zabarwan times e-paper english 25 january

Srinagar, Jan 24 (KNS): Chair- man Hurriyat Conference(M) Mirwaiz Umar Farooq while de- scribing the clo- sure of Pathribal fake encounter case as, “mur- der of justice by the sword of AFSPA” Friday stated that the Ar- my’s decision has once again proved our stand that such type of inquiry commissions and court martial’s are created to buy time and to protect the culprits. In a statement to KNS, Mirwaiz said till Army and government See Mirwaiz On Page 11.. Jammu, Jan 24: Re- jecting the army’s closure of Pathribal case as miscarriage of justice, Peoples Demo- cratic Party (PDP) Fri- day said the develop- ments like this make restoration of credi- bility in institutions among the people of Jammu and Kashmir even more difficult. In a statement issued to KNS, the party patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed said the army’s decision is a huge setback to the efforts at reconciliation and delivery of justice, which is prerequisite for building trust. He said while there have been many instances in which standards of justice applied to incidents taking place in J&K have been found short of the universal standards applied in rest of the country, Pathribal atrocity stood out See PDP On Page 11.. C M Y K C M Y K SATURDAY 25 January | 2014 | 23 Rabi-Al-Awwal 1435 AH | PAGES 12 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 25 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa) Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K Salah: best remedy for depression Governor inspects arrangements for upcoming Indian Science Congress at JU See More On Page 06 See More On Page 07 See More On Page 10 C M Y K C M Y K WEATHER TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM MINIMUM SUNSET ON(FRIDAY) SUNRISE ON (SATURDAY) 07:33 AM 05:55PM 0.9 0 C 4.9 0 FORECAST FOR NEXT 24 HRS: FORECAST OF SRINAGAR: Light rain/snow would occur at isolated places over the state Partly cloudy sky. Maximum & Minimum temperatures will be around 07°C & -2°C respectively. Inside story On Edit Page Strong ties in the best interest of India and Pakistan See More On Pg 10 See More On Pg 09 New LA Complex: Speaker for double shift work to ensure timely completionaa Car lifters who escaped from police custody rearrested DGP takes stock of security arrangements for RD celebrations in Valley JAMMU, JANUARY 24: Speaker Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Mr. Mubarak Gul has directed the executing agency J&K Project Construction Corpo- ration (JKPCC) to start double shift work on the upcoming Rs 104.44 crore new Legislative Complex to ensure its early completion .This direction was given by the Speaker while inspecting the pace of Faced racial discrimination in America Beats Federer in Australian Open The ups and downs in Indo-Pak relations have created chaos and confusion in the sub continent. This has also resulted in wide spread disappointment amongst the people of the two countries who want bet- ter understanding and better relations so that people to people contact is increased and business activities get a boost. How- ever despite several confidence building measures the ties between India and Pa- kistan have not been as strong as anybody Army closes 14 year old case Remembering Wandhama massacre See More On Page 06 Srinagar, Jan 24: Leaders from across the po- litical divide in Jammu and Kashmir on Friday expressed strong disappointment over army’s clo- sure of pathribal fake encounter case. Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Friday ex- pressed disappointment over Army's decision to close the Pathribhal fake encounter case saying that state law authorities will be asked to examine options to address this "serious" matter. “Extremely disappointed with the decision of the army regarding Pathribal. Will ask the Law Dept & Advocate General to examine options. A matter as serious as Pathribal can't be closed or wished away like this more so with the findings of the CBI so self evident,” Omar tweeted. In its closure report filed and conveyed to a judi- cial magistrate here, the army has said evidence recorded could not establish prime facie charges against any of the five accused persons. “The ev- idence recorded could not establish a prime facie case against any of the accused persons,” a defense spokesman has said in Jammu. However, the army has said it was established that Pathribal encounter was a joint operation by police and the Army based on specific intelligence. Pertinently, in the same shootout, the CBI had in 2006 indicted five arm men for staging the encoun- ter while exonerating the state police which was part of the operation. CBI in its charge sheet has declared the encounter as a cold blooded murder of five civilians.CBI had filed its See Army on Page 11.. Pathribal Fake Encounter Omar disappointed, says will consult law authorities Never expected justice from Army’s court: Pathribal victim families Srinagar, Jan 24: The families of Path- ribal fake encounter victims on Friday described army’s closure report ‘dis- appointing’ saying that they had never expected any justice delivery after the case was handed over to army court. Abdul Rashid Khan, son of Jumma Khan (one of the five civilians killed) told KNS: “We are extremely disap- pointed not that we expected any sort of justice from the army’s court but for the collapse of justice delivery mechanism in the country.” Jumma Khan, around 50-years-old man of Brari Angan was one of the five civilians killed in the Pathribal fake encounter. “I want to ask the people at the helm that were the CBI findings, DNA tests, Supreme Court observations and above all the bodies of our families wrong? We had made our See Families On Page 11.. Miscarriage of justice: PDP Till Army has AFSPA, Pathribal encounters are unstoppable: Mirwaiz Srinagar, Jan 24: Stating that the decision about forg- ing of Pre-poll alliance with the state Congress is still re- served by the party, Nation- al Conference (NC) Friday stated that it has given the mandate to its chairman for taking a final call over the issue. Pertinently, the state Con- gress activists led by the JKPCC chief Saif-ud-din Soz met Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi at Delhi, urg- ing him not to go for any alli- ance with any regional par- ty of the state for the forth coming parliamentary polls. “If the Congress activists have given their opinion about the alliance, same has been done by our activists here but the same cannot be termed final. Everyone has right to express his opinion about these issues but we must wait for the high com- mand,” said senior leader NC and parliament member Mehboob Beigh. He stated further that the ac- tivists act as the back bone of every party and that it is must that the party leader- ship should listen to them. “We got reports from all the areas and all our workers put forward different opin- ions over the issue of pre- poll alliance.” Beigh added that the final call over the issue of pre- poll alliance is still reserved and that the party has given full authority to its presi- dent to take final decision. “We recently had called our working committee meet and whatever was discussed there will be taken into account before the final de- cision about the forging of any alliance will be taken up by the party’s leadership.” (KNS) What action was taken by Omar against culprits: Tickoo Srinagar, Jan 24: The Kashmir Pandit Sangharash Sammitee (KPSS) has asked the separatists as to why they did not extend any shutdown calls against killings of Kashmiri Pandits. The Kashmiri non migrant Pandit organization has also asked chief minister to come up with a statement on action taken against those who according to KPSS are re- sponsible for the ‘forced exodus’ of Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley. In a statement issued to KNS, Sanjay Tickoo president of KPSS has also asked chief min- ister Omar Abdullah to show what action he has taken against the culprits of killings of Pandits and those responsible for the ‘forc- ible exodus’ of the community. “Massacres and fake encounters have be- come part of J&K since the eruption of po- litical turmoil and armed insurgency in the State. Every massacre and fake encounter is mourned by public at large and a call for shut down is proposed by the Separatist Camp to express grief and resistance against these acts,” Tickoo has said in his statement. He has added that during the last two de- cades not a single separatist, who run the re- sistance camps in the State, have ever extend- ed a call for shut down against the ‘massacres of Kashmiri Pandits’ in Kashmir valley. “It also shows some real faces who have actually done these heinous crimes against minuscule population of Kashmir Valley.” Tickoo has said that on January 25, 1998, ‘a massacre was executed in which 23 Kashmiri Pandits including a 2 years boy were killed at Wandhama, Ganderbal. See KPPS On Page 11.. Cabinet meet deferred CM threatens to resign NC still indecisive about pre-poll alliance Why no shutdown calls on Pandit massacres? KPPS Srinagar, Jan 24: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah threatened to resign during a cabinet meeting at Jam- mu on Friday over the failure of cabinet sub-commit- tee to submit its report on the creation of new admin- istrative units in the state. As the meeting started in Jammu, sources said, Omar told Deputy Chief Minister who heads the CSC for report about the new administrative See CM On Page 11.. Swiss skier dies while skiing in Gulmarg DM Baramulla appointed as Enquiry Officer Srinagar, Jan 24: A skier from Switzerland was killed while skiing in world famous ski resort of Gulmarg in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district. Reports reaching GNS said that Roy Arino, 60, of Switzerland was skiing along with five of his friends at the slopes of Kangdoori in Gulmarg this afternoon when he came under a self See Swiss On PAge 11.. New Delhi, Jan 24: Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh gave away National Bravery awards for the year 2013 to chil- dren from various parts of the country in New Delhi today. The award is given for showing exceptional grit and bravery in adverse situation. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Singh told the award winners that they are an inspiration to both their own generation and the nation. UPA Chairperson Sonia Gand- hi, Women and Child Devel- opment Minister Krishna Ti- rath were also present on the occasion.AIR correspondent reports, 25 children from var- ious States, including Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Chattisgarh, Manipur, See PM On PAge 11.. PM gives away 2013 National Bravery awards to 25 children New Delhi Jan 24: Congress Vice Pres- ident Rahul Gandhi has asserted that it is vitally essential to empower the wom- en and youth along with the local bod- ies’ representatives in order to trans- form our country into a superpower. He was interacting with the elected par- ty representatives of local bodies ahead of poll preparations at the brain-storm- ing session at Sewagram near Wardha today. The special emphasis was laid on the need for empowerment of the women, who constitute 50 per cent of our popu- lation, by providing reservation in the State Legislative Assemblies and Par- liament as well. Secondly, the demand to increase the opportunities for employment and self-employment for the youth as per their potential and See Rahul On Page 11.. New Delhi, January 24: Sug- gesting that Prasar Bharati is not really autonomous as it should be, a committee appointed by the govt has recommended amendment to the Act of 1990 to give effective freedom to the public broadcaster with administrative and financial powers. The committee, headed by tech- nocrat Sam Pitroda, suggested developing a funding mechanism for Prasar Bharati to address the need for autonomy with financial accountability. It also sought to give the organisa- tion the power to frame rules and regulations for its employees with- out requiring government approv- al as it recommended absorption of government employees as full-time staff of Prasar Bharati and hiring skilled professionals. The report, presented to Informa- tion and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tewari in New Delhi on Friday, See Govt On Page 11.. Govt panel recommends effective freedom for Prasar Bharati Vitally essential to empower women, youth: Rahul Gandhi New Delhi, January 24: All contrac- tual posts in Delhi govt will be made permanent; it was announced on Fri- day as Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal constituted a high-level committee to formulate policies and guidelines in this regard. In a major relief to over one lakh contrac- tual workers, the government also put a stop on removal of temporary employees working in various departments till the process of recruitment based on new cri- teria is not completed. The high-level 13-member committee is being headed by Chief Secretary S K Sri- vastava and comprises of two retired IAS officers, Prakash Chandra and Prafful Karketa, besides secretaries of finance, law and urban development depart- ments among others. The committee has been given the re- sponsibility formulate the policy in this regard within one month. "The committee will take all the legal, technical and financial aspects into ac- count in formalising the policy and fi- nalising the recruitment process. A time frame will be decided upon by the com- mittee to regularise these posts. "Till the time recruitment process based on the new policy is not completed, those employees working on contract basis at present would not be removed," Educa- tion and Urban Development Minister Manish Sisodia said in New Delhi on Friday. There are over one lakh contractual em- ployees working in various government departments at present. As far as recruitment process is con- cerned, focus will be on age relaxation and work experience in addition to skills of the employees. The data regarding contract workers See AAP On Page 11.. AAP govt to make all contractual posts permanent Srinagar, Jan 24: (GNS) Police on Friday arrested the three car lifters, who had escaped from police custody on Tuesday night prompting the higher officials to order a probe and suspension an official for dereliction in duties. Official sources told GNS that the three car lifters Mohsin Khan of Sheikhpora, Budgam, Haroon Najar and Reyaz Ah- mad, both residents of Zaldagar Srinagar were arrested from Maisuma locality of Srinagar by police, three days after they fled from the Soura police station. A fresh case has been registered against the trio. The trio were facing charges of vehicle thefts across central Kashmir. Following their sensational escape, higher authori- ties had ordered a probe besides ordering the suspension of the Munshi. (GNS) Srinagar, Jan 24: Director General of Police (DGP), Ashok Prasad, chaired a high level meeting here today to review the security arrangements in connection with Republic Day celebrations. The meeting was attended by senior po- lice, para-military, intelligence and civil administration officers. The DGP impressed upon all officers to devise a comprehensive mechanism to de- feat nefarious designs of terror outfits so as to keep sustained peace in the State. He said that greater synergy among different agencies could yield better results on this front. People’s cooperation would help the forces to achieve the desired goal, for which all security agencies needed to be effective and refined as well. The DGP was informed by the Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, Shalender Kumar, Inspector General of Police (Kashmir Zone), A. G. Mir See DGP On Page 11..

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Kashmir aghast over closure of Pathribal fake encounter case Omar disappointed, says will consult law authorities


Page 1: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 25 January

Srinagar, Jan 24 (KNS): Chair-man Hurriyat Conference(M)Mirwaiz Umar Farooq while de-scribing the clo-sure of Pathribal fake encounter case as, “mur-der of justice by the sword of AFSPA” Friday stated that the Ar-my’s decision has once again proved our stand that such type of inquiry commissions and court martial’s are created to buy time and to protect the culprits.In a statement to KNS, Mirwaiz said till Army and government

See Mirwaiz On Page 11..

Jammu, Jan 24: Re-jecting the army’s closure of Pathribal case as miscarriage of justice, Peoples Demo-cratic Party (PDP) Fri-day said the develop-ments like this make restoration of credi-bility in institutions among the people of Jammu and Kashmir even more difficult.In a statement issued to KNS, the party patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed said the army’s decision is a huge setback to the efforts at reconciliation and delivery of justice, which is prerequisite for building trust. He said while there have been many instances in which standards of justice applied to incidents taking place in J&K have been found short of the universal standards applied in rest of the country, Pathribal atrocity stood out

See PDP On Page 11..



SATURDAY 25 January | 2014 | 23 Rabi-Al-Awwal 1435 AH | PAGES 12 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 25 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa)Pen For JusticeLargely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K

Salah: best remedy for depression

Governor inspects arrangements for upcoming Indian Science Congress at JU

See More On Page 06

See More On Page 07

See More On Page 10






05:55PM 0.9 0C




Light rain/snow would occur at isolated places over the state

Partly cloudy sky. Maximum & Minimum temperatures will be around 07°C & -2°C respectively.

Inside story

On Edit PageStrong ties in the best interest of

India and Pakistan

See More On Pg 10

See More On Pg 09

New LA Complex: Speaker for double shift work to

ensure timely completionaa

Car lifters who escaped from police custody


DGP takes stock of security

arrangements for RD celebrations in Valley

JAMMU, JANUARY 24: Speaker Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Mr. Mubarak Gul has directed the executing agency J&K Project Construction Corpo-ration (JKPCC) to start double shift work on the upcoming Rs 104.44 crore new Legislative Complex to ensure its early completion .This direction was given by the Speaker while inspecting the pace of

Faced racial discrimination in America

Beats Federer in Australian Open

The ups and downs in Indo-Pak relations have created chaos and confusion in the sub continent. This has also resulted in wide spread disappointment amongst the people of the two countries who want bet-ter understanding and better relations so that people to people contact is increased and business activities get a boost. How-ever despite several confidence building measures the ties between India and Pa-kistan have not been as strong as anybody

Army closes 14 year old case

Remembering Wandhama massacre

See More On Page 06

Srinagar, Jan 24: Leaders from across the po-litical divide in Jammu and Kashmir on Friday expressed strong disappointment over army’s clo-sure of pathribal fake encounter case.Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Friday ex-pressed disappointment over Army's decision to close the Pathribhal fake encounter case saying that state law authorities will be asked to examine options to address this "serious" matter.“Extremely disappointed with the decision of the army regarding Pathribal. Will ask the Law Dept & Advocate General to examine options. A matter as serious as Pathribal can't be closed or wished away like this more so with the findings of the CBI so self evident,” Omar tweeted.In its closure report filed and conveyed to a judi-cial magistrate here, the army has said evidence recorded could not establish prime facie charges against any of the five accused persons. “The ev-idence recorded could not establish a prime facie case against any of the accused persons,” a defense spokesman has said in Jammu.However, the army has said it was established that Pathribal encounter was a joint operation by police and the Army based on specific intelligence.Pertinently, in the same shootout, the CBI had in 2006 indicted five arm men for staging the encoun-ter while exonerating the state police which was part of the operation. CBI in its charge sheet has declared the encounter as a cold blooded murder of five civilians.CBI had filed its

See Army on Page 11..

Pathribal Fake Encounter

Omar disappointed, says will consult law authorities

Never expected justice from Army’s

court: Pathribal victim families

Srinagar, Jan 24: The families of Path-ribal fake encounter victims on Friday described army’s closure report ‘dis-appointing’ saying that they had never expected any justice delivery after the case was handed over to army court.Abdul Rashid Khan, son of Jumma Khan (one of the five civilians killed) told KNS: “We are extremely disap-pointed not that we expected any sort of justice from the army’s court but for the collapse of justice delivery mechanism in the country.”Jumma Khan, around 50-years-old man of Brari Angan was one of the five civilians killed in the Pathribal fake encounter. “I want to ask the people at the helm that were the CBI findings, DNA tests, Supreme Court observations and above all the bodies of our families wrong? We had made our

See Families On Page 11..

Miscarriage of justice: PDP

Till Army has AFSPA, Pathribal encounters are

unstoppable: Mirwaiz

Srinagar, Jan 24: Stating that the decision about forg-ing of Pre-poll alliance with the state Congress is still re-served by the party, Nation-al Conference (NC) Friday stated that it has given the mandate to its chairman for taking a final call over the issue.Pertinently, the state Con-gress activists led by the JKPCC chief Saif-ud-din Soz met Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi at Delhi, urg-ing him not to go for any alli-ance with any regional par-ty of the state for the forth coming parliamentary polls.“If the Congress activists have given their opinion about the alliance, same has been done by our activists here but the same cannot be termed final. Everyone has right to express his opinion about these issues but we must wait for the high com-

mand,” said senior leader NC and parliament member Mehboob Beigh.He stated further that the ac-tivists act as the back bone of every party and that it is must that the party leader-ship should listen to them. “We got reports from all the areas and all our workers put forward different opin-ions over the issue of pre-poll alliance.”Beigh added that the final call over the issue of pre-poll alliance is still reserved and that the party has given full authority to its presi-dent to take final decision. “We recently had called our working committee meet and whatever was discussed there will be taken into account before the final de-cision about the forging of any alliance will be taken up by the party’s leadership.” (KNS)

What action was taken by Omar against culprits: Tickoo

Srinagar, Jan 24: The Kashmir Pandit Sangharash Sammitee (KPSS) has asked the separatists as to why they did not extend any shutdown calls against killings of Kashmiri Pandits. The Kashmiri non migrant Pandit organization has also asked chief minister to come up with a statement on action taken against those who according to KPSS are re-sponsible for the ‘forced exodus’ of Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley. In a statement issued to KNS, Sanjay Tickoo president of KPSS has also asked chief min-ister Omar Abdullah to show what action he has taken against the culprits of killings of Pandits and those responsible for the ‘forc-ible exodus’ of the community.

“Massacres and fake encounters have be-come part of J&K since the eruption of po-litical turmoil and armed insurgency in the State. Every massacre and fake encounter is mourned by public at large and a call for shut down is proposed by the Separatist Camp to express grief and resistance against these acts,” Tickoo has said in his statement. He has added that during the last two de-cades not a single separatist, who run the re-sistance camps in the State, have ever extend-ed a call for shut down against the ‘massacres of Kashmiri Pandits’ in Kashmir valley. “It also shows some real faces who have actually done these heinous crimes against minuscule population of Kashmir Valley.” Tickoo has said that on January 25, 1998, ‘a massacre was executed in which 23 Kashmiri Pandits including a 2 years boy were killed at Wandhama, Ganderbal.

See KPPS On Page 11..

Cabinet meet deferred

CM threatens to resign

NC still indecisive about pre-poll alliance

Why no shutdown calls on Pandit massacres? KPPS Srinagar, Jan 24: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah

threatened to resign during a cabinet meeting at Jam-mu on Friday over the failure of cabinet sub-commit-tee to submit its report on the creation of new admin-istrative units in the state.As the meeting started in Jammu, sources said, Omar told Deputy Chief Minister who heads the CSC for report about the new administrative

See CM On Page 11..

Swiss skier dies while skiing in Gulmarg

DM Baramulla appointed as Enquiry Officer

Srinagar, Jan 24: A skier from Switzerland was killed while skiing in world famous ski resort of Gulmarg in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district.Reports reaching GNS said that Roy Arino, 60, of Switzerland was skiing along with five of his friends at the slopes of Kangdoori in Gulmarg this afternoon when he came under a self

See Swiss On PAge 11..

New Delhi, Jan 24: Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh gave away National Bravery awards for the year 2013 to chil-dren from various parts of the country in New Delhi today. The award is given for showing exceptional grit and bravery in adverse situation. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Singh told the award winners that they are an inspiration to both their own generation and the nation.UPA Chairperson Sonia Gand-hi, Women and Child Devel-opment Minister Krishna Ti-rath were also present on the occasion.AIR correspondent reports, 25 children from var-

ious States, including Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Chattisgarh,

Manipur, See PM On PAge 11..

PM gives away 2013 National Bravery awards to 25 children

New Delhi Jan 24: Congress Vice Pres-ident Rahul Gandhi has asserted that it is vitally essential to empower the wom-en and youth along with the local bod-ies’ representatives in order to trans-form our country into a superpower. He was interacting with the elected par-ty representatives of local bodies ahead of poll preparations at the brain-storm-ing session at Sewagram near Wardha today.

The special emphasis was laid on the need for empowerment of the women, who constitute 50 per cent of our popu-lation, by providing reservation in the State Legislative Assemblies and Par-liament as well. Secondly, the demand to increase the opportunities for employment and self-employment for the youth as per their potential and

See Rahul On Page 11..

New Delhi, January 24: Sug-gesting that Prasar Bharati is not really autonomous as it should be, a committee appointed by the govt has recommended amendment to the Act of 1990 to give effective freedom to the public broadcaster with administrative and financial powers.The committee, headed by tech-nocrat Sam Pitroda, suggested developing a funding mechanism for Prasar Bharati to address the need for autonomy with financial accountability. It also sought to give the organisa-tion the power to frame rules and regulations for its employees with-out requiring government approv-al as it recommended absorption of

government employees as full-time staff of Prasar Bharati and hiring skilled professionals. The report, presented to Informa-

tion and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tewari in New Delhi on Friday,

See Govt On Page 11..

Govt panel recommends effective freedom for Prasar Bharati

Vitally essential to empower women, youth: Rahul Gandhi New Delhi, January 24: All contrac-

tual posts in Delhi govt will be made permanent; it was announced on Fri-day as Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal constituted a high-level committee to formulate policies and guidelines in this regard.In a major relief to over one lakh contrac-tual workers, the government also put a stop on removal of temporary employees working in various departments till the process of recruitment based on new cri-teria is not completed. The high-level 13-member committee is being headed by Chief Secretary S K Sri-

vastava and comprises of two retired IAS officers, Prakash Chandra and Prafful Karketa, besides secretaries of finance, law and urban development depart-ments among others. The committee has been given the re-sponsibility formulate the policy in this regard within one month. "The committee will take all the legal, technical and financial aspects into ac-count in formalising the policy and fi-nalising the recruitment process. A time frame will be decided upon by the com-mittee to regularise these posts. "Till the time recruitment process based

on the new policy is not completed, those employees working on contract basis at present would not be removed," Educa-tion and Urban Development Minister Manish Sisodia said in New Delhi on Friday. There are over one lakh contractual em-ployees working in various government departments at present. As far as recruitment process is con-cerned, focus will be on age relaxation and work experience in addition to skills of the employees. The data regarding contract workers

See AAP On Page 11..

AAP govt to make all contractual posts permanent

Srinagar, Jan 24: (GNS) Police on Friday arrested the three car lifters, who had escaped from police custody on Tuesday night prompting the higher officials to order a probe and suspension an official for dereliction in duties.Official sources told GNS that the three car lifters Mohsin Khan of Sheikhpora, Budgam, Haroon Najar and Reyaz Ah-mad, both residents of Zaldagar Srinagar were arrested from Maisuma locality of Srinagar by police, three days after they fled from the Soura police station. A fresh case has been registered against the trio.The trio were facing charges of vehicle thefts across central Kashmir. Following their sensational escape, higher authori-ties had ordered a probe besides ordering the suspension of the Munshi. (GNS)

Srinagar, Jan 24: Director General of Police (DGP), Ashok Prasad, chaired a high level meeting here today to review the security arrangements in connection with Republic Day celebrations. The meeting was attended by senior po-lice, para-military, intelligence and civil administration officers.The DGP impressed upon all officers to devise a comprehensive mechanism to de-feat nefarious designs of terror outfits so as to keep sustained peace in the State. He said that greater synergy among different agencies could yield better results on this front. People’s cooperation would help the forces to achieve the desired goal, for which all security agencies needed to be effective and refined as well.The DGP was informed by the Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, Shalender Kumar, Inspector General of Police (Kashmir Zone), A. G. Mir

See DGP On Page 11..

Page 2: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 25 January

Owner , Printer & Publisher: Suhail Malik Editor -in-Chief: Shahana Malik RNI NO. JKBII/2011/39764, Email: [email protected] Publised at Govt. Quarters ( M-13 Magarmal Bagh Srinagar-190001 J&K, Printed at:- Sangarmal Offset Press Humhama Sheikhpora Tele/Fax: 2478370 Cell No. 09999964750, 9796 787844

11 Srinagar, Saturday 25 January 2014 Zabarwan Times

From the front page












University of Kashmir, SrinagarDate sheet ForB .Pharma 2nd, 3rd and 4th year Session Jan-Mar:2014

Time: 11:00 AM . Centre of Examination: Friday: 10.30 a.m Deptt.of Pharmaceutical Science

University of Kashmir, Srinagar

Date sheet ForB .Pharma 2nd, 3rd and 4th year Session Jan-Mar:2014 Time: 11:00 AM . Centre of Examination: Friday: 10.30 a.m Deptt.of Pharmaceutical Science

No: F (DS/B.Pharma 2nd, 3rd & 4th Exam.1194-96)EW/KU/GEN-425 Dated: - 24.01.2014

Assistant Controller of Examination (Professional Conduct)

Date B.pharm 2nd year B.pharm 3rd year B.pharm 4th year

27.01.2014 ------ -------- Pharmacology – III ( BPH-XXXII) 29.01.2014 Pharmacology – I ( BPH-XV) ------- ----------

31.01.2014 -------- Pharmacology –II ( BPH- XXIV)


01.02.2014 --------- ---------- Pharmacognosy –IV ( BPH-XXXI) 03.02.2014 Pharm. Analysis-I

(Inorganic) (BPHXI) -------------- --------

04.02.2014 ------------- Drug Regulatory Affairs (BPH-XVIII)


06.02.2014 --------------- ------------------ Pharm. Biotechnology ( BPH-XXVI)

07.02.2014 Physical Pharmacy ( BPH-X) --------------- ------------ 08.02.2014 ---------------- ------------------ Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management

( BPH-XXVII) 10.02.2014 -------------- Chemistry of Natural Products

( BPH-XXII) ------------------

12.02.2014 ---------------- --------------- Pharm. Technology( BPH-XXVIII)

13.02.2014 Medicinal Chemistry –I ( BPH-XII)

------------------ --------------

14.02.2014 --------------- Applied Biochemistry ( BPH-XXV)


15.02.2014 --------------- ---------------- Medicinal Chemistry–III ( BPH-XXX)

17.02.2014 --------------- Industrial Pharmacy & Cosmetology ( BPH-XIX)


18.02.2014 Pharm. Microbiology ( BPH-IX)

------------------ -------------------

19.02.2014 ----------------- ---------------- Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (BPH-XXXIII)

21.02.2014 Dispensing Pharmacy ( BPH-XVI)

------------------- -----------------

22.02.2014 -------------- Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy ( BPH-XVII)


24.02.2014 ---------------- Pharmacognosy –III ( BPH-XXIII)


28.02.2014 Pharm. Analysis –III (organic) ( BPH-XXIX)

01.03.2014 --------------- Medicinal Chemistry– II ( BPH-XXI)


03.03.2014 Pathophysiology, Toxicology & Health Edu ( BPH-XIV)

-------- ---------------

04.03.2014 --------------- ---------------

05.03.2014 Pharmacognosy-II (BPH-XIII)

---------------- ----------------

06.03.2014 ---------------- Pharm. Analysis-II Physical (BPHXX)


No: F (DS/B.Pharma 2nd, 3rd & 4th Exam.1194-96)EW/KU/GEN-425Dated: - 24.01.2014

Sd/-Assistant Controller of Examination (Professional Conduct)

charge sheet against Brigadier Ajay Saxena, Lt Col Brajendra Pratap Singh, Major Sourabh Sharma, Major Amit Saxena and Subedar Idrees Khan in 2006 for killing five civilians and later dubbing them as foreign militants. These five civilians were killed days after 35 Sikhs were killed in Chattisinghpora village, nearer to Pathribal. (KNS)

Act on CBI report, punish the guilty: AMM

Srinagar, Jan 24 (KNS): Stating that the Army’s closure report in Pathribal case exonerating its accused officials is in contradic-tion to the CBI findings, Awami Mutahida Mahaz has demanded a swift action on the CBI report in which the army officials were indicted for the cold blooded murder of five civilians.The AMM is of the opinion that army’s decision to close the case drawn on hasty conclusions not only deprive the justice to the victims of human rights violations but further erode the credibil-ity of the institutions of probity and fairness. “The closure report has created a lot of confusion as the CBI has already established a case against the army officials describing the killing of five civilians at Pathribal as a cold blooded mur-der. In such circumstances, we are of the opinion that the gov-ernment should without any delay act on the CBI findings and punish the guilty.” (KNS)

Closing Pathribal case another shame for Indian

democracy: Er RashidSrinagar, Jan 24 (KNS): Awami Ittihaad Party (AIP) has said that Kashmiris have no reason to celebrate 65th republic day of India as not only the real democracy in Jammu and Kashmir is yet a distinct dream but GoI has very often disgraced and insulted the democratic institutions in the state.

Clean chit to army means justifying genocide of

Kashmiris: MalikSrinagar, Jan 24 (KNS): “Clean chit by Indian army to its killer officers who murdered innocent Kashmiri’s at Pathribal in year 2000 is like justifying the genocide of Kashmiri’s. Killing civilians in the name of foreign militants and then giving killers clean chit is an ugly stain on the Indian democracy,” this was stated by the chairman of Jammu Kashmir liberation front Mohammad Yasin Malik while speaking to media today.According to a statement issued to KNS, Malik said that on 26th march 2000 Indian army killed 5 innocents after abducting them from their houses and dubbed then as foreign militants who were involved in massacre of Sikh brethren at Chitisinghpora.

mind the day this case was handed over to the army court that we will never get justice till our death,” Rashid Khan, who is a class fourth government employee, told KNS.Ghulam Nabi Malik whose elder brother Mohammad Yousuf Malik resident of Halan Verinag was killed in the encounter told KNS: “We have already expressed our opinion that army court will never help us. It is because that how can we expect justice from killers of our family members. We had requested that the trial be conducted by a civil court which did not happen. So we were mentally prepared that there will be no justice in our case through army court proceedings.”The family of Bashir Ahmad Bhat another civilian resident of Halan Verinag who also got killed in the Pathribal encounter says that army has dashed all its hopes of justice and fair-play. “We were told to repose trust on army court but it was propagan-da and nothing more than that. They have dashed all our hopes for justice in the matter,” Ghulam Rasool Bhat elder brother of Bashir told KNS.All these families believe that a well planned Propaganda was presented to influence the people at the time of Pathribal encounter that all the five civilians who were killed were foreign militants and the same was being repeated today to exonerate army officials.(KNS)

even among them for its cruelty and context.This, he said, could have been a test case for our institutions to rise above other considerations and uphold the supreme princi-ples of justice to open a new chapter of reconciliation in Kashmir, but it has clearly been wasted.Recalling the 2000 incident, Mufti said not only were five in-nocent persons killed in cold blood and dubbed as terrorists to cover-up another atrocity at Chattisinghpora, but even innocent people demanding justice were shot down by an insensitive gov-ernment at Brakpora.He said the PDP president, Mehbooba Mufti had been the first to reach Pathribal, in spite of the government trying to prevent her from doing so. The people of the area had demonstrated and the National Conference government had used its usual tool- force-to silence them, resulting in more deaths.Mufti said there was an urgent need for taking bold initiatives and changing mind sets to ensure justice in J&K, but, unfortu-nately, there has been a huge deficit on that score. “While there is a genuine outrage at Khirki incident in New Delhi, the opposite of it is seen in J&K, where all institutions, from the local police station to the highest court in the land, have for the last 15 years not been able to deliver justice or provoke a national debate, even though five innocent citizens of the same country were picked up like lambs for slaughter,” he said.The PDP patron said: “The challenge before us is to end double standards when it comes to enforcing law in J&K and other parts of the country. The sooner we do that, the easier it will be to re-solve Kashmir tangle.”However, Mufti said the incidents as in Pathribal are continuing to take place and the state government thinks its role does not go beyond shedding some cosmetic tears. He said the recent ex-ample was the killing of four innocent persons allegedly by BSF in Gool, last year, where the chief minister pronounced a verdict even before the enquiry declaring the BSF innocent. Though, an enquiry has been promised into the Gool incident and a court martial ordered in Macchil fake encounters, the army verdict in Pathribal has further reduced the confidence level of people in any such exercises. (KNS)

forces enjoys protection under black laws like AFSPA, Pathribal type of incidents cannot be stopped from happening.

16 years have passed when this massacre was executed by un-scrupulous elements present in the Kashmiri Society nothing has been done by any Camp present in the Kashmir Valley whether Main-stream or Separatist to book the culprits for the same.’ “On the contrary all the cases pertaining to the Kashmiri Pandits killing have been closed down for different reasons which shows that racist elements are present in the administration which pre-

vent them to perform their duties in un-biased manner,” he has added. Tickoo has said that it is also an irony that the people from the community living outside Kashmir Valley observe 19th of Jan-uary every year as “Holocaust Day”, a day in remembrance that how a Kashmiri Pandits was deprived from the right being Kashmiri and was forced to choose exodus from the Valley, do not observe any of the days including the days when massacres was executed on the Kashmiri Pandits who chose to stay back. “This shows that they have disowned us and their conscience of concern have seized with respect to left out populace who stayed back.” Tickoo has said that KPSS expects that Omar will come up with a statement as what his government has done with respect to book the culprits who killed Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley which led to the forced exodus of the Community from Kashmir. (KNS)

units. To the reply that it was yet to be completed, Omar Abdul-lah, sources told GNS, deferred the meeting till 31st of this month. He said that if the report was not submitted before the cabinet by the next meeting that he will resign, the sources added. (GNS)

triggered avalanche. While two of his friends were discharged after first aid, and three others were hospitalized, Arino had died due to severe head injuries. John Falkner was the guide of the six member skiing team.“A skier from Switzerland was killed in the self triggered ava-lanche. He had received serious head injuries. The post-mortem was conducted at Srinagar. Besides it, three skiers were hospi-talized, while two were allowed to go to the hotel after first aid,” Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Ajay Sharma told GNS.He said that a rescue team of tourism and police instantly reached the spot and rescued five of the trapped skiers. He said that Kangdoori had 5 feet of snow where the foreign tourists were skiing. Meanwhile, Divisional Commissioner Shailender Kumar has appointed District Magistrate, Baramulla as enquiry Officer to ascertain the cause of Death of a Swiss National Arno Roy who lost his life while skiing at Gulmarg.The District Magistrate, Baramulla has been asked to complete the enquiry and submit the report within 5 days to the govern-ment.Meanwhile, Medico Legal formalities of the deceased are being completed and the Swiss embassy has been informed about the unfortunate incident. (GNS)

Madhya Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir won the National Bravery awards. The awardees include nine girls. Five children were awarded posthumously. The award winning children will be part of Republic Day Parade at Rajpath on Sunday.

recommended "amending the Prasar Bharati Act 1990 where necessary so as to impart genuine and effective autonomy to the organisation." It also called for reorganisation of the Prasar Bharati board to make it a professionally managed body effective in guiding the organisation. Tewari said his ministry would seriously, studiously and dili-gently examine the recommendations. "Enough discussions on these recommendation have taken place and I hope and we start implementing some of them if not all of them. We cannot wait for too long to start implementation," Pitro-da told reporters while releasing the report on Friday. The committee will have a meeting with the Ministry next week to discuss the report and take it ahead, he said. In its report, the committee suggested complete transfer of own-ership and management of assets and human resource to Prasar Bharati to make the organisation administratively and financial-ly autonomous of government. Significantly, it recommended setting up of a regulatory body to ensure public accountability of the organisation with respect to all content broadcast on its television and radio network. It should be a sub-committee of the Prasar Bharati board, the committee said. The Pitroda committee was the fourth one set up by the govern-ment last February to review the institutional frame work of Prasar Bharati, its relationship with government and its continu-ing role as a public broadcaster. It made the recommendations based on the principle that the or-ganisation's "vision must be to become a genuine public broas-caster as against a government broadcaster" as it was supposed to be. "We all agreed that the public broadcaster should look into the public interest and not necessarily at the government inter-est. Government interests are equally important, it should have flexibility to promote government interest either through sepa-rate budget but government should use this infrastructure partly and use other infrastructure," he said. Batting for its global outreach, the panel suggested that Prasar Bharati should create a world-class broadcasting service bench-marked with the best in the world. "We need to have a global player...we don't have Indian version of BBC. Today, there is no big source of dependable, reliable, credi-ble news from India," Pitroda said while highlighting on this rec-ommendation. It also recommended monetising of all available archival and other assets of Prasar Bharati to enhance funding. It further suggested "undertaking a professional study to develop a funding mechanism for Prasar Bharati that addresses the need for autonomy with financial accountability. "Such a funding model should include government, internal re-source mobilisation and private investment".At this, Pitroda made it clear that this particular recommenda-tion does not mean privatisation of the organisation but it more about sharing resources. He also said the quantum of private in-vestment has not been thought of as yet. Turning to the issue of content, the committee sought scaling up the allocation of funds for content generation to 50 percent of the total expenditure within a period of 5-7 years and review of all existing channels and content of DD and AIR based on their rele-vance, output and viability. The committee encouraged outsourcing of content creation to ex-ternal producers to attract high quality and diverse programme and creation of a distinct brand identities for different TV and radio channels, defining the content strategy for each. The committee also strongly batted for the use of social media by Prasar Bharati which can be implemented immediately and de-fining a social media strategy for the organisation. It also called for setting up of a 'Prasar Bharati connect' as a third arm of the public service broadcaster independent of DD and AIR and mandate it to manage the various social media initiatives of the organisation. The committee sought expansion of satellite and digital cable TV operations to meet the obligations of public service broadcasting. It also pressed for digitalisation of the pres-ent AM radio system to a new radio transmission system after due evaluation, subject to cost and technical availabilities. The committee further suggested greater involvement of the private sector to expand broadcasting market with a view to effectively utilise infrastructure being created by Prasar Bharati. Focussing on archiving, it recommended setting up of a state-of-art digital archives for consolidating and preserving DD and AIR content. Lastly, it called for creation of a dedicated, multi-plat-form channels for dissemination of Prasar Bharati's archival products.

strengthening of local bodies through devolution of more powers to the elected representatives was also stressed at this juncture.Mr. Gandhi further said that the party has undertaken a novel initiative, under which the selection of candidates for 15 Lok Sabha seats would be nominated after consultation with the rep-resentatives of the local bodies.

is being collected at present, Sisodia added. Sisodia said the number of vacant posts had increased from 18,500 in 2008 to 36,000 till December last year and blamed the previous government for the situation. "It was never in the priority list of the previous government to fill the vacancies. Going through the data of Delhi Subordinate Services selection Board (DSSB), we have found that there were 18,500 posts lying vacant in 2008 which rose to 36,000 in December last year," Sisodia said. There has been a constant demand from heads of department re-garding more employees. Contract system is hampering the government's functioning as well as playing with the future of people, he added.

that all required arrangements had been put in place for the se-curity of the venues including Bakshi Stadium, where the major function would be held on Republic Day. Efficient police band bust in and around the venues would be made to ensure smooth conduct of the celebrations across the valley.The DGP was accompanied by Additional Director General of Police (Coordination), P. L. Gupta and Inspector General of Police (CID), Dr. B. Srinivas during his visit to valley.

Jammu, Jan 24 (KNS): Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assem-bly today issued provisional calendar for the sittings of 11th ses-sion of the 11th Legislative Assembly here today.As per the provisional calendar, starting from February 10, with Governor’s address to Legislature, the House sittings would con-tinue till March 6.Discussion on Motion of Thanks on Governor’s Address and re-ply thereto will be held on Feb 11 and Feb 12, the Annual State-ment of Expenditure for the year 2014-2015 and Presentation of Supplementary Statement of Expenditure for the year 2013-2014 will be on February 13, General Discussion on Budget will be held on February 15 and Feb 16 ending with reply thereto.Accordingly, the demands for grants for various departments would be presented from Feb 17 to Feb 24 and the Appropriation Bills and Private Members Bills will be taken up on February 25, March 03 and March 05. Similarly, Private Members Resolutions will be taken up on Feb-ruary 26 and March 4, while Government Business will be taken up on February 28, and March 06. (KNS)

LA issues provisional calendar for

upcoming session

High level team visiting Valley

in MarchSrinagar, Jan 24 (KNS): Stating that the army in Jammu and Kashmir is using AF-SPA as a shield for the gross human rights violations ‘being inflicted’ by it in the state, Amnesty International (AI) Friday said it is scheduled to launch a campaign for the revocation of AFSPA from Jammu

and Kashmir and a high level team is vis-iting Srinagar in March-April this year.Sushil Kumar Vilath, South Asia director for AI told KNS on phone from New Delhi that it is difficult to understand why the army closed the Pathribal fake encounter case and that instead of army, the matter should have been investigated by some in-dependent agency.He stated further that Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in its detailed report on Pathribal encounter charge sheeted five army officers of 7RR. “The persons were Brij Ajay Saxena, Lt. Col Brahendra

Pratap Singh, Maj Saurabh Sharma, Maj Amit Saxena and Subedar Idress Khan.”Vilath stated further that AI rejects the ar-my’s closure report in Pathribal encoun-ter case. “The same vindicates that the army is using AFSPA as a shield to un-leash terror in valley. This law is a lawless law and the same must be condemned on all grounds.”AI South Asian director stat-ed further that the AI team is scheduled to visit Kashmir in the month of March-April to explore ways and means that will facilitate revocation of AFSPA from the state. (KNS)

Amnesty to launch campaign for revocation of AFSPA in J&K

JAMMU, JANUARY 24- Chairing a high level meeting of District and Sectoral Offi-cers of District Kishtwar,the Minister of State for Indus-tries and Commerce, Home, R&B and Housing,Mr.Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo today im-pressed upon the officers and engineers to work with utmost zeal to achieve 100% develop-mental targets so that the gen-eral masses of this backward district are benefitted. District Development Com-missioner,Kishtwar, Mr. Ba-seer Ahmed Khan apprised the Minister that out of the approved outlay of Rs. 72.06 crores, an amount of Rs. 44.40 crores has been released with an upto date expenditure of Rs. 23.51 crores. Thus achieving

52.94 % of target. The Minister took a detailed review of core sectors includ-ing PHE, Power, R&B, CAPD and Health. He expressed his concern over the slow pace of work in WSS Naigad. The Minister took strong cogni-zance of the non-seriousness of contractor in this regard and asked the DC to take strict action against such defaulting contractors. He directed the XEN PHE to start work on water lift scheme without any delay so that water shortage in Kishtwar is solved immediate-ly; status of other schemes was also discussed in detailed. Regarding R&B, the Min-ister askedthe Executive En-gineer, R&B to immediately repair the damaged roads of

town and periphery and en-sure snow clearance on all the link roads. He also laid stress on the early completion of Pu-ranaKadal Bridge in Marwah. The Minister directed Assis-tant Director CA&PD to en-sure ration supply to far flung areas on priority basis as due to snow fall these areas are facing shortage of food items. He also asked GREF authorities to start work on national highway as early as possible. The Minister direct-ed SP Traffic NH Dr.Haseeb Mughal to ensure that people may not face any difficulty on account of being held up at various place, adding that proper information regard-ing latest condition of roads be disseminated in advance

to people so that they can plan their travel programmes accordingly. Expressing dis-may over shortage of doctors in Marwah, Warwan and Pad-der belt, the Minister directed the CMO to start recruitment of Doctors immediately. The targets of Rural Development Department under MGNRE-GA and IAY were also dis-cussed. The Minister also took review of SSA and RAMSA schemes and asked the CEO to ensure availability of teachers in all areas. Taking the review of industries and Commerce department, the Minister di-rected the GM Industries to complete the formalities of land acquisition on priority to set up approved industrial estates in the district.

Kichloo reviews ongoing development activities in Kishtwar

Ropeway to attract more

tourists in Jammu: Bhalla

Jammu, January 24: The work onmuch awaited Rs 40-crore prestigious Ropeway Project between Mubarak Mandi- Bagh-e-Bahu to Mahamaya hill top will commence very soon.This was announced by Minis-ter for Tourism, Mr. Ghulam Ahmad Mir at a high-level meeting chaired by him here today to review the progress made in completing the paper work for initiating the project.Minister for Housing, Horticul-ture and Culture, Mr Raman Bhalla was also present in the meeting. Whereas Division-al Commissioner, Jammu, District Development Com-missioner, Jammu, Director Tourism Jammu, Managing Director, Cable Car Corpora-tion and other concerned offi-cers attended the meeting.Mr. Mir said the Mubarak Mandiropeway on completion, would add another tourist at-traction to the city of temples. He instructed the concerned au-thorities to complete the spade work so that the foundation of therope way would be laid in the next month.The meeting discussedin detail several issues related to the project. It was informed that all hurdles like environment, wildlife and forest clearances have been obtained and construction work on the proj-ect would be taken up soon. The tourism Minister directed the con-cerned authorities to ensure early disposal of land acquisition by providing compensation to private land owners. He said for the pur-pose the government had placed Rs 1.86 crore at the disposal of the Collector, Land Acquisition,Jam-mu, for speedy clearance of land compensation to the concerned land owners.Giving details about the proposed project, the Minis-ter said the ropeway would have 37 cabin lines from historic Mubarak Mandi Royal palace to Mahamaya Park and on-ward to Shahbad Bagh-e-Ba-hu. The Ropeway would have

two sections across the river Tawi, one from Mubarak Man-di, Peerkho to Mahmaya Park and another from Mahmaya Park to Shahbad. Each cabin would have a capacity of six seats with modern ventilation facilities, he said. “We have re-cently got environmental clear-ance from the Supreme Court for laying the cable car project between the historic Mubarak Mandi and Bahu Fort. We have funds for the project, which got

delayed due to a public interest litigation filed in the Supreme Court. We have already com-pleted all departmental formal-ities and the construction work will be undertaken during the next month,” Tourism Minister said.Minister for Horticulture and Culture, Mr Raman Bhalla underscored the need for pro-moting heritage and border tourism in Jammu adding that the region has vast varied tour-ism potential which needs to be

tapped. This, he said will give further economic boost in the region. Mr Bhalla instructed the concerned authorities to speed up the process of Rope-way projects at Shiv Khori and Patnitop which have already been proposed to give impetus to tourist activities in the re-gion. He said the Ropeway at Mubarak Mandi- Bahu Fort would divert the attention of more tourists towards the visit of city of temples.

Decks cleared for construction of Mubarak Mandi Ropeway, Work to commence soon: Mir

Page 3: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 25 January

Daily ZABARWAN TIMES NEWS Srinagar | Saturday 25. 01 .2014

Governor inspects arrange-ments for upcoming Indian

Science Congress at JUJAMMU, JANUARY 24: Continuing

campaign to generate awareness among various stakeholders of the societyabout the water sanitation and its judicious use, a mega one day training-cum-awareness programme was held at Police Audito-rium, here today.

The programme was organized by the Communication and Capacity Develop-ment Unit (CCDU) in collaboration with NGO National Development Foundation (NDF).

Minister for PHE, Irrigation & Flood Control, ShamLal Sharma was chief guest, Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture, Raman Bhalla was guest of honour on the occasion. Member Parlia-ment, MadanLal Sharma and MLA, Ashok Khajuria were special invitees on the oc-casion

Chairman, State Water Resources Reg-ulatory Authority, S.S. Kapur, Commis-sioner/Secretary PHE, Dr.PawanKotwal, Deputy Commissioner, Jammu, A.K. Sahu, Chief Engineer, PHE, K.K. Gupta, Superin-tending Engineer (Hydraulic), Jammu, Rajiv Gandotra, State Coordinator, CCDU, Dr.NarinderButyal, Chief Functionary,

NDF, Rajiv Khajuria, engineers, doctors,

Sarpanchs, anganwari workers, ASHA workers, resource persons on the subject and prominent citizens from different parts of Jammu district were present on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Sham Lal Sharma said that awareness of water sanitation, conservation and its judicious use is an important component of Na-tional Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), and PHE Department has been mandated to implement this programme

in letter and spirit. He asked the con-

cerned to expand its area of operation at the block level and conduct frequent awareness camps to educate the mass-es at the bottom level to achieve the real spirit of the programme.

Maintaining that Sarpanchs/Panchs have greater responsibility to ensure safe drinking water and conservation of water resources in the rural areas, the Minister asked the PRIs to play their pro-active role and full-fill responsibili-ties in their jurisdictions.

Governor inspects arrangements for upcoming Indian Science Congress at JU

JAMMU, JANUARY 24: Mr. N.N. Vohra, the Governor, accompa-nied by Mr. Mohan Pal Singh Isher, Vice Chancellor, Jammu Uni-versity, Mr. Navin K. Choudhary, Principal Secretary to the Gover-nor, Mr. Atul Goel, SSP, Jammu, Prof. Naresh Padha and Prof. Meena Sharma, organizing Secretaries of the Indian Science Congress visited Jammu University and reviewed the upcoming facilities and arrange-ments being put in place for the 101st Science Congress being held in the University from 3-7 February, 2014.The Governor inspected the upcoming Seminar Hall Area, designed exclusively for this pres-tigious event and was briefed in detail by the Vice Chancellor, on all the arrangements being made for conducting this mega event in an appropriate manner.Mr. Atul Goel, District Superintendent of Police, Jammu, briefed the Governor about the Security plan for the move-ment of VVIPs and delegates participating in the Science Congress. The Governor also visited the venue for the Children Science Congress and various other facilities specific to the event.Later the Governor in-augurated the six storeyed building of the Directorate of Distance Education having lecture halls, seminar hall, library, Student Facili-tation Centre, cafeteria, Book Store etc, at the Jammu University.The Governor exhorted upon the Vice Chancellor and all functionaries of the University to pay attention to details and ensure completion of all arrangements in a timely manner. He also desired that the visiting dignitaries and scientists are properly taken care of and all events are organized in a flawless manner.

Sham, Bhalla, Madan highlight importance of water sanitation, emphasize for greater awareness campaign

JAMMU, JANUARY 24: The Union Surface Transport Min-istry has agreed to enhance the Central Road Fund (CRF) limit for Jammu and Kashmir from Rs 85 Cr to Rs 120 Cr after the issue, among others, was dis-cussed by the Minister for R&B and Mechanical Engineering, Mr Abdul Majid Wani during his recent meeting with the union Surface Transport Minis-ter, Mr Oscar Fernandes.

During his meeting with the Union Minister, Mr Abdul Majid Wani discussed in detail a number of issues related to the road connectivity in the state were.The J&K R&B Minister gave a detailed resume about teething problems being faced by the department in the state including insufficient funding under the CRF scheme, need for transfer of few roads from BRO/ Beacon for maintenance to the state R&B department, urgent need for taking up few new roads in the state as new

national highway projects un-der National Highway Devel-opment projects and need for creating road infrastructure for people living in far flung mili-tancy infested areas so as to ex-pose militancy network in the inaccessible areas.Mr Wani ap-prised the Union Surface Trans-port about the fact that for an effective/ efficient maintenance management mechanism a proposal stands submitted to GoI for the transfer of few im-portant roads and National Highways viz., Batote Kishtwar Sinthan Top NH-1B, Dhar Ud-hampur Road, Bani Machhedi Road, Reasi -Pouni Road, Pou-ni-Sair Kalakote Rajouri road, BudhalMahore -Gulabgarh road, Jammu–Akhnoor Road, Rajouri Thanamandi- Surankot road, Janglat Mandi Anantnag Sinthan top road, Sangrama Sopore Kulamgam road, Ban-diporaTragbal road Srinagar and Sumbal Bandipura Road to the state R&B department on

the analogy of what is being done in the neighbouring state of Punjab & Himachal Pradesh. The Union Cabinet Minister for Transport, Road and Highways was also apprised about the fact that there are only 2% Na-tional highways of total road network in the country cater-ing to 40% of the total traffic in the state. He was told that a request stands already submit-ted to the Union Surface Trans-port Ministry to declare Doda –Desa –Kapran Road, Chenani-SudhMahadev-MarmatDoda road and Mugal Road as New National Highways in the state under National Highway De-velopment Project for which the inception/ pre-feasibility reports have already been for-warded to the GoI. The J&K Minister said that Doda –Desa –Kapran Road will not only provide a safe & separate cor-ridor for Shree Amarnath Ji yatra but shall also be of great strategic importance.

Inaugurates PHC building at Pallian

Jammu, January 24: Min-ister of State for Health, Mr. Shabir Ahmad Khan today said that 700 doctors would be soon added in Health Ser-vices system of the state by filling up the vacant posts.

He said in this regard the selection process for recruit-ment of doctors, through Public Service Commission (PSC), is at final stage

Apprising that provision for better quality health care facilities has received focused attention of the government, he said that besides upgra-dation of health infrastruc-ture, including construction of hospital buildings in rural and hilly areas, many new health institutions in difficult topography areas have also been prioritized.

Addressing a public meetings today at Pallian, Ra-jouri after inaugurating New

Type Primary Health Center Building constructed at a cost of Rs 1.07 crore, the Minister said that government would soon add over 700 doctors in Health Services by filling up of vacant posts. He said in this regard the selection pro-cess of these doctors through Public Service Commission is at final stage. He said once the selection list received from the PSC these doctors would be posted on vacant posts in the hospitals especially in ru-ral and hilly area.

The Minister said that the economic welfare of ru-ral and hilly areas is the top priority of the government adding that implementation of special schemes for socio-economic transformation have yielded tangible results at grass root level in the State. He said governments’ priority is to upgrade communication, education and health cover in these areas and extent assis-tance to help generate eco-nomic activities and give fillip to the education and health

care facilities. The Minister also

called upon the Panches and Sarpanches to highlight the problems and develop-mental needs of the people before the government for their early mitigation. He said that they should also en-sure that benefits of Flagship programmes like MGNERGA, NRHM,PMGSY, R-APDRP and SSA, RMSA reach to all vil-lages and hamlets. The Minis-ter called upon the people to continue their full support to the government for meeting the goal of prosperous Jam-mu and Kashmir. He asked them that not to heed on hal-low sloganeering of vested interests whose aim was to use innocent people for their personal motives.

The Minister reaf-firmed that being the local representative equal devel-opment of all the areas was my priority and no injustice would be done to any area of the Constituency on the de-velopmental front.

J&K r&B Minister meets union Surface transport Minister

700 vacant posts of doctors to be filled soon: Shabir

One-day training-cum-awareness prog on water sanitation held at Jammu

Centre agrees to enhance CRF limit from Rs 85 cr to Rs 120 Cr for State: Majid Wani

Study of religion and spiritual matters could well be of particu-lar interest for you today, Libra. You’re likely to discuss your knowl-edge and beliefs regarding such matters with a close friend, which could prove rather enlightening for both of you. Whatever you learn will prove to be artistically inspiring, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself spending some time writing down your thoughts or turning them into pictures. Don’t limit yourself!

Today communication with others is more likely to be on a subtle rather than verbal level, Scorpio. When the phone rings, you might already know who’s on the other end of the line before you pick it up. You could also pick up telepathi-cally on the thoughts of others. Books and articles about peo-ple who have had similar experiences could increase your understanding of them. Don’t fight it! Go with the flow.

Inspiration drawn from recent religious or spiritual oc-currences could have you writing down accounts of your experiences, Sagittarius, perhaps with the idea of someday publishing them. Your concentration could well be intense, as writing for you today may not be only creative but thera-peutic as well. It will also help to attend classes or workshops or simply to discuss the subject with a friend.

You should be feeling especially strong and healthy to-day, Capricorn. The drive to exercise, particularly if you do it alone and outdoors, is likely to get the endorphins going and thus give you a natural high, which could lead to an in-creased level of inspiration and intuition. After you finish, it might be a good idea to sit in a park, preferably near water, to allow yourself to come down.

Today, Aquarius, you might find yourself picking up un-canny telepathic messages from a friend who lives some dis-tance from you. A telephone call might reveal that this per-son has just received some good news, and that they were just thinking of calling you! This probably won’t be the only ESP experience you have today. Your level of intuition is very high.

Creative inspiration flows freely today, Pisces, enabling you to channel it in more than one way. An opportunity to earn a sizable fee doing something artistic could come your way. Spiritual or metaphysical studies may be involved. This might represent the attainment of a long-term goal you’ve been striving to reach, and therefore you’re apt to be rather excited about it.

Intellectual or artistic work could take up a lot of your time today, Virgo. Your level of inspiration is high, and you’re apt to be full of ideas that others would find beneficial. You’re also likely to sense the thoughts and feelings of those around you before they themselves are consciously aware of them. This not only increases your career standing, it can help you in the love department. Enjoy your day!

Usually you prefer to approach events with a practical and scientific attitude, Aries, but today you’re feeling es-pecially intuitive and more aware of the other worlds, so it might be difficult to hang on to your usual mindset. Some uncomfortable feelings you’ve had about events in the news could prove to be accurate, which might be a bit disconcert-ing.

If you’ve been thinking about taking up the study of as-trology, numerology, alchemy, or any other occult science, this is the day to get started, Taurus. Scientific adherence to facts and rules combines with enhanced telepathic abilities to bring about a burgeoning skill in such fields. Look up some friends who share your interest and arrange to attend a class or workshop on whatever subject appeals to you the most.

Some rather intense and vivid dreams could inspire you to embark on some in-depth study of a subject that specifi-cally interests you, Gemini. This could involve the arts, phi-losophy, or metaphysics. Travel plans to one of the world’s great spiritual centers, such as Jerusalem, Glastonbury or Vrindavana, might be on your mind as a result. Your level of intuition is very high today.

Romantic relationships take on a fairytale aura, Cancer, bringing up the kind of desire, passion, and sense of unity as-sociated with Lancelot and Guinevere. Therefore, this should be a wonderful day to schedule an intimate evening with a romantic partner. You could feel so much in tune with your friend that you may come with the same words at the same time.

Today you might attend more than one group activity or social event involving spiritual or metaphysical matters. Your sense of intu-ition is very high, Leo, and your level of understanding is especially acute. Therefore, concepts that could be confusing at other times could seem as clear as a bell today. You might form strong bonds with others who are also present, and you might make plans to meet with them again in the future. Enjoy!

JAMMU, JANUARY 24: Minister of State for Agriculture, Sheep and Animal Husbandry, PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control Mr. Nazir Ah-mad Gurezi Thursday impressed upon the sheep and goat breed-ers to see Government breeding Farms as models for rearing live-stock on modern and scientific lines to get maximum returns.

The Minister was address-ing a gathering at Reasi after inau-gurating four buildings of Veteri-nary hospital, Panthal, Veterinary hospital, Pouni, Veterinary Dis-pensary, Talwara and Veterinary Dispensary, Bharakh constructed at an estimated cost of Rs48 lakh.

The Minister said that animal and sheep sectors have been tagged as the priority sectors by the Government and in this regard focused attention is being laid on providing infrastructure at the door steps of people living in remote and far-flung areas and make it a profitable activity.

He said various intervention schemes have been launched , while new technologies are being introduced to increase the live-stock to attain self-sufficiency in dairy, mutton and milk products in the state which are presently

imported from outside. He asked the farmers to take advantage of the centrally sponsored and state sector schemes launched for in-creasing their productivity and better results. He said that the main focus is on making livestock

rearing a profitable activity as a large number of people of the state are traditionally associated with it.

Referring to the achievement registered by Omar led govern-ment during last five years, he said

tremendous progress has been registered in all sectors, including Animal and Sheep Husbandry by introducing modern ways to pro-mote and develop this traditional activity.

Former Minister and MLA Mr.

Abdul Gani Malik also spoke on the occasion and highlighted the ac-tivities of the government. He said that several welfare schemes have been launched by the government with the aim to improve the living standard of the people especially living in hilly and remote areas. He appealed the people especially youth to come forward and take benefits of these schemes.

District Development Com-missioner, Reasi Dr. Shahid Iqbal Choudhry, Director, Sheep Hus-bandry Jammu Dr. Sant Ram, Dep-uty Director Central Sheep Hus-bandry Department, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, various officers of district administration, a good number of farmers and prominent citizens of the district were present on the occasion.

Earlier, the Minister inspected Sheep Breeding Farm Panthal and took stock of working of the Farm. He also inspected Embryo Transfer Technology (ETT) project.

He was informed that so far the process of standardization, collec-tion and transfer of embryos has taken place at ETT lab Panthal.

Later, Mr. Gurezi inspected the various groups of animals in the Farm.

JAMMU, JANUARY 24: Speaker Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Mr. Mubarak Gul has directed the executing agency J&K Project Construction Corporation (JKPCC) to start double shift work on the upcoming Rs 104.44 crore new Legislative Complex to ensure its early completion .

This direction was given by the Speaker while inspecting the pace of work on the project here today. He asked the JKPCC to put in more men and machinery in place to start double shift work and complete this prestigious project in a time bound manner.

The Speaker also stressed for close monitoring to ensure quality of work and use of standard material. He said any lapse in this regard will not be tolerated.Earlier, Mr. Gul inspected the renova-tion work on existing Assembly Complex including face lifting, whitewash in and outside, besides flooring, fixing of electricity faults replacement of tubes and other lights in the Central Hall and in the House. He asked the Estates department to engage adequate manpower to ensure completion well before the budget session commencing from February 10, 2014.Secretary Assembly, Mr. M. Ramzan, Director Estates Mr. Sheikh Fayaz Ahmad, a team of officers of JKPCC and Assembly Sec-retariat accompanied the Speaker during his visit.

Later, the Speaker convened a meeting with the Head of the Information and Public Relations Department and discussed various issues related to the facilities to be kept available for the print and electronic media during the upcoming session.Director Information, Mr. Tasaduq Jeelani and other senior officers of Assembly Secretariat attended the meeting.

Speaker nominates members of BaCJAMMU, JANUARY 24: Speaker Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Mr. Mubarak Gul to-

day nominated members of Business Advisory Committee (BAC).The members nominated are Deputy Chief Minister, Mr. Tara Chand, Minister for Agriculture

Production, Mr. Ghulam Hassan Mir, Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Mir Saiful-lah, Deputy Speaker, Legislative Assembly Mr. Mohammad Sartaj Madni, Legislators, Mtr. Meh-booba Mufti, Prof Chaman Lal Gupta, Mr. Hareshdev Singh and Mr. M. Y. Tarigami.

MLAs Hakeem Mohammad Yasin, Mr. Tsetan Namgyal, Mr. Ashok Kumar and Mr. Ashwani Ku-mar Sharma would be special invitees.The notification in this regard has been circulated by the Assembly Secretariat here today.

17 more ITI’s to be provided Solar

Power plantJAMMU, JANUARY 24:

Minister of State for Tech-nical Education (Inde-pendent charge), Power, Information and Rural Development Department, Mr. Vikar Rasool Wani to-day inaugurated 66.24 KW capacity Solar Power Plant constructed at a cost of Rs. 1.62 crore at Industrial Training Institute (ITI) R S Pura here today.

The Minister was ac-companied by Secretary Technical Education De-partment, Mr. Parvaiz Malik, Director Technical Education, Kashmir, Mr. Jaipal Singh, Principal ITI RS Pura, Representative

Tata Power Solar System, Mr. Javed kant and other concerned officers

On the occasion, Mr. Vikar said that Plant which is funded by the Union Ministry of New and Re-newable Energy under Jawahar Lal Nehru National Solar Mission scheme and constructed by Tata Power Solar Systems Bangalore has already been installed at women’s ITI Pampore and 17 more would be pro-vided with this state of art Technology. He said that Solar Power Plants will be installed a total cost of Rs 32.20 crore, which could provide 24 hours power supply to these technical institutions.

The Minister said that government is committed to make maximum use of this technology and vari-ous public institutions and

other technical institu-tions are being provided this facility. He said that the Solar Power Technol-ogy will go long way in overcoming power crisis in the State by providing the much needed electricity at a cost effective price be-sides, ensuring un –inter-rupted supply.

Referring to the steps taken by government for popularising skill develop-ment and also for inculcat-ing scientific temperament among students, the Min-ister said that the govern-ment has undertaken sev-eral steps for augmenting the infrastructural capaci-ties of the technical educa-tion department to extend facilities to both boys and girls by opening up of a chain of polytechnics and ITI’’s in all the three re-gions of the State.

Gurezi visits Reasi, inspects various Veterinary centers

Vikar inaugurates Solar Power Plant at iti r S Pura

new La Complex: Speaker for double shift work to ensure timely completionaa

Page 4: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 25 January

Daily Zabarwan TimesEDITORIAL/ OPINIONEDITORIAL/ OPINIONDaily Zabarwan TimesSrinagar, Saturday 25 January 2014

Right to Education

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

Strong ties in the best interest of

India and Pakistan ight to Education (RTE) is by far the most historic development in universalisation of elementary education in the country. Enacted in 2010, it implies that every child in the age group of 6 to 14 years has Right to elementary education. They are entitled for free and compulsory educa-tion.The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is the main vehicle for implementation of the RTE Act. It is one of the largest programmes of its kind in the world. It is primarily funded from central budget and it covers the whole country. More than 19 crore children are covered un-der this scheme in 11 lakh habitations. 98% of habitations in this country have elementary schools within 1 km and 92% have upper primary schools within 3 km of their locations. The programme has been imple-mented in order to narrow down gender and social gaps in elementary education. Special efforts have been made to reach out to girls and children belonging to SC/ST and Muslim minority communities.Over 3500 Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidy-alayas (KGBV) have been set up as resi-dential upper primary schools for girls from SC, ST, OBC, Muslim communities and BPL girls in the educationally back-ward blocks. Free boarding / lodging, books, stationary and uniforms are being provided to the children in these schools.Under SSA, special attention has been given to urban deprived children, chil-dren affected by periodic migration and children living in remote and scattered habitations. Attempts have also been made to reach out to children suffering from autism. It involves their identifica-tion, preparation of individualized Edu-cation Plan, teacher training on Autism and therapeutic support. As part of the scheme, steps have been taken to improve the standard of elementary education in the country. It includes improvement in infrastructural facilities and sanctioning of new teacher posts in government schools. Free text-books are being provided to all children in government and government aided schools. Last year, the centre released more than 23800 crore rupees and during the current financial year (2013-14), in the first eight months, over 16000 crore ru-pees have been released. This increased funding has led to massive creation and improvement of

infrastructure at school level. About 95% schools have drinking water facilities and 90% schools have toilets. Similarly about 75% upper primary schools have furniture. More than 3 lakh new school buildings with toilets, drinking water fa-cilities and electricity have been created under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, a flag-ship programme of UPA government to implement RTE. Since the enactment of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Ed-ucation (RTE) Act, 2009, the enrolment of children at the elementary level has increased from about 19 crore in 2008-09 to about 20 crore in 2012-13 as per Dis-trict Information System for Education (DISE) data. A total of over forty three thousand five hundred schools, seven lakh additional classrooms, five lakh forty six thousand toilets and thirty four thousand six hundred drinking water facilities have been sanctioned to States/

UTs under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) programme to meet the objectives of the RTE Act. The enrolment among the SCs has increased from 3 crore to 4 crore during 2008-09 and 2012-13. Similar positive trends have been noticed among STs and minorities also. Thirteen states have also admitted children belonging to disadvan-taged groups/weaker sections in private unaided schools as per the RTE Act.Along with the Mid Day Meal Scheme, the Right to Education Act has made substan-tial impact on universalisation of elemen-tary education, reduction in dropout rates and fighting classroom hunger. The improvement is reflected in the Net Enrolment ratio in Primary Educa-tion. It was 99.89% in 2011-12. There has been a substantial drop in dropout rate among the kids at the elementary level. The number of out of school children has come down sharply from more than 1.34

crore in 2005 to 29 lakh in 2012-13. Several new measures have been taken for improving quality under RTE, in letter as well as in spirit. About 20 lakh additional teacher posts have been sanc-tioned under SSA upto 2012-13. Out of this twelve lakh forty thousand posts are re-ported to have been filled. After RTE, it is compulsory that only those people who are able to clear the Teacher Eligibility Test may be appointed as teachers. To improve quality of learning, chil-dren are provided free text books upto class 8. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation system is being promoted. Cur-riculum reforms are made to make learn-ing more children friendly and inclusive. Training for in service teachers and head masters are being incentivized.The focus of all HRD Ministry schemes under the 11th Five Year Plan was access and growth whereas quality is the key under the current Five Year Plan.

RThe ups and downs in In-do-Pak relations have cre-ated chaos and confusion

in the sub continent. This has also resulted in wide spread dis-appointment amongst the people of the two countries who want better understanding and better relations so that people to people contact is increased and business activities get a boost. However despite several confidence build-ing measures the ties between In-dia and Pakistan have not been as strong as anybody in the sub continent would expect them to be. The political compulsions of the people at the helm of affairs in both the countries have played their role as everybody is hesitant to leap forward an extra mile in cementing the relations. The re-cent statement of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh that it was his mission to visit Pakistan had created new hopes of cordial rela-tions between the two neighbours but Pakistan as usual issued a dis-appointing statement saying that the talks on high level can only be resumed after the general elec-tions in India. This statement has added to the confusion as both the countries should go forward on improving their relations keep-ing aside the democratic process which takes place in India smooth-ly and the transfer of power from one party to another in case of a defeat has never been complicated as has been in Pakistan. Democ-racy in India is deep and strong rooted so the foreign policy of the country hardly changes with the change of government at union level. If Pakistan is honest enough it should welcome the Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh to visit Pakistan so that all out-standing issues between the two countries are addressed amicably and through a sustained dialogue process. The dialogue between the two countries is presently snapped hence there is an urgent need to revive it. The confidence building measures which were initiated since last some years need to be strengthened and more confidence building measures should be introduced which will help to normalize the relations as soon as possible. India and Paki-stan can become world’s strongest economies if they strengthen their business ties and declare each oth-er a most favoured business part-ner. This will also help to develop the marketing avenues within the two countries and outside the two countries for their products particularly in the food and fruit packaging, software and informa-tion technology etc. The two have ample resources. What they need is to leave animosities behind and create an atmosphere of cordiality between themselves.

National Voters’ Day, 2014 May Herald a New Chapter in Indian Electoral Process

th January is observed as the National Voters’ Day (NVD). It is also the day when the founding fathers of Indian Constitution gave to their people ‘the Election Commission of India’, with the mandate of Superinten-dence, direction and control of elections. The Commis-sion is dedicated to the task of delivering free, fair and credible elections to the Indian people. But to make democracy meaningful, there has to be maximum par-ticipation of the people in the electoral process. Conducting of Election entails the inbuilt responsibil-ity to have every eligible Indian on the electoral roll and get everyone in the roll to vote voluntarily. Be-sides, the participation of citizens in elections needs to be informed and ethical for a healthy democracy. The objective behind National Voters’ Day celebrations is to increase enrolment of voters, especially of the newly eligible ones to make universal adult suffrage a com-plete reality. National Voters’ Day is aimed at reach-ing out to the people, learning the reasons for their disillusionment with the process and helping them in realizing the fact that democracy is not complete until everyone is part of it. The day is also utilized to spread awareness among voters regarding effective participa-tion in the electoral process. The Pledge that the new voters take on this day is a reaffirmation of our faith in ourselves, our country and democracy. Till date Election Commission of India has con-ducted 15 General Elections to the Lok Sabha and many general elections to State Legislative Assem-blies, thus facilitating peaceful, orderly and democrat-ic transfer of power. Added to this list are the elections to top constitutional positions, to Rajya Sabha and State legislative councils. In its effort to conduct free, fair and transparent polls, the Commission fiercely guards its credibility, besides ensuring the vote of ev-ery eligible Indian to count. It faces the new challenge now to conduct the next Lok Sabha elections this year amidst the rise of new political fronts led by young, educated, techno savvy leaders backed by young vot-ers. According to the 2011 Census, the first-time voter number is a staggering 149.36 million. That’s well over 20% of the 725 million voters the Election Commission (EC) reckons will be eligible to vote in 2014.The total number first-time voters is likely to swell by May 2014 to around 160 million (the census was held in 2011). Considering this mammoth election management ex-ercise in the world, the Election Commission is con-cerned about greater participation of citizens in the country’s electoral process as against the present level of apathy and non-involvement among certain sec-tions, especially the youth. In particular, the Commis-sion has found that the new voters (18+) are missing from the electoral roll in a big way year after year. In certain cases, the level of their enrolment is as low as 20 to 25%. In order to effectively deal with this problem, the Com-mission has initiated a vigorous exercise to identify all the eligible voters attaining the age of 18 years as on

1st of January every year, in each of the 8.5 lakh poll-ing station areas of the country. Besides registration, these newly enrolled voters are also administered a pledge that goes as follows: “We, the citizens of India, having abiding faith in democracy, hereby pledge to uphold the democratic traditions of our country and the dignity of free, fair and peaceful elections, and to vote in every election fearlessly and without being influenced by considerations of religion, race, caste, community, language or any inducement”. More-over, the newly enrolled voters are given a badge with the slogan “Proud to be a voter – Ready to vote” during the felicitation ceremony along with their EPIC. This process is expected to give the youth a sense of citizenship, empowerment, pride and participation and also inspire them to exer-cise their franchise, when the occasion comes. In keeping with the objectives of the National

Voters’ Day, a countrywide special campaign is taken up to reach out to the newly eligible (18+) electors, and to register them in the electoral roll. The Chief Electoral Officers (CEO’s) of all states and UT’s have been instructed by the commission from time to time, to enroll every youth who has attained the age of 18. The Commission has specially been impressing upon the fact that as many women voters as possible need to be enrolled. Without the participation of women, a significant proportion of our country’s population remains on the fringe of de-mocracy. Through the National Voters’ Day, we have been

able to somewhat bridge the widest gap in our elec-toral roll– the under registration of the newly eligible electors. All this has been accomplished through the laudable efforts and sustained hard work of the elec-tion machinery right from Chief Electoral officer in the state down to the Booth Level Officer and with the sustained SVEEP campaign, which stands for ‘Sys-tematic Voters Education and Electoral Participa-tion’. Election Commission of India has launched various campaigns under our SVEEP programme, to disseminate necessary information, motivate voters and facilitate participation. The messages from the youth icons, namely, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India, Shri M.S. Dho-ni, and Shri Virat Kohli of Indian Cricket Team, Olympic medallists Ms. Saina Nehwal, Ms. M.C. Mary urging the eligible voters to get registered, are being used in the campaign. Messages from the

regional icons are also being used to ask the youth to register and vote.The occasion has surely turned out to be momentous thereby bringing home the point that to ensure democratic government of the people, for the people and by the people one needs to understand Vote is our Right and Might. All the major issues relating to elections such as corruption, casteism, communalism and the like continue to draw attention because of the apathy and poor participation of the ordinary populace in elections. Certainly the message from the Commission is loud and clear: it will not relent until every single eligible voter is able to- and is willing to- vote.