x.25 (in)security in year 2005: what, why, when, who, how … · • understanding nuas and dnics...

Raoul Chiesa, T.S.T.F. Telecom Security Task Force X.25 (in)SECURITY in year 2005: What, Why, When, Who, How OR… (not anymore) uncovered data networks, (yet) covered targets. [ real life & field experiences on an underestimated and still actual security issue ] HITB 2005, 29th September Kuala Lampur (MY)

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Raoul Chiesa, T.S.T.F.Telecom Security Task


X.25 (in)SECURITY in year 2005: What, Why, When, Who, How

OR…(not anymore) uncovered data

networks,(yet) covered targets.

[ real life & field experiences on an underestimated and still actual security issue ]

HITB 2005,

29th September

Kuala Lampur (MY)

Disclaimer• X.25 protocol’s theories and specs have been intentionally uncovered

in this document.• We do not recommend that you use this material for unauthorised

access to telecommunications operators’, private companies’ or governments’ infrastructures and/or systems.

• We cannot be held responsible if you decide nevertheless to explore such networks and systems, find them fascinating, start getting sloppy and leave tracks that finally gets you busted.

• The information contained within this presentation does not infringeon any intellectual property nor does it contain tools or recipe that could be in breach with known laws.

• The X.25 addresses used in the slides can be sometimes real and sometimes fake: in the first case they are out-of-date, else they’ve been used for clear example purposes.

• In any case, the real X.25 addresses mentioned as evidences have been taken from public source and their publication does not mean in any case an invitation to attack or test the connected systems.

• Quoted trademarks belongs to registered owners

Agenda• Intros• /your nightmare starts here/• (a brief) technical overview• So, how does it work ? • Understanding NUAs and DNICs• The history always teach…• Some (cool) evidences !• Differences between X.25 and the Internet• Attacker’s typologies, preferred targets• Conclusions• Q&A• /end of nightmare/

TSTF: a short intro• Founded by professionals and specialists.• Located in Asia, Europe, USA.• 30 years combined telecommunications experience.• 50 years combined information security experience.• A unique view on telco security – nobody else does it.• Our field experience in worldwide networks makes the

working difference, and let us know how to secure your infrastructures. For real.

• We know the slang, the terms, the devices and the techniques to use on X.25 networks as no one else does: we are the best on this topic and we know it.

• Active research (papers, tools, forums).• Self-funded, no business cunts running it, no VCs.

The Speaker• (direct) hacking experiences from 1986 to 1995• Busted in the “Ice Trap” operation (13th December, 1995) managed by

Criminalpol, Interpol and FBI• Ethical hacker since that (well… I grow up ;)• Professional Penetration tester (1996 -> today)• Chief Technical Officer, @ Mediaservice.net Srl, a vendor-independent

security consulting company based in Europe (Italy)• OSSTMM (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual) Official

Key Contributor (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005)• Board of Directors Member:

– T.S.T.F. (Telecom Security Task Force, www.tstf.net )– ISECOM (Institute for Security and Open Methodologies, www.isecom.org )– CLUSIT (Italian Computer Security Association, www.clusit.it )– OWASP – Italy Chapter (Open Web Applications Security Project,

www.owasp.org )

“ X.25 is used in a Packet Switched Network and in 1964 was designed by Paul Baran of the RAND Corporation for use with the Public Data Network (PDN) and unreliable analog telephone services.

The idea was to connect a dumb terminal to a packet-switched network.

In 1976 X.25 became a standard under the CCITT, now the International Telecommunications Union -Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T).”

Why are we talking about X.25 security in 2005 ?

• This speech is oriented towards network security while working in X.25 worldwide environments and its legal working framework.

• The information contained is based on personal, company's and other international researchers’ professional penetration testing experiences and field observations.

• During the 90’s we encountered a huge number of breaches on tested infrastructures, usually getting access via the main X.25 link. More than 90% of them was insecure.

• We kept on finding open doors while pentesting companies with X.25 leased lines (1999->2003); these doors always brought the Tiger Team to the core of the target network.

• New connections and new services that lay on X.25 communicationsstill get launched, also when if you don’t know it or even think of.

• We are now in year 2005, and new breaches are still upcoming.

Introduction – What’s this ?• An International Packet Switched Data Network (PSDN).• A model very similar to Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN).• 3 main packet type: Data, Control, Facilities. • International standards (X.25/X.29, X.28, X.75, X.121) created by ITU

(International Telecommunications Union, Switzerland) in the 70’s.• First commercial global data network. Widely used ‘cause it was the

only applicable choice (Internet was only available for the academics and the government’s employees) from 70’s to 80’s; in the ’90 many commercial companies went to the Internet, but they kept their X.25 access and contracts (that, usually, are still active, even if they forgot about it!).

• X.25 networks owned both by national telcos (mainly) and private operators.

• Multinationals, Governments and private SMEs with worldwide or interregional quality data-connection needing, are the typical key clients.

Introduction – How it works ?• Each subscriber has an international X.25 address – N.U.A. Network

User Address - assigned to a leased line, with one or more logical channels.

• Subscriber A can call Subscriber B in order to establish a switched virtual circuit (SVC) call or a permanent virtual circuit (PVC).

• Only traffic is billed, customer doesn’t pay the connection-time.

• Both on SVCs and PVCs links is possible to talk over many different protocols (host-to-host, SNA, proprietary, voice, Kermit….).

• X.3 PAD capabilities are implemented in major OS:- *NIX- linux- VMS/OpenVMS- AS400- old stuff- strange/unknown systems (so many !!).

X.25 in ISO/OSI +--------------------------------------------------------+ 7 | Application | +--------------------------------------------------------+ 6 | Presentation | +--------------------------------------------------------+ 5 | Session | +--------------------------------------------------------+ 4 | Transport | +--------------------------------------------------------+ | +--------+ +--------+ | 3 | Network | X.25 | | X.75 | | | +--------+ +-----+ +--------+ | +------------------------!-----| MLP |------!------------+ | +----+ | +-----+ | | 2 | Datalink |HDLC| +-+--------!---------+-+ | | +----+ | LAPB & LAP-D | | | +----------------------+ | +--------------------------------------------------------+ 1 | Physical [X.25.1, X.21, X.21bis, V.24, V.35] | +--------------------------------------------------------+

• The Datalink Layer (X25.1)a) LAPB (Link Access Protocol Balanced)b) LAP-D (Link Access Protocol for D-channel)c) LAP-M (Link Access Protocol for Modems)d) MLP (Multi-Link Procedure)e) LLC (Logical Link Control)

• The Network Layer (X25.2)a) PLP (X.25 Packet Layer Protocol)

- Multiplexing of VCs on PSDN- VCs Switching/Routing between WAN’s nodes

b) PVC (Permanent Virtual Circuit) e SVC (Switched Virtual Circuit)c) VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier)d) Call Setupe) X.121 and LCN

X.121: ITU recomendations (international data links)LCN: Routing (basing on X.121 specs); subaddressing functions.

X.25 in ISO/OSI (datalink-layer and network layer)

X.25 in ISO/OSI higher layers[ Focus on X.25 User Facilities ]

• User Facilities are defined by ITU recomendations

• Each carrier implements different, customized U.F.

• X.25 User Facilities:Network User Identification

The NUI is never sent to remote node: it is verified on local PSDN switches (ACPs). NUI format is different from network to network.

ROA selectionThis function let control the call routing: it recalls back the loose source routing in the IP world.

Call redirectionAs in PSTN world, it’s possible to have certain calls redirect to other DTEs.

Hunt GroupAgain another analogy with PSTN and PBXs world: a load balancing is possible for incoming calls.

Mnemonic codesSome X.25 networks let the subscribers choose alphanumeric mnemonic codes, that are assigned to the real NUA. This makes easy the dialup connections via ACP (X.28 PAD).

How do I access to it ? • TONS of X.25 assigned networks worldwide (all the countries of the

globe). • +100 of them are still active and in use.

worldwide: SprintNet/MCI (formerly aka Telenet), SITA (airports)the big ones: BT Tymnet, At&t/Accunet, Datex-P, C&W, …the “pac” ones: Itapac, Transpac, Iberpac, Austpac, Datapac, MAYPAC…the “net” ones: Isranet, Pacnet, Rosnet, …

• Many ways to access to X.25 networks, legally and not:• Direct connection to a X.25 network from an X.25 leased line;• X.28 PAD via Dialup using a NUI;• X.28 PAD via toll-free Dialup, with or w/o NUI (national’s and international carrier’s on 800 #s);• “Official” Internet -> X.25 Gateways (PADs) ;• (Hacked) Systems linked both to the Internet and to a X.25 network – directly and/or via

LAN/WAN;• X.25 over TCP – XoT (RFC1613).

• Outdials, CCs or abused PBXs are often used to call X.28 PADs.…the backtracing investigation technique won’t so be easily applicable (or nearly impossible to do);…it’s possible to use NUIs from other countries (phreaking and social engineering can help definitely a lot here)

X.25 Addressing• Hosts are identified by:

– NUAs: one system can have multiple assigned NUAs or linked on more networks with same NUA and different DNIC (SprintNet->WW Partners)…but you may also find more systems linked to a single NUA (subaddressing)

– Mnemonics: only on some public network – eg Tymnet, SprintNet, Autonet…think of 031069 Tymnet-gw - and of private X.25 networks.

• X.25 addressess are reserved and should not be disclosed

• X.121 address: DNIC + NUA = 15 digits max.- DNIC: 4 digits international code: DCC + NCC- DCC assigned on a geographical basis by ITU (world’s areas)

• NUA: 12 digits max (typically 6->10). In many networks they have a structure derived from the PSTN numbering planning (area codes referred to towns/areas of the country)

- Example: DNIC (4) AC(3) NPA(5)

3110 212 10126 (USA, Sprintnet, NYC)2802 21 229 (Cyprus, Limassol)

DNIC World Areas

Zone Continent/Area

1 Satellite connections for InmarSAT Voice/Dati(Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans)

2 Europe, Ex URSS 3 North America, Central America, some Carribean areas 4 Asia 5 Oceania 6 Africa 7 Part of Central America, Carribean and South America

DNICs -1

INDONESIAINDONESIA.Annex to ITU OB 714-E – 11 – 15.04.2000INMARSAT (OCEANI)INMARSAT 111 1 Atlantic Ocean-East111 2 Pacific Ocean111 3 Indian Ocean111 4 Atlantic Ocean-WestIRANIRAN (REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D') 432 1 IranPacIRLANDAIRLANDE 272 1 International Packet Switched ServiceIRELAND 272 3 EURONETIRLANDA 272 4 EIRPAC (Packet Switched Data Networks)272 8 PostNET (PostGEM Packet Switched Data Network)ISLANDA/ICELANDISLANDE 274 0 ISPAK/ICEPACISRAELEISRAEL 425 1 ISRANETITALIAITALIE 222 1 Rete Telex-Dati (Amministrazione P.T. / national)ITALY 222 2 ITAPAC X.25ITALIA 222 3 PAN (Packet Network)222 6 ITAPAC - X.32 PSTN, X.28, D channel222 7 ITAPAC International223 3 ALBADATA X.25223 4 Trasmissione dati a commutazione di pacchetto X.25 (UNISOURCE ITALIA S.p.A.)223 5 Trasmissione dati a commutazione di pacchetto X.25 (INFOSTRADA S.p.A.)223 6 Trasmissione dati a commutazione di pacchetto X.25 (WIND Telecomunicazioni S.p.A.)JAPAN/GIAPPONEJAPON 440 0 GLOBALNET (Network of the Global VAN Japan Incorporation)JAPAN 440 1 DDX-P (NTT Communications Corporation)JAPON 440 2 NEC-NET (NEC Corporation)440 3 JENSNET (JENS Corporation)440 4 JAIS-NET (Japan Research Institute Ltd.)440 5 NCC-VAN (NRI Co., Ltd.)440 6 TYMNET-JAPAN (JAPAN TELECOM COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES CO., LTD.)440 7 International High Speed Switched Data Transmission Network (KDD)440 8 International Packet Switched Data Transmission Network (KDD)441 2 Sprintnet (Global One Communications, INC.)441 3 KYODO NET (UNITED NET Corp)441 5 FENICS (FUJITSU LIMITED)441 6 HINET (HITACHI Information Network, Ltd.)441 7 TIS-Net (TOYO Information Systems Co., Ltd.)441 8 TG-VAN (TOSHIBA Corporation)JAPON 442 0 Pana-Net (MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD.)JAPAN 442 1 DDX-P (NTT Communications Corporation)JAPON 442 2 CTC-P (CHUBU TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO., INC.)

Each country has got at least one X.25network…or more

DNICs -2Australian Network Identifiers:

Prefix Allocation Date Organisation5052 30 June 1991 Telstra Corporation Ltd5053 30 June 1991 Telstra Corporation Ltd50541 6 September 1994 AAPT Ltd50542 6 September 1994 AAPT Ltd50543 6 September 1994 AAPT Ltd50560 16 February 1994 SingCom (Australia) Pty Ltd50568 16 February 1994 SingCom (Australia) Pty Ltd50569 16 February 1994 SingCom (Australia) Pty Ltd50573000 30 June 1991 Fujitsu Australia Ltd50573500 19 February 1992 Department Of Defence505790 17 November 1993 Department Of Defence505791 17 November 1993 Department Of Defence505799 23 February 1995 Telstra Corporation Ltd

5052 = Austpac5053 = Austpac International (formerly Midas / OTC Data Access)

5054 = Australian Teletex Network5057 = Australian Private Networks

NB The allocation dates are official allocation dates, not necessarily actual dates. Austpac existed long before 1991.



Critical(and shared !)

The Australia case

DNICs -3

Data carriers


Spy Game ? ;)

The U.S.A. case

DNICs - 4The Malaysia case

ITAPAC 222(2)









NUA 20200999 NUA


NUA 31580120

NUA 40410178

NUA 21122878

NUA 22100200

NUA 25193333

NUA 21090999

Roma, RR



NYC, home

New York

Los Angeles





Toll freeDialup

Homework022221122878 |\ /|\_ _/|| | | | | |____ 22878: Network Port Address (NPA)| | | |_|_____ 11: Area Code for Torino| | |__________ 2: ITAPAC Network (more networks)| |____________ 222: DCC assigned to Italy by ITU| Reading it both externally and locally:0 222 2 11 22 878 from other networks;

21122878 from Italy/ITAPAC.

ITAPAC 222(2)







NUA 20200999 NUA


NUA 31580120

NUA 40410178

NUA 21122878

NUA 22100200

NUA 25193333

NUA 21090999

New York

Los Angeles













X.25 Wardialingscanning for targets 1/2

Scanning from NUA: 0280221000 started on 15-OCT-1994 15:29:30.75 0280221091 %COM DROP STATION 0280221092 %COM ECHO STATION 0280221093 %COM TRAFFIC GENERATOR 0280221101 %CLR_OCC 0280221102 %CLR_DTE 0280221106 %CLR_DTE 0280221107 %COM 0280221108 %CLR_DTE 0280221117 %CLR_OCC 0280221118 %CLR_DTE 0280221121 %COM MINISTRY OF HEALT, VAX/VMS 0280221122 %COM IBM AIX UNIX 0280221125 %CLR_DTE 0280221147 %CLR_RPE SUBADDRESS 48 CYTA Pager via x.25 0280221199 %COM CISCO 0280221206 %COM LOGON: ?? 0280221225 %COM CISCO 0280221229 %COM CISCO BYBLOS BANK S.A.L. - LIMASSOL/CYPRUS ACS-CYPRUSLINE 6 0280221248 %COM COM/DTE 0280221273 %CLR_DTE 0280221274 %CLR_OCC 0280221276 %CLR Scanning ended with NUA: 0280221396 on 15-OCT-2000 15:46:36.32

X.25 Wardialingscanning for targets 2/2

- 202 - ONTARIO - Up to 700 20200115 VAX/VMS 20200116 VAX/VMS 20200156 Diand Information System 20200214 $ UNIX (gtagmhs2) 20200230 METS Dial-In Server Enter your login: 2020024098 Control Port on Node Ottawa 6505 PAD 20200286 $ VAX/VMS 2020032099 MPX.25102: PASSWORD 20200321 SunOS Rel 4.1.3 (X25) 20200322 SunOS "" 20200330 INETCO Magicbank 20200342 :: 20200497 VAX/VMS 202005421 $ VAX/VMS 20200548 SunOS Rel 4.1.3 (TMS470) 20200582 $ VAX/VMS Production System

Historical (big) problems• 80’s: CCC members Pengo and Hagbard breaked into US Military,

Government and Gov. Contractors computer systems, calling from Datex-P and using a TymNet gateway to access LBNL Laboratories.

• 1989: the CITIBANK’s CitiSaudi scandal and the Melbourne connection.• 15 jan 1990: MOD & LOD hacking groups crashed the AT&T interregional

and international phone system. They also used X.25 links to get the final access.

• 90’s: The Aussie scene: Electron, The Force, Phoenix and the Primos scanner.• 90’s: Kevin Mitnick got the SAS and eavesdropped on the FBI (the Russia

and China NYC embassies tale).• 90’s: NUA scanners available for PRIMOS, VMS, *NIX, DOS, Windows.• 90’s: Kevin Poulsen used to play with COs via X.25.• 1994-95: AT&T, GTE and others major US telcos got hacked via X.25 (……)• Recent years: worldwide famous ADM group released their own scanner

(ADMx25 by Antilove).• Recent years: Multithread and multichannel Sun Solaris X.25 scanner

available in the wild: it’s able to scan a whole country if a few hours.• 2003-05: Russian crackers perform mass huge scannings over SprintNet

international networks and dialups (intl’ reverse charge scans).

TLC carriers have always been targets (and will always be)

======= =##@@##====== ==##@@@@@@###===== =##@@@@@@@@@@###===== =###@@@@@@@@@@###====== ===###@@@@@@###======== =====##@@##========== =================== ============= ======= Welcome to At&T node attmail Unix System V/386 Release 3.2B attmail login:

Connected to 0420160014025



Enter ?<CR> to get help information,

C<CR> to cancel input.

TLC carriers have always been targets (2)

$ pad 05057998210xxxx


Trying xxx.xx.xxx.xx ... Open


* Access to this computer system is limited to authorised users only. *

* Unauthorised users may be subject to prosecution under the Crimes *

* Act or State legislation *

* *

* Please note, ALL CUSTOMER DETAILS are confidential and must *

* not be disclosed. *


User Access Verification


Differences with the Internet• X.25 Addressing is reserved: scanning is the mostly

used way to find targets.• WAN concept: a NUA can open a whole new world to

the attacker.• No TCP/IP stack, no “exploiting” concept (a kind

of…).• Primarily brute force attacks on login (always works!).• Old school hacking, social engineering and smartness

may help a lot.• There are a few X.25 walkers all over the world: no

kiddies, no noise, no game’s playing.• If he isn’t a walker, he’s an attacker: probably the

highest skill level you’ve ever encountered with.• There are also just a few X.25 security experts all over

the world.

Data Collection Verification Testing

Information Gathering

X.25 Network Type

X.25 Network Scanning

X.25 Access Control Testing

X.25 Network Topology

X.25 Network Integration


X.25 Reverse Charge Test

X.25 Competitive Intelligence


X.25 Privacy Review

X.25 Default & Common Accounts Testing

X.25 Document Grinding

Security Policy Review

Alarm and Log Review

Password Cracking

Denial Of Service







Major Target Areas• Subscribers - X.25 subscribers always run huge data networks.- It’s like having an open door to the world, that directly brings up

strangers into our bedroom.- Monitoring isn’t easy at all, requires specific skills and the knowledge of

high-level attackers’ habits.- Attackers abuse of X.25 resources to scan for new targets: this means

money that will be billed to you as well as legal problems |(if someone will ever realize what happened).

• Services- Telco Management Network (Central Offices, Switches, etc..)- GSM and 3G SMSCs- Bank to Bank transfers (SWIFT); E-payments (POS)- Worldwide Logistics & Transports- Heavy Industry- Travelling and Hotels agencies/environments (airports and flight

companies as well)- Chemical and Pharmaceutical- SAP and similars- WHQ -> HQ -> Branches World Wide

Uh, is this an SMSC ???

Processed SMSs: “FROM”, “TO”

SMS Processing que (!)

SMS sniffing (in real time !)

Attackers’ typology

• “Newbies” (Russia & South America scene)• Lonely attackers, old school hackers• Security researchers / Elite hackers (la crème)

• Criminal organizations (w/insiders on target)• Industrial spies• Intelligence Agencies’ agents• (cyber) Terrorists (?)

The honey prizes: OS for prime time• OS that you may find on X.25 networks

- AOS/VS- BBS Systems- Bull PAD (Bull DPX/2)- CICS/VTAM- Cisco IOS- CDC NOS – Control Data Corporation- DEC VAX/VMS and AXP/OpenVMS- DEC Ultrix- DEC Terminal Decserver- DG/UX Aviion General- DOS - DRS/NX- GS/1- HP 3000- HP/UX 9000- IBM Aix- IBM OS/400 (AS/400)


- IRIS Operating System (PDP and others)

- Linux

- Motorola XMUX (Gandalf)

- Northern Telecom PBXs

- PACX/Starmaster (Starmaster Gandalf)

- Pick Systems

- PRIMOS Prime Computer



- Shiva LAN Router

- Sun Solaris

- TOPS 10/20

- Unknown systems (you will find many of them)

- VCX Pad


- VM/370


- WANG Systems

NOTE: This list is an extract from the upcoming white paper “The (un)official Systems Catalogue”, by Raoul Chiesa

The nightmares of the past• Based on a TSTF 5-years study, encompassing 21 network operators:

100% could be hacked from the Internet90% could be hacked through PSTN, X.25 or ISDN72% had a security incident in the last 2 years23% had appropriate perimeter security control0% had all their mission-critical hosts secured0% had comprehensive database security in place0% had integrity measures protecting billing data

• Based on a 15 years personal background and knowledge:1% of the Top 1.000 companies and nations’ critical infrastructures with

X.25 links worldwide are somehow “not penetrable”.

YES, 1% O N L Y.

The nightmares of todayX.25 hacking is still a very attractive target.

• TELCOS. Bypassing toll, getting services without fees, setting up premium numbers, amusing CDRs, getting fun with calls details&logs.

• MOBILE OPERATORS. As above, plus everytime you send an SMS :)

• MULTINATIONALS. Privacy invasions, industrial espionage, exciting hacking playground.

• FINANCE. The easiest way to get into legacy production systems. Also, POS heavily use X.25.

• GOVERNMENT. Many countries still hang up on their national X.25 network for their official gov’ stuff.

• NATIONAL CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES. Many countries (East Europe, Africa) still manage their national N.C.I. via X.25 management links.

Hot Points: strange things and possible problems that had

already happened• The security problem here is really underestimated.• Everybody “forgot” about their X.25 direct links.• Closed countries didn’t open to the Internet if not

recently, but since more than a decade they’re opened to X.25 (unauthorized) access. (IRAN, CHINA)

• Some network kindly gives out X.25 addresses’ lists. (INDIA)

• When calling a NUA, you could also reach an airplaneflying over the Atlantic Ocean. (INMARSAT)

Let’s make an X.25 hacker happy

How to help an X.25 hacker Inet DIRECTORY ENQUIRY SERVICE DIRECTORY ENQUIRY SERVICE ___NMC VER 2 ___ NETWORK : RABMN, INDIA PAGE0 NETWORK # NAME / ORGANISATION LOCATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 404100000162 A C C WADI 404100010681 A C C BILASPUR 404100000589 A C C BOMBAY 404100000381 A C C CHAIBASA 404100000055 A C C JAMUL 404100000420 A C C KYMORE 404100010162 A C C WADI 404100010589 A C C BOMBAY 404100010626 A P RAYONS KAMALAPURA 404100010625 A P RAYONS HYDERABAD 404100000172 ANAND BAZAR PATRIKA BOMBAY 404100010882 ANAND BAZAR PATRIKA CALCUTTA 404100000362 ANAND BAZAR PATRIKA NEW DELHI 404100010172 ANAND BAZAR PATRIKA BOMBAY 404100000821 B A R C BOMBAY

How to excite an X.25 hacker

• Getting the datas and the evidences from an X.25 incident…

…it’s not impossible.

If you knowHOW

to do it.

X.25 Interception & real-time Investigation


10:15:16:56 10 A outgoing RcvR 3 octets 8 136LGN=0 LCN=10 LCI=10 P(R)=4

10 0a 81

Command line: x25decodeTrace protocol: /dev/x25Trace date: Tue Apr 7 10:14:54 BST 1998

Timestamp VC Snid Direction Pkt Type Size Mod PacketId==========================================================================

10:15:16:98 10 A outgoing Data 126 octets 8 137D=0 LGN=0 LCN=10 LCI=10 P(S)=3 P(R)=4 M=0 Q=0

10 0a 86 56 2e 0d 56 48 48 47 2e 57 41 2f 45 31 * ...V..VHHG.WA/E1 *42 54 55 4b 2f 49 31 31 47 49 41 2f 50 a0 25 d9 * BTUK/I11GIA/P.%. *0d 56 47 59 41 0d 55 4e 42 2b 49 41 54 41 3a 31 * .VGYA.UNB+IATA:1 *2b 31 47 2b 46 53 2b 39 38 30 34 30 37 3a 31 30 * +1G+FS+980407:10 *31 35 2b 54 32 27 55 4e 48 2b 31 2b 48 53 46 52 * 15+T2'UNH+1+HSFR *45 51 3a 39 34 3a 31 3a 49 41 27 4f 52 47 2b 46 * EQ:94:1:IA'ORG+F *53 3a 4c 4f 4e 27 4c 54 53 2b 2a 52 27 55 4e 54 * S:LON'LTS+*R'UNT *2b 34 2b 31 27 55 4e 5a 2b 31 2b 54 32 27 * +4+1'UNZ+1+T2' *


Take care when asking for help • Traditional security shops: zero knowledge of X.25 security

problems, telcos, poor understanding of global WANs logicals & procedures.

• Traditional telcos consultants: very poor knowledge of security issues.

• X.25 carriers: they’ll try to sell you IP connections instead of fixing your X.25 and Frame Relay links, and they’ll suggest you to migrate everything you have onto the IP world.

• Your loved and trusted security consultant: in this case he probably doesn’t even know what you are talking about.

• The “Big 5” audit firms: focused on policies, no real expertise (they outsource their jobs to us).

• In-house resources: Very dangerous. Internal fraud overlooked. Interdepartmental ego problems. Good security and bad security looks the same.

ConclusionsDoing Nothing…

• … with your PSDN infrastructure today is like doing nothing with your Internet hosts in the 90’s and with your Wi-Fi networks in 2000: how many hackers played with your datas ?

• …in critical environments, the above is simply an invitation for disaster.

Bibliography• RFCs• RFC 874 - A Critique Of X.25• RFC 877 - Standard For Transmission Of IP Datagrams Over Public Data Networks• RFC 1356 - Multiprotocol Interconnect On X.25 And ISDN In The Packet Mode• RFC 1090 - SMTP On X.25• RFC 1381 - SNMP MIB Extension For X.25 LAPB• RFC 1382 - SNMP MIB Extension For The X.25 Packet Layer• RFC 1461 - SNMP MIB Extensions For Multiprotocol Interconnect Over X.25

• Tutorials• RIM Remote System - Neurocactus Ezine• Hacking UNIX Tutorial - By Sir Hackalot• Advanced Hacking VAX's VMS - By Lex Luthor• Guide to Gandalf XMUXs - By Deicide• B4B0 Ezine #7 : Hacking The Shiva LAN-Rover - By Hybrid• The Complete Hewlett Packard 3000 Hacker's Guide - By AXIS• X.25 And LAPB Commands For Cisco Routers• A Novice's Guide To Hacking - By The Mentor• The Beginner's Guide To Hacking On Datapac - By The Lost Avenger and UPI• NEOPHYTE'S GUIDE TO HACKING (1993 Edition) - By Deicide

Bibliography• Online material

- I network X.25:Comprensione della struttura di rete, Tecniche di intrusione ed Identificazione degli attacchi, by Raoul Chiesa and Marco Ivaldi, Italian Black Hats Technical Paper #1 (Italianonly, 95 pages). http://www.blakhats.it/papers/x25.pdf/

- Libnet-X.25: The Preamble- Protocol Vulnerabilities within the X.25 Networking suite.- X.25 Standards and ITU Recommendations (http://www.itu.int/).- X25US (http://www.x25us.net/).- X25 Trace: X.25 network tracing for Internet users, by Dennis Jackson, JANET-CERT

Coordinator, U.K.- A novice Guide to X.25 Hacking, by Anonymous- Desktop Guide to X.25 Hacking in Australia, by Epic Target- Accessing Telecom Australia's AUSTPAC service - By Softbeard- The Force Files - By The Force- Austpac.notes - by Vorper VII- Globetrotter Ezine - By The Force- The Alt.2600 Hack FAQ - By Simple Nomad

• Literature- Underground - By Suelette Dreyfuss (Australia)- The Cuckoo’s Egg, Clifford Stoll, Pocket Books, 1989 (USA)- Cyberpunks: Outlaws and hackers on the Computer Frontier, Katie Hafner & John Markoff, Touchstone Books 1991 USA - Out Of The Inner Circle - By Bill Landreth, McGraw Hill Internetworking Handbook- An Introduction To Packet Switched Networks Parts I and II, Telecom Security Bulletin File - Written By Blade Runner

GreetingsX.25 gurusmachineEmmanuel GadaixPhilippe LangloisVanjaRaistSynackRaptorThe Force (and the aussie scene)

FriendsVenixd0xantdialtonenaifrpunk and people at #x.25 (efnet)FyodorThe Xfocus teamJim GeovediAnthony ZboralskiFabrice Marie

Telcos…just for being there :)

All of the HITB staffFor this great security event.

TSTF Contacts

• Asia/Far East Emmanuel Gadaix [email protected]

• Northern EuropePhilippe Langlois [email protected]

• Southern EuropeRaoul Chiesa [email protected]

• North America Tony Bannister [email protected]

I hope you enjoyed this “nightmare”

Thanks :)