your software platform strategy: a technical perspective


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Page 1: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

by Luke Gordon

Page 2: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective


We are on a mission to make every

company a great technology company.

We work with organizations to define and

execute digital transformation strategies to

improve business operations and customer

experiences. Our services include:

• Multi-Year Technology Roadmap

• Platform Engineering

• User Experience Design

• Custom Software Development

• Hardware Prototyping /IoT

Page 3: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

Building a software platform is no simple task, but it’s not impossible to accomplish with a small team and a solid strategy.

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Page 4: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

Over the next few posts we’ll discuss a few ways to position your software platform strategy for success when taking on this daunting task. Primarily, we’ll discuss: 1. The application continuum 2. Domain boundaries 3. Infrastructure choices

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Page 8: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

However, from our experience it’s rare to find a solution that truly fits the exact definition of either. Typically solutions we’ve dealt with live in a gray area where they aren’t exactly monoliths, but at the same time they wouldn’t be classified as microservices.

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Page 9: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

Perhaps they have a few external services, or some event driven functionality by a 3rd party, or they have some remote services, but don’t deal with circuit breaking, service discovery, etc.

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Page 10: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

Furthermore, these solutions pivot and shift over time so what we may classify as a monolithic architecture today might evolve into a microservice solution in a few months. And in rare circumstances, a few services might be aggregated back into a single application.

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Page 11: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

So instead of viewing your solution as a static destination, understanding where you begin is most likely not where you’ll stay. As your application increases or decreases in complexity to support business demands, it moves along an axis of complexity commonly referred to as the “application continuum”, which was coined by Mike Barinek.

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To read more you can find the full article at


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The application continuum serves as a guide of where to start building a solution based on the information you have of your current business.  

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On the far left of the spectrum you have an unstructured approach. Think of a small program with a few dozen lines of code. Next you have your traditional application, perhaps an MVC architecture. It has models, views, controllers, and perhaps even interacts with a database.  

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Page 16: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

Does your software platform strategy support your business demands?

Download or free eBook: Platform Thinking: Creating Real-World, Scalable Platforms

Page 17: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

As you keep moving along this continuum you start establishing domain boundaries or “context” of how you work with your data and business processes. For example, you might have a user component providing specific services for users. As your solution’s complexity grows, you keep along the application continuum.

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Page 18: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

Perhaps the next evolution in your solution breaks a few pieces of business logic into utility services or leverage 3rd party integrations. You might even have one to two services separated out to deal with heavier loads. Finally, on the far right of the application continuum you’re dealing with separate applications that deal with their own domains, datastores, libraries, etc (microservices).

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What’s important to understand about the application continuum is you are not making a permanent choice on your architecture. Perhaps a monolith satisfies your current requirements, but there’s no reason it can’t evolve into microservices down the road. Keeping this at the forefront of your mind when making implementation decisions helps significantly reduce costs and friction later on.

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Page 20: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

One of Dialexa’s core capabilities is working with our clients to understand their current business needs and processes through a discovery phase as they define their software platform strategy.

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Page 21: Your Software Platform Strategy: A Technical Perspective

Through these conversations and activities we can align on an execution strategy for success and agree on a starting point on the application continuum. One activity we commonly go through focuses on understanding a client’s current domain boundaries.

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Thank You

Doug Platts

VP of Marketing

[email protected]

If you are looking to undertake a digital transformation initiative, contact Dialexa today and see how we can help make your company a great technology company.

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