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‘A Day in the Life’ — booklet

A Day in the Life booklet. Using an IDEO Method Card technique which involves asking a person to track their activities, time and location for a specific amount of time. I tracked Robert McMaster, a Mt Cook resident, for 1 week, and created a booklet of data visualisations/maps from the data I collected.

The maps were printed on drafting film (a transparency paper) so that the maps from different days would show through, and therefore could be compared and contrasted. This was an aesthetic experiment as well as a data experiment. I wanted to explore different colours and aesthetics, as well as trying to discover movements and patterns of use within the Mt Cook area.

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Size: A5

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I’m looking at the initial stages of choosing a font family (or 2) for my project. I just think it’s worthwhile thinking about at this stage, because anything I design from now on will reflect on my final project. This is particularly important because I’m looking at very soon placing posters up in Mt Cook, and designing a website to gain (anonymous) input from residents. So the design will need to be relatively well thought-out and cohesive.

I’ve been looking at Art Deco stylefonts due to their relation to the

character of Mt Cook. Many relate Mt Cook to the Art Deco Carillon tower which is our National War Memorial. This was built in 1932. This, along with Massey University’s Museum Building, is the main distinguishing feature of Mt Cook, and is used as the symbol for Mt Cook Mobilised (the residents association).

Art Deco style fonts evoke a certain era and feeling, and have a lot of character, but do they have too much character? Should I be looking for something more neutral?

Choosing fonts — preliminary

Interstate could be an interesting choice as it relates to the issue of traffic which I am exploring. Interstate is based on U.S. traffic signage, and is very legible.

National is quite neutral (esp. in upper case), but also has its own character. National is a NZ-designed typeface, so this could relate quite nicely to Mt Cook?

I’ve also been looking at Knockout, because it’s nice and condensed so probably would be more suitable for posters.



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Looking at making a sort of logotype for my ‘changing mt cook’ campaign, which will get people to give me feedback on issues in Mt Cook (so that I have some copy to design with). Also looking at inspiration for posters. Thinking at this stage that the posters will be very simple and type-based.

I’ve been thinking about the 10 ‘map codes’ I read about; one of which is the ‘culture’ in which the maps will exist. The maps (and typography) need to be able to relate to, and reflect, this culture. So do the maps need

I’m constantly researching mapping aesthetics to inform all my design experiments and processes. Looking at a variety of different styles so I can figure out which styles and colours would best suit my project. I want something simple and clear, but also quite friendly looking, because of the community aspect.

Design influences — typography Design influences — mapping

to fit in with the culture of Mt Cook? Of Students? (40% of Mt Cook residents are students). Of Wellington? Of New Zealand? Of ‘community’?

Thinking about this has led me to research a ‘friendlier’ sort of design aesthetic, which would be appropriate to communicate with residents of the community…

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Wednesday 18 May-2pm Bus to Willis St. Pick up shoes. Meet a friend at Fidels.-3.30pm Walk home

Thursday 19-11.50am walk to class at Massey-3pm finish class. Walk to another class for lecture.-4pm walk home

Friday 20-8.30am walk to Massey printing centre-8.50am walk to class (around the corner)

‘A Day in the Life’ — my activity in Mt Cook

-11.30am walk home-11.45am taxi to Newtown to collect parcel

Saturday 21-11.15am bus to New World in town-11.40am bus back home

Sunday 22-stay home

Monday 23-stay home

Tuesday 24-8.50am walk to class-11.10am walk home

Design idea: use little pictograms talking about transport — walk, bus, taxi…


-Why the 3 streets shown? Why not the whole of Mt Cook? Or just the streets I’ve used (Tasman and Adelaide)

-Style — why have all the buildings and streets? Do they need to be in there? Can I just have the walking paths etc… like in the previous booklet?

Which one communicates more clearly? The right has more of a sense of context so I’ll keep developing this.

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-Focus on designing the guidelines document first, instead of last. That way I will know what experiments/trials I need to be doing from now on, instead of just aimlessly experimenting

-Flesh out the steps in the guidelines doc — needs to be really thorough, and also easily understood by anyone.

-Start some type layouts (this could be the main component for ISTD?)

-In terms of fakery — still focus on the fakery of imagery/mapping and manipulation within mapping?

-A more honest approach to mapping, which is an answer to all the fake maps which are misrepresentational.

-OR: Honest because it comes from the people, and from recording actual information, not fake because it comes from authorities, wanting to manipulate information.

-Am I still looking at talking about fakery through visual representation and abstraction in mapping?

-An alternative mapping approach

I like the way that this information has been sent out to residents in a newspaper format. There is a link to read more info on their website, at the bottom of each page, but this seems to be a great way to get people engaged with the issue, as it is more tangible, and the medium of the newspaper is obviously held with some respect (news, current events, big important issues).

This medium is something I could still consider within my project, as it would suit the communication between residents association, and residents. The newspaper would have to be very well designed so that the resident’s keep it as a document, as opposed to just throwing it away like junkmail.

Feedback from class Newspaper — community consultation

-Make a moodboard for how I want the guidelines doc to look

-Start on workbook — just work from this semester.

-For ISTD workbook — include lots of work/info/research from last semester also

-Build up a 3D map of the supermarket site?

-2 outcomes, 1 is residents association to council (this will be participatory, interactive, will help solve differences)

the other is residents association to residents (this will be more informative, could involve billboards on/near the site, information evenings, posters, website, leaflets…)

-Do some materials experimentation. If I’m still making a perspex map table — look at etching words into the perspex with a laser cutter…

-I should still make a website to get feedback/content from residents (anonymously) so I should keep working on this. Only problem is — what should the aesthetic be like? And will this be a part of my final project? If so the posters and website need to be really well refined…

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Designer Lauren Manning set out to design the ‘perfect infographic’, by mapping out the same information in over 40 different ways.

This is something I am/I wish to explore further with my project — mapping my data in a variety of different ways in order to find the optimal aesthetic and informative map/infographic.

Unfortunately aesthetics/design is very subjective. Apparently there were a wide range of different responses to each infographic Manning had created.

Information Design — Aesthetics are subjective Community Mapping Guidelines — precedents

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This system is designed for communities who may feel marginalized when communicating with their local councils (or other authorities) about changes in their communities. This may be due to size, budget or other factors.

The system can be used to react to an existing council proposal, or to raise an issue within the community.

Design — pro bono designer within the community

-if funds — hire a freelance designer or studio

-contact local universities or other institutions — design students who may wish to have work experience.

Stages in the process, for the guidelines document…


-Reason why:

1. Collect relevant background information about the area: demographics, income, growth projections, age, gender, occupation…

Guidelines so far...

2. Photo survey.

Document each street in the affected area by taking photos of everything relevant. Later, analyse the photos by identifying relevant items in each photo, and categorizing these. This can be done through colour or word coding.

Reason: This may reveal useful patterns and correlations on each street, and between streets.

*items may include: graffiti, rubbish, houses, people, parked cars, plants, fences, children, animals etc…

3. Item survey

Depending on how thorough the photo survey is, users may wish to complete an extended item survey. Note every object, house, person, vehicle, animal, plant etc… (dependent on the issue being explored. For example if the issue is mainly involving houses in a state of disrepair, documenting the houses, gardens, fences, footpaths and types of people would be relevant). This documentation may include both permanent

and transient items. Next step: categorize these. Analyse the most important aspects. Where are the connections?

4. Zoning.

Using some of the data from the previous exercise, map out and colour code each street (just buildings, or just people etc…) in the affected area.

This could bring to light new information which may then be compared with existing information to further analyse the issue at hand.

5. Tracking

Select a few different people to ‘track’. You will need their consent. Ask these people to track their location and activities every day for 1 week or more. Get them to note down their experiences and anything they noticed in the suburb while going about these activities.

Map out each persons daily and weekly travels/activities. These can then be compared and contrasted to reveal information.

This process will hopefully reveal patterns of movement, interactions with certain aspects of the suburb, and a greater awareness of potential issues within the suburb, no matter how big or small.

6. Community website

Create a community-based website which anonymously surveys residents on their opinions about the issue, and their community in general. Community involvement is an important part of the process as it will help to clarify the significance of the issue, and will also reveal new perspectives and methods of resolving the issue. In order to gather responses, residents need to be directed to the website. To achieve this, posters with the website address and keywords can be placed in key locations around the community. Emails, facebook groups and flyers may also be utilized. Survey questions should be open-ended and comprehensive, but not too lengthy or people will lose interest. Website should also contain relevant background information, explaining the need for the survey. Plot issues on map?


6b. Community workshop

Hold an information evening in a community centre.

-print big maps — people write on with post-it notes

-likes, dislikes, issues, things they want resolved

7. Recording traffic and pedestrians

In order to gauge the activity present on each street in the area, a process of recording vehicle and pedestrian volumes should be comleted. Set up specific times of the day, days of the week, and locations where the recording will take place. The recordings will be dependent on the issue. For example, if the issue was designing a new cycle lane for school children, you would monitor traffic, pedestrians and bicycle usage around schools in the mornings, at lunchtimes, and after school.

This information can be compared and contrasted to show differences between volumes, and between current and potential future

conditions (if changes are made)

Beahvioural mapping

-Relationshis with space over time

-track the positions and movements of people within a space over time

Help define zones of different spatial behaviours. Which spaces are popular? Which are avoided or underused? Why? is there potential or need for changes to be made?

8. Focused recording

After initial counting has been completed, a more in-depth study of the types of people and traffic may also be completed. This could be at a more focused location, and with set goals in mind.

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Plans/tables to record data around the Supermarket site on Tasman Street…

This should hopefully be all the data I need to get underway with my final.

Will only be recording volumes at each time once, so this is not a valid test (ie. I should be recording these for a month, or a few months), but this is a hypothetical situation, and my aim is to just have a rough indication so I have some data to work with… (I obviously don’t have the resources to complete extensive testing).

Tried to categorize pedestrians and traffic. This may be useful later on, but may not.

Plan of action — recording live data

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I’ve been putting this off for a while because I wasn’t sure about what kind of aesthetic to use, but I don’t think that’s important. I just need the info!

I think it would be great to be able to incorporate the views of the residents into my final work somehow, as it adds a much needed emotive and community element to the information/data.

Also it will help with ISTD, as I think I want to argue that my maps are ‘honest’ because they have essentially come from

Survey website — community input

the community, and are being presented to the authority, as opposed to the usual model of communication, which is the other way round. Talk about new era of transparency, honest, localness etc… (Need to start writing this brief for ISTD, so I can focus on what I’m doing!)

Anyway… Here are some developments:

What I wanted to do was create a website (essentially a glorified Google docs survey) which residents from Mt Cook can

comment on. I want it to look friendly and accessible, but also quite minimal. The survey responses will go straight to my Google docs spreadsheet. Hoping to get a few hundred!

I started with some poster developments (want to print large posters and put them in key places around Mt Cook — how do I make poster glue!?)

Above: logo developmentsRight: Final survey website

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Working on some different folding techniques which I may be able to use for this infographic.

The idea is that the guideline steps can be read singularly, and as a whole (the complete chart); so the folding design needs to reflect this.

Folding infographic

Folding templates from book “How To Fold”:

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Production Timeline (updated)

Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 7 Wk 8 Wk 9 Wk 10 Wk 11 Wk 12 Wk 13 Wk 14


Data collection (website survey)

Research (Mt Cook, colour & symbol theory...)

Research design precedents

Initial concepts (infographic guidelines, series of comparison posters, map table)

Materials and stock exploration

Physical mock-ups


Final design output


Test prints

Final printing

Presentation prep

Expo prep

Interim MajorISTD

Exhibition5 Nov


Wk 4

Wk 5

Wk 6

Wk 1

Wk 2

Wk 7

Wk 8

Wk 9

Wk 10

Wk 11

Wk 12

Wk 13

Wk 14

‘Changing Mt Cook’ posters and sticker things at Massey comp labs. Infographic guideline chart (folding, categories, colour coding). Work on series of comparison posters. Tra�ic numbers and tra�ic flow maps. Colour & symbol theory, map ‘codes’.

INTERIM THURS 18. Design interim presentation: update timeline, rewrite brief/central proposition (needs to be perfect, everything considered and obvious in work completed so far), development of work so far, where project has come from. Design: series of comparison posters, infographic chart. Show mockups + materials

Change work re: interim feedback. Paper stock exploration. Materials + techniques exploration (perspex, laser cutting?) Write ISTD brief. Finalise design output.

Development of work. Extensive exploration of aesthetic styles, layouts, fonts etc...Figure out ISTD aspect (typographic aspect). How to include quotes and insights from residents? Figure out the process of discussion at the community ‘workshop’.

Physical mock ups of work for next week. More materials, techniques and stock exploration. More colour & symbol theory. Map ‘codes’

Feedback and beginning final design output. More physical mock-ups and materials exploration.

Working on finals (3D comparison posters, map table, infographic chart...) What is working? What isn’t? Does it fit with the brief? Redesign work and/or rewrite the brief if necessary.

Finalising final work. What still needs to be done?

Refinement of all details — sizing, formats, vector illustrations, all typographic detailing, colour output. Test prints — stock, size, colour, bleed, format, order etc...

FINAL PRINTING & CONSTRUCTION!!! Workbook, infographic chart, series of posters, perspex construction, table construction, vinyl cutting, process book? ISTD photo-copying and workbook. Bookbinding, embossing etc... (Maybe start in Week 10??)

Prep for presentation (layout of document, work to include, what to say, activities). Prep for hand-in (800 words, workbook sorted, all pieces together). ISTD brief, spec sheets, packaging etc...


Print business cards + portfolio, frame, construct, print extra posters, other prep.EXHIBITION SET UP 1–4 Nov EXHIBITION NIGHT 5 Nov




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Thinking about final pieces of work, and the data I’m going to need.

So I’ve got the ‘current’ traffic and pedestrian flows (I need to design density/flow maps, as well as number maps).$55-million-supermarket-and-apartment-development-by-basin-reserve

Two-way customer vehicle access points on both Rugby and Tasman Streets plus an additional exit-only point on lower Douglas Street for access to Adelaide Road.

Two pedestrian walkways east-west and north-south through the site convenient to bus stops and catering for the large pedestrian flow - residents without cars and those walking to work in the central city; students at the four local schools and the Massey University campus.

An estimated 20-plus per cent of shoppers will be pedestrians using the two major pedestrian links proposed.

An estimated 32 per cent of local residents do not own cars.

on average 2000 vehicles per hour travelled round the Basin


“When I think about Mt Cook, all I see are busy roads…”

Vinyl print these onto perspex and place them around Mt Cook? (transparency means that the environment/community can be seen through the quote, or that the quote is ‘within’ the neighbourhood, within the landscape).

-Enhancing/adding to/starting a ‘community conversation’… (need to add this to the brief…


More research and quotes New idea — community conversation billboards

Reserve during peak hours. The supermarket would likely add another 50 vehicles per hour to the circulating flow.

allow it to be a facility for the 15,200-strong community in and around Mt Cook

I am very concerned about the traffic implications on our walk to Mt Cook School everyday, which has become progressivly more dangerous with the new bypass road through Buckle Street , i hate to think what its going to be like when they move the road right next to the school & erect the supermarket in Tasman Street. Have they considered the safety of our kids at all ?

“Because we don’t have a distinct main street there is a perception that Mount Cook is not really a community. Things can be proposed for the area without their

being much consultation,” Stone says.

-Focus on fresh produce (better for High School kids than McDonalds, Jacks Bakery etc…)

-Would cater to more than 31,000 people living in nearby suburbs.

It would see the tiny dead-end street, just south of McDonald’s at the Basin Reserve, become a major route to the southern suburbs, says Arlington Motors owner Trevor Davies.

“You will get the hoons, with their hoodies on, roaring down this street at all hours. It will annoy everybody.”

Traffic Design Group was commissioned by Foodstuffs to conduct a traffic assessment. It concluded the supermarket’s effects on the road network would be minor.

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My map has become a sprawling mess…

It looks like a bunch of veins. Maybe thats a good thing? The ‘life’ of the community?!

I decided to include the rest of the roads in Mt Cook because just having the 3 roads didn’t make any sense, and just having Tasman st seems a bit strange (isolated, out of context).

Need to figure out how to ‘highlight’ Tasman St/the supermarket area.

Grey/black/white (neutral), then colour (maybe bright?) for the highlighted area?

Starting on finals, and feedback

Then what am I showing with the transparency (perspex?) over the top of the ‘posters’?

-Maybe there is a generic printed background map, and the transparencies can be swapped round for a ‘before’ and ‘after’ view. (This would have to be done manually. Is there any way I can automate it? Some way the audience could change it? Where will these be placed? what is the context? Is there some way I can make it double-sided?)

What will the posters say? Do they need a title? What will the title be? Does it need to be clever? descriptive? abstract? catchy? Does it need a description?

Research — more to do with mapping, layering, transparency, materials, techniques, technologies…

Feedback from Rob:

How to make people care about the data/have more impact:

-somehow show the flow of people — need to show movement

-Just show the 3 main streets that will be used as direct streets to the supermarket…

-Is it about people or roads? Both?

-What data is being compared?

Feedback from class

-Putting posters up around Mt Cook — illegal. Contact Phantom? Would they want to help? “community project”?

-yes agree — representation of stats does need to be a lot more ‘shocking’

-NEED TO REFINE FURTHER! Which stats am I portraying? Because there are a lot of variables (time of day, type/age of pedestrian, day, traffic vs. pedestrians etc…)

-How to incorporate the quotes/opinions of residents? Maybe every map has a different quote? And shows the relevant statistic?

(everyone agrees — the more emotive element adds to the project)

-Comments from the survey (and blogs, articles etc…) — how am I going to categorize them? Code them? (Age, gender, topic etc…)

-Folding booklet — like the type one with the cut in the middle

Who is going to fund all this? Who would fund an expensive community newspaper? printing onto perspex?

Do I use expensive materials for mine (as a concept) but also show how it can be done using cheap materials?

-The council (new era of ‘transparency’, so want more community consultation. But then what about the mapping coming from the community? Defeats the purpose of this…)

-Businesses in the community have ads in the newspaper…?

-Sponsorship from interested parties (prob businesses in the community that the issue will effect).

-The designer/design students will work for free (this is plausible).

Can this really apply to lots of different communities? Because that is the aim…

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Survey posters

Potential placement around Mt Cook:

-on rubbish bins and street lamps

-places where there is graffiti or old posters

-ask Mt Cook cafe? (A4 sized poster…)

-King St — graffiti wall outside my window

Posters to go up at Massey to get more students on board:

-Put one up in the major project classroom (A2 tiled?)

-One in the type lab?

-One in the printing room(10A05)…

-stamps from Mawsa — put up (A3 photocopies) near library, elevators, Museum building…

Poster placement

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Trying to figure out the funding issue.

-Who would fund/sponsor the printing of all these communications? (posters, perspex, map table, newspaper)

-How do residents associations currently receive funding?

Mt Vic — Newsletter sponsored by Just Paterson Real Estate

Also a small fee charged for Kilbirnie/Lyall Bay/Rongotai association snd Inner-City association.

Mt Cook Mobilised newsletter funded by advertising. Activities funded by grants from the Wellington City Council.

Community funding

Options for Mt Cook funding of materials:

-grant from council (but against ‘by the residents, from the residents’

-funding/ads/sponsorship from business in Mt Cook (education institutes, plenty of businesses on Adelaide Rd).

-Charge (higher) membership fees

-Fundraise — tshirts, bake sales, performances etc…

-Printing sponsorship from NZ Print — Adelaide Rd

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“There has been a growing unease amongst civil society organisations about the whimsical and flamboyant nature of local government consultation in recent years. He says there are many disaffected people in communities across New Zealand who are crying out for a say in how their area is run.”

Residents associations want better communication with councils

Finals — format brainstorm

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Traffic/pedestrian flow map scenarios

Trying out different icons/symbols.

Struggling with wanting to justify everything, everything has to have a purpose etc… but it also has to look good!! Or no one will be interested in it. Have to interest my target audience…

Try more random experimentation and lots of different interesting symbols/shapes (people/car icons, circles, triangles, arrows, rectangles, thick lines, thin lines…)

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Updates to brief


Resident’s associations can be disadvantaged when communicating with their local councils about future changes (Murdoch, 2006). A lack of access to the resources and expertise of larger authorities may result in their opinions being marginalized (Monmonier, 1996).

There are currently many changes facing the community of Mt Cook, Wellington, New Zealand. The current resident’s association, Mt Cook Mobilised, communicates with the council, and local residents about proposed changes in the community. There is potential to improve this communication by utilizing visual methods of information design, which are usually much more informative, persuasive and effective at communicating certain types of information (Few, 2010).

By visually mapping both current and future conditions of an area, comparisons can be made as to the impact of the proposed changes in the community. The maps can become socio-political tools; enabling residents to become more informed, and allowing for more constructive dialogue between community and council.


The aim of this project is to develop a visual communication system which can be used by residents associations to more effectively communicate with local councils, and residents. I am using the New World supermarket site in Mt Cook as a ‘model’, for which

I will develop a communication system which can be applied to other community situations.


Intended Process

This project will use visual communication techniques of mapping, information design and semiotics to produce a variety of outcomes. The strength of this project will be in the use of comparisons and scenario planning; to compare and contrast current and future conditions, and the effects on the community of any choices made. To achieve this, I have completed focused vehicle and pedestrian recording of the area surrounding the supermarket site. I will also need to estimate the changes in traffic volume, which will arise as a result of the new supermarket. I will combine facts and statistics with more emotive information, such as comments from residents, gained through the use of anonymous community surveys. From all of this information, I will create a collaborative mapping tool to be used in workshops and communications between residents associations and local councils (such as an interactive map wall or table). I will also create either a promotional set of posters to be placed around Mt Cook, or an infographic community newspaper to inform residents of the upcoming changes. This will all inform an infographic set of guidelines, which can be used as a toolkit by any residents association to help them complete their own community mapping projects.

Target Audience

This project is aimed at two audiences. My ‘client’ is Mt Cook Mobilised, who will need to communicate with both members of the local council (Wellington City Council), as well as informing all Mt Cook residents of potential changes.


I will create:

- 1x infographic guideline document; folded A2 or A1 paper.

-A series of maps which may either be wall or table-mounted — for collaborative discussions and decision-making. Potentially 4x A1 or A0. Potential materials: paper, vinyl, perspex, canvas, waterproof

-These maps will include a series of cards which display relevant information (resident opinions, demographic info), as well as cards with questions which will promote discussion). A5.

-A series of informative posters placed in the Mt Cook area. 4x A1 or A0. Paper, vinyl or perspex.


-An infographic community newspaper. A2 folded.

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Some slides from interim presentation

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Initial feedback:

-Trying to achieve too much! (as usual)

-FOCUS on just making the system/guidelines document? Could be stronger just telling communities how to go about the process of creating their own mapping project.

-The participatory mapping part is too complex for me to achieve in 7 weeks…

-MAYBE do the mapping part if I have time… Or just show a concept/proposal of how it could work, could be in a book form? To compliment the infographic guideline document?

-Traffic data projections — these must exist somewhere (email NZTA?)

-There must be existing traffic data from other suburban supermarkets? (Wellington/NZ/international/Foodstuffs/New World)…

Post-interim feedback

Had a good chat with Annette yesterday about where I’m going from now on.

I was quite worried after interim that I’m losing all my maps, because this is what all my research has been about since day 1. But the maps will still be there — just in a different form, and not as the main outcome.

I am now looking at:

-creating an infographic guideline document (template/toolkit for residents associations)

Needs to be simple, easy to read and understand, easy to follow, enough steps. It’s a process.

-Infographic doc is a poster which wraps around a book (my process).

Attached with an elastic band?

One is clinical, the other is emotive, so will have two different contrasting styles

Feedback from interim Posters around Massey

Book hardbound and embossed?Printed on beautiful thick paper, french folds? Bright colours on the inside (colour coded for each section ie. rich yellow, bright blue, pink…)

Friendly, emotive (what style? colours? typefaces?)

Include really good photos of the site and surrounding area

Have pullouts etc in the middle (ie. separate sections, quotes/opinions from residents)

Gatefold for interesting info

What is the poster/wraparound going to look like?

How will it look as the cover of the book?

Will it be double-sided?

Who would fund it? The government or council? An overarching community organisation? NZ or international?


Right: Added handwriting to make the website more obvious, and to make the poster appear friendlier.

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