ybi global forum, thursday: taking our network forward

Taking our network forward

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Page 1: YBI Global Forum, Thursday: Taking our network forward

Taking our network forward

Page 2: YBI Global Forum, Thursday: Taking our network forward

The aims of this session are to

1 Describe the key themes of our proposed strategic plan

2 Outline the next steps

3 Review the arrangement of network representatives to the YBI Board

4 Seek your feedback

Taking our network forward

Page 3: YBI Global Forum, Thursday: Taking our network forward

The elements of network value

• Learning quicker and more efficiently

• Cost sharing• Building a common network

brand identity• Value created by building

a community

• Members have separate governance structures

• Collective action releases network value

• The YBI core team exists to lead in realising network value

• All members benefit from network growth but none have a formal responsibility to deliver it

Recap: Reality and Network Value

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Recap: Vision of success for our network

1 Significant size

2 Global voice of authority

3 Global and vibrant youth entrepreneurship


4 Network sustainability

To achieve one, we need to achieve all four!

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Recap: Our network’s journey

Phase 1: Pioneering, proving the concept

Phase 2: Network capacity building and expansion

Phase 3: Growth and sustainability by realising network value

Achieving the vision of





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Phase 3: the next big step towards our vision of success - the 2011-2014 Strategic Plan



The plan presents five new aims that we need to achieve in order to reach our vision of success.

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Aim: Maximise network growth rate


In order to maximise network growth, the YBI core team will identify opportunities where it can intervene in order to support dramatically larger numbers of young entrepreneurs.

This would primarily involve working with existing members but could also involve new members.

Developing strategic aims

Vision of success?

This helps us address our vision of achieving significant size


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Aim: Build a global network brand


1Define network brand role, values and identity2Develop and implement global communications and brand strategy3Build network brand team4Engage global brand agency support

Developing strategic aims

Vision of success?

This helps us address our vision of becoming a global voice of authority


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Aim: Build a YBI global community


1Create networking forums – for members and their stakeholders

2Identify and share relevant best practice from outside network3Establish international programme to deliver professional volunteer expertise to members

Developing strategic aims


Vision of success?

This helps us address our vision of building a global entrepreneurship community

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Aim: Dramatically increase network resources


1 Develop multinational (public & private sector) donor relationships through greater network collaboration2 Create mechanisms which enable donors to allocate funds according to their priorities3Build our innovation and technological capabilities to support the above

Developing strategic aims


Vision of success?

This helps us address our vision of becoming a sustainable network

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Aim: Develop performance measurement


1 Agree usage and dissemination of network data, including benchmarking capabilities2Establish consensus on what a member does and what impacts we are trying to measure3Agree meaningful measures (are existing KPIs enough/correct?)4 Develop processes for integrating local level performance measurement with network level framework (OMS being an important facilitator)

Developing strategic aims


This strategic aim supports the other four

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Recap: strengthening projects lead us into phase 3

Build a global networkbrand

Build a global YBI community

Dramatically increase network resources

Five interdependent aims to get us there

Maximise network growth D

eliver performance


Networking branding(presenter, Rael Goodman)

Knowledge sharing (presenter, Boris Tkachenko)

G20 SME Challenge(presenter, Alvaro Bazan)

Strengthening projects

Develop performance


approach(presenter, Mzwa


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How do I know it’s going to happen?

• It’s not going to happen ... without engagement of

all members

• We can only deliver this strategy together

• The more you get involved the more value we will

create together

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What will my role be?

The role of members in the strategy will be to,

1 (Continue to) participate in completion of design

2 Approve (accredited members)

3 Engage in implementing

4 Monitor implementation

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The approval and monitoring of the

Strategic Plan

The role of the Youth Business International board• Approve and oversee implementation of strategy• Maintain the highest possible operating standards • Maximise transparency for accredited members• Absorb accredited members feedback• Involve the accredited members in strategic decision

making • Keep governance as workable as possible

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The approval and monitoring of the

Strategic Plan


The following will be voted on by accredited members for adoption by the network:

1 The 2011-2014 Strategic Plan

2 All future network strategic plans

3 All changes to network policies, procedures and standards

We will undergo a consultative process in the coming months to determine the best voting system for the networkFirst step: review what process is currently in place

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What is in place now?






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• Great initial response when we launched the concept last December

• How have Sriyan De Silva Wijeyeratne and David Stewart-Patterson found the experience?

• Has it proved a useful additional information dissemination and feedback channel for accredited members?

• Should it be continued and if so could it be improved or is there a better system?

Feedback from Network Representatives to YBI board

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• Network Representatives to the board –

Sriyan De Silva Wijeyeratne and David Stewart-Patterson

• Chairman of the board, Sir Malcolm Williamson

Questions & Answers


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Taking our network forward