world system theories and the modernization theory presentation.pptx

World system theories and the modernization theory Madalitso Mlava Mbende ra

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World system theories and the

modernization theory

Madalitso Mlava Mbendera

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World system theories by Immanual Wallerstein

Brief history to the modernization process

Modernization theory by Walt Roslow

The validity of modernization theory in the contemporary wor

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How did the modern world comebe??

The World System Theories was developed by Immanual Wall1970s

The modern world system, essentially capitalist (Remember Ka

nature followed the crisis of the feudal system

Wallerstein developed this theoretical framework to understahistorical changes involved in the rise of the modern world an

modernization had such wide-ranging and different effects o It helps explain the rise of Western Europe to world supremac

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The Core, Periphery, semi-Periphery

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THE CORE - benefited the most from the capitalist world econ

THE PERIPHERY –  They lacked strong central Government

THE SEMI-PERIPHERY – They were either core regions in declineattempting to improve their relative position in the world eco

In today's global hierarchy, some states are transitioning upwothers are moving downward in terms of status and influence

The capitalist world system shows that it has brought about a development in which economic and social disparities betwthe world economy have increased rather than provided pro

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World War 2 has ended (1939 –  1945), The soviet union still around

1947 –  Cold war - western bloc dominated by USA and eastern Bloc dominatUnion

These are two super powers with different ideologies when it comes to their and political agendas (soviet Union –  Communism and USA –  Capitalist)

The rapid de-colonisation of Africa and Asia

In came in the liberal democracy and the market based capitalist over the sglobal communism

Countries suffer greatly and try to recover

Meanwhile the USA emerge as the richest of them all and becomes the mostcountry in the world

Poor countries were still poor and the western embarked on a mission to bringbetween the poor and rich.

Less developed countries to assume the characteristics of the developed cowest……. 

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 Development means…“Becoming mus!!” 

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Modernization Theory

1960 Walt Roslow –  an America economic historian scholar

Development should be viewed as a revolution process in whcountries progress the development radar until they becomelike the western countries

All countries go through the same path of development. The

Countries should model themselves after the West, aspiring to

state of capitalism and a liberal democracy

According to Roslow, Societies can be divided into 5 differendevelopment

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Traditional society –  Few technologies Less savings, no investmAgricultural based

Pre-conditional for Take –  off –   Pressure for change Rise of invbetter transport networks

Take-off -Urbanization, Economic growth, commercialization ideas of modernization industrial,

Maturity  –  technology innovations, national economy growthtrade

Mass production for mass consumption - Real income rises, sosecurity welfare

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Singapore became independent in 1965, it did not seem to hexceptional prospects for growth.

It however industrialized early, developing profitable manufahigh-tech industries.

Singapore is now highly urbanized, with 100% of the populatiourban people.

 It is one of the most sought-after trade partners in the internawith a higher per-capita income than many European count

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Modernization theory is subject to criticism originating amongfree-market ideologies, world-systems theorists, globalization dependency theory among others

The dependency theory states that poor countries like most cAfrica were never developed. They were underdeveloped…made it worse…slave trade, mineral extraction, destroying traculture

issues can only be solved it the countries break away from thmarket –  de-links itself, as they are being exploited by the ponations…For example Mining Industry in Malawi 

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 Something to think about… 

“The idea of development stands like a ruin in the intellectuDelusion and disappointment, failures and crimes have becompanions of development and they tell a common story;

 Moreover, the historical conditions which catapulted prominence have vanished. Development has become above all, the hopes and desires which made the ideaexhausted. Development has gone obsolete” 

Wolfgang sachs  –  The development dictionary