writer's note for audio essay

Alyssa Smith Ms. Dearing English 106 17 April 2015 Dear Reader, Some of my strengths in this assignment were using a good voice for this audio essay. I was not monotone and did a good job of speaking clearly and in a way that would capture listener’s attention and remain interesting. I also remained professional while doing so. I believe my paper is speaking to my rhetorical audience as well and I remained to the point throughout the assignment. I did struggle with incorporating other sounds into my final essay, but after listening to examples and speaking with my instructor I realized most NPR style reviews do not have a lot of sound effects because they want to sound professional and those would take away from the essay. I did find a dramatic intro since this is more of a darker piece of writing to sort of set a mood

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Writer's note


Alyssa SmithMs. DearingEnglish 10617 April 2015Dear Reader,Some of my strengths in this assignment were using a good voice for this audio essay. I was not monotone and did a good job of speaking clearly and in a way that would capture listeners attention and remain interesting. I also remained professional while doing so. I believe my paper is speaking to my rhetorical audience as well and I remained to the point throughout the assignment. I did struggle with incorporating other sounds into my final essay, but after listening to examples and speaking with my instructor I realized most NPR style reviews do not have a lot of sound effects because they want to sound professional and those would take away from the essay. I did find a dramatic intro since this is more of a darker piece of writing to sort of set a mood for listeners. I believe it is always best to go straight to your instructor with questions because they will tell you exactly what they expect. I believe I will always benefit from asking questions if all other resources have not given me the information I believe I need.After writing and recording an audio essay I am now more aware that writing can be much more than just typing papers. It can include audio, video, moving images, and all other sorts of things to help get your point across and target a specific audience.I have learned to look at rhetorical situations for every piece of writing that I do, because there will always be an audience you are writing for even if you do not realize it and you need to do everything in your power to appeal and speak to that audience. I have learned to better recognize my audience and how to tweak my writing so that I am always keeping that in mind. I liked being able to alter a piece of writing I had already done in order to reach a new audience and it opened my eyes to the fact that changing small pieces in order to do this is something I can do throughout my writing career.The negative feedback I received on my paper originally stated that my paper was a little on the short side. So in order to address that issue I wanted to make sure I took full advantage of the entire space for my audio essay. I actually had to keep trimming back information because I had too much. I have learned that it is much easier to take away than it is to supplement information though so I would much rather have too much than not enough because then you just have to go back through and make sure every single sentence contributes to your thesis, adds to your paper, and fits with your rhetorical situation.Sincerely,Alyssa Smith1. What was one comment you received on your original draft of your book review or your literacy narrative, and how did you seek to address that comment in your revisions for this project?