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  • Your Pleasure CraftPolicy

    Pleasure Craft


    Allianz ALD 39 Cover 01-14 KD 08/01/2014 16:28 Page 2

  • Right of CancellationYou have a right to cancel this insurance, provided You have not made a total lossclaim. This right extends for 14 days from the later of:• The date on which cover is incepted• The date on which You receive the full terms and conditions of your PolicyTo exercise this right You must send written notice to Us at 3 Cromac Quay, The Gasworks, Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 2JD. Should You exercise this right we willrefund You any part of your premium You have paid less a premium transactioncharge as detailed in Your Schedule.

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  • Contents


    2 Introduction3-4 Definitions5 Cover

    Section 1: 6 Damage to Your Vessel

    Section 2: 7-8 Liabilities to Third Parties

    Section 3: 9 Personal Accident

    10-12 General Exclusions

    13-14 Conditions

    15-16 Extensions

    17-19 Endorsements

    20 Making a Claim

    21-24 Important Information


    Your Pleasure Craft Policy

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  • Introduction

    Allianz p.l.c. trading as Allianz agrees, inconsideration of premium payment to Us,to insure You against loss, damage, liabilityor expense in the manner provided forwithin this policy subject to the exclusionsherein set out and to the limit of indemnityand excess set out in the schedule hereto.This Policy (which includes and shall beread as one document with the Schedule,Endorsements and Proposal Form orStatement of Fact), evidences a contract ofinsurance between the Insured and Allianz.

    In this contract, references to theInsurer/Company/We/Us/Our meansAllianz p.l.c. trading as Allianz andreferences to the Insured/You/Your/Yourself means the policyholder named inthe schedule.

    Aidan HanrattyDirector Underwriting


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  • Definitions

    Anti-Theft Device: means a lock that isdesigned to prevent the outboard motorfrom being removed from the transom ofthe vessel.

    Cruising Range: means the geographicallimits specified in Your policy Schedule.

    Domestic Appliances: means refrigerator,washing machine, stove, cooker, oven,microwave, air conditioner and the like.

    Electronics & Navigation Equipment:means portable and fixed items ofelectronic equipment that You own, that You use on Your vessel while it is incommission.

    Endorsement: means any alteration to theterms of the policy agreed by Us in writing.

    Fast Craft: means motorised vessels with a maximum designed speed greater than 17 knots.

    Insured Vessel: means the hull, machineryand equipment such as would normally besold with her when the vessel changeshands.

    In Commission: means when the vessel isfitted out and ready for use.

    Latent Defect: means a defect which is notdiscoverable by the exercise of reasonablecare.

    Laid-Up Period: means the period thevessel must be laid up ashore, moored in amarina or moored at a specific location asspecified in Your policy Schedule.

    Limit of Indemnity: The total amountpayable for all damages and all law costs inrespect of any one occurrence or alloccurrences of a series consequent on oneoriginal cause shall not exceed the Limit ofIndemnity as stated in Your Policy Schedule.

    Period of Insurance: means the periodspecified in the Schedule or anysubsequent period for which the Companyagrees to renew the Policy and to acceptpayment of the Premium.

    Personal Effects: means articles normallyworn or carried on the person. Money,Mobile Phones and Jewellery are excluded.

    Policy: means Our agreement with You,including this policy wording, the Scheduleand any other endorsements We issue inwriting which may change the standardcover.

    Policy Excess: means the amount(s) notedin the schedule to be deducted from eachand every claim except in the case of totalor constructive total loss of the InsuredVessel or other loss set out in Section 2 inthe policy wording.


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  • Definitions (continued)

    Schedule: means the Schedule in respect ofYour Policy which We have most recentlygiven to You or sent to Your last knownaddress.

    Warranty: means a promise by You that :

    (i) Some particular thing shall or shall notbe done; or

    (ii) some condition shall be fulfilled; or(iii) a particular state of affairs does or does

    not exist.

    A Warranty must be strictly complied with i.e.

    (i) The thing must be done or not done; or

    (ii) the condition must be fulfilled; or(iii) the state of affairs must exist or not


    and if it is not strictly complied with, theinsurance cover may cease as from themoment of the breach of Warranty (andcover does not come back into existence ifthe breach of warranty comes to an end).


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  • Cover

    What Your Policy Covers

    Subject to the provisions containedelsewhere within the policy, the InsuredVessel is covered: While in commission atsea or inland waters or at all places oflegitimate mooring or storage within thecruising range stated in the schedule. Whileout of commission at marinas or inlandwater moorings or in storage ashore. Whilethe vessel is being trailed within thejurisdiction of the Cruising Range noted onthe Policy Schedule but excluding any RoadTraffic liability.

    Cover is provided on an agreed value basisor the reasonable cost of repair /replacement (whichever is the lesser) foritems noted on the policy Schedule but notexceeding the sums insured.

    In respect of the repair or replacement ofthese items, We will reimburse You the costof reasonable repairs and/or replacementsrequired to bring these items as near aspossible to their appearance and conditionimmediately prior to the claimed loss or damage.

    Subject to conditions, exclusions,endorsements and warranties containedwithin the Policy.


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  • Section 1: Damage to Your Vessel

    We will pay for loss of or damage to itemsnoted in the Schedule caused by:

    (a) Accidental damage.(b) Fire, lightning and explosion.(c) Theft or attempted theft following a

    forcible entry.(d) Malicious damage.(e) Damage caused as a result of a Latent

    Defect.(f) Mechanical breakdown for engines

    not more than five years old at thetime of loss.

    (g) Negligence.(h) Piracy and/or violent theft.

    No claim shall be payable in respect of:

    (i) Wear and tear, depreciation,deterioration, vermin, corrosion,electrolysis, mould, inherent vice,and/or lack of maintenance.

    (ii) Damage to mast, sails, spars orrigging whilst racing.

    (iii) Mechanical breakdown for enginesaged over five years.

    (iv) Excluding the cost of repairing orreplacing any part of the vesselwhich has been found to be LatentlyDefective.

    (v) Personal effects (unless specified inthe schedule).

    (vi) Parent vessel's tender(s) notpermanently marked with the nameof the parent vessel.

    (vii) Sails and protective covers split bythe wind or blown away, unless in consequence of damage to the sparsto which sails are bent, or caused bythe vessel being stranded or incollision or contact with any externalsubstance (ice included) other thanwater.

    (viii) Damage caused as a result of theInsured Vessel(s) including inboardand outboard engine(s) not beingwinterised as per manufacturersspecification.

    (ix) For loss or damage to cameras,portable radios, mobile phones,moorings, provisions and fuel unlessYou advise Us and We agree toextend cover in writing.

    (x) Theft from Your boat of PersonalEffects or Electronic and NavigationEquipment unless there is physicalevidence of violent and forcible entryinto a lockable part of the vessel.

    (xi) Excluding piracy and or violent theftin respect of Endorsements E10 -Cruising Range, E11 - Cruising Rangeand E12 - Cruising Range (refer to Endorsements page 17-19).

    Marina Mooring Benefit: Claims thatoccur whilst moored at a marina berth willnot incur a loss of no claims bonus orpremium loading.


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  • Section 2: Liabilities to Third Parties

    We will pay for all sums which You becomelegally liable to pay by reason of interest inthe Insured Vessel and arising out ofaccidents occurring during the period ofthis insurance, subject to the limit noted inthe Schedule inclusive of legal costs andexpenses, in respect of:

    (a) Loss or damage to any other vessel orproperty;

    (b) Loss of life, personal injury or illness;caused by the Insured Vessel; and

    (c) Any attempted or actual raising,removal or destruction of the InsuredVessel or its cargo or any failure toraise, remove or destroy same.

    (d) property damage during the Period ofInsurance caused by or arising fromsudden and accidental pollutiondirectly or indirectly arising from thedischarge, release or escape of fuel,lubricants or sewage from holdingtanks from the vessel within theCruising Range, other than liabilityarising from or connected with:• Your own recklessness, deliberate

    actions or misconduct;• the recklessness, deliberate actions

    or misconduct of any person in possession of the vessel with Your permission;

    • fuel or lubricants not being used in connection with the operation of the vessel at the time of loss; or

    • fines, punitive, aggravated or exemplary damages.

    In respect of claims caused or arising fromsudden and accidental pollution the Limit ofIndemnity shall not exceed £500,000 (for alldamages and all law costs) for any oneperiod of insurance.

    We will also pay the legal costs andexpenses incurred by the Insured contestingliability or taking proceedings to limit liabilitywith Our prior consent.

    We will further pay the costs for Yourrepresentation at any coroner’s inquest orfatal accidental inquiry.

    Except where otherwise provided byendorsement, the above provisions willapply to any other person navigating or incharge of the Insured Vessel with Yourpermission. It is assumed that such a personis acting as Your agent.

    Exclusions to Section 2:

    This insurance does not cover any liability orexpense arising from:

    (i) Any employer's liability.(ii) Any Road Traffic liability.(iii) Any liability to, or incurred by, any

    person engaged in water-skiing,


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  • aquaplaning or other sport or activitywhile being towed by the InsuredVessel. Except where otherwiseprovided by endorsement.

    (iv) Any punitive or exemplary damageshowever described.

    (v) directly or indirectly out of or in anyway connected with, the existence, atany time, of asbestos.

    We will also pay the legal costs and expensesincurred by the Insured contesting liability ortaking proceedings to limit liability with ourprior consent.

    We will further pay the costs for yourrepresentation at any coroner’s inquest orfatal accidental inquiry.

    Except where otherwise provided byendorsement, the above provisions willapply to any other person navigating or incharge of the Insured Vessel with yourpermission. It is assumed that such a personis acting as your agent.

    Exclusions to Section 2:

    This insurance does not cover any liability orexpense arising from:

    (i) Any employer's liability.(ii) Any Road Traffic liability.

    (iii) Any liability to, or incurred by, anyperson engaged in water-skiing,aquaplaning or other sport or activitywhile being towed by the InsuredVessel.

    (iv) Any punitive or exemplary damageshowever described.

    Section 2: Liabilities to Third Parties (continued)


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  • Where the policyholder or policyholders’crew member suffers bodily injury byaccidental external violent and visiblemeans whilst in control of the vesseldescribed in the schedule we will, at yourrequest, pay to the injured person or theirlegal personal representatives the benefitsspecified provided such injury shall,independently of any other cause andwithin three months result in:

    a) in respect of items 1 to 4 above thetotal amount payable shall not exceed£7,000

    b) No Benefit will be paid until the totalamount has been ascertained andagreed.

    c) No Benefit will be paid arising out of anaccident where any crew member

    (i) was convicted or a prosecution ispending under any legislationrelating to the level,concentration or quantity ofalcohol or drugs in their body.

    (ii) following a post mortemexamination is found to have ahigher level, concentration orquantity of alcohol or drugs intheir body than is permitted bylegislation of the territory wherethe accident occurred

    (iii) is not permitted to be in controlof the vessel as detailed in thepolicy and schedule of insurance

    Permanent Total Disablement means a disablement which permanentlycompletely and continuously prevents thecrew member from attending to businessor occupation of any and every kind andwhich lasted 3 months is certified bymedical evidence to be beyond hope ofimprovement.

    Hospitalisationmeans in-patient care for a period of morethan 7 consecutive days in an institutionwhich has facilities for diagnosis, treatmentand major surgery and has accommodationfor persons as in-patients. It does notinclude a long term nursing unit, a geriatricor pre-convalescent ward or an extendedcare facility for convalescence, rehabilitationor other similar function.

    Section 3: Personal Accident

    Item No.

    1. Death

    2. Complete and permanent loss of sight of one or both eyes.

    3. Loss by severance of one or more limbs at or above the wrist or ankle

    4. Permanent total disablement

    5. Hospitalisation (payable for up to ten weeks)






    £70 perweek


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  • General Exclusions

    General Exclusions to Your Policy

    The following exclusions will takeprecedence over all other conditions in the policy:

    1. No claim will be allowed under thepolicy where the Insured Vessel is usedat any time for purposes other thanprivate pleasure.

    2. No claim will be allowed under thepolicy where the Insured Vessel has aMaximum designed speed in excess of17 knots. Unless otherwise specifiedby endorsement.

    3. No claim will be allowed under thispolicy arising from theft of theoutboard motor(s) unless it is securelylocked to the vessel by means of ananti-theft device in addition to thenormal method of attachment.

    4. No claim will be allowed under thepolicy where the Insured Vessel isengaged in water-skiing or othersports or activities involving theInsured Vessel towing items. Unlessotherwise specified by endorsement.

    5. No claim will be allowed under thepolicy where an incident occurs whilethe Insured Vessel is in commissionand outside the cruising range

    specified in the Schedule.

    6. No claim will be allowed for itemsvalued over £1,000 that have not been specified on the Statement of Fact/proposal form or subsequently advised in writing to the Company in respect of Personal Effects, Domestic Appliances, Electronics and NavigationEquipment.

    7. No claim will be allowed under thepolicy where the Insured Vessel is inbreach of the Laid-Up Period specifiedin the Schedule.

    8. No claim will be allowed under thepolicy arising from towing anothervessel or whilst being towed byanother vessel except in anemergency or when it is customary.

    9. No claim will be allowed unless youexercise reasonable care to make theInsured Vessel seaworthy at the start ofthis Policy (or at the first date ofputting to sea, if later), and you willexercise reasonable care throughoutthe period of insurance to make andkeep the Insured Vessel in a seaworthycondition, and you will keep the vesselin a safe place when not underway.


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  • General Exclusions (continued)

    10. In no case shall this insurance coverloss, damage, liability or expensedirectly or indirectly caused by orcontributed to, by or arising from;(i) Any weapon or device employing

    atomic or nuclear fission and/orfusion or any other like reactionor radioactive force or matter.

    (ii) Ionising radiations from orcontamination by radioactivityfrom any nuclear fuel or from anynuclear waste or from thecombustion of nuclear fuel.

    (iii) The radioactive, toxic, explosive orother hazardous or contaminatingproperties of any nuclearinstallation, reactor or othernuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof.

    (iv) The radioactive, toxic, explosiveor other hazardous orcontaminating properties of anyradioactive matter. The exclusionin this sub-clause does notextend to radioactive isotopes,other than nuclear fuel, whensuch isotopes are being prepared,carried, stored, or used forcommercial, agricultural,medical, scientific or other similarpeaceful purposes.

    (v) Any chemical, biological, bio-chemical, or electromagneticweapon.

    11. Notwithstanding any provision to thecontrary within this insurance or anyendorsement thereto it is agreed thatthis insurance excludes liability, loss,damage, cost or expense ofwhatsoever nature directly orindirectly caused by, resulting from orin connection with any of the followingregardless of any other cause or eventcontributing concurrently or in anyother sequence to the loss;

    (i) War, invasion, acts of foreignenemies, hostilities or warlikeoperations (whether war bedeclared or not), civil war,rebellion, revolution, insurrection,civil commotion assuming theproportions of or amounting to anuprising, military or usurpedpower, or

    (ii) any act of terrorism.An act of terrorism means an act,including but not limited to theuse of force or violence and/orthe threat thereof, of any personor group(s) of persons, whetheracting alone or on behalf of or inconnection with anyorganisation(s) orgovernment(s), committed forpolitical, religious, ideological orsimilar purposes including theintention to influence anygovernment and/or to put the


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  • General Exclusions (continued)

    public, or any section of thepublic, in fear.

    This insurance also excludes liability, loss,damage, cost or expense of whatsoevernature directly or indirectly caused by,resulting from or in connection with anyaction taken in controlling, preventing,suppressing or in any way relating to (i)and/or (ii) above.

    If the Company alleges that by reason of thisGeneral Exclusion any liability, loss, damage,cost or expense is not covered by thisinsurance the burden of proving contraryshall be upon the Insured.

    In the event any portion of this GeneralExclusion is found to be invalid orunenforceable, the remainder shall remain infull force and effect.

    12. This insurance excludes liability, loss,damage, cost or expense ofwhatsoever nature directly orindirectly caused by, resulting from orin connection with;(i) The loss of alteration of or

    damage to, or(ii) a reduction in the functionally

    availability or operation of acomputer system, hardware,programme, software, data,information repository, microchip,integrated circuit or similar device

    in computer equipment or non-computer equipment that resultsfrom the malicious or negligenttransfer (electronic or otherwise)of a computer programme thatcontains any malicious ordamaging code including but notlimited to computer virus, worm,logic bomb or trojan horse.

    13. In no case shall this insurance coverloss, damage, liability or expense ordirectly or indirectly caused by orcontributed to, by or arising from;(i) Any chemical, biological, bio-

    chemical or electromagneticweapon,

    (ii) the use or operation, as a meansfor inflicting harm, of anycomputer, computer system,computer software programme,computer virus or process or anyother electronic system.


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  • Conditions

    1. This policy is personal to You and is nottransferable.

    2. The excess stated in the Schedule shallapply to all claims other than claims inrespect of total or constructive totalloss of the Insured Vessel, racing risksclaims or any claim under Section 2:Liabilities to Third Parties and Section3: Personal Accident of this policy.

    3. In addition to the excess we maydeduct an amount for wear, tearand depreciation.

    In respect of protective covers, masts,sails, running rigging and outboardmotors we may deduct up to 1/3rd,arising from new for old from thereasonable cost of replacement.

    4. Any incident or occurrence, whichmay give rise to a claim under thisinsurance, shall be promptly notifiedto the Company and any theft,attempted theft or malicious damageshall be reported promptly to thePolice.

    5. In the event of a claim under this policyshould the Insured Vessel requirerepairs the Company may take tendersor require tenders to be taken.

    6. In case of any accident or loss, it is theduty of the Insured to take suchmeasures as may be reasonable forthe purpose of averting or minimisinga loss which would be recoverableunder this insurance.

    7. All Statutory and Ministerialrequirements must be complied with.

    8. This insurance may be cancelled bythe Company at any time subject to 30 days notice to the Insured.

    You may cancel the Policy at any timeby written notice.

    If there has been no claim during thecurrent Period of Insurance We willreturn premium for the unexpiredPeriod of Insurance.

    9. When the Insured Vessel is under waythe named Insured or any othercompetent person navigating or incharge of the Insured Vessel with theinsured's permission shall be on boardand in control of the vessel. Unlessotherwise specified by endorsement.

    10. The Insured Vessel can only be sailedsingle-handedly between the hours ofsunrise and sunset local time and onlyfor a cumulative total of 50 nauticalmiles per day. Otherwise a sufficientnumber of experienced crew must be on board.

    11. The policyholder shall render to theCompany all possible aid in obtaininginformation and evidence should theCompany desire to take proceedingsat their own expense and for their ownbenefit in the name of the policyholderto recover compensation or to securean indemnity from any third party inrespect of anything covered by thisinsurance.

    General Conditions of Your Policy


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  • Conditions (continued)

    12. The observance and fulfilment of theterms Exclusions and Conditions ofthis Policy in so far as they relate toanything to be done or complied withby the Insured of any otherindemnified party shall be conditionsprecedent to any liability of theCompany to make any payment underthis Policy.

    13. If a claim is fraudulent in any respector if fraudulent means are used by theInsured or by anyone acting on hisbehalf to obtain any benefit under thisPolicy or if any Damage is caused bythe wilful act or with the connivance ofthe Insured all benefits under thisPolicy shall be forfeited.

    14. This policy may be voidable in theevent of misrepresentation. Amisrepresentation is where anindividual provides inaccurate,misleading or incomplete information.

    15. All differences arising out of this Policyshall be referred to the decision of anarbitrator to be appointed by theparties or failing agreement by thePresident of the Law Society or by theBar Council. Where any difference isreferred to arbitration the making ofan award shall be a conditionprecedent to any right of actionagainst the Company. Claims notreferred to arbitration within 12calendar months from the date ofdisclaimer of the liability shall bedeemed to have been abandoned.

    16. The onus is on the Policyholderto review the value of the insureditems at each renewal.


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  • Extensions

    1: Cover Whilst Racing

    Where the Insured Vessel is engaged in racingand the Company agrees to delete exclusion (ii)and (vii) of Section 1, the following sectionapplies and We will pay:

    (a) The cost of replacing or repairing sails,spars, masts, standing and runningrigging lost or damaged whilst the vesselis racing, subject to the loss beingcovered in Section 1 of the policy.

    (b) The amount recoverable under the policyis 75% of this cost in respect of vessels 7metres and over in length and 100% inrespect of vessels under 7 metres inlength (but excluding the excess) unlessthe loss or damage is caused by theInsured Vessel being stranded, sunk,burnt, on fire, in collision or in contactwith any external substance (iceincluded) other than water, when thecost of replacement or repair isrecoverable in full, subject only to thededuction for new for old and the excessstated in the Schedule.

    Indemnity under this Section is calculated onthe basis of the value of all sails (whether set ornot), masts, spars, standing and runningrigging carried and shall not exceed the sumstated in the Schedule for this purpose.

    2: Fast Craft

    Where the Insured Vessel has amaximum designed speed greaterthan 17 knots and the Company agreesto delete General Exclusion 2, thefollowing section applies:

    (a) No claim shall be allowed underany section of the policy forvessels under 7.6m unless withinsight of shore caused by:(i) The Insured Vessel being stranded,

    sunk, swamped, immersed or breaking adrift, while left moored oranchored unattended off anexposed beach or shore.

    (ii) The Insured Vessel’s participation in racing or speed trials, or any trials inconnection therewith.

    (b) If the Insured Vessel is fitted withinboard machinery, no claim shall be allowed arising from fire or explosion unless the vessel is equipped in the engine room (or engine space) tank space orgalley, with a fire extinguishing system automatically operated or having controls at steering position and properly installedand maintained in efficient working order.

    Additional Sections where applicable:


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  • Extensions (continued)

    3: Water Sports

    Where the Insured Vessel is engaged in watersports and the Company agrees to deleteSection 2: Liabilities to Third Parties Exclusion(iii) and General Exclusions 4, the followingsection applies: Including liability to, orincurred by any person engaged in

    (a) waterskiing and wakeboarding.(b) the towing of rings.

    Limit of Indemnity £1,000,000 any oneaccident or occurrence.

    Personal floatation device must be worn bypersons engaged.

    Only one person to be towed at a time.Excluding liability to, or incurred by any person engaged in parascending or towing of banana boats.


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  • Endorsements (operative only if indicated on the Schedule)

    E01 - Cruising Range Cruising confined to inland waterways of theRepublic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

    E02 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to inland waterways &coastal waters of the Republic of Ireland andNorthern Ireland.

    E03 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to coastal waters of theRepublic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

    E04 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to coastal waters of theRepublic of Ireland and Northern Irelandincluding the Irish Sea.

    E05 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to coastal waters of theRepublic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and UKincluding the Irish Sea.

    E06 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to coastal waters of theRepublic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, UK(including the Irish Sea) and France, notsouth of La Rochelle.

    E07 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to inland waterways &coastal waters of the Republic of Ireland,Northern Ireland and UK including the Irish Sea.

    E08 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to inland waterways &coastal waters of the Republic of Ireland,Northern Ireland and west coast of UK, notnorth of Mull including the Irish Sea.

    E09 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to coastal waters of theRepublic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, U.K(including the Irish Sea and EnglishChannel) France, Spain and Portugal notsouth of 36 degrees North, (including straitof Gibraltar), not east of Gibraltar(excluding Mediterranean Sea).

    E10 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to coastal waters of theRepublic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, U.K(including the Irish Sea and EnglishChannel) France, Spain and Portugal notsouth of 36 degrees North (including straitof Gibraltar), including Mediterranean notEast of 5 degrees East).

    E11 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to coastal waters of theRepublic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, U.K(including the Irish Sea and EnglishChannel) France, Spain and Portugal notsouth of 36 degrees North (including straitof Gibraltar), including Mediterranean notEast of 10 degrees East).

    E12 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to coastal waters of theRepublic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, U.K(including the Irish Sea and EnglishChannel) France, Spain and Portugal notsouth of 36 degrees North (including straitof Gibraltar), including Mediterranean notEast of 15 degrees East).

    E13 - Temporary Extension of CruisingRangePolicy extended to Europe for 30 daysfrom date agreed with the Company.


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  • Endorsements (operative only if indicated on the Schedule)

    E14 - Temporary Extension of CruisingRangeCruising range extended to includecoastal waters of the Republic ofIreland and Northern Ireland for 30 daysfrom date agreed with the Company. Excess increases by 100% for this period.

    E15 - Laid-Up PeriodInsured Vessel to be laid up ashore from1/11 to 31/3 annually.

    E16 - Laid-Up PeriodInsured Vessel to be laid up ashore from1/11 to 31/3 annually or otherwise mooredin a marina, with in commission usepermitted during this period.

    E17 - Laid-Up PeriodInsured Vessel not to be left in the waterduring the period 1/11 to 31/3 annually.

    E18 - Laid-Up PeriodInsured Vessel to be laid up ashore for theduration of this Insurance.

    E19 - Laid-Up PeriodInsured Vessel to be moored at the locationagreed with the Company (12 months incommission).

    E20 - Laid-Up PeriodInsured Vessel to be laid up ashore after use.

    E21 - Third Party Liability OnlyThird Party Liability Only as per Section 2.Section 1: Damage to your Vessel deleted.

    E22 - Damage to your Vessel OnlyDamage to your Vessel only as per Section 1.Section 2 Liabilities to Third Parties deleted.

    E23 - Vessels with Maximum DesignedSpeed of 18-25 knotsAny person in command of the InsuredVessel (other than the insured) must havecompleted the RYA Level 2 Power BoatHandling Certificate (or its equivalent) orYachtmaster Cert (coastal, Offshore andOcean but Excluding Shore based) orInternational Operators of Pleasure Craftqualification, Dive Boat Coxswainqualification or have a minimum of 3 yearsexperience with Fast Craft. GeneralExclusions 2 deleted and Extension 2 FastCraft applicable.

    E24 - Vessels with Maximum DesignedSpeed in excess of 25 knotsAny person in command of the InsuredVessel must have completed the RYA Level2 Power Boat Handling Certificate (or itsequivalent) or Yachtmaster Cert (coastal,Offshore and Ocean but Excluding Shorebased) or International Operators ofPleasure Craft qualification, Dive BoatCoxswain qualification or have a minimumof 3 years experience with Fast Craft.General Exclusions 2 deleted and Extension2 Fast Craft applicable.

    E25 - Waterskiing and Wakeboarding Extension 3: Water Sports Applicable.Section 2: Liabilities to Third Parties Exclusion(iii) deleted. General Exclusions 4 deleted.Section (b) the towing of rings deleted.


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  • Endorsements (operative only if indicated on the Schedule)

    E26 - Waterskiing, Wakeboarding &Towing RingsExtension 3: Water Sports applicable.Section 2: Liabilities to ThirdParties Exclusion (iii) deleted.General Exclusions 4 deleted.

    E27 - Racing RisksExtension 1: Cover Whilst Racing applicable.Section 1: Damage to Your Vessel (ii) and(vii) deleted. Racing Risks Extension coveredas per value stated on Policy Schedule.

    E28 - Survey/Condition Report All surveyors recommendations must becomplied with within time frame agreedwith the Company.

    E29 - Premium ProtectionIn any consecutive 3 year renewal period,You may incur one unlimited claim withoutany impact on Your premium. In addition,any payment for fire or theft will not impactYour premium.

    E30 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to coastal waters ofIreland, UK, Continent of Europe that isbetween Brest and the River Elbe includingChannel Islands, Isle of Man and NorthernIreland.

    E31 - Cruising RangeCruising confined to inland waterways andcoastal waters of Ireland, UK includingChannel Islands, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles andContinental coastal waters between Brestand the River Elbe and European inlandwaterways not south of 46 degrees Northand not East of 10 degrees east.

    E32 - Laid-Up PeriodInsured Vessel not to be left unattendedduring the period 01/04 to 31/10 annuallyunless moored at a marina, acknowledgedsheltered mooring or acknowledgedsheltered harbour. Insured Vessel must bemarina based or laid up ashore whenunattended during the period 1/11 to 31/3.

    E33- Laid-Up PeriodInsured Vessel to be based in a 24 hourmanned secure marina when leftunattended.


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  • Making a Claim

    If You have any queries or if You need anyadvice in making a claim contact our claimsdepartment on 08457 828828 which isopen 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. WhenYou are making a claim please note thefollowing points: Complete and return aclaim form. Estimates should be submittedwith Your claim. Once the estimate hasbeen agreed by Us You can proceed withrepairs/redecoration.

    If property has been stolen or maliciouslydamaged, or if You lose a valuable item, You should inform the Police as soon aspossible. You will receive the Police reportform with Your claim form. When necessary– in the case of broken windows, burst pipesor if the vessel is taking on water forexample – You should have emergencyrepairs carried out immediately to preventpossible further damage to Your property. Ifthe claim includes injury to someone else ordamage to their property, You should sendwritten details to Us as soon as possible. It isvital that we deal with such claims on Yourbehalf. Under no circumstances should youmake an admission of liability.

    Any letters or documents You receiveshould be sent unanswered to Us withoutdelay. Where we need to discuss Your claimYou will be contacted as soon aspossible to make an appointment.


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  • Important Information

    Important information inrelation to your Allianz policy

    Your insurer The underwriter of your insurance isAllianz p.l.c., having its registered office atAllianz House, Elmpark, Merrion Road,Dublin 4, Companies Registration No. 143108. Vat no 4887986M. Ourcontact details are: tel: +353 1 6133000,fax: +353 1 6134444, and email: [email protected].

    Statutory StatusAllianz p.l.c. is authorised by the CentralBank of Ireland and is subject to limitedregulation by the Financial ConductAuthority. Details about the extent of ourregulation by the Financial ConductAuthority are available from us onrequest.

    What we doAllianz p.l.c. is a non-life insuranceundertaking which underwrites personal,commercial, education, religious andsocial insurance products.

    How we chargeThe charge for our services is thepremium (including applicablegovernment levy and/or premium taxes).This premium, and any optional covers

    are separately specified in yourSchedule/Renewal notice.

    DefaultNon-payment of your premium or partthereof or breach by you of certainconditions of your policy may lead to yourpolicy being revoked or cancelled.

    LanguageYour policy and all communications withyou or by you to us will be in English.

    Right of WithdrawalYou have the right to withdraw from thispolicy, provided you have not made atotal loss claim, within 14 days of thelatest of:(1) the starting date of cover, or(2) the date on which you receive the

    full terms and conditions of your Policy.

    Withdrawal effectively means that nopolicy was ever in place, and you mayexercise this right by notice in writing tous at the address given above, quotingyour policy number. Should you exercisethis right we will refund you any part ofyour premium you have paid less apremium transaction charge as detailedin Your schedule. If the cover is motorinsurance, the premium cannot berefunded until the Allianz Certificate of


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  • Important Information

    Motor Insurance and Insurance Disc havebeen returned to Allianz. Please note thatthe right of withdrawal does not apply ifthe insurance policy under whichinsurance cover is provided is for lessthan 1 month.

    Governing lawYou and We may choose the lawapplicable to this contract. It is herebyagreed that this contract is governed bythe Laws of Northern Ireland unless weagree with you otherwise in writing. The Northern Irish Courts will havejurisdiction to hear any dispute otherthan any dispute which must be referredto arbitration under the arbitration clauseof this policy.

    Policy Alteration, Additional and Return PremiumsWhere your policy is altered during anyPeriod of Insurance We will recalculateyour premium. This may result in anadditional premium due to Us or a returnpremium due to You. A PremiumTransaction Charge may be applied to allsuch alterations, as detailed in yourSchedule.

    We will only charge or refund Youprovided the total amount, including thePremium Transaction Charge, is greater

    than or equal to the amount detailed inyour Schedule. A Government Levyapplies to all premium calculations.

    Alteration to terms and conditionsIn the event of a claim we may adviseyou, at the time of your next renewal, ofaltered policy terms and conditionswhich increase your premium and/orexcess, and/or reduce cover.

    CompensationPlease note that in the event of Allianzbeing unable to pay a claim, you may beentitled to compensation from theInsurance Compensation Fund in Ireland.

    ComplaintsWe aim to deliver the very higheststandards of customer care. If you have anyenquiry or complaint, please contact, withyour policy/quote number and details:

    Head of Customer Focus, Allianz p.l.c.,Allianz House, Elmpark, Merrion Road,Dublin 4. Tel: +353 1 6133000, or email:[email protected].

    If your complaint is not resolved to yoursatisfaction and you remain dissatisfiedwith our final response to your complaintyou can refer your complaint to:


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  • (1) The Financial Services Ombudsman Bureau, 3rd Floor, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2.Locall: 1890 882090, Tel: +353 1 6620899, Fax: +353 1 6620890, or email: [email protected] website – www.financialombudsman.ieand/or

    (2) Insurance Information Services – Insurance Ireland, 39 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.Tel: +353 1 6761914, Fax: +353 1 6761943, or email: [email protected]:

    The Financial Services Ombudsman willexamine complaints from all customers,except limited companies with a turnoverof €3 million and above.

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    Important Information


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  • Important information inrelation to your Allianz policy

    We aim to deliver the very highest standardsof customer care. If you have a complaint,please contact, with your policy/quotenumber and details:

    Head of Customer Focus,Allianz p.l.c.,Allianz House,Elmpark,Merrion Road,Dublin 4. Tel: +353 1 613 3000Email: [email protected]

    If you remain dissatisfied with our finalresponse to your complaint you can referyour complaint to the InsuranceOmbudsman of Ireland. The contact detailsare:(1)The Insurance Ombudsman of Ireland,

    32 Upper Merrion StreetDublin 2Telephone 003531 6620899 Fax : 003531 6620890 Email : [email protected]; and/or

    (2)Insurance Information Services – Insurance Ireland39 Molesworth StreetDublin 2

    You may also refer your complaint to theFinancial Ombudsman Service. You must dothis within six months of the date of ourdecision. The contact details are:

    The Financial Ombudsman ServiceSouth Quay Plaza183 Marsh WallLondon E14 9SRTelephone 0845 080 1800Email: [email protected]

    Your Pleasure Craft Policy

    Important Information


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  • AllianzDirect Division3 Cromac QuayThe GasworksOrmeau RoadBelfast BT7 2JD

    Tel: 028 90 828 828Fax: 028 90 434222Email: [email protected]:

    Allianz is a trading name of Allianz p.l.c. registered in Ireland No. 143108. Registered office: Allianz House, Elmpark, Merrion Road, Dublin 4 A

    LD 3

    9 01



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