wood river land trust newsletter fall 2007

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  • 8/8/2019 Wood River Land Trust Newsletter Fall 2007




    The cottonwood orest trail at Draper Wood River Preserve


    ailey residets ad Wood River

    Lad Trust are celebratig the com-

    pletio of a log-aticipated lad trade thatexpaded the Cedar Bed Preserve from 4.5

    to 84.5 acres. Wood River Lad Trust first

    idetified the area for protectio i 1997

    as part of a effort to create a protectedgreeway alog the Big Wood River iHailey. The greeway would protect

    healthy river fuctio ad wildlife habitat,

    lesse impacts of floodig, ad provide a

    place to ejoy hikig, swimmig, fishig,

    ad bird watchig year-roud.The first step towards protectig this

    riverfrot area came with a doatio from

    Erie Gore ad Cheri Ashworth i 2001.

    As part of the ew Cedar Bed subdivisio,

    Gore ad Ashworth doated 2.3 acres, ad

    the Cedar Bed Preserve was bor. A

    opportuity to purchase 2.2 adjacet acres

    at a bargai rate arose i 2003, leadig

    to a successful fudraisig campaig thatexpaded the Preserve to 4.5 acres.

    I mid-July, after more tha two yearsof discussio ad egotiatio, Wood River

    Lad Trust received 120 acres of lad pre-

    viously owed by the Idaho Departmetof Lads icludig a mile of Big Wood

    River frotage i Hailey i exchage for a

    4.6-acre lot i Idia Creek. 80 of these

    acres are adjacet to the Cedar Bed

    Preserve, makig the ew preserve aexpasive 84.5 acres i the ceter of tow.


    Protecting the heart

    of the valley...now anfor the future.

    Hailey Preserve Grows by 80 Acresand Gets New Name

    Continued on page 5

    A bliati W Rir La Trt www.wrirlatrt.r [email protected]

    Wood Rivr Lad Tr

    f A L L 2 0 0

  • 8/8/2019 Wood River Land Trust Newsletter Fall 2007


    Bill BurnhamBoard Member

    the late 80s ad early 90s, Billad his wife, Kaye, took may sum-

    mer trips to wester resort areas hopig

    to fid the perfect secod home tow.

    Although they loved to ski, they wat-

    ed to experiece the moutais, rivers,streams, forests, ad wildlife durig the

    glorious summer moths. Their deci-

    sio to settle i the Wood River Valley

    tured out to be a easy oethe areasbeauty, its traquility, the friedly adivolved people, ad the recreatioal

    opportuities made it the clear choice.

    They bought a home ad moved here

    part-time i 1995.

    Less tha two years later Bill missedthe area so much whe at home i

    Atlata, Georgia, that he ad Kaye

    WHo We ARe

    agreed he would retire early ad theywhould move full-time to their home i


    I 1999 Bill became a member of

    the Board of Directors of the Su Valley

    Elkhor Associatio. Bill explais thatthe group ows hudreds of acres of


    Kaye and Bill Burnham


    ope space ad other evirometallysesitive lad. I became more ad more

    cocered, he says, about ways to

    esure that sesitive areas throughout

    the Valley were protected ad preservedfor geeratios to come . . . After dis-

    cussig this with my fried ad former-

    Board Presidet of the Lad Trust, Joh

    Flattery, it became obvious that the best

    way for me to pursue these goals wasto get ivolved with Wood River Lad


    Bill has bee a member of Wood

    River Lad Trusts Board of Directors

    sice 2005. This is a very active adivolved Board, says Bill. The mem-

    bers are passioate about Wood River

    Lad Trusts work, ad Im excited to be

    helpig the orgaizatio meet its goals.

    For the ninthconsecutive year,Wood River LandTrust is fortunateto announce a2:1 year-end

    challenge grant.

    CHALLEnGE GRAnT 2007

    Anonymous donors and our Board of Directors have generousy pedged$170,000. To receive this gift, e must raise $340,000 by December 31, 2007.This means that every doar you donate before the end of the year i bematched by an additiona $.50.

    The Year-End Chaenge provides an exceent opportunity to make your gift goeven further in the protection of the Vaeys and, ater, and idife habitat.

    A donations are tax-deductibe. Pease hep us reach our goa today!

    Visit the BuidingMateria Thrift Storeat its ne ocation

    - 3930 S. Woodside -beginning

    November 1, 2007.

    (208) 788-0014


    Year-End Challenge Goal.............$340,000

    Amount Raised as of 8/30........$78,995

    Amount Needed toMeet Challenge........................$266,005

  • 8/8/2019 Wood River Land Trust Newsletter Fall 2007


    Big Thanks to Dedicated

    Summer Internse sed out a big thak you to our hardworkig

    stewardship iters, Joh McVay ad Jackso

    Parker. Joh, who recetly completed his masters degree

    from SUnY Evirometal Sciece ad Forestry College

    i Syracuse, created a digital archive of our coservatioagreemet documets. Jackso, a studet at Eckerd College

    i Florida, orgaized our aual coservatio agreemet

    ispectios. Jackso ad Joh both spet log hours work-

    ig i the fieldmaitaiig trails, fightig oxious weeds,

    ad esurig our lads are well cared for.We wish the best to Jackso ad Joh as they pursue

    their careers i coservatio!

    John and Jackson in ront o Wood River Land Trusts histori



    Jeff Adams

    Joy ad Eric AlleKe Aderso

    Tom BergiRiley BermaCarol Blackbur

    Florece ad Tom BlachardGay Boecker

    Bobbie BoyerElizabeth Bree

    Carol BrowMary Jae Burs

    Susa CadyLy CampioMark Caywood

    Kyle ColePatrice Cole

    Steve CrosserArt Dahl

    Jey Emory DavidsoRick DavisLida ad Bob Edwards

    Carl EvesoDaralee ad Joh Fiell

    Polly FrostmaPeter Gray

    Dick HayIree ad Michael HealySarah Hedrick

    THAnk you. . .

    Jeff HobartPatricia Hull

    Aie KaiserJea Kavaagh

    Alliso KeedyHampto Kig

    Chris KochBob LawMeribeth Lomki

    Paddy McIlvoyErica Miller

    Gerry MorrisoLyea newcomerPatsy nickum

    Carme ad Ed northeEsther Ochsma

    nicola PottsKathy Richmod

    Jaso Roth

    Becky SmithBreda Smith

    Bob StevesBrett Steveso

    Reed StokesReggie Swidle

    Jeifer TuohyLiza WilsoElizabeth Zellers

    Thanks to All Our Volunteers-

    We Couldnt Do It Without You!

    Ken Anderson and MJ Burns join an ambitious group o

    volunteers or a day o work and un at Boxcar Bend

    foR HeLpIng us AcHIeve ouR goALs

  • 8/8/2019 Wood River Land Trust Newsletter Fall 2007


    Kathy Richmond displays a

    delicious morel

    connecTIngMeandering for Mallow

    his years wildflower hike took place o Jue

    5th at the 17-acre Lake Creek Preserve adwas led oce agai by botaist Carol Blackbur.

    The sky looked threateig, but the weather stayed

    fie ad cool, makig the hikig up, up, up the hill

    ot quite so challegig. We saw may ative

    wildflowers Globe Mallow, Scarlet Gilia, HotRock Pestemo, Arrow-leaved Balsamroot, ad

    Yarrow were just a few. There was also a member

    of the Lily Family that Carol had ot see therebefore, ad her ethusiasm was ifectious.

    We hope youll joi us ext year for a fie eve-ig hike to see beautiful flowers ad paoramic

    views, ejoy covivial compay, ad lear about

    our ative flora. Or, visit the Preserve o your ow

    ad let us kow what flowers you fid!

    espite the cold drizzle at

    Draper Wood River Preserve

    (formerly Cedar Bed Preserve),

    this years Mushroom Walk crowd

    was large ad ethusiastic. KathyRichmod, Simba Sprigs coserva-

    tio agreemet door ad member

    of the Souther Idaho Mycological

    Associatio, led the walk for the

    secod year ad shared her kowl-edge about mushrooms.

    Kathy shared some poiters

    ad the set the huters to search

    throughout the preserve. Most of

    the participats huted for morels,but may mushroom species, both

    edible ad poisoous, were foud

    ad idetified.

    Mushroom Madness

    Learning about wildowers at Lake Creek Preserve

    Caddis Capers:

    A River Successs the fishig seaso heated up,local kids headed out to the

    River. Silver Creek Outfitters ad

    Wood River Lad Trust teamed upto create Caddis Capers, a fly-fish-

    ig ad coservatio class for kids.

    About te local youth joied us for

    a fu morig o the Big Wood

    River.The kids explored the River

    with a stream health scaveger

    hut, leared about etomology,ad had a castig cliic i Hule

    Meadows Pod as well as a picicluch. It was a excitig morig

    o the Big Wood ad everyoe was

    all smiles by the ed of the day. A

    special thaks to Terry Rig ad

    his staff at Silver Creek Outfittersas well as our great voluteers who

    helped make the evet a success.

    Hoping or fsh at Hulen

    Meadows Pond

    T d


  • 8/8/2019 Wood River Land Trust Newsletter Fall 2007


    To THe LAnd

    O Wood River Lad Trusts wish list sice1997, this trade preserves oe of the most

    popular atural areas i our commuity.

    The areas cottowood forest is a crucial

    part of the river system, ad the trail co-

    ectig Cedar Bed ad Lios Park is usedyear-roud for walkig, joggig, ad sow-

    shoeig, bird watchig, ad simply relaxigo the baks. I additio to improvig

    water quality ad decreasig flood risks, the

    cottowood forest also provides importatwildlife habitat. Moose, elk, deer, river

    otter, ad a variety of birds are commoly

    see i the Preserve.

    A ong-anticipated and trade expands the Cedar Bend Preserve from4.5 to 84.5 acres

    Hailey Preserve Grows by 80

    Acres and Gets New NameContinued from cover



    Hl Prk











    Hl Prk








    MaiN PReSeRve


    MaiN PReSeRve



    Frmr cdr bnd Prsr

    ceDaR beND


    The trade was a success due i part to

    the geerosity of a umber of local residets.

    Foremost are Priscilla ad Raey Draper,

    who made a leadership gift that eabledWood River Lad Trust to purchase the lot

    used to trade for the State of Idaho lad. We

    also thak Bruce Smith, ower of Alpie

    Eterprises, a local surveyig ad mappig

    compay, who sold his 4.6-acre lot i IdiaCreek to Wood River Lad Trust at a bar-

    gai rate for use as the trade lot.

    The Idaho Departmet of Lads ows

    lad for the purpose of geeratig reveue

    for the states schools. Because of its char-ter, they are ot able to make discouted

    trades or bargai sales of lad. Therefore,

    fidig lad at a comparable value for trade

    was essetial to the trasactios success.

    Smiths bargai sale (offerig a sellig pricebelow market rate) offer made it possible for

    Wood River Lad Trust to raise moey from

    private sources to purchase the lot it the

    traded to the State. Matt Luck of

    Widermere Realty also geerously

    waived his real estate commissio.

    Thaks to the support of the

    Drapers, Bruce Smith, ad a umberof others, 80 acres alog the river

    are forever protected ad ope to

    the commuity. The Cedar Bed

    Preserve was reamed the

    Draper Wood River Preserve at a

    private dedicatio ceremoy o

    July 25th i hoor of the Draper

    Familys commitmet to protect-ig the Big Wood River ad its

    cottowood forests ad wildlife



  • 8/8/2019 Wood River Land Trust Newsletter Fall 2007



    ach year as summer slows ad

    autum creeps i, we aouce

    our aual Heart of the Valley co-

    test. The theme of this years cotest,

    our 4th, is Sustaiig the Heart of ourValley. There are coutless reasos we

    love livig i the Wood River Valley.

    Some reasosfabulous skiig, hikig,

    bikig, ad fishigare almost ui-

    versally amed. Other tows, though,such as Aspe, Jackso, Lake Tahoe,

    ad Whistler have these ameities, but

    we do ot log to call them home.

    This years cotest asks you to

    explore the fudametal elemets thatset the Wood River Valley apart from

    other moutai resort areasthe thigs

    that if take away would rob us of our

    uique idetity. It could be local produce

    that keeps us healthy, people ad places

    that ispire us, wildlife ad uforget-table vistas right out the back door, or

    busiesses ad evets that add to the

    commuitys vitality . . . coutless people,

    places, ad thigs come together to cul-

    tivate ad urture the bouty that makesthe Wood River Valley home.

    Thats this years challege . . . show

    us where, withi what, or with whom

    this essece is foud by sedig us your

    photographs ad short writigs (essays,poems, ad memoirs). Photographs

    will be displayed ad readigs of t

    short writigs will be held through

    out the witer. Submissio guide

    lies are available o our website,www.woodriverladtrust.org. You

    ca also stop by our office or co-

    tact Heather Kimmel at 788-3947

    [email protected]

    more iformatio.

    This years cotest is geerously

    sposored by:

    Tell Us Why You Love Living in the Valley!


    Board o Directors

    Clark Gerhardt, President

    Ed Cutter, Vice President

    Joan Swift, Treasurer

    Robin Garwood, Secretary

    Jerry Bashaw

    William Burnham

    John Flattery

    Trent Jones

    Heather King

    Patricia Klahr

    Jack Kueneman

    Bill Lehman

    Liz Mitchell

    John Fell Stevenson

    Steve Strandberg

    Tom Swift

    Chris Thompson

    Barbara Thrasher

    Doris Tunney

    Liz Warrick

    WRLT StaScott Boettger

    Executive Director

    Morgan Buckert

    Membership Assistant

    Melanie Dahl

    Executive Assistant

    Kate Giese

    Director of Conservation

    Kathryn Goldman

    Project Coordinator

    Diane Kahm

    Development Assistant

    Heather KimmelProgram & Membership


    Robyn WatsonMajor Gifts Officer

    Nathan WelchPlanning Coordinator

    Advisory Committee

    David Anderson

    Peter Becker

    Ranney Draper

    Rebekah Helzel

    Dave Parrish

    Larry Schoen

    John Seiller

    Bruce Tidwell

    This newsletteris published by:

    Wood River Land Trus

    119 East Bullion Street

    Hailey, Idaho 83333

    208-788-3947 (telephone

    208-788-5991 (fax)

    [email protected]


    Tax ID# 82-0474191

    Last Chance To Reap

    Additional Benefits ForConservation Donations!

    Receive added benefits fr cnservatin

    dnatins f and in 2007.

    A TEMPoRARY lAw: Increasesthetaxdeductionforconservation

    easement dnatins frm 30% f andners

    incme in any year t 50%;


    up t 100% f their incme; and


    dnr can take deductins frm 6 t 16 years.

    These ne rues ny appy t cnservatin

    agreements and and dnatins made by December

    31, 2007.

    Submissions Due November 16,

  • 8/8/2019 Wood River Land Trust Newsletter Fall 2007


    To THe LAnd

    he we first came to Idaho

    17 years ago we were struck

    by the awesome beauty of this state

    ad especially the strikig moutaisad forests aroud ad just orth

    of Ketchum. The Boulders, White

    Clouds, ad Sawtooth Moutais

    became a source of ispiratio tous. While carig for sick ad dyigpatiets with cacer ad blood

    disorders i Califoria was deeply

    rewardig ad challegig, it was

    also immesely stressful. We decided

    to look for property i Idaho. O askiig trip i 1989, we discovered a

    chuk of relatively udisturbed lad

    with a small home ad decided to

    purchase Simba Sprigs, to be used

    as a getaway from our freetic life iCaliforia.

    A few years later, after mayvacatios from Califoria, we decided

    we could o loger bear to stay away

    from our ew home i Idaho. Wepicked up lock, stock, ad barrel ad

    moved to Simba Sprigs. Suddely,

    we were surrouded by peace, beauty,

    ad cotetmet. We became aware

    of the magic of wilderess ad wildlifesurroudig us i our ow backyard.

    Sice that time we have become avid

    preservatioists of wild ature ad

    wild life. Simba Sprigs is home to

    hudreds of species of plats ad wild-life ad hosts lots of migrat mega-

    faua icludig black bears, moutai

    lios, wolves, martes, lyx, deer, elk,

    ad eve a occasioal proghor

    ad moutai goat. We have couted80 species of birds, icludig bald

    ad golde eagles, orther goshawk,

    great hored owls, orther pygmy

    owls, as well as may sogbirds.

    Our forest of mature ad old growthDouglas Fir ad aspe ad our two

    Why We Protected Simba SpringsBy Kathy and Dave Richmond of Clayton, Idaho

    small creeks ad may sprigs pro-

    vided susteace to us ad our visi-

    tors, both huma ad aimal.

    It soo became apparet to usthat we would eed to do some-

    thig to esure that our 635 acres of

    heave, surrouded o all 4 sides by

    the SnRA ad BLM lad, would be

    protected after we died. We had readabout coservatio agreemets ad

    ivestigated a couple of orgaiza-

    tios who would help us pla for the

    future of Simba Sprigs. It wast

    util we iterviewed the woderfulstaff at Wood River Lad Trust, how-

    ever, that we kew we had foud our


    Scott Boettger ad Kate Giese

    ad the rest of the staff listeed toall of our cocers ad spet may

    hours workig to assure our agree-

    met was exactly what we eeded.

    O April 30, 2007 our Simba Sprigs

    Coservatio Easemet was fializedad recorded. We ow ca rest assured

    that this piece of Gods creatio will

    remai i as pristie a state as possible

    i perpetuity, thaks to Wood River

    Lad Trusts commitmet.



    Satooth Nationa Recreation Area

    to Staneyto Chais

    HwY 75



    An autumn vista at the ney protected635-acre Simba Springs

  • 8/8/2019 Wood River Land Trust Newsletter Fall 2007


    119 East Buion Street




    Printed on recyced paper





    PERMIT NO. 21


    Acres Permanently Protected

    With Your Support: 6,421

    Acres Permanently Protected

    With Your Support: 6,421fALL 2007

    n THIs Issue:

    Hailey Preserve Grows

    y 80 Acres and Gets

    New Name

    ..Page 1

    Tell Us Why You Love

    iving in the Valley

    ..Page 6

    Why We Protected

    imba Springs

    ..Page 7

    Golden Day by Kim Clayton,

    Honorable Mention

    Photography Division,