wynter wonderland: chapter 14

Science Has Been Done Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC Chapter Fourteen Finale

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Page 1: Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 14

Science Has Been Done

Wynter Wonderland: A WYDCChapter Fourteen


Page 2: Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 14

Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC! And welcome, my friends, to the big finale!

Last time, Therese, Ubert, Undine, and Uriel all packed up and moved out to Townieland. Westlyn went from baby to teenager, in the meantime watching the last three children of the challenge be born: Xantha, Yates, and finally Zarina. Now all that’s left is watching Zarina hit adulthood… and raking in as many last-minute points as we can! Also last chapter, Wynn maxed her skills, Landon hit permaplat, and the mysterious entity known only as the Ghost Fire appeared.



Westlyn (holding Yates)

ValeneLandon and Wynn(holding Zarina)

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Wynn: *muffled* “LANDON!!”

Landon: “zzzz”

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Landon: “zzzz”

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Wynn: “Sheesh, you sleep like a brick! C’mon, get up! I just had Baby Z! I’m done having kids! Don’t you realize what an important day this is? For us?”

Landon: “zzzz”

Don’t stress about it, Wynn. You can always tell him when he does wake up.

Wynn: “Aw, but I wanted to tell him now!”

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Aww… I’d say she just told him. It’s so nice to see these guys actually get to be with each other.

But keep the romancing away from the kids, okay you two? You know how sensitive they are.

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Commander Wynter Kinsey! That sounds pretty great.

Wynn: “Yep. And my first act as commander will be to do something about all these teens who think my lawn is a good place to hang out and smustle.”

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Yates, come on. What’re you doing in there?

Yates: “Cwean!!” *splash splish splash*

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Wynn: “Okay, here we go! Big smile for the camera, Yates!”

Yates: *grin!*

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Yates: “Hey, lookit me! I’m awesome!”

Yes, you are! Even more so that you get to work on Xantha’s homework so you can learn to study before even going to school for the first time!

Yates: “…not awesome.”

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Yates: “Wait. How come Xantha’s taking a ‘college success’ class? She’s not even in high school yet…”

Westlyn: “…jump start program.”

Yates: “Weird.”

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GP Landon, finally and happily out of residency. How do you feel?

Landon: “Happy to be out of residency!”

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Welcome home, astronaut Kinsey!

Yates: “My mom’s an astronaut? Awe~some!!”

Page 14: Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 14

May I take this moment to mention Xantha’s love for the monkey bars? She loves them monkey bars. All through her childhood, she wished to play on them, she played on them autonomously…

Xantha: “She allllmost maxed her body skill on them…”

That, too…

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And now she gets to teenify!

Xantha: “Are you watching, Mom? Are you watching me?”

Wynn: “Yes, sweetheart, I’m watching.”

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Wow, I haven’t used that outfit in years. You know what, Xantha? Keep it. I think of you as more of an orange person, but that works just fine. And doesn’t cost me the hassle of leaving the lot for the clothing store.

Xantha: “Gee, thanks.”

Westlyn: *total stunned shock*

So, aspiration?

Xantha: “Fortune.”

Page 17: Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 14

Wynn: “V-formation is a-go!”

Valene: “I appreciate this ‘V’ formation. You know, because of my name. Valene? …laugh, dangit! I’m funny!!”

Question is, what’s it for? Some kind of domestic militaristic procedure? Or are they becoming migratory birds now?

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Zarina’s turn! Let’s see the magic!

Goodbye, final infant of the challenge!

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Behold the face of the final toddler of the challenge. And she’s a redhead, too!

Wynn: *sniff* “So proud…”

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There. That’s much better hair.

Xantha: “I don’t know, it’s a little… controlled for my taste.”

Zarina: “Shoo ba bop mmmmmee ma bobba boop pobi shee bop shee bobba boo…”

Xantha: “Oh, is that so?”

Zarina: “Foop.”

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You’re awesome, Xantha. I hope you know that.


She may look like Wynn’s doppelganger, but she has ten neat points, as opposed to her mother’s nada. So, Wynn goes around destroying the house, and Xantha spends all her free time happily cleaning it back up.

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Wynn: *chuckle* “You’re supposed to stay on your feet, sweetheart.”

Looks like walking isn’t going too well.

Wynn: “Yeah, but she’s a natural at talking. I almost didn’t even have to teach her!”

Zarina: “Don’ wanna walk, wanna cwawl! Wa-king poopy! Don’ wan`!”

Wynn: “Don’t say ‘poopy,’ Z. Where did you learn that, anyway?”

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Nice job, Wynn.

Wynn: “Um… oops?”

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Yay, Landon has been… *yawn*

You know what? No more. I’m dropping the promotion pictures.

Landon: “Aw…”

We don’t need pic spam of every single one of these. Instead, we’ll just commemorate the career topping. I mean, when it gets to be that every time either one of two sims goes in to work, things start to get a bit… much.

And it took me FOURTEEN CHAPTERS to figure that out, too.

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Valene: “Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no! Gasp and dismay, the kitchen’s going to burn down!!”

Relax. It’s just a fire. This is what the fire alarm is for.

We may need to replace your stove, though. This is the second fire in twenty-four sim hours. I think it might be broken. Dumb stove. *kicks*

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I’ve started offering up a fresh teenage sacrifice every night, hoping the aliens will bite and hand out point bonuses. Xantha and Valene have something to say about it, but being a Knowledge sim, Westlyn doesn’t mind so much.

On that note, Westlyn could just summon the aliens, but I don’t think that’s really in the spirit of the bonus. So, natural abductions only.

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Xantha: “A scholarship would be awesome possum!”

Point recorded.

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Welcome home from work, General Kinsey! And may I mention that you’re looking particularly fabulous today in your old astronaut suit?

Wynn: “Thanks, Author! I do look great, don’t I? Time for a new job?”

…no. It’s just too easy. I’m sort of artificially inflating my score like this. No, I think I’ll leave you at four topped careers.

Wynn: “If you say so. Oh boy, I get to stay a general!”

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Wynn: “Author, you realize that Zarina is my last toddler? Ever?”

Yes, I do indeed! Blow them candles out, let’s get this over with!

Wynn: *sniff* “But… I don’t want to let go…”

Zarina: “Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Ooh, wut dat? Preeeeeetty!”

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Zarina: “Pretty pretty! Wan’ touch! Can touch? Can touch!” *stretch*

Wynn: “Careful now Z, fire’s hot.”

Zarina: “No can touch?” *sniffle*

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Zarina: “Hey so guess what? I’m a princess! Really! I’m a princess cuz I get to be the youngest kid, and the youngest kid is always the princess! Well, unless the youngest kid is a guy, which case I guess he’d be a prince instead, but I guess it doesn’t really matter because I’m not a guy anyway. Boys stink. Anyway! Back to what I was saying! I’m a princess, and that means I get to do what I want! I get to wear this pretty pink princess dress, and I get to ride around on a dragon, except when I’m on my white stallion, because dragons aren’t very easy to fit on the road, you know, and I get to live in a castle and everyone always has to do whatever I tell them to because I’m the princess! And since I’m the princess, that makes my mommy the queen, and my daddy the king! Mommy is queen of the neighborhood! That’s what they mean when they call her ‘general,’ you know. She likes being called ‘general’ a lot, and a whole lot more than ‘your majesty.’ It’s kinda stuffy, you know. Are you still listening? I don’t know if you’re listening! So Mommy is the queen, and Daddy is the king, but the rest of my siblings aren’t all princes and princesses, because I’m the princess, not them. I have twenty-seven older brothers and sisters, you know. That’s a lot of princes and princesses. That’s why it’s just me and not them, because otherwise my princess castle would be really, really crowded. Besides, I want to be the princess, not them. Wow, my throat is getting sore!”

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Zarina: “So when do I get my dragon? I think I’m going to call him George, and he shall be my friend, and I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George! I want a dragon really, really, really, really bad!”

Xantha: “I’m usually a fun-loving kinda person, but someone, please. Shut her up.”

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Zarina: “Hey, whoa, where’s my pretty pink princess dress?”

I hid it.

Zarina (summarized): “I don’t like that.”

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Wynn: “You know… now that Zarina is a child, this room seems a little…”

Superfluous? Redundant? Pointless?

Wynn: “Just a little.”

Well, don’t worry. I think we can fix that.

Wynn: “Uh, I didn’t mean we needed more babies…”

Nope! No more babies! Promise!

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I’ve been dying to have a family adopt a dalmation! They are just so cute! Hey there, you little rascal! How are ya?

Rascal: “Ruff!”

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Wynn: “Well, of course the first thing you would do upon getting here is dig a hole in the yard. You’re a dog, after all.”

Rascal: “Ruff!”

Wynn: “Author, is this really necessary? I love animals… but not in my house, you know?”

Yes, the points say it is necessary, and also that you have to teach him all his skills. But hey, don’t worry. Rascal will be good. Won’t you Rascal?

Rascal: “Ruff!”

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Rascal, seriously. Come on, man. Not a good first impression.

Rascal: “Ruff!”

I really should’ve thought harder before giving him that name, huh?

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We’re making good progress! Two tricks down, and Yates is working on the third!

Teaching a dog all his tricks is kind of like raising triplets. It’s easier with a really big family.

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Beautiful, beautiful synchronization. *wipes tear* It’s almost as if these two have been married for three times that of a normal sim’s lifespan.

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Valene: “Oh, hey. Hi Dad.”

Headmaster Young: “Valene. It’s nice to meet you outside of school.”

Valene: “Yeah.” *ahem* “Uh, do you want some dinner? And to let my last two siblings into school?”

Headmaster Young: “Oh, of course. On both accounts.” *awkward*

And just like that, twenty schmooze points. Bam. This last visit (LAST VISIT WOOOO) is going to be a piece of cake.

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Wynn: “Jeffrey.”

Headmaster Young: “Wynn.”

Zarina: “OM NOM NOM NOM”

Disembodied Hand: “I am here for your soul…”

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Headmaster Young: “It would be my pleasure to invite Yates and Zarina to come study with us, just like every single one of their older siblings have. This is it, then?”

Wynn: “This is it. Goodbye, headmaster.”

Headmaster Young: “Goodbye, Wynn. Bye, Valene.”

Valene: “…bye.”

Page 43: Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 14

Wynn! You rolled a want to help your daughter with her homework!

Wynn: “It’s been known to happen.”


Zarina: “Come on Author, I’m trying to hear my mom!”

Sorry, sorry.

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Let’s see it, then! Do you jump into your everyday when you transition to teenager, or do you stay in your private school uniform? Only one way to find out!


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He jumped to his everyday! Science has been done.

Yates: “Derpy derp!”

Although experimentation may have had an adverse effect on the subject. Aspiration choice, dear sir?

Yates: “Family!”

And so it shall be!

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Now then, as for you, Valene.

Valene: “I wish… for a good transition outfit.”

Good wish. Except you said it, so now it won’t come true. Pfft.

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Uh-huh. Thought so. I guess we’re making a pit stop at the clothing store before we send you off, then.

Valene: “Thank goodness.”

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Alright then, off you go, Valene.

Valene: “You have nothing sentimental at all to say?”

Hmm… not much, no. Unless you want me to talk about how you kept giving your siblings noogies off camera.

Valene: “Pictures or it didn’t happen.”

The motto of the internet. Goodbye, now.

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Landon is now Chief of Staff, everyone. You may rejoice.

*polite applause*

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And there’s the last skill Rascal needed for the point bonus, as well. Awesome.

Yates: “He’s a lot more well-behaved now, too. You’re welcome.”

Thank you, Yates. Not as much of a “rascal” now, would you say? Huh huh? *wink wink*

Yates: “Wow, Author. That was really bad. You kind of sunk to a new low with that one.”

I try.

Rascal: “Ruff!”

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So. Wynn. Here we are.

Wynn: “Did you need something, Author?”

Care to explain that little Want in your bar?

Wynn: “Er, what Want do you mean, Author?”

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Wynn: “Oh. Ah. I can explain.”

Allow me to sum this up in as simple and polite a way as possible.


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Yates: “Hey Author, guess what!? I discovered a previously unknown star! I just got paid five hundred smackers for it!!”

Great! Discover any previously unknown aliens yet?

Yates: “Uh… no.”

Then what are you talking to me for? Get discovering, boy!

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No. Flipping. Way.

Yates: “Eh…?”

I was literally just thinking, “Oh, I should go do something else, it never happens when you’re watching.” Ha! Hooray for alien abductions!

Yates: “Alien ab-what!?”

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Yates: “Noooo! Please, NO! I’m too young to die! I have so much facetime left in me! Please! Don’t let them take me! PLEASE!!”

Oh, don’t worry. You’re much too young to be a father. They’ll realize that nice and quick, and then will treat you to a night-long party with smustling and video games before dropping you off back home. You have nothing to worry about.

That’s ten more points for me… should’ve offered up the teenage male sooner.

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You see? What’d I tell you? It’s fine!

Yates: “Ow…”

Oh come on, they didn’t hurt you.

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Yates: “…the street is swallowing my face…”

Hm. Well. That’s an interesting side effect.

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Xantha: “You know, Yates says there’s other planets out there.”

Zarina (summarized): “Yates is correct, sister.”

Hey, Zarina. Hey. Hey. Zarina. Zarina.

Xantha: “Better stop ranting and figure out what the Author wants, Z.”

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Zarina: “This means it’s already time for me to be a teenager, right?”

That’s right! *big grin*

Zarina: “It feels awfully soon. But I guess time flies, especially when the point of the challenge has already passed and really you’re only here to make sure everything finishes up with a nice pretty big bow like a Christmas present, huh? I looked it up and it turns out that really you could be all done with us now that I’m a teenager and all, or about to be anyway, but I guess you just kinda want to see it to the end, huh?”

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Don’t strain yourself looking excited there, Wynn.

Wynn: “Hm…? Oh, sorry. Just a little wave of nostalgia, that’s all.”

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Sweet. I love a good transition outfit. Aspiration?

Zarina (summarized): “Fortune.”

Good call. Not exactly what I expected out of you, but good call nonetheless. Now, go comfort your mother.

Zarina: “Why? She looks alright to me. What do you think has her sad enough that I need to go comfort her?”

Just do it.

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Zarina: “You know what, Mom? You’re awesome. In fact, you’re the best there ever was. We couldn’t ask for a better Mom. I bet no one in the whole world’s ever had a greater Mom than you. You’ve always been there for us… for, well, forever… and I love you. We all love you.”

Wynn: “Aw, thanks, Z. Love you too. C’mere and gimme a hug. Then tell me what you want.”

Page 63: Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 14

And the following day, it’s Westlyn’s big birthday!

Westlyn:*taps chin* “You know, Author… I think you might be rushing this a bit.”

How could you even suggest a thing! I would never-- *cough hack*

Yates: “Choking on the lies a bit there, Author?”

Alright, so maybe I think that now that all the kids are born, the challenge has kind of run its course and everyone’s really more interested in getting to the finale than watching kids grow up. Big deal.

Wynn: *blank stare*

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Anyway, birthday!

Westlyn: “Um… to the closet?”

To the closet.

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Okay, Westlyn’s an adult and now it’s time to go to Townieland. Any final thoughts?

Westlyn: “Hold on, let me fix my hair…”

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This means you’re next, Xantha.

Xantha: *eyebrow raise*

*whisper* Three days…

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Aw, look. Rascal’s made a friend.

Rascal: {Boy, do you stink.}

Penguin: {Boy, are you original.}

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Landon: *happily singing* “Doo de doo… mopping dog pee off the sidewalk… doo de doo…”

Page 69: Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 14

What do you think, Yates? Will lightning strike twice?

Yates: “Uh… no. Definitely not. Nope. You better let me just go to bed now. Yep.”

Hahaha, you’re funny, telescope boy.

Yates: *sigh*

Page 70: Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 14

Alright, we have no fewer than two birthdays today! First up, Xantha!

Xantha: “Is this a nice enough smile? I’ve been practicing in the mirror for this photo. Because, you know, I get so many photos lately, I just wanted to look nice in this one.”

Yes, yes, stop guilt tripping me and blow out the candles.

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And hooray, adult Xantha! …fishnets?

Xantha: “Why not?”


Xantha: “Boo.”

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Okay, see you later, Xantha!

Xantha: “That’s it? No touching send-off?”

Eh… no. We’ve got another birthday to get to.

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Alright, so next up on the birthday list is—

Wynn: “No.”


Wynn: “No. No no no no no no no. NO!! …NO!!!”

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Wynn: “Landon, step away from that cake.”

Landon: “What’s the matter, hon? I’m excited! I finally get my very own birthday celebration!”

Wynn: “Landon. Seriously. Stop it.”

Landon: “…?”

Wynn: “Getting old, it’s…i-it’s not part of the contract. It’s not supposed to happen to us. To, to you. Let’s go… drink some elixir. Yeah. C’mon, I can get a vat out of my inventory right now and…”

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Landon: “Wynn.”

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Landon: “I love you, you know?”

Wynn: *sniff* “I know.”

Landon: “It’s our time, Wynn. It’s not like we’re going to die tomorrow. It’s only a few gray hairs. Personally, I think we earned ‘em. Marks of wisdom, right?”

Wynn: “Right…”

Landon: “It’s just a part of life, you know?”

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Landon: “Ooh… that feels different.”

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Landon: “Um… so? What do you, well, think?”

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Wynn: “That is one smoking hot argyle sweater.”

Landon: “I knew you’d like it!”

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The following day…

Wynn: “…”

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Wynn: *chuckles* “Honey, I’m right here. You don’t have to shout.”

Landon: “Oh. Well, Yates and Z and I are kind of waiting for you in the kitchen. Birthday cake, you know.”

Wynn: “I… I know. I’m coming. Just give me a moment.”

Landon: “You know, Wynn… now that I’ve been an elder for a day and all already, I can really tell you, it’s really not that bad.”

Wynn: “Yeah, thanks, Landon. I love you, but I’d, um, really kind of like to be alone right now.”

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Landon: “Well, okay. See you in a bit.”

Wynn: “See you, Landon.”

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You know…

Wynn: “I meant it, Author. I want to be alone right now.”

…oh. Okay.

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Wynn: {I ended a legacy. I started a new challenge. I bore and raised twenty-eight children. Well, twenty-seven, if you don’t count Quinn, who Landon gave birth to. I found and married the love of my life. I… I’ve spent longer as an adult than most sims have lived in their entire lifetime. If my oldest children weren’t townies, they’d be dead of old age already.}

{I admit it. I’m terrified of getting older. Of changing. Of losing my looks and my health. Of the prospect that there might just be an end to this. I might not live forever after all.}

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Wynn: {Sounds fun.}

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Somewhere in the night, a certain simself cries…


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Wynn: “Life is awesome, isn’t it?”

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Wynn: “This is a coat I wore as I spy, you know. I went to the store, bought some clothes… but you know? This is a reaaally nice coat.”

Landon: “Mmm… I agree. Maybe not as much color as usual, but…”

Page 92: Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 14

Yates: “So. Just the two of us left, then.”

Zarina: “Yep! Just the two of us, and Mom and Dad! It’s been a while since I’ve seen them go at it quite like that, you know. It’s nice to see them so happy together. And quite frankly, they look really great as elders. Dad especially. He looks better with the silver hair and without that jacket with the furry shoulders, I think. In fact—”

Yates: “Yes, Z. I agree.”

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Yates: “Is this really necessary?”

Come on, you can get ten scholarships before you leave here. I believe in you!

Zarina: “Yeah, it’s not so bad! I’m sure all these extra skills will help us get money and stuff, because you know, it’s really important to have max skills before you enter the work force. Just think about Mom’s example. She started work here with no skills at all, and it took her forever to top her first career! Now she’s got them all, and tons of friends, and she can get to the top of a career in a few days! Of course, she can’t anymore, since she’s old and they won’t give her any real jobs anymore because society is totally ageist, but if she were still an adult she would have no trouble at all! Dad’s the same way, you know. He’s got nearly maxed skills, too, and been to the top of a bunch of different careers, too. He’s been a doctor and a lawyer and the mayor and stuff, and Mom’s been a spy and a scientist and a dancer and

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Yesterday: bookshelf. Today: easels.

Yates: “My last three days in the house aren’t going to be very fun, are they?”

What are you talking about!? Skill-building… er, I mean, painting is fun!

Yates: “Slavedriver.”

Zarina (summarized): “I am painting a giraffe-horse. I like it.”

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Zarina: “Would you believe this is all of us? There’s only four of us left in the house! Well, five of us if you count Rascal, which I guess we should, since he’s part of the family and all. Not that we see him all that much, since the Author has us on this strict skill-building regimen and all.”

Wynn: “Well, I can’t believe I can finally eat cheesecake without fear! This stuff is delicious!”

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Yates: “Hi there! Soooo… it’s kinda my birthday tonight, and I kinda don’t have time to skill-marathon anymore, sooo… d’you happen to have ten scholarships for me? Please? …oh come on, nine? After all that work I did? Couldn’t you just, you know, pull some strings and make a scholarship up for me? …*sigh* Fine.”

Dangit. So close. *pout*

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I see Wynn has given up watching these things.

Wynn: *sniff* “My boy… my little boy…”


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I’m sorry, Yates. No matter what you do, you will not make that cowboy shirt look good. Promise.

Yates: “You wanna bet on that, Author?”

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Yates: “How about THIS? And you doubted me!”

You seriously just changed everything else about your look just to match the shirt?

Yates: “Yup!”

…Alright, fair play. Off to Townieland you go, then.

Yates: “And on to Destiny!”

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Zarina (summarized): “Slap dancing is fun!”

Landon: “Sorry to interrupt, Z, but I just wanted to ask. How are you liking being the only child at home? Your mother is taking it kinda hard, you know.”

Zarina (summarized): “I like it.”

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Zarina: “Author,” *huff* “there’s no way I could get” *puff* “ten scholarships in the next few days,” *huff* “so why are you making me do this!?” *gasp*

Hm, no reason in particular. Nope. Definitely has nothing to do with cutting off your air supply so you can’t put a wall of text on half my slides. Nope nope. Never.

Zarina: *huff puff*

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So, do you think the aliens will take the bait on the very last night of the challenge?

Zarina: “Author? You suddenly went silent. I don’t like silence. What gives?”

That’s an awfully evil smile you have there, Z.

Zarina: “Huh? I don’t mean it to be…”

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Landon: “So… Wynn? How’re you holding up?”

Wynn: “Hmmm…? Just fine, I guess.”

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Landon: “It’s just, you know, we’ve been raising kids for so long… used to be the house was always loud and full of stomping and shouting, and now it’s so quiet. And tomorrow, we’re going to lose Z, too, and it’ll be just down to us. I don’t know, I just feel pretty empty sometimes.”

Wynn: “Yeah. I get how you feel. I’m the same way. But you know? I also feel strangely…”

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Wynn: “…at peace.”

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Well, no miraculous last minute alien abductions for us. I guess that’s okay… it would’ve looked kind of cheaty anyway. Go downstairs and apply for those scholarships before we forget, eh Z?

Zarina: *yawn* “Yeah, okay Author…”

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Zarina: “Guess what, Sim State? I’m the last Kinsey kid you’ll ever hear from. Excited?”

Social Bunny: “Yaaaahs!!”

Phone: *sounds of shouting and partying*

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Welp… I guess this is it.

Zarina: “I wish for a pony and an expensive TV and world peace and a bright shiny new challenge and a giraffe horse and clean toilets for everyone!”

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Zarina: “Hooray! New clothes, please!”

Landon: “Well… I guess that’s it, huh Wynn?”

Wynn: “Yes, Landon. I do believe that’s it.”

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Well… let’s wrap this little mess up, then.

Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC has concluded. Thank you very much for reading. For those of you who’ve been with me since the beginning, thank you for returning after such a long break in the middle. It’s been a blast. This challenge would be nothing without all of you to read it. Thank you.

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Unless something unforeseeable happens in the future, this will be the last challenge I do with the descendants of the White family. I’ve played these sims almost exclusively for over two years now. Now, though, it’s time for a fresh start. I’m not planning on bringing over any custom townies next time, and that includes my own characters.

I thought this over for a long time. When I started the WYDC, I had some vague plans of starting my next challenge using the sim we now know as Zarina. But now, it’s time to let go.

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So… thank you. Thank you, readers, for your support, your comments, and of course your readership, over the course of both Wynter Wonderland and of the White Legacy. That legacy would probably never have moved past the third generation without your unending support, and it certainly would never have spawned this wild ride of a challenge. It’s been a blast. Thank you.

Happy simming.

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The End

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New PointsChildren in private school +2

Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a scholarship


Founder reaches top of any career +10

The husband reaches the top of any career after the first +1

Every pet taught all tricks +1

Alien abductions of a teen +10

Founder never goes into aspiration failure +10

No use of Gootentaugen, Jumbok, or snapdragons +5

Grand Total: 224.5