zabarwan times e-paper english 07 april, 2014

C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K MONDAY 07 April | 2014 | 06 Jamadi-Ul-Thani 1435 AH | PAGES 08 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 96 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa) Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K WEATHER TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM MINIMUM SUNSET ON(SUNDAY) SUNRISE ON (MONDAY) 06:11 06:57PM 9.6 0 C 13.9 0 C FORECAST FOR NEXT 24 HRS: FORECAST OF SRINAGAR: Moderate to heavy rain/Thundershowers would occur at most places in J&K. Rain/Thundershowers. Maximum &Minimum temperatures will be around 11°C & 04°C respectively. Inside story See More On Pg 07 See More On Pg 07 NC denied young population a democratic space: Mehbooba Drive against smoking in city hospital launched Becomes life time MCC member Simriti Irani to contest against Rahul Gandhi PG 06 PG 04 PG 06 Man injured in road accident Strongly calling for youth partici- pation in the forthcoming polls, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) president, Mehbooba Mufti Sunday said the choice has to be made by young population whether they want the state to live in the perpetual in- stability or they want to give them- selves a chance for growth and har- nessing of their potential.According to a statement issued Srinagar police has started a drive against smoking in and around health institutions and city hospitals, 39 offenders were booked in SMHS Hospital and a fine of Rs.13980 was realized from them. Srinagar police during its police-pub- lic interactions received complaints that smoking in health institutions and city hospitals has Srinagar, April 06: A former health officer was injured after militants shot him from point blank range at Pulwama in south Kashmir this evening. Official sources told GNS that around 6:05 pm un- known gunmen opened fire on the private clinic of Dr Ghulam Qadir Sofi, former chief medical officer, of the district. “He sustained serious bullet injuries and was im- mediately rushed to nearby hospital where he was removed to Bone and Joint’s hospital Barazulla for specialized treatment,” sources said. A senior doctor in the district hospital who operated upon the injured said that the he received two See Attack on pg 07 Srinagar, April 06: The Jammu and Kashmir police have arrested an army trooper who alleged- ly raped a woman after barging into her house in north Kashmir’s Kupwara, sources said on Sunday. Police Saturday evening arrested Territorial Army trooper Showkat Ahmad Malik after he forcibly en- tered inside a residential house near his army unit at Zurhama in the district, some 80 kms from state’s capital Srinagar, and raped a woman. Official sources told GNS that Showkat Malik (belt no. 12954783)of 160 TA, is resident of Trehgam in the district. The woman who was inside the room raised alarm, but sources said the trooper raped her before neigh- bours rushed in. See Trooper on pg 07 Ex- CMO injured in Pulwama attack Trooper arrested on rape charges in N Kashmir 3 structures damaged in fire Girl consumes poison Omar striving for dignified return of KPs, improving facilities in camps Jammu, Apr 6 : Lambasting Peoples Democratic Party for deriving sadistic pleasure from festering wounds of peo- ple, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Sunday accused it of indulging in de- ceit and shedding crocodile tears flour- ish its political enterprise. “PDP has stung every section of the society”, the Chief Minister said while addressing a huge gathering organised by National Conference Minority Cell here. According to a statement issued to KNS, Omar referred to PDP’s ‘neg- ative and deceitful role’ on creating facilities for the displaced people in Jammu and recalled the strange logic put forth by Mehbooba Mufti during a round-table conference presided over by the Prime Minister. He said the PDP President disap- proved of creating facilities for the camp dwellers by stating that if hu- mane conditions were made available in migrant camps, the people residing there will find themselves in comfort zone and show disinclination towards returning back. “Such a sadistic approach reflects PDP’s mind-set towards the people whom they want only to suffer so that their political enterprise keeps running”, he said, adding that this is how they were selling the miseries of people, be in Kashmir or elsewhere. He said his gov- ernment is pursuing a multi-pronged strategy to create conducive situation in the Valley for dignified and safe re- turn of Kashmiri Pandits alongside im- proving living conditions in camps till their return. The Chief Minister also referred to Kashmiri Hindus Temples and Shrines Bill and said when the Legislative As- sembly was discussing this crucial leg- islation, a situation was created where- in several parties joined together and opposed it tooth and nail. They were joined by those pretending to be the well wishers of Kashmiri Pandit com- munity, he added. “You have seen for yourself how the parties joined against this bill”, he maintained. Identifying himself with the community, the Chief Minister said he was not ignorant about their deep yearning for returning back to their homes and hearths when the situation becomes conducive for it. He said his government is working towards creat- ing a situation wherein they will feel immense sense of security and decide to move back. “Till that time, we will do everything possible to ensure that the displaced people get all the facilities necessary for leading a dignified life”. He also referred to initiatives already taken for rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits under Prime Minister’s pack- age which, inter allia, involves jobs for migrant youth. Omar Abdullah cautioned Kashmiri Pandits against the machinations of those missing no opportunity in See Omar on pg 07 Achievements of govt. induced desperation, frustration in PDP : Sagar Srinagar, Apr 6: One person was injured in a road accident in Kupwara last evening. According to a statement issued to KNS, a motorcycle bearing Chassis num- ber MD 625MF19D3H88560 hit and injured a pedestrian Ghulam Ahmed Chopan son of Mohammad Jamal resident of Pazipora at Bye- pass Road Kupwara. The injured was shifted to SMHS Hospital for treatment. Kupwara Police has reg- istered a case in this regard. (KNS) Srinagar, Apr 6: Three struc- tures were damaged in two sepa- rate fire incidents across the valley. According to a statement issued to KNS, fire broke out from three storied building belonging to Mo- hammad Amin Taka son of Abdul Aziz Taka resident of Nowpora, Srinagar, resulting in damage to the building and a shop of Nazir Ahmad Wani son of Mohammad Sultan resident of Nowpora. Fire was brought under control with the help of fire tenders Police. Meanwhile, Fire broke out in the residential house of Mushtaq Ahmed Khanyari son of Ghulam Mohammad Khanyari resident of Palpora Noor Bagh, resulting in partial damage to the house. Fire was brought under control with the help of fire tenders and police. Srinagar, Apr 6 (KNS): A girl (name withheld) resident of Shat- pora Langate consumed some poi- sonous substance at her residence in the jurisdiction of Police sta- tion Handwara. She was shifted to SKIMS Soura for treatment. Hand- wara Police has registered a case in this regard. (KNS) Srinagar 06 April 2014: Maintaining that the government has ushered an era of peace, progress and development in the State, Minis- ter for Rural Development and Panchayats and senior National Conference leader Mr. Ali Mo- hammad Sagar today said that PDP in a state of despair and desperation is trying to mislead the people by spreading false propaganda for their ulterior political motives but the people of the state are well aware of the fact that these forces have always preferred their interests over those of state and have been responsible for inflicting miseries on them. Mr. Sagar was addressing a series of public rallies and road shows in Pulwama District,the areas included Niloora, Zadura,Wanibugh, chukalan,Gous,Garasipora,Rohmu, Arichakh, Sangwani, Dangerpora, shajimarg, Zandipora, Drabhgam, Rohama, Awali holla, Aachkura, Nichan and Sangarwani. These were attended in large numbers by people despite See Sagar on pg 07 Srinagar, Apr 6 : NC Party President Dr. Fa- rooq Abdullah visited the residence of Late Dr. Ali Baksh in Bagaat Barzulla today, participated in his Nimaz-e-Jinaza and ex- pressed his condolences with the bereaved family especially senior Congress Leader and Cabinet Minis- ter Taj Mohuiddin. Dr. Farooq Abdullah said that National Conference shared the sorrow of Taj Mohuiddin in this hour of grief and prayed for the departed soul. National Conference Working Pres- ident and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah expressed personal sorrow and grief at the passing of away of the brother of Taj Mohuid- din and said that the entire party stands with Taj Mo- huiddin in this hour of loss. National Conference Gen- eral Secretary Sheikh Nazir Ahmed (Advocate) has also expressed his sorrow and grief at the passing away of Dr. Ali Baksh. Those who vis- ited Dr. Ali Baksh’s res- idence to participate in his Namaz-e-Jinaza today included National Con- ference Additional Gen- eral Secretary Dr. Sheikh Mustafa Kamal, National Conference Provincial Pres- ident Nasir Aslam Wani be- sides Senior NC leaders and Ministers, Political Secre- tary to Chief Minister, Tan- vir Sadiq, NC Spokesman Junaid Mattu and various senior party activists and workers. (KNS) NC extends condolences to Taj Mohuiddin Performs item song for friendship Road shows, Rallies organised in Pulwama Jammu, Apr 6 : Patron of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Mufti Moham- mad Sayeed today said the National Con- ference-Congress coalition government stands exposed for its non-performance and there are no takers for its hollow See Mufti on pg 07 Change imminent in J&K as Govt lost peoples’ faith, credibility: Mufti Farooq Abdullah to file nomination papers today Srinagar, Apr 6 : National Conference President Dr. Farooq Abdullah is scheduled to file his nomination papers at Deputy Com- missioner’s Office in Srinagar tomorrow at 11:30 am.According to a party statement is- sued to KNS, after filing his nomination pa- pers, Dr. Farooq will pay obeisance at Haz- ratbal Shrine and soon after he is scheduled to address party workers from Srinagar at Shere-e-Kashmir Mazaar in Naseem Bagh. Senior NC Leaders, Ministers, MLAs, MLCs and Office Bearers of the party will ac- company Dr. Farooq Abdullah as he files his papers. (KNS) Srinagar, Apr 6 : Mutahida Majlis Ulema (MMU), an amal- gam of religious scholars of Kash- mir led by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Sunday held threadbare delibera- tions over the growing immoral- ity, drug abuse and other social evils in Kashmir. According to KNS correspondent, the seminar witnessed participa- tion of more than 300 religious clerics, leading social activists and physiologists of valley. Quoting the figures over the grow- ing immorality and drug abuse in the society, the subject experts stated that there are more than 60,000 cases of drug addiction reported from valley and the num- ber of people suffering from de- pression is 1,20,000. Experts while taking everyone by surprise claimed that according to UNO report, in 1987- there were 17000 cases of drug abuse in valley while as the number has jumped to 100000 in 2008. In 2012, the number was 1,20,000. Experts also stated that due to the growing drug menace in Kashmir society, the suicidal trends are touching soaring every day. During his address, Mirwaiz said that besides striving for the settle- ment of Kashmir issue, the serious situation that is emerging due to growing drug menace in valley cannot be undermined. “Alcohol and drug addiction has become order of the day in our society and the same needs seri- ous remedial measures,” said the Huriyat (M) chairman. He added that it is not the time to deliver lectures about the growing im- moral activities in Kashmir but the need of the hour is to act See Mirwaiz on pg 07 Mirwaiz expresses concern over growing drug menace, suicidal trends Assails PDP for deriving sadistic pleasure from peoples’ woes NC-Cong coalition stands exposed for its non-performance Dr. Farooq visits Baksh’s Resi Hurriyat (G) terms Prof Bhat ‘a fluctuating mind’ Srinagar, Apr 6 : Hurriyat Conference (G) Sunday castigated the Hurriyat (M) executive member Prof Abdul Gani Bhat for his remarks on poll boycott terming his recent statement ‘bizarre’ and ‘condemnable’. “The statements of Prof Bhat must not be taken seriously. His approach has never been constant. Neither he has any command on people nor do people follow him,” said Huriyat (G) chief spokesman Ayaz Akbar. Prof Bhat in his statement had claimed on Sat- urday that there was no guarantee that people would boycott the upcoming general elections in Kashmir. “Wasn’t that Prof Bhat who once surprised everyone by saying that Azadi in Kashmir has been achieved and only announcement for the same is pending,” said Huriyat (G) spokesman. “The fact stand established that the statements of Prof Bhat must not be taken seriously,” he added. Ayaz Akbar said that Prof Bhat can change his statement anytime between morning and the evening and the same carries no weight in public domain. See Hurriyat on pg 07

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Omar striving for dignified return of KPs, improving facilities in camps Assails PDP for deriving sadistic pleasure from peoples’ woes






MONDAY 07 April | 2014 | 06 Jamadi-Ul-Thani 1435 AH | PAGES 08 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 96 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa)Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K



06:57PM 9.6 0C




Moderate to heavy rain/Thundershowers would occur at most places in J&K.

Rain/Thundershowers. Maximum &Minimum temperatures will be around 11°C & 04°C respectively.

Inside story

See More On Pg 07

See More On Pg 07

NC denied young population a democratic

space: Mehbooba

Drive against smoking in city hospital launched

Becomes life time MCC member

Simriti Irani to contest against Rahul Gandhi

PG 06 PG 04 PG 06

Man injured in road accident

Strongly calling for youth partici-pation in the forthcoming polls, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) president, Mehbooba Mufti Sunday said the choice has to be made by young population whether they want the state to live in the perpetual in-stability or they want to give them-selves a chance for growth and har-nessing of their potential.According to a statement issued

Srinagar police has started a drive against smoking in and around health institutions and city hospitals, 39 offenders were booked in SMHS Hospital and a fine of Rs.13980 was realized from them.Srinagar police during its police-pub-lic interactions received complaints that smoking in health institutions and city hospitals has

Srinagar, April 06: A former health officer was injured after militants shot him from point blank range at Pulwama in south Kashmir this evening.Official sources told GNS that around 6:05 pm un-known gunmen opened fire on the private clinic of Dr Ghulam Qadir Sofi, former chief medical officer, of the district.“He sustained serious bullet injuries and was im-mediately rushed to nearby hospital where he was removed to Bone and Joint’s hospital Barazulla for specialized treatment,” sources said.A senior doctor in the district hospital who operated upon the injured said that the he received two

See Attack on pg 07

Srinagar, April 06: The Jammu and Kashmir police have arrested an army trooper who alleged-ly raped a woman after barging into her house in north Kashmir’s Kupwara, sources said on Sunday.Police Saturday evening arrested Territorial Army trooper Showkat Ahmad Malik after he forcibly en-tered inside a residential house near his army unit at Zurhama in the district, some 80 kms from state’s capital Srinagar, and raped a woman.Official sources told GNS that Showkat Malik (belt no. 12954783)of 160 TA, is resident of Trehgam in the district.The woman who was inside the room raised alarm, but sources said the trooper raped her before neigh-bours rushed in.

See Trooper on pg 07

Ex- CMO injured in Pulwama attack

Trooper arrested on rape charges in N Kashmir

3 structures damaged in fire

Girl consumes poison

Omar striving for dignified return of KPs, improving facilities in camps

Jammu, Apr 6 : Lambasting Peoples Democratic Party for deriving sadistic pleasure from festering wounds of peo-ple, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Sunday accused it of indulging in de-ceit and shedding crocodile tears flour-ish its political enterprise.“PDP has stung every section of the society”, the Chief Minister said while addressing a huge gathering organised by National Conference Minority Cell here. According to a statement issued to KNS, Omar referred to PDP’s ‘neg-ative and deceitful role’ on creating facilities for the displaced people in Jammu and recalled the strange logic put forth by Mehbooba Mufti during a round-table conference presided over by the Prime Minister. He said the PDP President disap-proved of creating facilities for the camp dwellers by stating that if hu-mane conditions were made available in migrant camps, the people residing there will find themselves in comfort zone and show disinclination towards returning back.“Such a sadistic approach reflects PDP’s mind-set towards the people whom they want only to suffer so that their political enterprise keeps running”, he

said, adding that this is how they were selling the miseries of people, be in Kashmir or elsewhere. He said his gov-ernment is pursuing a multi-pronged strategy to create conducive situation in the Valley for dignified and safe re-turn of Kashmiri Pandits alongside im-proving living conditions in camps till their return.The Chief Minister also referred to Kashmiri Hindus Temples and Shrines Bill and said when the Legislative As-

sembly was discussing this crucial leg-islation, a situation was created where-in several parties joined together and opposed it tooth and nail. They were joined by those pretending to be the well wishers of Kashmiri Pandit com-munity, he added.“You have seen for yourself how the parties joined against this bill”, he maintained. Identifying himself with the community, the Chief Minister said he was not ignorant about their deep yearning for returning back to their homes and hearths when the situation becomes conducive for it. He said his government is working towards creat-ing a situation wherein they will feel immense sense of security and decide to move back. “Till that time, we will do everything possible to ensure that the displaced people get all the facilities necessary for leading a dignified life”. He also referred to initiatives already taken for rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits under Prime Minister’s pack-age which, inter allia, involves jobs for migrant youth.Omar Abdullah cautioned Kashmiri Pandits against the machinations of those missing no opportunity in

See Omar on pg 07

Achievements of govt. induced desperation, frustration in PDP : Sagar

Srinagar, Apr 6: One person was injured in a road accident in Kupwara last evening. According to a statement issued to KNS, a motorcycle bearing Chassis num-ber MD 625MF19D3H88560 hit and injured a pedestrian Ghulam Ahmed Chopan son of Mohammad Jamal resident of Pazipora at Bye-pass Road Kupwara. The injured was shifted to SMHS Hospital for treatment. Kupwara Police has reg-istered a case in this regard. (KNS)

Srinagar, Apr 6: Three struc-tures were damaged in two sepa-rate fire incidents across the valley.According to a statement issued to KNS, fire broke out from three storied building belonging to Mo-hammad Amin Taka son of Abdul Aziz Taka resident of Nowpora, Srinagar, resulting in damage to the building and a shop of Nazir Ahmad Wani son of Mohammad Sultan resident of Nowpora. Fire was brought under control with the help of fire tenders Police.Meanwhile, Fire broke out in the residential house of Mushtaq Ahmed Khanyari son of Ghulam Mohammad Khanyari resident of Palpora Noor Bagh, resulting in partial damage to the house. Fire was brought under control with the help of fire tenders and police.

Srinagar, Apr 6 (KNS): A girl (name withheld) resident of Shat-pora Langate consumed some poi-sonous substance at her residence in the jurisdiction of Police sta-tion Handwara. She was shifted to SKIMS Soura for treatment. Hand-wara Police has registered a case in this regard. (KNS)

Srinagar 06 April 2014: Maintaining that the government has ushered an era of peace, progress and development in the State, Minis-ter for Rural Development and Panchayats and senior National Conference leader Mr. Ali Mo-hammad Sagar today said that PDP in a state of despair and desperation is trying to mislead the people by spreading false propaganda for their ulterior political motives but the people of the state are well aware of the fact that these forces have always preferred their interests

over those of state and have been responsible for inflicting miseries on them. Mr. Sagar was addressing a series of public rallies and road shows in Pulwama District,the areas included Niloora, Zadura,Wanibugh, chukalan,Gous,Garasipora,Rohmu, Arichakh, Sangwani, Dangerpora, shajimarg, Zandipora, Drabhgam, Rohama, Awali holla, Aachkura, Nichan and Sangarwani. These were attended in large numbers by people despite

See Sagar on pg 07

Srinagar, Apr 6 : NC Party President Dr. Fa-rooq Abdullah visited the residence of Late Dr. Ali Baksh in Bagaat Barzulla today, participated in his Nimaz-e-Jinaza and ex-pressed his condolences with the bereaved family especially senior Congress Leader and Cabinet Minis-ter Taj Mohuiddin.Dr. Farooq Abdullah said that National Conference shared the sorrow of Taj Mohuiddin in this hour of grief and prayed for the departed soul. National Conference Working Pres-ident and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah expressed personal sorrow and grief at the passing of away of the brother of Taj Mohuid-din and said that the entire

party stands with Taj Mo-huiddin in this hour of loss.National Conference Gen-eral Secretary Sheikh Nazir Ahmed (Advocate) has also expressed his sorrow and grief at the passing away of Dr. Ali Baksh. Those who vis-ited Dr. Ali Baksh’s res-idence to participate in his Namaz-e-Jinaza today included National Con-ference Additional Gen-eral Secretary Dr. Sheikh Mustafa Kamal, National Conference Provincial Pres-ident Nasir Aslam Wani be-sides Senior NC leaders and Ministers, Political Secre-tary to Chief Minister, Tan-vir Sadiq, NC Spokesman Junaid Mattu and various senior party activists and workers. (KNS)

NC extends condolences to Taj Mohuiddin

Performs item song for friendship

Road shows, Rallies organised in Pulwama

Jammu, Apr 6 : Patron of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Mufti Moham-mad Sayeed today said the National Con-ference-Congress coalition government stands exposed for its non-performance and there are no takers for its hollow

See Mufti on pg 07

Change imminent in J&K as Govt lost peoples’ faith, credibility: Mufti

Farooq Abdullah to file nomination papers today

Srinagar, Apr 6 : National Conference President Dr. Farooq Abdullah is scheduled to file his nomination papers at Deputy Com-missioner’s Office in Srinagar tomorrow at 11:30 am.According to a party statement is-sued to KNS, after filing his nomination pa-pers, Dr. Farooq will pay obeisance at Haz-ratbal Shrine and soon after he is scheduled to address party workers from Srinagar at Shere-e-Kashmir Mazaar in Naseem Bagh.Senior NC Leaders, Ministers, MLAs, MLCs and Office Bearers of the party will ac-company Dr. Farooq Abdullah as he files his papers. (KNS)

Srinagar, Apr 6 : Mutahida Majlis Ulema (MMU), an amal-gam of religious scholars of Kash-mir led by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Sunday held threadbare delibera-tions over the growing immoral-ity, drug abuse and other social evils in Kashmir.According to KNS correspondent, the seminar witnessed participa-tion of more than 300 religious clerics, leading social activists and physiologists of valley.Quoting the figures over the grow-ing immorality and drug abuse in the society, the subject experts stated that there are more than 60,000 cases of drug addiction reported from valley and the num-ber of people suffering from de-pression is 1,20,000.Experts while taking everyone by surprise claimed that according to UNO report, in 1987- there

were 17000 cases of drug abuse in valley while as the number has jumped to 100000 in 2008. In 2012, the number was 1,20,000.Experts also stated that due to the growing drug menace in Kashmir society, the suicidal trends are touching soaring every day.During his address, Mirwaiz said that besides striving for the settle-ment of Kashmir issue, the serious situation that is emerging due to growing drug menace in valley cannot be undermined.“Alcohol and drug addiction has become order of the day in our society and the same needs seri-ous remedial measures,” said the Huriyat (M) chairman. He added that it is not the time to deliver lectures about the growing im-moral activities in Kashmir but the need of the hour is to act

See Mirwaiz on pg 07

Mirwaiz expresses concern over growing drug menace,

suicidal trends

Assails PDP for deriving sadistic pleasure from peoples’ woes

NC-Cong coalition stands exposed for its non-performance

Dr. Farooq visits Baksh’s Resi

Hurriyat (G) terms Prof Bhat ‘a fluctuating mind’Srinagar, Apr 6 : Hurriyat Conference (G) Sunday castigated the Hurriyat (M) executive member Prof Abdul Gani Bhat for his remarks on poll boycott terming his recent statement ‘bizarre’ and ‘condemnable’.“The statements of Prof Bhat must not be taken seriously. His approach has never been constant. Neither he has any command on people nor do people follow him,” said Huriyat (G) chief spokesman Ayaz Akbar.Prof Bhat in his statement had claimed on Sat-urday that there was no guarantee that people would boycott the upcoming general elections in Kashmir.“Wasn’t that Prof Bhat who once surprised everyone by saying that Azadi in Kashmir has been achieved and only announcement for the same is pending,” said Huriyat (G) spokesman. “The fact stand established that the statements of Prof Bhat must not be taken seriously,” he added.Ayaz Akbar said that Prof Bhat can change his statement anytime between morning and the evening and the same carries no weight in public domain.

See Hurriyat on pg 07

07 Srinagar, Monday 07 April 2014 Zabarwan Times









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exploiting their delicate sentiments for deriving politi-cal mileage. In this context, he referred to tacit silence maintained by the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate, without naming him, during his recent visit to Jammu. “He had all the time to name my family members but no word for Kashmiri Pandits”, he said, adding that it has been a trait of political chameleons to take no time in changing colours.Referring to upcoming elections, Mr Omar Abdullah hoped that the people will make a conscious use of their vote. “You have to make a choice between those who sincerely want to solve your problems and those who use every opportunity in exploiting your condi-tions”, he said while hoping that the sagacious people will make the National Conference candidates from the three valley seats successful with huge margin.National Conference Working President highlighted the importance of Lok Sabha elections and hoped that people will elect the representatives who will reflect their genuine aspirations in the highest democratic forum.Omar Abdullah also referred to the efforts made by his government in bringing cheer into the lives of people displaced from their homes and hearths. He said while concerted efforts were being made for mitigating their problems, the governmental agencies concerned were in the process of doing all that possible to make the camps better places to live, in terms of infrastructur-al facilities and other services. Provincial President Mr Devender Singh Rana was also accompanying the Chief Minister.The gathering was also addressed by MLC Mr Vijay Bakaya, , Mr Anil Dhar, Working President of the Mi-nority Cell, Mr M K Yogi and others. Later, Minister for CAPD Choudhry Mohammed Ramzan and Nation-al Conference candidate from Anantnag Parliamenta-ry Constituency Dr Mehboob Beig also addressed the gathering. Among those present on the occasion in-cluded Mr Bushan Lal Bhat, ex MLC, Mrs Pinky Bhat, Mr M L Munshi and others. (KNS)

bullet wounds one in his right leg and another in his hand.Meanwhile, army, CRPF and Special Operation Group (SOG) of police cordoned off the whole area and start-ed searches to nab the assailantsPertinently, the Doctor had placed under suspension by Omar Abdullah’s NC-led coalition government af-ter he was caught on video while committing rape on a 30-year-old unemployed nurse at his office in 2010.Even the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had found him guilty, along with five other doctors, of fudg-ing and fabricating evidences in alleged Shopain rape-cum-murder. But the state government had promoted Dr Sofi from the position of Deputy CMO to CMO and he continued his posting in Pulwama district. (GNS)

Sources said locals caught hold of the trooper and thrashed him.Some residents tipped off the police who reached the spot and arrested the trooper.A police official while confirming the incident told GNS that a TA jawan has been arrested and a case un-der FIR no. 19/2014 under section 458, 376 RPC has been registered against him and further investigations taken up.Police sent the woman for medical examination. “We have booked him for rape,” the officer said.Medical sources confirmed that the woman was raped. Army disowns ShowkatArmy today clarified the man who was arrested by police for raping a woman at Zurhama in north Kash-mir’s frontier Kupwara district is no longer associated with it.A senior defence official told GNS that the man was already ‘disembodied’ from army few days back and he was no more associated with it. (GNS)

slogans now.According to a statement issued to KNS, “The NC and Congress have reneged on almost all the promises made with the people during last Assembly elections and the coalition government run by them seems to be a rudderless arrangement lacking direction and com-mitment,” Mufti said while addressing a mammoth public meeting organized by all zones of Jammu dis-trict and coordinated by Ab Hamid Choudhary, amidst heavy down-pours, in support of party candidate Yash Pal Sharma at historical Parade Ground in the heart of the Jammu city.Braving inclement weather, thousands and thou-sands of people from different parts of Jammu dis-trict thronged Parade Ground to listen Mufti Moham-mad Sayeed, who as a Chief Minister of the State had proved how to treat all sections of the society equally by providing equal opportunities of growth and devel-opment to all individuals. “It was only during PDP led regime that residents of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh got the taste of good governance and they were made part of the decision making process”, Mufti said and reminded the gath-ering that PDP led government had laid foundation of balanced and equitable development in J&K. “PDP led regime has set an example of good gover-nance and carved out a path of equitable development in the State”, Mufti said and sought support of Jam-muities to implement visionary policies of the PDP.He said that PDP wants to change destiny of the peo-ple of J&K and to set up a pro-people corruption free transparent and accountable system. “It is my de-sire to make Jammu and Kashmir an island of peace wherein every individual will get equal opportunities to growth and development”, he said.“During our short tenure in the government, PDP led regime had taken every possible effort to solve prob-

lems of the people”, he said and added that initiatives taken by the PDP led regime had yielded very encour-aging results because faith of the people in the demo-cratic institutions was restored and the commoner got the taste of good governance.PDP patron, while highlighting achievements of his government, reminded the gathering that after for-mation of PDP led government various projects were started for the development of Jammu region. He especially mentioned that a comprehensive project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was exclusively implemented in Jammu to provide civic amenities to the people. “It was only during PDP led regime that Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh regions were equally empowered and all regions were given equal share in development”, he said.Dubbing National Conference-Congress coalition as opportunist alliance, Mufti said that both the parties have entered into alliance without any programme and policies. “One and only aim of this alliance is to enjoy absolute power without caring wishes and aspirations of the people”, he said and added that the noticeable achievement of NC-Congress during the last five and half years is legalization of corruption. “It is very unfortunate that during the last five and half years J&K has earned the du-bious distinction of being the most corrupt state where corruption has been sneaked from top to bottom”, he said.Taking a dig at coalition partners for indulged into “shadow boxing”, Mufti said that this regime has brazenly bulldozed democratic institutions. He mentioned towards failure of the coalition to conduct urban local bodies election.Amidst deafening slogans Mufti Sahib Sangarsh Karo, Jammu Aap Ka Saath Hai, PDP patron asserted that the present coalition has to go because this regime has lost faith and credibility. “Change is imminent in Jammu and Kashmir because people have already de-cided to get rid from this corrupt and inept dispensa-tion”, he said and sought support of the masses to set up a new system of justice and equality.

heavy rains. District president, Mr. G.N.Niloora, Ex-MLA,Mr. G.M..Mir were accompanying the Minister, Panch/Sarpanchs and other prominent persons from differ-ent fields of life present on the occasion While referring to the innumerable achievements reg-istered by the government in various spheres of life, Mr. Sagar said that growing popularity of the present coalition has induced sense desperation and frustra-tion in the cadres of PDP, which has triggered a panic reaction in them and they have started spreading lies and false propaganda. He said that the people of the state are wise enough to understand their mechani-sations and would give befitting reply to them, which will serve as a lesson to these forces of chaos and con-fusion. “The leaders of the PDP are known for their dubious role in the political circles of the state as they can go to any extent to further their lust for power and propagate their personal clouts”, he addeMr. Sagar further maintained that the NC has always projected and safeguarded the interests of the state and its people without caring for political gains. “ It is a recorded history that when it comes to the state, NC has rendered innumerable sacrifices and people are well aware of it and the measures taken for the socio-economic upliftment, decentralisation of pow-ers to the grass root level have been instrumental in ensuring phenomenal and appreciable changes in the rural landscape in particular and state as a whole, which include providing employment to them at their doorsteps and involving people at the grass root level in day to day governance”, he added.Recalling history, Mr. Sagar said that the people of the valley are well aware of the fact that the patron of the PDP was instrumental in ensuring the extension of certain Acts to the state which have inflicted miseries and hardships on the masses. He said now they in a state of hypocrisy they are trying to project themselves as well wishers of the people but their basic motive is to garb power, so that they can torment people by their sadist agenda.Referring to the recent statements of the PDP, Mr. Sagar said that these reflect their desperation as they were desperately trying to woo congress for entering into alliance with them but on being snubbed have resorted to cover their failures by targeting National Conference. He said that PDP believes in divisive and negative politics replete with hypocrisy which is evi-dent by the statements of its leaders as well.Mr. G. N Nilora and G M Mir also addressed the public ralies and road shows.

on the ground.“There must be individual and collective efforts for the eradication of drug addiction and growing crimes here.”Mirwaiz while cautioning parents about the outcome of the situation if not stopped at an earliest said that the way parents show concern in equipping children with modern education; moral and religious values must be prioritized so that they could see a better so-ciety in future.Mirwaiz also asked religious clerics to play important role in eradication of drug menace from valley. He said that mosques must play a vital role in making people aware about the dangerous trends in the society at large. (KNS)

However, Akbar also castigated state authorities over what he called hurdles being created during the poll boycott campaign launched by separatist leadership here. He claimed that there shall be complete boycott of the forthcoming general elections if they are allowed to launch poll boycott campaign.“See how Ashraf Sehraie has been kept under deten-tion. In the same way Shabir Shah is not being allowed to hold rallies. The incident wherein JKLF chief Mo-hammad Yasin Malik was injured ahead of holding poll boycott rally is an eye opener how state authorities are crushing dissent with the military might,” Huriyat (G) spokesman added. (KNS)


Notice Whereas a joint application has been recieved from shri Gh. Rasool Bhat S/o Gh. Mohammad BhatR/o Sona Masjid Srinagar as transfer-or and shri Moham-mad Amin Bhat S/o

Ghulam Ahmad BhatR/o Zadi Masjid Srinagar as Trans-feree for transfer of Auto (P) carriage route permit no 864 STAR covering vehicle no JKOIU-8554 Now Therefore it is notified for general informa-tion that objection if any to the proposed transfer of the said route Permit/vehicle shall be filed in writing in the of-fice of the Regional Transport Officer, Kashmir. Within a period of 7 days from the date of publi-cation of this notice in the daily newspaper The Zabarwan Times Seller and purchaser identified by the authorized representative of M/s STWCO Namely Bagh Hussain

No.JKRTOK/ 0033 Sd/- Dated: 01-04-2014 Regional Transport Officer,Kmr G


Srinagar, Apr 6 : Strongly calling for youth participation in the forth-coming polls, the Peoples Demo-cratic Party (PDP) president, Meh-booba Mufti Sunday said the choice has to be made by young popula-tion whether they want the state to live in the perpetual instability or they want to give themselves a chance for growth and harnessing of their potential.According to a statement issued to KNS, while addressing various roadside meetings in Anantnag as-sembly segment Mehbooba blamed the National Conference of carry-ing forward an anti-youth agenda by denying the young population of Kashmir a democratic space, curbing their voices and not doing anything substantial to make their future better. “NC has a vested in-terest in instability as has been es-tablished time and again. PDP on the other hand has a track record of bringing in stability and is the only party qualified to do so through a progressive and well defined agen-da,” said Mehbooba.She said NC has always been averse to the youth participation in the democratic process because it does not want anybody else to come forward to play its role in making the system better and accountable. “The party whose top leader says I am the agenda and claims credit for earth filling of a sports ground as his main achievement during

last five years to seek votes again has obviously nothing to offer the youth,” Mehbooba said while re-ferring to recent statements of Dr Farooq Abdullah.Mehbooba said in 1987 the NC denied the youth a representative space and pushed them to pick up guns by rigging the elections and the situation is now before all of us which tells loud about the NC’s lust for power and its least concern about the people’s aspirations.She said now it has pushed the youth to pick up stones by block-ing their all avenues of political and developmental progress and wreaking gravest injuries on them by misusing the state apparatus in the cruelest manner.“By killings 120 youth in 2010, putting hundreds behind the bars on flimsy charges, lodging FIRs against more than 10 thousand young man the ruling government has crossed all limits of cruelty and insensitivity,” she said add-ing instead of reaching out to the young in a humane manner this government is claiming credit for having introduced the most inhu-man methods of oppression like Pepper Guns, Chili Grenades and Pellet Guns in Kashmir ‘as an act of mercy’.The PDP president said the choice is to be made by the youth now who have to drive the state to change whether they want to continue live

in this darkness or they want to give themselves a chance to grow. “The youth have to make it a point whether to pick up stones for mak-ing the deaf and dumb NC govern-ment listen to their demands or they have to grow intellectually and pick up pen and paper and seek modern education and respectable job avenues and take the state to a new level of development,” said Mehbooba.She said unemployment among the educated youth is alarming and instead of making efforts to create more job avenues the ruling gov-ernment has employed more than 400 mostly corrupt bureaucrats by giving them lakhs of rupees in sal-aries per month and for the youth it has come out with a so-called recruitment policy which is most insulting in nature.She said for its own luxuries the NC-led government has no prob-lem of money but when it comes to give salaries to employees, dai-ly wagers, contractual, seasonal workers the government has noth-ing to spend. She the state police force which is doing the tough job on ground, have been deprived of their ration money and nothing is being done to address their pay anomaly issue. Same is the case with the SPOs, who are facing pay problems and the government has nothing to say about their regular-ization issue.

NC denied young population a democratic space: Mehbooba

‘Youth to decide whether they want perpetual instability or growth’

Drive against smoking in city hospital launchedSrinagar, Apr 6 : Srinagar police has started a drive against smoking in and around health institu-tions and city hospitals, 39 offenders were booked in SMHS Hospital and a fine of Rs.13980 was realized from them.Srinagar police during its police-public interactions received complaints that smoking in health institu-tions and city hospitals has created a nuisance in such public places. Acting on the complaints, police has launched an intensive drive against smoking in such sensitive public places. Taking a lead, Police station Karan Nagar has started a drive in SMHS hospi-tal and Government Medical college, Srinagar. 39 offenders were challaned and fined on the spot. Fine amount to the tune of Rs.13980 has been recovered from the offenders under COTPA and deposited in the state treasury.

2014 Lok Sabha elections a battle of ideologies: Shaheen

Ukharhal, Apr 6: Terming 2014 Lok Sabha elections as a battle between communal and secular ideologies, National Conference leader Mir Sajjad Shaheen has said that there is no space for those elements in a secular country like India who pursue communal agenda and want to divide country on the name of religion.Accord-ing to a statement issued to KNS, he said that BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narinder Modi is a man with a fascist mindset and his and the defeat of his party is imperative for strengthening the secular ethos of the country.While addressing joint meeting of NC-Congress office bearers, workers and prominent citizens at Ukhar-hal today Shaheen appealed to the people to vote enmass in favour of the NC-Congress coalition candidates in the state as their each vote casted against BJP-PDP will contribute to the burial of the communal ideology.

Directorate of Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan J&K

110 Wazir Bagh, Lal Mandi, Srinagar / 67 B/B Gole Market Gandhi Nagar JammuTele-Fax: 0194-2310750, 749(Srinagar), 0191-2430074, 092( Jammu) [email protected]

Ms Arifa Shiekh,Programmer (Contractual),RMSA, Jammu.

No-Edu/SPD/RMSA/0249-31/2014, Dated: 03-04-2014 Subject: Unauthorized absence from duty and issuance of final notice thereof.Whereas you have abstained from your routine duties w.e.f. 10th of March, 2014.Whereas you switched off your cell phone to avoid communication with the Directorate.Whereas you have mailed leave for a period of five days from 10th March to 14th March 2014 which was rejected keeping in view the urgency of Plan formulation for the F.Y. 2014-I5 and you were in-formed accordingly.Whereas you were deputed to New Delhi along with the appraisal team for attending TechnicalSupport Group (TSG) RMSA, MHRD, GOI. And the same was conveyed to you through mail,Whereas you failed to comply the orders and continued to remain absent from duties.Whereas you failed to provide back support to the appraisal team being the treasurer of vital statistical data required during the appraisal process.Whereas vide this office No: Edu/SPD/RMSA/7128-29/20l4 Dated:18-03-2014, you were informed through print media to report physically in the office at Jammu besides explaining your position regard-ing unauthorized absence and non compliance of orders.Whereas the reply mailed by you on 19-03-2014, was not satisfactory and convincing and you failed to resume your duties.Whereas you were again informed by this office vide No: Edu/SPD/RMSA/7185/2014 dated :19-03-2014 to make yourself physically present, in the Directorate with a convincing reply or otherwise it will be presumed that you are absent from duty and action as warranted under rules shall be initiated against you.Whereas it has come into the notice that you have left the station without seeking proper permission. As such a final notice is issued through print media for making yourself physically present in the office within twenty four (24) hours of issuance of this letter, failing which disciplinary action as warranted under rules will be initiated against you. Sd/- State Project DirectorDIPK:47 RMSA, J&K State Jammu 50