ziting (vivien) zhou1 drawing graphs by computer graph from kobourov/grip.html

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 1 rawing Graphs By Computer Graph from http://www.cs.arizona.edu/~kobourov/grip.

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Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 1

Drawing Graphs By Computer

Graph from http://www.cs.arizona.edu/~kobourov/grip.html

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 2


Ziting (Vivien) ZhouDecember 7, 2011

stright-line graphs embedded in R3

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 3

Problem Set #4 Q1

We have already proved that any simple graph can be embedded in R3 in such way that each of its edges embeds as a straight line segnment.

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 4

Straight-line Graphs embedded in R3





Regular Edge: adjacent to exactly 2 facesBoundary Edge: adjacent to exactly 1 faceSingular Edge: adjacent to at least 3 faces

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 5

Closed Mesh: mesh with no boundary edges

Manifold Mesh: mesh with no singular edges

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 6

adding verticesstraight edges

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 7


straight lines

surface subdivision

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 8

Three Main Types of Subdivision Surfaces

Catmull-Clark subdivision surface

One face is split into four new faces.

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 9

Three Main Types of Subdivision Surfaces

Doo–Sabin subdivision surface

Corners are cut.Four new faces are created around every vertex.

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 10

Three Main Types of Subdivision Surfaces

Each triangle is divided into four subtriangles, adding new vertices in the middle of each edge.

Loop subdivision surface

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 11

Any surface can be approximately regarded as a straight-line graph without singular edges embedded in R3 – a manifold mesh.


smoothsurface manifold


Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 12

Manifold MeshesProperty ?

polygon triangles

Proof by Induction

Thank You Tom!!

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 13

Problem Set #4 Q3

We have already proved that a graph is planar if and only if any subdivision of the graph is planar.

Adding vertices inside the original edges, then forming new edges

Adding edges inside the original faces

will notaffect planarity

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 14




All faces are triangles.

Mesh Face

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 15

The mesh face can be flattened.

original graph planar subdivision

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 16

Every manifold mesh is planar.

The surface of a polyhedronis a planar subdivision.


Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 17

Have Wide Applications

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 18

ReferencesVisualization and mathematics III Chapter 2.2 Meshes By Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad Polthier http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_drawing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_graphics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subdivision_surfacehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catmull%E2%80%93Clark http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doo%E2%80%93Sabin_ subdivision_surfacehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_subdivision_surfacehttp://tgrip.cs.arizona.edu/ http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~haoz/papers.html cg.buaa.edu.cn/ComputerGraphics2011/Lecture05-Meshes.ppt http://www.farfieldtechnology.com/products/toolbox/ mesh_simplification/

Ziting (Vivien) Zhou 19

The End

Thank you!

Ziting (Vivien) ZhouDecember 7, 2011