work abroad

HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? IT’S EASIER THAN YOU THINK. There are always showstoppers like can you get a visa and does your designated country employ people like you, these things are out of your control. Generally, given some flexibility and committment the process can be achieved and in a relatively short timeframe. The grid below gives you some of the key considerations: Global solutions is on hand throughout this process to help you. 92% of our team have lived and worked in another country with 9 nationalities being employed in the group. We can empathize and help you at every step of the way. Behind this document lies lots of literature about this move, we have detailed information on 20 plus cities and countries that you might want to move to with cost of living, tax and earnings graphs and full economic data. Our clients understand the international methodolog and concept well, like us they have an expat mindset and full behind the concept of overseas hires. We also understand that what goes around comes around, we are very happy to have exploratory conversations with individuals looking for more information even if your enquiry is only speculative. We hope this brochure has been useful and that you are now inspired to take your first step! INTRODUCTION Since inception in 1998 we have been passionate advocates of overseas recruitment - helping individuals move to another country whilst they build their careers. During those 14 years we have built real capability around this service, we believe part of our duty is to open your eyes (clients and candidates) to how it can benefit you professionally and personally. Also to highlight just how real the potential of the move can be! The purpose of this brochure is to touch on these points, to give you an introduction to how we can help you and hopefully see you embark on this life changing journey. WORK ABROAD - YOUR LIFE Millions of people at some time in their lives have had the courage to uproot themselves, take a plunge and live and work in another country. Some never return, others view it as a short term stint and a bit of fun, whatever the plan and end game the vast majority would describe it as a highly enriching and life changing experience. You are forced to engage in new social circles, it’s probably been some time since you were “forced” to make friends and felt out of your depth, re-establishing yourself, building a social group, finding a home and ironing out the creases (getting your mobile phone fixed up, opening bank accounts etc) is a hugely gratifying experience albeit challenging. Most of the time people relocate to experience a change of scenery, this can encompass many things: travel opportunities, a new culture and a new lifestyle. Frequently you will find yourself engaging with similarly minded people as you, open minded explorers looking for adventure and great friendships can be harvested as a result. The challenges you will face, the experiences you will have and the people you will meet are almost certain to add many strings to your bow and see you push yourself further AND grow as an individual. WORK ABROAD - YOUR CAREER Whether they say it or not, a number of employers look for individuals with an international mindset, people that lived and ideally worked abroad. The “international post” is something that adds huge weight to the CV demonstrating, courage, flexibility, the ability to overcome challenges, the ability to integrate personally and professionally as well as commitment. All critical components of a good employee. It isn’t to say its going to be easy, if you want an easy life stay at home and stay in the comfort zone. Depending on where you go you will find yourself a stranger, probably in culturally different environments, you will have to work hard to break in and gain credibility in your new firm, building revenue streams isn’t easy when your new and conjures up questions around relationship building and trust. All of these challenges can be overcome as demonstrated by millions of individuals in your shoes. From a financial perspective quite frequently moving to the right country can offer significant tangible gain allowing you to make a capital gain that was perhaps unattainable in your home country. Choosing an economically healthy country with good prospects and perhaps favourable tax rates can see you accumulate a tidy sum. That said, in our experience your personal intangible gain (experience, confidence, contacts) will always outweigh the $ side. AUSTRALIA Manufacturers House, Level 4, 12 O’Connell Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Contact: Russell Bebb T: +612 8116 8986 E: [email protected] W: HONG KONG Level 8, 88 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Contact: Martin Gooden T: +852 3973 5903 E: [email protected] W: SINGAPORE 8 Eu Tong Sen Street, The Central, #21-81, Singapore 059818 Contact: Adam Campbell T: +65 6225 1229 E: [email protected] W: EUROPE 78 Yor Street, London, W1H 1DP, United Kingdom Contact: Andrew Malyon T: +44 (0)208 906 6883 E: [email protected] W: 3 months, 1-2 months to find a job, 1-2 months to work your notice, pack up and relocate. 1-6 weeks dependent on country and skill set. Highly dependent on country, but typically : skill set, job designation, years of experience, $ package, strength of employer. Often the company will help but it’s usually less than the total cost of the move, there will be some cost to you almost certainly. Don’t forget the company has less to gain than you when the move is an international one, there is huge risk associated on their side and they will be more cautious than normal. You need to sell yourself harder in interviews and be much more flexible in the timing than them : ie early morning late evening. TIMEFRAME VISA PROCESS VISA CRITERIA RELOCATION COSTS INTERVIEW PROCESS the recruiters network

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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IT’S EASIER THAN YOU THINK. There are always showstoppers like can you get a visa and does your designated country employ people like you, these things are out of your control. Generally, given some flexibility and committment the process can be achieved and in a relatively short timeframe. The grid below gives you some of the key considerations:

Global solutions is on hand throughout this process to help you. 92% of our team have lived and worked in another country with 9 nationalities being employed in the group. We can empathize and help you at every step of the way.

Behind this document lies lots of literature about this move, we have detailed information on 20 plus cities and countries that you might want to move to with cost of living, tax and earnings graphs and full economic data. Our clients understand the international methodolog and concept well, like us they have an expat mindset and full behind the concept of overseas hires.

We also understand that what goes around comes around, we are very happy to have exploratory conversations with individuals looking for more information even if your enquiry is only speculative.

We hope this brochure has been useful and that you are now inspired to take your first step!


Since inception in 1998 we have been passionate advocates of overseas recruitment - helping individuals move to another country whilst they build their careers. During those 14 years we have built real capability around this service, we believe part of our duty is to open your eyes (clients and candidates) to how it can benefit you professionally and personally. Also to highlight just how real the potential of the move can be!

The purpose of this brochure is to touch on these points, to give you an introduction to how we can help you and hopefully see you embark on this life changing journey.


Millions of people at some time in their lives have had the courage to uproot themselves, take a plunge and live and work in another country. Some never return, others view it as a short term stint and a bit of fun, whatever the plan and end game the vast majority would describe it as a highly enriching and life changing experience.

You are forced to engage in new social circles, it’s probably been some time since you were “forced” to make friends and felt out of your depth, re-establishing yourself, building a social group, finding a home and ironing out the creases (getting your mobile phone fixed up, opening bank accounts etc) is a hugely gratifying experience albeit challenging.

Most of the time people relocate to experience a change of scenery, this can encompass many things: travel opportunities, a new culture and a new lifestyle. Frequently you will find yourself engaging with similarly minded people as you, open minded explorers looking for adventure and great friendships can be harvested as a result.

The challenges you will face, the experiences you will have and the people you will meet are almost certain to add many strings to your bow and see you push yourself further AND grow as an individual.


Whether they say it or not, a number of employers look for individuals with an international mindset, people that lived and ideally worked abroad. The “international post” is something that adds huge weight to the CV demonstrating, courage, flexibility, the ability to overcome challenges, the ability to integrate personally and professionally as well as commitment. All critical components of a good employee.

It isn’t to say its going to be easy, if you want an easy life stay at home and stay in the comfort zone. Depending on where you go you will find yourself a stranger, probably in culturally different environments, you will have to work hard to break in and gain credibility in your new firm, building revenue streams isn’t easy when your new and conjures up questions around relationship building and trust. All of these challenges can be overcome as demonstrated by millions of individuals in your shoes.

From a financial perspective quite frequently moving to the right country can offer significant tangible gain allowing you to make a capital gain that was perhaps unattainable in your home country. Choosing an economically healthy country with good prospects and perhaps favourable tax rates can see you accumulate a tidy sum. That said, in our experience your personal intangible gain (experience, confidence, contacts) will always outweigh the $ side.

AUSTRALIAManufacturers House, Level 4, 12 O’Connell Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

Contact: Russell Bebb T: +612 8116 8986 E: [email protected] W:

HONG KONGLevel 8, 88 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Contact: Martin Gooden T: +852 3973 5903 E: [email protected]� W:�

SINGAPORE8 Eu Tong Sen Street, The Central, #21-81, Singapore 059818

Contact: Adam Campbell T: +65 6225 1229 E: [email protected] W:

EUROPE78 York� Street, London, W1H 1DP, United Kingdom

Contact: Andrew Malyon T: +44 (0)208 906 6883 E: [email protected]� W:�

3 months, 1-2 months to find a job, 1-2 months to work your notice, pack up and relocate.

1-6 weeks dependent on country and skill set.

Highly dependent on country, but typically : skill set, job designation, years of experience, $ package, strength of employer.

Often the company will help but it’s usually less than the total cost of the move, there will be some cost to you almost certainly.

Don’t forget the company has less to gain than you when the move is an international one, there is huge risk associated on their side and they will be more cautious than normal. You need to sell yourself harder in interviews and be much more flexible in the timing than them : ie early morning late evening.






the recruiters network