world war two propaganda ppt

Propaganda in World War Two

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Propaganda in World War Two

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A message that is intended primarily to serve the interests of the messenger—this is the basic definition of propaganda.

It may also be defined as the spreading of information in order to influence public opinion and to manipulate other people's beliefs.

How is propaganda similar to modern advertising?

Page 3: World war two propaganda ppt

Both sides of World War Two used propaganda to influence the public.

In Nazi Germany Hitler put a man called Joseph Goebbels in charge of propaganda.

Goebbles brought the Nazi party to life with his flair for the creative and dramatic.

He gave hope to the German people even during the worst parts of the war.

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In Britain, what type of things do you think propaganda posters advertised?

Do you know any example of propaganda from the Home Front?

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What are these propaganda

posters about?

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These propaganda posters were used to encourage people on the home-front to ration their food. There were food shortages during the war and rationing was a way to make sure everybody got their share.

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What are these propaganda

posters about?

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These were used to encourage people not to waste food. There were food shortages and also food scraps had other uses-like becoming animal feed.

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What are these propaganda

posters about?

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These encouraged people to be quiet and not talk about recklessly about the affairs of the army. Soldiers and their friends and families may have known details about where the soldiers were going etc and talking about this in public could be heard by enemy spies.

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What are these propaganda

posters about?

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These encouraged mothers to send their children out of London to the safety of the countryside. As we know, this was called Operation Pied Piper.

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What are these propaganda

posters about?

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As many men had joined the army and gone to war, there was a shortage of people to fill manual jobs that men would normally have done. Women were encouraged to “do their bit” and take over the jobs of the men in factories, on farms etc.

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Your task:

Based on the topic given to you:

1.Design a propaganda poster

2.Write a brief speech to accompany this piece on a television ad