yarn & fabric formation by sukhvir sabharwal

Processing of Cotton YARN & FABRIC FORMATION By:-Sukhvir Sabharwal B-Tech 2007 Batch TITS

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Post on 30-Oct-2014




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  • 1. Processing of Cotton YARN & FABRIC FORMATIONBy:-Sukhvir Sabharwal B-Tech 2007 Batch TITS Bhiwani (INDIA)

2. Ginning Opening and cleaning of raw cottonBale formation and supplied to spinning units MixingBlowroomFor combing process Carding Breaker draw frame Lap former For carded process Comber Finisher drawframe 3. Speed frameRing frameAutoconer & TFOCone windingYarn conditioningWarpingYarn packagingPirn/ directSizing cone as weft for weavingGodown yarnBeaming MarketWeaving 4. Ginning Ginning is the separation of seed from seedcotton Recovery of clean lint. The process requiresa dryer, a gin saw or some other type ofseparation devices. The clean lint is then compacted and tiedwith a bale wrap.It is finally weighed and stored. 5. Opening and Cleaning of Raw Cotton The object of this process is to blend cottonso as to obtain uniform raw material,remove leaf dirt and fresh, open up thefibres after they have been compressed inthe bale To deliver a clean uniform product in asuitable form to the nextstage. 6. Blow room The blow room machinery performsfunction of opening hard pressedbales of cotton and cleaning thecotton of impurities 7. Carding In carding, the lap is attenuated into asliver (about 100 draft) The fibres made parallel for the nextstage. 8. Drawing Drawing evens the sliver. It attenuate the sliver to desired count Doubling reduces mass CV 9. Roving Roving further attenuates the sliver toabove 7 draft. It makes the sliver useful to make yarn 10. Spinning There are two main types of spinning: ringspinning and open-end or break spinning. In ring spinning the roving is furtherattenuated by roller drafting to the fineness ofthe yarn required, usually a draft of about 20 and at the sametime twist is applied to givethe yarn the necessary strength. Full bobbins may be manually or automaticallydoffed. 11. Cone winding Cone winding facilitates subsequentprocessing by rewinding yarn onto alarge package and removing faults. 12. RE-WINDING MACHINE 13. Weaving technology covers: Preparatory Weaving process Types of Yarn Packages Yarn Winding Winding Machines Warp Preparation Weaving as a Fabric Formation Process Weaving Operations Picking Mechanisms 14. Preparatory Weaving Processes Yarn Preparation Warp preparation Warp Installation Weft Preparation 15. TYPE OF CONE 16. Warping To make bigger package to supplywarp yarn Yarn with uniform tension 17. Sizing The purpose of sizing to increaseweaving resistance Resistance against abrasion 18. Drawing in The drawing-in of the sized warpthreads through the heddles, reedsand drop-wires of the loom May be done either manually by a pairof workers 19. Weaving Interlace between two sets of yarn Weaving is the crossing of yarns atright angles or strips of othermaterials to produce a flat, more orless compact surface. 20. Woven fabrics 21. WEAVING EQUIPMENT 22. Woven structures Plain weave 23. Woven structuresTwill weaveTwill weave, the secondbasicweave, is characterized bydiagonal lines running at anglesvarying between 15 and 75. Atwill weave is denoted by usingnumbers above and bellow a line(such as 2/1 twill which may beinterpreted as two up and onedown in the shedding sequence). 24. Woven structureSatin and Sateen weave Sateen weave is the third basic weave, in which the interlacing points are arranged in a similar way to twill weaves but without showing the twill line. The satin weave is warp face weave and the sateen is a filling face weave. Fig. Shows 5 ends (Harness) satin. In this case, the repeat is on 5 ends x 5 picks. 25. Selvages