wpa models & outputs

WPA www.wpa.works Adobe PDF Bring work to life. WPA Organizational Intelligence and Solutions to Align Resources to Goals and Create an Agile Workforce 1 WPA North America Kevin Schlueter +1-515-864-8132 [email protected] Des Moines, Iowa, USA

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: WPA Models & Outputs





Bring work to life.

WPAOrganizational Intelligence and Solutions toAlign Resources to Goals and

Create an Agile Workforce


WPA North America

Kevin Schlueter


[email protected]

Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Page 2: WPA Models & Outputs

WPA tells an organization if its work and behaviors will achieve its

goals, and if not, what to fix.

Importantly, WPA is so engaging and accessible, that it creates


Importantly, WPA is so engaging and accessible, that it creates

speed, agility and awareness in a workforce and its organization.

Page 3: WPA Models & Outputs

WPA MODELSVisual Evidence and SolutionsAll Models Are Live, Interactive, Microsoft Azure Cloud Based

Mobility Model: Shows the distribution of where work activity takes place, including

critical client-facing work. Proves how work is evolving.

Solution: Here are your development needs and work behaviors criteria. Correlate to

work activities and collaborations and prove the value of the work being done.

Work Dynamic Model: See the volume and type of work in a practical visual. Show how

Bring work to life.


Work Dynamic Model: See the volume and type of work in a practical visual. Show how

important it is (or isn’t) for teams to work together and where work is highly complex.

Solution: Know how to invest in each type of work. Shows where to keep doing a work

activity or where you can create more capacity with the same # of people.

Work Activities Model: Shows exactly what type of work is being done, how long it takes,

and how important it is (or isn’t) to the purpose of the company.

Solution: Shows wasteful work activities and capacity. It integrates to other models to

create a complete ‘work persona’ that is used to attract talent. Profiles are tied to the

profit and loss of departments to replicate high-performance.

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WPA MODELSVisual Evidence and SolutionsAll Models Are Live, Interactive, Microsoft Azure Cloud Based

Value Networks Model: Visual of how teams work together, how much and its importance.

Solution: Shows how to decrease your revenue cycle. Shows how to increase learning and


Bring work to life.


Culture Model: Shows the gap between your existing culture and the culture needed to

achieve your goals. NOTE: the highest-performing organizations have a lesser gap.

Solution: Shows exactly where your culture will not allow you to achieve your strategies.

Correlate to other models to show the attributes of your highest performing teams, and use

that learning to replicate best practices to other teams.

Human Capital Model: Shows how much of your work is going into productivity, innovation,

learning or interpersonal relationships.

Solution: Development and management needs for each of your teams.

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WPA MODELSVisual Evidence and SolutionsAll Models Are Live, Interactive, Microsoft Azure Cloud Based

Technology Model: Shows what tools are used in each work activity and each workplace.

Solution: Shows where you need to invest in technology and at what cost. Validates technology

investments because they are tied directly to work activities.

Environment Support Model: What resources are needed and do existing resources work?

Solution: Show where you must invest in new tools, training and built-environments.

Validate capital investment needs, and measure the ROI.

Bring work to life.


Work Place Types Model: Shows the quantities, types and square feet of work places you

need to support the exact work activities that your organization is doing.

Solution: This shows the most cost efficient and the most productive use of work space.

Save money on total housing costs, and create the highest output per square foot.

investments because they are tied directly to work activities.

Scenario Model: Model growth or changes to any of your demographics. The model

immediately shows the effect on work capacity. Create any number of models.

Solution: How growth effects specific work activities, capacity and stress on resources.

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WPA OUTPUTSWork Personas

OUTPUT: Profile your people and work performance

on one page with Work Personas.

Any profile can be created to compare:

• Offices or locations

Bring work to life.


• Offices or locations

• Departments or profit centers

• Any demographic such as age group or tenure

RESULT: Critical facts and recommendations about

how to advance your people, their work, and your

investments in training, tools and environment.

Your workforce is ready and capable!

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WPA OUTPUTSHuman Capital, Strategic Alignment, Workplace Strategy

OUTPUT: A pragmatic Human Capital report that shows what your people need to do their

best work. Visual evidence shows what’s working for or against you and actions to align

your people and structures to your purpose. Measurable, credible and consensus building.

RESULT: A reduction in the costs to produce revenue and an engaged workforce that is

focused only on what creates value for you and your clients.

OUTPUT: An easy to read Strategic Alignment report. This draws a line from the realities of


Bring work to life.


OUTPUT: An easy to read Strategic Alignment report. This draws a line from the realities of

your work, people and culture to your strategic plan. Now you’ll know if organizational goals

are attainable. If not, WPA is visual proof about what to adjust.

RESULT: The key resources and work of the organization is aligned to key strategies so they

can be achieved.

OUTPUT: A comprehensive Workplace Strategy laser-focused on your work and people. Show

the support and resources that your people need so you can be a high-performing work

environment. If those resources aren’t in place, we quantify what it is costing you.

RESULT: A workplace resource plan that includes visual, quantified evidence to show Leaders

how to invest in its revenue producing engine + a complete project roadmap.



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WPA PROCESS AND TIMINGSpeed, Usability and Engagement


1 Week


2 Weeks




After Scan

Bring work to life.

Access To:

•HR Leader

•Ops Leader

Key Decisions:




Time Needed:

•One Meeting


•Final Approval


•20 minutes

•Open for 2 wks


•Full Review of Analytics

•Metrics & Visuals

•Recommended Actions

•Exhaustive Q&A

•Ongoing Use of Data

Secure access to all data:

•Management Intelligence

•Corporate Communications

•Strategic Planning

•Change Leadership

•Performance Measurement

•ROI validation

•More …

Page 9: WPA Models & Outputs

Best Practices Using WPAOptimizing WPA’s Value

�Use visual data to create change

�Build a high-performance workplace

�Use visual evidence in strategic planning

Bring work to life.


�Use visual evidence in strategic planning

�Eliminate guessing and indecision

�Clearly identify what high performance looks like

�Build ‘Work Personas’ that attract only the best

�Explain financial performance visually

Page 10: WPA Models & Outputs

“It is wiser to find out than suppose.” “It is wiser to find out than suppose.” “It is wiser to find out than suppose.” “It is wiser to find out than suppose.” Mark Twain

I encourage you to see WPA’s results. Please contact me.

Kevin SchlueterCall: +1-515-864-8132

Email: [email protected]