yoga asanas

यययय ययय By: Ankit Choudhary | B.P.ED 2 nd Sem | Roll No : 02 Amity University (ASPRESS) | Batch

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By: Ankit Choudhary | B.P.ED 2nd Sem | Roll No : 02Amity University (ASPRESS) | Batch (2016 2018)



STANDING ASANAUTTANASANAINTRODUCTIONThe name comes from the Sanskrit wordsUd(; ud) = prefix for verbs or nouns, indicating superiority in location, rank, power, intensityTana(; tna) = "stretched"Uttana(; uttna) = "intense stretch" or "straight" or "stretched",[andAsana(; sana) meaning "posture" or "seat".PROCEDURE:INITIAL STAGETake a standing position; keep your feet and shoulder distance apart and parallel to each other.Press your feet down in to the ground and ground yourself powerfully.Now breathe out and gently bend down from the hips (not the waist) and place your chest and stomach on your thighs.If you are a beginner, you ought to bend your knees slightly to accomplish this.If your knees are bent, make sure that theyre straight over your toes.Slowly begin to straighten out your legs however check that your chest and abdomen never leave your thighs.Now elevate your hips as you straighten through your hamstring muscles all whereas pressing your heels into the ground.


FINAL STAGEOnce youre feeling stable, cross your forearms, grab your elbows and hang your head down.If youre enough flexible, youll attempt to bring your palms to the ground or hold your heels from behind.Begin by holding this pose for thirty seconds and step by step work your way to one minute at a time.While holding this position, gently inhale and exhale.While breathe in, try to lift and lengthen your torso with each exhalation, try to go deeper and deeper into the stretch.There another way to increase the stretch is to roll on to the balls of your feet and lean slightly forward. This stretches the backs of your legs and permits you to carry the pose for extended.Dont shut your eyes throughout this Asana.Try to hold this pose for 30 seconds.Release this pose by placing your hands back on to your hips and with a deep breath in (inhale), extend your back and come up to the initial position.

BENEFITSIt improves the process of blood circulation.Helps to improves posture and alignment.Useful for stretching the leg muscles like calves and hamstrings.Improves the functions of endocrine and nervous system.Helps in cellular growth.

CONTRA-INDICATIONSIf you suffer from any type of back injury, try this pose with your knees bentYou can also try the Ardha Uttanasana instead of the Uttanasana if you suffer from chronic back painAvoid this pose completely if you have recently had back surgery, knee surgery or surgery to your hamstringsDo not do this pose if there has been recent injury to your legs, hips, and shoulders

B. NATRAJASANAINTRODUCTION:The name comes from the Sanskrit words nata meaning "dancer", raja meaning "king",and asana () meaning "posture" or "seat.Nataraja is one of the names given to the Hindu God Shiva in his form as the cosmic dancer.PROCEDURE:INITIAL STAGEStand straight on your yoga mat and arms by your sides.While inhaling bend your right leg backwards and hold with your right ankle with right hand as shown in fig.Try to move your right leg upwards as much as you can.FINAL STAGEExtend your left arm straight out in front. In the beginning you can take help another person.Hold this posture for 20 30 seconds and keep breathing normally. Now slowly come back to starting position.Repeat this with left leg then right leg. Like this you can practice for 3-4 repetition.


Strengthens legs hips, ankles and chest.Helps to reduce weight.Stretches the thighs, groin, and abdominal organs.improves posture and your balance.Improves digestive system.Good for Improving concentration.Releases stress and calms the mind.

CONTRA-INDICATIONSThose suffering from low blood pressure should not practice Natarajana.In the beginning take the support of your friend to maintain proper balance.Doctor advice is must before practice any exercise.Practice under expert guidance.

C. KATI CHAKRASANAThe Kati Chakrasana literally means rotation of the waist. The literal meaning goes as follows:Kati= waistChakra= wheel or circular roatationAsana= posture or pose

PROCEDUREINITIAL STAGEStand up straight with your feet togetherKeep your spine erect keep the shoulders straight.Keep your legs apart from each other equivalent to the shouldersStretch your hands to the front, palms facing each other.Your hands should be in line with the shoulders.First inhale and then while exhaling twist from the waist to the right and look back over the right.Keep your breath out and stay in this position as long as possible.Inhale and slowly come back to the center.

FINAL STAGEExhale and twist from the waist to the left and look back over the left.Keep your breath out.Stay in this final posture as long as possible.Come back to the center and relax.In the twisted position if you want to stay for longer then you need slowly keep on breathing.This is the complete cycle of this posture.Practice can be repeated 10 to 20 times or even more than that as per the convenience.

BENEFITSHelps to remove lethargy.Improves the flexibility of the spine and waist.Strengthens the spine and waistGood for relieving constipation.Opens up the neck and shoulders.Provides a stretch in different muscles of arm, abdomen and legs.Helps to relive back pain.

CONTRA-INDICATIONSAvoid practicing if you have recently undergone any abdomen or spinal surgery.If you are suffering from hernia, slip disc or any abdominal inflammation.Avoid the practice during pregnancy.

In case of any health issues, consult your doctor or yoga expert or therapist before your practice this posture.

D. VRIKSASANAThe name comes from the Sanskrit words vriksa or vriksha (, vka) meaning "tree", and asana () meaning "posture".

PROCEDURE:INITIAL STAGE:Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and shift your weight slightly onto your left foot, keeping your sole pressed firm against the floor, and then bend your right knee.Reach down with your right hand and clasp your right ankle.Draw your right foot up and place the sole against your inner left thigh; if possible, press your right heel into your thigh just below your groin with your toes pointing toward the floor.The center of your pelvis should be directly over your left foot.Rest your hands on the upper portion of your pelvic bone. Make sure that your pelvis is in a neutral position, with the top rim parallel to the floor.

FINAL STAGE:Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor.Firmly press your right foot sole against your inner thigh and resist with your left leg.Press your hands together in Anjali Mudra. Gaze softly at a fixed point in front of you on the floor about 4 -5 feet awayStay in this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute.Step back to Tadasana with an exhalation and repeat for the same length of time with the legs reversed.

BENEFITS:Stretches out your groin, inner thighs, chest, and shoulders.Strengthens your thighs, calves, ankles, and spine.Helps improve concentration and your sense of balance.Relieves sciatica and reduces flat feet.

CONTRA-INDICATIONSThe sole of the lifted foot should be placed above or below the standing knee, but not directly on the side of it. Placing the foot adjacent to the knee places pressure on the leg in a direction which could cause injury because the knee does not flex parallel to the frontal plane. Additionally, raising the arms above the head for any length of time may involve risks for persons with high blood pressure. The arms can be held at chest height in anjali mudra for those at risk, or simply to relax the effort of the asana.

SITTING ASANASA. PASCHIMOTTANASANAINTRODUCTIONThe name comes from the Sanskrit words paschima (, pacima) meaning "west" or "back" or "back of body",and uttana (, uttna) meaning "intense stretch" or "straight" or "extended", and asana () meaning "posture" or "seat".PROCEDURE:INITIAL STAGE:In the first stage, the yogi stretches their legs straight and swings the upper part of their body back and forth. With each swing, the yogi tries to reach further with their hands, touching their knees, calves, ankles, and finally their toes.In the second stage, the yogi bends forward to touch their knees with their hands.FINAL STAGE:From the second stage above, the yogi reaches further to touch their toes with their hands.From the third stage, the yogi tries to place their elbows at the side of their knees, and touch their knees with either their nose or their forehead.

BENEFITSIt acts as a stress reliever.Reduces fatty deposits in the abdomen.Remove anxiety, anger and irritability.Calms the mind.Stretches the spine and brings flexibility.Good for constipation and digestive disorder.Useful for increasing height.Regular practice cure impotency and enhance the sexual power.

CONTRA-INDICATIONSPregnant women should not practice Paschimottanasana.Person suffering from slip disc orsciatica problem, asthma should avoid Paschimottanasana.Ulcer patient should not practice.


INTRODUCTIONPadmsana means "Lotus throne" and is also a term for actual thrones, often decorated with lotus foliage motifs, on which figures in art sit. The Hindu (Vedic) Goddess of Prosperity, Sri Lakshmi, sits atop a lotus flower.PROCEDURE:INITIAL STAGE:Sit on the floor or on a mat with legs stretched out in front of you while keeping the spine erect.Bend the right knee and place it on the left thigh. Make sure that the sole of the feet point upward and the heel is close to the abdomen.Now, repeat the same step with the other leg.FINAL STAGE:With both the legs crossed and feet placed on opposite thighs, place your hands on the knees in mudra position.Keep the head straight and spine erect.Hold and continue with gentle long breaths in and out.

BENEFITSImproves digestionReduces muscular tension and brings blood pressure under controlRelaxes the mindHelps pregnant ladies during childbirthReduces menstrual discomfort

CONTRA-INDICATIONSOther meditation asanas are indicated until sufficient flexibility has been developed to sit comfortably in the Lotus. Sciatica, sacral infections and weak or injured knees are contra-indications to attempting the asana.

If your knees point in when your feet point straight ahead, the lotus position may be impossible to achieve. The joints on the opposite ends of the femurs and tibiae are rotated relative to each other.


INTRODUCTIONThe asana is named after the great yogi Matsyendranath.The name comes from the Sanskrit words ardha meaning "half", matsya meaning "fish", eendra meaning "king", and asana ( ) meaning "posture" or "seat".The name Vakrasana comes from the Sanskrit word "Vakra" ('twisted').

PROCEDUREINITIAL STAGE:Sit up with the legs stretched out straight in front of you, keeping the feet together and the spine erect.Bend the left leg and place the heal of the left foot beside the right hip (optionally, you can keep the left leg straight).Take the right leg over the left knee.Place the left hand on the right knee and the right hand behind you.Twist the waist, shoulders and neck in this sequence to the right and look over the right shoulder.

FINAL STAGEKeep the spine erect.Hold and continue with gentle long breaths in and out.Breathing out, release the right hand first (the hand behind you), release the waist, then chest,lastly the neck and sit up relaxed yet straight.Repeat to the other side.Breathing out, come back to the front and relax.

BENEFITSMakes spine suppleIncreases the elasticity of the spineOpens the chest and increases the oxygen supply to the lungs.

CONTRA-INDICATIONSBack or spine injury: Perform this pose only with the supervision of an experienced teacher.


INTRODUCTIONThe two names for the asana come from the Sanskrit words baka ("crane") or kak ("crow"), and asana () meaning "posture" or "seat".While different yoga lineages use one name or another for the asana, Dharma Mittra makes a distinction, citing Kakasana as being with arms bent (like the shorter legs of a crow) and Bakasana with arms straight (like the longer legs of a crane).In the west, practitioners often mistranslate the Sanskrit "Bakasana" as the English "Crow Pose".PROCEDUREINITIAL STAGEWhile in a squatting position on a yoga mat, maintain equal distance between both the knees and keep the feet flat on the mat. Then place the palms in between the knees and flat on the ground while maintaining the knees and elbows at the same level.FINAL STAGEBend the torso forward while lifting both the legs up so that the whole body balances solely on the palms. While in this posture, maintain a straight gaze so that the body balances properly.Finally to return to the original position, slowly bring the feet down on the ground and go back into a Tadasana posture.

BENEFITSIt helps in strengthening the wrists and arms.It stretches the upper back and increases the flexibility and elasticity of the spine.It strengthens and tones various muscles and organs in the abdominal region.It also opens up the groin region.The sense of balance, concentration, and co-ordination improves by practicing this posture regularly.

CONTRA-INDICATIONSIt is important to keep the neck straight in this posture to avoid sprains and strains.People who suffer from neck problems like spondilitis should always practice this asana under the guidance of a trained yoga expert.Pregnant women and those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome should also not practice this asana.

LYING ASANAS A. HALASANAINTRODUCTIONSThe name comes from the Sanskrit words 'hala' () meaning "plow" and 'asana' () meaning "posture" or "seat".

PROCEDUREINITIAL STAGE:Lie on the carpet and join the legs together.Raise the legs to an angle of 90 Degree.Thrust the palms; raise the waist and legs, bending forwards curving the back and resting the legs on the floor above head.Little by little try to place the big toe on the floor and keep the legs straight.Balance the whole weight on the shoulder blade, shift both the hands over the head, join the fingers hold the head with it and relax the elbows on the floor.

FINAL STAGEMove a little forward putting the thumb toes outward.Remain in that position for 100 counts.Then release the fingers above the head, pressing the pals on the floor taking back the thumb toe gently bring the body and legs to the floor.Practice up to 2 rounds is enough. After finishing Halasana doSavasana.BENEFITSHalasana helps to reduce both belly and body fat.The inner organs like thyroid, kidney, spleen and pancreas are nourished well.It normalizes high blood pressure.Menstrual disorders in women are cured.It improves memory power. Therefore a student practicing this yoga pose regularly helps to score high marks in examination.With a broad shoulder and a trim waist it gives sleek look.

CONTRA-INDICATIONSThose having lumbago, neck pain, spondylosis and high blood pressure should not practice this yoga pose.


INTRODUCTIONThe name comes from the Sanskrit words "shalabh" which means "grasshopper".

PROCEDUREINITIAL STAGE :Lie on your abdomen on the ground and place your hands by your side.As you inhale, lift your legs and upper torso.FINAL STAGE :Using your inner thighs, lift your leg upwards without bending your knees. Your weight should rest on your lower ribs and abdomen.Hold the pose for a minute. Release.

BENEFITSSalabhasana is one of the best back strengthening yoga asanas as it strengthens the muscles of the upper and lower back.This pose also stretches out your shoulders, chest, belly, and thighs and strengthens the muscles of the buttocks, arms, and legs.This pose stimulates your abdominal muscles and improves your overall body posture which is one of the main benefits of Salabhasana.It also helps to relieve stress and anxiety by calming your mind.Salabhasana improves the balance of your body, rejuvenates it and increases its endurance capacity

CONTRA-INDICATIONSIf you are experiencing a headache or a migraine, or suffering from a neck or spinal injury, avoid this exercise.Pregnant women also must avoid this asana at all costs.In case you have a neck injury, you must ensure you look down at the floor and keep your head in a neutral position. You could also support your head on a folded blanket.


INTRODUCTION"Supta" means 'reclining' and "Udarakarshan" means 'twisting'. In this pose the abdomen is twisted while lying down.PROCEDUREINITIAL STAGE :Lie on your backBend your knee and place the soles of your foot flat on the ground in front of the hips.Both the knee and the feet should be close together throughout the practice.FINAL STAGE Interlock your fingers and place the palm under the back of your head. Work towards touching the elbows to the ground.Take a deep inhale and exhale, lower both the legs to the floor on the right side of the body, hold your breath for a few seconds (3 seconds) and inhale again bringing the knee back to the center. Repeat the same on the other side. This will be one round, practice this for 5 rounds.

BENEFITSIt stretches the abdominal muscle and organs, hence improves digestion and eliminates constipation.The twisting of the spinal muscles relieves the strain and the stiffness caused by prolonged sitting

CONTRA-INDICATIONSBack or spine injury.


INTRODUCTIONThe name comes from the Sanskrit words nava meaning "boat" and asana () meaning "posture" or "seat".In its literal translation, "Boat Pose", the body could be imagined to resemble a boat, entirely balanced on the buttocks.PROCEDUREINITIAL STAGE :Lie flat on your back on the yoga mat with your arms by your side.Relax in this position for some time and keep breathing normally.Now inhale slowly and lift your both legs as per shown in the above image.Keep legs straight and should not be bent.Raise your upper body to touch your legs with both hands.FINAL STAGE Try to maintain the angle of 45 degrees.Hold your breath and the posture for 10-15 seconds. You can increase the time of holding posture by practicing regularly.Now exhale slowly and get back to your starting position.

BENEFITSHelps to reduce belly fat.Improve the function of digestion.Good for developing six pack ABS.Regulates the function of pancreas, liver and lungs.Strengthens abdominal muscles.Good for diabetes patient to maintain the sugar level.

CONTRA-INDICATIONSSuffering from low or high blood pressure, hip joint pain, arthritis, severe headache, migraine, hernia and ulcer patients should not practice naukasana (Boat pose).Consult a doctor first before practicing any exercise and practice under expert guidance.Pregnant women should not practice this boat pose.Avoid practicing during periods but if you are comfortable to practice then go ahead.

