wolf - official cinematic scripture

WOLF NOTE TO AUDIENCE: This is a fanmade screenplay of the album Wolf by Tyler, the Creator, inspired by the Because the Internet screenplay by Donald Glover. I was bored and listening to the album and this was just some shit I started writing. All music, characters, and situations referenced in this literary artwork are the intellectual property of Tyler the Creator and Odd Future. I saw a trailer for the Wolf movie on the OFWGKTA Youtube channel, so if and when that comes to life, it is not associated with this screenplay. Buy the album. It’s good as fuck. WOLF EXT. CABIN ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, SITTING IN WHAT SEEMS TO BE A SUMMER CAMP-DAY A bronze-colored four-door sedan closes one of its two open doors as an older-teen boy(Tyler, the Creator) finally pulls his orange bicycle out. He walks over to the driver side as the window rolls down. The boy is dressed in a colorfully striped T-Shirt and a dark green hat. Both the shirt and the hat have the word GOLF on them in capitalized, white letters. He bids his mother goodbye, gives her a kiss on the cheek, and wheels his bike into the large wooden cabin as she drives away.

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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  • WOLF

    NOTE TO AUDIENCE: This is a fanmade screenplay of the album Wolf by Tyler,

    the Creator, inspired by the Because the Internet screenplay by Donald

    Glover. I was bored and listening to the album and this was just some shit I

    started writing. All music, characters, and situations referenced in this

    literary artwork are the intellectual property of Tyler the Creator and Odd

    Future. I saw a trailer for the Wolf movie on the OFWGKTA Youtube channel, so

    if and when that comes to life, it is not associated with this screenplay.

    Buy the album. Its good as fuck.




    A bronze-colored four-door sedan closes one of its two open doors as an

    older-teen boy(Tyler, the Creator) finally pulls his orange bicycle out. He

    walks over to the driver side as the window rolls down. The boy is dressed in

    a colorfully striped T-Shirt and a dark green hat. Both the shirt and the hat

    have the word GOLF on them in capitalized, white letters. He bids his mother

    goodbye, gives her a kiss on the cheek, and wheels his bike into the large

    wooden cabin as she drives away.

  • The boys name is Wolf.


    The inside of the cabin has a carpeted floor, a wooden desk on the far left

    corner, and a grand piano on the far right side. As Wolf enters, he can both

    see and hear that someone is playing the piano. His attention is drawn to the

    pianist, who wears a white shirt, black pants, and a green beanie. He can

    play the piano extremely well, but as Wolf goes deeper into the room, he can

    hear him singing as well, a talent with which he has noticeably less

    experience. The lyrics to his song are crass and foul-mouthed. However, two

    other boys, one white with buzzed, blonde hair(Lucas Vercetti) and the other

    a black boy with an afro(Nakel Smith) start singing along.

    Fuck youfuck youfuck himfuck everything elsethat I canseeI know, fuck

    you, I hateyouso fuckingmuch, I knowyouthinkIm crazy, cuzI,

    thinkyoure afucking fag

    The camp counselor, who is now approaching the four of them, seems to hear

    the song, but does not seem to mind. When he reaches them, the piano stops


    COUNSELOR: Wow, Sam, the music sounds, good, man. Been practicing?

  • SAM: Yeah, thanks.

    COUNSELOR: Sam, this is Wolf. Hes new here. Wolf, this is Sam.

    He gestures to the black kid on the piano.

    COUNSELOR: He and his band have been here at Flog Gnaw for a while. Hes

    going to show you around while I handle these last-minute field trip forms,


    WOLF AND SAM: Yeah. Okay.

    COUNSELOR: Alright, you guys have fun.


    Sam and his band all look Wolf up and down before turning and exiting the

    cabin from the back door, which leads to the rest of the camp. Assuming he

    should follow, Wolf wheels his bike out of the cabin and walks alongside the

    three of them.

    WOLF: I liked your song, man. You guys are good.

    SAM: Yeah. Okay.

  • WOLF: I, uhI actually play a little piano myself. Im probably not as good

    at it as you are, though.

    Sam and his boys say nothing.

    WOLF: So, you guys are into jazz, or

    SAM: Look, Wolf, Prarie Dog, Ronzell, whatever the fuck your name is. We

    dont fuck with you or anybody else here, alright? You stay the fuck out of

    our way and well stay out of yours, plain and fucking simple. Capisce?

    Without waiting for a response from Wolf, Sam and his clique walk away,

    leaving Wolf alone and confused.


    Sam and his crew are riding in Sams car, which is green with two black

    stripes, back to camp.

    NICK(Nakel Smith): Yo Sam, what do you think of that new kid?

    SAM: Who? Will?

    LIAM(Lucas Vercetti): Man, who the fuck is Will?

    NICK: No no, thats not his name. Its some weird animal shit. Fox, or some


  • LIAM: What the fuck are you talking about, Nick?

    NICK: Man, you know who Im talking about. The new kid.

    SAM: You niggas are giving me a headache, man. Shut the fuck up.

    NICK: Wolf! Thats his name. Sam, you know who Im talking about, right?

    SAM: I knew who you were talking about the whole time, nigga.

    NICK: Why didnt you say anything if you knew who I was talking about?

    SAM: Because I dont give a shit about Wolf. That dude can eat a dick for all

    I care.

    LIAM: Yeah, fuck him.

    NICK: Whats up with the bike, though? Seems like he just always has it


    SAM: Fuck, I dont know, Nick. Maybe the guy rides the fucking bike, idiot.

    NICK: Chill out, man. Im just saying.

    SAM: Okay, well, stop saying. I repeat: I dont give a shit about Wolf. I

    dont give a shit about his bike, his dumb ass hat, I dont give a shit where

    his cabin is, or who his roomates mothers second cousin is fucking right

    now. Fuck Wolf.

  • NICK: Okay. Fine. Damn.

    SAM: Thank you.


    Wolf is sitting on a bean bag next to his roommates, Dom(Domo Genesis) and

    Earl(Earl Sweatshirt). Earl and Dom are passing a joint. Dom offers it to


    DOM: You smoke?

    WOLF: I dont know. Ive never tried it.

    DOM: Then the answer is no, genius.

    WOLF: I mean, Ill hit it, I guess.

    He reaches for the joint. Dom doesnt pass it.

    DOM(chuckling): Ill hit it, I guess. Nigga, you sound so uncomfortable.

    Chill. If you dont smoke, you dont smoke.

    EARL: But hurry up and make your mind up, or Ill take the hit for you.

    DOM: You want it?

    WOLF: Nah, fuck it.

  • DOM: Man, a second ago, you guessed you was gonna take a hit! Make up your

    mind, dude!

    WOLF: Im good.

    Laughing at Wolfs nave stupidity, Dom and Earl continue to pass the joint.

    Wolf gets to his feet.

    WOLF: Im gonna take Slater for a ride. I saw there was like a vending

    machine or something in the front.

    EARL: Slater?

    WOLF: My bike.

    EARL: You named your bike?

    WOLF: Why not, nigga?

    EARL: Because nobody fucking names bikes, weirdo.

    WOLF: Well fuck it, I felt like my bike needed a name, and I gave it one.

    DOM: I think Im gonna go with you, so you dont get lost and guess youll

    take a bump of cocaine.

    WOLF: Im good. I know where

    DOM: Nigga relax, I aint worried about your guessing ass. Im hungry.

  • WOLF: Are you gonna let that shit go? I was nervous, man, the niggas I knew

    at school warned me before they lit up.

    DOM: Whatever.

    WOLF: Just give me the money. Ill buy your snack and bring it back.

    DOM: Cool, whatever. Get me some Doritos. Two bags of Doritos.

    WOLF: Yeah, okay.


    Sam stares intensely at his reflection.

    SAM: Why does everyone care so fucking much about Wolf? Fuck Wolf. He aint

    all that.

    He chuckles.

    SAM: Its probably the bike. Nobody else has a fucking bike.

    The smile vanishes.

    SAM: Fuck Wolf.


    Wolf slowly cruises on his bike toward the front end of the facility.

    WOLF: Me and you, Slater. The guys at this place fucking suck. Fucking Sam

    and his gang are a bunch of assholes. Dom is an asshole. Earl is an asshole.

    I havent met anybody here thats not an asshole. I have you, but you dont

    fucking talk.

    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: You are actually talking to a bike.

    WOLF: Whatever. Nobodys here to call me weird or anything. I can do what

    the fuck I want.

    VOICE: Youre talking to a fucking bike, loser.

    WOLF: Thats what Tim Shaw said when he caught me talking to Slater. Went and

    told all of his douchebag friends. Fuck Tim Shaw. You sound just like that

    Hogwarts-preppy looking ass nigga. Fucking prick.

    VOICE: Youre talking to a fucking bike.

    WOLF: Shut up.

    VOICE: Loser.

  • Wolf saw the vending machine in the front of what appeared to be the laundry

    room. There was a flickering fluorescent light above it, where insects could

    be seen flying around it. Wolf bought two bags of Doritos and a pack of Ritz

    cheese crackers, before glancing around and seeing a girl on the bench near

    the creek, just a few meters away. She didnt seem to notice him. He stared

    for a while. She was extremely cute, and had a streak of green running

    through her brown hair. Wolf heard footsteps behind him. To his displeasure,

    he saw Sam, walking with his hands in his pockets. Liam and Nick were nowhere

    to be seen.

    WOLF(nervously): Hey, Sam.

    SAM: Whatever, nigga.

    Wolf hesitated to say any more.

    WOLF: Hey, whos that? The girl?

    SAM: Thats Salem. Thats my girlfriend. Stay the fuck away from her, aight?


    Sam and Salem sit on the bench, his hand placed gently on top of hers as they

    watch the current of the creek at the bottom of the hill.

  • SALEM: What was that about?

    SAM: What was what about?

    SALEM: That. Over there by the laundry room.

    SAM: Nothing. Just talking.

    SALEM: I heard the word fuck. Sounds like something.

    SAM(chuckling): How the fuck did you hear the word fuck but no other part

    of the conversation?

    SALEM: You have this way of saying fuck. Its like, you put a lot of

    emphasis on the sound right between the F and the U. Like FU--and then a

    really hard CK at the end. Like youre saying it in all caps.

    SAM: What the hell are you talking about?

    SALEM(slapping his shoulder): Shut up, stupid.

    They laugh.

    SALEM: So what was that about? Who was that?

    SAM: Nothing. Just some fucking kid.

    SALEM: Who? What kid?

    SAM: Why are you so interested?

  • SALEM: I dunno, Im just talking. You havent exactly told me I look nice

    today or anything.

    SAM: What, you wear cut-off shorts just so I can see your ass?

    SALEM(sarcastic): Oh, of course. I literally dress every morning and think,

    What would make Sams dick the hardest?

    SAM: I really appreciate it.

    SALEM(laughing): Asshole.

    SAM: You look nice today.

    SALEM: Oh, thanks.

    Another laugh.

    SAM: Yeah, well, that was just some new kid. Always has a bike.

    SALEM: I like bikes. Why the fuck dont they have bikes here?

    SAM: I dont know. Are bikes good for socializing?

    SALEM: Hell, yeah. If all else fails, just socialize with the fucking bike.

    Itll listen.

    SAM: Yeah, I talk to my car.

  • SALEM: Really?

    SAM: Fuck, no.

    SALEM: Cars are different. Theyre assholes. Theyll talk over you. Thats

    why youre the only person with a car. Nobody likes cars.

    SAM: Yeah, nobody likes cars, until Im riding to the store up the road.

    Then we have to fucking vote for who goes.

    SALEM: Then youll just take Liam and Nick anyway.

    SAM: I only take Liam and Nick when were really low-key about leaving.

    Sometimes I take Earl or Dom.

    SALEM: Well now we have another candidate.

    SAM: Who?

    SALEM: The new kid, dumbass.

    SAM: Man, fuck him. He can take his fucking bike.

    A while passes while they look at the stars. Salem rests her head on Sams


    SAM: Its getting late. Im gonna turn in.

    SALEM: Okay. I guess I will too.

  • They kiss, and Sam leaves the hillside. Salem remains on the bench.


    After dropping off Doms Doritos, Wolf is out for another ride on his bike.

    WOLF: Fuck, man. One hot girl in this piece of shit place and shes dating

    that fucking loser Sam. I really hate that fucking guy.

    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: Maybe you should try to be nice to him.

    WOLF: Fuck that. I already did. Fuck him and his goons.

    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: You bought Dom chips. He and Earl are your friends,


    WOLF: Fuck every nigga here. They all suck.


    WOLF: Shut up.

    Wolf decides to cruise back by the creek. He rests on the bench, and for a

    second, he thinks hes alone. Then he notices someone down at the edge of the

    creek skipping stones. Its a girl.

  • VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: Thats Salem. Thats my girlfriend. Stay the fuck away

    from her, aight?

    Wolf slowly approaches Salem.

    WOLF: Whats up?

    Salem looks at him, then goes back to throwing rocks at the water (she cant

    skip them for shit.)

    SALEM: Hey.

    WOLF(Nervously, after an over ten-second silence): Im Wolf.

    SALEM: Thats an odd name.

    WOLF: So is Salem.

    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: That was fucking creepy. Stop making shit weird.

    SALEM: How do you know my name?

    WOLF: Sam told me. Youre his girlfriend, right?

    SALEM: Yeah.

    Brief silence.

    WOLF: He kinda told me to stay away from you.

  • SALEM: Sounds like him.

    Theres another awkward silence.

    SALEM: If he told you to stay away from me, what made you come talk to me?

    WOLF: I was just taking

    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: Dont say Slater.

    WOLF: -my bike for a ride and I saw you down here.

    SALEM: Oh. Nice to meet you.

    WOLF: Likewise, I guess. I guess we wont really be seeing a lot of each


    SALEM: You got this far, didnt you?

    Though Wolf smiles, he does not laugh, and another brief silence passes.

    Before he can say anything more, Wolf feels a droplet of rain on his nose,

    and in mere seconds, it starts pouring.

    SALEM: Shit. Its raining. I guess that means its time to get to our


    WOLF: Yeah. It was nice to meet you.

  • SALEM: You too. See you around, okay?

    WOLF: Maybe.

    Wolf stays seated on the hillside as Salem heads in the direction of her

    cabin and disappears into the rainy night. After a while, he gets to his feet

    and returns to Slater. He goes for another ride in the rain before returning

    to his cabin.


    EARL: Rise and shine, bitch!

    DOM: I swear to God, if you dont shut the fuck up, Im gonna elbow drop you

    from off this bunk bed, nigga. I promise.

    EARL: Sams gonna go pick up some stuff for the campfire in an hour. Im

    hoping I can go.

    DOM: Why?

    EARL: Trees, nigga!

    DOM: He always comes by, anyway. Fuck you looking for, a car-ride discount?

    EARL: Moms doesnt send cash for another few days, so I need to save some.

    Maybe hell make me pay less if I save him the trip here.

  • DOM: Get real, nigga. Sam will hook you up and shit, but he aint that damn


    WOLF: You guys get all your weed from Sam?

    DOM: How else? Hes the only person at Flog Gnaw with a fucking car.

    WOLF: Oh. That makes sense. Then if you go, wont he just be spending gas

    money on you? If anything, hell make you pay more.

    EARL: The store isnt that far from Flog Gnaw. Its like two miles. Plus,

    its not like hes not spending gas money anyway. Hes gonna go, even if I


    WOLF: I didnt even know we were having a campfire.

    DOM: Thats because you showed up yesterday, dumbass. Check the bulletin

    board by the entrance, theres a calendar of events.

    WOLF: Is the whole camp gonna be there?

    DOM: Yeah, but were splitting into groups. I guess us three will just be

    with Sams cabin.

    EARL: Dr.TC actually wanted everyone to walk to the store together, but Sam

    offered to just go pick the shit up. I dont think Ive ever seen TC so


  • WOLF: Whats up with that guy anyway?

    DOM: The counselor? I dont know, hes just really chill. He cares about the

    kids, though. I think he even caught us smoking in the woods once, but we

    didnt get in trouble.

    WOLF: Whats TC stand for?

    EARL: I dont know. Nobody knows, thats just what he asked to be called.

    WOLF: Weird. Aight, I guess Ill go for a ride.

    EARL: Yeah, Im gonna get to the front.

    DOM: Im going back to sleep. Close the fuckin door behind you.


    Wolf and Slater hit a curb while out for a ride. Wolf has decided to use this

    time to get a better feel for the camp grounds. While hes out, he encounters

    none other than Salem.

    WOLF: Oh, hey.

    SALEM: Hey.


    Sam, Liam, Nick, and Earl are in the car on the way to the store up the


    EARL: What are we getting from the store?

    SAM: Campfire shit. Marshmallows and chocolate, and some other shit.

    EARL: Oh, cool.

    SAM: Come to think of it, well probably be at the store for like two

    minutes. The fuck did you even come for?

    EARL: Oh, right. I came to pick up the trees.

    SAM: Are you fucking kidding me? Man, you know I always come by. Fuck you

    looking for, a car-ride discount?

    EARL: Nah, I just thought itd be easier if I saved you the trip.

    SAM: Thank you so much, nigga. Really. I appreciate it. Nick, go in the

    glove and give him the sack.

    Sam held out his hand, and Earl disappointedly gave him the cash.

    SAM(pulling up to the store): Aight, were here. Get out.

    NICK: Wheres the list?

  • SAM: I got it, nigga. Liam, get six bags of jumbo marshmallows. Nick, get

    five boxes of graham crackers. Cheapest ones you can find. Earl, get five

    boxes of mini-Hershey bars. Meet me at the front.


    SALEM: Whats your favorite color?

    WOLF: Green. Why?

    SALEM: Funny.

    WOLF: Thats Sams favorite color, too, right.

    SALEM: Yeah. How can you tell?

    WOLF: He has a green car, and he wears that dumb ass green beanie.

    SALEM: That beanies Flog Gnaw merch.

    WOLF: What, he have some kind of attachment to this place?

    SALEM: No, he just bought it and started wearing it, and never really

    stopped. Come to think of it, I actually havent seen him not wearing it for

    a while.

    WOLF: You guys ever, like

  • SALEM: Fuck?

    WOLF: Yeah.

    SALEM: We did once. It was great, but he wasnt really into it. I think Im

    too soft.

    WOLF: The fuck does that mean?

    SALEM: I mean, Im pretty sure Sam likes to fuck, but he has, like, a really

    rough, domineering nature. I think if we ever did it the way he wanted to,

    hed break me or something.

    WOLF: Damn. Thats tough.

    SALEM: Ill live. Its good to know he likes me without it, though.

    WOLF: Was he wearing the hat?

    SALEM: What?

    WOLF: When you guys had sex. Was he wearing the hat then, too?

    SALEM: Yeah.

    WOLF: He must really like that hat.

    SALEM: I dont think he wears it in his sleep, but I never see him sleep.

    WOLF: He probably does.

  • SALEM: You guys should be friends.

    WOLF: Why? Were obviously polar opposites.

    SALEM: How so?

    WOLF: He has a way rougher personality than I do. And hes a dick.

    SALEM: You guys have the same favorite color, though. Thats a start.

    WOLF: Im sure Gandhi and Hitler had some similar tastes, too, but I dont

    think they would have worked very well.

    The two of them laugh.

    DR.TC OVER P.A.: All campers to the front for campfire group sign-up. All

    campers to the front for campfire group sign-up.

    WOLF: I guess Sam and Earl are back. I hope Earl got his discount.

    SALEM: What?

    WOLF: Nothing. Ill see you at the front. Wouldnt want Sam to see me with


    SALEM(weak laugh): Yeah. See you.

    Wolf heads toward the front on his bike. Salem gets to her feet.


    Wolf, Earl and Dom get ready to go to the woods.

    DOM: Hey Earl, how much did you pay?

    EARL: Full price. Im surprised he didnt charge me extra, he actually seemed

    pretty annoyed.

    DOM: Dumbass.

    EARL: Whatever, nigga. It was worth a try.

    DOM: It really wasnt, though.

    EARL: Wolf, you bringing your bike to the campfire?

    WOLF: No. Why the fuck would I do that?

    EARL: I dont know. You just always seem to have your bike around. Who

    knows, you might need it in case you need to escape Jason Vorhees or some


    WOLF: I dont think Jason Vorhees is gonna be in the woods.

    EARL: Dont say I didnt warn you, nigga.

    DOM: Yall niggas need help. Come on, lets go.


    Wolf, Dom, and Earl walked through the woods to meet up with their group

    members. When they arrived, they saw some white boy they didnt know, some

    white girl, and Salem.

    WOLF: Oh! Salem, what are you doing here?

    SALEM: Im part of your group, asshole. See the fire? Were at a camp fire.

    WOLF: Wheres Sam?

    SALEM: Sam never comes to these things. He doesnt like being around all

    these people.

    WOLF: If he was gonna be such a wet blanket, why volunteer to get the


    SALEM: The original plan was to have the whole camp walk there together. Some

    kind of bonding thing Dr. TC had in mind.

    WOLF: Oh, I see. Sam didnt want to do that, either.

    SALEM: There you go.

    WOLF: Hes going to kill me.

  • SALEM: Dude, chill. You really dont need to be scared of him. Hes a really

    nice guy.

    WOLF: Is he? Because Ive learned like three things about him, and theyre

    all fucked up. Not to mention the two interactions Ive had with him, which

    have also been fucked up.

    WHITE GIRL(failing to whisper): Um, Salem? This is the Wolf kid you talk

    about so much?

    SALEM(flustered): MEGANShhhhh!

    Salem quickly crosses her arms and looks away from Wolf, turning slightly


    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: Hear that? She talks about you, buddy.

    WOLF: Shut up. Shes off limits. Seriously, I am not fucking with Sam. Fuck


    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: What about her friend? If you can get in her pants, you

    dont even have to worry about Salem.

    WOLF: How about I just eat some marshmallows and stay away from all that



  • DOM: How the fuck are we supposed to make the smores if we didnt buy any of

    those metal stick things?

    EARL: Its a campfire, nigga! Get some sticks off the ground.

    SALEM: Here. I picked up a few.

    The six of them sat there in an awkward silence and cooked smores for the

    next ten minutes.

    WHITE BOY: This is cool.

    WOLF: What? Making smores with sticks from the ground with a bunch of people

    you dont know?

    WHITE BOY: Well, yeah. I think things like this are supposed to, like, open

    your mind or something. Were supposed to make friends here, right?

    EARL: Man, nobody buys that shit. Were just here because smores are fucking

    delicious. Fuck whatever TC had in mind.

    WHITE BOY: See, there you go. Nobody buys it because nobody wants to. But

    if, like, we just sort of let our guard down, then its not awkward or

    anything. Were just people.

    WOLF: What do you mean, let our guard down?

  • WHITE BOY: Just think for a second. We all have a reason for not saying

    whats on our mind, right? If we decide that nothing anyone feels about our

    thoughts is gonna hurt us, then were pretty much free to say whatever,


    DOM: This niggas making a scary amount of sense.

    WHITE BOY: Here, check this out: my names Wyatt. I drew a giant dick on my

    school bathroom stall in permanent blue marker.

    WOLF: Hey, pass the bag of chocolate.

    EARL: Why did you do that?

    WYATT: I was bored, and I was only in the bathroom to skip this quiz I didnt

    want to take.

    WOLF: Hey! Yo!

    EARL: Okay. Um, Im Earl.

    WOLF: Yo, who ate all the fucking chocolate?

    SALEM: Ive only had, like, two.

    MEGAN: I dont even like smores. Ive just been eating graham crackers.

    Wolf sees like 20 wrappers next to Dom.

    WOLF(laughing): Dom! What the fuck, man?

  • DOM: Im fucking hungry, nigga, lay off. Some idiot decided we should go to

    a campfire before dinner.

    EARL: Im Earl. I like to skate.

    WOLF: Are you any good?

    EARL: I think so. I can kickflip and shit. I dont really keep track of the

    shit I learn. I just learn it.

    WYATT: Sick.

    EARL: Dom?

    DOM: What?

    EARL: Youre next, dumbass. Say something.

    DOM: Okay, uhIm Dom, and I smoke pot.

    WYATT: Why?

    DOM: Why not? Its relaxing. I think of crazy shit when Im high.

    WOLF: I just never really saw the point.

    DOM: Only someone who doesnt smoke can say that.

    MEGAN: Okay, uh, Im Megan. I like cats.

    SALEM: Thats so fucking boring.

  • WOLF: Boring? You havent said shit aside from Ive only had two.

    SALEM: Okay, Im Salem, and, fuck you, Wolf. Theres something about me.

    WOLF: My name is Wolf

    SALEM: And I like to ride my fucking bike everywhere!

    EARL: Yo, you know he named his bike? Hey, whats your bikes name again?

    WOLF: Slater.

    SALEM(laughing): I bet you fucking talk to it, too.


    WOLF: Whatever. Rather talk to a bike than that loser nigga Sam.

    SALEM: Asshole.

    WOLF: Look at me, Im Salem! I died my fucking hair green to match Sams lame

    ass hat!

    SALEM: Your fucking hat is green too, asshole!

    WOLF: This is Wolf green. Fuck Sams lame ass green.

    SALEM: You really need to get over this. He can be a nice guy.

    WYATT: See, this turned out great!

    SALEM: Yeah. Wonderful. Thanks for a great time, Wolf.

  • Salem gets to her feet and storms back in the direction of the camp.

    WOLF(mumbling): Whatever, bitch. See you later.

    MEGAN: Wow, man. You really know how to make a girl feel special.

    WOLF: Shes not my girl. I dont fucking care.

    DOM: You were kind of a dick just now, though. Just saying.

    WYATT: Yeah, maybe you should go apologize.

    WOLF: Apologize for what? Her fucking anti-socialite ass boyfriend who does

    his best Dr. Doom impression every time he sees me? Seriously, what does she

    see in that guy?

    WYATT: Samuel? Hes chill. Hes been pretty nice to me.

    EARL: I mean, he can be a dick if you annoy him, but hes normally really


    DOM: Yeah, you would know, wouldnt you?

    EARL: Shut up.

    DOM: But for real, Wolf, you should go say sorry or whatever. You were being

    kind of an asshole.

    WOLF: Yeah, okay, Whatever.


    Wolf approaches the lake, and as he predicted, he sees Salem sitting near the

    water. Sam is nowhere to be found. He slowly walks over to her.

    WOLF: Hey.

    SALEM: What the hell do you want?

    WOLF: I came to apologize.

    SALEM: Yeah, well, save it. I texted Sam, hes on his way here.

    WOLF: Hes awake? Its like 11:30 PM!

    SALEM: Well youd better leave before the big bad Sam gets here. Wouldnt

    want him smell the blood of a Wolf.

    WOLF: Yeah, whatever. Sorry I was a dick back there.

    SALEM: Go away.


    Wolf walks toward his cabin with his hands in his pockets.

  • VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: Well you wanted Salem to leave you alone. Happy


    WOLF: I still cant help feeling bad about it. I might have been kind of a


    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: And it all worked out! Bet she wont be talking about

    you all the time any more. No more Salem, no more Sam, no more problems.

    WOLF: I guess.

    Wolf sees Sam walking toward him, looking up from his phone, on which he is

    likely texting Salem. Wolf says nothing as they pass one another, and neither

    does Sam. As Sam gets farther away, Wolf stops and looks behind him to watch

    Sam walk off.

    WOLF: Fuck that guy, man.

    Wolf walks back to his cabin in a gloomy silence.


    Sam sits next to Salem on the hill near the lake.

    SALEM: Hey.

  • SAM: Hey. Why arent you at the campfire thing?

    SALEM: It got boring

    SAM: How did it get boring? Didnt you say you were with Earl and Dom?

    Theyre fun.

    SALEM: YeahI wasnt feeling it.

    SAM: Was it because I wasnt there?

    SALEM: Maybe. I dont know.

    SAM: Come on, lets go back. Ill go with you.

    SALEM: No. I just want to be here. With you. This is better than the dumb

    ass campfire.

    SAM: Okay.

    Sam wraps Salems hand in his as they stargaze, and she puts her head on his


    SAM: I saw Wolf heading back to his cabin. Was he here?

    SALEM: No. He must have gone back from the campfire, too.

    SAM: Damn. Was it that bad?

  • SALEM: When Dom eats all the fucking chocolate, and the only thing between me

    and burning the woods down is idle chatter? Yeah.

    SAM: I see.

    SALEM: I have you, though.

    SAM: Youll always have me.

    SALEM: That makes the night so much better.


    Wolf wakes up with a yawn. The last thing he remembers is crashing into bed

    in a bad mood. He looks around and sees Dom and Earl asleep on their bunk


    WOLF: I guess I missed dinner.


  • Wolf walks out and grabs his bike. While cruising through the camp, he sees

    Megan, the white girl from the campfire, feeding birds in front of her


    MEGAN: Oh, look who it is. So you do have a bike.

    WOLF: Is that hard to believe?

    MEGAN: No one else at Flog Gnaw brought one. Some people brought skateboards,

    but they never really ride them.

    WOLF: Oh. Thats lame.

    MEGAN: Yeah, it is. I wish I could see them do some cool tricks or whatever,

    but all they ever do is talk about it. I think they only brought them to talk


    WOLF: What did you guys do the rest of the night?

    MEGAN: Laughed about you and Salem getting all salty and shit. Speaking of,

    what on earth did you do to that girl? She didnt even come back last night.

    WOLF: She ended up hanging out with Sam by the lake. She probably slept at

    his cabin or something.

    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: And he tore that ass up. I bet he did.

  • MEGAN: Oh, of course. Mr. Samuel. Did he scare you off?

    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: Whats that shit Salem said?

    WOLF: No. I didnt see him. All I did was walk to my cabin.


    WOLF: I thought girls couldnt be in boys cabins, though.

    MEGAN: Well, I dont think its an actual rule. I just think its sort of


    WOLF: Well, if you see her, tell her I said hi. Actually, dont do that.

    Dont tell her I came by.

    MEGAN(laughing): Okay, buddy. Have fun riding your bike.

    Wolf rides off. As he rides, he sees Salem, coming from the direction of

    what he figured was Sams cabin.

    SALEM: Oh, look. Wolf is riding his bike. Thats new.

    WOLF: Look, I tried to apologize last night. The fuck do you want from me?

    SALEM: Nothing, Wolf. I dont want anything from you.

    WOLF: Then stop being a bitch.

  • SALEM: Maybe you should stop shit-talking Sam. Maybe we can be friends then.

    WOLF: I havent fucking done anything to that guy! All hes ever done to me

    since I got here is make me feel like shit! Hes the one that needs to lay


    SALEM: Well

    WOLF: Fuck it. Take me to him.

    SALEM: What?

    WOLF: Take me to Sam. You spent the night at his cabin, right?

    SALEM: How did you know that?

    WOLF: I stopped to talk to your roommate a few minutes ago. She said you

    didnt come back.

    SALEM: Fine. Whatever, come on.

    Salem and Wolf walked over to a cabin near the back of the camp. Salem

    knocked on the door. Sam opens it.

    SAM: Did you forget something? The fuck do you want?

    WOLF: I wanted to tell you youre being a dick.

    SALEM: Wolf!

    WOLF: No, Im serious. The fuck have I done to you?

  • Out of nowhere, Sams fist crashes into Wolfs cheek, sending him to the

    ground. Sam crouches down and grabs the collar of Wolfs colorful shirt.

    SAM: I told you to stay the fuck away from Salem. Next time, I fucking throw

    you into the lake.

    Without another word, Sam goes back into his cabin, shutting the door behind


    SALEM: Maybe a little more tact next time.

    WOLF: Thanks for the heads-up.

    SALEM: What can I say? Dudes volatile.

    WOLF: But hes such a nice guy, right?

    SALEM: Yes, Wolf. He is.

    WOLF: Well, I really feel it.

    SALEM: Your mouth is bleeding. Lets get to the front, theres a first-aid

    kit. Or something.

    Salem offers Wolf her hand. Surprised, he takes it and gets to his feet,

    brushing dirt off of himself and picking up his bike.


    WOLF: Thanks for helping me out, back there.

    SALEM: No problem.

    WOLF: That was fucking sarcasm. My face hurts.

    SALEM: I know, but that was your fault.

    WOLF: How the fuck was that my fault?

    SALEM: You really could have been more careful with your words, but you had

    to be Mister Aggressive. What did you expect?

    WOLF: I expected him to be like, Yeah, youre right. I am a huge


    SALEM: Honestly. He has a short temper, even you know that.

    WOLF: Yet, for some reason, you still categorize him as a nice guy.

    SALEM: Because he is.

    WOLF: I cant see it.

    SALEM: You want to know something?

    WOLF: What?

  • SALEM: We didnt even fuck last night. He just wanted to be there, with me.

    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: Damn. Wrong again.

    WOLF: Back when we met, and I told you Sam said to stay away from you, you

    said that sounded like something he would say.

    SALEM: Yeah.

    WOLF: And then, back there, you heard him tell me to stay away from you.

    SALEM: Yeah, so?

    WOLF: So why are we here? Why am I hanging out with you?

    SALEM: I dont know.

    WOLF: You dont know.

    SALEM: My honest answer? Im not afraid of Sam throwing you in a lake. Why

    should you be?

    WOLF: Thats the problem. Truth be told, Im scared shitless of Sam. Hes a

    scary guy. But for some fucking reason, I dont avoid you like you have

    AIDS. And I know I should.

    SALEM: Interesting.


    Wolf walks into his cabin with his bike.

    DOM: Daaaaamn! Your cheek is swollen as fuck! What happened? Did Sam punch

    you in the face?

    WOLF: Thats exactly what happened.

    DOM: Well, if I were you, Id stop fucking with him, because he obviously

    doesnt play.

    EARL: What did you do?

    WOLF: I told him he was being a dick, because he is, and he just straight up

    clocked me. Like, out of nowhere.

    EARL: Lesson learned. Never call Sam a dick.

    WOLF: I dont get it. Everybody seems to like that guy, but all I see are

    reasons hes a fucking asshole.

    DOM: Like what?

    WOLF: He hates being around people, hes short-tempered, he sells weed

    DOM: That, my nigga, is a definite reason to like Sam.

    WOLF: -and he pushes people away from Salem like shes some fucking holy


  • EARL: Maybe he just loves her like that. Like he doesnt want anybody to

    contaminate her.

    DOM: The fuck are you talking about? Contaminate her? The fuck?

    EARL: I dont know. I was just talking.

    DOM: Well shut the fuck up. That shit sounded crazy. I personally think that

    niggas weak.

    WOLF: Sam? You do?

    DOM: I mean, yeah. He just acts like a bitch sometimes, like, relax, nigga.

    You dont gotta be a fucking menace all the time. Chill the fuck out.

    WOLF: Thank you!

    DOM: That doesnt mean you talk shit about him in front of his girl, though.

    She obviously sees something in Sam that we dont.

    Doms cell vibrated.

    DOM: Aw, yeah! Earl, pay up, nigga!

    EARL: What? No! Really?

    DOM: Yeah, nigga!

    WOLF: Whats going on?

  • DOM: Me and Earl gave that Megan chick our numbers and bet to see who shed

    text first. You owe me ten bucks, nigga!

    EARL: Fuck! What did she say?

    DOM: Nothing. Just whatcha doin.

    EARL: Fuck!

    WOLF(laughing): You niggas have problems.

    DOM: As far as I can tell, the only nigga with a problem is Earl!

    At just that moment, a knock is heard at the door. Wolf opens it to see Sam.

    They barely make eye contact for two seconds.

    SAM: Dom. Earl. Here. Thats for both of you.

    He tosses them a sack of weed, and leaves without another word. Wolf shuts

    the door.

    WOLF: Fuck that guy, man.


    Wolf lies awake in bed, ignoring his aching face. His cell vibrates. Its


  • SALEM: wanna go somewhere tomorrow

    WOLF: what? wtf are you talking about salem

    SALEM: sam is gone tomorrow

    he has to go somewhere for something

    WOLF: thats vague as fuck

    SALEM: so?

    WOLF: i thought you liked sam

    why are we doing stuff behind his back all of a sudden

    SALEM: idk

    Im gonna be bored af tomorrow

    if you really want to hang out without being a pussy nows the time

    WOLF: lol whos a pussy??

    SALEM: mr scared of the big bad sam

    WOLF: that asshole punched me in the face

    you do remember that right?

    SALEM: no

    listen do you want to or not?

    WOLF: sure. Whatever

    where are we going

    SALEM: idfk ask slater


    Wolf slowly cruises on Slater as Salem walks next to him.

    SALEM: Where the hell are we even going? Weve been walking for half an hour.

    WOLF: I dont know. Somewhere. Are you tired?

    SALEM: Kind of? Its hot.

    WOLF: You can get on the pegs on the back if you want.

    SALEM: Can I? Is that possible?

    WOLF: Yeah, just climb on.

    Salem climbs onto the pegs of the bike.

    SALEM: Can you control it like this?

    WOLF: Yeah, my little sister does it all the time. Just hold on.


    SALEM: This is it? This is where we were going? The other side of the lake?

    WOLF: It is a big lake.

    SALEM: Thats dumb. Why didnt we just go to the place we always sit at?

  • WOLF: I dont fucking know. You said lets go somewhere, and all the parks

    and shit are at camp. I had no idea where we were going. The convenience

    store is literally right there, and we havent been to this side of the lake.

    SALEM(sitting): Whatever. Were here, now, I guess.

    WOLF: Remind me again why Im risking being thrown in the lake?

    SALEM: You tell me. Youre the one that said you werent afraid of Sam for

    some reason.

    WOLF: But I am. Thats what I cant figure out.

    SALEM: Maybe I just make you not afraid.

    Suddenly, Wolf decides to kiss Salem. It was impulsive, and he expects her

    to push him away in a mad panic, but instead, she does something much more

    interesting: she places her arms around his neck and brings him closer. They

    remain that way for about thirty seconds before pulling apart.

    WOLF: Fuck. Shit, shit, shit! Sorry!

    SALEM: You dont have to apologize.

    WOLF: Yes, I do. You obviously love Sam. The fuck am I doing?

    SALEM: I mean, Sam is nice, but

  • WOLF: But what? You keep saying hes is nice, but why is Samuel such a

    fucking dick?

    SALEM: Wellhe isnt such a badass, actually. I know it seems that way

    because hes sorough, but the truth is, hes only really here because he ran


    WOLF: What? Why?

    SALEM: Some shit happened back home. Hes actually kind of a dweeb.

    WOLF: What happened?

    SALEM: He, umwell, he wasnt really accepted at school. He got picked on

    and laughed at and bullied a lot, and things werent really great at home,

    either. His step-dad isnt a great guy. Anyway, he got really pissed one day

    and came back the next day with a gun. And he shot like two or three kids

    with it. I dont know if they died.

    Salem sounded calm, but Wolf noticed tears coming from her eyes.

    SALEM: There were police and paramedics and shit, and I dont really know

    what happened after that. I think he said his mom showed up, but he ended up

    escaping somehow andcame here. He just sort of blended in, and nobody picked

    on him or anything. We met here.

  • WOLF: Oh, fuck. That dude is actually going to fucking kill me. Fuck, Salem.


    SALEM: Im sorry, Wolf, really

    WOLF: Sorry? How fucking sorry? That guy is a fucking psychopath! You knew he

    fucking shot people, and hes still a nice guy? How, Salem? Seriously!

    SALEM: He didnt deserve any of that shit! Those kids had it coming, thats

    what you get when you fuck with people for no reason! When I got to know him,

    I saw him for who he was. He just wants to be somewhere where hes normal!

    Salem wasnt crying anymore.

    WOLF: If he just wants people to like him, why does he assault anyone that

    comes within a five foot radius of you?

    SALEM: Iactually dont know the answer to that one.

    WOLF: Why did you let me kiss you?

    SALEM: You did that!

    WOLF: I felt your arms around my neck! Why didnt you push me off?

    SALEM: I like you, Wolf!

    WOLF: But you love Sam.

    SALEM: I dont know! Its weird. Youre the first guy Ive liked since Sam

    showed up.

  • WOLF: Why?

    SALEM: I dont know. Fuck, Wolf! Whyd you have to come here with your stupid



    Sam walks into his cabin.

    NICK: Where you been, man?

    SAM: Oh I had, uh, a drop-off to make. Hey, man, you seen Salem anywhere?

    NICK: Oh, shes with that new dude. Wolf, or, uh, Darnell, or whatever his

    name is.

    SAM: Fuck that nigga, man. I already told his dumb ass to stay away from

    her. You know where they went?

    NICK: I think I seen em going down by the lake or something.

    SAM: Fuck. Shit, thats our lake.

    NICK: You good, man? You need some sherm? I got some.

    SAM: Nah, nigga, Im good.

    NICK: Got a can of these baked beans, too.

  • SAM: Im fine.


    Sam goes down by the lake in search of Wolf and Salem, but sees nothing.

    SAM: Fuck! No! Fuck!

    He calls Salems cell, but she doesnt pick up.


    Wolf walks into his cabin, to see Dom approaching him in a panicked fashion.

    DOM: Yo, Wolf, nigga!

    WOLF: What, Dom? Why are you running, what the fuck

    DOM: Sams after you, man!

    WOLF: What? After who?

    DOM: You! He found out about you and Salem hanging out, and he came by

    looking for you. He said hes gonna kill you!

    WOLF: Kill me? What the fuck you mean, kill me?

    DOM: I dont know. He just said hes gonna kill you.

  • Wolf stood for a second and thought.

    WOLF: Not if I get to him first.

    DOM AND EARL: What?

    WOLF: Where did he go? He go back to his cabin?

    DOM: Wolf. Dude. Think about what youre saying. Dont fuck with him, man!

    You have a bike. Just go.

    WOLF: Im not running from that faggot. Fuck Sam. He can have me if he wants


    EARL: You sound like a fucking moron. Why would you want to take Sam?

    WOLF: I want to know what his deal is. So Im gonna find out.

    EARL: You sound like a fucking idiot.

    Wolf exits the cabin, mounts his bicycle, and leaves, with Earl and Dom on

    his heels.


    In the distance, Wolf can see Salem pacing back and forth.

    WOLF: Salem!

  • SALEM: Wolf!

    Salem approaches and grabs Wolfs hand, trying to lead him toward the trees.

    WOLF: What are you doing? Where the fuck is Sam?

    SALEM: Sam is seriously pissed, hes looking for you! We dont have a huge

    amount of time, but I know somewhere you can hide until I defuse him.

    WOLF: Defuse him? What the fuck are you talking about?

    SALEM: Sam will still listen to me. He still loves me, and he knows I still

    love him. I just have to figure this out.

    WOLF: He doesnt want to kill you, too?

    SALEM: Of course not! As soon as we got back, he wanted me to go back to my

    cabin. I guess he didnt want me around when he found you.

    WOLF: He knows youll try to protect me.

    SALEM: I just need to talk to him.

    WOLF: Did you hear me? He knows youll try to protect me. He knows you love

    me. I dont think anything you say is gonna help me. Right now, Im the only

    thing between the two of you.

    SALEM: Just come on. Theres a place in the woods you can stay until I calm

    him down long enough to solve this shit like sane people.

  • VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: She sounds like a fucking dumbass. Theres no making

    that maniac sane.

    WOLF: The woods? What are you talking about?

    SALEM: I have a treehouse.

    DOM: A treehouse? You built a fucking treehouse?

    SALEM: Well, not exactly. Someone must have built it ages ago, but me and

    Megan found it when we strayed, like, really deep into the woods once.

    Nobody else knows about it.

    EARL: Theres a treehouse at the camp and nobody knows about it? That seems

    really unlikely.

    SALEM: Im pretty sure Megan forgot about it, we only stayed for like 5

    minutes. I was the only person that came back to it, and I havent told

    anyone about it.

    The four of them go deep into the woods and, sure enough, theres a treehouse

    hidden in the thicker, older trees, not actually that far off the ground.

    Wolf and Salem climb up to it.

    SALEM: WolfIm so sorry about all of this.

  • WOLF: No. No, this is my fault. My fucking lack of common sense got us here.

    Sam kept on telling me to stay away from you. If I had just decided to back

    away, this wouldnt have happened. Hell, me and him might even have been

    cool by now. But I kept on sneaking around with you. I really shouldnt have

    fucking done that. Then I fell for you like a fucking idiot. Dont blame

    yourself for this.

    SALEM: I fell for you, too, Wolf. I started to love you. I liked that you

    kept on ignoring Sam for me. It made me feelworth it. I kept on pursuing


    Salem and Wolf kiss.

    VOICE OF EARL: Sam! Hey man, listen, I know

    A gunshot.


    SALEM: Sam!

    SAM: Salem! Wheres Wolf? Fucking pussy!

    WOLF: Im in here, Sam, you faggot!

    SAM: God, damn it Wolf! Salem was mine! Thats all I wanted! What was the

    first thing I told you! I dont fuck with you or anybody else here! Just stay

  • the fuck away from Salem! Thats all I wanted from you! We didnt have to be

    enemies, but just stay away from her!

    WOLF: IFuck, Sam!

    Wolf comes out of the treehouse and jumps onto the ground, to face Sam. He

    sees that Earl is very alive, and leans against a tree with Dom, blood coming

    from his leg. Sam lifts the gun to Wolfs chest.

    WOLF: Sam. Im sorry. Im so fucking sorry, II dont know what else to say,

    man. I didnt mean to fall in love with Salem.

    SALEM: Sam, come on, please.

    Salem pushes the gun down, and Sams arm hangs limply by his side. He drops

    the gun and punches Wolf in his nose, then grabs Slater.


    Wolf grabs Slater. Keeping his grip on the bike, Sam punches Wolf in the

    stomach. Wolf swings his fist onto the side of Sams head.

    SALEM: Sam! Sam, please!

    Sam relinquishes his grip on the bike and tackles Wolf to the ground,

    punching his face several times.

    SALEM: Whythe fuckdidnt youjust staythe fuckaway from Salem!

  • As it turns out, this area of the woods is near a drop to the lake. Sam grabs

    the bike and approaches the ledge.

    WOLF: Slater! No!

    Sam drops the bike.




    Sam walks back in the direction of camp, grabbing Salems hand. As they walk

    off, Salem glances back at the distraught Wolf, her face bearing a helpless

    expression. Wolf dives forward and picks up the gun, aiming it at Sam and

    Salem, but then weakly drops it. The two of them disappear toward camp.

    After a long silence, Wolf approaches Dom and Earl.

    WOLF: Is Earl gonna be okay?

    EARL: Im fine. The bullet didnt even go in. It just fucked up my leg.

    WOLF: GuysIm so fucking sorry.

    DOM: Whatever, nigga, Im just glad he didnt kill anybody.


    DOM: Lets get back to camp.


    Wolf lies awake as Dom and Earl snore in their sleep. His phone vibrates.

    WOLF: What?

    SALEM: Wolf

    WOLF: Salem, dont worry. Im fine.

    SALEM: I just

    Wolf hangs up and shoves his phone in his pocket. Outside, something bumps

    into the wall of the cabin. Wolf gets out of bed and slowly approaches the

    door, and carefully pulls it open. There, lit by the moon and the distant

    light of the common area, stands Sam. Hes drenched in water, and Slater

    lies propped against the cabin.

    WOLF: Sam

    SAM: I dont wanna hear it, nigga, just listen. Were not different. Of all

    the people Ive ever seen come into camp, youre the most like me that Ive

    ever fucking seen. I knew it when I saw you. Thats why I wanted you away

    from Salem. Youre the only person capable of taking her away from me.

  • WOLF: Im sorry, Sam. I justI thought you were just an asshole. Thats

    probably why I wanted Salem.

    SAM: I know. Just stay the fuck away from her, aight?

    Without another word, Sam leaves in the direction of his cabin.

    VOICE IN WOLFS HEAD: Look, its your dumb ass bike.


    DR. TC: Whats going on, Wolf? I heard some stuff about a fight you started,

    and some other bullshit, and Im very worried about you.

    WOLF: Its nothing. Ill be fine.

    DR. TC: Are you sure? Im here for you, you can talk to me, man, whats on

    your mind?

    WOLF: Really, its nothing. I think Im gonna leave camp.

    DR. TC: Leave camp? Why?

    WOLF: Things are just better that way. Im gonna have my mom pick me up from

    up the road.

  • DR. TC: If youre sure you want to leave, Im not gonna try to stop you. But

    Wolf, I really will listen to you.

    WOLF: Im fine. Thank you, Dr. TC.

    DR. TC: Okay, Wolf. You be safe.

    Wolf exits the cabin.


    Wolf, wearing his backpack, wheels his bike out of camp and is just about to

    head up the road when Salem comes running out with Dom and Earl behind her.

    SALEM: Wolf! Youre leaving?

    WOLF: Yeah.

    SALEM: Why didnt you say anything? Why didnt you tell me?

    WOLF: Iyou didnt need to know.

    DOM: Hey, man, for what its worth, youre pretty cool. Its been real, man.

    EARL: Yeah, bro. I hope we see each other again sometime.

    SALEM: So thats it? Youre just going.

  • WOLF: Yeah. Sorry.

    SALEM: Nothing?

    Wolf dismounts his bike and approaches Salem, and embraces her tightly.

    WOLF: There. Goodbye, Salem.

    SALEM: Bye, I guess. Wolf.

    Wolf takes off down the road.
