wynter wonderland: chapter 10

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC Chapter Ten

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I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC

Chapter Ten

Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC, where IT’S CHRISTMAS!! It’s also NEW YEAR’S!! Happy

holidays, everybody!!

Last time, babies P and Q were born. Much frustration was had with my Multi PT hack, which made earning Quinn kind

of difficult, but in the end, everything was sorted out, and I ended up with a fresh set of defaults for the first time in

years. Landon caught Nina with Phillip’s father Perseus, and then guilt tripped her at the end of the chapter when he

totally forgave her. Also, Levi finally got his faux hawk, before moving out forever. We are just now sending Wynn out

to find a father for Baby R. Let’s get going!

Landon & Wynn




Wynn: “Well, Ichor Lounge worked out pretty well before, since I met both the Unsavory Charlatan and Perseus here…

but it still makes me nervous to walk right into a den of vampires…”

You’ll be fine. It’s not like your family has a history with evil vampires wanting to kill you and suck your blood or


Wynn: “…”

Hey, Jessie. Uh, sorry about Kale.

Jessie: *turns back to camera.*

Wynn, here’s what you’re looking for in a guy today. Basically, anybody who has a hair or eye color or zodiac sign.

Service NPCs would be good, too.

Wynn: “We’re being really picky today, huh?”

You know it.

Zane Devereaux? Ooh, good choice. Think he counts as the grim reaper point?

Zane: “No.”


Zane: “Sorry. I’m really not interested in any new relationships right now.”

Wynn: “Hoo boy… this is awkward…”

I don’t care. He’s going to be Father R.

Wynn: “But he just left the lot…”

That’s not a problem.

Wynn: “Actually, yeah, it kinda is.”

*sigh* Why must this be difficult? Why? Just because I made Zane a townie, doesn’t mean he needs to have a job and

be out of the house when I want Wynn to call him… sheesh.

Hooray! Happy birthday, Quinn! Yay for child aliens!

What, you wanted a cake shot? Pff.

BEANIE! I love beanies.

Quinn: “Also, sneakily placed Christmas decoration.”

I’m sneaky like that.

Owen: “I’m growing up, too!!”

Um… who are you, again?

Owen: “I think… fortune is good. Yeah. I want money.”

Quinn: “Wow, he looks an awful lot like Daddy. Almost as much as I do!”

OH YEAH! This is Owen, Landon and Wynn’s son! I’d almost forgotten about him! Wow, I think this is the first picture

of him I’ve had since he became a child! What a forgettable character!

Owen: “Hey!”

Wynn: “Author. I’m friends with Zane, and he still doesn’t want to come over.”

*sigh* Fine. I’m getting desperate here. We’ll put off the last at-home conception until later. Who else have we got on

our scavenger list?

Wynn: “…really?”

Human Statue: “…”

Suck it up. If you can’t woo Zane Devereaux, we’ve got to do something.

Wynn: “We’re going to tombstone a baby with a statue?”

Human Statue: “…”

Landon: “Lesson number one: always use desks to do your homework, Quinn.”

Quinn: “Dad, come on, we’ve already done that joke—”

Landon: “Because if you do it on the floor in here, those plants behind you might eat you. Ever seen Little Shop of

Horrors? Feed me, Landon!”

Quinn: “…”

Headmaster Young: “…Senator Kinsey? What a, uh, what a surprise to see you here, sir…”

Landon: “Hi there, Headmaster Young! How’s that big old grant we gave you to educate the kids with helping? Got any

new gyms or libraries going up? I was super excited to sign all that money over to you!”

Headmaster Young: “Yes… ahaha… it’s been very helpful, Senator Kinsey sir…”

Headmaster Young: *grin*

What is it with the headmasters in this neighborhood!? Seriously! At least he let Quinn and Phillip into his school. Bleh.

Owen: “Can I get a scholarship, please? And less ignorance of my existence?”

Office of Financial Aid: {Sorry, sir. We can’t help you with that.}

Pop number one! Mannequin point, here I come!

After a rather uneventful day… pop number two!

Wynn: “You don’t suppose this is when I’m finally going to have twins?”

I hope not. I’ve got plans for the next baby, and I need the space in the household.

Wynn: “Plans?”

Not to spoil it or anything but… remember, this is the holidays.

Happy birthday, Max! Wow, Baby M is leaving the household!

Owen: “Look, Ma! I’m in a picture!”

Wynn: “…who are you, again?”

Owen: “Mom…”

Wynn: “I’m just kidding, Levi. I know who you are.”

Owen: “It’s OWEN, Mom!”

Oh, nice. I don’t have to bother with a shopping trip for you. Bye!

Max: “But I—”


Off goes Maximilian Kinsey to Townieland, and now we’re down to four kids in the house. Novelty.

Max was fun, but I’m not really sorry to see him go, you know? So, bye Max! Have fun as an adult!

Max: “Bye!”

And now it’s baby time already! How much do you wanna bet it’s a boy?

Well, you would be WRONG! Baby R is a little girl! Imagine that, two girls in a row! Whoa! Women now outnumber

men in the household! Not only that, she has the mannequin skin!

Alright, so I cheated. I really wanted the child of the Human Statue to have the mannequin skintone, since I’ve never

had a mannequin sim before, but I knew it wasn’t really going to happen. So I gave it to Ruth in SimPE. She was born

with Skin 1, and still has it as a recessive.

I am not a cheater.

Okay, Wynn. Put Ruth in her crib, and then I need you to go bake cookies.

Wynn: “Why am I baking cookies?”

You’ll see.


Wynn: “Santa!!”

Phillip: “I… I can’t b-believe it… it’s really him…”

Santa: “Is… that a tombstone?”

Wynn: “…wait… we’re using Santa Claus as the father of Baby S…?”


Wynn: “Isn’t this some kind of violation of sacred holiday codes?”

Too late! Bahahaha!

Santa Claus: “Ho ho… ho?”

Phillip: “…Santa…?”

Santa: “Hello there, Phil. I happen to know you’ve been a very good boy this year, and I’ve got a very special teddy

bear for you.”

Phillip: “Th… thank you…”

Santa: “Ho ho ho!”

Quinn: “Um, why is that guy from the mall in our living room?”

Santa: “Ho ho ho!!”

Phillip: “My own teddy…”

Wynn: “Tickle tickle tickle!!”

Santa: “Stop th—ho ho ho!”

Quinn: “…”

Quinn: “Nina!”

Nina: “What’s up, green bean?”

Quinn: “I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus!”

Nina: “And you’ve been listening to too many Christmas songs. Go to bed.”

Quinn: “Hmph!”

Wynn: “Whoa, it worked! …Mrs. Claus is going to come after me…”

Quinn: “Way to cut the cheese right over my food, Nina.”

Wynn: *snicker*

Owen: *snort*

My sims are so mature.

Wynn: *yawn* “Okay, Ruth, why are you crying… it’s too early… it’s, like, eleven o’clock in the morning…”

Ruth: {I sense people in this house. I don’t need food or a diaper change, but…} *deep breath*


Landon: “I am tired of spending all day giving this kid attention.”

Yes. Please, grow her up. I’m putting good odds on her having a lot of outgoing points.

How sweet! Except… she only has three outgoing points? …hmm…

Landon: “Wynn, look at her! Our daughter is adorable! One of us must have had an ancestor that was a statue!”

Wynn: *guilty*

Landon: “Maybe the next one will be a mannequin, too!”

Wynn: *guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty*

Phillip: “I… I guess it’s my turn then… will I still get to keep Teddy…?”

Yes, Phil, you can keep Teddy. Don’t worry.

Phillip: “Oh, good…”

Wynn: “Yay!”

Landon: “Nice tank!”

Nina: “Cool!”

Owen: “Meh.”

Phillip: *petrified*

Wow. This makes Phillip my third Fortune Sim in a row.

Landon: “Author, the colors aren’t working… they’re all blue…”

Does that mean you solved it?

Landon: “…is it a puzzle?”

There. That’s a far more suited outfit.

Phillip: “…where’s my bear…”

Phillip: “…there you are…”

Ruth: “NEE-nuh?”

Nina: “That’s right! Nina! I’m your big sissy! Good for you! Now, can you say ‘antidisestablishmentarianism’? C’mon,

you can do it!”

Wynn: “Ack!”

One more day now, and then we have a Santa Claus baby! *happy whistling* Though kind of sad, really, that the first

time I ever summon Santa, it’s to use him as a father in a WYDC… oh well! Next time it will just be because


You know what the worst thing about this is? Owen has maxed creativity. Nina has seven points.

The best thing about this? No one cares when Wynn goes into labor anymore. It’s just sorta old hat by now.

This is our third girl in a row, people! That’s seven girls out of nineteen kids. The percentages are evening out! A little!

Wynn: “Don’t mind the Author, Sofia. She likes probability a little too much. Yes, she does, doesn’t she, sweetheart?”

Sofia is also named after a video game character, though her namesake is a main character that can be renamed at the

beginning of the game. And it takes, like, three hours of gameplay or so before you actually really take control of her

and start the game. *smile* I looked for a more Christmas-related name for Sofia, but after thirty seconds of googling,

my only idea was Star. So, Sofia it is!

Hey Nina, could you do a favor for me, please?

Nina: *looks into middle distance* “Someday, someday I will have a real reason to look into middle distance and


*cough* You might have one sooner rather than later…

Nina: “What was that now?”


Nina: “Is there a reason you’re having me do this, and not someone with more mechanical points?”

*innocent whistling*

Dang. Totally repaired, with no mishaps at all.

Nina: “Mom, care to explain why you’ve been sitting there this whole time?”

Wynn: “Er… no reason, honey…”

Okay, then. Plan B.

Wynn: “Right there, honey. Try to edge just a bit closer to the fire jet.”

Nina: “Mom, why do I get the feeling I’m not gonna like this plan?”

Wynn: “Don’t worry, I’ll be right here.”

Nina: “If this goes wrong, I’m haunting you for the rest of your life.”

Nina: “Yeowch! It burns! It burns!!”

Wynn: “Oh wow, that’s bright… just let me shield my eyes a bit here…”


Don’t worry; your needs are low, it won’t take long for you to die.


Wynn: “Now’s when we get out the tombstone, right?”

Right. You’re catching on to this.

Wynn: “I try.”

Grim Reaper: “You’re tombstoning a baby? Oh, no. Not again.”

Wynn: “PLEASE, Grim! Let me have your baby!!”

Grim Reaper: “Funny, this isn’t usually how this goes…”

Wynn: “I’d like my teenage daughter back too, please and thank you.”

Grim Reaper: “Haven’t you read up on your own lore? It was established when Seraphine was born that you either get

the baby or the one you sacrificed, never both. Come on, Wynn.”

Wynn: “Yes, but… there’s no plot around here?”

Grim Reaper: “Well… yeah, okay.”

Wynn: “Hey, Author! Your crazy plan actually worked!”

Nina: “Author. May I have a word with you?”

Sure, Nina. What’s up?


Now that that’s over with, I do believe we have a couple of birthdays to deal with. As usual.

First up, Quinn.

Quinn: “Ooh, pretty fire… I mean cake. Yeah. Cake.”

We also have Nina! …who we put off until the next morning so her wants could reroll, so she could grow up well.

Dying kind of took a toll on her.

Nina: “Hmph.”

Don’t “hmph” me. I did you a favor. I could have let you meet the therapist. I didn’t.

Nina: “You owe me, Author. Big time.”

…yeah, I kinda do. Whatever.

Well then, there goes Nina Kinsey, daughter of the Unsavory Charlatan, off to Townieland.

Nina: “What, I don’t even get a transition shot?”

Nope. I’m afraid you might try to make me pay up on this “you owe me” thing. Or somehow punch me through the

camera again.

Nina: “Since you mention it, I’m going to insist on—”

Hey, look! Wynn’s making a cheesecake! I can’t believe it’s actually gotten to the point that we have to eat cheesecake

to get twins!

Wynn: “I’m scared, Author. I’ve never had multiples before.”

Let’s just hope you do get twins and not triplets.

Wynn: “…”

Wynn: “Alright, well… here we go.”

The motto of Wynn Kinsey’s life: never do something halfway. If you’re going to have kids, have kids. If you’re going

to eat a cheesecake, eat a cheesecake.

Quinn: “What about me? I transitioned, too. Don’t I get a makeover shot?”

What do you think this is?

Quinn: “Oh… oh. Okay. Cool. Got any matches?”


Quinn: “Shame.”

Okay, I know it’s only been a day, but I’ve got two more birthdays for you. Ruth here is first, but since she’s not the

youngest transitioning tonight, and neither is she becoming an adult, no cake for her.

Ruth: “Otay.”

Aw, how cute.

Ruthie, darling, white probably isn’t the best of colors on you.

Ruth: “Oh, okay! I’ll go change, then!”

Ruth: “What do you think, Daddy? Does my outfit match? It doesn’t clash with my skintone, does it? Is it pretty?”

Landon: “Um… yes?”

Ruth: “Yay!”

Next up, Sofia!

Who… seems to be asleep.

The daughter of Santa Claus, everyone.

Quinn: “Ahaha… Santa Claus has quite the cheeks and lips, don’t he?”

Eh, I’ve seen worse.

Quinn: “Where could you possibly have seen worse than this?”

Ever read an uglacy? Besides, Sofia’s not that bad.

Quinn: “What do you mean, ‘read’ an uglacy? I think you’re going crazy, Author. You don’t ‘read’ uglacies. You live

them, or watch them on TV, or just talk to the people in them. Weirdo.”

Wynn: “I really did get myself pregnant with the baby of the grim reaper, then?”

You really did. Congratulations.

Wynn: “Wow. I can’t believe that actually worked.”

Landon: “Alright, Sofia! Time for potty!”

Sofia: *glare*

Landon: “Aw, you’re so cute! Look how excited you are!”

Squee! I love this animation, but I don’t really see it all that often!

Wynn: “How are you doing in there, babies? Not eating each other? Good, good…”

Wynn: “Come on, sweetheart! Come to Mommy and her shirt that matches your dress!”

Let’s see… blonde ponytails, lime green outfits… GASP! They’re TWINNERS! That’s so cute!!

Ruth: “Thanks for helping me with my homework, Quinnie!”

Quinn: “Hey, whoa. I’ll deal with the hug, but my name is not ‘Quinnie.’”

Ruth: “…how about Queenie?”

Quinn: “Quinn.”

Ruth: “Queenie! That’s such an awesome nickname!”

Quinn: “…”

Quinn: “More cheesecake, Mom?”

Wynn: “You can’t be too careful, Queenie.”

Quinn: “Really, Mom?”

Wynn: “Oh, but it’s so cute…”

Quinn: “Slap me, I’ll slap you back!”

Phillip: “O-ow!!”

Quinn I can see doing this, but Phillip? The lord of the shy? I need to stop letting the teenagers be free range…

Ooh ooh, here we go, here we go! Twins, here we come!

Wynn: “Does this mean she’s a witch?”

Seriously, game? What is wrong with you and cheesecake? WHY? Why is Wynn only holding ONE BABY right now!?

Well… to be honest, I probably know why. With Baby T’s birth, that makes eight sims in the household, and the game is

hardwired to only allow multiple births when it won’t go over the household limit. Even when there’s hacks in place to

allow sims past the limit. That would be my guess.

SIGH. I guess we’ll try again after both Owen and Phillip have left us, which is going to take a full nine days. …ouch.

Maybe I’ll actually go ahead and collect Baby U when Owen moves out, and then work on twins for Baby V, since

Phillip and Quinn are only three days apart to Owen and Phillip’s five. Six to one, half dozen to the other, really,

although I’ll admit that V names are far easier to come up with than U names.

Wynn: “Are we going to announce her name?”

Oh, yeah. This is Therese, the fourth girl in a row (holy cow), and the daughter of the Grim Reaper. Not that that’s really

extraordinary around here, since there’s three townies in the neighborhood who are also children of Grimmy. (Zane

Devereaux, Spider Jerusalem Vetinari, and Seraphine White, if you’re curious.)

No twins, but I did get a consolation prize. Therese’s eyes are light blue, which is rare in the Kinsey family. Wynn is

homozygous for green eyes, which means it must have come from Grim. And here I thought Grimmy’s eyes were dark

blue. Huh.


Wynn: “Playing sea monster again, Queenie?”

Quinn: “GRAAH!!”

Wynn: “Oh, you know I’m only kidding, baby girl.”

And now it’s time for another birthday!

Yeah, I know, there’s a lot of them. Bear with me.

Very cute—I like how these cheeks are looking on you, actually. I’m guessing your dad gets to use those ducky floaties

all the time in the North Pole, huh?

Sofia: “Nope! But I don’t live in the North Pole, so that’s why I’m wearing it and not Daddy!”

Ruth: “YAAY!! Someone to play with!!”

There. That’s much more suited to a daughter of the north. Now you don’t look like you’re going to freeze to death.

Sofia: “Well… I miss my ducky floaty, but… this is pretty neat!”

I agree. Super cute outfit, I think.

Sofia: “Author? They’re at it again.”

Come on guys, at least play nice in front of your younger impressionable sister, huh? For me?

Quinn: “Eat stars, you goatstack!”

Phillip: “Goatstack? What kind of insult is that?”

Quinn: “One that won’t offend Sofia’s ears, idiot.”

Do I need to separate you two? Because I will.

Sofia: “But Owen, I don’t wanna do this. I wanna go play kicky bag with Phil and Daddy…”

Owen: “Do you want face time?”

Sofia: “Yes!”

Owen: “Then do your homework.”

Sofia: “Aw… but, but Owen, you do your homework, and you don’t get face time…”

Owen: “…shuddup.”

Landon: “Back again already, Headmaster Young?”

Headmaster Young: “Oh, yes. I love this household. Always something exciting going on.”

Landon: “I hope you know I know that you went into my bedroom and watched my wife and I sleeping last time you

were here.”

Headmaster Young: “Um… I think I’ll just… go now.”

Landon: “Huh? Why…?”

Ruth and Sofia are in private school now. Yay.

Now that that’s over with, birthday for the singlet—I mean, Therese!

Surprise! A child of the grim reaper is cute!

Okay, that’s all I’ve got this time. Let’s have a look at the scores, huh?

New Fathers:

18: Human Statue (Mannequin)

19: Santa Klaus (Santa Claus or Father Time)

20: Grim Reaper (Grim Reaper)

New Points

Each child with a different father +3

NPCs used as fathers +3

Children in private school +4

Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a



Total Points: 124.5