wordnet explorer: applying visualization principles to...

WordNet Explorer: Applying Visualization Principles to Lexical Semantics Christopher Collins and Gerald Penn Computational Linguistics Group, Department of Computer Science University of Toronto 10 King’s College Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3H5 [email protected] Abstract Interface designs for lexical databases in NLP have suffered from not following design principles developed in the infor- mation visualization research community. We present a design paradigm and show it can be used to generate visualizations which maximize the usability and utility of WordNet. The techniques can be gener- ally applied to other lexical databases used in NLP research. 1 Introduction Despite the growing dependence on statistical meth- ods, many NLP techniques still rely heavily on human-constructed lexical resources such as Word- Net (Fellbaum, 1998). While development on Word- Net continues, the interfaces for interacting with WordNet have not progressed to take advantage of advances in the field of information visualiza- tion. Currently available interfaces, both textual and graphical, focus on regions of local interest, for ex- ample by searching for the relationships for a sin- gle synset. In this work, we follow a well-accepted design paradigm to create a working prototype of a visualization suite for WordNet which allows for an overview of the data, as well as the ability to focus on specific synsets of interest and obtain details (see Figure 1). WordNet contains 28 different types of relation- ships, but the most widely used part of WordNet is the hyponymy (IS-A) partial order. In this work Figure 1: WordNet Explorer animated radial visualization of noun hyponymy rooted at the synset {bank, banking concern, banking company, depository financial institution}. Savings and loan is highlighted, as are all its hyperonyms. Square nodes represent synsets, textual nodes are synset members. Directed dashed edges represent the hyponymy relationship. A panel on the bottom shows the detailed information about the word cur- rently under the mouse pointer. Nodes more than 3 edges from the central focus are collapsed, for example, the hyponyms of savings bank. we focus on the noun hyponymy (IS-A) relation- ships in English WordNet (v2.1), rooted under the concept “entity” and having 73, 736 nodes (synsets) and 75, 110 edges. However, the visualizations pro- duced can be generalized to any partial order of a lexicon.

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Page 1: WordNet Explorer: Applying Visualization Principles to ...vialab.science.uoit.ca/wp-content/papercite-data/pdf/col2007d.pdfWordNet Explorer: Applying Visualization Principles to Lexical

WordNet Explorer: Applying Visualization Principles to Lexical Semantics

Christopher Collins and Gerald PennComputational Linguistics Group, Department of Computer Science

University of Toronto10 King’s College Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3H5

[email protected]


Interface designs for lexical databases inNLP have suffered from not followingdesign principles developed in the infor-mation visualization research community.We present a design paradigm and showit can be used to generate visualizationswhich maximize the usability and utilityof WordNet. The techniques can be gener-ally applied to other lexical databases usedin NLP research.

1 Introduction

Despite the growing dependence on statistical meth-ods, many NLP techniques still rely heavily onhuman-constructed lexical resources such as Word-Net (Fellbaum, 1998). While development on Word-Net continues, the interfaces for interacting withWordNet have not progressed to take advantageof advances in the field of information visualiza-tion. Currently available interfaces, both textual andgraphical, focus on regions of local interest, for ex-ample by searching for the relationships for a sin-gle synset. In this work, we follow a well-accepteddesign paradigm to create a working prototype of avisualization suite for WordNet which allows for anoverview of the data, as well as the ability to focuson specific synsets of interest and obtain details (seeFigure 1).

WordNet contains 28 different types of relation-ships, but the most widely used part of WordNet isthe hyponymy (IS-A) partial order. In this work

Figure 1: WordNet Explorer animated radial visualization ofnoun hyponymy rooted at the synset {bank, banking concern,banking company, depository financial institution}. Savingsand loan is highlighted, as are all its hyperonyms. Square nodesrepresent synsets, textual nodes are synset members. Directeddashed edges represent the hyponymy relationship. A panel onthe bottom shows the detailed information about the word cur-rently under the mouse pointer. Nodes more than 3 edges fromthe central focus are collapsed, for example, the hyponyms ofsavings bank.

we focus on the noun hyponymy (IS-A) relation-ships in English WordNet (v2.1), rooted under theconcept “entity” and having 73, 736 nodes (synsets)and 75, 110 edges. However, the visualizations pro-duced can be generalized to any partial order of alexicon.

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We draw upon a prominent design paradigm fromthe information visualization research community tocreate a visual interface for exploring the WordNethyponym partial order. Ware (2000) suggests fiveadvantages of effective information visualization:

• Comprehension: Visualization provides anability to comprehend huge amounts of data.

• Perception: Visualization reveals propertiesof the data that were not anticipated.

• Quality control: Visualization makes prob-lems in the data immediately apparent.

• Detail + Context: Visualization facilitates un-derstanding of small scale features in the con-text of the large scale picture of the data.

• Interpretation: Visualization supports hy-pothesis formation, leading to further investi-gation.

We give these advantages to users of WordNet byfollowing a principled design approach to a visu-alization of the data. In the following sections wewill describe related work in WordNet interfaces andpresent our interactive, animated radial graph andTreeMap visualizations of WordNet hyponymy.

2 Related Work

Many interfaces for WordNet exist, the most popu-lar of which is the WordNet Search1 which is partof the publicly available WordNet package. This in-terface allows interactive text-base recursive expan-sion of synset relations using an interface similar totree-like file system explorers. WordNet TreeWalk(Bou, 2003) provides a GUI for WordNet Search,adding relation- and part of speech-specific icons tothe view, enhancing discernibility. WordNet Con-nect (Fong, 2003) produces static node-link illus-trations of paths between two synsets in WordNetwith a particular focus on computing semantic op-position involving change of state verbs. The short-est path-finding algorithm is parameterized to al-low for weighting of relationship types. Similaredge-weighing is available in the WordNet Relation-ship Browser (Alcock, 2004), which also has path-finding as its primary function. It reports the short-est path between synsets as a textual list of relation-ships. Several more information visualization ori-ented interfaces for WordNet have been developed,


but not widely reported in the literature. The com-mercially available Visual Thesaurus (ThinkMap,2005) uses WordNet as its backing data and showsrelationships between words using a force-directedlayout algorithm which treats edges between wordsas springs and iteratively moves nodes until thegraph settles to a minimum energy state. Similarly,the open source Visual WordNet Project (Kuo, 2005)uses force-directed layout to view all relationshipsof a single synset of interest, allowing for refocusto a new synset by clicking on it. Finally, Kampsand Marx (2002) created a visualization of WordNetsynonymy using the implicit relationship of mem-bership in the same synset to draw edges betweenwords.

With the exception of (Kamps and Marx, 2002),the existing interfaces for WordNet either providefor drill-down textual or graphical interaction start-ing at a single synset of interest or provide path-tracing between two synsets. No visualization hasyet been able to show a full picture of WordNet hy-ponymy, giving context as well as detail.

3 Design Paradigm

The most influential and succinct design frameworkis the information-seeking visualization paradigm ofShneiderman (1996): “Overview first, zoom and fil-ter, then details-on-demand”. This three-step de-scription of visualization usage can be read as adesign guideline summarizing many of the require-ments of effective information visualization design.Most importantly, it captures the need for visual-izations to be effective on both a macro and microlevel. A visualization first provides an overview ofthe entire data set, displaying high-level features ofthe data to allow the user to then specify a regionof interest. Zoom and filter functionality allows theuser to target a region of interest using one of severalmethods: (1) remove the context from the display,(2) provide more detail on a focal region, abstractand display surrounding data, or (3) show detail in anew window, highlight region of enlargement on theoverview display. We provide the first two forms.Finally, details-on-demand provides more detailedfeatures of the data, for example by opening a list ofsynsets containing word when it is selected with themouse.

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Figure 2: (A) Hyponymy of “emotion” filtered at depth 2. Words starting with “h” and collapsed nodes containing search resultsare highlighted in pink. (B) Graph from (A) changed so that subtree rooted at the synset containing “love” is the central focus node,expanding its radial extent. (C) All highlighted search results from (A) expanded.

4 Animated Radial Graph

Our first visualization is a 2-dimensional radial lay-out of a node-link diagram, in which nodes are ar-ranged on concentric rings depending on their dis-tance from a central focus node (see Figure 2A).Distance is measured by using a minimal spanningtree from the focus node. Following the polar an-imation technique of Yee et al. (2001), the layoutcan be smoothly reoriented to make any node thecentral focus, allowing for easy distance measure-ment (see Figure 2B,C). Pan and zoom functions areprovided for the entire visual space. A root searchbox is provided to load data into the visualization.As the user types in the search box, the number ofavailable senses is constantly updated. If no synsetsmatch the search query, the query is stemmed andtried again. A numbered listing of sense glossescan be used to assist selection of a synset of inter-est. After searching, the root synset of interest is as-signed as the initial focus node and all its hyponymsynsets and their word members are loaded into thevisualization. Synsets nodes are rendered as smallsquares, word nodes are rendered as text with fontsize decreasing with distance from the central focus,to minimize overlap. Synset membership relationsbetween word and synset nodes are shown as undi-rected solid lines and synset hyponym relations areshown as dashed directed edges pointing to the hy-peronym (parent) node.

4.1 FilteringThe system can be used to explore the entire Word-Net hyponymy structure, but the animation slowswith more than 75, 000 nodes and label overlap isa serious issue. Problems of scale are well-managedby following the visualization design paradigm: weprovide several techniques to visually abstract thedata. First, we provide a highlight search func-tion which visually highlights nodes whose labelmatches any of the given search terms. Highlightnodes have pink background and larger font size,and are drawn on top of all other nodes, minimizingocclusion of search results. Second, we implementgeneralized fisheye views (Furnas, 1986) to collapseall subtrees which are more than a user-specified dis-tance from the central focus node. The presenceof highlight nodes within collapsed subtrees is in-dicated by coloring their first visible parent node(see Figure 2A). Alternatively, all highlight nodescan be exempted from the distance filter, effectivelyabstracting the graph to all synsets within a givendistance from the focus or highlight nodes (see Fig-ure 2B). Finally, double clicking on a node of in-terest restricts the visualization to the hyponyms ofthe corresponding synset. Highlighting and fisheyefiltering are provided in real time.

4.2 Details on DemandBecause the layout is radial and can be re-centeredto focus on any node, to facilitate understanding of

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Figure 3: A TreeMap of the hyponyms of the domestic ani-mal sense of dog. Child nodes are contained within the parent.Mouse over reveals the word associated with the node.

the direction of hyponym relations in the visualiza-tion, directed edges are used between synset nodes.When the mouse pointer rests over a node, all hy-peronyms of that node are highlighted in blue (seeFigure 1). Depending on user preference, the synsetnodes along the trace, which are usually squares, canbe expanded to reveal the sense gloss. This makesthe task of reading the IS-A hierarchy for a synsetof interest very easy, especially in the case wherethe central focus node of the layout is not the root ofthe hyponymy structure. Details of the synset underthe mouse pointer are provided in the synset detailswindow at the bottom of the interface.

5 TreeMap

The design paradigm we have followed is general-izable to other types of lexical visualizations. Wehave used it to build a complementary visualizationcalled a TreeMap (Bruls et al., 2000), which usesnode size to reflect the number of hyponyms undera synset. TreeMaps provide a good overview visual-ization of large amounts of data due to their efficientuse of space. In Figure 3 each word is given a nodeof equal size. Word nodes are clustered within theirparent node so that synsets with more hyponyms willbe represented by a larger rectangle. Zoom and fil-ter are provided by a search highlight facility as inthe animated radial graphs, as well as the abilityto double click a synset to filter the graph to onlyits hyponyms. Details are provided by interactivetooltips. Our visualizations use the prefuse toolkit(Heer, 2004) and access WordNet through the JavaWordNet Library (Didion, 2003).

6 Conclusion and Future Work

By following accepted design principles of informa-tion visualization we believe WordNet Explorer pro-vides improved access to WordNet, with the poten-tial to assist discovery of interesting phenomena inthe data as well as enhance quality control of thedatabase. A fuller picture of WordNet will requirevisual representation of the other parts of speech andrelationships beyond noun hyponymy. It is unlikelya single visualization will be able to reveal the entirestructure of WordNet; future research will continueto augment this suite of coordinated views to helpcomputational linguistics researchers better under-stand and use relational lexical databases.

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