zeitgeist. the movie notes

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  • 8/18/2019 Zeitgeist. the Movie Notes


    Part 1: The Greatest story ever told• The Cross of the Zodiac: one of the oldest 'conceptual' images in human history

    • it reflects the sun, as it (figuratively) passes through the 1 ma!or constellations over the course

    of a year • it also reflects" the 1 months of the year, the four seasons, the solstices, the e#uonoces

    • Constellations $ere anthropamorphi%ed or personified as figures, or animals

    • early civili%ations did not only follo$ the sun and stars, they personified them in ela&oratemyths involving their movements and relationships

    • the sun $ith life giving and having #ualities personified as the unseen creator, god

    • God's on, the light of the $orld, the savior of human ind

    • orus un God *+++ C -gypt:

    • un anthropamorphised, his life is a series of allegorical myths involving the suns movement in

    the sy• orus (light) vs et (.ar)" every morning orus $ould $in the &attle against et, and at

    evening et $ould con#uer orus and send him to the under$orld• /ight vs .ar (Good vs -vil) oldest duality ever no$n

    • orus &orn .ec 0th, irgin 2other 33 2ary, &irth accompanied &y star in the east, upon

     &irth adored &y three ings, at 1 he $as prodical teacher, *+ &aptisted4ministry, 1 disciples, preformed miracles, healed sic, $aled on $ater, no$n as" the truth, the light, gods anointedson, the good shepherd, the lam& of god, &etrayed &y typhon, Crucified, &uried * days,resurrected

    • 5ttis of Greece 1++ C:

    • orn of a virgin, &orn on .-C 0, crucified, placed in a tom&, dead for * days, resurrected

    • 6rishna of 3ndia 7++ C:

    •  &orn of a virgin, star in the east signaling his coming, preformed miracles $ith disciples, upon

    his death $as resurrected8• .ionysus of Greece 0++ C:

    • &orn of a virgin, .-C 0, traveling teacher preformed miracles such as turning $ater into$ine, '6ing of 6ings' 'Gods only &egotten son' 'alpha and omega' , upon death resurrected

    • 2ithra Persia 1++ C:

    •  &orn of virgin, .-C 0, 1 disciples, preformed miracles, upon death &uried for * days,

    resurrected, 'the truth' 'the light'8 acred day of 9orship" 'unday'

    • esus the Christ:

    •  &orn of virgin 2ary, .-C 0, &irth announced &y star in east, * ings follo$ed star, adorned

    ne$ savior, teacher at 1, *+ &apti%ed4ministry, 1 disciples, preformed miracles, healing thesic, $aling on $ater, resurrected the dead, 'ing of ings' 'son of god' 'light of the $orld''alphas and omega' 'lam& of god' , &etrayed &y disciple, crucified, placed in a tom&, * days

    resurrected, ascended into heaven

    • irth se#uence is 5strological:

    ◦ tar in the -ast ; iruis

    ◦ rightest star in the sy, .ec < aligns $ith * stars of orions &elt,

    ◦ * stars of orions &elt no$ as =The Three 6ings>

    ◦ the * ings, &rightest star siruis point to place of the sun rise on .-C 0

    ◦  &irth of =Gods son> at $inter solstice

  • 8/18/2019 Zeitgeist. the Movie Notes


    ◦ three ings follo$ the star in the east to locate the '&irth of the sun'

    ◦ irgin 2ary ; Constellation irgo (irgo the irgin) irgo in /atin means irgin

    ◦ irgo is also no$n as 'house of &read'

    ◦  represented &y virgin holding sheath of $eat

    ◦ house of &read and sheath of $eat represent 5ugust and eptem&er time of harvest

    ◦ ethlehem ; house of &read

    ◦ ummer solstice to $inter solstice days &ecome shorter and colder ◦ from northern hemisphere, sun months south and smaller and scarce

    ◦ shortening of days and e?piration of crops

    ◦ ancient society represented this as death888 death of the son

    ◦ .-C suns demise is at lo$est point in sy

    ◦ sun stops moving for * days * <

    ◦ remains inline $ith outhern =Cross> 'Cru?' constellation

    ◦ .-C 0 sun moves 1 degree north foreshado$ing longer days, $armth and spring

    ◦ 'Thus it $as said, The on died on a Cross, $as dead for * days, resurrected

    ◦ the suns transition period &efore shifting &ac into northern hemisphere &ringing spring

    (salvation)◦ The spring -#uino? is cele&ration of uns resurrection (-aster)

    ◦ The sun over po$ers the 'evil' darness as day thereafter &ecomes longer and spring

    emerges◦ 1 .isciples ; 1 Constellations

    ◦ 1 Tri&es of 3srael

    ◦ 1 sons of aco&

    ◦ 1 udges of 3srael

    ◦ 1 =@8T8> Prophets

    ◦ 1 ings of 3srael

    ◦ 1 Princes of 3srael

    ◦ The Cross of the Zodiac: The /ife of the un

    ◦ a pagan sym&ol

    The Precision of the -#uino?every 10+ years the sun rise on the morning of spring e#uino? occurs on different sign of %odiaca precision &ecause constellations go &ac$ards rather through normal yearly cycle procession to go through all 1 signs is A,+++ years8 (the great year)10+ ; age5ge of:Taurus:

  • 8/18/2019 Zeitgeist. the Movie Notes


    scholars attri&ute this anger to the fact the 3sraelite $ere $orshiping a false idol8The golden &ull, is Taurus the ull2oses represents ne$ ages: 5ries the ame$s to this day, &lo$ the am horn2ithra, ills the &ull in the same sym&olismesus ushers in the ne$ age follo$ing 5ries: the age of Pieces, or the t$o fish

    esus feeds five thousand people $ith &read and T9@ D3The fish is the astrological sym&olism for the uns 6ingdom during the age of Piecesesus &irth start of ne$ 5ge 1 5. B &irth < C-

    /ue :1+esus ased &y .isciples $here the last Passover shall &e, esus replies=ehold $hen ye are entered into the city there shall a man meet you &earing a pitcher of $ater888follo$ him into the house $here he entereth in5#uarius: no$n as =The 9ater earer>the man &earing the pitcher is representing the age of 5#uariusesus is saying after Pieces is 5risius

    2att E:+ =3 $ill &e $ith you even to the end of the 5eon>

     Foah's and his ar The -pic of Gilgamesh A++ C5 great flood commanded &y god, a great ar to save all animals, a release and return of dove

    2oses &irth $as place in reed &aset in river, rescued &y royalty and raised as prince

    argon of 5ad 0+ C:argon placed in reed &aset to escape, sent do$n river, rescued &y oyal $ife

    Given /a$s &y God2oses of -gypt2anou of 3ndia2inos of Crete2ises of -gypt

    -gyptian &oo of the .ead: spell 10 1+ Commandments:3 have not tolen Thou hall not steal3 have not illed thou shall not ill3 have not told lies Thou shall not &ear false $itness

    -gyptian eligion primary &asis for udiaoChristan theology

  • 8/18/2019 Zeitgeist. the Movie Notes


    Part : 5ll the 9orlds a tage:• 7411 2yth:

    17 i!acers, directed &y @sama 8 /aden, too < commercial ets $ith o? cutters and, $hileevading the 5ir defense ystem (F@5.), hit H0I of their targets8 3n turn, 98 Trade To$ers,1,JH collapsed due to structural failure through fire in a =pancae> fashion, $hile the planethat hit the Pentagon vapori%ed upon impact, as did the plane that crashed in hansville8 The

    711 Commission found that there $ere no $arnings for this act of terrorism, $hile multiplegovernment failures prevented ade#uate defense8•  F@5. conducted i!aced 5irliners as $eapons, one target $as the 9TC8

    • D-25 esponse 2anual, 177H (http:44

  • 8/18/2019 Zeitgeist. the Movie Notes


    =3f you $ere to go &ac and try to find and revie$ the ratification of the 1Ath admendment88888 if you$ent &ac and e?amined that carefully, you $ould find that a sufficient num&er of states never ratifiedthat admendemnt> L .istrict Court udge ames C8 Do? ++*8

    3g Dar&en produced E