workshop - september 8, 2008

Workshop - September 8, 2008 Agenda - Consolidation Important Dates Reorganization Plan Overview Educational Considerations Understanding the Context/Timeframe District Profiles - Student performance data - Program option comparison Examining Opportunities Students Staff Summary Q & A (Board) Public Comments

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Agenda - Consolidation Important Dates Reorganization Plan Overview Educational Considerations  Understanding the Context/Timeframe  District Profiles - Student performance data - Program option comparison  Examining Opportunities Students Staff Summary Q & A (Board) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Workshop - September 8, 2008

Workshop - September 8, 2008Agenda - ConsolidationImportant DatesReorganization Plan OverviewEducational Considerations Understanding the Context/Timeframe District Profiles

- Student performance data - Program option comparison

Examining Opportunities StudentsStaffSummary

Q & A (Board)Public Comments

Page 2: Workshop - September 8, 2008

Important Dates September:

8th Workshop 24th School Board Meeting

October: TBD Public Forum(s)

November: 4th Referendum Question

Page 3: Workshop - September 8, 2008

Reorganization Plan Overview RPC Membership Meeting Attendees

Page 4: Workshop - September 8, 2008

Reorganization Plan Overview District Name Operational Date Units Consolidating Intent

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Mission StatementThe New Casco Bay School District will strive to: bring out the best in each student’s intellectual, ethical, creative

and physical development; provide talented and dedicated faculty and encourage parent and

community involvement, as fundamental to each student’s success;

provide exceptional facilities for academics, athletics and the arts; ensure a safe and respectful environment where all feel a sense of

belonging; value the diversity of belief and experience that each student

brings, and promote in each student, personal integrity, intellectual vitality,

good citizenship, discipline and respect for themselves and others.

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Reorganization Plan Overview Governing Body/Terms/Voting Method

Board Composition 3-year Staggered Terms One Person:One Vote

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Reorganization Plan Overview Disposition of Real and Personal School

Property Exceptions:

Lunt/Plummer-Motz Campus 12 Acre Parcel at 51 Woodville Road

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Reorganization Plan Overview Disposition of Existing School

Indebtedness/Lease Purchase Obligations State Qualified Debt is Assumed by the RSU Local Debt will stay a Local Responsibility Lease Purchase Obligations become the

Responsibility of the RSU

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Reorganization Plan Overview Assignment of Personnel Contracts/Collective

Bargaining Agreements/Other Contractual Obligations All Obligations in Effect as of the RSU’s

Operational Date become the Responsibility of the RSU

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Reorganization Plan Overview Disposition of Existing Funds/Financial Obligations

(Includes: Undesignated Fund Balances/Trust Funds/Other School Funds) Financial Obligations to be met prior to RSU Formation,

as possible Equitable treatment of all municipalities regarding

unsatisfied financial obligations Balances and Remaining Funds Transfer to the RSU

(Falmouth exclusion due to cost-sharing agreement in Reorganization Plan)

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Reorganization Plan Overview Transition Plan

Transition Committee as Successor to RPC Voter Education Budget Preparation Amendments to Plan

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Reorganization Plan Overview Transition Timetable

Nov. 4, 2008: Reorganization Plan Referendum; if adopted

Jan., 2009: Election of RSU Board members Thru Spring, 2009: Superintendent hire, Budget

Development, Policy Review/Consolidation Spring, 2009: B.V.R. (Referendum) for RSU Budget

FY ’09-’10 July 1, 2009: New Casco Bay RSU Operational

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Reorganization Plan Overview Transition Plan Components

Interim Rules/Officers Selection of Superintendent Budget Development Authority of RSU Board Personnel Policies

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Reorganization Plan Overview Public Hearings

November 13, 2007 November 27, 2007 November 29, 2007 January 9, 2008

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Reorganization Plan Overview RPC/Transition Committee Meetings

RPC Transition Sept. 24, 2007 March 25, 2008 Oct. 3, 2007 March 31, 2008 Oct. 12, 2007 April 29, 2008 Nov. 5, 2007 May 28, 2008 Nov. 13, 2007 June 12, 2008 Nov. 20, 2007 July 29, 2008 Nov. 28, 2007 Dec. 5, 2007 Dec. 12, 2007 Feb. 26, 2008 Sept. 4, 2008

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Reorganization Plan Overview Impact of a Unit’s Failure to Approve the


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Reorganization Plan Overview Cost Savings Projections (To Follow in the

Financial Presentation) Cost Sharing Formula/Cost Shift Offset (To

Follow in the Financial Presentation)

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Reorganization Plan Overview Election of Initial Board of Directors Tuition Contracts and School Choice Claims/Insurance Vote to Submit Reorganization Plan

Amendments Comprehensive Plan Review

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Understanding the Context & Timeframe Transition time is NOT limited to the time

between January ’09 and July ’09 Hiring a Superintendent Developing a Budget

Merging two high-performing organizations under one administrative umbrella Merging of Business Operations/Back Office first Merging of Policies/Practices later Merging of Curriculum/Programs much later

Page 20: Workshop - September 8, 2008

Comparison of School DistrictsFalmouth MSAD #51

Budget 2007-2008 $24,281,412 $26,781,723

Enrollment: Lunt Gr. K-2: 429 Mabel Wilson Gr. K-2: 487

Plummer-Motz Gr. 3-4: 318 Drowne Road Gr. 3: 157

North Yarmouth MemorialGr. 4-5: 358

Falmouth Middle Gr. 5-8: 741 Greely Middle Gr. 6-8: 557

Falmouth High Gr. 9-12: 665 Greely High Gr. 9-12: 708

Total Enrollment: 2,153 2,267

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Comparison of School DistrictsFalmouth MSAD #51

AP Courses (Fall ’08)

BiologyChemistryPhysicsCalculusStatisticsFrenchPsychologyModern European HistoryUS HistoryGov’t & Politics, ComparativeGov’t & Politics, USEnglish Lang & CompositionEnglish Lit & Composition

BiologyChemistryPhysicsCalculusStatisticsFrenchSpanishModern European HistoryUS HistoryMacroeconomicsStudio ArtMusic Theory

College Bound-4 or 2 yr. 95% 93%

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Comparison of School DistrictsFalmouth MSAD #51

Foreign Language Offered (Fall’08)


FrenchSpanishLatinAmerican Sign Language

Dual Enrollment Courses

Syracuse University ProjectAdvance (English)


PATHS Enrollment 6 students 40 students

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Comparison of School DistrictsFalmouth MSAD #51

Maine HS Assessment (% Meets, Exceeds on SATs)

Critical ReadingMathematicsWriting



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Comparison of School DistrictsFalmouth MSAD #51

MEA Scores:

Grade 3 ReadingGrade 3 MathGrade 4 ReadingGrade 4 MathGrade 5 ReadingGrade 5 MathGrade 5 Writing



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Comparison of School DistrictsFalmouth MSAD #51

MEA Scores:

Grade 6 ReadingGrade 6 MathGrade 7 ReadingGrade 7 MathGrade 8 ReadingGrade 8 Math



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MSAD #51 FocusFocus on improving student achievement, particularly in

areas of literacy and mathematics Full-day kindergarten program Establishment of common writing assessments Introduction of a college algebra class through

SMCC Application to become an International

Baccalaureate World School

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Falmouth FocusFalmouth Public Schools has focused on

improvements in: Review of content areas of English language arts,

Science, Social Studies, Math, World Languages, Health and Physical Education and common documentation for all-school access

Focus on world languages and oral proficiency; introductory course in Chinese

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Common Focus K-Grade 5 Everyday Mathematics RTI in math and reading, K – Grade 12 Writing instruction Teacher leadership

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Awards and Honors Blue Ribbon School of Excellence –

Plummer-Motz (Falmouth Middle is a nominee)

Silver Medal High School by US. News and World Reports - Falmouth and Greely High Schools

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Opportunities for StudentsOpportunities Under Consolidation Non-Consolidation

Expanded HS academic offerings – including foreign language, science, wellness, AP (expanding type/scope/level of choices), International Baccalaureate option

Mandate schedule for alignmentReview curriculum offerings/student options (e.g. AP Chemistry)

2 systems volunteer to align schedulesCourse selection criteria established

Capitalizing on unique faculty strengths and/or unique physical settings to create magnet or academy models

Over time new structures created/faculty reassignments


Doubling the “volume” of customer voice for accessing resources/services/offerings at USM and/or SMCC, PATHs, etc.

1 single 4300+ student/700 staff district customer voice

Casco Bay or other voluntary alliance

Examination of International Baccalaureate Programs (elementary, middle level)

Possible economy of scale (costs/student numbers)

Voluntary sharing of findings

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Opportunities for StudentsOpportunities Under Consolidation Non-Consolidation

Shared specialized professional services for small or changing populations

District hired specialized staff a possibility

Sharing specialized staff a possibility but more complicated

Expanded student program options – summer academy, after-school activities, student abroad, service learning, etc.

Larger student population creates greater utilization of some options (particularly HS level)

Shared options require agreements

In-house alternative programming (e.g. day treatment) vs. out-of-district placements

Possible economy of scale (costs/student numbers)

Voluntary alliance/shared services agreement

Economies of scale/better resource utilization with the creation of Special Education Assessment Teams

Possible adoption of a new service/assessment model due to larger population

Agreement required for work across districts

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Opportunities for StaffOpportunities Under Consolidation Non-Consolidation

Greater depth, variety and experience enhancing instructional capacity across all content areas

Faculty to faculty contacts more easily facilitated

Possible, but logistics present more of a challenge

Unique professional development/growth opportunities to include staff exchanges, walkthroughs, internal sabbaticals, etc.

More role-alike professionals involved in a planned professional development program

Possible, but logistics present more of a challenge

Enhanced leadership collaboration – school leader support network

More role-alike professionals involved in leadership

Possible, but logistics present more of a challenge

Increased teacher/instructional options – looping, teaming, same-gender classrooms, etc.

Large pool under one administrative structure creates more options

Possible, but logistics present more of a challenge

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Opportunities for StaffOpportunities Under Consolidation Non-Consolidation

Sharing of best practices – combined professional development opportunities (on-site college courses, IB or AP training, summer work, etc.)

More role-alike professionals involved in a planned professional development program

PossibleRequires collaboration

Innovative compensation/benefit packages gained through economies of scale

PossibleEnhanced benefits/ reduced costs/new options (health care, wellness)


Greater customer voice in accessing university resources, staff wellness options, etc.

1 single unit: 700+ staff voice/buying power

Vs. 2 units

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Student/Staff Opportunity Summary Consolidation creates a central leadership/

administrative umbrella under which change is directly managed/mandated

Voluntary/collaborative efforts to achieve some of the same changes are impacted by: Differences in priorities Philosophical differences Contractual differences Logistical challenges