world heritage site - india

List of World Heritage Sites in India From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia There are 32 World Heritage Sites  in India that are recognized by the United Nations Educational, cientific and !ultural "rganization  #UNE!"$ as of 2%&'( )&*)2*  These are places of importance of cultural or natural heritage as described in the UNE!" World +eritage !onention, established in &-.2( )3*  The !onention con cerning the protection of the Wo rld !ultural and Natural +eritage /as adopted on &. Noember &--. follo/ing the 0eneral !onference of the UNE!" held from &. "ctober &-. 2 to 2& Noember &-.2( 1ndias f irst t/o sites inscribed on the list at the eenth ession of the Wo rld +eritage held in &-3 /ere the 4gra Fort and the 45anta !aes( "er the years, 3% more sites hae been inscribed, the latest  being the 0reat +imalayan National 6ark  in 2%&'( )'*  "f these 32 sites, 27 are cultural sites and the other seen are natural sites( 4 tentatie list of further sites8properties submitted by 1ndia for recognition includes 7& sites( The cultural sites in 1ndia are marked b y their brilliant craftsmanship on stone( 9ost of the temples of 1ndia /hich are inscribed on this list are built in stone, /ithout any mortar and /ith sculpture cared on it ( )&*)7* Contents & :ocation of +eritage sites 2 :ist of +eritag e sites o 2(& ites by stat es 3 Tentati e list ' Nominated it es 7 ee als o ; <ef ere nce s . E=t ernal link s Location of Heritage sites

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World Heritage Site - India


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List of World Heritage Sites in India

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are 32 World Heritage Sites in India that are recognized by the United NationsEducational, cientific and !ultural "rganization #UNE!"$ as of 2%&'()&*)2* These are places of

importance of cultural or natural heritage as described in the UNE!" World +eritage

!onention, established in &-.2()3* The !onention concerning the protection of the World

!ultural and Natural +eritage /as adopted on &. Noember &--. follo/ing the 0eneral!onference of the UNE!" held from &. "ctober &-.2 to 2& Noember &-.2( 1ndias first t/o

sites inscribed on the list at the eenth ession of the World +eritage held in &-3 /ere the

4gra Fort and the 45anta !aes( "er the years, 3% more sites hae been inscribed, the latest being the 0reat +imalayan National 6ark  in 2%&'()'* "f these 32 sites, 27 are cultural sites and

the other seen are natural sites( 4 tentatie list of further sites8properties submitted by 1ndia for

recognition includes 7& sites( The cultural sites in 1ndia are marked by their brilliantcraftsmanship on stone( 9ost of the temples of 1ndia /hich are inscribed on this list are built in

stone, /ithout any mortar and /ith sculpture cared on it()&*)7*


• & :ocation of +eritage sites

• 2 :ist of +eritage sites 

o 2(& ites by states

• 3 Tentatie list

• ' Nominated ites

• 7 ee also

• ; <eferences

• . E=ternal links

Location of Heritage sites

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+ill Forts of <a5asthan

Ta5 9ahal

Fatehpur ikri

4gra Fort

>aziranga National 6ark 

9anas Wildlife anctuaryanchi tupa

?himbetka <ockshelters


?odh 0aya

+umayun@s Tomb

Autub 9inar 

<ed Fort


!hurches and !onents of 0oa

>eoladeo National 6ark 

45anta !aesEllora !aes

Elephanta !aes

!hhatrapati hia5i Terminus

!hola Temples



9ountain <ail/aysBNilgiri

9ountain <ail/aysBCar5eeling

9ountain <ail/aysB>alkaBhimla

0reat +imalayan National 6ark 

6attadakalun Temple, >onDrak 

antar 9antar, aipur 

<ani ki a

 Nanda Cei and alley of Flo/ers National 6arks

undarbans National 6ark 

Western 0hats # Nilgiri$

Western 0hats #>erala$

Western 0hats #ahyadri$

Western 0hats #>arnataka$

 Location of World Heritage Sites within India #

• t

• e


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List of Heritage sites

NameG as listed by the World +eritage !ommittee

RegionG of the tates and territories of 1ndia

PeriodG time period of significance, typically of construction

UNESCO dataG the site@s reference numberH the year the site /as inscribed on the World+eritage :istH the criteria it /as listed underG criteria (i) through (vi) are cultural, /hile(vii) through (x) are natural(

DescriptionG brief description of the site

  I 1n danger 

9anas Wildlife anctuary /as listed as being danger #since &--2$,but remoed in 2%&&follo/ing significant improements();* +ampi /as added to the danger list in &---, but remoed

in 2%%; follo/ing successful conseration efforts().*)*


No.Name Image Region Period UNESCO data Description

0 >aziranga

Wild :ife



4ssam, 1ndia 2%th


33.H &-7H i=, = >aziranga Wild :ife

anctuary, located in the

 Northeastern state of

4ssam in the flood

 plains of the

?rahmaputra <ier s

south bank, /as declared

a World +eritage ite  by

UNE!" in &-7 for its

uniJue natural

enironment( 1t /as first

established as a resered

forest in &-% to protect

the d/indling species of

<hinoceros( 1t under/ent

seeral transformations

oer the years, as The

 Kaziranga Game

Sanctuar in &-&;,

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renamed as >aziranga

Wild :ife anctuary in

&-7%, and declared a

national park in &-.'(

The park, /hich coers

an area of '2,--;

hectares #&%;,27% acres$,

has the distinction of

 being home to the

/orld@s largest

 population of the 0reat

1ndian "neB+orned

<hinoceros( There are

many other mammals

and birds species in the


! Song for t"e most

#ea$tif$l %a&iranga

!ssam #' ("arga)a

Das *+H ae and

 protect the one horned

<hino of >aziranga


0, 9anas Wild

:ife anctuary,


4ssam, 1ndia 2%th


33H &-7H ii,

i=, =

9anas Wildlife

anctuary, located in the

 Northeastern state of

4ssam coers an area of

7%,%%% hectares #&2%,%%%

acres$ in the plains of the

9anas <ier s in the

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foot hills of the

+imalayas on the border

/ith ?hutan #contiguous

/ith the 9anas Wild

:ife anctuary in ?hutan

1t /as inscribed as a

World +eritage ite by

UNE!" in &-7 for its

uniJue natural

enironment( The

sanctuary is the habitat

of seeral species of

 plants and 2& most

threatened species of

mammals, out of 77

mammal species in the

sanctuary, 3; reptile

species, 3 amphibians

and 37% species of birdsH

endangered species

include Tiger ,  pygmy

hog, clouded leopard, 

sloth bear , 1ndian

<hinoceros, /ild

 buffaloes #the only pure

stain of buffaloes in

1ndia$, 1ndian Elephants,

golden langur  and

?engal Florican( 1n

&-%., it /as declared a

resere forest, /as

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declared a sanctuary in

&-2, and became a

Tiger <esere in &-.3 as

 part of K6ro5ect TigerL

and a World +eritage

ite in Cecember &-7(

6lants listed under the

 broad category of ?urma

9onsoon Forests include

27 species of

Cicotyledons and -

species of

9onocotyledons( ince

&--2, the sanctuary has

 been listed under KThe

World +eritage in


0- 9ahabodhi


!omple= at

?odh 0aya,


?ihar , 1ndia 3rd


?!, 7th

and ;th


4C and



&%7; reH 2%%2H

i,ii, iii, i, i

9ahabodhi Temple

!omple= at ?odh 0aya 

#?uddha 0aya$, spread

oer an area of '(;

hectares #&2(% acres$ /as

inscribed in the

UNE!" World

+eritage :ist i as a

uniJue property of

cultural and


importance( The first

temple /as built by

Emperor 4shoka in the

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3rd century ?! #2;%

?!$ around the ?odhi

Tree  !icus religiosa #to

the /est of the temple$(

+o/eer, the temples

seen no/ are dated

 bet/een 7th and ;th

centuries 4C( The

structures hae been

 built in bricks( <eered

and sanctified as the

 place /here iddhartha

0autama ?uddha /as

enlightened in 73& ?! at

age 37, and then

 propagated his diine

kno/ledge of ?uddhism 

to the /orld, it has been

the ultimate temple for

reerential /orship, oer 

the last seeral centuries,

 by ?uddhists of all

denominations, from all

oer the /orld /ho isit

on pilgrimage( The main

temple is 7% m in height,

 built in 1ndian

architectural style, dated

 bet/een 7th and ;th

centuries, and it is the

oldest temple in the

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1ndian subBcontinent

 built during the K0olden

4geL of 1ndian culture

credited to the 0upta

 period( culpted

 balustrades of the

4shokan times #3rd

century ?!$ are

 presered in the

4rchaeological 9useum

located /ithin the temple


0 +umayuns

Tomb, Celhi

Celhi, 1ndia &7.% 232, &--3, #ii$,


+umayuns Tomb, Celhi,

the first tomb built /ith

seeral innoations, set

at the centre of lu=urious

gardens /ith /ater

channels, /as the

 precursor monument to

the Ta5 9ahal #built a

century later$( 1t /as

 built in &7.% and /as

inscribed as a UNE!"

World +eritage

9onument in &--3 for

its cultural importance( 1t

/as built in &7;-&7.%

 by the second 9ughal

Emperor  +umayuns

/ido/ ?iga ?egum

#+a55i ?egum$( 1ts

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architecture is credited to

9irza 0hiyath and its

9ughal architectural

style has been acclaimed

as the Knecropolis of the

9ughal dynastyL for its

double domed eleation

 proided /ith !hhatris( 

4part from the tomb of

+umayun, the funerary

also has &7% tombs of

arious members of the

royal family( The tomb is

 built /ith a char"#agh 

#fourfold$ layout /ith

t/o gates, one on the

south and the other on

the /est( 1t has a number 

of /ater channels, a

 pailion and a bath( The

tomb set on an irregular

octagonal plinth has a

raised dome of '2(7 m

height, coered by

marble slabs and

decorated /ith chhatris(


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0/ Autb 9inar

and its



Celhi, 1ndia :ate &2th


233, &--3, #i$ Autb 9inar and its

9onuments, Celhi, 

located to the south of

Celhi, is a comple= /ith

the Autb 9inar as the

centre piece, /hich is a

red sandstone to/er of

.2(7 metres #23 ft$

height /ith a base of

&'(32 metres #'.(% ft$

reducing to 2(.7 metres

#-(% ft$ diameter at the

top( ?uilt in the

 beginning of the &3th

century, the comple= of

structures comprises

itineraries, the 4lai

Car/aza 0ate #&3&&$,

the 4lai 9inar #an

incomplete mound of the

intended 9inar or

to/er$, the AubbatBulB

1slam 9osJue #the

earliest e=isting mosJue

in 1ndia$, the tomb of

1ltumish, and an 1ron

6illar( The comple= is a

testimony to the 1slamic

depredations during the

 period as seen from the

materials used for

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 building the comple=

/hich are those that

/ere remoed after

destroying +indu and

ain templesH a shining

iron pillar of .(%2 metres

#23(% ft$ height #/ithout

any trace of rusting$

erected at the centre of

the comple=, /ith

inscriptions in anskrit, 

of the !handra 0upta 11 

 period is a moot /itness(

+istory records its

construction, initially by

Autubuddin 4ibak  in

&&-2, its completion by

1ltumish #&2&&3;$ and

again by 4lauddin >hal5i

#&2-;&3&;$( 1t

under/ent seeral

renoations by

subseJuent rulers,

follo/ing damage to the

structures due to

lightning( 1t /as

inscribed under the

UNE!" World

+eritage :ist under

category i for its uniJue

representation of the

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1slamic architectural and

artistic e=cellence()&-*)2%*

0 <ed Fort


Celhi, 1ndia &;' 23&re, 2%%.,

#i$,#ii$, #iii$,


<ed Fort !omple=, also

kno/n as :al Aila is a

 palace fort built in the

&.th century by

hah5ahan #&;27$,

the fifth 9ughal

Emperor  as part of his

ne/ capital city of

hah5ahanabad( located

to the north of Celhi( 1t

represents the glory of

the 9ughal rule and is

considered the +ighpoint

of 9ughal architectural,

artistic aesthetic

creatiity( The

architectural design of

the structures built

/ithin the fort represents

a blend of 6ersian,

Timuri and 1ndian

architectural stylesH

1sfahan, the 6ersian

!apital is said to hae

 proided the inspiration

to build the <ed Fort

!omple=( The planning

and design of this

comple=, in a

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geometrical grid plan

/ith pailion structures,

/as the precursor of

seeral monuments

/hich /ere built later in

<a5asthan, Celhi, 4gra

and other places( The

 palace comple= has been

fortified by an enclosure

/all built /ith red sand

stone #hence the name

<ed Fort$( 1t is ad5acent

to the alimgarh Fort on

its north built by 1slam

hah uri in &7'; and is

no/ part of the <ed Fort

!omple= #area coered

&2% acres$ under the

reised inscription of the

UNE!" World

+eritage :ist under

categories #i$,#ii$, #iii$

and #i$( ?uilt bet/een

&;3- and &;',

enclosing an area of size

;7; metres

#2,&72 ft$=32 metres

#&,%.; ft$ and raising to

a height of 23 metres

#.7 ft$ on the right bank

of the Oamuna <ier , it

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is linked to the

alimgarh Fort through a

 bridge oer an old rier

channel, no/ a city road(

The palace /ithin the

fort comple=, located

 behind the Ci/anBiB4m

#+all of 6ublic

4udience$, comprises a

series of richly engraed

marble palace pailions,

interconnected by /ater

channels called the


meaning the Ktream of

6aradiseL, the Ci/aneBiB

khas #6riate audience

hall$, seeral other

essential priate

structures, and also the

9oti 9as5id #6earl

9osJue built by

Emperor 4urangzeb$()2&*


01 !hurches and

!onents of


elha 0oa #"ld

0oa$, 0oa, 


&;th and



232H &-;H #ii$


!hurches and !onents

of 0oa are monuments

inscribed by UNE!"

under the World +eritage

:ist in &-; as cultural

 property, under criteria

#ii$,#i$ and #i$, /hich

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/ere built by the

6ortuguese colonial

rulers of  0oa bet/een

&;th and &th centuries(

These monuments are

mainly in the former

capital of elha 0oa(

elha 0oa is also kno/n

0oem, 6ornem 0Qy,

4dlem 0Qi, "ld 0oa or

aibachem 0Qi, /here

aib or 0oencho aib

refers to aint Francis

Raier ( The most

significant of these

monuments is the

?asilica of ?om esus, 

/hich enshrines the

tomb containing the

relics of  t( Francis

Raier ( These

monuments of 0oa,

kno/n as the K<ome of

the "rient,L /ere

established by different

!atholic religious orders,

from 27 Noember &7&%

on/ards( There /ere

originally ;% churches of 

/hich some of the

suriing monuments in

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the city of elha 0oa are

the aint !atherine@s

!hapel #/here one of the

first, probably only

 besides the 4ngedia

1sland, :atin rite mass in

4sia, /as held on aint

!atherine@s feast dayB i(e(

27 Noember &7&%$, the

!hurch and !onent of

aint Francis of 4ssisi,

the S !atedral de anta

!atarina dedicated to

aint !atherine of

4le=andria, the esuit 

?orea ezuchi ?a5ilika or 

?aslica do ?om esus, 

1gre5a de o Francisco

de 4ssis #also kno/n as

4sisachea an

Fransiskachi 1gorz$, the

Theatine 1gre5a da

Ciina 6roidVncia #o

!aetano$ #also kno/n as

an >aitanachi 1gorz or

the church of aint

!a5etan and its seminary 

#resembles ?asilica

6apale di an 6ietro in

aticano$, 1gre5a de

 Nossa enhora do

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<osrio #also kno/n as

<uzai aibinnichi 1gorz

#!hurch of  "ur :ady of

the <osary$$ and 1gre5a

de anto 4gostinho #also

kno/n as an

4gustineachi 1gorz

#!hurch of  aint

4ugustine$ #only the

 belfry stands today and

some graes, including

the 0eorgian "rthodo=

!hurch aint, aint

>etean, /ho /as also a

Jueen$( These

monuments /ere

forerunners in

establishing an ensemble

of the 9anueline,

9annerist and ?aroJue 

art forms in the 4sian

region( The monuments

are built in laterites and

/alls plastered /ith

limestone mortar mi=ed

/ith broken shells( For

this reason, the

monuments need

constant maintenance to

 preent deterioration due

to monsoon climatic

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conditions, and thus

keep them in good


02 !hampanerB



6ark, 0u5arat

0u5arat, 1ndia 6rehistori

c and th

to &'th


&&%'H 2%%'H iii,

i, , i


4rchaeological 6ark  is

situated in 6anchmahal

district in 0u5arat, 1ndia(

1t /as inscribed as a

UNE!" World

+eritage ite in 2%%' as

a cultural site( There is a

concentration of largely


archaeological, historic

and liing cultural

heritage properties

cradled in an impressie

landscape /hich

includes prehistoric

#chalcolithic$ sites, a hill

fortress of an early

+indu capital, and

remains of the &;thB

century capital of the

state of 0u5arat( The site

also includes, among

other estiges,

fortifications, palaces,

religious buildings,

residential precincts,

agricultural structures

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and /ater installations,

from the th to the &'th

centuries( The

>alikamata Temple on

top of the 6aagadh +ill

is considered to be an

important shrine,

attracting large numbers

of pilgrims throughout

the year( The site is the

only complete and

unchanged 1slamic preB

9ughal city()27*)2;*

03 0roup of

9onuments at






&'th and



2'& H &-;H #i$


The 0roup of

9onuments at +ampi 

comprise a sombre but

ostentatious +ampi

to/n, on the banks of the

rier  Tungabhadra in

>arnataka( +ampi

subsumes the ruins of

i5ayanagara, /hich /as

the former capital of the

 po/erful i5ayanagara

Empire( Craidian 

temples and palaces

abound in +ampi( These

/on the admiration of

traellers bet/een the

&'th and &;th centuries(

+ampi, as an important

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+indu religious centre,

has the irupaksha

Temple #different from

6attadakal@s irupaksha

Temple$ and seeral

other monuments, /hich

are part of the cultural

heritage site inscribed

under category #i$, #iii$

and #i$ in the UNE!"

World +eritage :ist()2.*)2*

0 0roup of

9onuments at






23- H &-.H #i$


The 0roup of

monuments in 6attadakal

designated under

UNE!" World

+eritage :ist, in &-.,

coer a remarkable

series of nine +indu

temples, as /ell as a ain

sanctuary in northern

>arnataka( 1n this group

of temples, the

irupaksha Temple, built

c( .'% by Aueen

:okamahadei to

commemorate her

husband@s #>ing

ikramaditya 11$ ictory

oer the 6allaa kings

from the south, is

considered the most

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outstanding architectural

edifice #This is different

from the irupaksha

Temple at +ampi($ These

are a remarkable

combination of temples

 built by the !halukya

Cynasty in the ;th to th

century at 4ihole, 

?adami and 6attadakal, 

the latter city /as kno/n

as the X!ro/n <ubiesX(

The temples represent a

remarkable fusion of the

architectural features of

northern # $agara$ and

southern #dravida$ 1ndia(

6attadakal is considered

a +indu holy city and

/ithin the heritage

comple= are eight

temples dedicated to

hia, a ninth shaiite 

sanctuary called the

6apanatha Temple, and a

aina Temple()2-*)3%*

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9onuments at





6radesh, 1ndia

2nd and



?! to the




72'H &--H #i$


?uddhist 9onuments at

anchi, located '7

kilometres #2 mi$ from

?hopal in the 1ndian

state of 9adhya 6radesh 

are a group of ?uddhist

monuments dated

 bet/een 2%% ?! and &%%

?!( The site, ho/eer,

has been con5ectured to

hae been deeloped in

the 3rd century ?!,

/hen Emperor 4shoka 

of the 9auryan Empire 

ruled( The principal

monument is tupa &

dated to the 2nd century

and &st century ?!(

These ?uddhist

sanctuaries /ere actie

?uddhist religious

monuments, /hich

flourished till the &2th

century( The sanctuary

has a plethora of

monolithic pillars,

 palaces, temples and

monasteries in different

status of preseration( 1t

/as inscribed as a World

+eritage ite by

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UNE!" on anuary 2',

&-- for its uniJue

cultural importance( 1t

/as discoered only in

&& in a deserted state

of preseration(


e=caations undertaken

thereafter reeled 7%

uniJue monuments()3&*)32*


, <ock helters

of ?himbetka,




6radesh, 1ndia



-27H 2%%3H #iii$


<ock helters of

?himbetka described in

the UNE!" 1nscription

as Kthe site comple= Y a

magnificent repository

of rock paintings /ithin

natural rock sheltersL is

located in the foothills of 

the indhya range of

hills in the !entral

1ndian state of  9adhya

6radesh( 1t is spread in

sandstone formations

e=tending oer an area

of &-3 ha /ith a buffer

zone &%,2% hectares

#27,'%% acres$( The rock

shelters, discoered only

in &-7., comprise a

group of Kfie clusters of 

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rock sheltersL /ith

 paintings that are

inferred to date from the

K9esolithic period right

through to the +istorical

 periodL, /ith the 2&

illages surrounding

them reflecting the

traditions displayed in

the rock paintings( The

uniJue rock art has been

discoered in '%%

 painted shelters spread

oer an area of &,-2 ha

amidst dense forest /ith

high diersity of flora

and fauna, /ith some of

the shelters dated from

&%%,%%% ?! #:ate

4cheulian$ to &%%% 4C(

1t /as inscribed as a

World +eritage ite by

UNE!" in 2%%3 as a

uniJue cultural property

representing a

conergence displayed in

the art form bet/een the

 people and the landscape

/ith links to the hunting

gathering economy of

the past()32*)3'*)37*

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- >ha5uraho

0roup of





6radesh, 1ndia

-7% 4C to

&%7% 4C

2'%H &-;H #i$


>ha5uraho 0roup of

9onuments attributed to

the !handela dynasty 

/hich, under soereignty

of 0ur5ar 6ratihars

reached its glory( The

ensemble of monuments

that hae suried

 belong to the +indu and

ain <eligious practices

/ith striking fusion of

sculpture and

architectureH the best

e=ample of this

outstanding feature is

seen in the >andariya

Temple( "f the 7

temples built, only 22

temples hae suried in

an area of ; km2, /hich

represents the !handela

 period of the &%th

century( :ocated in the

1ndian state of 9adhya

6radesh, it /as inscribed

 by UNE!" as a World

+eritage ite, a cultural

 property on "ctober &7,

&-2 for its uniJue

original artistic creation

and proof of the

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!handela !ulture that

e=isted prior to the

9uslim inasion of 1ndia

in the early &2th century(


45anta !aes





?! to ;th


2'2H &-3H i, ii,

iii, i

45anta !aes listed

under UNE!" World

+eritage as a cultural

heritage site, are

?uddhist caes that /ere

 built in t/o phases, the

first phase /as from 2nd

century ?!( 1n the

second phase, further

additions /ere made

during the 7th and ;th

centuries 4C of the

0upta period( The caes

depict richly decorated

 paintings, frescoes,

/hich are reminiscent of 

the igiriya paintings in

ri :anka and

sculptures( 4s a /hole,

there are 3& rockBcut 

cae monuments /hich

are uniJue

representations of the

religious art of


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/ Ellora !aes9aharashtra,


;%% to

&%%% 4C

2'3H &-3H #i$


Ellora !aes also kno/n

as Ellora !omple= are a

cultural mi= of religious

arts of  ?uddhism,

+induism and ainism( 

These are 3' monasteries

and temples sculpted

contiguously into rock

/alls of a high basalt 

cliff, /hich are seen

along a length of 2

kilometres #&(2 mi$(

Cated to ;%% to &%%%

4C, they are a reflection

of artistic creation of the

ancient ciilization of

1ndia( This cultural

 property has been

inscribed under the

UNE!" World

+eritage :ist()'&*)'2*





7th to th


2''reH &-.H


The Elephanta !aes are

a net/ork of sculpted

caes located on

Elephanta 1sland, or

0harapuri #literally Xthe

city of caesX$ in

9umbai +arbour , &%

kilometres #;(2 mi$ to

the east of the city of

9umbai( The island,

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located on an arm of the

4rabian ea, consists of

t/o groups of caes Z

the first is a large group

of fie +indu caes, the

second, a smaller group

of t/o ?uddhist caes(

The +indu caes contain

rock cut stone

sculptures, representing

the haia +indu sect,

dedicated to the god

hia( The rockBcut

architecture of the caes

is dated to bet/een the

7th and th centuries,

although the identity of

the original builders is

still a sub5ect of debate(

The caes are he/n from

solid basalt rock(

<enoated in the &-.%s,

the caes /ere

designated an UNE!"

World +eritage ite in

&-. to presere the


1 !hhatrapati








-'7reH 2%%'H


!hhatrapati hia5i

Terminus is a historic

rail/ay station in

9umbai, /hich seres

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as the headJuarters of

the !entral <ail/ays( 1t

is one of the busiest

rail/ay stations in 1ndia,

and seres !entral

<ail/ay trains

terminating in 9umbai

as /ell as the 9umbai

uburban <ail/ay( The

station /as designed by

Frederick William

teens, a consulting

architect in &.&(

1t took ten years to

complete and /as named

Xictoria TerminusX in

honour of the Aueen and

Empress ictoriaH it /as

opened on the date of her 

0olden ubilee in &.(

This famous

architectural landmark in

0othic style /as built as

the headJuarters of the

0reat 1ndian 6eninsular

<ail/ay( 1n &--;, in

response to demands by

the hi ena and in

keeping /ith the policy

of renaming locations

/ith 1ndian names, the

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station /as renamed by

the state goernment

after !hatrapati hia5i, 

the famed &.thBcentury

9aratha king( "n 2 uly

2%%', the station /as

nominated as a World

+eritage ite by the

World +eritage

!ommittee of  UNE!"(


2 un Temple,


6uri Cistrict,

"rissa, 1ndia



2';H &-'H#i$


>onark un Temple is a

&3thBcentury un Temple

#also kno/n as the

X?lack 6agodaX$, at

>onark , in "rissa(

:ocated on the east coast

of the ?ay of ?engal in

the 9ahanadi Celta, it is

 built in the form of the

chariot of urya #4rka$,

the sun god /ith 2'

/heels, and is heaily

decorated /ith symbolic

stone carings and led

 by a team of si= horses(

1t /as constructed from

o=idizing /eathered

ferruginous sandstone by

>ing  Narasimhadea 1 of 

the Eastern 0anga

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Cynasty( The temple is

one of the most

reno/ned temples in

1ndia and is a World

+eritage ite inscribed

in &-' as cultural

 property under

categories #i$, #iii$ and


3 >eoladeo

 National 6ark 

?haratpur ,



&-& 3'%H &-7H #=$ >eoladeo National 6ark  

in ?haratpur is located

/ithin the 1ndusB0anges 

9onsoon Forest


6roince( 1t e=tends oer 

an area of 2,.3 hectares

#;,% acres$( 1t /as

declared a national park

in &-2( Earlier to this,

in &-%%, it /as a duckB

hunting resere of the

9ahara5asof  ?haratpur,

then became a bird

sanctuary in &-7;, /ith

the 9ahara5as e=ercising

shooting rights till &-.2,

and /as recorded as a

<amsar Wetland site, in

&-&( 1t /as inscribed in

the UNE!" World

+eritage :ist in &-7

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under category #=$, as a

natural property( The

area of the /etland of

the park shrinks to &,%%%

hectares #2,7%% acres$

during most part of the

year( 1t has a humanB

 built enironment

created partly by

embankments diiding

the area into &% units,

and has sluice controlled

arrangement to maintain

the /ater leel( 1t is

famous for 3;' species

of /intering birds that

flock in large numbers,

arriing from distant

countries of 4fghanistan,

Turkmenistan, !hina and

iberia( 1t is surrounded

 by &. illages and the

?haratpur  city()'-*)7%*

,0 antar 9antar,


aipur , 



&.2. and


&33H 2%&%H


The antar 9antar  in

aipur  is a collection of



instruments, built by

9ahara5a #>ing$ ai

ingh 11 at his then ne/

capital of aipur bet/een

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&.2. and &.3'( 1t is

modelled after the one

that he had built at the

9ughal capital of Celhi( 

+e had constructed a

total of fie such

facilities at different

locations, including the

ones at Celhi and aipur(

The aipur obseratory is

the largest and best

 presered of these and

has a set of some 2%

main fi=ed instruments

 built in masonry( 1t has

 been inscribed as

cultural property on the

UNE!" World

+eritage :ist as Xan

e=pression of the

astronomical skills and

cosmological concepts

of the court of a

scholarly prince at the

end of the 9ughal


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, 0reat :iing

!hola Temples





Tamil Nadu,


&&th and



27%bisH &-.H


The 0reat :iing !hola

Temples, built by kings

of the !hola Empire 

stretched oer all of

Tamil Nadu( This

cultural heritage site

includes three great

temples of &&th and &2th

centuries namely, the

?rihadisara Temple at

Than5aur , the

?rihadisara Temple at


m and the 4iraatesara

Temple at Carasuram( 

The Temple of


m, built by <a5endra 1,

/as completed in &%37(

1ts 73 metres #&.' ft$

imana #sanctum to/er$

has recessed corners and

a graceful up/ard

curing moement,

contrasting /ith the

straight and seere to/er 

at Than5aur( The

4iraatesara temple

comple=, built by

<a5ara5a 11, at Carasuram

features a 2' metres


r Temple,


Tamil Nadu,




Than5aur ,

Tamil Nadu,


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#.- ft$ imana and a

stone image of  hia( 

The temples testify to

the brilliant

achieements of the

!hola in architecture,

scul pture, painting and,, 0roup of

9onuments at




, Tamil Nadu, 


.th and



2'-H &-'H #i$


The 0roup of

9onuments at

9ahabalipuram, in

Tamil Nadu, about

7 km from !hennai, 

/ere built by the 6allaa

kings in the .th and th

centuries( The to/n is

said to hae gained

 prominence under the

rule of 9amalla( These

monuments hae been

cared out of rock along

the !oromandel coast(

The temple to/n has

appro=imately forty

monuments, including

the largest openBair basB

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relief in the /orld( 1t /as

inscribed under the

UNE!" World

+eritage list in &-' as a

cultural heritage under

categories #i$#ii$#iii$#i$(

The monuments

inscribed are the <atha

TemplesG Temples in the

form of chariots,

9andapas, && !ae

sanctuaries coered /ith

 basBreliefs, rock relief of

Cescent of the 0anges, 

/hich is the largest open

air <ock relief also

kno/n as 4r5una@s

6enance or %hagiratha&s


,- 4gra Fort,

Uttar 6radesh

Uttar 6radesh,




27&H &-3H iii 4gra Fort, also kno/n as

the <ed Fort of 4gra,

/hich represented

9ughal opulence and

 po/er as the centre piece

of their empire /as

inscribed in the

UNE!" World

+eritage :ist in &-2,

under !ategory iii as a

cultural monument( The

fortress located on the

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right bank of the

Oamuna <ier , built in

red sandstone, coering

a length of 2(7

kilometres #&(; mi$ and

surrounded by a moat, 

encloses seeral palaces,

to/ers and mosJues(

These /ere built from

the &;th century on/ards

till the early &th

century, starting /ith

Emperor 4kbar @s reign in

the &;th century to that

of 4urangzeb in the

early part of the &th

century, including the

contributions made

during the reign of

ahangir  and hah5ahan 

of the 9oghul <ule in

1ndiaH the impressie

structures built /ithin

the precincts of the fort

are the >has 9ahal, the

hish 9ahal,

9uhamman ?ur5e #an

octagonal to/er$,

Ci/anBiB>has #&;3.$,

Ci/anBiB4m, /hite

marble mosJue or the

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6earl 9osJue #built

during &;';&;73$ and

the Nagina 9as5id

#&;7&.%.$( These

monuments are

remarkable for the fusion

of 6ersian art of the

Timurid and the 1ndian

art form( 1t is ery close

to the famous Ta5 9ahal 

/ith a buffer zone

separating the t/o


, Fatehpur ikri,

Uttar 6radesh

Uttar 6radesh,




277H &-;H


Fatehpur ikri, Xthe !ity

of ictory,X /as built

during the second half of 

the &;th century by the

9ughal Emperor  4kbar  

#&77;&;%7$( 1t /as the

capital of the Empire and

seat of the grand 9ughal

court, but only for &'

years( Cespite bearing

e=ceptional testimony to

the 9ughal ciilization

at the end of the &;th

century, it had to be

abandoned due to the

t/in reasons of lack of

/ater and unrest in

northB/est 1ndia, leading

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the Emperor to shift the

capital to :ahore( 4kbar

decided to construct it in

&7.&, on the same site

/here the birth of his

son, the future Emperor

ahangir , /as predicted

 by the /ise saint haikh

alim !histi #&'% 

&7.2$( The /ork,

superised by the great

9ughal himself, /as

completed in &7.3( The

comple= of monuments

and temples, all

uniformly in 9ughal

architectural style, 

includes one of the

largest mosJues in 1ndia,

the ama 9as5id, the

?uland Car/aza, the

6anch 9ahal, and the

Tomb of alim !hishti( 

The English traeller

<alph Fitch considered

the city in &77 as

@considerably larger than

:ondon and more

 populous(@ 1ts form and

layout strongly

influenced the eolution

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of 1ndian to/n planning,

notably at

hah5ahanabad #"ld

Celhi$( The city has

numerous other palaces,

 public buildings and

mosJues, as /ell as

liing areas for the court,

the army, serants of the

king and for an entire

 population /hose history

has not been recorded()7-*


,/ Ta5 9ahal,

Uttar 6radesh

Uttar 6radesh,




272H &-3Hi Ta5 9ahal, one of the

een Wonders of the

World is a mausoleum  

a funerary mosJue( 1t

/as built by Emperor

hah5ahan in memory of

his third /ife ?egum

9umtaz 9ahal /ho had

died in &;3&( 1t is a large

edifice made in /hite

marble in typical 9ughal

architecture, a style that

combines elements from

6ersian, 1slamic and

1ndian architectural 

styles( This much

acclaimed masterpiece

/as built oer a &;Byear

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 period bet/een &;3& and

&;' under the !hief

4rchitect Ustad 4hmad

:ahauri supported by

seeral thousand artisans

under the guidance of an

1mperial !ommittee( 1t

/as inscribed in the

UNE!" World

+eritage :ist in &-3,

under !ategory i, as a


 property8monument( 1t is

set amidst ast 9ughal

0ardens, /hich coer &.

hectares #'2 acres$ of

land on the right bank of

the Oamuna <ier ( 1t has

an octagonal layout

marked by four

e=clusie minarets at

four corners /ith a

 pristine eleation of a

central bulbous dome

 belo/ /hich the tombs

are laid in an

underground chamber(

!alligraphic inscriptions

inBcrusted in

 polychromatic -ierra

dura. decoratie bands

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and floral arabesJues 

glorify the monument@s

graphic beauty and

 proide a picture perfect

impression to the


, 9ountain

<ail/ays of







West ?engal

&-th and

early 2%th


-''terH &---,

2%%7, 2%%H #i$


The 9ountain <ail/ays

of 1ndia represents a

collectie listing of the

Car5eeling +imalayan

<ail/ay, the Nilgiri

9ountain <ail/ay and

the >alkaBhimla

<ail/ay under the

UNE!" World

+eritage ite( +o/eer,

the 9ountain <ail/ays

of 1ndia are fie rail/ay

lines built in the

mountains of 1ndia in the

&-th and early 2%th

centuries, during the

?ritish <a5, /hich are

run een today by the

1ndian <ail/ays( Three

out of these fie

rail/ays, the Car5eeling

+imalayan <ail/ay

#&&$, the >alkaB

himla <ail/ay #&-$

and the >angra alley



<ail/ay #2%%7$

"oty, Tamil





6radesh #2%%$


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<ail/ay #&-2'$, are

located in the rugged hill

regions of the +imalayas

of Northern 1ndia and

the other t/o are much

further south in the

Western 0hatsH the

 Nilgiri 9ountain

<ail/ay in outhern

1ndia, and the 9atheran

+ill <ail/ay in

9aharashtra( The World

+eritage UNE!"

recognition to three of

the fie 9ountain

<ail/ays of 1ndia has

 been stated as for being

Xoutstanding e=amples

of bold, ingenious

engineering solutions for 

the problem of

establishing an effectie

rail link through a

rugged, mountainous

terrain( The Car5eeling

+imalayan <ail/ay /as

recognized first in &---,

the Nilgiri 9ountain

<ail/ay follo/ed suite

as an e=tension to the

site in 2%%7, and in 2%%

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the >alkahimla

<ail/ay /as further

added as an e=tensionH

and the three together

hae been titled as

9ountain <ail/ays of

1ndia under !riteriaG ii,

i under the region in the,1  Nanda Cei

and alley of


 National 6arks





&-3- and


337bisH &-,

2%%7 H#ii$,#=$

 Nanda Cei and alley

of Flo/ers National

6arks are nestled high in

West +imalaya( alley

of Flo/ers National 6ark 

is reno/ned for its

meado/s of endemic

alpine flo/ers and

outstanding natural

 beauty( 1t is located in

the 0arh/al +imalaya of 

!hamoli Cistrict of

Uttarakhand( This richly

dierse area is also home

to rare and endangered

animals, including the

4siatic black bear , sno/

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leopard, bro/n bear  and

 blue sheep( The gentle

landscape of the alley

of Flo/ers National 6ark 

complements the rugged

mountain /ilderness of

 Nanda Cei National

6ark ( Together, they

encompass a uniJue

transition zone bet/een

the mountain ranges of

the [anskar  and 0reat

+imalaya( The park

stretches oer an

e=panse of .(7 km2 

#33( sJ mi$( 1t /as

established as a national

 park on ; Noember

&-2( +o/eer, it /as

initially established as a

game sanctuary on .

anuary &-3-( 1t /as

inscribed under the

UNE!" World

+eritage :ist in &-

/ith e=tension in 2%%7

under category #ii$ and

#=$();7*);;* Together, they

comprise the Nanda

Cei ?iosphere <esere,

/hich is on the

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UNE!" World

 Net/ork of ?iosphere

<eseres since 2%%'(

,2 undarbans

 National 6ark 


West ?engal 


&-3- and


'72H &-. H #i=$

and #=$

The undarbans

 National 6ark , the largest

estuarine mangroe

forest in the /orld is a

 National 6ark , Tiger

<esere, UNE!"

World +eritage ite and

a ?iosphere <esere 

located in the

undarbans 0anges rier 

delta  bordering the ?ay

of ?engal, in West

?engal( 1t is also on the

UNE!" World

 Net/ork of ?iosphere

<eseres( The

undarbans as a /hole

encompasses &%,%%% km2

#3,-%% sJ mi$ of land and

/ater, about 7,-% km2 

#2,3&% sJ mi$ in 1ndia

and the balance is in

?angladesh( 1t is integral

to the /orld@s largest

delta of %,%%% km2 

formed from sediments

deposited by the three

great riers, the 0anges, 

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the ?rahmaputra and the

9eghna, /hich

confluence in the ?engal

?asin( The entire basin is

traersed by a comple=

net/ork of


/ater/ays( Tidal /aes

as high .7 m are a

regular feature here(

Though, the history of

 protection in the area of

1ndian part of the

undarbans dates back to

&., it /as declared as

the core area of

undarbans Tiger

<esere in &-.3 and a

/ildlife sanctuary in

&-.. of &33,%%%Bhectare

core area /ithin the

27,7%% hectares

#;3-,%%% acres$

undarbans Tiger

<esere( "n 9ay ',

&-' it /as declared a

 National 6ark( 1t /as

inscribed on the

UNE!" World

+eritage list in &-. as a

natural property under

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category #i=$ and #=$(

This region is densely

coered by mangroe 

forests, and is one of the

largest reseres for the

?engal tiger ( 1t is also

home to a ariety of

 bird, reptile and

inertebrate species,

including the saltB/ater


,3 Western 0hats4gasthyamalai


2%&2 Western 0hats, also

kno/n as the ahyadri

9ountains, a mountain

range along the /estern

side of 1ndia and one of

the /orlds ten X+ottest

 biodiersity hotspotsX

#sub cluster nomination$

);-*).%*).&* 4 total of thirty

nine properties

#including national

 parks, /ildlife

sanctuaries and resere

forests$ /ere designated

as /orld heritage sites B

t/enty in the state of

>erala, ten in >arnataka,

fie in Tamil Nadu and

four in 9aharashtra().2*).3*

6eriyar ubB


4namalai ubB


 Nilgiri ubB


Talakaeri ubB

!luster  #fie





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They enclose large

territories and een

complete illages in

/alled compounds( The

 property consists of

!hittorgarh Fort, 

>umbhalgarh Fort,

<anthambore Fort,

0agron For t, 4mber


<ani ki a 

#The Aueen@s


6atan, 0u5arat, 






<ani ki a #The

Aueen@s tep/ell$ at

6atan, 0u5arat, is a

famous step/ell).;*

-, 0reat


 National 6ark 


6radesh, 1ndia

2%&')..* 0reat +imalayan

 National 6ark  at >ullu,

+imachal 6radesh, is

characterized by high

alpine peaks, alpine

meado/s and rierine

forests( The -%,7'% ha

 property includes the

upper mountain glacial

and sno/ melt /ater

source origins of seeral

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riers, and the

catchments of /ater

supplies that are ital to

millions of do/nstream

users( The 0+N6!4

 protects the monsoonB

affected forests and

alpine meado/s of the

+imalayan front ranges(

1t is part of the +imalaya

 biodiersity hotspot and

includes 27 forest types

along /ith a rich

assemblage of fauna

species, seeral of /hich

are threatened( This

gies the site outstanding

significance for



Sites #' states

The list sho/s the number of the heritage sites state/ise(

Comm$nit' E4cl$si)e sites S"ared sites

4ssam 2 %

?ihar  & %

Celhi 3 %

0oa & %

0u5arat 2 %

+imachal 6radesh 2 &

>arnataka 2 &

>erala % &

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Comm$nit' E4cl$si)e sites S"ared sites

9adhya 6radesh 3 %

9aharashtra ' &

"disha & %

<a5asthan 3 %

Tamil Nadu 2 2

Uttarakhand & %

Uttar 6radesh 3 %

West ?engal & &

5entati)e list

4part from the 32 sites inscribed on the World +eritage list, 1ndia has also maintained a list of

tentatie sites for recognition /hich has been submitted to UNE!" !ommittee for ealuationand acceptance( This procedure of prelisting is a prereJuisite for the nominations for the World

+eritage list to be accepted().*).-*


No.Name Image Region


dataPeriod Description

%&Temples at


?ishnupur , West

?engal, 1ndia&--

West ?engal is famous

for its terracotta 

temples built in the &.th

and &th centuries and

the balucheri sarees

%2?uddhist 9onastery


4lchi, :eh, 

ammu and

>ashmir , 1ndia


?uddhist 9onastery

!omple= is also kno/n

as X4lchi !hosBkor(X

%3 0olconda Fort+yderabad, 

Telangana, 1ndia&--

%' CholairaG a

+arappan !ity


0u5arat, 1ndia

&-- This is located in

0u5arat, >achchh

district, is one of the

largest and most


archaeological sites in

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1ndia, belonging to the

1ndus alley


%7 9attancherry 6alace


>ochi, >erala,



9attancherry 6alace, 

also kno/n as the

Cutch 6alace, in

9attancherry, >ochi, 

>erala features >erala

murals depicting +indu

temple art, portraits and

e=hibits of the <a5as of

>ochi( #&--$

%;Tomb of her hah


asaram, ?ihar , 


Tomb of her hah uri

/as built in memory of

4fghan Emperor  her

hah uri /ho ruled

Celhi in Northern 1ndia

for fie years, afterdefeating +umayun, the

2nd 9ughal Emperor 


9andu, 9adhya

6radesh 0roup of


9andu, 9adhya

6radesh, 1ndia&--

9andu, 9adhya

6radesh 0roup of

9onuments are in the

fortress to/n on a rocky

outcrop about &%% km

#;2 mi$ from 1ndore,

and are celebrated for

their fine architecture

% 4ncient ?uddhist

ite in arnath


aranasi Cistrict,

Uttar 6radesh, 


&-- 4ncient ?uddhist ite 

in arnath, aranasi,

Uttar 6radesh /here

0autama ?uddha first

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dataPeriod Description

taught the Charma, and

/here the ?uddhist 

angha came into

e=istence through the

enlightenment of

>ondanna( #&--$

%- +emis 0ompa

:adakh, ammu

and >ashmir ,



+emis 0ompa, a

Tibetan ?uddhist 

monastery of the

Crukpa :ineage, is

located in +emis,

:adakh, '7 km from



ri +arimandir

ahib #The X0olden


4mritsar , 

6un5ab, 1ndia2%%'

ri +arimandir ahib 

#The X0olden TempleX$

in 4mritsar , 6un5ab, is

the holiest shrine in


&&<ier 1sland of



<ier , 4ssam,



<ier 1sland of 9a5uli 

in midstream of the

?rahmaputra <ier  in


&2 Namdapha National



6radesh, 1ndia2%%;

This is the largest

 protected area in the

Eastern +imalaya

 biodiersity hotspot is

located in 4runachal

6radesh in  Northeast


&3 Wild 4ss anctuary >utchh, 0u5arat,


2%%; Wild 4ss anctuary, 

largest /ildlife

sanctuary in 1ndia is

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dataPeriod Description

kno/n for the

endangered /ild ass

subBspecies of 1ndian

Wild 4ss in :ittle <ann

of >utch


 National 6ark 

 North ikkim, 

ikkim, 1ndia2%%;


 National 6ark , a

national park and a

?iosphere resere is

located in  North ikkim



Urban and

4rchitectural Work

of :e !orbusier in




Urban and 4rchitectural

Work of :e !orbusier

in !handigarh, is home

to numerous

architectural pro5ects of 

:e !orbusier , 6ierre

eanneret, 9atthe/ No/icki and 4lbert


&;The 9atheran :ight




E=tension to the

9ountain <ail/ays of

1ndia&.The >angra alley



6radesh, 1ndia2%%-

& !hurchgate 9umbai, 


2%%- E=tension to 9umbai


!hurchgate station, is a

terminus of Western

<ail/ay line of

9umbai suburban

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dataPeriod Description


&-The 9ahara5a

<ail/ays of 1ndia

9adhya 6radesh,


The 9ahara5a <ail/ays

of 1ndia comprises

seeral rail/ay lines

that /ere maintained in

the past by the erst/hile

9ahara5as of 1ndia

during the ?ritish rule

2% "ak 0roe chool





"ak 0roe chool, the

school /as started by

the ?ritish East 1ndia

!ompany on une &,

&, predominantly

caters to the children of

1ndian <ail/ays 


2&E=caated <emains

at  Nalanda

 Nalanda, ?ihar ,


E=caated <emains at

 Nalanda, an ancient

center of higher

learning, is one of the

/orld@s first residential

uniersities /ith a

number of ruined

structures in ?ihar 


!onseration 4rea"rissa, 1ndia 2%%-

4 mangroe /etland in


23  Neora alley

 National 6ark 


Cistrict, West

?engal, 1ndia

2%%- This is one of the

richest biological zones

in the entire Northeast

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dataPeriod Description

situated in the

>alimpong subdiision

under  Car5eeling

Cistrict in West ?engal

2'Cesert National

6ark <a5asthan, 1ndia 2%%-

This is an e=ample of

the ecosystem of the

Thar Cesert

279ughal 0ardens in

ammu and >ashmir 

!hashma hahi,

rinagar , ammu

and >ashmir ,1ndia


There are si= gardens(

They are !hashma

hahi, halimar ?agh,

6ari 9ahal, erinag

0arden, 4chabal

0ardens and  Nishat


halimar ?agh,

rinagar , ammu

and >ashmir ,


erinag 0arden, 


ammu and

>ashmir , 1ndia

6ari 9ahal,

rinagar , ammu

and >ashmir ,





ammu and

>ashmir , 1ndia

 Nishat ?agh,

rinagar , ammu

and >ashmir ,


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2;ilk <oad ites in


?ihar , ammu

and >ashmir ,



6un5ab, Tamil

 Nadu and Uttar

6radesh in 1ndia


This is part of thee=tensie

interconnected net/ork

of trade routes across

the 4sian continent 

connecting East, outh,

and Western 4sia /ith

the 9editerranean 

/orld, as /ell as Northand Northeast 4frica 

and Europe

2. antiniketan


West ?engal,



antiniketan made

famous by  Nobel

:aureate <abindranath

Tagore, /hose ision

 became the present

uniersity to/n isaB

?harati Uniersity

2 4hmedabad 0u5arat, 1ndia 2%&&

The historic and most

important city of the

state of  0u5arat in

1ndiaB nominated for

World +eritage !ity 


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dataPeriod Description

2- Celhi N!T Celhi,


1ndia@s historic national

!apitalB nominated for

World +eritage !ity 



The Autb hahi

9onuments of


+yderabad, 1ndia 2%&&

0olconda Fort, Autb

hahi Tombs,



The ictorian and

4rt Ceco Ensemble

of 9umbai

9umbai, 1ndia 2%&2

324patani !ultural



6radesh, 1ndia2%&'


remains of :othal0u5arat, 1ndia 2%&'

3'?ah@ +ouse of

Worship Ne/ Celhi, 1ndia 2%&'

37 !ellular ail4ndaman

1slands, 1ndia2%&'


!hettinad, illage

!lusters of the

Tamil 9erchants

!hettinad, Tamil

 Nadu, 1ndia2%&'

3. !hilika :ake "disha, 1ndia 2%&'

3 9onuments and

Forts of the Ceccan




?idar , ?i5apur $

and Telangana



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dataPeriod Description


3-Ekamra >shetra

The Temple !ity

?hubanes/ar ,

"disha, 1ndia2%&'


1conic aree

Weaing !lusters of 


1ndia 2%&'


6alace>erala, 1ndia 2%&'


acred Ensembles

of the +oysala

>arnataka #?elur 

and +alebidu$,1ndia



9onuments of

rirangapatna 1sland


>arnataka, 1ndia 2%&'

''  Narcondam 1sland

4ndaman and

 Nicobar islands,




The Neolithic

ettlement of


ammu \

>ashmir , 1ndia2%&'


?! to



6rehistoric occupational

culture of Neolithic era,

9egalithic era and

early 9odern 6eriod

';Thembang Fortified

illage1ndia 2%&'


The 0lorious

>akatiya Temples

and 0ate/ays


Telangana, 1ndia2%&'


ites of aytagrah,

1ndias nonBiolent

freedom moement

1ndia 2%&'


ites along the

?adshahi 9arg #The

0rand Trunk <oad$

1ndia 2%&'

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9oidams the


system of the 4hom


1ndia 2%&'




Temple, rirangam





2%&' B

Nominated SitesThe follo/ing sites hae been nominated for /orld heritage siteG)%*

&( 0ir Wildlife anctuary

2( ilent alley National 6ark