ws/fcs timekeeping rules and regulations. ws/fc schools financial services department fair labor...


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Page 1: WS/FCS TIMEKEEPING RULES AND REGULATIONS. WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) Exempt Employees Non-exempt Employees




Page 2: WS/FCS TIMEKEEPING RULES AND REGULATIONS. WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) Exempt Employees Non-exempt Employees

WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department


Exempt Employees Non-exempt Employees

Page 3: WS/FCS TIMEKEEPING RULES AND REGULATIONS. WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) Exempt Employees Non-exempt Employees

WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Exempt Employees(exempt from timekeeping regulations)

All state-licensed staff Do NOT require time sheets or daily

timekeeping Exceptions-based reporting of absences Not entitled to overtime or comp time

Page 4: WS/FCS TIMEKEEPING RULES AND REGULATIONS. WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) Exempt Employees Non-exempt Employees

WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Non-exempt Employees (subject to specific laws governing working hours)

Teacher Assistants Clerical staff Custodial staff Food service staff Most other classified staff

Page 5: WS/FCS TIMEKEEPING RULES AND REGULATIONS. WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) Exempt Employees Non-exempt Employees

WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Non-exempt Employees

Entitled to overtime or comp time for hours worked beyond 40 per week

Must report all time worked DAILY Cannot work time without reporting time Cannot “volunteer” for similar duties It is Principal’s responsibility to monitor time worked

versus time reported

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Non-exempt Employees

Time Worked Includes

1. All time at assigned duty station(s)

2. Lunch, if not duty-free (providing a lunch break is NOT a legal requirement)

3. Reasonable break times (providing break time is NOT a legal requirement)

4. Driving time, if other than normal daily commuting

Page 7: WS/FCS TIMEKEEPING RULES AND REGULATIONS. WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) Exempt Employees Non-exempt Employees

WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Non-exempt Employees

Time worked does NOT include:

1. Leave days/time off

2. Holiday time off

3. Duty-free lunch, if at least 30 minutes

4. Time away from duty station, if before or after normal work hours, and if not actively engaged in work duties

Page 8: WS/FCS TIMEKEEPING RULES AND REGULATIONS. WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) Exempt Employees Non-exempt Employees

WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Non-exempt Employees

Principal determines normal daily work schedule (starting and ending time)

Unless modified by job action, a full-time employee’s standard work hours are 40 hours per week, 8 hours per day

Principal MUST monitor employees’ starting and ending work times to assure compliance with normal daily work schedule

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Non-exempt Employees

Employee routinely arriving early must NOT be at duty station or otherwise working prior to normal daily start time

Employee working before normal daily start time or beyond normal daily end time MUST have principal’s permission

All time worked MUST be captured in/on the timekeeping system/sheet DAILY

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

What is Overtime?

Overtime is time worked in excess of 40 hours per week

10 hours worked on Monday, 8 hours each on Tuesday-Thursday, and 6 hours on Friday yields no overtime

By law, overtime MUST be compensated at time-and-a-half, either by pay or by comp time

(Note: Comp time balances are always “straight time.”

Page 11: WS/FCS TIMEKEEPING RULES AND REGULATIONS. WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) Exempt Employees Non-exempt Employees

WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Overtime Tips

Time on a time sheet or timekeeping system can add to more than 40 hours WITHOUT generating overtime

Leave time does not count as time worked A Holiday on Monday, followed by four, 10-hour

workdays, yields 48 regular hours and NO overtime hours

Conversely, working 8 hours on Monday, followed by four, 10-hour workdays, yields 40 regular hours plus 8 overtime hours (52 compensable hours)

Page 12: WS/FCS TIMEKEEPING RULES AND REGULATIONS. WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) Exempt Employees Non-exempt Employees

WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Overtime, cont’d

For pre-approved activities/events, custodians can be PAID for overtime worked

The superintendent must pre-approve for any other employee to be PAID for overtime worked

All other overtime MUST be compensated (within the school year) as compensatory time off

Page 13: WS/FCS TIMEKEEPING RULES AND REGULATIONS. WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) Exempt Employees Non-exempt Employees

WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Overtime, cont’d

Time off granted in the same workweek prevents overtime from happening (example on slide 10) – this is a strongly recommended goal

When overtime occurs, it generates the need for comp time off at time-and-a-half (1.5 times the number of overtime hours worked)

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Overtime, cont’d

Overtime work is not what is prohibited – payment for overtime work without pre-approval is what is prohibited

Principals should manage employees to prevent overtime work whenever possible

This requires a hands-on knowledge of tasks needed to be performed and staff available to perform tasks

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Comp Time Off

Comp time off is to be pre-approved by the principal Comp time off should be used for all necessary

absences before approving any other source of leave time

Comp time accumulated must not exceed 240 hours at any point in time

Comp time balance should be zero at June 30 each year

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Comp Time

Comp time balance does NOT show on pay stub or SARTOX system (may in the future)

Comp time balance should show on timekeeping system or timesheet

Principals MUST be aware of comp time balance and manage it in compliance with regulations

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Timekeeping System

We are not ready to select an electronic timekeeping system for the district

Most are designed to pay employees for overtime, not to accurately accumulate and manage comp time balances

Employee perception/acceptance of electronic timekeeping is a concern

Other good options are available

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Timekeeping System

We have developed an electronic spreadsheet timesheet

The spreadsheet timesheet electronically accumulates regular time, overtime, and comp time balances (employee must carry forward)

The spreadsheet timesheet allows all forms of eligible leave to be recorded, as well as all time worked

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Timekeeping System

The spreadsheet timesheet requires access to a computer

The spreadsheet timesheet can be completed by somebody other than the employee, but must be approved/signed by the employee and the principal

The spreadsheet timesheet is easy to train and use

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Timekeeping System

Spreadsheet timesheet has some limitations For ease of use and calculation purposes, start/end

and in/out times are in quarter-hour increments on a drop-down menu

If work schedules can be adjusted to quarter-hours, excellent!

If not, no big deal (next slide!)

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Timekeeping System

With spreadsheet timesheet, if work starts at 7:20 and ends at 3:20, employee chooses 7:15 as start time and 3:15 as end time

If work starts at 7:25 and ends at 3:25, employee chooses 7:30 as start time and 3:30 as end time

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Timekeeping System

Spreadsheet timesheet offers excellent special features

If teacher assistants are expected to attend evening PTA meetings six times per year, timesheet can be used to accumulate “negative” comp time in anticipation of expected overtime

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Timekeeping System

For evening events, time spent driving to and from the school counts as time worked (since one commute has already occurred that day)

“Negative” comp time can be accumulated by adjusting the teacher assistant’s regular work schedule to 7.75 hours for a number of days prior to the evening event

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Overtime – Special Issues

Express bus stop supervision time generates overtime for non-exempt employees – should be limited to the extent possible

Before/after-school care time generates overtime for non-exempt employees, and they must be paid at their overtime rate

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Overtime – Special Issues

Home-school coordinators, physical and occupational therapists, and other classified employees at or above pay grade 65 are PROBABLY exempt employees and not eligible for overtime

Non-exempt employees should not coach or be club sponsors – if they are, the principal must provide information to Kerry and monitor their overtime work hours

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Overtime – Special Issues

Principals should NEVER pay any employee directly from school funds, unless for eligible, approved business expense reimbursements

Booster clubs and PTAs should not be used to pay non-exempt employees in lieu of us paying the employee for overtime

On a case-by-case basis, all pre-approved by Financial Services, employees may be paid from school funds or booster club/PTA funds for contracted services

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WS/FC Schools Financial Services Department

Overtime – Special Issues

Lead secretaries often cannot accomplish all duties in 40 hours per week of work

Time making bank deposit is work time In some cases, other office staff members have

“extra” time and could be used to help avoid overtime for lead secretaries

Please avoid assigning additional duties to lead secretaries whenever possible

Enforcing licensed staff members’ use of sub calling system should be helpful