion. All kinla of CarriftcM tc4 Liekt Wsrora kept > kind. A.t irp>( - u-J.- .i. >«v« ««* ««au vriirirmvi !t attesaoJ U. CM*i4-ku4 Q»itU{N taken 1b an«hanr« farm AMDREW J. JOYCE, 4 ia_tf rarair*' l<tk»id Kill. 486 "PAPER HANGINGS. j ^ I'APERHANG!N<»Sall eradeeand orient; war rar.tod God Hand WINDOW 9H*1>KS; Huff, Green and Biu« HOLLAND SHADES, all air«-a made to order; alao, PICTURE Of'RD and "AfSKLS ali size* and oolora, REMNANTS PAPKR H ANGINGS at onft-fourth l»aa than coPt i u(ciihiiih iar rain, ana »l owing r.o <>.«l stock to accumulate. person# needing t»*at-ove gool* will find it to their &dv&nt»<« to give me a I. All work executed and tupe'intended by paotLml men wh'> have nerved a repnlar apprenticeship at their trade. Please give me a call. RemfmVr th« umber. JN<>. MARKRITKR, No. 4SG Seventh st. 8 doora above J.t l-e -lot* Old Fallows' Hail. IAD1KS THICK WINTER BOOTS of Kid j Moroooo, (><>at« Skin, Lasting*, * c rrtll buttoned, Laced and Velvet T«innneij.1 Also Midges Moots of tl«e tame sijie ,%ioW 1 selling fiom .'Oc-'nt* to SI. per pair, lower* i% th.iQ eUevrhfre in the oitjr. at i ijiicrvTii 4 t > a m jl% wckil * im u No. 16 Ma krt 9rao» Pa. ar. gtti and 9th Ladioa' and Mih««' Lodc Rubber Boots. ja2«o ptfREMKN'S INSURANCE COMPANY WASHINGTON AND GEORGETOWN. Capital TT7... 9300,000. OJfict corn r C streft and Lorn*xana at\, over Bank of Washington. INSURE HUlStS AND OTHER PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. . Directors. Geo. Phoemakor, Samne! Redfern, Samuel Cropley, William Wiison, Richard Jones, John D Barolajr, Jao<>b Gideon, Andrew Roth we II, Thos. Parker, Riahard Barry, Br B. French. ,ur r"jAMK8 ADAMS, President. Abil G. Davis, Secretar). oc 10-c36m fREEMAN §SIMPS0K'J W OLD W OLD \\ IFAMILY RYEIFAMJIY RYEj ^HTSCTT-^WHI SKEYZi The above P UR E WMKT, Cof rn Distilled f*®* Walter Geaih, beins anterior and uniform unaality, End Uif hly improved ny are, is preferred bf consumers to aU other Whiskies, and partiou,r-oommend^d by the beat phycioiaca and oaemiate as pcaarsaint a!! the requirements of a r»*»5 lTiyxtvrator and Remedial Agent. Th? bchuylkUl\\ ater ul Pniladatefua. used in ne distillation of this Whisky, ia proved bj analy sis to bo the noftNt aud pares t water ia the United Suite. ; and to tiai may, in a great d^eree, be attributed the exoellenoe of this ^Whisky, For aale by FRKKMAfOk SIMPSON. Phenix Diat'llery, On the Sohuylkih river, Philadelphia Offioes- 9* Wall street, New York ; 109 South Fwnt streat. Ph''ari«l|»hia. n>nr j^LOUR, BUCKWHEAT, POTATOES, AP16fl bbis. new Rioiimond Family and Extia Floir, 5,«*> lha, Fr«»h Ground Bujk wheat Meal, bushels White Meroer Potatoes. li*» do. Blue do. do. 5 do. ChAatoaU. Reoeived to-day and for aal« Jow in loto tn#«it by N u ^ « CiU M ^IL°* 1>KW CA88t WAjj^ STEPHENS k CO., 398 P#nn«ylr* J,,t 'VK* v»r»A» of new Falj waioh Umt invito the ftitoatio* of thair WgllMj owftomfi. . QOUBH8. COLD*. UOARBKNESe, Jts. COMPOUND SYRUP OF HUM ARABICTlua |iiHU»ot u4 popular Caagk tt*m*dr M* b©f n ao loni known and e*U«ua»«ij ued, UuU m>oM p«r»<>n« U'eMsomt (kulliw with iu axUaordtn*trzxiz? 1 °*rl mmaiVES9' / % DENTISTRY. rWRS. LOCK WOOl)* DARRKI.L ARE PREVr p%rf«l ti>i_»ertTEETH on Vrl.CAN m i ITK fl Ai'K. a new and improved rood' ~ri ffTW When made on thi« p an they are com .J-' p fortal-ie to wear and much chwinr than any other. Alto, T»*eth inserted on (»' Id Plate, antl a.I Dental Opeiatinna of any kind that may >*d»*irM. Office.Room No. i in the VN aabinfhn Huiidin» .corner Pa. ar, and *e?enth at. ja 1<> 3w* M "teeth. . i.nnMiH m n «w- ». mc IIITCUWI «MTVi pvwnwv ofthe MINERAL PLATE TEETH. at-^61 tend* persona. !y at bis cAo* m thm city MW Many person* can wear these teetl, " cannot wear other*, and no paraoo can wear other* who cannot wear theae. Hereon* cat line at my office oan be accommodated with any atylaand rice of I'oeth th-y may deaire: but to thoae wnuai parti cn ar and w>ah the pureat. cleanest, etroneCHt. and mo»t perfect denture that art can prod see, the An.StKAL PLATE will be more fully warranted. Kooma in thia oity.Mo. S39 Pa.avenae.betwaea 9th and loth aU. Also. »0T Aroh atrMt, Hhiladel phia. oc 15 If Dh dental card. R. MCN90N Ha* retcrnM and retimel hi* proiees-.on. Office ai.d house at 463 F. third door east of Sixth. In addition every o'her approved style, Dr. M ha«-eetx.U-I-D teeth on vnlo*nite Base for the last three year* and, from exponence, knows it exoe.s all others, and is one-third ieas id prioe than gold. His old patrons <>f Washington. Alexandria, and Georgetown are respectfully solioitad t ell!, aa 25 eoly TK &V BLEBS' DlKhXTTORY Baltimore andohio railroad. WASHISOTOX EHAyCH. Ouati<1 after SUNDAY, NoYember 25th, 188A,the trams will run aa follow*: LEArE WASHINGTOy: First tr*m at» .2"a m. Peonnd Train nt 7.40 a m. Third train atS.10 p. m., Express. Fourth train at 6 n nv LEA VK BALTIMORE: First train at 4 is a. m.. Express. Kvwnu uaiii Ai n^X) Ik III Third at 3.1" p m. Fourth 4.2" p. m., Kxpr«»ii». Th«hr»l,iwn<l aiH third traina from Washington oonneot throu^ o Phi a^lphia aud N«» Yo'k. The M»eom1 aad third «nnnfrct at Washington Junction with trair.a fur the We«t. South, and Nortf>we»t: a'no, at Ar.nap^li* Junction, for An napolis. For Norfolk take th« * «n a. m. trai . or the acoommonation of the wa» travel tween WMHncton and hauiel. a pa»*an(ter car will be attached to the t>'nn*gfc li an. whioh leave* at 12 in. < i*.Saturday the 3.1" f. m. trai". j<>f« to Pht'adelphia onlr. no as d T. H. rARSONE. Agonl THE STEAMER JAP. «UY WU1 rwuM trip, oju 1 UKSDAY, «»t of JT** F«br-tp.'-T. lrSn. Wil Imt« VN IN ©TON nmf iu EHDAY KR1 DA V, at »» «k>ck,d ALEXANDRIA at half p*!«t 6 o'oiock. for Ot'R RIOIM A N ami th* informed iatM/and incn. <»n her r*tnm tripa, ah# Will !«*re CURR'OM AN WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at f nVlook a. m. Lt'CIAN S. PAbE, Propn«t*r. NATH'L BOUSH. Ai't. AlexanJna. f* V 9 - IF YOU WANT TO SAVE THE UNION Call at H A K V K V'li \V ho has just received a large nurplv of freah L*'BSTFR^, I" I Mil, and line OVSiTRJi.v1*j*v whioh he will serve to customers at shortest not aid on lil>«rat te rm». P. S.Oysters served to families and hotel* are not seal tied; they are pnly aoalded for p«ri< ..s eat ine them at the aalfton. '1«8 T. M. HARVKV. /Ov NOTICK. /Ov IW 1 R F M #> IT 4 r f W » o ® 1 have removed hit " " ' d 6 ('AWN OFPICK to :«.%1 C street, l*tw<»en \% nml 6th atr*«t«, imrne diat*ly in th« rr!ir of tr»-» Nat' Hot*;, where the l>u»ino»« will be ciiit:r.D«(l aa heret«|i>re at the old atand. |n». l&-6m| IS\AC HhKZUt.RU. Dr J. H McLEA&^S STRENQTHENINO COEDIAL AMD BLOOD PIR1F1KR. THE GREATEST REMEDY »» tk* WORLD, VIA} t/BL.l MM ^ A ^11 Wmm "sp DELIGHTFUL jt JR\ j CORDIAL f a'ever TaEEy.^juff' J5v njm * strictl» a »ci- ^Vr9 I Ji vj&l \pT nttfc and V||iua I l»5i' Tfc kit Cocipoud, pr*KM eutd by tbt diadiUBSf^. «' «' ' reou, tMrb*. iad tirki. Tt.lov Vf '2 D"ck, Blood R"-«v, Tv m ,Utk V^d'ch*'*" lCMl PJy Bark, and Dajidaiiea jSR ["yj S *<it«r« into iW cwb- J ! '"It ««tir« J>V ffj £ j^fji 11 "y r»ai(iiil principle 1 1| fl^JT of tcli i. frtditu; . # '" " B-fn . nl". K.I ? -*/ . UUU1G Ly «;:iw nTuiiVf*11*1 iaR1U5' I dnilllinr, proJacia; * dttjcioni, ibtUratW apirli, ui ib« BMt tlNmll r«ni*4y for r*BOT«ii:ig ih« 4 > <! and rtitMinf Jit tick, altntf, aad dtkiliuud tn»»Ud w b«t.U<* and rrtnrth. McLEAN ^STRENGTHENING CORDIAL Will fteimsily e«r« UiT«r CoenpUiat, r>ytp«p»t*, J»«adic*. Chrome er N«r»o«» Pobiliiy,Diituo ortho Kiilc*rt, *nd ail di«»«Mi urtiinp from * dicordtrod U»»r or Stoisach. r»T«r»r« *. Iwnkv*, Inward Pil«», Aeidkr or SicknOM of .k. V._~ .k c-ll ' - .1.- II -1 »>_ > n . M<« m « «» ' . " w UI* III3U, !/ !! I Ma ur Swimming in tha Htid, PaJpt:«uoa of ih« Hun. Fallnoaa r Waight In tha Sto«uact, Boir Crocuuki, Choking or lifK>ao| ratling wtin liTirr down, Dryntt* or Tt!l*W. nttt of tha Skin an 1 Eytt, NifV Htinu, Inward Fa»art, Pain in tha Small of tha Back, Cfcaat, or Sid*. Saddan Flaahts if liii, Dtpraaaioo of Spirits, Prightfal Dnana, Lang <tcr, Datpocdaiicy or any narroat iiwtu. Soraa or glote*»a on lb* Skin, tad Fa»ar and Agva (or Chilli an< r, ') OYER A MILLION BOTTLES hava baan Mid daring tha law tit montba, and ia 1&atanc* hat it faiiod in firing tuur* satisfaction. * ho, than, will ufir ftfn Wiiimii or Dobtiuy wbm McLhARl STREMUTRENINQ CORDIAL wUi can yoa 1 Mo lungmaga can convoy an adaqaatt id*a of tfit iramodiata and almoat miracalaaa Chang* prodactd by taking thia Cardial in tha diaaaaad, dahiliutad, and ahattarad ntr'aat jaivin, VB«w«i wmwmwtt nvwu vj liiiN, VIU Of QHUI, wr impairad by »icku«»«, tha riland ud iuuii| arffajiiUUio It raalarad la iu priaiina baalih and »it»r MARRIED PERSONS. at Khlll, tnicmi af inability from vhaiavar caaaa, vill lad MckKAHl STftEHGTHKNING CORDIAL a tb»Nlfk rtfaoaratar of tha ayataa; and all wha ma; bava in ]«r«d thamaalTai by ioiprapar Indalfancaa will tnd id tkia Cardial a carina and apatay ramady. TO THE LAUIMS. McLKAKI « K.KNOTBEK1HG CORDIAL to t Mfiralro and apaady ear* far locipiant Canaampuoo, Wfchaa, Oaa'.rictad ar DiBealt Maotixaitton, IncontiDacea af Una* at Intalantary Piacbarja tharaaf, railing af Ua Womb, idduiaaa, Fainting, aa<Tall diaaaaaa lactdaat ta Pamaiaa. THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOWT IT afar am lanfir. Taka it utardiaf la diraatlaaa. It vill tuiraUia, aixanfthao, aud iavifarala Taa and caaaa Ua klaam af haalth ta aaaot yoar ch**k afuo. Inr; katti* ia warruiad ta fi»a aatufacuoo. * FOR CHILDREN If *aar cbildMn ara aickly, pans ar afliciad, MCLEAN'S CORDIAL will mak* than baaluif, fat, and rabau. Dalay not a tnoiotnt; u) ii, iuia yo« win m cobTiatta. It M « liciMM to taka. CA UTION. Btwar* of dn|fku or lalin wti* yoa *ir§ bitt«r or ar»ip«rilla uuti, which lh*y can Ley en#«r, by uiiar it la loat u mod. A*wd »ch Aak for Mctfuift VrRK*UTHkmilG CORDIAL, ud uk« n«tlua( It ia tb* only rimtdy tktt will parify tk* Blood tncro«fkli and at th« ium tiai airtnf Ui«u ui lyitim. Or tliiMotfiil takan irtrt tnanin* hfefin* u * » pr«»»ntiT« for Cbolara, Chill* ar.d r«»»r, Tallow Fiftt, or an? pra*al«at diftaaa It U pat «j> in larra bottiaa. frtea only f 1 par bottia, or I bculai for $t JT H Mt LEAN, la propriator of thia Cordial; alae, McLaaa'a Tolcajtic Oil Liriinanl. Principal Da Pot an tha af Third and Plat atraaU, k. Loan, Mo. XcLe&n'i Yolcanic Oil Liniment, (THE BEST UM1MEIVT IN THE WORLD ) Tha Ml; aafa and caruio cart for Caucara, ftlaa, Tm. mart, Bwailmf* and BroneMla or Cnitra, Paralraia, Mas. ralfia, Waakaaaaaf Uta Maaclaa, Oraauc or lal&ainatory fUMHP.auam, tufnaaa af tha Joint*. Contracted Mmaciaa or Ufanaata, Kartell arToeOtacba, Braia*«, nraiua, Fiaak Cau, W-ouda, Clean, Pavar Bcraa, Cakad Braaat. Sura Kirrlaa, Bcrna, Bcalda, Bora Throat, or «y InlamnMtian or mmtm, no Uaianw bow aovara or War tk* 4uhm my CTa axtatod, McLZAKV CWJUULAVka L1N1MKKT X a eartain rtmadv. TiiBi»m<i of kwu Vamp » *arad a Ufa of dia er*pit«d* aad »U*ry by tha ** ofihi* iaralaaM* roaody. MrLEAfTS VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will rah*** pain almaot*a*ly, aad it *itl tloaa. P»r"T »u IAI lOBiaat aoraa u> an isciKikit abort int. FOR HORSE* ASD OTHER ANIMALS. McLEANV CELEBRATED LINIMENT ta ih» only aafa an* ralkabla r«ia«d? for tb* cut of Ppana, RiWAnaa. Wiadffalla, Splint*. UMatanl Lamp., Nit*, m B..L,p It a*T»r failtd to em Bif H(U, PeUanl, rtaisla. «fU Rai.ntof Sor**, or « {. if property ar.ttad. Par 1>WM Haala, Cka/w. feddla ac Collar Calla, Cat*, Borai. or Woaada, kUu lahjlibta raaadr. Apali it aa diracud and a tar* u canate i> ann Inaunca. Th » ink aa l*b[*> with ikt au; vartfclaa* Uiarni Altniani. Otii.n a .appt* ft Dm. MOJCUracEiSB&ATKD UVlMKar. h Till exm. J. H McUCAfl, hit Fnfrtiw. Caratr Tfcird u4 Fna ml, lu Lia««, Maw JZKtP<£S£.&£Z:"" M'as; .. .KINS * BUKCBKLL I THE WEEKLY DOLLAR STAR. f Vklf UMUrat Funny u4 Nm mini ft r*n»ty of latorwfenc rmAitj tea mm b* fc>ud ia ftar m mNIiM « Pndij gruai. Stnt oeorr.MrMaaa. __*l » FIT* ooptM ________..... n_4 TS T. f»p.. . |«( IWBly iwiofwi »« It InTanabiy contain* tti» "WaaMnftoa N*w" that haa mad* 1%4 Dmilt Vr«awi Star atraaiata ao faoarallr throufhoat tha aouatry. IL/~ &oc » oo^aa (in WT%fp»r» i ou ba po<n< at tfea ooaatar, lnua«diata!y afUr t*a taaa* of pt^t. Pnoa.THRKE CENTS .i EDUCATIONAL. nr.. female education. 1 HO£e Parent wno visit Uwir <Uu* htera to re oeive a thorough and ijaUmtUo educatiou. »li»r» their phymo»I trai nine will reoei ve <1*1It and »pec»»i Uttnuvn, under the mo«t approved vaietu of C*lt« tmnio* and* respectfully invited to rinit the Union Aaademr. corner F«or teeuth at. and New York *r mr. 4 mk». z. richard*. M S»-tf Prineipnln. ncii ai» ui »a * ai % ..... ai mjwb duaiii/c vi ant/ i'm bthuub Mr*. f». K >1\CK. rVt*cjHl_ The thirteenth MDutl iouiuii of thie InaUtutitfk will commence on Tueadoy. Septemtier ink, ib the house recently occupied by Hy lTe»ter Scott, Eh., No. 1£0 Kim itrwt The course of study pursued will comprise oil the hmrebes requisite to a thorough F.ugliah F.d« coti(in, ou«l Masio, Fiench, Loltu ond Drowiog. »l In oddition to doy aeholore. Mrs. MeCormiok la preporari torsesivso limited numOer of pupils os boMsrl, who. eouetiUitiu< o port of her own font lly, will be under her immediate core ond eoperri ion. She will e«deOTOr. os tor oa posaiMe, to a«r round them with the eomforteoad kiadlr infloeooee of Home. fV<rMCM.-«»T. Gi»o. H. Norton, R*t. Dr. K >u V-s^' Sr ^ lab tea ».£%; .«<h, nasa: MiUir hvemnr!»^f B«uwun\Vkt«ri Km Ju Board, with TuitionTn #i#>o for the annual mwm .Mnu illuti.i in arfvaaoo. Moeie and Lant aaeM at ProfMsora' pricM. i nv ' ».» OMrfN. M J* tl #Dir« Omit. TcM, Hoartmtn. / /lotrzi any 'mror»<»« f .*< »» irf »4» R'lte^t rU Htfktnt Coufk «« Conrumr t ion. Hrrmrhttt*, Atkmn, # Oif«rr4, (W # |t« <tfnttk tk* PUBLIC fPK\IKRH A WD PINC.P.R* Few are awwe of the importance of oheetiQJt ft Couth or "C'tninoti fold'- :n it', fc-» * (!.» which in the heg>mnx wooid yield to fine dy, if DP* eot *d. *<., > n ^fvkn '(« I un*«. " £rf>«re'« t>renrntm T+orke*." conUtinmc ^wnnlcMt mgredi iU, allay Pu monarr and H.oachia ImUtioa. "Thst troaMe id in* Throat, (for BROWN'S which th* "Troth**" area »p*oilie) 'larmt mad* ma t ftw a merf wh.» TROCHE? per®.." K. P. WILLI*. BROWN'S ** I T*oomm#Dd thmmaeto Praeie S 8peaie*»." TROCHE? REV. E. H. CHAPIN. "Grf«at »»rviceiDauburn* llo»m BROWN'S RKV.DASIfcL WIjK TDnruun " A.'.front uiatant re ie' in the dt» mutner tf»wni *b«r of l>r*aihiDf p«oaliar nnniiT vto ti) A "TWW i 51 REV. A. C. EG61.K8TON. TROCIIE8 ** Contain bo Opinio or %nTtliinf nBnu.N1(J tujarioM." I>R aA H* Ks*. DROWN ? - Bourn. TROfHFS " A»im»i>»n< (Iwatat oomblu inutnt!1 tion for Corses, to." BROWN'S UR' BI0EL£J£i, TROCHLF *».' BROWN'? P"tm. TROCHKS wiSSSSAg* BROWN'S "EV- " V TKimi-Q "Bwfjoi*: vbrn Boniy«lltd to TROCHb. .p aky.ff,, in* Uov Qolb." BROWN'?, RLV. S. J. P.ANI)ERB£N^ TROCHES u Kntenu In rwofM Ho«w »*m and lrrit»lJOB ol the Thjroat. mo DKUWINT WIMI »*» »TROCHE '"rnrf « .T*C» BROWN'S* T**0llVi'iJ!i!oSl&r TROCHKH "Great b*n«at wh»o taken bafow anti after praaciucf. a* t 1»«t frerent BROWN'S( H«jar»ene»«. From their paatftoeot, I thailr »h*» will "f p*rm*D*-iit adTROCHKH niDtM« to m«." REV. K. ROWLKT, A, M. nn #1 an^ t < * > L ^ 11 v Dnu»> u s* i rcfiueoi ui AUHTBI voira|i| J PUD. trochb, ft^goattsrsrjdeJJf FOR 8T AMPINS ^0^" A PACKET OF PAPER S r AND ENVELOPES NO TO MATCH. I »t tb« P.HARGF METROPOLITAN # « W v.BOOKPTORR. PHILP * SOLOMONS, iinili Jvr Laurtnct't e*l*br*it4 Lmm fv»<, " Milit," fc., #t. M * It S.H'J P*. *T. bet. 9t ud 10th «U. . ^ . 18(51 IWH Commence the Year witk a Diary. A va'naMa Pocket Companion for re*i»t*nn( events put. present, arid futur.; eonbiiricc rate* of pn statu, a'-nanac. a hlank apac for mem >ran<ia for every day in the year, oa«h aoooant for »a*it icon'h, annual summary of ea*h aoncant bntf payable and reoeivable. l*or't he without on* of these useful little souvenir* Tm most oorop>te. ele cant. atiii «leaUat>ieae«orr»rem ever invwi.o^Mipriting twai^e *n«c and upward* of fifty etylM, at t*ITl LIjI.NGT<»N'J*, Odeon Hutidiag, oorner o£«k street and de »n Pepp avenua. D] ARIK8! DIA R I t H!! 0IARIKBS 1M1. 1««1. 1*61. _ CHEAPER THAN EVER. We will take an extra diaoouat of tb ft e*st. off of %11 Diarine purohaeed from for cMk. Wear* do*iron* < (closing ont the remainder of oar iarce too* of Diariea or all kind* for IMH. KRKNCH * RICHSTEIN. ia 3 Penn tm»>. U7ATCH REPAIRING ANOPILVE* WARE MANTFACTORVT I hare one of the beet e«tsbli*hments, And fur niched with a complete set of b>oU Cor repai r Iv lug ererjr description of fine Watehee. and rX] articular attention rive to the am*, by thorough competent work man.and a work rnarantied AIm>, every deeorip ion *>f standard WLVER WARK. plain ami ornamental, mauufactued under my owu supervision, which my oust«>mare wu, find far superior in juality and finish to northers ware old Ujr dealers in gaaeral and represented *e their own manufacture. H. O HOOD, set 339 Pa. avenue, near ftfa at. MUBIC BOOK If THE BK8TCHRl*f MAS -l.J; I ^'1" M rooore .iiPioa.Bi LWOUIU.;; '-^'uuu, The Moeioal Album, Veude aohn'* without word*. The Horn* Cirole. All the Operu. with and without words, Beethoven'*, Mozart'* and Clamecu'a tHonetoa. Bach'a Cnercbici'*, Mars aod Albreeateberger Theoretical Works, All the Oratorio#, gelaotiona oi Mu*:c with beaatlfal title pare* Aleo, a larir* e*aortTn<*nt oi Pteiovar k Soes'aad Raven, Raoon A Co ' 0»»r« «r« fiaaoe, doabtedly the beat now metufactarec A Terr larc* atock of Piaco **»oola a&d Carers at redsoeC priaea at the M aaic Stow of W 6 METZEKOTT, deg Bora*' Eleventh at a»i *a ay. AT FIKNO# J?RlCRr^f^tS. 2T» ^ap. trams NarioBSriUa.or Hicfcar lb a iawtr««ee, St Meter Lute; la.. olotfc, aant kf Mil for tlJB _ . Saome'a Note# oa Daela tad Daalinj ; ltea.. oioth; ilii bt mail. Pirouraav'a illactratad Poema; cloth fll* ft St b> mail. Umh'i Eaaava oa Lalia; 12aao^ aioU portrait. # > -2*> by mail. 11 of Lontfallntr'a and Ike Marvel'a W#-k». Hnr nan& t >a \*m * -»»» U<wvk a /v.. an at < . IMmts' prtoM iJr o*ak. FRENCH ft »CH»T»rIN. jml 87* Porn tw»M IG. O. DKMI'TH ft CO.. MPORTKRS And WhoUa»i«>M>: R«t»il 1>m FOREIGN HtN*. fe.. No 4*» N«iti Oaiii M !it»r»T. An d.r> m*rri l.rmmtt** H , B«a-u emuw"* ^CIIUOL AND CULI K«». OI TH IK FmUA«' m.nd Bov*' Ctntkrmf fmr Frk+m! mm4 Dreg* Wnar. PlfMU MWl CMkrduui* Wi»hiit« to hn iA tk(l' chi dreawia wards *it».»r<0«(j ( (> ***> nr tkt toMiiti mw. iuvt'ed wwjwiuf KspHfw.r..4*ttri «sss? .toi'S ttjtis 'ia^csyy^ars. #;a.i^e»4 oo. KINO 4 Bl RC HLLL

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Page 1:€¦ · §»..^ : * (iftemg 4^ jltar. y°X XVII. WASHINGTON.D. C.. MONDAY.JANUARY21. 1861 N-. 2.472 M > in THE DAILY EVENING STAR ia FUBL1&HKDBVBRYAPTERNOON


§. .^ :


(iftemg jltar.y°X XVII. WASHINGTON. D. C.. MONDAY. JANUARY 21. 1861 N-. 2.472

M > in



AT THE STAR Blill.niKflC.

Cc»*#r of Pmn+t/lvaaiA av*>: and 11/4 tt.,T


F*P*r« eerred in paokacee by oarnen it |4 Ifear, or 37 oeoU par month. To mail intnai Hxtith« pro® ia 9SJn a year, m adixute*; |! for aixB»onth»; 91 for three months; and for le« thanthroe month« at the rate of 13 cent* a week. Bintleopiee, oni c**t; in wrappere, two csrts.fHPAnrilTiarifWM aAABl<1 K«ta*» Ka a!

before 12 e'oiook el, otherwise they may sot appearantil the cestd&T.

Mysterieaa AMautaatUn lege** te theLate Railway Mardr-r la Kraaec.

Some months back, a strange cane, baringtone analogy to the murder of M Poinaot, occurredon the Paris Malhaoaen Railway. Agentleman was found lying senseless on thelin* hutWMn 7illish«im »/! T11fn»*k

Belfort, and ha turned oot to be a Russianmilitary doctor, named Hoppi. Whether haattempted fruicida, or whether an attempt wasmade to murder nim, or whether, when halfasleep, be had stepped out of the carriage, inthe belief that the train had reached a station,bas never been 'satisfactorily ascertained, andas he could not speak French, no explanationwas got from him.Oa the one hand, the injuries he had receivedwere such as might have been occaI»%_ 1


sionea oj an jumping or rilling from tbe carriage;and, od the other hand, in the rehicle,one of the cushions, stained with blood, wasturned upside down, and a broken knife wasfonnd beneath it. But, whatever were the factsof the case, it was said that a bag, in whichwere a number of Russian banknetes and Russianand French coin, was stolen from the gentleman.In spite of all inquiries made, theaffair continued enveloped in mystery.A few days back, however, an event occurredwhich seems likely to throw light on it.

The gendarmes of Forrette, in the Haur-Rhin,arretted one Jud, a deserter from the ThirdS^uadrwn of the baggage-train. who is undersentence of 20 years' hard labor far some crime,an<l on searching the man, 13 Russian banknotes.the value of which was not known bjthe officers, were found; also, some Russiancoin, and upward of £360 in French money;also a sporting license in the namo of Jud,t>L|Fans.

This mnn was placed in the lockup andchained; but in the night he succeded in re-moving big fetters. Two turnkeys, bearing anoi?c. went to his cell, bat he knocked themboth down, and rushing oat, he fastened thedoor on them. Another turnkey seized him,but after a desperate straggle he broke fromhim and got away, and has not since beenfound To this strange story the Gazette desTribunsux adds that in addition to the Russiannotes and money, the man was in possession ofpapers belonging to Dr. llfeppi.As a singular pendant to the melancholy affairof M Poinrot, the Piedmontese journalsmention that in a railway carriage, on the line

from Tnrin to Genoa, a man was a few daysago found dead from a pistol shot, but whetherfired by himself or by a murderer is not known.None of the passengers by the train had heardthe report.Them eke Legs..A son of the Granite State

went down to the oity of Memphis to scok hisfortune. He found, instead, a diarrhea,whichgradually sape life in a chronic form.

It was with this that ooor Jim Baselv waspicked up And month afrer month iftugged,until at length he was but the outline of hisformer self, a perfect skeleton.A worthy minister saw the poor fellow, and

eeeinjr that the king of terrors had spottedhim. determined to call on him and offer spiritualconsolation. Uo broached the importantsubject somewhat thos

' My dear Mr. Bagely, in view of your rtlaA?_.!»! »?»_ *-nons wiiu mis me, now ao you leci r

' D.11 ei<xk," *u the prompt reply."Don't swear, my poor friend," said the

pardon, "and let me uk you if you ever thinkof your latter end ?"

Lord !" Mid Bagely. " I haint thought onanything else for mor'n three months."" Not I am afraid, in the right way, Mr.

Bagely. I beg you to pause and reflect. It istime you began to wrestle with the Lord."The sick man looked down at his miserable

poker legs extending before him. and. with anexpression of wild amazement in hid countenance,exclaimed :

* Rastle with the Lord ! what, with them ere

legs?" pointing to his own. ' Why, parson,he'd flip me to the very first pass."The parson gave him up as a hardened sinner."A5tthi*g i* Reason ".When the United

Mate* army started for Utah there was a scarcityof transportation; in other words, therewere too few baggage wagons. Now, everysoldier knows how like the apple of one's eyere these same baggage wagon?, drawn as they

are by six mules, ou the long marches aero**the plains. A colonel of dragoons, who hado«mmand of one of the oolumns, restricted theofioers very much in their allowance of baggage,and wna most bitter if v>y one tried toexseed the jast amount. One morning theoolonel met one of his captains, (a dragoon, of

f coarse.) when he burst out as follows:"Captain, do yo« know what these artillery

ofiaers want to take across the plains?""No. colonel, I do not,"said the captain, with

an inquiring look.,

' Well," said be, "if you'll believe me, oneof 'em wants to take aerobe a box of books.u" Botks!" excUimed the captain. 44 What

next, I wonder! Now, colonel. I have but littleto take acrosa my»elf.nothing, in fact, but abarrel of whisky."*

4> Of coarse, captain, of course; anything inreason, anything in rwa*OH; but the idea ofcarrying a parcel of books across that stretchis* little more than I can stand.1'

A C>>ai. Uahu. . M- T< v#n«(nir I v I in riABVO UV A AAIU.1 .

Ju<1kT« Smaliev'scharge In the New York U- 8D a'rlct Court i n reference to treason Ji having reauitaJamri E. Kerrigan, member of Congreaaelect, and John A Kennedy, superintendent ofpolice, on Thmaday attended before tbe grandi iry of tbe Circuit Court to testify in regard toany armament being fitted out for tbe southernporta, thus giving aid and comfort to tbe enemiesof the United Stitfea Government A recent viaitof Mr Kerrigau to South Carolina, with the rumoredintention of lending cooperation to the aereaaiosiats.and offering the assistance ©f a NewYork volunteer corps, ia understood to be tbegreitnd on which the grand jury called him toappear before them It la a noticeable fact that

**«rfn«^cvjwia»»cj Wfia IUC VU«i IUiail «'I kUC LUiUIIilllfOof arrangements for the Democratic National Conventionwhich met at Cbarleaton In May last

]rr A Frencfcmaa. resolved to be rid of life,went a little before high tide to a poat set up bythe aea side. He bad provided himself with aladder, a rope, a pistol, a bundle of matches, anda vial of poison Ascending the ladder, be tiedone end of the rope to the poat. and the other endround bia neck; then he took the poison, set his

' clothes on Are, put the muzzle of the p'stol to hishead and kicked away the ladder. In kicking<Wwa Ike ladder ho sloped the pistol so that the

I ball missed Us head snd cat through the rope bywfeich be wis suspended; be fell Into tbe sea,(bus extinguish) op tbe Hum of bis clothes, sndtbe sea water, whleb be Involuntarily swallowed,cvuuteracted tbe poison, and tbns In spite of btsprecautions, be remains unhanged, ansbot, uopoisoned,unburned, and undrowoed.

PSOPOSITIOM TO PoXTlfT RlCNXOKD . TbeRichmond Whig of yesterday states that the necessityof fortifying that city Is seriously urged bysome of its citizens It would be advisable, perhaps.ears the Wbis, to erect and man a fort onChu'ch >1111, M aa to command the river approacho the city A battery of ordnance ibotiid also>>e ptaod In poaitlon, forthwith, at Weat Point,vn York river.

Siraclab Piuut to 6or. Axoaiw..Th'Governor of Maaaacbuaetta waa the recipient of a

I mail box euclooed In brown paper, on Thuradaymorning, which waa brought from Baltimore bvthe Atlanta Kxpreaa Cwnpin*, and waa directedto "The Governor of Maauchuaetta " On openingIt bia Excellency f^und that the box contained... im rfutrn Mtnnte rtic balla. but not a wordrU to Wbo rnttbeon Trmvr Itr.

TH« LATE MI'IDII AT W*LDOX. ,N. C Aparty- ot hexroea we'wded io capturing, on

TatMif aoratag, argro man reports to br\ tbe prli>ci|*l oftte (fan* wborecmUycommitted/ I iTioat »tror|«M and krutol murder on aa old

gentleman at We)don, North Carolina tbe parli-raUrt of which hare already Wo given Hea vraa dellTffi^ ov«r bf hla captor* to torn* of the

clUxeai of the neighborhoodUy/ortjr-t«r° yooa^ Paralana, between the

a^«ioi loonniiuAJ vtil cdfcj^iof j

I _

Thk Coast Dktknski or Aovtr Carolina .It baa already been mentioned that Gov Pickensbad Informed the South Carolina Legislature thatIn his plan for coast defenses he proposes the purchaseof three (teem propellers.small Iron screwpropellers being preferred.of light draft, eachprovided with 32 seamen-one propeller to bestationed In Charleston harbor, one at Beaufort,and one at Georgetown. In connection with thesebe proposes to throw up breastworks, or temporaryfortlcatlons. at most of the Important and exposedpoints on the coast, and near the mouths ofthe principal rivers, placing in them such piecesoi ordinance at may be needed, according to thewidth of the channel to be defended. Helntendatheae steamers to keep up a rapid and eonatantcommunication between these points, and toplveall the protection they are able In caae of auddenInvasion by lawleaa banda. In small craft andaklppera, that may Infeat the coaat. Tocarry outthese vlewa he appointed, the day after he cameIn office. Col Gwynn, an engineer of high the examination of the proper places to beselected for the erection of the teinDorarv fortifica-tlons. He made the examination" and renderedht» report, designating the proper points He hadsince sent Col Alston to carry Into effect whatCol. Gwynn bad reported on, ao far a* the coasttowards Georgetown is concerned. Llent. Col.Elliott had similar orders towards Beaufort.

Mov*m«*ts in New York.The New Yorkpapers mention a rtinior that James E Kerrigan,member of Congress elect from thst city. Is to bearrested on a charge of treason, under the recentharge of Judge Smalley. The cha'ge of treasongrows out 01 me allegation that he la secretly organizinga military company to go to South Carolina,from which State Mr. K. returned a fewdaya ago, after brief visit.

tH7*The largest modern deer forest in ScotlandIs that of the I)uke of Athol, wblcb extenda to100.000 acrra The next Is the foreat of Farquharaonof Invercauld, but which la partly underabeep and deer, altogether about 1.>1.000 Scotcha^res Next to which ranks Lord Flfe'a foreat ofMar, about 60.000. Tbere arc a number of otherdeer forests < f much amaller extent; but the groundunder dtcr is now much lee* than one hundredyears ago.A Postmaster MrRi>erbd.L Roberta, postmasterat Clinton. Ill , was killed on Saturdayby a man named 11 Summers, In a personal dirflcultybetween them. It took place at the postotfloe.Summers was ordered out of the cthce.

and went out. Roberts locked the door, anamade some remark to shimmers, when Summerscut Roberts' jugular vein.

What ars we coming to H Ward BerberIs es?g»*d In New Haven, and sworn at In PhllaJJnhU.nunu A *u^ipuia, *» cuurii ruunp rannoi ip?4i unprotectedIn Boston; II Ford Douglass, avent of theMassachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, is booted outof Lancaster, Mass; and Ptisan B. Anthony Ismobbed at Rochester, and can't for any considerationobtain a bail in Albany.Pmp into tod* Biblk..Some twelve months

ago. a young gentleman was married to a younglady In Bangor, Me., with whom he removed toa distant State He sent by telegraph, a few daysago, to the bride's parents, ''Isaiah, chap, lx, firstpart of «th verse." To which an answer was immediatelyreturned as follows "1 Thessalonians,chap, lv, 3d verse "

017" At a rough guess, says a writer in Frazer'sMagazine, there imy be five thousand hymns inlh» l.'n.,ll.k M'-«-.V um0,1.«u ihii^uokc. »» ffliw wrUM! WC'j L/'JUdrldge,375; the vVesleys, .")<}(>; Cowper and Newton,about 4(J0; Montgomery, 255; but be doubts"whether there be more than ii*) that ran taketheir place* among the classic* of our nationalpoetry."Chaklkitoh a5d Niw YoaR gte*m»hirs .

The Savannah Republican announces that in consequenceof the obstructions in Charleston harbor,the steamers formerly pl}ing between that portand New York will hereafter goto Savannah,and havp their cargoes transported to Charleston,over th>' Charleston and Savannah Railroad

II i~ The R usslan government is takl ng measuresto repeople ttie Crimea, and have already 6enttberf a good many f-imllW s from the governmentof Koursk. The colonization of the country onthe Armoor is also advancing.'230 peasant familieshaving been sent ther«- during August from thegovernments of Tambow. Orel, and Woronetc.bA* Acsriciors Bioixma..They have seta

good example at Bath, Me., says the Boston Postof the 17th. Two hundred and Mfly have voted Infavor of a repeal of the I'er*onal Liberty bills, toninetv-seven In the negative. At lent one half/.f in *1. .. «Mt.. I .... n 1 11"i »uv«c i M iuc ouiiiuavjvc were i\t|>uuiii;a(i9This a 4£ood. a ma^uanimous example.117" Mr Izzy Lazarus is a New York fighting

man, and keep« besides a ba--ror>m, thus dialingin both muscle and drink. He allowed two rowdie*to refresh themselves. free of eipense, at hisbar on New Ywr'i. and then knocked «eventeeth out of the mouth of one of them for Incivility.Mr Lazarus is generous In his commerce.|E7"South Carolina money won't buy bread in

Nf*wt»#*rn 1 \V f» trlnl n nn*« Hollar Villi nn thoHank of ?V>uth Carolina, with a pietur of Calhounon it, vesterday evening, and it wn* refuse! bytw.i baker*, and the servant returned without thehrend." Thus testifies the hungry editor of theNewbern (N. C ) Progre.**.

jrj" While the Prince of Wales' squadron wasat Portland and in other American waters it loston»» hundred men, and the reason why the shipsdid not go to New York was that the desertion ofall the men was feared The fact has engendereda warm discussion in the London papers on thetreatment of English seamen.A Fashiom I.oxg Nkbdkd..It is stated that the

latest "fashion" announced from Eir«|>e is thatof dresalug very plainly when eolng to ChurchSome of the ladies of the first circle go up to worshipin plain calico. Itia tbu*«ou»lit to encouragethe attendance of the poor who have hithertowithheld their presence for lack of "Sundayclothes "

|£7~Calvln Burton, a trader at Crittenango,neir Syracuse, New York, left his store the otherevening with some one hundred and fiftv dollarsin his pockets, and was found next morning but af-w rods from his bouse, brutally murdered and

L.I a TU 1 1* 1 * I- * >rouuru. luruuipru uu nui iwn iounu.

}JI7"In Oihawa. Canada, last week, whlle.thevillage cl»-rk was In the act of distraining a cowof a Mr Klllson, for rent lou« past clue, Ellison'swife picked up a stick of cordwood and struckthe bailiff with so much force as to break his armA desirable wife for a debtor.

017" The San Francisco Mirror nays: u Out ofnearly one hundrtd exchanges published on thiscoast, and received at this office, we can find notone tnat comes oat, openly or otherwise, in favorof an indeoendent republic. California is faithfulto the Union."Bo*t or Gtmiu. Wmi .The people of

West Cheater, Pennsylvania, are moving to placeIn the court houae a marble buat of Gen. Wayne,as a monument to bis memory. There is not a

simple tablet, monument, or bust to Wayne In bisnative county.|£y A sea captain being at a bill, had been accentedby a beautiful partner, who, in the most

delicate manner possible, hinted the proprietyof putting on a pair of gloves. was theelegantreply, "never mlna me, ma'am; 1 shall washiny bands when I've done dancing."

tCT" A prelim inary meet! ng of Hebrews of England,France, Italy and America, has been heldat the Mansion House, l.ondon, for the purpos<of concerting new efforts for the restoration ofthe child Morta to bis parents.

fH^"Col. David Page, a member of tbe Mainelegislature, from the Aroostock region, on hisway his home to the capital, walked fifteenmiles on foot, and ten miles on snow shoes, thesnow being two foot and half deep and unbroken.jfTTh* family of Parsons, until recently living

in Biletoo,Eag.,fsextlact, Mrs Parson's jealousyleadinx her to Doisoa herself, her husband, andfour children. The druggist evidently sold heran excellent vrllcle.C7"Tbe Leglalature of R bode Iiland assembled

on Tuesday, and on tbe same day resolutionswer* offerta in both branches repealing the personalliberty billslETCapt Joseph David, of Factory District,

St Mary'a county, committed aoicide on Mondaylast bv drowning himself in th« rrwk near binrrtider.ce

(J7" A poor half-witted mother, near Ht. Louis,last Week plac d a feather bed over her littlebaby, to keep tt warm, as ske said, and smotheredIt.

1/7* Tho London Times a short time since refoaeds £ 150 advertisement on the plea that Itwould occupy to# mu'-h spier! Verv few Anierlcaunewspapers would discover the objection\U~ Sunday morning at sunrise the thermometerat Rutland, Vt, was M degrees below aero.

At Mlddlebury It wai 90.[IT* The Ullrr of a Boston bank pitd ftd.OUO laat

werk Inatcad of WUI, bapptty B. F. Pratt, anLoueat man, received It.(pr Tkc name of the United States Hotel In

Augusta (Ga) baa been ebangad If the SouthernHtatei Hotel-



PANIC PRICKS'We harejust reoeivedaiarselotofCLOTHING,FURNISHING GOOD?, HATS and CAPS, on

consignment, whioh mutt l<e sold before th« 4th ofMaxell, without regard to cost. These goods havea.l bf»n msae up by the best houses in Haitimoreand Phi'adelphis, and owing to the times they willbe soul at almost any prioe. our object being to turnmem into c&th as soon as possible

L A. BKALL k CO.,C'othiera, No. 4.19 Seventh *t., al>ove 0.N. B..Come on*, ootne all; now la the time to

huy WINTER CLOTHING at any price on Seventhat.. No. 439,4 door* above G at. de28-lmrjENTLHMKN'8

RK*DV-MADliCLOTHING.Our present assortment of GENTLEMEN'SREaDV-MAUK CLOTHING offera to eitixenaandatranrera wtshinr an iinmiwliat* nntfit «nn»-rior inducements, embracing, at this time, allatylea and qualities of Press aod Business Garmentsand Overooata in all varieties. Fine Shirtsand Under-olotliMic of all kinds. Kid and other61ovea of best quaity. Scurfs, Tiss, Cravats,Sto"k«, Hosiery, Ac., Ac. All of whioh we areoffering at r«r usual low prioes.fry Clothing mvi* to order in the moat auperiormanner. WALL, STEPHENS A Co.,no16-tf 38-2 Pa. avenue.

W MERCHANT TAILORING.E Invite our custouieru.and citizens generally,to an inspection of onr preaent now, at_ a»tractive, and eleeant assortment of*"®*

CLOTHS. CASSIMKRKS. DOKSKINS W%VfcSTlNGS, 0 V ERCt)ATINfiS," Ac.' fifwhioh we will make to order in superior ^

*tyle at very low prioes.WALL, STEPHENS &. CO.,

oc 28-tf 32 Jl Pa. av.. betw. 9th and 10th eta.

THK EUROPEAN HOTEL. KEPT BY P.EMRICH. at the corner of Penn.A . i Aavenue and Eleventh street, has beenWTMhwKreatly improved recently and now offer*JLiil&Ugreater inducement* for the patronage o| oitizenaand strangers than any other publio house in theoit», his prices heme less than those of any otherhntAl on P*nn_ »wanna «nH Ki«... V. m. vww« « vnut'f OT'iu "|U WVViUIII Ml' rvl«|.!UIiSfor permanent or transient boarder» unexceptionable.The bar aiid restaurant arsangementa of theEuropean Hotel have already become very p<>pular, being all that oan l>e desired by the moat fantidioua. Tne proprietor pie.tges unremitted attentionand continued liberal expenditures to give satisfactionto all, and thus renewa hia invitationall to give the huropoan Hotel a call. de 4 ti

rpHE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE.TRIE#EMA K ,1,2 and 3-Prot»ctod by RoyalLetters Patent of England, and secured by theSeals of th« Eoole de Fnarmacie de Pans, and tneImperial College of Modisine, ViennaNo. 1 is invaluable f >r exhaustion and natorrhea,and al physical disabilities.No. 2 completely eradicates all traces of thosethftt hACA } lArtn hitlirtftn tmn ta/i h« » <« *... . .... M ... -» VI vwvu Wjr * I« HdU

seous and pernioi us vi« ol cvvftivt and cnlwhi.No. 3 Ii&h entirely supplanted the injurious ute ofitierAurT,thereb? insuring to the sufferer spee^rre'ief. di^p^rei"* a!l impurities, and rooting outthe venom of disease.TK I Ks?F. v|aR, Nob. 1,2 and 3-are prepared inth~ form of a loxenre. devoid of ta«t« aiid airel'.and can h« carried m the wajsiooat p'»cket. :»old

in tin cases. a*id divided into separate dote*. as adnunisWred fir Velpfau, LaHoinand, Roux, Ricord,Ao Price ,§3 ta«h. or fjur oases for jn, whichs-aves S3; and in $27 oa*es, whereby tner» id a savingof %9. To he tiad. who'eisale and retail, of Or.II 1 O n / k«l> ' -an. »

paiuiv»», <»i iwi m»«onr ixew York.Imme tiat«iv on receiving a remittance. I>r. Harrowwill forward the Tneaeiilfcr to any partof tlio world,securely paek«d, and addressee &eo<>rding to the instructi na of the writer.The H'K>tr,uf a'! o'bera, that ahoald be read by

men with damaged and broken down ooiiKtitution*la "HnniaD Frailty, or Physiological Keaearchea."It ia beautifully illustrated, and treats mitiut* ly ofall tti> »ymp om« that invariably develop th°m e'ven.aooper or latT, resulting from the frailtiesand vit atiug habitaof oarb youth, incapacitatingthe victim from aharing the fruition «>f the matrtmenial ktate, and. if not checked in time, degeneratingall tie functions of manhood, and bringinghim, step by at«p toa lingering and untimely death.Sola by l)r. "AH HOW, 194 Bleecker at t*t, fourdoora h»|ow Macdougal, New York. Price 25oenta. Sent free every where.Sold also by 8. O. Ford, Jr., Drug Store. Washington.P C. de 29 fim

Bol/i S ANI> SHftRS TO SUIT THETIMES.Wo are now manufaoturinc all kinds of BOOT?*nd 8HOKS, and raoeivniK a,>ib)supply of eastern mvle work of ever? ilt-BWl

scrhpfio", made expresgiy to order, and willF IIt/o s<>!d at a much lower linoe tnan has been*heretofore charged in this oity for niuoh inferiorarUoios.Persons in want of (loots and Shoes of eastern or

01 tf made w<>rk, will always find ajjood assortmenin storeaud at the lowest prices Give us a call.

SRIFF1N A URO.,api-r 314 Pern s;l vana av« n lie.

Fivk hundred traveling trunksarrived th'.e day, emhracine all <uah fjamye,ties and sizes of sola Loatusr, I-adi^s'^ffitt«Dreg* an<l Packing Tmnks. Onr trunk^®1*^

sales room exhibit* at this time the (troat«»t varietyof traveling re^uiMiUs at moderate pnoe*. to befound this side of N'* York. Alio, every deeoriptn>nof LADIES' HAT BOXES, VALICES,CARPET BAG*. SATCHELS, fto.K7"01d Trunks r^-pairo-i or taken in wcohani*for now ones.

wall, stephens ft co.,Truck Sales llnom,ciar li-tf Pa i-wn«.

T royal havana lottery.HE Neit Drawing of tne Royal Havana Lottery,oocdusted by the Spameh Government, undertne supei vision of tne Captain Genera) of Cuba,will t«L'A n 1 a oo » Uaw«n* «"w«ft* Mvmw ak <«Q«aua vu


CAPITAL FRIZK #100,000.1 prise of inrynw ».> pnx«a o£_ fl.rxw1 do *),<**> *> do . fv1 do »,(*«) lu dotor,

1 do }n,ono fc'ftjprox. »,**)1 d0 -

^ DOT*T,C44« «WU

Who.s Ticket*, JSO.Ha^ee, f 10.Onartert, $3.Srises caahed at sifht at i per cent, diaooant.ilia on all so! vent. Bank* taken at par.A drawing will be forwarded aa boon aa the resaltbecome* known. '

Ali ordera for aciieines or tiokets to be addressedto DON RODRIGUEZ,ja 3 tr Pure of C.'ty Papt. Cbar'e«tnr.. S. <"V

H_OW E'!* I >1FKOVKD WK1GHIN6 SCALESThese Soales are offered to the public aa th»most simple, durable, and reliable scales erer »ut iba Pir«tAiai« arominma K««sKa*« -J--'.

M U |ri " iMsam un*o i/wu owai UW1 (OOHby the United States Fair and Virjiuia At'iou'tura]Society; Virsinia State Agncnltural Fair; FranklinInstitute Fa:r, Pennsylvania; New York State Fair;Vermont State Fair, fcc. fcc. In every case whertxhii'ited they oave reoeived first class premiumsFor sa e at 4# Louisiana avenue, Depot of Siliar'iChil.ed Iron Safe*.dell-lT K» C PATTIPON. Agent.C* D. L. MORHISON fc CO..r LOUR AND GENERAL COMMISSION

MERCHANTS,And whoWale dealers inMILL FEED, CORN MEAL, fe., *c..Corner of lath and D stiaete, waohington city.

irr- Omih nun! for ail IcinHa of Rrnr


COAL DKPOT.Foot <\f Stvtnteentk ttrft, htloie War'Departmint.WOOD prepared, anr length a&d iixe, toiuitthe wantt of each purchaserCOAL-KEPT IN OOAI. HOUSES, protectedfrom the weather.delivered free from alate. dirt,and other impurities. 2.241" lb*, to the ton.

T. J. tc W. M- <»ALT,ao 10-tf 3S2 Pa. av.. Ii^tw. 11th and 12th »i«.

r^UPONT'S GUNPOWDER.U for smle at manai&ctiftera price*, byJOHN J. BOHL'K, OwurowN. 1). 0.Sol* Atenty for the District of L'otuwmi*.A large aupp.r, emb.Mim every variety, alWaye

on band, ncl delivered free to all part* of the Diat-iot.Ordera oanaiao beleftattha»ffio«of Adama'Kxprea* ComHnT. Wnahinctan. D. H. fe S-lawlv



no 22-1f 33fi. Mw. <nh and loth nig.

HAVE you SEEN the50o-ntChi!dren's Uooktat FRENCH k. RIOHSTEIN'S. U7* Fa.

avenue, lelling for 10 oenU.' Have you seen theelegant ®2 Annuals lb' N<wr Year presents, atFRENCH A RIUHSTEfN'S.eellin* for only « .Call and make yonr porohatei before they are %ilB»ne. At FRENCH A RICHSTEfN'8,de 29 2T£ Pa avenue.i.«.«. uiui. «. a. iioti. 1.1. iinr.

a imii vnif a idtrv

WIU rTkflUoj in tl^Il Ijr h^(5o«rt ofiBrro :« u< ArIHlitt JackaoD, the Federal Coart at Foi.toU>«,tte Covu of lh.SerenXh JndxmaX Dirfriet ofMi.sbc&Utc'jfesrWOOD! WOOD!!

m % »v M«

STOVE tod KINDLING WOOD, Mth« Iovm,M,lt Pn°*> T. J. * W. M. GALT,Pa. to.. t»r»Mallth tod 12th rta..

tl7 TRAVKLING TRUNKS. " vTV B Hare Jmt r#o«ir*d th* targMt Miortment



WOOD ANDC O 4 LDelivered to ftU ptrU of the oity, at the low setyoMible rates.

T. J. A W. M. OALT,Offloe asa Pa. a*., between 11th and 12th iU.,ma 17-tf norta side.


J. W. THOMPSON A CO.Wonld call the Attention of water taker* to tbeirfull assortment of Fixtures neressarvto its introduction'sfollows:.KITCH KM KANUtet.H ATHtubs. watkr cL«jsets. imt waterboilers, KITCHKN sinks, pumps, Castlr->n, Wrought Iron, l.ead and Oalvauiaed waterpipes. hydrants and pave washers.rubber hose, ft o.Having superior advantages, with practicalk-'owlodfe, we are prepared to mtrodaee Waterinf» dwellings with all the latest irrproven ents,promptly, and at prioes that cannot fail to satisiy.409 Penn. avenue,no 24 dtMar 1 bet. 9th and i'>th *r« »nth <!«

Awm. t. dove * co.RE Now prep.vred tv> execute any orders wltiwhioh ther mar be favored in thePLUMBING. 6AS OR STEAM FITTINGDUSINESS.[17 Store on 9th street, a tew doors north of Pa.fc>enne, where may be fouM a complete assortmentof OHANDEUERS ana other OAS, STEAM an«WATER FIXTURES. >* ?T !

W6 as fixtures.E Have in 'tore, and are dai j reoeivinr, HASPIXTORKSofentirely New Pattern*and Desicnsand Finish, superior in stvle to anvrhinroffered in this market. We invite citizens generally to call and examine our ktock of Gas and WaterFixtures, feeling f»f«r.fident that we navo the b«stselected stock in Washington.All Work in the above tine intrusted to our cartwill be promptly attended to.

MYERS A MoGHAN.mar 5-tf 37*< 1) pticei.

I~ 8NYDFR,. PLUMBER ANDCtA5 FITTER.Ifas removed to the comer of Twelfth and »(«.Hois prepared to introduce Water and Gas uponthe mo't favorable terms, and guaranties entiresatisfactionHe has on hand a lot of COOKING and other

BIVTHP, whioh he will sol! less than oo»t.M hewishe* to jet rid of them. no 17

/\FFICE OF INSPECTOR AND SEALER\J OF GAS METERS.Washington. Jnly 18,1*60.NOTICE If! HEREBY Q1VEX. That, agreeablyto tbe proviuone ol the ftidmanoe of the Corporationapprover May 12. IPfio, the undersigned u

now f repared. "whenever required in writing, andon pro fa» of the f®« of fifty oenU, to inspoot.etamine, to*t, prove, and ascertain t*i? accuracy ofrerntration o( any Ran meter in use in this city."Every meter. iffonnd inoorreot, will be condemned.ana another, seaiefl ami marked as trne, will besetini** plaoe. If proved to l>e accurate in itsmoasurviiient of gas, it will be sealed accordiujlj,and a«ain put in position for use.Office No. ftJO Seventh street,(near Odd F®I.ows'Hall)Op«n from 8 a. m., to5p.m.CHARLES W. CUNNINGHAM,jr H-tf Inspector and Scaler of Gas Meters.

CARRIAGE FACTORIES.~WASHINGTON CARRIAGE FACTORVT"" H Striet, Bctvttndtk and IWk Sirnt>,We have just finished a numlx>r of first o.asiCAR RIAGES, suoh as Litht

Wnrons, Park PK*atonr. FiimiJy fir ijXtSKriates, and Butties, which we will soil atJR * * *a VfTt Smfl.ll DTflfit

practroal mechanioa in diffarpnt hranoh«aof thj» buaineaa, wo flatter ouraeiwia Uiat we knowthe atjlea and quahtj of work that will rire aatiafaotion, oombminj hghtn»*e, oomfort and durab;llty.Rfpairinc promptly and carefully attended totue ihortdet notion find rno*t reasonable oharcwi.WALTER, KARMANN Jt BOlT\

" in. t nuvii |IflMVT. OARRIAttES*.

H.K Sa^iwriher hanax m»ue additional* kiffct'.ory, nukiUi it ik>w one ofUe ltffeat.flftM.In the District, wl.orn h.s faoilitiea for*HCTBi$!r*nul«mtm-ine CARRIAGE & LI8HT*-1*WAOONSofall kind* cannot b« aarptaaed, antffrom hi» lone experience :u ti» uumeu, AcpeeU (IV* (V"rai MtlBfMtion.All kinla of CarriftcM tc4 Liekt Wsrora kept >kind.A.t irp>( - u-J.- .i.

>«v« ««* ««au vriirirmvi!t attesaoJ U.CM*i4-ku4 Q»itU{N taken 1b an«hanr« farmAMDREW J. JOYCE,4ia_tf rarair*' l<tk»id Kill.

486 "PAPERHANGINGS. j^I'APERHANG!N<»Sall eradeeand orient; warrar.tod God Hand WINDOW 9H*1>KS; Huff,Green and Biu« HOLLAND SHADES, all air«-amade to order; alao, PICTURE Of'RD and"AfSKLS ali size* and oolora, REMNANTSPAPKR HANGINGS at onft-fourth l»aa than coPti u(ciihiiih iar rain, ana »l owing r.o <>.«l stock toaccumulate. person# needing t»*at-ove gool* willfind it to their &dv&nt»<« to give me a o» I. Allwork executed and tupe'intended by paotLml menwh'> have nerved a repnlar apprenticeship at theirtrade. Please give me a call. RemfmVr th« umber.JN<>. MARKRITKR,No. 4SG Seventh st. 8 doora aboveJ.t l-e-lot* Old Fallows' Hail.

IAD1KS THICK WINTER BOOTS of Kidj Moroooo, (><>at« Skin, Lasting*, * c rrtllbuttoned, Laced and Velvet T«innneij.1

Also Midges Moots of tl«e tame sijie ,%ioW 1selling fiom .'Oc-'nt* to SI. per pair, lower* i%th.iQ eUevrhfre in the oitjr. at

i ijiicrvTii 4 t >am jl%wckil * im u

No. 16 Ma krt 9rao»Pa. ar. gtti and 9thLadioa' and Mih««' Lodc Rubber Boots. ja2«o


Capital TT7... 9300,000.OJfict corn r C streft and Lorn*xana at\, over Bank



. Directors.Geo. Phoemakor, Samne! Redfern,Samuel Cropley, William Wiison,Richard Jones, John D Barolajr,Jao<>b Gideon, Andrew Rothwe II,Thos. Parker, Riahard Barry,Br B. French.

,ur r"jAMK8 ADAMS, President.Abil G. Davis, Secretar). oc 10-c36m


f*®* Walter Geaih, beins anterior and uniformunaality, End Uifhly improved ny are, is preferredbf consumers to aU other Whiskies, and partiou,r-oommend^dby the beat phycioiaca andoaemiate as pcaarsaint a!! the requirements of ar»*»5 lTiyxtvrator and Remedial Agent.Th? bchuylkUl\\ ater ul Pniladatefua. used inne distillation of this Whisky, ia proved bj analysis to bo the noftNt aud pares t water ia the UnitedSuite. ; and to tiai may, in a great d^eree, be attributedthe exoellenoe of this ^Whisky,For aale by FRKKMAfOk SIMPSON.Phenix Diat'llery,

On the Sohuylkih river, PhiladelphiaOffioes- 9* Wall street, New York ; 109 SouthFwnt streat. Ph''ari«l|»hia. n>nr

j^LOUR, BUCKWHEAT, POTATOES, AP16flbbis. new Rioiimond Family and Extia Floir,5,«*> lha, Fr«»h Ground Bujk wheat Meal,bushels White Meroer*» do. Blue do. do.5 do. ChAatoaU.

Reoeived to-day and for aal« Jow in loto tn#«it by

N u^«CiUM ^IL°*1>KW CA88t

WAjj^ STEPHENS k CO., 398 P#nn«ylr*J,,t 'VK* v»r»A» of

new Falj waioh Umt invito the ftitoatio*of thair WgllMj owftomfi. .

QOUBH8. COLD*. UOARBKNESe, Jts.COMPOUND SYRUP OF HUM ARABICTlua|iiHU»ot u4 popular Caagk tt*m*dr M*b©fn ao loni known and e*U«ua»«ij ued, UuU m>oM

p«r»<>n« U'eMsomt (kulliw with iu axUaordtn*trzxiz?1 °*rl mmaiVES9'



DENTISTRY.rWRS. LOCK WOOl)* DARRKI.L ARE PREVrp%rf«l ti>i_»ertTEETH on Vrl.CAN m iITK fl Ai'K. a new and improved rood' ~ri ffTWWhen made on thi« p an they are com .J-' pfortal-ie to wear and much chwinr than any other.Alto, T»*eth inserted on (»' Id Plate, antl a.I DentalOpeiatinna of any kind that may >*d»*irM. Office.RoomNo. i in the VN aabinfhn Huiidin» .cornerPa. ar, and *e?enth at. ja 1<> 3w*

M "teeth.. i.nnMiH m n «w- ».

mc IIITCUWI «MTVi pvwnwvofthe MINERAL PLATE TEETH. at-^61tend* persona. !y at bis cAo* m thm cityMWMany person* can wear these teetl, "cannot wear other*, and no paraoo can wear other*who cannot wear theae.Hereon* cat line at my office oan be accommodated

with any atylaand rice of I'oeth th-y may deaire:but to thoae wnuai parti cn ar and w>ah the pureat.cleanest, etroneCHt. and mo»t perfect denture thatart can prod see, the An.StKAL PLATE will bemore fully warranted.Kooma in thia oity.Mo. S39 Pa.avenae.betwaea9th and loth aU. Also. »0T Aroh atrMt, Hhiladelphia. oc 15 If

Dh dental card.R. MCN90N Ha* retcrnM and retimel hi*proiees-.on. Office ai.d house at 463 F.third door east of Sixth. In addition t«every o'her approved style, Dr. M ha«-eetx.U-I-Dteeth on vnlo*nite Base for the last three year*and, from exponence, knows it exoe.s all others,and is one-third ieas id prioe than gold. His oldpatrons <>f Washington. Alexandria, and Georgetownare respectfully solioitad t ell!, aa 25 eoly

TK&VBLEBS' DlKhXTTORYBaltimore andohio railroad.WASHISOTOX EHAyCH.

Ouati<1 after SUNDAY, NoYember 25th, 188A,thetrams will run aa follow*:LEArE WASHINGTOy:First tr*m at» .2"a m.

Peonnd Train nt 7.40 a m.Third train atS.10 p. m., Express.Fourth train at 6 n nv

LEA VK BALTIMORE:First train at 4 is a. m.. Express.Kvwnu uaiii Ai n^X) Ik IIIThird at 3.1" p m.Fourth a» 4.2" p. m., Kxpr«»ii».Th«hr»l,iwn<l aiH third traina from Washingtonoonneot throu^ o Phi a^lphia aud N«»Yo'k.

The M»eom1 aad third «nnnfrct at WashingtonJunction with trair.a fur the We«t. South, andNortf>we»t: a'no, at Ar.nap^li* Junction, for Annapolis. For Norfolk take th« * «n a. m. trai .

or the acoommonation of the wa» traveltween WMHncton and hauiel. a pa»*an(ter carwill be attached to the t>'nn*gfc li an. whioh leave*at 12 in.

< i*.Saturday the 3.1" f. m. trai". j<>f« to Pht' as d T. H. rARSONE. Agonl

THE STEAMER JAP. «UY WU1 rwuM t«trip, oju 1 UKSDAY, «»t of JT**F«br-tp.'-T. lrSn. Wil Imt« VNIN©TON nmf iuEHDAYKR1 DA V, at »» «k>ck,d ALEXANDRIAat half p*!«t 6 o'oiock. for Ot'R RIOIM A N ami th*informediatM/and incn. <»n her r*tnm tripa, ah#Will !«*re CURR'OM AN WEDNESDAYand SATURDAY, at f nVlook a. m.

Lt'CIAN S. PAbE, Propn«t*r.NATH'L BOUSH. Ai't. AlexanJna. f* V9 -


H A K V K V'li\V ho has just received a large nurplv of freah L*'BSTFR^,I" I Mil, and line OVSiTRJi.v1*j*vwhioh he will serve to customers atshortest not c« aid on lil>«rat term».P. S.Oysters served to families and hotel* arenot seal tied; they are pnly aoalded for p«ri< ..s eatine them at the aalfton.'1«8 T. M. HARVKV./Ov NOTICK. /OvIW 1 R F M #> IT 4 r fW »o ® 1 have removed hit

" " ' d 6('AWN OFPICKto :«.%1 C street, l*tw<»en \% nml 6th atr*«t«, imrnediat*ly in th« rr!ir of tr»-» Nat' Hot*;, wherethe l>u»ino»« will be ciiit:r.D«(l aa heret«|i>re at theold atand. |n». l&-6m| IS\AC HhKZUt.RU.



VIA} t/BL.l MM ^ A ^11 Wmm"sp DELIGHTFUL jtJR\ j CORDIAL f

a'ever TaEEy.^juff' J5vnjm* >» strictl» a »ci- ^Vr9IJi vj&l \pT nttfc and V||iua I

l»5i' Tfc kit Cocipoud, pr*KMeutd by tbt diadiUBSf^.«' «' ' reou, tMrb*.iad tirki. Tt.lov Vf '2D"ck, Blood R"-«v, Tv m,Utk V^d'ch*'*" lCMlPJy Bark, and Dajidaiiea jSR["yj S *<it«r« into iW cwb- J! '"It ««tir« J>V ffj £j^fji 11 "y r»ai(iiil principle1 1| fl^JT of tcli i. frtditu; i» . #

'" "B-fn. nl". K.I ? -*/ .UUU1G Ly «;:iw nTuiiVf*11*1 iaR1U5' Idnilllinr, proJacia; * dttjcioni, ibtUratW apirli, ui ib«BMt tlNmll r«ni*4y for r*BOT«ii:ig ih« 4 > <!and rtitMinf Jit tick, altntf, aad dtkiliuud tn»»Ud wb«t.U<* and rrtnrth.McLEAN^STRENGTHENING CORDIAL

Will fteimsily e«r« UiT«r CoenpUiat, r>ytp«p»t*, J»«adic*.Chrome er N«r»o«» Pobiliiy,Diituo ortho Kiilc*rt,*nd ail di«»«Mi urtiinp from * dicordtrod U»»r or Stoisach.r»T«r»r« *. Iwnkv*, Inward Pil«», Aeidkr or SicknOM of.k. V._~.k c-ll ' - .1.- II -1 »>_ > n .M<« m « «» ' . " "« w UI* III3U, !/ !! I Ma ur

Swimming in tha Htid, PaJpt:«uoa of ih« Hun. Fallnoaar Waight In tha Sto«uact, Boir Crocuuki, Choking orlifK>ao| ratling wtin liTirr down, Dryntt* or Tt!l*W.nttt of tha Skin an 1 Eytt, NifV Htinu, Inward Fa»art,Pain in tha Small of tha Back, Cfcaat, or Sid*. SaddanFlaahts if liii, Dtpraaaioo of Spirits, Prightfal Dnana,Lang <tcr, Datpocdaiicy or any narroat iiwtu. Soraa orglote*»a on lb* Skin, tad Fa»ar and Agva (or Chilli an<r, ')

OYER A MILLION BOTTLEShava baan Mid daring tha law tit montba, and ia 1&atanc*hat it faiiod in firing tuur* satisfaction. * ho, than,will ufir ftfn Wiiimii or Dobtiuy wbm McLhARlSTREMUTRENINQ CORDIAL wUi can yoa 1Mo lungmaga can convoy an adaqaatt id*a of tfit iramodiataand almoat miracalaaa Chang* prodactd by taking thia

Cardial in tha diaaaaad, dahiliutad, and ahattarad ntr'aatjaivin, VB«w«i wmwmwtt nvwu vj liiiN, VIU Of QHUI,wr impairad by »icku«»«, tha riland ud iuuii| arffajiiUUioIt raalarad la iu priaiina baalih and »it»r

MARRIED Khlll, tnicmi af inability from vhaiavar caaaa, villlad MckKAHl STftEHGTHKNING CORDIAL a tb»Nlfkrtfaoaratar of tha ayataa; and all wha ma; bava in]«r«d thamaalTai by ioiprapar Indalfancaa will tnd id tkiaCardial a carina and apatay ramady.

TO THE LAUIMS.McLKAKI « K.KNOTBEK1HG CORDIAL to t Mfiralroand apaady ear* far locipiant Canaampuoo, Wfchaa,Oaa'.rictad ar DiBealt Maotixaitton, IncontiDacea af Una*

at Intalantary Piacbarja tharaaf, railing af Ua Womb,idduiaaa, Fainting, aa<Tall diaaaaaa lactdaat ta Pamaiaa.THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOWT IT

afar am lanfir. Taka it utardiaf la diraatlaaa. It villtuiraUia, aixanfthao, aud iavifarala Taa and caaaa Uaklaam af haalth ta aaaot yoar ch**k afuo. Inr; katti* iawarruiad ta fi»a aatufacuoo.

* FOR CHILDRENIf *aar cbildMn ara aickly, pans ar afliciad, MCLEAN'S

CORDIAL will mak* than baaluif, fat, and rabau. Dalaynot a tnoiotnt; u) ii, iuia yo« win m cobTiatta. It M «

liciMMto taka.CA UTION.

Btwar* of dn|fku or lalin wti*yoa *ir§ bitt«r or ar»ip«rilla uuti, which lh*y can Leyen#«r, by uiiar it la loat u mod. A*wd »ch Aakfor MctfuiftVrRK*UTHkmilG CORDIAL, ud uk«n«tlua( It ia tb* only rimtdy tktt will parify tk*Blood tncro«fkli and at th« ium tiai airtnfUi«u ui lyitim.Or tliiMotfiil takan irtrt tnanin* hfefin* u * »

pr«»»ntiT« for Cbolara, Chill* ar.d r«»»r, Tallow Fiftt, oran? pra*al«at diftaaa It U pat «j> in larra bottiaa. frteaonly f 1 par bottia, or I bculai for $t JT H Mt LEAN,

la propriator of thia Cordial; alae, McLaaa'a Tolcajtic OilLiriinanl. Principal Da Pot an tha af Third andPlat atraaU, k. Loan, Mo.

XcLe&n'i Yolcanic Oil Liniment,(THE BEST UM1MEIVT IN THE WORLD )

Tha Ml; aafa and caruio cart for Caucara, ftlaa, Tm.mart, Bwailmf* and BroneMla or Cnitra, Paralraia, Mas.ralfia, Waakaaaaaf Uta Maaclaa, Oraauc or lal&ainatoryfUMHP.auam, tufnaaa af tha Joint*. Contracted Mmaciaa orUfanaata, Kartell arToeOtacba, Braia*«, nraiua, FiaakCau, W-ouda, Clean, Pavar Bcraa, Cakad Braaat. SuraKirrlaa, Bcrna, Bcalda, Bora Throat, or «y InlamnMtian ormmtm, no Uaianw bow aovara or War tk* 4uhm myCTa axtatod, McLZAKV CWJUULAVka L1N1MKKT Xa eartain rtmadv.TiiBi»m<i of kwu Vamp *» » *arad a Ufa of dia

er*pit«d* aad »U*ry by tha ** ofihi* iaralaaM* roaody.MrLEAfTS VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT

Will rah*** pain almaot*a*ly, aad it *itl tloaa.P»r"T »u IAI lOBiaat aoraa u> an isciKikit abort int.FOR HORSE* ASD OTHER ANIMALS.McLEANV CELEBRATED LINIMENT ta ih» only aafa

an* ralkabla r«ia«d? for tb* cut of Ppana, RiWAnaa.Wiadffalla, Splint*. UMatanl Lamp., Nit*, m B..L,pIt a*T»r failtd to em Bif H(U, PeUanl, rtaisla. «fURai.ntof Sor**, or « {. if property ar.ttad. Par1>WM Haala, Cka/w. feddlaac Collar Calla, Cat*, Borai. or Woaada, kUu lahjlibtaraaadr. Apali it aa diracud and a tar* u canate i> annInaunca.Th » ink aa l*b[*> with ikt au; vartfclaa* UiarniAltniani. Otii.n a .appt* ft Dm. MOJCUracEiSB&ATKDUVlMKar. h Till exm.

J. H McUCAfl, hit Fnfrtiw.Caratr Tfcird u4 Fna ml, lu Lia««, Maw

JZKtP<£S£.&£Z:""M'as; .. .KINS * BUKCBKLL


Vklf UMUrat Funny u4 Nmmini ft r*n»ty of latorwfenc rmAitjtea mm b* fc>ud ia ftar m mNIiM «

Pndij gruai.

Stnt oeorr.MrMaaa. __*l »FIT* ooptM ________..... n_4 TST. f»p.. . |«(IWBly iwiofwi »«

It InTanabiy contain* tti» "WaaMnftoa N*w"that haa mad* 1%4 Dmilt Vr«awi Star atraaiataao faoarallr throufhoat tha aouatry.IL/~&oc » oo^aa (in WT%fp»r» i ou ba po<n<

at tfea ooaatar, lnua«diata!y afUr t*a taaa* of U«pt^t. Pnoa.THRKE CENTS.i female education.1 HO£e Parent wno visit Uwir <Uu* htera to reoeive a thorough and ijaUmtUo educatiou. »li»r»their phymo»I trai nine will reoei ve <1*1It and »pec»»iUttnuvn, under the mo«t approved vaietu of C*lt«tmnio* and* respectfully invited torinit the Union Aaademr. corner F«orteeuth at. and New York *r

mr. 4 mk». z. richard*.M S»-tf Prineipnln.ncii ai» ui »a * ai .» % mjwb duaiii/c vi ant/ i'm bthuub

Mr*. f». K >1\CK. rVt*cjHl_The thirteenth MDutl iouiuii of thie InaUtutitfkwill commence on Tueadoy. Septemtier ink, ib thehouse recently occupied by Hy lTe»ter Scott, Eh.,No. 1£0 Kim itrwtThe course of study pursued will comprise oilthe hmrebes requisite to a thorough F.ugliah F.d«

coti(in, ou«l Masio, Fiench, Loltu ond Drowiog. »lIn oddition to doy aeholore. Mrs. MeCormiok lapreporari torsesivso limited numOer of pupils osboMsrl, who. eouetiUitiu< o port of her own fontlly, will be under her immediate core ond eoperriion. She will e«deOTOr. os tor oa posaiMe, to a«rround them with the eomforteoad kiadlr infloeooeeof Home.fV<rMCM.-«»T. Gi»o. H. Norton, R*t. Dr. K >u

V-s^'Sr^labtea».£%; .«<h, nasa:MiUir hvemnr!»^f B«uwun\Vkt«ri Km Ju

Board, with TuitionTn#i#>o for the annual mwm.Mnu illuti.iin arfvaaoo.Moeie and LantaaeM at ProfMsora' pricM.i nv ' ».» OMrfN. M J* tl

#Dir« Omit. TcM, Hoartmtn. //lotrzi any 'mror»<»« f .*< »»

irf »4» R'lte^t rUHtfktnt Coufk «« Conrumrt ion. Hrrmrhttt*, Atkmn,# Oif«rr4,(W *» # |t«

<tfnttk t» tk*PUBLIC fPK\IKRH

A WD PINC.P.R*Few are awwe of the importance of oheetiQJt ftCouth or "C'tninoti fold'- :n it', fc-» * (!.»which in the heg>mnx wooid yield to finedy, if DP* eot *d. *<., > n ^fvkn '(« I un*«. " £rf>«re'«

t>renrntm T+orke*." conUtinmc ^wnnlcMt mgrediiU, allay Pu monarr and H.oachia ImUtioa."Thst troaMe id in* Throat, (forBROWN'S which th* "Troth**" area »p*oilie)

'larmt mad* ma t ftw a merf wh.»TROCHE? per®.." K. P. WILLI*.BROWN'S ** I T*oomm#Dd thmmaeto PraeieS 8peaie*»."TROCHE? REV. E. H. CHAPIN.

"Grf«at »»rviceiDauburn* llo»mBROWN'S RKV.DASIfcL WIjKTDnruun

" A.'.front uiatant re ie' in the dt»mutner tf»wni *b«r of l>r*aihiDf p«oaliarnnniiT vto ti) A "TWW i

51 REV. A. C. EG61.K8TON.TROCIIE8 ** Contain bo Opinio or %nTtliinfnBnu.N1(J

tujarioM." I>R a A H* Ks*.DROWN ? - Bourn.TROfHFS

" A»im»i>»n< (Iwatat oombluinutnt!1 tion for Corses, to."BROWN'S UR' BI0EL£J£i,TROCHLF *».'BROWN'? P"tm.


"EV- "VTKimi-Q "Bwfjoi*: vbrn Boniy«lltd toTROCHb. .p aky.ff,, in* Uov Qolb."BROWN'?, RLV. S. J. P.ANI)ERB£N^TROCHES

u Kntenu In rwofM Ho«w»*m and lrrit»lJOB ol the Thjroat. mo


BROWN'S* T**0llVi'iJ!i!oSl&rTROCHKH "Great b*n«at wh»o taken bafow

anti after praaciucf. a* t 1»«t frerentBROWN'S( H«jar»ene»«. From their paatftoeot,

I thailr »h*» will h« "f p*rm*D*-iit adTROCHKHniDtM« to m«."REV. K. ROWLKT, A, M.

nn #1 an^ t < * > L ^ 11 vDnu»> u s* i rcfiueoi ui AUHTBI voira|i| J PUD.

trochb, ft^goattsrsrjdeJJfFOR 8TAMPINS



NO TO MATCH.I »t tb«



iinili Jvr Laurtnct't e*l*br*it4 Lmm fv»<,"Milit," fc., #t.

M * It S.H'J P*. *T. bet. 9t ud 10th «U.

. ^ .

18(51 IWHCommence the Year witk a Diary.

A va'naMa Pocket Companion for re*i»t*nn(events put. present, arid futur.; eonbiiricc rate*of pnstatu, a'-nanac. a hlank apac for mem >ran<iafor every day in the year, oa«h aoooant for »a*iticon'h, annual summary of ea*h aoncant bntfpayable and reoeivable. l*or't he without on* ofthese useful little souvenir* Tm most oorop>te.elecant. atiii «leaUat>ieae«orr»rem ever invwi.o^Mipritingtwai^e *n«c and upward* of fifty etylM,

at t*ITl LIjI.NGT<»N'J*,Odeon Hutidiag, oorner o£«k street and

de »n Pepp avenua.


1M1. 1««1. 1*61._

CHEAPER THAN EVER.We will take an extra diaoouat of tb ft e*st. off

of %11 Diarine purohaeed from a« for cMk. Wear*do*iron* < (closing ont the remainder of oar iarcetoo* of Diariea or all kind* for IMH.

KRKNCH * RICHSTEIN.ia 3 Penn tm»>.

U7ATCH REPAIRING ANOPILVE* WAREMANTFACTORVTI hare one of the beet e«tsbli*hments, And fur

niched with a complete set of b>oU Cor repai r Ivlug ererjr description of fine Watehee. and rX]articular attention rive to the am*, by

thorough competent work man.and a work rnarantiedAIm>, every deeorip ion *>f standard WLVERWARK. plain ami ornamental, mauufactued undermy owu supervision, which my oust«>mare wu, findfar superior in juality and finish to northers wareold Ujr dealers in gaaeral and represented *e theirown manufacture. H. O HOOD,

set 339 Pa. avenue, near ftfa at.


rooore .iiPioa.Bi LWOUIU.;; '-^'uuu,The Moeioal Album,Veude aohn'* without word*.The Horn* Cirole.All the Operu. with and without words,Beethoven'*, Mozart'* and Clamecu'a tHonetoa.Bach'a Cnercbici'*, Mars aod Albreeateberger

Theoretical Works,All the Oratorio#,gelaotiona oi Mu*:c with beaatlfal title pare*Aleo, a larir* e*aortTn<*nt oi Pteiovar k Soes'aad

Raven, Raoon A Co ' 0»»r« «r« fiaaoe,doabtedly the beat now metufactarec A Terrlarc* atock of Piaco **»oola a&d Carers at redsoeCpriaea at the M aaic Stow ofW 6 METZEKOTT,deg Bora*' Eleventh at a»i *a ay.

AT FIKNO# J?RlCRr^f^tS. 2T» ^ap.trams NarioBSriUa.or Hicfcar lb a iawtr««ee,St Meter Lute; la.. olotfc, aant kf Milfor tlJB _ .Saome'a Note# oa Daela tad Daalinj ; ltea..oioth; ilii bt mail.Pirouraav'a illactratad Poema; cloth fll* ft St

b> mail.Umh'i Eaaava oa Lalia; 12aao^ aioU portrait.

# > -2*> by mail.11 of Lontfallntr'a and Ike Marvel'a W#-k».

Hnr nan& t >a \*m * -»»» U<wvk a /v.. an at < .

IMmts' prtoM iJr o*ak.FRENCH ft »CH»T»rIN.

jml 87* Porn tw»M

IG. O. DKMI'TH ft CO..MPORTKRS And WhoUa»i«>M>: R«t»il 1>m

FOREIGN HtN*. fe..No 4*» N«iti Oaiii M !it»r»T.An d.r> m*rri l.rmmtt** H ,

B«a-u emuw"*


FmUA«' m.nd Bov*' Ctntkrmf fmr Frk+m! mm4Dreg* Wnar.

PlfMU MWl CMkrduui* Wi»hiit« to hn iA tk(l'chi dreawia wards *it».»r<0«(j ( (> ***>nr tkt toMiitimw. iuvt'ed wwjwiufKspHfw.r..4*ttri«sss? .toi'Sttjtis'ia^csyy^ars.#;a.i^e»4 oo.