year 1 - learning @ home, term 4 week 1

1 Year 1 - Learning @ Home, Term 4 Week 1 Remember to login to WebEx each morning at 9.20am for a brief check in with your class and teacher. 10am small groups will continue to be with individual classroom teachers: Mitch: Meeting number: 154 390 0969 Amy: Meeting number: 572 918 878 Lee: Meeting number: 571 811 022 Eliza: Meeting number: 572 474 116 Day WebEx meetings Monday 9:20am Everyone will join their individual teacher’s links. Monday 11am Join Amy for Boot Camp: Monday 12:30pm Join Lee’s link if you would like some help with reading for today. Monday 1:30 - 2:00 Indonesian Online with Pak Ben Join Pak Ben’s link: Tuesday 9:20am Everyone will join their individual teacher’s links. Tuesday 11:30 Boogie Time with Eliza: Tuesday 12:30pm Join Amy’s link if you would like some help with writing for today. 1:30 - 2:00pm Art Online with Laura Have some paper and drawing materials ready when you log on. Laura’s link: Access code: 574 076 333 Wednesday 9:20am 1/AO and 1/LR to join Amy’s link: 1/MW and 1/EW to join Mitch’s link: Wednesday 12pm - 12:30pm Cooking with Lee and Mitch. Today we are making honey joys. Wednesday 12:30pm Join Mitch’s link if you would like some help with writing for today. Thursday 9:20am 1/MW and 1/AO to join Mitch’s link: 1/EW and 1/LR to join Eliza’s link:

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Year 1 - Learning @ Home, Term 4 Week 1

Remember to login to WebEx each morning at 9.20am for a brief check in with your class and teacher.

10am small groups will continue to be with individual classroom teachers:

Mitch: Meeting number:

154 390 0969

Amy: Meeting number: 572 918 878

Lee: Meeting number: 571 811 022

Eliza: Meeting number: 572 474 116

Day WebEx meetings

Monday 9:20am Everyone will join their individual teacher’s links.

Monday 11am Join Amy for Boot Camp:

Monday 12:30pm Join Lee’s link if you would like some help with reading for today.

Monday 1:30 - 2:00 Indonesian Online with Pak Ben

Join Pak Ben’s link:

Tuesday 9:20am Everyone will join their individual teacher’s links.

Tuesday 11:30 Boogie Time with Eliza:

Tuesday 12:30pm Join Amy’s link if you would like some help with writing for today.

1:30 - 2:00pm Art Online with Laura

Have some paper and drawing materials ready when you log on. Laura’s link:

Access code: 574 076 333

Wednesday 9:20am 1/AO and 1/LR to join Amy’s link: 1/MW and 1/EW to join Mitch’s link:

Wednesday 12pm - 12:30pm

Cooking with Lee and Mitch. Today we are making honey joys.

Wednesday 12:30pm Join Mitch’s link if you would like some help with writing for today.

Thursday 9:20am 1/MW and 1/AO to join Mitch’s link: 1/EW and 1/LR to join Eliza’s link:


Thursday 12:30pm Join Eliza’s link if you would like some help with maths for today.

Thursday 1:30 - 2:00 Music online with Tracey

Tracey’s link: Meeting number: 1658154642

Friday 9:20am Everyone to join Mitch’s link:

Friday 1pm Whole school assembly

Friday 2pm - 2:30 PE Online with Mr. A

Join Mr. A’s link: Access code: 578 820 891

Seesaw activities to submit this week

Monday - BQT

Submit your work about how different designs have improved over time.

Tuesday - Reading

Did the animals get what they wanted? How did they do that? Pretend that you are

another farm animal that lives there on the farm and write a note to Farmer Brown

telling him what you would like.

Wednesday - Maths

Submit your findings after your rice investigation, including your estimations and actual measurements.

Friday - Writing

Once you have edited and revised your persuasive writing from Thursday, we

would like you to record yourself reading this letter to your teacher. Upload this to



Monday 4th October

Reading Focus: We are learning to notice ways that an author can persuade their readers to agree with their point of view.

Daily practice - 5 mins: This week, we are focusing on some plural rules.

Listen to: Plurals, 'y' endings. Adding 'ies'. - YouTube

Write a list of 5 words that follow our spelling rule.

INTRO: Listen to the book The Perfect Pet by Margie Palatina

TASK: Pick an animal and write down 3 reasons why it

might be good to have at your house. For example, a

monkey would be handy because it could get down balls

that become stuck in the tree; it would make me laugh and it

could give good cuddles. Upload these reasons to Seesaw.

Then: You should complete independent reading of a ‘just right’ text for a minimum of 15 minutes. You might like

to use Active Learn or Epic! to do this. Don’t forget to work on your reading goal! Note: if you think you have met

your goal, submit some proof of this to your teacher via Seesaw.

Writing Focus: We are learning to write a persuasive text to make our readers agree with our point of view.

Daily handwriting practice - 5 mins: Practise writing the name of your favourite fruit five times.

INTRO: Watch Mitch explain what persuasive writing


Read the following sentences and circle which ones

you agree with:

Winter is much better than summer because we get

to wear lots of warm clothes and listen to the rain on

the roof.


I prefer to draw with coloured pencils instead of textas because I can still rub out some of my mistakes.

Crumpets are more tasty than slices of toast because they are softer

and have holes that the butter can soak into.

TASK: Today we want you to write why you think dogs or cats are the

best. Think about which animal you like the most and some reasons

why you like that animal.

An example has been done below for you about why Mitch thinks dogs

are the best. He wrote some reasons why he thinks that, to try to convince his readers.

Complete your writing about whether you think dogs or cats are the best, in your workbook. After you have written

this, you might even like to draw a picture that shows each of your reasons too!

Maths Focus: We are learning to measure and compare masses and capacities of objects using informal units.

Key vocabulary this week

Full, empty, half full, half empty, nearly empty, nearly full

Daily practice: Number Talk. Write 3 mathematical facts about the picture below, for example, each ant has six legs.

Warm-up: Take a look at the jelly bean jars below. One of them is half full, one of them is full to capacity and one


of them is overflowing!

Estimate how many jelly beans are in each jar. What will be your strategy? How will you know if you are correct?


Watch the following story, noticing how volume and capacity are shown: Mr Archimedes’ Bath- Pamela Allen

TASK: Today you are going on a hunt to find three containers at your house that look like they are similar in size. You may like to compare lunchbox sizes if you have more than one.


Choose an item that you have lots of in your house. For example, textas, glue sticks, post-it note pads, etc. You need to make sure they are the same size and don’t leave any gaps in between when you place them in your


As you can see on the left, if Amy uses mandarins to measure the capacity of her lunchbox, it won’t be accurate as there are gaps in between the round shapes…

… but when Amy used Lemon Crisp biscuits, there were no gaps!

Make a prediction about which container will hold the least amount of your object and which container will hold the most amount of your object.

Test it out! See how many of your items will fill each container. Make sure you count as you go!

Were you correct/incorrect? Which container held the least/most?

BQT: Why

and how do we invent things?

This week we are beginning a brand new Big Question!

Look at the images below.

Designers have innovated (improved) on these designs over time.

What are these items now? How are they different? Why are they different?



Click on the link for this week’s Indonesian lesson. Indonesian Grade 1 week 1 term 4 2021 This lesson is also on Seesaw. Please upload your work. I will be teaching this lesson live at 1:30 on Monday, October 4. Click on the link below to join in. See you then Pak Ben


Tuesday 5th October

Reading Focus: We are learning to notice ways that an author can persuade their readers to agree with their point of view.

Daily practice - 5 mins: This week, we are focusing on plurals. Add 5 more words that

follow the spelling rule to your list from yesterday.

INTRO: Listen to this story, Click Clack Moo Cows That Type, by Doreen Cronin

TASK: Did the animals get what they wanted? How did they do that? Pretend that you

are another farm animal that lives there on the farm and write a note to Farmer Brown

telling him what you would like.

Then: You should complete independent reading of a ‘just right’ text for a minimum

of 15 minutes. You might like to use Active Learn or Epic! to do this. Don’t forget to work on your reading goal!

Writing Focus: We are learning to write a persuasive text to try and get our readers to agree with our point of view.

Daily handwriting practice - 5 mins: Practise writing your home phone number/parents’ phone number(s)’ 5 times.

INTRO: When we write persuasive texts it is important to remember to use

some strong words. This will influence our reader to want to agree with us


Here is an example of a sentence that is not very persuasive:

Winter is the best.

Here is an example that has some stronger words:

Winter is the best time of the year because you can enjoy a warm and

yummy hot chocolate!

TASK: Today we want you to write whether Summer or Winter is the best

season. Think about which one you like the most and some reasons why you like it.

An example has been done below for you about why Mitch thinks Winter is the best season. He wrote three reasons

why he thinks that, to try to convince his readers to agree with him. Remember, this is Mitch’s opinion - you might

disagree with him


What is your favourite season? Complete your own convincing piece of writing in your workbook. After you have

finished writing you might even like to draw a picture that supports each of your reasons too!

Maths Focus: We are learning to measure and compare masses and capacities of objects using informal units.

Daily practice: Number Talk. Write 3 mathematical facts about the picture below, for example, there are dark lines on each bee.

Warm-up: Have a race with somebody else to fill a container each. One person will use a spoon to fill their container, and the other person will use a cup. Is this fair? Why? Why not? Explain.

TASK: We would like you to collect five different cups/containers/jars that look similar in size.


Order them from what you think will hold the least amount of water, to the most amount of water. Fill a separate cup and then use this amount of water to test the capacity of each cup. Were you correct? What surprised you?


Turning arrow experiment

You will need:

- A piece of paper

- 2 glasses

- Water

What to do:

- Draw an arrow pointing left or right on the paper and

rest it against something so that it is standing up.

- Place a transparent (clear) glass in front of the picture

so you can clearly see the arrow through the glass.

- Fill another glass with water and pour it into the first glass.

- What happens to your arrow?

The science bit:

The arrow looks like it has changed direction because of something called refraction.

Refraction happens when light passes through one transparent (clear) thing into another, in

this case, from air through the glass and water. This is sometimes called the bending of light.

So the light bends when it enters the water and then bends again when it leaves the water,

which is why the image ends up looking flipped!

Did you know? Refraction is why glasses help us to

see better. The light refracts through the lenses and

into our eye, which makes the image more focused.

Now try:

● Drawing a different picture and seeing what it looks like when it is refracted!

● Make this refraction experiment even better by trying different liquids – does it

look different when using oil, or vinegar (for example)?



Week 1 Art – Rosalie Gascoigne

To access the Art program on google slides click on the link below.

This week is about Rosalie Gascoigne

Click on the speaker in the top right corner of the slide to hear the information in

the slide.

The link will also be available on Seesaw.

Art Online with Laura - Tuesday 1:30pm

Have scissors, glue, and old magazines or recycle cardboard packaging ready

when you log on.

Laura Russell's Personal Room

Access code: 574 076 333

Wednesday 6th October

Reading Focus: We are learning to notice ways that an author can persuade their readers to agree with their point of view.

Daily practice - 5 mins: This week, we are focusing on plurals. When does the ‘y’ not get replaced with a ‘i’ to add

‘es’? Make a list of 5 words to show this. For example, Wednesday + s = Wednesdays.

INTRO: Listen to the book The Lorax by Dr Seuss

TASK: After you’ve listened to the reading of the book, have a think about what the

author’s message is. Dr Seuss is persuading us to think about this. Write what you

think the message is.

Then: You should complete independent reading of a ‘just right’ text for a minimum

of 15 minutes. You might like to use Active Learn or Epic! to do this. Don’t forget to

work on your reading goal!

Writing Focus: We are learning to write a persuasive text to try and get our readers to agree with our point of view.


Daily handwriting practice - 5 mins: Choose one thing that is sitting on your

desk and write 5 words to describe it. For example, a pencil.

INTRO: Yesterday we looked at how a good persuasive writer can use

strong words to try to convince their readers to agree with them.

Here is an example of a sentence that is not very persuasive:

Flying in a plane is better than sailing in a boat.

Now, you should transform that sentence to make it a stronger persuasive

sentence. Make sure you include the word because.

TASK: Today we want you to write about whether video games or board

games are more fun to play. Think about which one of these is

most fun for you and some of the reasons why. For example, you

might think board games are more fun because you can play them

anywhere without electricity.

Complete this in your workbook. After you have finished writing you

might even like to draw a picture that shows each of your reasons


Maths Focus: We are learning to measure and compare masses and capacities of objects using informal units.

Daily practice: Number Talk. Write 3 mathematical facts about the picture on the left, for example, some of the petals look like oval shapes.



TASK: Today we will be working on estimating as we use rice to measure the capacity of different objects.

It doesn’t matter what type of rice you use, so long as you use the same rice for the whole activity. In our examples, we have used Arborio Rice.


1. Choose a small bowl to use as your capacity bowl for

the activity.

2. Collect some different measuring spoons or cups. For example, a tablespoon, a

teaspoon, a ¼ cup, a ⅓ cup and a ½ cup. We want you to

collect at least 4 different items.

3. Make an estimation of how many of each item it will take to fill the bowl to

capacity. Record this using the template below.


4. Measure to see how many it actually needed. For example, you may have estimated that 14 tablespoons

would fill your bowl of rice to capacity, but it only actually took 12 tablespoons.

Record the actual measurement as well.

5. Try each item by estimating first and then checking. Remember, to fill it to

capacity, the bowl has to be full, without overflowing. The rice should be flat

on top, not like a hill.

Submit this completed table to Seesaw.


ZONES of Regulation Watch: Learning about Feelings - Zones of Color - YouTube

Then watch: Body Signals to Help You Navigate How You are Feeling - Zones - YouTube

Brainstorm ways our bodies give us physical clues that we are in a particular zone. Draw your body and label it with the physical clues appropriate for each zone.


Thursday 7th October

Reading Focus: We are learning to notice ways that an author can persuade their readers to agree with their point of view.

Daily practice - 5 mins: This week, we are focusing on plurals. Add 5 more words to your list from yesterday of

words that don’t follow the ‘change the y to ies’ rule.


INTRO: Watch I Wanna Iguana By Karen Kaufman Orloff

TASK: How was the boy trying to persuade his mum to buy him an

iguana as a pet? Write another letter to his mum to try to convince her

that the iguana would be a great pet.

Then: You should complete independent reading of a ‘just right’ text for

a minimum of 15 minutes. You might like to use Active Learn or Epic! to do this. Don’t forget to work on your reading


Writing Focus: We are learning to write a persuasive text to try and get our readers to agree with our point of view.

Daily handwriting practice - 5 mins: Write the name of your favourite TV show five times.

INTRO: Before your writing today we want you to think back to the letters you wrote to the crayons when they went

on strike. You had to write a letter to convince them why they should come back… and they did!

Now that you have practised persuasive writing and letter writing, we want to combine them for today’s lesson!

TASK: We would like you to use all your new

knowledge of persuasive texts and write your teacher a

letter convincing them why you WOULD or WOULD

NOT like some classes to be held outside.

Complete this draft in your workbook. Tomorrow you

will be editing and revising your letter, as well as

recording yourself read this!

Maths Focus: We are learning to measure and compare masses and capacities of objects using informal units.

Daily practice: Number Talk. Write 3 mathematical facts about the picture below, for example, the shapes in the net have six sides.


Warm-up: Choose some different containers that can hold water. Does the tallest always mean that it can hold the most? How do you know? Explain.


Watch this video about hefting: GS45: Comparing mass by hefting

TASK: Find some items at home and hold them in your hands to compare their weight. In the table below, write a comparison sentence and draw a picture to show the weight of each of the items in your hands. An example has been done for you.

Remember, hefting is when we hold something in each hand to compare their individual weight.


Music Hi Year 1’s,

Login to Webex at 1.30pm for our Live lesson. Activities will be available on SeeSaw.

Tracey’s Webex link: | 1658154642


Friday 8th October

Reading Focus: We are learning to notice ways that an author can persuade their readers to agree with their point of view.

Daily practice - 5 mins: This week, we are focusing on plurals. Choose 3 words from your lists that you made this

week and put them into meaningful sentences.

INTRO: Read Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems

TASK: The pigeon came up with lots of reasons why it should drive the bus. Did

you make any connections as you listened to the book? Have you ever said

something like, ‘Her mum said it would be OK,’ or ‘That’s not fair!’ when you weren’t

allowed to do something that you wanted to do? Write down any connections that

you have made.

Then: You should complete independent reading of a ‘just right’ text for a minimum of 15 minutes. You might like

to use Active Learn or Epic! to do this. Don’t forget to work on your reading goal!

Writing Focus: We are learning to write a persuasive text to try and get our readers to agree with our point of view.

Daily handwriting practice - 5 mins: Write a list of all the things you would like to add into a sandwich for lunch.

INTRO: We should always think about our word choice when writing persuasive texts. Write down some stronger

words that can be used in a sentence instead of these:

● like

● tasty

● good

● fast

TASK: Today you should EDIT and REVISE your persuasive letter from

yesterday. Make sure you have used capital letters and full stops! You might have

even used exclamation marks (!) and/or question marks (?) to make your reasons


Sometimes when persuasive texts are read aloud by the writer to an audience, it

can convince them even more! This is because we can use a convincing tone,

eye contact and we can even pause in some places to get our audience to really

think about what we’re saying. Once you have edited and revised your work, we

encourage you to record yourself reading this letter to your teacher.

Upload this to Seesaw.


Maths Focus: We are learning to measure and compare masses and capacities of objects using informal units.

Daily practice: Number Talk. Write 3 mathematical facts about the picture below, for example, there are ___

houses in total.


INTRO: Watch this video about mass: The Elephant Mass Song TASK:

1. The shoe is heavier than the water bottle. The pencil case is lighter than the water bottle. The tablet is heavier than the shoe. Which item is the heaviest?


2. The stapler is lighter than the laptop, but heavier than the ruler. The pencil case is heavier than the stapler, but lighter than the laptop. Order these objects from heaviest to lightest.

3. Which words would you put in between these two objects; is heavier than, is lighter than, or is the same as? Why?

PE Welcome to Term Four. I hope you all enjoyed a nice break over the holidays and are ready to

enjoy another live PE lesson this week.

Once again, our lesson is going to take place on Friday at 1:30pm. I look forward to seeing

you all at that time.

You should be able to get into the lesson by clicking on the following link: Access code: 578 820 891

I have also included a program below for the students who are not available to log into the live


Opening/Warm-up – This one is for all the Minecraft fans. Click on the link and complete the


Minecraft Fitness Run - Escape the Nether Fortress - A virtual Minecraft workout and brain

break - YouTube

Leaping (Broad Jumping) – Watch the video in the next link to see how to use your body

correctly when leaping as far forward as possible. Spend 1-2 minutes practicing this in an

open space.

Watch the final video and complete the three exercises which are aimed at helping you jump

further. Practice each one for 2-3 minutes each. Have a rest whenever you need one.