zhang shaohui master thesis proposal

Establishment of industrial energy conservation management platform in Henan province Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University Academic Speaker: Zhang Shaohui Academic Supervisor: Prof. Zhang Ruiqin Department of chemistry & Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University February 25, 2011 Master Thesis Proposal

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Page 1: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

Establishment of industrial energy conservation management platform in Henan province

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Academic Speaker: Zhang Shaohui

Academic Supervisor: Prof. Zhang Ruiqin

Department of chemistry & Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

February 25, 2011

Master Thesis Proposal

Page 2: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

Research Outline

Background and Significant1

Summarize of energy conservation management methodology2

Industrial energy conservation management platform framework3

Plan and arrangement4

Establishment of industrial energy conservation management platform in Henan province

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Page 3: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

Background and significant of the study International milestones of climate change

1992: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

1997: The Kyoto Protocol


2007: The Bali Road Map ─The Bali Action Plan ─The Kyoto Protocol → developed countries second commitment period obligations2009: The Copenhagen Climate Council ─The Implement of Bali Action Plan ─The Implement of UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol ─The developed countries should cut emissions dramatically →( IPCC AR4: 25%-40%) ─The developed countries should undertake the part obligations


Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Page 4: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

Background and significant of the studyLandmarks of energy conversation and carbon emissions in China

1992: ─ Signed up UNFCCC1998: ─ Signed up Kyoto Protocol ─ Published energy conservation law


2004: ─ Issued Energy-saving medium and long-term special planning2006: ─ Set a target of a 20% cut by 2010 of its energy intensity

(the amount of energy consumed per unit of GDP)2007: ─ Announced China's climate change framework scheme2009: ─ Revised management system for energy requirements ─ Declared a target of a 40-45% cut by 2020 of its CO2 emissions per unit of GDP and the energy consumed per unit of GDP cut 40-60% by 20202010: ─ Published Energy performance contracting management

interim measures for the administration of financial reward fund ─ Issued general technical rules for energy performance contracting


Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Page 5: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

Background and significant of the studyPolicy and measures of energy conversation and carbon emissions in Henan

1990: ─ Published energy conservation management interim regulations


2006: ─ Published energy conservation regulations ─ Issued major energy units energy conservation management methods2007: ─ Announced energy conservation and emission reduction

implementation strategy ─Enacted energy conservation and emission reduction technology project implementation2008: ─ Declared the methods of Unit GDP energy consumption

statistic index system2010: ─ Published energy conservation supervisory measures ─ Issued industrial energy conservation and emission reduction opinion


Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Page 6: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

Background and significant of the studyStatus and achievements of energy conversation and carbon emissions in Henan

Year Unit 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Total energy consumption ten thousand ton SCE 11485 12981 14522 15324 15997

Industrial energy consumption ten thousand ton SCE 11485 12981 14522 15324 15997

Industrial energy consumption proportion % 78.53 79.96 81.40 81.58 81.74

Energy processing conversion efficiency

Overall efficiency % 60.97 64.94 66.22 65.96 70.15

Electric & heat % 34.18 36.10 38.10 39.49 39.62

Energy elasticity coefficient

Energy consumption elasticity coefficient — 0.84 0.76 0.68 0.44 0.38

Electric consumption elasticity coefficient — 0.53 0.73 1.47 0.99 0.51

Unit value added of industry energy consumption Ton SCE/ten thousand 4.02 3.78 3.45 3.08 2.71

Unit GDP energy consumption Ton SCE/ten thousand 1.38 1.34 1.29 1.22 1.16

Energy consumption and indicators in Henan province

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Page 7: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

Background and significant of the studyProblems and trends of energy conversation and carbon emissions in Henan

1• The deficient energy

management system

2 • Energy statistics system is not perfected

3• Lack of scientific energy

saving measurement & verification system

It is necessary to build the energy conservation management system

It is required to establish the energy saving and emission reduction measurements & verification system

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Page 8: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

Energy conservation management methodology

Energy management system operation model

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Page 9: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

Energy saving management methodologyThe framework of energy saving measurement & verification methodology

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Page 10: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

Carbon management system methodology

Carbon management Principles

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Page 11: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

The Carbon footprint operation model

Five steps to calculating the carbon footprint

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Carbon management system methodology

Page 12: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

The Carbon Neutral Protocol operation model

Five steps to calculating the carbon NeutralResearch Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Carbon management system methodology

Page 13: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

The Life Cycle Assessment operation model

Process map steps for business-to-consumer goods

Process map steps for business-to-business goods

All inputs used at any stage in the life cycle

Include processes related to raw

Account for impact of raw materials

All activities from collection of raw materials to distribution

All materials produced

All steps in transport and related storage

Retail storage and display

Energy required during use phase

All steps in disposal

Energy required in disposal/recycling process

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Carbon management system methodology

Page 14: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

The framework of industrial energy conservation management platform in Henan Province

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Page 15: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

The research plan and arrangement

Materials collect and energy conservation management system methodology ( 2010.11—2011.03)

Learning the energy saving evaluation and audit skills ( 2010.11-2011.05)

Propose and implementation the industrial energy conservation management platform ( 2011.06-2011.07)

Summarize and improve suggestion for the industrial energy conservation management platform ( 2011.10-2011.08)

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University

Page 16: Zhang Shaohui Master Thesis Proposal

Research Institute of Environmental Sciences Zhengzhou University