
$9.99 U.S. DISPLAY UNTIL June 1, 2011 The Woodhead St. Journal Claire Brudner December 2010 Lanier Edition

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A collection of articles I wrote


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St. Journal

Claire Brudner

December 2010

Lanier Edition


pg. 2: Oil Obsessed

pg.5: Shoe Shine

pg.9: Forever Young?

pg. 11: Jason’s Deli Review in Spanish

pg.13: Thirteen: a Narrative


Huge thanks go out to my dad, Russ Brudner, for helping me

with my software issues, to my peers for reminding me about

getting it done, for its incredible production, and my

teachers for creating the project. I learned a lot I didn’t know

about technology!


Herbal Essences

Takes hair all the way to


Oil is very vital to our lives this day and age, but we

must ask ourselves how long this precious resource

is going to last? To find out I have found the total

amount left in the world, I found the usage rate,

and by applying it to the next fifty years, I found

that we will be running out of oil very soon.

According to my calculations, by the year

2014 we will be out of oil! This year the world has

1155.61 million barrels of oil left. British Petroleum

calculates that we have forty years left for oil

usage, but they also say that we have 1,333 million

barrels of oil left and yet, they claim this is enough

to last forty years. In the year 2009 the world

consumed 72.26 million barrels of oil and if the

world consumes this much for the next forty years,

the world will have used up almost double what

British Petroleum claims we have left.

The graph here shows that over time, we

will have less and less oil. The slope here is most

definitely negative and because this resource is

limited, as the consumption rate continues to grow

over the years, we will have nearly no oil and like

my studies show the world will run out.

I feel that we should be looking into alternative

energies seeing that we only have four years left of

oil usage according to my calculations. There are

many different sources we can use such as solar

power, which isn’t predicted to run out for millions

of years, or wind energy, which the world actually

has the power to generate. If the world invests in

these powers now, we will be in much better shape

when the earth is dried of oil. Whereas, if we are so

focused on oil, by the time we run out of it, we will

be hopelessly trying to find ways to commute and

make up for the lack of all the things we use every

day that use oil.

Also, we have had horrid oil spills recently,

so this is just another thing showing us that oil isn’t

helping us, just hurting us. So, in my personal

opinion, I believe once we use up the oil, we should

be ready to move on the new and alternative

energies. We might as well embrace it because

they’re better for the environment and are

renewable resources.










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Looking back on this project, I am glad to be aware

that we will be running out of oil soon. It will not

come as a surprise crisis to me when the rest of the

world finds out that the beloved black liquid is

running out. Hopefully, these studies can go to

show others that we need to step up and become

prepared for what the future holds for us in the oil

industry. Then, it can be looked upon as the past

and an event that, believe it or not, the world was

actually prepared for and handled calmly and



BY: Claire Brudner P1

You walk a busy street in New York City. The

year is 1957 and you find yourself being stopped by a

young boy wanting to shine your shoes. You look down

at your scuffed up shoes and decide a shine wouldn’t

hurt them, so you let the boy do his job. You don’t

consider what the shine is made of or how it reacts with

the leather of your shoes, all you know is that it gives

your kicks an incredible glow that makes them look

brand-new. So the question still stands, what is shoe

polish made of and how does it react with leather to

make it shinier?

To begin, let’s go back in time. Ever since

medieval times, there were substances similar to shoe

polish that made leather shine. And products like it were

made through the 1800s, but it wasn’t until the early

1900s that it was sold as a major product in stores.

To make shoe shine, you must combine many

waxes while they are melting at 185 degrees F. They add

oils, fats, and distilled water to the mixture. Next, they

include optional coloring.

Some chemicals found in shoe shine are Toluene and

Naphtha. They are both made of hydrocarbons and are

used in many industrial products. Shoe shine, however,

is a mixture, so these chemicals do not form one, they

remain able to separate.


Carbon (C7) - 84.077g/mol = 37.0%

Hydrogen (H5) - 5.0395g/mol = 2.2%

Nitrogen (N3) - 42.0201g/mol = 18.5%

Oxygen (O6) - 95.9964g/mol = 42.3%

Toluene, like many other medicines and chemicals,

begins with benzene. A single Hydrogen atom from

this benzene molecule is replaced with CH3 and that

forms the chemical. Another uses for Toluene is an

inhalant drug, but that is very dangerous as it is




Some elements present in this compound are Oxygen,

Nitrogen, and Holmium. It was an amount of liquid

mixtures that are highly flammable and

hydrocarbons. It’s more commonly used in things

like lighter fluid and oven cleaner.

Now, we may have our chemicals, but what

causes the chemical reaction to take place? When you

rub on object against another, you create friction. This

idea is pretty commonly known, but who would’ve

thought that friction could create a chemical reaction that

would make your shoes look shiny and new? What

happens is when you rub the waxy shoe shine onto the

leather surface of your shoes, it creates friction and the

substance liquefies, filling in any scratches or marks on

your shoes. Then, when you buff them, the same process

takes place.

Although shoe shine is useful and has been used

for many years, the production of it is horrible for the

environment. The compounds in shoe shine many times

are toxic and when they are released in to the air, it

creates a lot of waste. These chemicals are also a big

perpetrator of the ozone at ground- level. But, the good

news for us is, shoe shine is mostly mass produced

overseas, so it’s bad for the Earth, but the effects aren’t

extremely evident in America or Houston yet. Right now

researchers are attempting to create a shoe shine made

with animal fat, without toxic ingredients. This may take

a while, but I think if it’s going to help our environment,

it’s a project worth our time.

So, shoe shine: it’s been around forever, making sure our

shoes have a nice gleam, but will we be able to use it for

much longer. I guess we’ll find out. Although it is a very

useful chemical, the effects it has on our environment

are some that may never be undone. It might be

something the world will have to sacrifice ultimately, if

decided it’s too much for the Earth to take. But if it

leaves or stays around we should just be glad we had it

for a while, because everyone likes a shiny shoe.


Many American women will stop at

nothing to preserve their beauty and


By: Claire Brudner

You’ve flipped through Glamour Magazine

and seen women pace up and down the makeup

aisle at Walgreen’s. In this day and age, there is so

much pressure to preserve your youth that

thousands of women across America are resolving

to unnatural ways.

Over time, it can become an obsession.

There is no such thing as timeless beauty anymore;

people don’t age gracefully. They must use

alternative resources such as cosmetic surgery to

look and feel the way they want to.

“Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Covergirl.” is the

catchy and alluring slogan of Covergirl Cosmetics.

This company provides many anti-aging and

wrinkle smoothing creams. In fact, one product,

Almay Smart Shade made $210,000,000 in one year

alone! This product which is made to appear

younger makes more money every year than many

average American salaries put together.

This just goes to show how obsessed women

truly are. Another unnatural way woman convinces

themselves they are still young and beautiful is

called cosmetic surgery. With all the advancements

that have been made in this field, there are now

multiple procedures you can undergo such as a face

lift, breast implants, a tummy tuck, and Botox.

Although these procedures are very, very expensive,

many women invest in them. The average cosmetic

surgeon makes $390,000 a year! That’s more than

1000 dollars a day! That’s quite a bit of business.

But, a survey was taken and the results may

change one’s mind about getting cosmetic surgery.

Do you think cosmetic surgery makes women

look better?

Millions of women take care of themselves without

cosmetic surgery or special makeup. They age naturally

and whatever kind of wrinkles they get don’t matter

because it is what it is. But, those women are commonly

accused of “letting themselves go”. Its peer pressure for

forty year old women. It’s really just becoming how

women judge each other.

“Cosmetic surgery is terrifying. It never looks

good. Those women look weird. They look in the mirror

and they think they look great, but they don’t see what

we see. I think it’s hideous. They scare small children.”

Says model, Jerry Hall. He states that many people do

not think cosmetic surgery improves the looks of the

people who undergo it. So, they might want to consider

if they think it will turn out well. So the question is, can

you remain young forever? In your mind you can, and in





your heart you can. And physically? Well, apparently

Americans are trying, but it may be possible that id they

spent less time worrying about how they look and more

time worrying about less petty things, and then it’s

possible that they would have less worry lines.

One of the many products women

use to look younger and more

beautiful in their minds


Por: Claire Brudner

“¡Bienvenidos a Jason’s Deli!” dice el

camarero. Jason’s Deli es un delicatesen muy


Jason’s Deli está al lado de Starbucks y The

Kolache Factory. Está en Shepherd plaza en

Westheimer. Está en River Oaks. El número del

restaurante es siete, uno, tres…cinco, dos,

cero…seis, siete, dos, ocho. Estàn abierto lunes a

domingo. Tienen una variedad de comida para

todos tipos de personas.

El aparcamiento es muy difícil y torpe. Para

el exterior, el restaurante es muy divertido. Al

príncipe, el restaurante parece limpio y popular. El

restaurante tiene cinco habitaciones y cuarenta y

cinco mesas. Es muy apretado. No hay sala de

desperra. Tiene un ambiente de un delicatesen de

Nueva York. Hay televisores, letreros de neón, y

fotos de blanco y negro. La música en el fondo es

muy calmada and tranquiló.

El menú es bonito, colorido, y apetitoso. Es

muy fácil de entender y da mucha selección. Los

precios son de noventa y nueve centavos a siete

dólares y veinte centavos nueve y muy razonables.

Jason’s Deli tiene una variedad mucho más que la

mayoría de los restaurantes. ¡Es muy buena para las


¡La comida es muy buena! Tiene los

espaguetis, la sopa do cebollas, la ensalada, y la

papa el horno. Los espaguetis son muy deliciosos.

Es muy sólido y tiene muchas hierbas buenas. La

sopa de cebolla es muy caliente y picante. Es una

buena opción. La ensalada está da la barra de

ensaladas. La ensalada fue mi selección y fue muy

fresca y crujiente. Y, por último, la papa al horno

tiene queso y mantequilla.

¡Las porciones eran grandes y yo tenía

sobras! Pero, la comida fue preparada rápidamente.

Sólo tardó nueve minutes en cinco comidas. Por

último, pero no menos, el servicio. Fue

satisfactorio, pero no sorprendente. Fue rápido: sólo

tardó nueve minutes para nosotros de ser atendidos,

pero el camarero no era sociable y sólo vino a

nuestra mesa una vez.

En conclusión, hay que ir a Jason’s Deli

porque incluso si el servició no es muy bueno, la

comida es Buena y es un lugar divertido para estar

can tus amigos, familias, o compañeros de trabajo.


By: Claire Brudner

Kadisha Davidson came from Holland. This is

her true immigration story and one that may

change your mind about how lucky you are to

have both parents in one household and in one


My mom leaned in the doorway of my

room. She stared at me with sorry eyes as she said

“We’re moving, Kadisha.” “Mama, you’re

kidding…right?” I replied, the words spilling out of

my mouth without my control. “No Kadisha. Pack

your things.”

You see, I didn’t want to leave Holland. I

was forced. If it would’ve been my decision, we

would’ve stayed one happy family in The

Netherlands. That’s what stinks about being a kid:

you don’t get to make the decisions. I did not see

this coming at all. Had I honestly been oblivious of

my parents fighting for months? I had always

thought of my parents as a couple. As a child, that’s

how you always see your parents, right? As madly

in love? I wasn’t aware you could fall out of love,

but apparently there was a legal term for it: divorce.

Holland was my home and it was a beautiful

place. There was greenery or small towns and

markets everywhere you looked and there was

absolutely no odor that escaped from the exhaust of

motor vehicles. Everybody road bikes. Everything

about Holland felt more like a community than

America. I took Holland’s beauty for advantage

while I had it as my view every day. I didn’t realize

how truly gorgeous Holland was until I left home

and came to America.

Kadisha Davidson 2010

Don’t get me wrong, America was nice. It

was extremely busy. Time goes faster in America,

I’m sure of it. We lived in California. My mama

told me we lived there because of her friend. I

didn’t care where we were living in America; I just

wanted to be home. I did not forgive my mother for,

as I put it, “ruining my life” for years and years.

I remember that when I told my friends I

was leaving Holland they didn’t believe me. They

thought I was joking! Why on earth would I joke

about that?! They insisted that I would come back

the next year as much as I insisted that my new life

would be in America. But, to their surprise, the next

year came around, and I hadn’t returned.

School in America was a living hell for me;

a nightmare. I dreaded it with a passion. Kids made

fun of me for my foreign language and m thick

accent. On top of that, I had to take ESL classes:

English Second Language. And you can believe me;

it did not help my popularity status.


I was a very bright student in Holland. You

see, in The Netherlands, you choose a career path at

a much younger age. You actually took something

like an American SAT in the sixth grade. Soon, I

began to think Americans were stupid. They yelled

things at me very slowly…I guess they thought I

would read their lips like I was deaf, but their plan

had one little fault: I didn’t understand English.

The kids tormented me. They were really

horrible, so I had to stay with my brothers. My

brothers became my best and only friends as we

continued our adventure here in America. I tried to

keep in touch with my friends by letter. Letters took

exactly a week to get from here to Holland or vice

versa if there weren’t any issues, so as you could

imagine…the letters became few and far in

between. All I wanted was to return home, but my

mother refused and I had no choice but to try and do

the most difficult thing I would ever do: try to make

friends in eighth grade.

By high school I was the “it girl”. I had

become a cheerleader, made lots of friends, and was

speaking fluent English. Everybody now admired

my “cool accent” and my “Dutch looks”. They all

loved me. The boys, the girls, and even the

teachers! It was really strange how quickly my life

turned around. But, Holland still had my heart and

even after college, I wanted nothing more than to


Only one thing kept me in America. His

name was Joe Davidson. Somehow, when I met

him, things just clicked. Little did I know that soon

enough, this man would steal my heart and start and

family with me. Who would’ve thought we’d have

four beautiful Hawaiian, Japanese, Dutch,

Indonesian children?

Now, we visit Holland every other year. I

enjoy it while I can. I have tried hard to teach my

husband Dutch and have successfully raised my

children speaking it. I like my life in Houston,

Texas. It’s nothing like Holland, but it’ll do. I have

thought of moving back…numerous times, but now

I have a thirteen year old daughter and I would

never do to her what my mother did to me when I

was thirteen.

Hilversun, Holland 2007



“How Much Oil Is Left in the World | When Will Oil Run out." Home Energy Saving Tips | Energy

Efficiency | Climate Change. Web. 15 Nov. 2010. <


"How Much Oil Is There Left, Really? « Make Wealth History." Make Wealth History. Web. 30 Nov.

2010. <>.

"Table 11.5 World Crude Oil Production, 1960-2009 (Million Barrels per Day)." U.S. Energy

Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis. Web. 30 Nov. 2010.



Blanford,, By Kristal. "What Is Shoe Polish Made Of? |" EHow | How To Do Just About

Everything! | How To Videos & Articles. Web. 01 Nov. 2010.

<>. This site showed me the

key ingredients in the mass production of shoe polish.

"Chicago Illinois Photo Gallery." Chicago, Illinois Local City Guide with Local Articles, Local News ,

Local Events, and Yellow Pages. Web. 09 Nov. 2010.

<>. This website provided me with visual




Rajeev, By Loveleena. "Plastic Surgeon Salary." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. 2009.

Web. 30 Nov. 2010. <>.

"Find and Share Free Annual Reports - Docstoc." Docstoc – Documents, Templates, Forms, Ebooks,

Papers & Presentations. Web. 30 Nov. 2010.



Kaplan, Steven M. Webster's New World English-Spanish/Spanish-English Business Dictionary.

Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Pub., 2006. Print.

U.S. History:

"Country Netherlands Travel." Netherlands,Netherlands Tourism,Netherlands Travel Offered By Tour

Operator And Travel Agent. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. <>.