^^wv^ k^^ - nys historic...

Large Brush Fire Hits H-F Vicinity The Holtsville- Farmingville , North Patchogue and Med' ord Fire Department Mondav foueht for close to four hours a brush fire which destroyed 50 to 60 acres near North Ocea-i Avenue between Long Island Avenue and Woodycrest Drive ln the Holts- ville-Farmingville vicinity Harold Schulz of the H-F ie- partment said the fire , which was reported at 12:40 p m was out of control for one ard one half hours as firemen struggled against shi f tlng wirds to contain the blaze During the afternoon from 50 to 60 men fought the fire , and the firefighting force was swelled to about 150 men after working hours. Mr Schul? who handles public relations tor his department , said the cause of the fire is unknowr . Medf ord Ave. PTA Makes lif e Awards Selections by the school band and orchestra entertained pa- rent s and friends attending the May 15, meeting of the Medford Avenue School Parent-Teacher Association. The meeting, held in the school gym , featured an evening of teacher recognition. Guest speaker was William Carroll , school board president. Mrs. William S. Matsunaye , past president , installed officers for the coming year. Those installed were: Mrs. -MfredTex- lra , president; Joseph Farbstein , vice president ; Mrs. Edwin Lu- bit , recording secretary; Mrs. Benjamin Gordon , treasurer; Walter Engelhardt , parllmentar- ian , and Mrs. Frank Wickham , historian. A high note of the evening was the presentation of the Life Mem- bership Awards for outstanding service. ^^^^^^^^^ H^^H^^^^^^^H PATCHOGUE BANK'S jf W New Depositor Service /1 WALK-UP WINDOW Itl OPEN. Mon . thru Thurs . 9 to 3 gu^| ALL DAY FRIDAY - 9 to 6.30 HH (Imicfo Lobh y hours continued Triday Evenings 6 30 to 8 00 P M ) fiP^&s mv ^^ mt Our Walk —up window is the latest addition to our mod f js % W om banking program - is a valuable time saver Shop 1 1 II pers with packages mothers with baby buggies and s 1 J a customers whose time is limited can transact their bank M ^ J __ I \ ing without the necessity of entering the bank lobby J MmW « % thus avoiding congestion and standing in line ot the M jjrf % % LOCATE ON EAST WALK U ^Y BETW EEN PARKING AR^A & w*=ST MAIN STREET FIRE | I I DEPT I I LAKE ST. PARKING '? ****** !MbW p §L > r i . * < —J |—-I { REAR ENTRANCE J O z i ¦ ' ^*—Ai II i il _^ _y "> f* < __ PATCHOGUE \*\\f 2 BANK fl £ _ Mil [L l li WEST MAIN ST ^^ ^ WALK WAY THE PATCHOGUE BANK Coram Office Main Office 179 MIDDLE COUNTRY RD . E. Patchogue Office 47 W MAIN ST 500 ' wost of Robort Hall' s 468 E. MAIN ST. PATPHOrilF 1 I C ORAM , N .Y . PATCHOGUE , L I r A1 LnVJUUt , JL. 1. SE 2 - 4004 (Oppogl te Safeway) GRovt, 5-3020 Member FD . I . C . GR°™r SW03S Ronkonkoma and the La ke N ews B Davis Attorney Pasquale Mele of 32 Carlson Road , the Lake , has been appointed referee of the Work- men ' s Compensation Board in New York. Mr. Mele has his law offices in the Bronx. Dr. Leon Hoffman of Hawkins Avenue spent several days last week at Saranac Lake where he attended a convention of optomn etrists. Dr. Hoffman stayed at the Sagamore Hotel in Saranac. The Knights of Columbu s, St. Regis Council , held its third an- nual dinner dance May 26 at the Four Seasons Country Club in Westbury. More than 350 per- sons attended. Also present were two former priests of St. Jo- seph' s , Father White and Father Minogue , as well as the coun- cil' s chaplain . Father Brown. Ewald Guldenpfennig of St. James Road was elected a vice chairman at the annual meeting of the Central District , Suffolk County Council , Boy Scouts of America , held at the Elk Hotel in Port Jefferson May 23. Other local men elected to office were Joseph Pagan , Uldis Laivins, Paul We sterbeke and Martin VV eise. They will serve as dis- trict members for the council. Holy Cross Lutheran Church will hold confirmation services at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. The Couple ' s Club of the church will have a smorgasbord supper at 6.30 p.m. Monday. This will be followed by a talent show. The club will not meet during Jul y. In lieu of the meeting, members will attend ' Fiorello ' at the Westbury Mu- sic Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reilly of Peter Road celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary May 31. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips , Jr., are the parent s of a daughter born in Mather Memorial Hos- pital Jun e 1. She has be;n named Lorraine Marie. The church council of Holy Cross will meet at 8 p.m. to- morrow. Members of the Catholic Daughters of America , Court of St. Joseph' s 975 , were hostesses at an entertainment for the resi- dents of Our Lady of Consola- tion Home in Amityville. A selec- tion of music on various instru- ments was played by the students of Ray Kotula. This was followed by the serving of coffee and cup cakes made b y Girl Scout Troop 184. A sing along was also part of the program. Members from the court that attended were Mes- dames Frank Mooney, John Jor- don , Victor Cassella , Harold Rose , Stanley Dyma , Francis Ed- monds , Laurin Lucas , Henry Schoenemann , Arthur Dodge , Thomas Clnncione , \nne Gruss, William Skatull and Miss Marie Erny. Mrs. Lucas was chairman. Ronald Southworth , son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Southworth of Cleary Road , has completed his junior year at the University of Provincetown and is home for the summer months. He has taken a position with the Ronkonkoma Post Office until he returns to school in September. Mrs. Florence Robins of Dor- JU 8-3987 adell Driv e spent the weekend at her summer cottage on Fire Is- land. Kenneth Brad y has completed his sophomore year at Albany Sta te Teacher ' s College and is spending the summer with his parents at their home on Laurel- ton Avenue. The Rev.William Boone bap- tize d the following children in the Methodist Church at Five Corners during May: Sandra Jean , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pacourek of Holbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hotchkiss , godparents. Richard Wayne , son of Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Walters of Holbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Albert , godparents. Charles Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zauner of West Islip; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brady of the Lake , godparents. The following are the new of- ficers of the Methodist Senior High Youth Fellowship: Leslie Brandt , president; Janet Kiernen , vice president; Mathew Parin- ella , secretary; Jeffrey Streck- er , treasurer. The Methodist Church at Five Corners will celebrate Pentecost Sunday and Methodist Student Day at the 11 a.m. service of Divine worship on Sunday. The new min- ister , the Rev. Harry S. Eid , Jr. , moved into the parsonage last week with his wife and three young daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCabe of Lakewood Street are the pare- ents of a daughter born in Mathe r Memorial Hospital Sunday. She weighed 6 pounds and has been named Maureen Patricia. Mr. and Mrs. McCabe have another daughter , Nancy, and a son Kev- in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bogacki and infant son of Duncan Avenue have moved to Brentwood where they have purchased the Brent- wood Hotel on Brentwood Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford have returned to their home in Hudson Falls after visiting their son and daughter-Li law , Mr. and Mrs. Bron Crawford , and daugh- ters , Julie , April , Laura and Joan , of Laurel Street. Wallace Tay lor , Jr., sonofMr. and Mrs. Wallace Taylor of 105 Patchogue Road , has enlisted in the Coast Guard and as stationed in New Jersey. Young Taylor graduated from Sachem High School last June. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murray of Coates Avenue were married five years on Saturday. They celebrated the occasion Friday night with dinner at the Saxon Arms Restaurant _ in Oakdale. Wor k on their new home on Patch- ogue Road is progressing. Mr. and Mrs. \N. Howard Van Deinse of Chestnut Avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Walte r Demarest celebrated their anniversaries Friday night with dinner at the Gateway Restaurant in Hunting- ton. The Van Deinse anniversary was Wednesday and the Demarest anniversary Saturday. On Satur- day the two families spent the day at the beach. John E. Riker. Sr. of Holts- ville was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davis and sons , Warren and Stephen , oi Portion Road. In the afternoon they visited Mr. and Mrs. John Sauer in Farmingdale who had just returned from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goetz of Rustic Road are the parents of a son born in Smithtown General Hospital May 27 He has been named James Josep h Goetz. The Methodist Men 's Club is sponsoring a fried chicken din- ner June 16 in the church base- ment. It will be served from 4 to 8 p.m. Joelle and William Agnew , Jr. , children of Mr. andMrs. William Agnew of Lincoln Avenue , the Lake , appeared in the fourth an- nual operetta , Hansel and Crete I b y Humperdinck , presented by and at the Emanuel Lutheran School in Patchogue , May 25 and 27. The Lake Ronkonkoma Parent- Teacher Association held a suc- cessful fair at the Gatelot Avenue School from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Mrs. John Strecker was in charge of the homemade food booth , Mrs. Donald Peck and Mrs. Ruth Ann Goetz , home made des- serts; Mrs. Charles E. Breutsch and Mrs. Hans Bottke , books and magazines; Mrs. Stella Banasie- wicz and Mrs. George L.Napoh- tano . White Elephant; Mrs. Frank D ' Abramo , Pink Elephant ; Mrs. R obert Herrschaft , Mrs. Patrick Bjertnes , Mrs. E. J. Behounek , Mrs. Robert Wilson , Plant Booth; Mrs. John Celeste , Mrs. Edward Wittemeier , glamour booth , Mrs. John B. Monaco , Mrs. Nicholas German , toy land; Mrs. Thomas Murphy, Mrs. Edward Heisel , apron booth. There was also a grab bag. Bay Avenue PTA Installs New Officers Mrs Orville Meyer was m stalled as president of the bd* Avenue School Parents Teachers Association May 29 Other officers Installed by Richard Mauer for the forth coming year were Mrs Louis Smith , first vice-president; Mrs Michael Grecco second v ice president; Mrs Morton Judel son , third vice-president; Mrs Herbert Reidel , recording sec retary ; Mrs A Salinas , cor responding secretarv; and Mrs Frank Hutton , treasure To commemorate his outstand ing work for both Ba> Avenue School and the PTA , Richard Mauer was presented with a lif e membership in the PTA Miss Shirley Phyle , musical director at Bay, Avenue School presented a group of her fi f th and sixth grade students 1,1 i\ eral vocal selections. Mrs Marjorie Ge rard c *id Miss Helen Gould , w!u are e tinne afte r teachim for " ai years at Bu > \venue wen p T c sented with tareweli L lit The histo-ian ' s rep*rt graphic summary of the ,^ar s PI \ activities , wa ri dU 'n M'* Charlc s F rail Ihe evemnr s cnu rtainr i i was presented by students I Patchogue Senior HlghSc hool un der the direction ol I u i i. Romeo music supervisor I in s participating in the prog ran V , LT Paui Cochrane Barbara Girsho i and Judy Silveibush so < l * Rita Crocitto Karen llilhcdh Karen Lysak , Jill O 'Brien 1 lsa Parts and Pat l^f undstein ente r tatned with several vocal sciec tions The male vocal ^ro upeoii sisted of Peter Borella Di^vv Hambhn Bruce N' artino and W 1 ham Steyert vxcornpamstj were Barbara Girshoff and Pnsctlla Swan Flora l decorations were unde r the direction ol Mrs Hump hrc Avery and Mis Domenic Delia kefrcshmcrts wen ser* ed i the kindergarten mothers headed b\ Mrs Arthur Gamtano \ri Georg e Kalivas , Kirs Robert 111 thau and . " ¦ rs C harles K L U and Classroom Mothers unacr the direction of Mrs Louis I ar- a wios and Mrs George Woitas PHS Junior Chosen For Advanced Study Harold M . Hastings , son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hasting s of 65 Ketcham Avenue , Patchosrue , will take advanced courses in math- ematics and physics this Sum- mer at BrownLruversity in Prov - idence , R.I . The progi am , sponsored by the National Science 1 oundation is designed to provide younepeople , chosen for the ir supenor academic abilities with an op- portunity to pursue college-level study which may result in ad- vanced placement Alien they en- ter college . A junior at Patchocu c Hi^h School , Harold is a member of the National Honor Society. In recent county-w ide mathe- matics competition he placed first in total personal score. Mrs. Flore nce Robins of Dor- John E. Riker. Sr. oi Holts- ° * "* ^^W V^ K^^ 11 lii M )Hrl h I j ^^^^^^^^ H^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I^^^^^HH ^^H^^^^* - L _^______ \_. .^B^HlT^^^^^H ________\_________________^_______\___________^__________________ ^__________________ R ^IIET M IH^^^H ^^^^^m^^^^^^^^ S^HHv ^^^K^^^^ll ¦ kl ' I L I il H I I LH I ¦ I vCi —¦¦-¦¦-M Hmffl^^Bi ESJiK vliH ^^^^ 1 ^H I I WW _ ¦ ^H ^H ^H B^^I^^^^^^H^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^H l^^^^^^^^^^^^^l \W*\mW ^^^ HH *^^^^^^^^^^HI nH^B|ii^ii^B JJ ^"g ^^***^*******^*****^******\**\ ^B^^H^^H^^^H ^KQiH|^^^^^^^^^^^fl^^H- -'4^fl^L9£E^^^^^^^^^I <g*2*r BELLPORT UNI T mk$gfaM& W^ROoia^^N ^ m fj MEMORIAL HOSPITA L W ji FA SHION SHOW K j l COCKTA IL PAR TY Pk M B ETTER 'OLE RESTAU RANT | | %i SOUTH COUNTRY ROAD BROOKHAVEN BP ^ f | (?£cwtatte S6ofe£ ^ W jgRlZES & CANAPIES » DONATION $2 . O Qjfe^ SCO N Z 0 SPRING fffTHi m (^ 4 COMBINA TION SCREEN ^ mtmW\r^ & S7 ° RM WIND0WS f \\*V \\ ' i AS LOW AS vC IS' -' $10 ' - __ W . ^O s v \^- ^^' » THRE C TRACK VIN DOV. ___ ¥ A X.r V •» fl'RTLAR PROO c LOCKS LAW / \ \ * * H E AVY DUTY \Lo M <u W \\ YOU SAVE B,G WHEN YOU M/ \\ BUY DIR E CT FROM THE ¦ / \ \ MANUFACT URER A, 1 . JALOUSIES Patented Lock-Tite Cli p ^ ow As New Louvre Lock £\\ 95 Protective Mitre Seal * W Storm & Screen Panel Rest . n ' * x! ' FREE ESTI ATES St orm Windows »mi Doors 1 11U usi t s SI, t i. s .\ ,, ,,, n,„, , ^.r , c ™„~ ,,0,S n D0WN - 3 CARS TO PA> GR5-0020 HR 2- 1 700 SC0NZ0 & SONS 457 EAST MA IN ST . PATCHOG Jb School Additions To Be Dedicated Dedication of the four elem- e-itarv additions will take place on Sunday at 2 p m at the West Middle Inland School Stanley Ab- rams , supervising principal of Scho 1 District 33 will deliver th^ principal address Following the ceremony open house-will be held at each of the f oliu « . "ig schools Coram , West Middle Is- land , Ridge and Charles E. Wal- ters \total of 31 classrooms have been added to the elementary schools In addition , each build- ing has a gymnasium, library, and cafeteria. The total cost of these projects amounted to $1, "CH . OOO _ 1V1C DI 7* 1 - Edward Mitchell , executive director , Merchants Division of 1 itchopue Chamber of Commerce , expresses thanks of merchants to Boy Scouts who helped raise flags for stores on Memoi lal Dav. Lett to right are Mr. Mitchell , Robert Clark , Ed Becht and Glenn Diener , members of Troop 44 , Congregational Churc h , and Tommy Clark , a Cub Scout. By an arrangement work- ed out with Scoutmaster Melton Mulvey, boys picked up flags from stores Tuesday, placed them in position Wednesday morning at half-mast , raised them to full mast at noon and removed flags at sunset , in accordance with flag tradition for Memorial day. FREE TICKETS - Students at Patchogue ' s St. Franc is de Sales Schoo l , Bobby Deed y, left , and Joey Langan , wearing Mets shirt , disp lay 50 tickets to Mets-Giants game for Jul y 16 that will be awarded to luck y dads as part of Fa the r ' s day celebration by members of Me rchants division of Patchogue Chamber of Commerce. Free entries will be available in member stores be- ginning today and continuing th ru June 16. Map le Leaf Photo Service

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Large Brush FireHits H-F Vicinity

The Holtsville- Farmingville,North Patchogue and Med'ordFire Department Mondav fouehtfor close to four hours a brushfire which destroyed 50 to 60acres near North Ocea-i Avenuebetween Long Island Avenue andWoodycrest Drive ln the Holts-ville-Farmingville vicinity

Harold Schulz of the H-F ie-partment said the f i re , whichwas reported at 12:40 p m wasout of control for one ard onehalf hours as f i remen struggledagainst shi f t lng wi rds to containthe blaze During the af ternoonfrom 50 to 60 men fought thefire , and the f irefighting forcewas swelled to about 150 menafter working hours. Mr Schul?who handles public relations torhis department , said the causeof the fire is unknowr .

Medf ord A ve. PTAMakes l if e A wards

Selections by the school bandand orchestra entertained pa-rents and friends attending theMay 15, meeting of the MedfordAvenue School Parent-TeacherAssociation.

The meeting, held in the schoolgym , featured an evening ofteacher recognition. Guestspeaker was William Carroll ,school board president.

Mrs. William S. Matsunaye ,past president , installed officersfor the coming year. Thoseinstalled were: Mrs. -MfredTex-lra , president; Joseph Farbstein ,vice president ; Mrs. Edwin Lu-bit , recording secretary; Mrs.Benjamin Gordon , treasurer;Walter Engelhardt , parllmentar-ian, and Mrs. Frank Wickham ,historian.

A high note of the evening wasthe presentation of the Life Mem-bership Awards for outstandingservice.


PATCHOGUE BANK'S jfWNew Depositor Service /1

WALK-UP WINDOW ItlOPEN. Mon. thru Thurs. 9 to 3gu^|

ALL DAY FRIDAY- 9 to 6.30 HH(Imicfo Lobh y hours continued Triday Evenings 6 30 to 8 00 P M ) fiP^&s mv mt

Our Walk —up window is the la tes t addit ion to our mod f js % Wom banking program - is a va luab le t ime saver Shop 1 1 I Ipers w i t h p a c k a g e s mothers w i t h baby buggies and s 1 J ac u s t o m e r s w h o s e t ime is l i m i t e d can t r ansac t their bank M

^J__ I \

ing w i t h o u t the n e c e s s i t y of enter ing the bank lobby J MmW « %thus a v o i d i n g c o n g e s t i o n and s t a n d i n g in line ot the M jj r f % %




PARKING '?****** !MbWp § L

> r i . *< —J |—-I { REAR ENTRANCE J Oz i ¦ ' ^*—Ai I I i il _ _y •"> f*

< __ PATCHOGUE \*\\f 2

BANK fl £_ M i l [L l liWEST MAIN ST ^



Main Office 179 MIDDLE COUNTRY RD. E. Patchogue Office

47 W MAIN ST 500 ' wost of Robort Hall 's 468 E. MAIN ST.PATPHOrilF 1 I C ORAM , N.Y . PATCHOGUE, L IrA1 LnVJUUt, JL. 1. SE 2 - 4004 (Oppoglte Safeway)

GRovt, 5-3020 Member F D .I .C. GR°™r SW03S

Ronkonkoma andthe Lake News

B DavisAttorney Pasquale Mele of 32

Carlson Road, the Lake, has beenappointed referee of the Work-men's Compensation Board inNew York. Mr. Mele has his lawoffices in the Bronx.

Dr. Leon Hoffman of HawkinsAvenue spent several days lastweek at Saranac Lake where heattended a convention of optomnetrists. Dr. Hoffman stayed at theSagamore Hotel in Saranac.

The Knights of Columbus, St.Regis Council , held its third an-nual dinner dance May 26 at theFour Seasons Country Club inWestbury. More than 350 per-sons attended. Also present weretwo former priests of St. Jo-seph's, Father White and FatherMinogue, as well as the coun-cil's chaplain. Father Brown.

Ewald Guldenpfennig of St.James Road was elected a vicechairman at the annual meetingof the Central District , SuffolkCounty Council , Boy Scouts ofAmerica , held at the Elk Hotelin Port Jefferson May 23. Otherlocal men elected to office wereJoseph Pagan , Uldis Laivins,Paul Westerbeke and MartinVV eise. They will serve as dis-trict members for the council.

Holy Cross Lutheran Churchwill hold confirmation services at2:30 p.m. Sunday. The Couple'sClub of the church will have asmorgasbord supper at 6.30 p.m.Monday. This will be followed bya talent show. The club will notmeet during Jul y. In lieu of themeeting, members will attend' Fiorello ' at the Westbury Mu-sic Fair.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reilly ofPeter Road celebrated their sixthwedding anniversary May 31.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips ,Jr., are the parent s of a daughterborn in Mather Memorial Hos-pital June 1. She has be;n namedLorraine Marie.

The church council of HolyCross will meet at 8 p.m. to-morrow.

Members of the CatholicDaughters of America , Court ofSt. Joseph's 975, were hostessesat an entertainment for the resi-dents of Our Lady of Consola-tion Home in Amityville. A selec-tion of music on various instru-ments was played by the studentsof Ray Kotula. This was followedby the serving of coffee and cupcakes made by Girl Scout Troop184. A sing along was also partof the program. Members fromthe court that attended were Mes-dames Frank Mooney, John Jor-don , Victor Cassella , HaroldRose , Stanley Dyma, Francis Ed-monds, Laurin Lucas , HenrySchoenemann, Arthur Dodge ,Thomas Clnncione, \nne Gruss ,William Skatull and Miss MarieErny. Mrs. Lucas was chairman.

Ronald Southworth , son of Mr.and Mrs. Peter Southworth ofCleary Road , has completed hisjunior year at the University ofProvincetown and is home for thesummer months. He has taken aposition with the RonkonkomaPost Office until he returns toschool in September.

Mrs. Florence Robins of Dor-

JU 8-3987adell Drive spent the weekend ather summer cottage on Fire Is-land.

Kenneth Brad y has completedhis sophomore year at AlbanyState Teacher 's College and isspending the summer with hisparents at their home on Laurel-ton Avenue.

The Rev.William Boone bap-tized the following children inthe Methodist Church at FiveCorners during May: SandraJean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Robert Pacourek of Holbrook;Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hotchkiss,godparents. Richard Wayne, sonof Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Waltersof Holbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Rich-ard Albert , godparents. CharlesRobert, son of Mr. and Mrs.Raymond Zauner of West Islip;Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brady ofthe Lake, godparents.

The following are the new of-ficers of the Methodist SeniorHigh Youth Fellowship: LeslieBrandt, president; Janet Kiernen ,vice president; Mathew Parin-ella , secretary; Jeffrey Streck-er , treasurer.

The Methodist Church at FiveCorners will celebrate PentecostSunday and Methodist Student Dayat the 11 a.m. service of Divineworship on Sunday. The new min-ister , the Rev. Harry S. Eid , Jr. ,moved into the parsonage lastweek with his wife and three youngdaughters.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCabeof Lakewood Street are the pare-ents of a daughter born in MatherMemorial Hospital Sunday. Sheweighed 6 pounds and has beennamed Maureen Patricia. Mr.and Mrs. McCabe have anotherdaughter , Nancy, and a son Kev-in

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bogackiand infant son of Duncan Avenuehave moved to Brentwood wherethey have purchased the Brent-wood Hotel on Brentwood Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawfordhave returned to their home inHudson Falls after visiting theirson and daughter-Li law , Mr. andMrs. Bron Crawford , and daugh-ters , Julie , April , Laura andJoan , of Laurel Street.

Wallace Taylor , Jr., sonofMr.and Mrs. Wallace Taylor of 105Patchogue Road , has enlisted inthe Coast Guard and as stationedin New Jersey. Young Taylorgraduated from Sachem HighSchool last June.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murrayof Coates Avenue were marriedfive years on Saturday. Theycelebrated the occasion Fridaynight with dinner at the SaxonArms Restaurant _ in Oakdale.Wor k on their new home on Patch-ogue Road is progressing.

Mr. and Mrs. \N. Howard VanDeinse of Chestnut Avenue andMr. and Mrs. Walter Demarestcelebrated their anniversariesFriday night with dinner at theGateway Restaurant in Hunting-ton. The Van Deinse anniversarywas Wednesday and the Demarestanniversary Saturday. On Satur-day the two families spent the dayat the beach.

John E. Riker. Sr. of Holts-

ville was a Sunday dinner guestof Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davisand sons , Warren and Stephen , oiPortion Road. In the afternoonthey visited Mr. and Mrs. JohnSauer in Farmingdale who hadjust returned from Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goetzof Rustic Road are the parents ofa son born in Smithtown GeneralHospital May 27 He has beennamed James Joseph Goetz.

The Methodist Men 's Club issponsoring a fried chicken din-ner June 16 in the church base-ment. It will be served from 4 to8 p.m.

Joelle and William Agnew, Jr. ,children of Mr. andMrs. WilliamAgnew of Lincoln Avenue , theLake, appeared in the fourth an-nual operetta , Hansel and Crete Iby Humperdinck , presented byand at the Emanuel LutheranSchool in Patchogue , May 25 and27.

The Lake Ronkonkoma Parent-Teacher Association held a suc-cessful fair at the Gatelot AvenueSchool from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.Saturday. Mrs. John Strecker wasin charge of the homemade foodbooth , Mrs. Donald Peck and Mrs.Ruth Ann Goetz , home made des-serts; Mrs. Charles E. Breutschand Mrs. Hans Bottke , books andmagazines; Mrs. Stella Banasie-wicz and Mrs. George L.Napoh-tano. White Elephant; Mrs. FrankD'Abramo , Pink Elephant ; Mrs.R obert Herrschaft, Mrs. PatrickBjertnes , Mrs. E. J. Behounek ,Mrs. Robert Wilson , Plant Booth;Mrs. John Celeste, Mrs. EdwardWittemeier , glamour booth , Mrs.John B. Monaco , Mrs. NicholasGerman , toyland; Mrs. ThomasMurphy, Mrs. Edward Heisel ,apron booth. There was also agrab bag.

Bay AvenuePTA Instal lsNew Office rs

Mrs Orville Meyer was mstalled as president of the bd *Avenue School Parents TeachersAssociation May 29

Other officers Installed byRichard Mauer for the forthcoming year were Mrs LouisSmith , first vice-president; MrsMichael Grecco second v icepresident; Mrs Morton Judelson , third vice-president; MrsHerbert Reidel , recording secretary ; Mrs A Salinas , corresponding secretarv; and MrsFrank Hutton , tr easure

To commemorate his outstanding work for both Ba> AvenueSchool and the PTA, RichardMauer was presented with a lif emembership in the PTA

Miss Shirley Phyle , musicaldirector at Bay, Avenue Schoolpresented a group of her fi f thand sixth grade students 1,1 i \eral vocal selections.

Mrs Marjorie Ge rard c*idMiss Helen Gould , w!u are et inne afte r teachim for "aiyears at Bu > \venue wen p T csented with tareweli L lit

The histo-ian ' s rep*rtgraphic summary of the ,^ar sPI \ act ivi t ies , wa ri dU 'n M'*Charlc s F rail

I h e evemnr s cnu rtainr i iwas presented by students IPatchogue Senior HlghSc hool under the direction ol I u i i.Romeo music supervisor I in sparticipating in the prog ran V,L TPaui Cochrane Barbara Girsho iand Judy Silveibush so < l *Rita Crocitto Karen l l i l h c d hKaren Lysak , J ill O 'Brien 1 lsaParts and Pat l^f undstein ente rtatned with several vocal sciections The male voca l ^ro upeoiisisted of Peter Borella Di ^ vvHambhn Bruce N' artino and W 1ham Steyert vxcornpamstj wereBarbara Girshoff and PnsctllaSwan

Flora l decorations were unde rthe direction ol Mrs Hump hrcAvery and Mis Domenic Delia

kefrcshmcrts wen ser* ed ithe kindergarten mothers headedb\ Mrs Arthur Gamtano \ r iGeorg e Kalivas , Kirs Robert 111thau and ."¦ rs C harles K L Uand Classroom Mothers unacr thedirection of Mrs Louis I ar-a wios and Mrs George Woitas

PHS Junior ChosenFor Advanced Study

Harold M . Hastings , son of Mr.and Mrs. Julius Hast in g s of 65Ketcham Avenue , Patchosrue , wi l ltake advanced courses in math-ematics and physics this Sum-mer at BrownLruversi ty in Prov -idence , R.I .

The progi am , sponsored by theNational Science 1 oundation isdesigned to provide younepeople ,chosen for the ir supenoracademic abilities with an op-portunity to pursue co l le ge- leve lstudy which may result in ad-vanced placement Alien they en-ter college .

A junior at Patchocu c Hi^hSchool , Harold is a member of theNational Honor Society.

In recent county-w ide mathe-matics competition he placedfirst in total per sonal score.

Mrs. Florence Robins of Dor- John E. Riker. Sr. oi Holts- ° *"*

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School Additions To Be DedicatedDedication of the four elem-

e-itarv addit ions will take placeon Sunday at 2 p m at the WestMiddle Inland School Stanley Ab-rams , supervising principal ofScho 1 District 33 will deliverth^ principal address Followingthe ceremony open house -wil l beheld at each of the f oliu «."igschools Coram , West Middle Is-

land , Ridge and Charles E. Wal-ters\ total of 31 classrooms have

been added to the elementaryschools In addition , each build-ing has a gymnasium, library,and cafeteria. The total costof these projects amounted to$1, "CH .OOO

_ 1V1C DI 7*1 - Edward Mitchell , executive director , MerchantsDiv is ion of 1 itchopue Chamber of Commerce, expresses thanksof merchants to Boy Scouts who helped raise flags for stores onMemoi lal Dav. Lett to right are Mr. Mitchell , Robert Clark , EdBecht and Glenn Diener , members of Troop 44 , CongregationalChurc h , and Tommy Clark , a Cub Scout. By an arrangement work-ed out wi th Scoutmaster Melton Mulvey, boys picked up flags fromstores Tuesday, placed them in position Wednesday morning athalf-mast , raised them to full mast at noon and removed flags atsunset , in accordance with flag tradition for Memorial day.

FREE TICKETS - Students at Patchogue 's St. Franc is deSales School, Bobby Deedy, left, and Joey Langan ,wearing Mets shirt , disp lay 50 tickets to Mets-Giantsgame for July 16 that will be awarded to lucky dadsas part of Fathe r's day celebration by members ofMerchants division of Patchogue Chamber of Commerce.Free entries will be available in member stores be-ginning today and continuing thru June 16.

— Maple Leaf Photo Service