working with your head to build an effective leadership team

Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Page 2: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Aims of the session

Make the case for being the best leadership team you can be

Explore what it takes to be an effective leadership team and notice when its not working

Enable you to take away practical ideas for your own team

Page 3: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Teams in practice?

Page 4: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Why an effective SLT is so important

Successful leadership practices, influence pupil outcomes through their proximal effects on such key school conditions

as, for example, school culture, academic focus in the school, the school’s behavioural climate

Effective leadership relies upon an increasingly close and collaborative relationship between head teachers and the


The four key leadership practices that make the difference

1. Building vision and setting direction

2. Understanding and developing people

3. Designing the organisation

4. Managing and supporting the teaching and learning programme

Page 5: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

The overwhelming case

The Same “Basic” Leadership Values And Practices Are Enacted In Contextually Sensitive Ways.

E.g. Disadvantaged school and community contexts both required and received more intense leadership effort by heads and others providing leadership in schools.

School Leaders Improve Teaching And Learning Indirectly And Most Powerfully Through Their Influence On Staff Ability, Motivation And The Conditions of Teachers’ Work.

E.g. Head teachers’ perceived involvement in the promotion of CPD activities and the

encouragement of teachers to think innovatively about their practice.

School Leadership Has A Greater Influence On Schools And

Students When It Is Widely Distributed.Distributed leadership cultivated a sense of ownership and agency on the part of staff, helped develop a vision for the school shared by most staff, increased staff understanding and sense of responsibility for whole-school matters, buffered teachers from non-teaching responsibilities, and developed the leadership potential of other staff.

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The overwhelming case

Some Patterns Of Distribution Are More Effective Than OthersE.g. Variation in staff readiness could provide justification for quite different patterns, a

consultative pattern for staff with less leadership capacity and a pattern providing for more decisional authority for staff with relatively well-developed leadership capacities.

A Small Handful Of Personal Traits Explain A High Proportion Of

The Variation In Leadership Effectiveness.In particular, the extent to which leaders feel self-efficacious (self confident) about their work.

Self efficacy is linked to persistence in the face of sometimes daunting challenges and initial failure.

Department of children, schools and families research report 2007

Page 7: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Building Blocks for Effective Teams

• Roles match members abilities

Balanced roles

• Goals are clear and agreed with. Team norms encourage high performance, quality, success and innovation

Clear objectives and agreed goals

• The team gets, gives and uses feedback about its effectiveness and productivity

Openness and confrontation

• Members are tolerant of and embrace differences in the team

Support and trust

• The team is cohesive. Conflict is frequent but brief and the team utilise effective conflict management strategies

Co-operation & conflict

• The leadership style matches the teams development level

Appropriate leadership

• The team evaluates its decisions and regularly reviews its effectiveness

Regular review

• Individuals are encouraged and enabled in their development

Individual development

• The team cultivates constructive working relationships with other teams

Sound inter-group relations

• An open communication structure allows all members to participate.

Good communications and Sound procedures

Based on the work of Wheelen, S. Creating Effective teams

Page 8: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Create the conditions

Build and maintain the


Coach & Support the


The 3 central leadership tasks of a team

Shared valuesA clear taskResources


Through:Developing skills

Appropriate processes -decision making-problem solving

-conflict managing...

Give them direction & support

Be sensitive to climate Encourage information


Page 9: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Watch out for

Calling the SLT a team but managing members as individuals

Leadership imbalanceGiving too much autonomy

or exercising too much authority

Skimping on the support available to the team

Assuming the team will develop and become

effective as if by magic

Page 10: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

What do teams need?


Start upNorming


Page 11: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team



What do teams need?

Start up

Eagerness, AnxietyWhy are we here? What’s my role? What are we supposed to be doing?

Collaborative Working,Task success, Confidence, Ambition & EnergyI’m proud to be part of this team. The sum of the whole is greater than the individual parts How can we do better?

Sharing responsibility, Developing trust, Establishing a positive team cultureLets get down to business. What can I do to help?

Storming Testing boundaries, Competing, ClashingExpressing dissatisfaction, Surfacing Differences, Who has control here? Are my needs being met? It’s not working

Page 12: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Start up Phase

Start up

What most needs attention at this stage?

What is likely to happen if these needs are not met?

How can these needs best be met?

Page 13: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Storming Phase


What most needs attention at this stage?

What is likely to happen if these needs are not met?

How can these needs best be met?

Page 14: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Norming Phase


What most needs attention at this stage?

What is likely to happen if these needs are not met?

How can these needs best be met?

Page 15: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team

Performing phase


What most needs attention at this stage?

What is likely to happen if these needs are not met?

How can these needs best be met?

Page 16: Working with your Head to build an effective Leadership team


Gold, N. 2005. Teamwork: Multi disciplinary perspectives

University of Nottingham interim report on behalf of Department of children, schools and families in conjunction with National college for School Leadership. 2007. The Impact of School Leadership on Pupil Outcomes. Research Report DCSF-RR018

West, M. 2004. Effective Team work: Practical lessons from Organisational research

West, M & Markiewicz,L. 2004. Building team based working: A practical guide to organisational transformation

Wheelen, S. 2010. Creating effective teams. A guide for members and leaders