急外 case conference

急急 Case conferenc e Intern 黃黃黃

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急外 Case conference. Intern 黃昱豪. Patient’s Profile. Name: 劉 X 英 Age: 20 years old Gender: Female Chart Number: 22101481 Time of admission: 95-09-08 ,03:11a.m. Pre-hospital phase. Pre-hospital primary ABCDE. Event: traffic accident (motorcycle, 大順建興 ) Pre-hospital vital signs: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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急外 Case conference

Intern 黃昱豪

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Patient’s Profile

Name: 劉 X 英 Age: 20 years old Gender: Female Chart Number: 22101481 Time of admission: 95-09-08 ,03:11a.m.

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Pre-hospital phase

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Pre-hospital primary ABCDE

Event: traffic accident (motorcycle, 大順建興 ) Pre-hospital vital signs: 02:59 清 , RR.:22cpm , PR:102bpm, BP:114/86mmHg ,E4V5M6 03:06 清 , RR.:22cpm , PR:100bpm, BP:120/84mmHg ,E4V5M6

Trauma evaluation: left upper extremity deformity Patient’s complaints: dyspnea, pain ,weakness AMPLE history: all denied Pre-hospital Management : Transferred by 119 with upper extremities air splints Psycological support

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Emergency department phase

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Status on arrival

Time of admission: 95-09-08 ,03:11a.m. 檢傷分級:第 2 級 AVPU:alert RR.:10-24cpm , PR:105bpm, BP:129/80mmHg< 右腳 > BT: 37’C< 耳溫 >

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PRIMARY ABCDE –Airway / Breathing

Airway : Intact On neck collar: <?> Breathing : Resp. rate: 10-24/min Breathing sound : not recorded Chest percussion: not recorded SpO2: not recorded

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PRIMARY ABCDE -Circulation

BP(RL): 129/80 mmHg Pulse: 105 beats/min Pulse assessment: not recorded Skin color assessment: pale<?>,cold<?>

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AVPU: alert GCS score: E4V5M6 Pupil: not recorded

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left upper arm deformity Severe back pain with radiation to sternum

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PRIMARY ABCDE –problems list

1.tachycardia 2.pain 3.left upper arm deformity

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Initial Management

Pulse oximetry Medication Keto 1amp im.for pain control IV fluid N/S 1 BT ivd X-ray1.chest PA

2.L’t humeral AP+Lat.

3.L’t forearm AP+Lat Diet NPO

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X-Ray <chest AP>

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X-Ray <L’t arm>

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Initial impression

1.right side hemothorax 2.left humeral fracture 3.tachycardia, r/o hemorrhage related

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SECONDARY ABCDE- repeated general survey


2.Tubes and fingers in every orifice

3.Head to toe evaluation

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The following conditions and managements

03:44BP:126/82 mmHg, HR:111bpm

check CBC , PT/PTT, Na/K,


check CK, CK-MB, Troponin-I

follow 12-lead EKG

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Lab data 檢 體 :Blood 項 目 : WBC RBC HGB HCT MCV MCH MCHC PLT 日期 ( 時間 ) x1000/ul x10^6/ul g/dl % fl Pg g/dl x1000/ul 950908 6.69 3.01 9.2 28.3 94.0 30.6 32.5 175

檢 體 :Blood 項 目 : NA K CK Tropo-I CK-MB BUN CREA AST 日期 m mol/L m mol/L U/L ng/mL U/L mg/dl mg/dl IU/L 950908 138 3.76 1404 0.139 9.7 10.1 0.61 47

項 目 : ALT Ca++ PT p PT c PT(INR) PTT P PTT C 日期 ( 時間 ) IU/L mg% second second R second second 950908 22 4.64 12.6 10.6 1.21 30.6 29.2

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12-lead EKG

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The following conditions and managements

04:07BP:119/77 mmHg, HR:89bpm 04:40N/S 1BT ivd

arrange chest CT with and without


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Chest CT

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The following conditions and managements

05:00BP:112/75 mmHg, HR:105bpm

on chest tube 32Fr, 12cm

on CVP and add N/S 1BT

check CVP level:-3 cmH2O

on Foley

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The following conditions and managements

06:00follow chest PA 06:30follow chest PA

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The following conditions and managements

06:25add L/R 2BT ivd 06:30 BP:108/71mmHg,PR:119bpm,SpO2:96%

BT: 37.4’C, CVP level:2 cmH2O pull out CVP line to 14cm 07:40 BP:136/86mmHg,PR:127bpm,SpO2:98%

BT: 37.4’C

add N/S 1BT ivd

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The following conditions and managements

08:40follow CK, CK-MB, Troponin-I again

follow ABG

consult CVS for r/o cardiac contusion

consult CV for performing bedside

cardiac echo

consult Ortho for left arm fx

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Lab data 檢 體 :Blood 項 目 : CK Tropo-I CK-MB 日期 : U/L ng/mL U/L 950908 1404 0.139 9.7 950908 1210 0.146 11.5

檢 體 :Blood 項 目 : pH pCO2 pO2 HCO3 TCO2 BEb SBC BEecf 日期 mmHg mmHg mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L 950908 7.387 37.5 86.5 22.0 19.2 -2.5 22.3 -3.0

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Bedside cardiac echo

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The following conditions and managements

09:00 BP:118/76mmHg,PR:91bpm

on long arm splint 10:15 BP:111/71mmHg,PR:80bpm

BT: 38.4’C, CVP level:8 cmH2O

transfer to 15ES-ICU ward

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ER Initial diagnosis

1.right chest contusion hemorrhage 2.right hemopneumothorax 3.left humeral fracture 4.sternum fracture

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